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tv   24 7 Pacquiao Bradley  CNN  June 8, 2012 9:00pm-9:59pm PDT

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horses so hard when they're young so that he said run as fast as they ever when they're 2-year-olds and then they're easily injure and conditioned run the triple crown. he thinks we should stop that, intense racing to get the sales up for the horses when they're just 2-year-olds. something to think about
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new in boxing gym is no stranger to unpredictability. on this is morning at the wild card in hollywood, an unexpected addition to manny pacquiao up decamp will bring a measure of trauma. he is a conditioning coach based in the philippines. last month, he stepped in for alex, his longtime strength coach. when he left the fighters' camps early. and now the trainer has summoned him to l.a. >> freddie asked me to come, they want me to help manny pacquiao during his training here. >> the only thing i know is pretty needs me here at the wild card part was met. >> for his part, the filipino
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considers himself just a complementary piecing camp. >> alex and i are very good friends. i learned a lot from him. alex knows a lot about strength and conditioning and i am still learning. >> manny pacquiao house decided against padding ways which means for the time being, is to act as coaches will work side-by-side. and his trainer continues. >> we have some work last night and if he has something to say to me about it, he will say it. i don't let it affect my fighter and i know what is important here and the focus is on manny pacquiao he likes him and wants him on board and so that's the way it is and that is the way we will leave it for now. >> he is refusing to talk about the situation. while on fight night, he plans to exercise his prerogative to
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bring his voice even further. >> key will be in it until the fight and then i will put down my four cornerman and he won't be on the list. >> back at the apartment complex that night, a much happier family enjoys a reunion. his wife has just arrived to join her husband in l.a. along with their children. >> daddy. a smack >> kcal-tv! >> we are happy that we are together here. and we're going to watch the fight and pray for him and support is always there. >> what is the flavor? >> strawberry peak. >> you like strawberry?
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you like strawberry? >> he already misses time. they long for his attention. it is very important to be together. >> how about coffee? >> no. >> i ordered coffee. >> he is a good man and a good father. >> coffee. >> thank you. >> he is a good partner, a good friend. my best friend. my king. he is the best. [ truck beeping ]
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morning, boys. so, i'm working on a cistern intake valve, and the guy hands me a locknut wrench. no way! i'm like, what is this, a drainpipe slipknot? wherever your business takes you, nobody keeps you on the road like progressive commercial auto. [ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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for a boxer, every training session has a purpose. today, manny pacquiao and freddie roach are focusing on the tendencies of the opponent. >> what we're doing now is coming up with a better game plan than the other side. that is what's the difference is.
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>> we're getting closer and closer every day. just getting ready for the battle. being impressive and going out and knocking this guy out. >> after work is done, it's time for a different sort of pre-fight ritual at the e el capitan theater. pacquiao has made an appearance on jimmy kimmel live. each time, a victory has followed. a pattern of which the host of the show is well aware. >> you know, i actually somewhere started to worry about what happens if the show gets cancelled or i'm on vacation the week before he has a fight. i am superstitious when it comes to sports.
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i don't know if i'm a lucky rabbit's foot or just a rabbit. >> please welcome the pride of the philippines, manny pacquiao. >> manny's a character. he kind of does everything. you'd think you'd run out of things to talk about with him. but every time he comes, he's got something new going on. >> i know you've made some big changes in your life recently. >> yes. >> you've given up drinking. >> gambling. >> gambling, smoking. >> no, i didn't smoke. >> you didn't smoke. >> girls. >> girls? you've given up girls? what happened? why did this happen? >> because i'm reading the bible. i found out that -- how it obey and follow the commandments of god. >> wow, wow. this photo, is this from a church picnic or what is this? what's going on there? [ laughter ] always greet see you. thank you for coming every single time. manny pacquiao, everybody.
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>> early thursday morning in the coachella valley, a few miles from the bois and girls club, joelle diaz begins his day. >> the ranch is a get away place for me. it's the place where i come and just concentrate, focus. when i come to the ranch, i'm here by myself. that's what i like to do. it's my -- my pressure time. >> diaz spent most of his childhood on a farm like this in mexico where his grandparents lived before coming to california when he was 12. soon, he discovered boxing, eventually turning pro, and fighting his way to a title shot in 1996. >> i fought at 135 pounds. i was a lightweight. one day in the sparring session, i was sparring a kid that was heavy. i remember that day.
