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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  August 13, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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left or right, i don't know? speaking of 9:00 p.m. host cnn, there is piers morgan who resembles -- well, never mind. cat, i don't know what you say. if i haven't eye don't know what to say. if i haven't gotten through to you now, all they can say is, watch your step. you and your posse don't want to anger me and you sure don't want to anger wilfred brimley. in the meantime, enjoy your first of nine lives on the "ridiculist." thanks for joining us. what happens on the front man of the black-eyed peas. tonight's the night, let's live it up it's the guy who invented the seg way. tonight,, dean kamen teaming up with a big idea, teaching kids to make the workforce of the future through robots.
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>> this is rocket science, plus the extraordinary young life of bryce dallas howard, the most anticipated movie of the summer "the help. "this is piers morgan tonight." it's not easy to find a bright spot in america's economy these days. my next guests, dean kamen, and of the black-eyed peas, studied science to teach kids to join the workforce. what's a rapper like you getting teamed up with the geeker builder? >> i do music and if you look at the industry i'm in, it's based on technology, from radio to phonographs to cds, it's all technology, microphones, reel-to-reels, cameras, editing,
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chips, right, it's all technology. >> how did you meet him? >> i met him on stage touring, as you know our crew was building our stage, right, technology, getting all the lights, all that stuff. i'm on the segway. so i was riding the segway and i was like, just thinking about the idea, who thought of this. i was riding, thought to lean back to stop and leaned forward and who thinks that way? i got introduced to dean kamen via e-mail. >> dean, you're mr. robot and running this thing for 20 years, inspired these american kids and kids from all around the world, 56 countries to be building robots and suddenly out of nowhere you get a call from this guy, front man of the black-eyed peas, one of the biggest pop stars in the world, music stars in the world. what are you thinking? >> i didn't know what to think until i got on the phone and
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within one minute i thought i was in trouble, because the first thing he said to me was, "dean i've heard you speak and i've heard you speak about your first program," which is about con convincing kids that science and technology is critical to your future. he said "kids have role models come from entertainment and the world of sports." i figured here it comes, the defense of it. "he said, you're wrong some people have the right heroes." not to embarrass him, he says "you're my hero, i agree with you, too many kids don't see the real opportunities. how can i help first?" and i said, well, you're doing the halftime show for the other sport out there, the super bowl, but people already love that sport. i've got to get more people to understand what our sport is about.
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>> this thing first, for inspiration recognize of science and technology. >> correct. >> science olympics for kids, is that the easiest way to describe this? >> a very good shorthand. the trouble is they don't know about our sport. >> the ethos of this, it's interesting, looking at you, will, for example, you come from east los angeles, a very humble background, and you've talked very honestly about that before. do you kind of feel that everybody, whatever their upbringing and background, has the potential to be something special, whether it's technology or entertainment or whatever, do you believe that? >> wholeheartedly. i also believe that cutting programs isn't good for our future, whether they're the arts or science, you know, i also believe that, you know, more opportunities and -- my sister's not going to be a football player, right? there's just no way, but there's
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a football field in her school. you know, shouldn't there be a science program be in her school? shouldn't f.i.r.s.t. be in her school? think about economy now. technology isn't suffering. kids already had the iphone one. the iphone 2, i got the ipad 2 . technology is still moving forward. >> apple, they're like the complete exception to the economic rule. they're ruling the world economically, apple now is worth more than america virtually. a crazy situation. >> technology, it's science, it's math, it's engineering, right? it's jumping jacks are good but so is you know this discipline. listen, that's not -- i'm not a scientist, i'm not an engineer. i have visions and things that when i met dean i was like hey i
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want to make this louder. that's the concept of performing at the halftime show of the u.s. first robotics competition. to me that wasn't enough. >> this is an amazing outfit you wore at the super bowl, the flashing singing all dancing electronic super outfit, in fact the guy that designed the code for this was a graduate of the first originally right -- >> from england, this english bloke -- >> english are always the best designers. >> -- were back staining, ge, did you get my hat with the l.e.d. display? he was like yeah, why do you want to put a logo? i'm doing this program with dean kamen a year from now and i want to start putting little leading up to it. he was like you know i graduated
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i was part of f.i.r.s.t. in england. i was like are you serious in let me call dean. >> you wanted to have the logo and the guy you told to put that in your helmet whatever it was you were wearing is a guy who graduated from this which is a perfect way of illustrating how far this kind of project can take people. >> no, that particular guy is an amazing, has an amazing skill, you know. he doesn't just write code for l.e.d. lights. he can build anything. he's a great engineer. and these kids have inspired me to try to push myself to do all that i can to shine a light on this movement. >> you can do so much, will, you're a big role model to are this and it's very lau dible. the guy that can do the very most, "obama let's get these kids educated" does he have a role now especially you've got involved?
