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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  March 5, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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>> tim? >> eww, mexico going to all-time highs. >> dan? >> tlt looks like it's going to 100. >> big win by the -- schlumberger, mel. >> thank you for watching "fast." "mad money" starts right now. my mission is simple. to make you money. i am here to level the playing field for all investors. mad money starts right now. >> i am cramer. i am just trying to save you a little bit of money. we have what i call top action
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which is much less devastating than a burst bubble. one thing right now tao plummeting and nasdaq down 52.3%. we actually finish even lower. it had been the opposite pattern. boli action on the other hand is when you go straight up and then straight down but the only rescue being bubbles in 2006 and 2007. a ton of toppy action. dragging down an entire group of investors. most of these people never came back and in 2007 we had the
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bursting of the housing bubble. nobody ould give anybody a mortgage because they were getting them to third parties. then they rolled them into height the risk. what happened we had a financial crisis that nearly brought down our entire economy. the first one, destroyed confidence in the stock market and the second was the stomach. destroying major financial institutions are leading to the great recession. that was truly a horrendous bear market. right now we have nothing like that but i will admit though market feels toppy which is worse than fluffy and therefore not great. what is the problem here? more accurately what are the problems? the stock was down and i was one of the magnificent seven.
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with any other company we call this a disaster but tesla gets a partial pass because of elon musk. china's automakers are decimating everybody's numbers all over the globe and they are hurting tesla. they also just got hit by an arson attack at the plant in germany. the competition for china is a serious problem but now you can't kick these cars out. if you're trying to compete with them forget about it. making matters worse they are taking over the world like we thought they would. even with biden's subsidies. if trump wins it is not a great time to be a tesla shareholder. even though i still believe in elon musk and something that can happen. the second sadly is apple. knives are out for this company
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every day now. we are hearing from a questionable source that there phone sailor 12% down in china this year. on top of the samsung with more ai and used -- infused phones. people are costly predicting apple's downfall and short-term the negativity can really hurt the stock. i always say own apple, don't trade it. it is too hard to sell and buy back at the bottom but if you can pull that off be my guest. i have made very, very big money by buying and holding. i am not changing now. could go to 160? we had ceo at the end of january and two weeks later it hit double. that is a power move in those
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moves are terrifying. terrible timing for the s&p last week. as people tried to get in a head. that is idiotic behavior. the supermarket did not deserve this move. within in a price offer is a segment called dev sec ops. that is the hottest software segment there is. and getlab is the poster child with big artificial intelligence tying. they badgered to know unveil and were not even say it was conservative. and the stock fell more than 20%. i am surprised it did not fall more.
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snowflake who lost their ceo last week to 34 stock goes to 136. had big quarters with no resignations and their stocks are still being hammered. because the whole group is going out of style rapidly. then there is a company called celsius. heavily shorted stock. they put out stories arguing the numbers weren't real. so the stock fell. it caused a quick and terrible panic. but it wasn't enough to keep the stock down. next thing you know there of 20 points. more toppy target had inventories down and they are winning because they are embracing the cheap drones and then there is the action with bitcoin.
