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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  February 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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watching the show with his father, ed mcaffery, who played for the giants as tim knows. i'm sort of with this -- well done by you. valero continues to go higher. >> all right. happy lunar new year to those celebrating. have a great super bowl weekend. thanks for watching "fast money." "mad money" starts right now. welcome to mad money. i am just trying to make you money. call me.
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relentless or saying? that is not a self-description. i am talking about this market.
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>> let's get to the rest of the game plan. i like to hide in this area right here. can you see me? on monday we hear from two harder to understand the scorchers . the club networking company. >> coca-cola has no snack
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business. they have no appetite for beverage companies or anything in packaged foods, so do not expect much. here is one that has been a consistent winner. it continues to go higher because it is viewed as a part of a travel package. royal caribbean was down badly today, which is interesting. powered by american express. may have the numbers but if it ever falls short you could have and expedia on your hands. is
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>> i mentioned airbnb, and this one is little trickier. by the way, so is upstart. in this paper the shorts all seem desperate.
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i think it is a buying opportunity, but i am skeptical. let's keep going here. we heard about potentially big layoffs today. i expect them to hold off on layoffs. let's go to high risk thursday.
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there is wendy's. i am not sure we are going to get a good numbers here. which confuses me given how much my family loves wendy's. next we have the big this weekend, and i think that could mean big numbers for draft kings.
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let's take some calls right now. why don't we go to james in michigan? >> yes. a quick question for you. i am a long-term investor. i have been in johnson and johnson forever. i sold a little bit and while ago i around 175, but i usually pick some up right before the
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next dividend, as it is right now, so what is your long-term prognosis on johnson and johnson? >> johnson and johnson must solve the problem. they have to solve what happened there whether they have asbestos in it or not. when they saw that then the stock will go up, but it cannot go up until then because people do not like to be affiliated with companies that are just one giant lawsuit. robert in new york. >> do you know what today is? are you ready? it is your birthday. happy birthday to you. happy birthday. >> this guy. my wife has forgotten the birthday and she does not watch the show, so how is she going to know? >> she has to love you because you are a kind guy. you make us money, and the
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other day you had a conversation with me on the air when you talk to about a stock that you said do not be worried about. i made for $10,000 because of you. she said do not worry. you are making me money. >> holy cow. thank you. i am going into the weekend and i needed to hear this. >> you are even keel and nice and i do not know what else to say. we are going to have a scotch eventually, so let's talk about a stock that is getting a bunch of hype because it is super bowl sunday. it is draft kings. >> thank you for those incredible comments.
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i think it is going to be a good quarter, but they may announce things on monday for all i know. i have been behind the stock since 18 and i am not backing away. next week seems busy, but this is a classic. heavy earnings weeks are all in front of us and they are about doing your homework. what are the investing principles that i preach the most? that is why we are going to play am i diversify. >>it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you meanwhy did these the ps are mstock owingo i am digging into the story. so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay.
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xfinity rewards presents: '1st and 10gs.' xfinity is giving away ten grand to a new lucky winner for every first and ten during the big game. enter daily through february 9th for a chance to win 10gs. with the ultimate speed, power, and reliability the xfinity 10g network is made for streaming live sports. because it's only live once. join xfinity rewards on the xfinity app or go to for your chance to win.