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>> he makes an appearance on the show? >> he does. on sunday? >> on sunday, august 14th. >> is he playing with the robot? >> no, just applauding and kong grat lating and showing support. >> you sang and getting young people out to vote for the president. how is he getting on? if the question was yes we can, has he? >> that wasn't the question. it was a statement. if you pay attention to the sentence, it's yes we. now the question is, are you part of the we. and are you dedicated in doing your part in the we to change your community, to do your part to inspire someone to do their part. >> interestingly, back in britain we've had a lot of riots this week and one of the reasons put up for this is bad education, parental lack of responsibility, these kids come from very impoverished backgrounds.
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>> outlet. >> all of that kind of stuff, exactly. you come from, you know, a pretty rough part of los angeles. you didn't have it easy when you were young. when you see what's going on with these riots and stuff, do you have an empathy with these kids or do you believe that actually the way out is to go another way? >> i remember the l.a. riots, the race riots in the early '90s. we had programs, the school i went to was a magnet program, a brentwood science magnet program at palisades school, that was the differentiating factor between me and my next door neighbors. i could have ended like the kids in my neighborhoods but he told me a great statistic. >> this year 90,000 volunteer scientist, engineers, 22,000
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schools from 56 countries, if you count all the grades from little kids and elementary school right on up. we have a special program where we recognize, we ask teams to identify special kids, a couple from each school and i just heard from the people back at the headquarters that 100 out of 100 of those kids are going off to college this year. >> wow. >> every single one. >> that's amazing. >> that's pretty good data, a nice statistic. >> dean i take my hat off to you, you are a genius. however i have got to split one hair with you which is i did get on one of your segways in 2 thoi 7, here in los angeles, santa monica boulevard, and i have to show you a video of what happened next. you'll see me there. crashing to the ground, and concrete. the result of this, i've been on that segway four minutes in my life. the result was that i broke five ribs, and i partially collapsed my lung, so basically, dean, you
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nearly killed me and i've been waiting for somebody to blame for the last four years. all i want is somebody somewhere to say, sorry, piers. >> sorry, piers. >> that's over and done with. i feel sort of cleansed now. when we come back i want to show you the robot software you put me with here. i have no idea what they are, what they do but i know they're part of your twisted mind, aren't they, dean? >> they are. >> you love these things in. >> i love what they do for kids.
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any questions? no. you know... ♪ we're not magicians
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♪ we can't read your mind ♪ ♪ read your mind ♪ we need your questions ♪ each and every kind ♪ every kind ♪ will this react with my other medicine? ♪ ♪ hey, what are all these tests even for? ♪ ♪ questions are the answer ♪ yeah ♪ oh i've done a lot of things, did the world cup, been to rome, italy, brazil, been a lot of places, but spending time with those kids building robots just ignited my whole life. >> that was earlier this year and back with me along with dean kamen who invented this whole project involving kids and robots. will, basically you're a big kid, aren't you? you love these things, you love robots?