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as long as people thought that quinn would be used to buy things and pay people there was a ton of mortality -- volatility the bear did not understand that when bitcoin some kind of a currency it would become more popular and that's what happened. notice the nft is, whatever those were. of course the move in bitcoin has hit it old high but you have very smart people like the ceo of micro strategies selling $600 million in convertible bundles to buy more coin. i always find it curious when someone announces their intention to buy things it is kind of like they want to walk it up or something. against all the signs of a top what do we have aside from the rotation? you know the answer. i am not oblivious. we did have crowds report after the quarter and this one went
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up way too much for my taste. i do not like stocks that scream that because they can be powerball it power bolic and be good. toppy action only ends when they get to everything and everyone and that does include nvidia. and that is the real oddity. it doesn't matter when the market gets toppy nobody needs a reason to knock down highflying stocks. it happens all by themselves. mike in illinois? >> jim, how are you? >> trying to figure out a very difficult market all of a sudden. how are you doing? >> thank you to you and all the crew for all you do for us. i am a club member and i have been watching for many, many years. i won on the close a little bit today but i was wondering if i
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should buy some or if it is down again tomorrow. >> jeff and i were talking about buying more eaton but we wanted to come in a little more but i think you should wait when we do. it has been a real winner and thank you for being a member of the club. >> let's go to jerry in missouri? >> jim it seems that if a company has anything to do is elect vehicles the stock is cursed? >> yes. >> even though the best selling car in the world is the model y. i know that is why hertz is in the tank but is hertz a broken stock or a broken company? >> i have great confidence in the cfo at goldman for a long time and did a fantastic job. the stock is very daunting but the company is in and it is a great brand name and it has come down so much that i think it is tempting but i know if
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you fight the tape, your own peril right now in this market and i thank you for the kind words. when the market gets toppy nobody needs a reason to knock down highflying stocks. it happens all by self. the surgeon around makeup products is an oddity. i have the ceo. how worried should we be? i'm going off the charts to find out and it is concerning. i have a off the tape company whose name you might not recognize that i am finding out if they have a growth strategy. the ceo of arby's. they own dunkin' donuts too. stay with cramer.
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>> here is a recent oddity that found putting. over the past couple of weeks this thing had rallied roughly more than 20% from its mid february slows. it took a clobbering after-hours trading. the reaction to this one tells you a lot more about the market right now, not about oddity. they delivered a 5% earnings and that is higher than 44% year over year but management was considered to be not perfect so it is better to be been expected and the full year
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earnings forecast is short of expectations but we are in and unforgiving mood right now. in response we had after-hours trading any not i think it's crazy the strength of the numbers here but don't take it from me. the cfo of oddity tech. you are a seasoned pro. i welcome you back to mad money and maybe you can explain to people that sometimes a great quarter is what people should be thinking about and not necessarily a penny or two on the forecast. >> jim, we are here to build something huge. we are not concerned about one aftermarket reaction which was an unbelievable outcome to cap off an exceptional year. we delivered 50% revenue growth at 20% adjusted margins and beat on every single line effectively revenue probability
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and earnings per share. that result on their face are excellent but when you look at other direct to consumer to companies we are absolutely an outlier and we will continue to outperform. >> i am glad you put it that way because we are in an uncertain market and what is happening is one of my friends the stock is up 70 because they didn't have a shortfall. you're delivering good numbers. they say you know what, like health that fell because you did have a gross incredible basis port year over year nobody has that. that is incredible. >> our business is truly firing on all cylinders and this is just for now. financial performance right now is amazing but as you look to the future we are even more excited and focus on the two most important dynamics affecting what we believe and what we look to the beauty
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sector a lot. the two most important trends, with oddity labs. >> i have a fashionista daughter and i said how about these guys? she said her and her friend both love the foundation and concealer. the online matching works perfectly. these are people who would love to be able to buy the absolute best and they think that you are the best because it works scientifically. how is that possible? >> the beauty category had always been underpenetrated online if you talk to the company's say the customer doesn't want to shop there. the sheath is a customer does want to shop there but they need help and what we have done is have a store associate who helps you we have machine models
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that do that for you and that has been the huge unlock for us online. figuring out how to leverage data science, ai, computer vision, all to drive a very profitable conversion and growth. >> for years and years, it is unfortunately doing unfortunately, estee lauder. are they not keeping up with what you are doing? >> over years they have built an extraordinary business and they are running a old playbook. we believe the consumer has moved past. this is part of why our opportunity is so attractive. an enormous global market that is dominated by legacy incumbent that have under invested and the consumer has moved past. we see so much pent-up demand that is what is driving her incredible growth.