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the market has been on a tear lately. something you need something to occur. snp at 5000 would be a great opportunity for you to reevaluate your portfolio. that is why we play am i diversify? you need to mix it up a little. let's start with anna in hawaii. what do you have for me? >> a loja. thank you for all of your sound advice. my husband and i opened a trust stock account for our six year
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old grandson. his stocks are apple, ford, microsoft, selfie, and nucor. >> you are a part of the oh are not. hawaii, what a country. i say it is a country and not a state because they have a whole different ethos. let's go to work. i want to start off by saying that ford had a good quarter. apple technology is fantastic. selfie had a really good quarter. microsoft is tech, but we are going to say we are going to allow this because it is okay to have two of the big ones because she knows i have them
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for my trust. i should never have sold nucor. i think her six-year-old son is perfectly diversified. we are going to leave apple as what we call generous in itself. i like the work, and i love hawaii. i want to go to hawaii. now let's go to ron in arizona. >> thank you for having me n the show. i am retired for two years now and i depend on my dividends for income, so i tried to pick quality companies that pay solid dividend. my five holdings are bristol- myers, pity bank, devonte energy, and verizon. mi diversify? >> look at the income this brings in. i love it. remember we spoke with a ceo in san francisco. he says do not wait. verizon is actually able to boost their cash flow. city is a little more
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questionable your devon we know is oil and gas. we have had them on and they are a cash flow machine. oil, bank, drug, and chemical. i like what he s doing. he also has to compete with the fact that you can get 5% on your cds, but i like his long- term approach to investing. now we go to bob in florida.>> thank you for taking my call. >> my five stocks. jim, am i diversify? >> wow. latin america. i just want to be sure. i do not want to speak out of school because they are an
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amazing company and they are doing really well, but i have to say. i'm trying to say. it is okay to have two latin americans. i know it is a bank. i'm going to bless it and i will tell you why. there are institutions that are doing quite well, so we will allow a bank from latin america and the latin america ebay. lily obviously. even if i felt hat these were not diversified, and i am saying that they are okay, but i like to have both. all i can say is you have the two stock that i can say you own and don't trade and i can't go against that discipline. those who used to criticize me all the time because of things like that still criticize me. what can you do? you cannot please everybody. i want to hear from jack in pennsylvania.
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>> amide diversified? >> okay. i'm trying to remember. people were saying last week and this week that if you lose weight using one of these what will happen is that you will then be able to get an artificial joint that he would have been denied otherwise if you were obese, so that is why move them up.
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you have artificial limbs and apple. you have mcdonald's. the quarter was not up to my liking to be very honest. norfork southern. utility, braille, artificial limb and body part, and mcdonald's. i have to tell you i probably would trade out mcdonald's and get japan to lay. i want to thank everybody for playing. mad money is back after the break. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that.
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can it help us sleep better and better? please? sleep number does that. 94 percent of smart sleepers report better sleep. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. (grunting)
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at morgan stanley, old school hard work meets bold new thinking. ( ♪♪ ) partnering to unlock new ideas, to create new legacies, to transform a company, industry, economy, generation. because grit and vision working in lockstep puts you on the path to your full potential. old school grit. new world ideas. morgan stanley.
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they got their start and
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then over time they started installed the new solar systems. they moved into electric vehicle charging systems too. i have long said that enterprise is one of the best operators in the industry, but this industry has been awful. this is stock got obliterated last year. while all things alternative energy got a boost it was not enough to offset the damage from the relentless rate hikes. last year we found out the whole business is powered by what we call financing. almost nobody buys for the whole set up upfront. that means solar cells evaporate with the cost of financial sores. that is why it had the worst performance in the s&p 500 for
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2023. down over 50%. what was a great business became in trouble when they hit us with 525 basis points of rate hikes. they did not do anything wrong. we just realize they have far more risk than anybody thought, and it may solar products on affordable.
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these numbers allow their shares to rebound as of today after rallying down to 4.8%'s. they reported an awful quarter. revenue was down. even just from the previous quarter. despite its hideous downturn though they managed to put together a decent set of quarterly results. it was hideous again. this time everybody was looking for 318 million. how in the world did this stock rally the very next day off those terrible numbers? did wall street lose its mind?
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this is a classic sign that their businesses bottoming. the ceo first hinted at the bottom when he was discussing their guidance and explaining the first quarter sales focus was so late partly because they plan to under ship product to their dealers. this is something they have been doing for a few quarters to push back against the solar supply happening when the rates went up. more important. they expect the channel to be normalized by the end of q2. later in the call he got more explicit saying we think q1 could be the bottom quarter. he went on to lay out that europe is that of the united states already showing early signs of recovery. they expect america to follow suit with the exception of
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california. the plan is for enphase to ownership by about $150 million worth of product versus the end customer demand until demand starts turning around. by the second quarter they say they will have taken $277 million worth of solar equipment out of the channel and expects the numbers to be seasonably better as you approach q2. that was enough to chance phase there terrible quarter. this
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was the first quarter that acted positive since october 2022. it sure likes yet another destocking story. meaning they saw inventories build up last year and had to burn through that access product. i have been talking a lot to you about destocking. something you see every sector. especially like micron. they had a terrible situation that got the stock. that is one of the reasons why i am telling club members it is not too late to start buying right now. as i tell you every time, there is a pattern for how the stocks tend to trade.