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>> i like seeing kids inspired. >> you like them yourself? >> i had a good time building this with the kids. >> this alone, this is sort of, what does it, i'm led to believe this is basically you, the show-off entertainer, doesn't do very much? >> the robot dancer, this could do the robot dance better than people do the robot dance. >> one of the kids built this? >> a team of kids built this guy. >> tell me about this one. this is the real brains one, right? >> correct. >> far away. >> that's built from a kit, the first tech challenge kit. we have different levels of competition and our middle level between the first lego league, elementary and first robotics, the high school competition, sort of the xwoel. this is the middle first tech challenge. once we found out that will was going to come to our finals in
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the 70,000 seat dome in st. louis and do a halftime show for us on friday night we said well, sometime friday before the show and before the championship saturday morning we should get will to build one of the robots and compete with the kids. little did i know he was going to compete with me and he won. >> really? >> it was humiliating. >> you have these kids that are 10, 11, 12, 13, that's the age of the kids i built this robot with, actually they built it and let me screw in a couple of things. >> and take all the credit. >> i'm not taking the credit, giving credit where credit is due. >> okay. >> and they just amaze me, right, these kids, hold on, well, wait, wait i have to finish writing this code, there's aa bug in it. i can't do that. they showed me this whole new world that dang, i wish i was doing that when i was 13. >> it's not fully functional but what can it do?
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>> the goal of the robot every year we give the kids a different challenge, raise the bar each year and the playing field for those robots had four of them on the field time simultaneously and they have to go over ramps, pick up sticks and turn them and put them in goals. >> are they remote controlled, computerized? >> they're remote controlled and also can autonomously run, they do both so kids learn software and electrical and mechanical engineering and sensors. they learn how to deal with complex problems and learn how accessible and fun it is to learn science and engineering and math and learn self-confidence and learn to have serious relationships with serious adults and serious ideas about the real world. >> and let's get back again to east los angeles when you were a kid, because you never knew your father. your mother had three kids and
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adopted four others, and there was never much money around and stuff. when you look back to that time, what was your inspiration other than the science we've discussed, what was the motivation to you, what do you think got you out? >> encouragement. >> from who? >> my family, family, friends, my teachers, mr. wright, ms. montez. >> you can remember them? >> mr. wright changed my life. because i had a.d.d., still do. just figured out how to use it for my benefit. so i don't think my mom, she couldn't afford the medicine, ritalin, which is great, i'm glad she couldn't. mr. wright said the way you'll get through school is ask questions to your teachers and you're going to get through school. that advice, i became like every
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teacher's friend, and that's why to this day me and miss montez are close. >> when you see the gang kids is the big part of the problem the fact they don't have anybody. >> they do have somebody. that's a misconception. they found it in that community, right? but if there was other things for them to get involved with, they shoont wouldn't have that as the only option. i know people in gangs, i could have went down that route but music and that community saved my life. the teachers, the reach out miss montez said don't go writing on the walls. she'd ask me why am i writing the walls on school in i had been practicing my script and i want people to see it. she's like hey don't damage the property. i promise all come in my classroom and write on the chalkboard and i won't take it down. right? that little deed changed my life so i would hang out in the classroom and get to draw on the chalkboard and all the other
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kids were like yo i like that piece of art you did in miss montez room. >> can you achieve this thing without the driving force of a mother, father, somebody who is with you to be a provider, a chance to do it? >> it depends on the people around you. sometimes your friends, good friends replace that. of course you know what i mean, i can't speak for those people. i'm speaking for me being raised by a single mom and uncles and friends that pitched in, and but yes, there's always ways out of it. >> your mother must be pretty proud of you. >> i'm proud of her. >> she must be really proud of you to see what you've made of yourself, rewarding all the sacrifice she made. >> she was really happy to go to the robotics competition in st. louis. she was happy to give out the scholarships to the kids, to feel like she was a part of something and i'm happy and
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proud of my mom and you know the difficult decisions. sometimes it takes difficult decisions to do things, to leap. you just got to leap. especially if you know it's better than just sitting there and bickering and fighting and, right, and waiting for people to make it happen for you. >> when we come back after the break i want to talk to you about the bickering and fighting in washington, the debt crisis, america, the economy, because it strikes me you two probably between you may have a few answers. announcer: when life's this hard, it's no wonder 7,000 students drop out every school day. visit and help kids in your community stay in school.