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>> some people say we are worried about a big block of exploration. you have a steady share base. this is again why i am saying that this night selloff may not even exist. it may just be someone, i saw celsius get knocked down hard and their stock went up 25 points over the next three days. i am urging people to put away the short term. you have a longer-term game can you please explain what the notion means of the algorithm and the operating limits. >> that is not our focus. we are here to build something for the very long term that continues to compound durably over time and generates an extraordinary amount of value. we are not focused on that we are focused on executing. to our algorithm we committed
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to sustaining top-tier and outlier compared to what other companies are a real able to deliver. in 2024 we are working two slightly ahead of that at 22 to 24%. >> i think it is fair to say i want to measure you that by . if you were to come in and say mid-teens i would say lindsay, that is not what you came on the show and said. that is why i want to analyze your company because i would have never caught elf, if they kept saying they don't have it. there is room for both. >> name me a stock that is of extraordinary value that hasn't had moments where people doubted it. if you're paying attention every single time we have reported a quarter we have beat across our metrics. we deliver what we say and we
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will continue to do that. >> fantastic . you come here on an important day because a lot of people are unsure now what to do and i am saying please do not take your short-term action whether it is up to 50 or down 50 is probably wrong right now. i want to think lindsay drucker mann , oddities global ceo. the people you know love this stuff. be back in a minute. >> is this month's market going out like a lamb? don't be sheepish . join cramer as he goes off the charts. next .
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rylee! from rylee's realty! hi! this listing sounds incredible. let's check it out. says here it gets plenty of light. and this must be the ocean view? of aruba? huh. this listing is misleading. well, when at&t says we give businesses get our best deal, on the iphone 15 pro made with titanium. we mean it. amazing. all my agents want it. says here...“inviting pool”. come on over! too inviting. only at&t gives businesses our best deals on any iphone. get iphone 15 pro on us. (♪♪) there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices.
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voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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even if you live in a bubble, you can't stop workplace accidents. so talk to your agent about workers's comp insurance from pie, or visit safety first, then pie insurance. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit
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>> had a we approach this market . there is a lot of small unit combat held by a fed official warning as we may only get one recut this year. it was not too long ago they were looking for three gate cuts. the fed has no reason to even think of local rate cut which is bad for the market in the short term. so let's talk about the midst of a selloff. what is next? how worried should we be? depends. he heard what i said at the top but another way to answer is the help of larry williams. a legendary technician.
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the best in the business. written over a dozen books. larry has also made some sending calls over the last few years. what does he have to say about the current moment? larry has been so bullish. this will be hard what i'm about to tell you. every time the market has got hit he urges you to buy stocks. you recognize that because we were in a variable market. he knew that was in charge and an identified patterns that attend to repeat themselves over and over again. they had moments when the market was able to change the trajectory. we have been worried and the cycles are looking a lot more negative. this time it could be perfect but he has been warner. the
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cycle is so unpredictable. it is impossible to be right all the time. you just want to make fewer mistakes than the other guy. let's start with the daily chart of the nasdaq. the red is the general path that the index has followed for several years. that is the cycle forecast but as you can see, this horse oracle pattern if it holds true we expected to peak around march 15th. of course they're not saying the nasdaq will actually peak. the precise day they cannot identify that that is not how this tool is supposed to be use as williams explains these are mere like traffic lights. when it is had higher that is a green light and when it is lower a red light. i find it helpful. it is showing us where something like the nasdaq has interchanged its trajectory and direction. if you took your q from larry
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you could've sidestepped the big decline last summer through late october. that is when i started. again that is exactly what happened. i don't know how this methodology works but i can't deny it works. it'll work every single time. like i said, bitcoin didn't work. fortunately it doesn't tell you much about the magnitude otherwise judging from this picture you think we are in a hideous decline but he is reliable when it comes to protecting the relation of these . just don't buy in a first or second it. this has had a huge one and it wouldn't shock me that needed some sort of breather. i want you to not rush and to
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the first pullback. i think that is what matters to you. be on the nasdaq, let's take a look at the cycle for the s&p 500. notices picture looks a lot like the picture of the nasdaq. this has been good at predicting your immediate tops and bottoms. the s&p 500. and the cycles are saying that is likely to peak around march 7, that is thursday. these dates remember, aren't meant to be super precise beauty give a take a couple days. just like the nasdaq williams says you could expect multiple units of selling. do not buy this dip and this one. larry watches the show. what you think? gives you a better sense of the