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he hit me hard, but he hit me on top of the head. i got out of the gym that day, i'm walking home, and i noticed something was wrong. i noticed my vision was getting worse and worse, but i never told anybody. then here comes my world championship fight. i got the opportunity to fight for the world title in johannesburg, south africa. i lost a decision to philip holiday. it was a very bad moment for me. coming back from africa, i fought one more time, but at the time, i lost vision from my eye, from this eye. i didn't tell anybody. but then i brought it up to my wife. when i told my wife i couldn't see from my eye, right away we went to the doctor. right there and then, the doctor told me, you know what, your eye is damaged, really bad. i think you, as a boxer, your career is over. >> without boxing, diaz was lost.
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and the further he got away from the ring, the more crippling his choices became. >> i didn't belief in anything. i was like -- i didn't care. that's when my life made another turn. instead of doing positive things, i was doing negative things. hanging around with a bad crowd, with the wrong people. just working as a bodyguard, i guess. i didn't care about my life. i didn't care about nobody else's life. i was pushing it too hard. i was pushing it too hard to the point of which it was either i was going to kill somebody or somebody was going to kill me. >> eventually, diaz found solace back in the gym, returning there to work as a trainer for his younger brothers, both pro fighters themselves. he says the turn around came after an impassioned plea from his mother. >> she told me, you know, life's not over. you know a lot. why don't you go to the gym and help the kids, help your brothers? they're still there. maybe god has something else for you.
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maybe, you know, because of you -- because this injury you got, he's probably giving you a hand. he's got something better for you out there. so ever since then, my life changed. >> eight years ago, gdiaz met a local boxer named tim bradley, trained by his father, but looking for a full-time replacement. the ensuing collaboration has produced only victories and now the biggest opportunity of either man's career. >> keep your hands up, always. if it's christmas, keep your hands right here, especially on the exchanges. come on. d to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ?
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two strikes, top of the ninth inning. the crowd is going crazy, mr. roach is up and strike two! >> there may be no one on the planet as deeply versed in the intricacies of boxing as freddie roach. baseball is a bit less familiar. this morning in the wild card parking lot, the trainer has drafted a young friend to help him prepare for a new kind of honor, throwing out the first pitch at tonight's dodger's game. >> this is like one of the biggest things -- this is a big event for me. i'm going to be able to throw out the first pitch in front of a lot of people and stuff like this.
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they're going to be like who is this guy? i've never been on like a major league mound before. it's beginning to be a little bit nervous, but it's going to be a little bit fun. i'll have a big smile on my face if i throw a strike. >> good catching. >> thanks. >> see new a little while. >> it's been 17 years since roach first opened the doors of the wild card. as he approaches his 26th fight working the corner of his prized pupil, the trainer never for gets the impact manny pacquiao has had on his life. >> you know, i built this gym thinking you never know when the next muhammad ali will walk through your door and all of a sudden manny pacquiao walks into my life. manny makes it all possible for sure. money obviously makes your life a little bit easier. most of the money i make comes from manny pacquiao, yeah. so manny pacquiao has changed a
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lot of things in my life and i can keep the gym at $5 a day and not worry about it. >> his fighter has undergone a recent religious transformation. for roach, though, spirituality and moral beliefs need no such formalization. >> i'm not a religious person. i believe if being a good person isn't a enough, go [ bleep ] themselves. i try to be a good person, try to make the right decisions in life, i try to respect everybody. you know, heaven and hell, i don't believe in it. >> he is 52 years old now. symptoms of parkinson's disease long since established as an ever-present reminder of the ticking clock on his career. >> the tremors are getting a little worse. i shake a little bit more than i used to.
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i do think about it affecting my ability to train and i'm a realist. when i can't do the mitts anymore effectively, i'm going to -- i'm going to quit. game sometime just past 7:00. when the guest of honor arrives early, he gets an all-access pass. >> freddie roach, love watching your work. i really do. >> please welcome freddie roach.