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more smart kids to take over this world, which is kind of a mess, and we need to give these kids tools. we just put them in a hole in this country. we just saddled on top of them $3 million -- $3 trillion in debt. at least we can give them the tools to shovel themselves out of that. >> now, on sunday is an abc special that combines hollywood sport and engineering. tell me about this hour of television coming up. >> so it's shining the light on the kids that are dedicated in technology, science, mathematics, letting them shine
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and so other kids can see that it's cool to do this. it shouldn't be an underground movement. it should be the most popular movement in america. >> and dean, how important is it to get somebody to like it doesn't get much cooler, short of having my endorsement for your project, this is as good as it's going to get. how important is it for to you get somebody like him who in one swoop can get millions and millions of kids in this country? >> you answered the question yourself. he can do it in one swoop is an enormous success. i started it 20 years ago as an experiment and 20 some odd companies that adopted 20 schools and doubled the next year and doubled the next year. we're bigger and more exciting than any science fair and hafing thousands of schools and 90,000 volunteers is pretty good but
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not by a standard of academics and school but the standard of our popular culture, virtually nobody knows about f.i.r.s.t. compared to the people who know the superheroes of football and baseball and entertainment, and so i said from day one, if we can make our event every bit as exciting as any other sport or any other entertainment and we can prove to kids that it's accessible, yes, they have to work hard but you have to work hard to be good as basketball. it takes years, we said particularly if young women and minorities could see just how exciting it is and what the possibilities are and they could see real professionals could believe in them and help them we could change their future and now we're in our 20th year, it's a big year for us and when i get this unbelievable call out of the blue from an icon of what makes things cool and popular and he says, how can i help? we sucked him in.
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>> interesting talking to the pair of you for the last 20 minutes, you're the perfect guys to ask about this economic malaise that's engulfed your country. let me start with you, when you see figures like $14 trillion in debt, when you see the debt ceiling has to be raised even higher, what do you think? what do you think of america as a business model right now? >> it goes over my head, because i can't comprehend it. i don't know how we got there. i don't know how, i don't know why we don't have jobs. all i know is the people that create jobs are companies. right. visionaries, investors, leaders of industry. i don't know if -- last time i checked, i don't know if government makes jobs. >> dean, what do you think?
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>> i agree, as usual, with will. i'm not a politician or economist but one thing that i'm sure would help, there are enormous problems out there, global warming, you believe it or you don't believe it, you still want jobs, and technologies that will replace old technologies with better ways to make -- >> when i see what you're doing, is it all about new technology, should that be where america leads the field? >> progress has always depended on innovation and most innovation requires that you have advanced capabilities with technology, again whether you're curing diseases, that's going to be science and technology, whether you're dealing with energy problems, you can't name a major global or problem in this country that doesn't require some new technology to solve it. what we need is the world's best, most competent, most motivated kids to take over and
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in the next generation, this country's got to get back to leading the world. it's what creates the jobs, what solves the problems. it's what will ensure our security, but a lot of kids in this country that have all the raw talent and all the raw capability to become the next generation of innovators are distracted in our culture and they don't develop the skill sets they're going to need. we got a global competitive environment out there. there are 6.3 billion people. we're the 0.3. we are the global rounding era after the decimal point and yet weigh want to have leadership in quality of life and security. if 300 billion people want to retain global leadership when the rest of the world is focusing on science and technology and education the kids have to become superstars all of them do or they're not going to see the next generation be a step up to a higher bar. >> i completely agree. i think f.i.r.s.t. is a
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brilliant idea and the combination of your geeky genius and his impresario brilliance is a winning formula. gentlemen thank you very much. will, nice to see you. tune in to, on abc 7:00 sunday night. bryce howard's daughter, used to be baby sat by tom cruise, also in the hottest movie of the summer, "the help."