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market. the stock held in today great. it's newly crowned artificial intelligence with this is one of the biggest winners for the travel trust which is why tell you to just own and don't try to treat it. i acknowledge it is a volatile stock keep in mind you are being undisciplined if you do not take something off the table. so i am not telling you that you have to do nothing that other just own it. take a look at larry's cycle forecast just like with the nasdaq and s&p suggesting it should peak a week from now on the 12th. that is right before the gigantic state of the union speech. it does not see the cycle turning positive again until mid-may. i don't necessarily think nasdaq is due for that. we know one can sell off when the market goes south. i love nvidia too much to back
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away from them. you have to understand they get hit with some nasty short-term turbulence. we are maintaining our position for the travel trust. of course that is part of the investing club but we are also investing club members who want to sidestep the decline there's nothing wrong with it. i get if you want to try to sidestep this and believe in this you could get a chance to be able to buy back cheaper and i'm not what you disagree with that. here is the bottom line. larry williams suggests they are both due for a selloff in the next week or two. since we are at the beginning of march to may that is a very long time. gracious off what could be a very difficult period. that doesn't mean they could never go down. let's talk to zachary in new york. zachary?
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>> hey. what is going on. this is kenna's. i was just wondering my stock or call the earnings report is supposed to come out next week i was wondering what your views on that dock was? >> what was the stock ? >> the last two quarters have been miserable. maybe this is the one that works out. but they have just disappointed. you only get twice with me. is a two strikes you are out game with me. i can't hate. larry williams suggested the nasdaq and s&p are due for selloffs in the next week or two so i would say brace yourself and if you want to take a little off the table
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be my guest. including my exclusive with inspire dollars to gun the owner of dunkin' donuts, baskin- robbins and jimmie johnson let's find out. i will chalk with the ceo and you don't want to invest in every company under the sun and i will explain why. and of course all of your calls and tonight's edition of the lightning round. stay with kramer. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. the all new godaddy airo helps you
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wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>> you need to keep up with the biggest privately held companies.
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inspire brands. the household name that owns a bunch of companies. they have more than 32,600 locations and 57 global markets. on top of that there has been speculation they have been coming public later this year or 2025. even if it stays private we can learn from this phenomenal outfit so let's check in with the cofounder and ceo of inspire brands to get a better read on the restaurant business. welcome. >> great to be here. >> as a restaurant to work you inspire me. in six years, and it all works but how did you get the idea? how did you get these particular businesses and tell us come your number one and everything. >> inspire brands is a global restaurant platform. what makes us different is we are tightly integrated around a
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shared responsibility. it looks more like a model you might be familiar with in the hotel sect other than the restaurant. >> i will tell you something that is amazing. i always thought that dunkin' was pretty good but there were so many areas of the country that did not have it. what have you done with that chain since you took it over? >> dunkin' is on fire. up 30%. @jimcramer know how hard it is to do? >> part of it is we have replaced all the coffee equipment and beverage equipment and made some great investments to allow us to build up the ice is not. a franchisee in rhode island got the bright idea of pouring coffee over ice and everybody
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liked it. so we went with it. >> that's remarkable. there is some people don't realize. drive and -- drive-ins you pioneered. >> sonic we felt that brand was perfectly set up for order ahead. ari has the ability toorder ahead and bring the food out to you. of course we didn't know covid would come along and we exploded during that time. it has been a great business. sales are up 24% up year-over- year. >> people may say wait a second. almost 32,000 restaurants you are tapped out but you are putting out projections indicate you are nowhere near tapped out on any of these brands. >> that is a great about having a portfolio. we have white space if you look at where we are. they are still fairly concentrated in this part of the
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country. >> i find what you are doing is remarkable. are you ever home? >> is all about building the relationships with great licensees. in bringing one of our brands to a licensee that may have had another brand and it has helped us build up. >> has some great synergy. one thing i have been most impressed with is you have the buffalo wild wings including one in philadelphia where i think we could use an additional period how is that going to work? the takeout? >> we have over a million dollar take-out business and all of our restaurants. 800 square feet to 1100 square feet. we just see a huge amount of growth in that. we will have 160 open by the end of the year our third one
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opening in manhattan in a few weeks and in april you will have one in philadelphia. we have 500 commitments plus from franchisees to build more for 18 months. >> that is incredible. i am not going to mention sonic but i will mention that when i was doing not as well as i am now, rvs was my go to. >> we think there are more opportunities for people to try the food. we have something coming later this year that'll give people an opportunity to really try arby's in a way they haven't and i know they will love it. >> okay, i can't leave jj out. but baskin-robbins 7700 of those. these are incredible numbers that you are putting out.