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you cannot wait for the turnaround. even if it is painful you need to buy ahead of time or else you will really miss the weakest gains. enphase already caught fire this week . it is not too late for you to buy enphase. here is the bottom line. enphase could rally like crazy after a horrific quarter because we are finally seeing the signs that we have been waiting for him because the solar stocks. one of the most popular stocks is back and might be almost as big as ever.
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william in pennsylvania. >> how are you doing? >> i am doing good. >> thank you for taking my call. the reason i am calling as we have owned this stock over 50 years, and it is kind of floundering. i am watching constellation energy doing very well. what are your thoughts? >> i like ceg so much and we have for a long time. it is a terrific company with fantastic management. that is the one i would pull the trigger on right now even though it is high. >> how about jean in the louisiana. >> hello. >> my daughter went to tulane, so i know it well.
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>> i have a fortune in delta airlines. do you think it is a hold or sell? >> i think that is the class of the field. i like it. i think airlines have not been great situations, but delta at 40 seemed like a by to me. if it gets to 60 i would take the trade, and thank you for calling. formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today.
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oh no, a rash. maybe it'll go away. awww, how am i going to find a doctor i'll actually like? is that a qr code? dr. stafford makes you feel at ease. thanks rash! you've got more options than you know. book now. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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welcome back to mad money. >> thank you for having me. >> wanting bedroom i you are doing that is really important is you may be the most important force i think between trying to be sure we have secure elections in this country or not, which many of us are worried with everything that we hear about that we could all do fooled by figs in crazy things.
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>> yeah. i think this year almost half of the global population is going to be voting, and the united states has a presidential election coming up. at 2016 we launched a project where we provided services at no cost to any state or local officials helping administer elections whether they are a blue or red state or purple. does not matter. we try to make sure cyber security is not the story in the 2024 elections in the u.s. or anywhere in the world. >> you are doing a great thing because i think it is a principal cause of the angst that many of us feel. you have signs of incredible deals, but you have also done something that i think is incredible. the department of commerce was hacked pretty badly. we have the secretary on. you not have a contract with them. is that after they realized this has to end? >> i think that a lot of organizations whether it is government or officials around the world are realizing that one of the things they really have to do is to make sure that they are going to be secure no matter what. what we saw with the department of commerce was they were going through and replacing a lot of their legacy firewalls and vpns with a modern cloud-based solution.
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they realized cloud flare was the best, and we are proud to keep their traffic safe no matter what comes going forward. >> that is huge because i think that is the most savvy business person in washington. tell me about what you are doing to make it so that regular people and developers can really learn how to use ai because i think there is a lot of a i tossed around all the time, but most people do not know how to make use of it. >> there are three real parts. you have to build and trendy models. that is something they are great at. then you have to use the models.