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one of the most highly anticipated movies of the summer has got to be "the help" bryce dallas howard is one of the stars, literally born to be a star, she is the daughter of actor and director ron howard. bryce, let's face it, you were born for this. your dad's ron howard. your god father is henry winkler, the fonz and tom cruise used to babysit for you, right? >> that's a slight exaggeration. he was just, when my dad was doing a movie called "far and away" he didn't have kids yet and soon after he shot "far and away" he adopted his children and i think he was just very excited having a lot of kids around. you know when you start thinking about having children like and
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you see a kid around you just start kind of like playing with them and stuff. >> was he a good baby insitter. >> again not baby babysitter. >> he was practicing with you. >> he can do acrobatics. >> he did? >> yes. that was entertaining. >> cartwheels? >> no like backflips. >> really? >> yes. >> quite impressive. >> i thought it was, i still think it is. >> day cool baby e kay cool babysitter. >> it is. >> he's doing backflips and next minute you're a hot movie star. >> he's incredibly supportive and complimentary and things like that. i mean honestly all of my dad's friends are like that. they're all very thoughtful and supportive and that's really wonderful. >> and the fonz as your god father. how cool that?
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>> nothing cooler. >> he's such a nice down-to-earth man. >> he's amazing, i got an e-mail from him yesterday wishing me luck with "the help" which is coming out this week and just checking in about everything. he checks in, he checks in more than my parents. he really does. >> i can believe that. he's a very caring guy. >> i talked to his wife, who is my god mother, this past week. they're amazing. >> most importantly your dad is this hollywood icon, so putting all this together, you've had a fairly surreal life in terms of exposure to hollywood and stuff. >> um-hum. >> has that been on balance a good thing or not a good thing for you? >> i think personally i think a really fortunate thing, because it exposed me to the business that i found myself in as an adult, and i think there's definitely an advantage in that, i mean certainly. it's also been wonderful because not only has my dad been working
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for over 50 years now but my grandfather has been in the business, he's in his mid 80s now and he's still working a lot, and just to have those examples of people who have the endurance to work and work and work and sometimes they're years and perhaps even decades where it's not going so well but they have that kind of determination i think is very inspiring. >> your middle name is dallas. >> um-hum. >> and the reason you're called dallas is because? >> that's where i was conceived. >> i knew that. >> which is totally gross. >> and your siblings's middle names are? >> my sisters are twins so it's carlisle after the carlisle hotel in new york fork . and my brother is cross after lower cross road. >> fantastic. is it true you've never had a single drop of alcohol. >> that is true. where do you get all of this information? >> i've immersed myself in your life.
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>> yeah, that's true i haven't. >> not one drop. >> no. >> you're the daughter of a hollywood icon. >> that's why. >> you've never touched alcohol. >> i knew it was important to stay away from it. i had some examples. >> did you, that's interesting. >> yeah. >> you saw the bad effect that had been people. >> some people close to my family, and who had actually thankfully gone through it and were in recovery and all of that and i was exposed to that at a young age and i think i just kind of thought to myself, why kind of mess around with that. i mean of course it's a bit extreme what i've done. >> do you ever get tempted? >> no. if i did i would try. >> ever smoked? >> in no. >> taken drugs. >> no. can you imagine me hard core drugs. >> so you're pretty squeaky clean. >> i don't know if i'm squeaky clean but i haven't done those things. >> any vices? >> well, yeah, totally.