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there really is more room for ice cream? more room for sandwiches? >> absolutely. baskin-robbins, two thirds outside the united states would we have almost 1000 in india. >> you said something that was riveting. he said we don't want to be in china so much, we want to be in a growth market. india. you are not hostage to the thinking that it is just enthralled so many americans for so long. that's not working. >> you have to go to china the right way. we have no exposure in china but we love india and so many of the other markets. latin america. so many growth opportunities. >> you can look at it in two different ways. what are you thinking? >> we see about 75% of americans every year of our last quarter given the breadth of our brand. we do see that we have been pleasantly surprised and their differences based upon income level but that is a beautiful
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thing about having a broad diverse brand with multiple price points. >> these weight loss drugs, i mean they are just a factor right ? people are going to eat what they want. >> we haven't seen any impact. we have just focus on having great food at a great price. >> i have to congratulate you. i am incredibly impressed. sir, thank you so much. paul brown, cofounder and ceo of inspire brands. if you ever want to be an entrepreneur and really own something, this may be a great place to get started. certainly we will be right back. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools, like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis, help make trading feel effortless.
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and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley. my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪♪
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>> it is time. the lightning round, are you ready? aaron from pennsylvania? >> hey jim, first time color. thank you for sharing all of your investing knowledge. i had some individual stocks last year. increase the revenue and earnings per share up 15%. dividend yield five-point scene of 11.9 market cap at 3.79 billion. >> i wasn't a big fan of and i'm not sure i like it. i just think it is little to
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dicey. i love when they're doing these high-end operations. let's have them back on. maybe we could figure out what the heck is going on because i do think that management is excellent. let's go to hutch in new jersey. hutch? >> how are you jim? >> i'm good, how are you? >> i'm wondering what you are thinking about generac? >> i think it is fine. let's go to joe and maryland. >> jim, thank you. >> i'm glad you're calling in, what's happening? >> eight months ago i ought 1000 shares of the company that is doing pretty good except until lately it has going up and down like a yo-yo and i can't figure it out. i am thinking about telling
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half of it and putting it into a theory them. -- ethereum. >> always felt that was an incredible and hopeful product that was speculation money i am fine with it. typically do not like a lot of biotech but that is the therapy i believe in so i'm okay with it. let's go to philip in arkansas. philip? >> mr. cramer. north arkansas, first time caller, long time listener. thank you for everything you do. >> you're welcome. >> i bought a stock right before the regional crisis. i bought more and now up 1%. i get a 5% dividend. jim, should i buy more or sell regions financial >> just hold on. it is not my favorite bank.