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. >> for the past 20 years, this is how tim bradley sr. has begun his day. >> i go to school first. middle of the day, i go to the gym. you know, train my son. then after that i go back and do what i do. >> for a man who has long prided himself in keeping his body in peak condition, working on wheels is a good fit. close to 3,000 students attend the school, all of them well acquainted with the figure on the mountain bike. >> i just get on it and cruise around. i watch the body language. there's a lot of stuff you have to watch. what's going on? they're filming me watching you
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guys go to class, so don't be late. >> i am. i'm going right now. >> all right. >> bye-bye. >> tim bradley jr. has picked up his father's self-aseweredness. >> i'm so confident in my abilities, i train like no other. that's the reason i'm going to win the fight. the fight is won in the gym. it's won in the gym. all you got to do is tune in. witness history, baby. witness history. >> bow down to you. but that's the nature of boxing. you're going to shock the world, baby. >> big ray is a constant presence at his son's side during training. >> there you go. >> just as he's been there every step of the boxer's career. the fighter takes none of it for
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granted. >> my dad's going to be here to support me. he always has been. he's not going to miss this. my dad was at every single fight of mine, you know. it's rarely that he miss an event, you know. just providing is not being a father. you got spend time with your kids. i appreciate all the time my father spent with me. >> there's no way to count how many times big ray has yelled at his son, harshly imploring him to find another level in training. but a few months ago when bradley called to tell his father he was fighting manny pacquiao, the reaction surprised him. >> i said we got the fight. he said what fight? i said we got the pacquiao fight. for a second i was like what's going on, pops? i heard him crying in the background. i was like, you crying? yeah, yeah, son. just tears of joy, just tears of joy. >> i said what? you know, the joy, it was just -- just overwhelmed. just thinking about it right now about to bring tears to my eyes.
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>> my dad doesn't cry. he's one of those tough guys, you know. he don't cry. he don't show a lot of emotions. >> it was just wonderful to hear that come from him knowing that, you know, all the things he been through, all the hard work, all the ins and out of the ring, you know. it was just a blessing. ♪ >> strip away everything else and you'll discover the success of any fighter is rooted in the dedication of others. they nurture skill, yes, but also ignite the fire within. ♪ there's something in your heart and it's in your eyes ♪ ♪ it's the fighter inside you,
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let it burn you ♪ ♪ you say don't give up, it's the fighter inside you ♪ ♪ if i'm ever at the cross roads, start feeling mixed signals like morse code ♪ ♪ i try to focus on where the torch goes ♪ ♪ as far as i can see i've made it to the threshold ♪ ♪ lord knows i've waited for this a long time ♪ ♪ i'm an icon, i let my light shine ♪ ♪ signs bright like the champion, burn like a champion ♪ ♪ i'm supposed to reach for the
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sky ♪ ♪ never let somebody tell to you otherwise ♪ >> the fight is one week away. ♪ the fire inside you stay tuned for the finale of 24/7 pacquiao bradley. and don't miss the live fight on hbo pay-per-view. [ bell tolls ]
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agents, say hello to the biggest hailstone in u.s. history. oh, that will leave a dent. which is exactly why we educate people... about comprehensive coverage. yep. the right choice now can pay off later. looks like a bowling ball. yeah. oh! agents, say hello to the second-biggest hailstone in u.s. history. [ announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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in a large hangar last week just off the las vegas strip, a transformation took place. over the course of a few hours, a group worked methodically with a collection of assorted supplies, measuring, peeling, affixing, and trimming as glimpses of a final product begin to materialize. the idea was nothing new. no car or truck on the road would miss it. a few more people would be reminded of the clash fast approaching between the unfamiliar combatant and the
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celebrated titan. two men, who with fight week nearly upon them, had transformed into boxing machines. las vegas was beckoning tim bradley and manny pacquiao. >> last day. man, last day. last day before the big show. it's going to be no joke today. no joke. >> over the past eight weeks, tim bradley's logged more than 150 rounds of sparring. today comes his final 12. >> hey, remember what we talk about? >> uh-huh. >> okay. i want you to follow the plan, okay? don't go looking for it. you get in there, get in your zone. work with it. you're going to counter punch. focus, maintain, and ready to be the next welterweight champion, baby.