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>> come on, share them with me. >> i don't know, i did an interview with howard stern and ended up being 45 minutes of him really trying to figure out exactly what was going on. >> just spare me the 45 minutes. >> it's ultimately a little bit boring, i don't know. it's kind of normal vices like sugar and gossip websites. >> sugar, your vice is sugar? >> i don't know. i don't know. >> that's almost embarrassing. >> i'm a night owl. i don't know. i don't know what to say. >> let's have a little look at the clip from the film "the village" the real breakthrough movie for you, she played a blind character. let's take a look at this. >> papa? i cannot see his color.
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>> come away. come away. take her! take her! >> pretty dramatic role. >> yeah, that was my first part in a movie. i mean it's crazy, i haven't seen it since it came out. i did it like eight years ago. >> what do you feel watching it now? >> it was such an incredible thing that happened. i was doing a play. i had auditioned for a ton of movies and didn't get close to any of them. i think i was over the top. i didn't know how to act. i did a shakespeare play and the director of the village saw me in the play and asked to go to lunch afterwards. i had no idea what he was going to talk to me about and he literally offered me this part, and handed me the script and i went home and i read it and i kind of couldn't believe what was happening to me, and even
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now just having been in the business for just a little while longer, i realized how extraordinary that was. you know, i mean it's like directors are given so much pressure to cast names and if not a name at least someone who is a little bit more experienced than i was and i'm just really lucky that he took that chance on me. >> it was spycasting a big success for everyone involved and now you're on the cusp for the big break because everyone is talking about "the help" all saying this is going to be the big movie of the summer. we'll talk about that and baby number two. >> thank you. >> unless you're eating too much sugar but i don't think that's the case. >> no not in this case. [ gnome ] ahh... [ male announcer ] this is what it's like getting an amazing discount on a hotel with travelocity's top secret hotels. the easy way to get unpublished discounts of up to 55% off top hotels.
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harpist not included. ♪
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i'm "anderson cooper 360." texas rick berry we examine his track record, saying one thing and doing another when it comes to taking money in washington. tonight we're keeping them honest. other republican candidates facing a big test in iowa, which
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candidates say this weekend might be a make or break for him. michele bachmann is taking part and mitt romney is not. and crime and punishment the audio tapes used to convict polygamist sect leader warren jeffs, they've been released, jeffs instructing underaged girls how to pleasure him, we'll play some of the tapes and talk with two former members of his sect and at the top of the hour, 10:p.m. 10:00 p.m. eastern. more "piers morgan" in a moment. you know... ♪ we're not magicians ♪ we can't read your mind ♪ ♪ read your mind ♪ we need your questions ♪ each and every kind ♪ every kind ♪ will this react with my other medicine? ♪ ♪ hey, what are all these tests even for? ♪ ♪ questions are the answer ♪ yeah ♪ oh
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♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪ ♪ hah
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i just found out the surgeon general has reviewed the home health sanitation initiative that i drafted, and he passed it along to governor barnett. >> when can we expect to see the initiative in the newsletter? i gave it to you a month ago. would you please stand? >> i'll have it in there real soon. >> great. >> that's a scene from the movie "the help" which is out this week.