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mine right now is wells fargo which has been a check or not for the travel trust but i think you're fine. >> let's go to supo, in north dakota. >> thank you for taking my call. i wanted to ask you about mare? about 25 shares yesterday and went down too much. should i continue to buy more or get out of it? >> a marathon? just go by the etf. don't fool around. let's go to jerry in illinois. jerry? >> yes, professor. >> what's going on? >> is nicknamed the blizzard of business knowledge. a guy back in 08 was lost in the forest and the banks are
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only offering 1% on cds and you told all of us to invest as well as they could any time. i want to thank you for making my financial life safe for the last 14 years. >> you are terrific. thank you so much. believe me i could have retired a long time ago. this is why do the show. what's up? >> my question is about portillos restaurant. you interviewed the ceo a wild back. it is wall-to-wall people all the time. >> i have lost faith in this management. they should be delivering better. the insiders were smart. i went to the place to see what could possibly go wrong. they are great-looking,
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amazing, but the company is an overvalued company and i just don't get how they could make it so they don't have better earnings. i mean it. they need better earnings. let's go to dave in illinois. dave? >> cramer. a press conference retirement for today. >> what a good man. i had brought with him last year. he's fantastic. >> might stock for today is powell industries up over 100% year-to-date. >> it is not done. it is just a really good company. it reminds me of eaton and i would love to put it in the portfolio. it always has something to offer. let's go to jeffrey in massachusetts. jeffrey? >> i am a huge a fan of the club. calling from boston. actually have a stock that pays
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a great dividend about five dollars a share. it is up over 20% in the last five months. the stock is a black rock. >> i think it is going hard. >> the extinguishing event and you should own it. they made a fantastic acquisition for infrastructure fund. bl k, great call by you and that ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightning ground. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders.
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all so you can trade brilliantly. rylee! from rylee's realty! hi! this listing sounds incredible. let's check it out. says here it gets plenty of light. and this must be the ocean view? of aruba? huh. this listing is misleading. well, when at&t says we give businesses get our best deal, on the iphone 15 pro made with titanium. we mean it. amazing. all my agents want it. says here...“inviting pool”. come on over! too inviting. only at&t gives businesses our best deals on any iphone. get iphone 15 pro on us. (♪♪) [♪♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's age renew formulations
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of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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>> if you try to get a 10 in this market you got burned. i'm talking about tan which is scorch investors over the past years.
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so many solar companies finding alternative energy second. people bought the sticking they were betting on the rise of clean energy but they were betting on interest rates. when rates soared people couldn't afford solar panels and is how the tan went from $80 to $43 now. when i talk about the need to pick the best stocks in industry . these etf's are basically marketing gifts which is why they always have the catching symbols. a group of stocks meaning it gives you zero diversification. i want people to avoid the etf and its components because a lot of people thought the stocks would be able to participate in the great summarization of our energy grid. it has gotten so cheap in our demands for lack city especially in power data centers are so pressing that there should be a big opportunity year. we know the mandated need to
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move away from fossil fuels. the commercial solar for the enterprise. this comes with two stocks. constellation energy and the next tracker. spun off by exelon in february of 2022. i recommended this one since the spinoff and it is really paying off. up 51% year-to-date. this technological murmur allows solar power to be more flexible. it can be turned automatically and with the next tracker the cost drops even more than it already has. the ceo made it clear that 25% of our energy production could end up being solar by the end of a decade. that is pure commercial power generation. having to do with consumers and solar panels in our house but everything to do with the falling price of the most renewable energy source there is. consider these two winners.
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two that investors piled into. both of these have been crushed, nearly 90% from the early 2021 highs as people realize holy cow these are totally hostage interest rates. the other gained public before browing just under 57 as of today. one of the best of 2023 and they keep climbing because there is a tremendous demand for the technology at the corporate level. that's right. not the consumer. constellation energy has a gigantic move. next tracker seems worth buying to me with the stock in the mid- 50s i like it very much. two lessons here. don't bet on residential solar and less you are sure it is getting cheaper because that is what drives it. second stay away from these made up marketing made up eft's.
7:00 pm
the exact opposite of what you need to do with your part olio and your hard-earned cash. don't be fooled you can become roadkill very easily if you are led astray by these hyped products. i would like to say i am , i pr to find it just for you here on mad money. see you tomorrow. last call starts now. >> right now on last call. just when you thought it was over, is inflation -- the big coin boom, then a steep selloff. anthony scaramucci on how to own and trade the crypto. could the stock market predict who's going to win in november? a bill taking aim at tiktok . the s.e.c. -- fcc, called a


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