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>> time. >> that's how you lose the ropes, champ. there you go, champ. that's the way to stay low, baby. >> i wanted you to push it a little more from the back leg. let's go. there you go. this is your last round. that night, you're going to be crowned as the champion. >> there you go. there you go. >> time! >> all the hard work is done. now it's time to go out there and have fun. june 9th is going to be a fun night. i love what i do. i look forward to a tough, tough fight, you know. i don't expect anything less. manny's going to bring it, you know. i'm going to bring it too. i'm hungry. i'm going to be a big problem. i know i'm going to be a big
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problem. i'm definitely going to go out there and give him hell. >> midday monday in los angeles, with the fight coming ever clearer into view, manny pacquiao climbed the stairs to the wild card gym one more time for his final workout before heading to las vegas. >> you've done all the work, you know. we're ready to fight. his focus is great. we get to vegas, we know it's getting really close. from here on out, we just kind of maintain right now. last day of sparring. just go four rounds today. nothing really, really hard. just keep timing going. >> the story of this pacquiao camp has been his religious
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rebirth. his closest associates contend his intensity has risen as well. >> it's a good fight. a different manny pacquiao. we grew up together. i never see this kind of training like he do it. i guarantee we're going to win the fight. >> everything that needs to be done has been done in this camp. we're ready for this fight. we know how to fight this guy and no problems. >> after the workout, there's one more item of business to tend to. last week freddie roach declared
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that the boxer's long-time strength coach would not be a cornerman on fight night. but today pacquiao and roach have a closed door meeting to discuss the topic. and resolution is soon reached. >> right now there's nothing problem. there's no problem with both of them. they're talking to each other. they're okay. >> alex will work the corner. manny told me, he says, he's read the bible. he's much calmer now. alex will do whatever he says. i said, okay, the only way i'm going to let this go is everyone understands their role. i'm going to keep alex under control in the corner, which is not a problem for me. so i think that issue is put to bed. >> yeah, yeah. ♪
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at almost exactly the same time team pacquiao is resolving its issues, a bus with familiar adornment arrives at tim bradley's house fueled up to take the fighter to vegas. >> as long as i got my uniform, my shoes, some underwears, and
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toothbrush, i'm good. that's all i need. i don't need nothing else. >> pacquiao and company are scheduled for an imminent departure as well. though, they'll ride not on a bus, but as part of a massive caravan of cars through the desert. >> i love you. >> i love you. >> hello, hello. what's up? >> got to pay the bills before i leave. >> we're going to get it done. i'll see you out there, okay? love you. >> good luck, buddy. >> stop pushing. stop pushing.
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>> in indio, the trip will be kicked off by a pep rally down the street. filled with friends and neighbors offering the boxer one more boost before he's off. >> fans can expect one heck of a fight, you know. it's going to be a heck of a fight. manny pacquiao is a hungry fighter. he's determined. so am i. i have to show him who's the boss on saturday. there's going to be a new sheriff in town. that's timothy bradley. that's what i believe. his time is up. it's my time. >> after eight weeks of training, the two men have left behind nothing but blood, sweat, and a few images of absolute devotion. after so much preparation, it's time for the most decisive of assessments.
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♪ >> we're all heading into lost wages, las vegas for those who don't know. >> waiting on the big show, man. this is what we've been training for. it's almost time to put it all together. get it on. >> been a long time, a lifetime. a dream finally coming true. team is ready to rock. we're ready for the biggest fight of our career. >> she saying dada going to whoop manny pacquiao's butt. that's what she said. >> the groups both ride northeast on interstate 15. the pacquiao convoy a few hours
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behind their counterparts, riding with the confidence of those who know the journey well. >> i think this opponent is made to order for us. whatever he does, we do better. >> this is nothing personal. whatever he brings to the ring, we're ready. >> bradley reaches the mgm grand on the vegas strip a little after 6:00. he soon checks into his room nine stories above the ring. two hours later, pacquiao arrives. as usual, he'll stay down the strip at the mandalay bay. a long day is complete. and in the boxer's suite, dinner for several is served. the fight is five days away.