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the book has been on the new york times best seller for 26 weeks. you play a really evil woman. i can't imagine a woman less suited to play evil than you, miss sugar addiction. >> there's something really freeing about playing a character that isn't even like remotely likeable whatsoever, and there were a lot of very, very fun scenes that you know as a result of this playing this kind of horrible woman but of course, you know the backdrop of the movie is the civil rights movement and i play a character lily holbrook who is very prejudiced. there were scenes i would never want to go back to do again because i had to get into that ignorant psychology that isn't fun. >> are you worried about any controversy that this role will bring you? >> i haven't really thought about that, i mean because it
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was a book first, and because -- >> people are familiar with it. >> exactly, and it is the character that everyone loves to hate. i hope there's a little bit of safety built in there, but i don't know. i haven't really thought about it. >> let's talk about the other big production you've got this year, by is baby number two. >> yes. >> how many months pregnant are you now? >> i'm almost five months. >> how is it all going? >> it is, it's amazing. baby is healthy, and it's been a healthy pregnancy. it's been a little more challenging than my first pregnancy, but i think, i think that's kind of good, actually, because my first pregnancy, you know, everything was great and wonderful, and i thought i was, you know, could do everything all at once, and after i had the baby that i would bounce back like this, and i think i was kind of setting myself up for a little bit of, or just being too hard on myself and stuff like that. >> you were very open about this. about this you had postpartum depression after the birth of your son theo, and you
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wrote this, i recall the moment that my son handed to me, i heard shouts of joy and my father crying, bryce, you're an incredible mother and then i felt nothing, nothing. >> yeah. >> quite a moment for a new mum to be feeling nothing. >> yeah, it was really confusing especially because i'm kind of an emotional person. i mean i found out today was my son's first day of camp, and i've been nervous all day because he had to go off on a bus by himself and he's 4 1/2 and i've just been like panicked and then he came back from camp and he had this certificate that he had won camper of the day and i just burst into tears, you know? and i think that's a more appropriate reaction for a mother to have, but to just knowing that that's kind of my natural demeanor and then to give birth to my first child and to feel nothing was -- i mean it was beyond confusing. >> do you have any worries it may happen again? >> i mean i do. i absolutely do. but i -- my hope is that -- that
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i'm at least -- i'll have that much more awareness that i need to get help. i mean i waited so long to get help with my depression and i mean that's just -- that was unnecessary. it totally was. >> the joy you've been experiencing with young theo, i would imagine is very helpful to avoiding feeling depressed next time around. >> yeah. >> because you can see what it's all about, i guess. >> yeah, yeah, and just kind of knowing -- knowing that it is -- if it does happen, it is chemical and there is treatment and then it will be over, you know? and like i said in the beginning, when i said it was kind of a more difficult challenging second pregnancy but i think that was good. i think it is good to know that sometimes it is tougher. it might be really tough afterwards and i might go through that again, but just to know that -- that i can handle it and is just very comforting for me.
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>> that you're married to a fellow actor, seth gable. how does that work out? i mean, do you get competitive with each other. >> no. no, no, no. >> i can't imagine not being competitive. >> really? >> two actors together with all of the you know insecurity that comes with acting and the egos and all of the rest of it. don't you have little moment it's. >> i come from a family of actors so -- >> you're used to it. >> well, okay, maybe i'm diluted here but i don't look at this as a competitive business. i look at it as a collaborative business and that's always been my perception. >> basically quite a nice person because it is the ruthless competitive business in the world. >> well, thank you for that compliment. maybe i'm terrible. >> i'm giving you a way out here because, saying that acting is not competitive, i think is a little weird. >> right, right, right. >> winning an oscar. >> no it's an incredible honor, incredible. >> the old man's got a few stashed away, yes. >> yes. >> where does he keep them? >> in his office.
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>> in connecticut? >> yeah. >> do you look at them and think, one day. >> no, no actually i haven't. >> have you written a speech in your mind? >> no, no. >> what if "the help" becomes this huge thing and you ms. evil emily from the film wins best actress, who are you going to thank. >> well, here's what would happen. >> tom cruise, ron howard and seth gable, i mean what a speech you've got ready to go, huh? >> yeah, there's a lot of people to be grateful to but what i'd be more fixated on in a moment like that i look at the time line with my pregnancy and i just know that i'd only be kind of like a month or even just a few weeks, couple of weeks of having a baby and -- i don't want to look at me at that moment. i don't want that captured necessarily. >> the new baby's middle name be santa or monica. >> no seth and i are traditional. we do the family name thing. >> excellent. bryce, it's been a real pleasure. >> thank you. >> good luck with the film. i hear it's terrific so good luck with it.
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>> thank you so much. i appreciate it. [oinking] [hissing] [ding] announcer: cook foods to the right temperature using a food thermometer. 3,000 americans will die from food poisoning this year. check your steps at
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