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it turns out that they are often too far away from the and users that want to use it. the devices are not powerful enough, but this is the perfect place to run an ai task to make sure they are reliable and they can be optimized no matter what. the third piece is you want to refine those models and make them custom to your business and whatever it is that you are trying to do. they have built an entire suite of products that helps make sure whatever you're trying to do with aa ai it easy to get started. >> it has to come true or all of these evaluations are wrong, but i think it will. zero trust wins forgetting gigantic wins. i thought this fortune 500 hospitality company seemed interesting to highlight because the hospitality has been hit exceptionally hard by the bad guys. >> unfortunately we have seen a lot of headlines over the course of 2023 where anyone who is touching a lot of customer data or information is being targeted by the hackers. what we have one is work to make sure we have a great product and a great way to make sure that anyone out there regardless if it is the department of commerce or the large patella companies in the world. that they have the security and
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technology they need to stay safe. >> you made a great hire pick somebody that we know on the show. mark anderson. this is an exceptional man. tell me what he will be doing for you. >> we have known mark for a long time. before we went public we wanted to get better at sales and go to market, so we reached out to say would you be interested in joining our board? he has for the last 4 1/2 years and a member of the board. he realized they are taking them private tour he wanted to look for the next thing. having seen the opportunity that is ahead he reached out to me and my cofounder and said i would love to e your cro. he has been taking over our go to market functions in his experience with building the real sales machine and networks . we are excited to have him on board. we think it will accelerate what we are doing in terms of getting bigger. >> i have to tell you that when
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you had 198 new large customers an increase of 35% from last year i do not know if you need a new chief revenue officer, bobby businesses there to be had for your company, isn't it? >> yes it is a. about a third of it. we will give you the other two thirds. any business that is out there they want to stay safe online cardplayer has a solution for them. >> we saw you a couple of times. last time you were physically able to say i think there is so much in the pipeline. i think you are also a student of the stock market. what did people not see? you laid it out so well. there were these nonbelievers. did they not understand your model? how did that happen? >> i think we are focused on just building a great business and executing every single day. i am proud of the work we are doing is securing the elections
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and federal government there are so many different companies out there and i am confident over the long term it will be rewarded for what our team has been able to deliver. >> he is not doing it to make a lot of money. he is doing it to make democracy safe, which i think is so important. it is great to have you on the show again. >> we will be back after the break.
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[busy hospital background sounds] this healthcare network uses crowdstrike to defend against cyber attacks and protect patient information. but what if they didn't? [ominous background sounds] this is what it feels like when cyber criminals breach your network. don't risk the health of your business. crowdstrike. we stop breaches.
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♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall.
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it is time for the lightning round.
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>> this company is a minnesota company that has had steady growth for years. making industrial and municipal water treatment. after a great year last year they had a correction. i am wondering. should i buy more hopkins? >> the answer is yes. they had a really tough time last year. i do not think it can repeat itself. let's go to bill in massachusetts. you are on. not sure what to do.
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i think i'm going to have to take someone else as sad as that is. >> hello, jim. how are you? what is going on? >> i am taking the chiefs. not even going moneyline. what about you? >> i am worried about this company, paypal. >> you should be. the ceo basically laid out a tale that said will you give us a little time? it just jumped three dollars. you get a chance to do a little bit. >> thank you for having me on. i want to get your thoughts after earnings and if you think the dividend is sustainable. >> the dividend is a sustainable. the numbers were not great i have to admit. you got the yield. i think they are in the midst of a turn but not going as quickly as i would like. let's go to elizabeth in
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florida. >> hello, jim. i was wondering what your thoughts were on allstate group. >> that is pretty easy. take a look at your insurance bill. all it does is go up, which means to buy allstate. let's go to dan. >> quick question about the cvs >> quick question about the cvs health ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, >> it is a very big turn. i think it is going to work. is not going to happen overnight, but we spoke to her at the conference and i am a believer. let's go to mike in ohio please. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly.
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>> and that is the conclusion of the lightning round. [busy hospital background sounds] this healthcare network uses crowdstrike to defend against cyber attacks and protect patient information. but what if they didn't? [ominous background sounds] this is what it feels like when cyber criminals breach your network. don't risk the health of your business. crowdstrike. we stop breaches. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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strike again.
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last year we had these weight loss drugs that were going to take the country by storm. when we got to quarters they were wrong. not a single company seemed threatened by these revolutionary drugs.
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you can tell they did not want to ignore the story. and the worry is now back. it seems that the days of the work at home folks are numbered. that means the great snacking revolution is over. apparently when you work at home you by bigger boxes of chips and you go through them faster. we are reverting to pre- pandemic habits, and that is not good for the group. i think we are seeing a periodic healthy eating change for younger people are trying to cut down on junk food.
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there is a profound desire to drink less too. i shuddered when i saw the once hot tequila brand. i saw it sales fall 14% year over year. this is staggering, people. i cannot remember that ever, and it is not like you saw people convert to scotch or vodka. their sales were down too.
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right now one last call, coming to a boil. could the united states being a military standoff with venezuela? red-hot homes, cool commercial real estate. a reality check from one of america's biggest developers. the sports mega app spreading across streaming. what would happen if you applied a super bowl ad for inflation? we have numbers that you might blow your mind. is droppin


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