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tuesday of fight week is traditionally the day for official arrivals. it's a ritual manny pacquiao has been through many times before, but for tim bradley, basking in the pomp and circumstance is all new. >> what's up, baby? that's right. >> a few hours later, bradley heads to the top rank gym just off the strip for one of his final light tune-ups before saturday night. >> right here. boom, boom. >> that's it. that's the power right there. you can't be budged in that shell. time. >> so many counters. counter punches all day.
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>> even if so much about the biggest bout of his life is novel, bradley has tried to maintain his normal fight week routine. including rooming with corner man and long time friend sam jackson. >> home sweet home for the week. >> it's a ritual, man. >> it's a ritual. he's the only dude to stay in my room. sam, he's the only guy to stay in my room. my dad can't stay in my room. that dude snore too damn much. too much. then he always bother me. then, you know, sam, he knows -- he just knows -- he know when is i'm tired, give me my rest, give me my space. you know what i mean? he's just -- you know what i mean? my brother, man. my brother, my uncle. i call him uncle jackson. >> uncle sam. >> you know how we do it all the
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time. >> we've been rooming since then. >> you know if there's one bed in the room, he's is [ bleep ] n the floor. >> down the hall, his wife and daughter have a room to themselves. mrs. bradley is well accustomed to the separation. >> we don't stay together. the reason being when i first met him, he just went off on his own usually. that's how it's been, so we're not going to change anything. it doesn't bother either one of us. i think it's better for him to stay by himself because he focuses a lot better. >> say bye-bye. >> give daddy a kissy. >> okay. >> get out of here. >> across 28 professional bouts, tim bradley has never lost. he's well aware a 29th victory would change just about everything. >> it's all going to come down to this moment. it's going to pay off. i win this fight saturday, my
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whole life will change. the people around me, their life will change. my family, their life will change forever. that's what i want. i want that to happen. ♪ ♪
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in contrast to his opponent, fight week for manny pacquiao has a business as usual feel, evident in a light track workout, the university of nevada las vegas. in the afternoon, pacquiao takes his turn at the top rank gym. his ring rhythm, cool and focused. ♪
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>> beautiful shot. >> you're sharp. you're nice and loose. you just need to go bang-bang. >> seven months ago as he approached his last bout against juan manuel marquez, his mind set was hardly the same. by all accounts, the fighter and his wife are now happily reconciled, which has team pacquiao looking for to a return to form saturday night. >> he's going to do a little bible study with his wife and kids. his family's together and everyone's happy. >> i'm more focused now compared to the last fight. i have joy and happiness in my life. i have the love of god and of course no more destruction.
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we have peace of mind. i have love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, and self-control. >> wednesday the boxers and their camps are scheduled to come together for the first time in months at the pre-fight press conference. for freddie roach, it's merely the latest wait point in a hall of fame career. for joel diaz, the bright spotlight is a new experience. >> i don't really think about the people right now. i don't really think about all the eyes are on us. i think that if i sit for a minute and think about it, it would affect me. i don't. all we have to do is just put it together that night. >> for tim bradley sr., faith in his son has only grown since their arrival in vegas. >> greatly proud of my little man. words just can't express, you
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know, the greatness of him and what he's going to achieve and show the world, that he is number one guy in the world. >> he's confident, but that can all change when the bell rings. i have a ton of confidence in my fighter. i never go into a fight thinking that we'll lose. the physical part i can control. the mental part he controls. i've never seen him better mentally. >> roach has worked with 31 different title holders, a vast portfolio of experience that taught him to be weary of young champions in the biggest moments of their careers. >> a win will change his life forever. usually guys fight better than they ever have, but even his best i'm not worried about him. >> freddie roach doesn't
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intimidate me whatsoever. my concern is manny, not freddie. they are nervous, everybody, the entire team. most of all because the pressure is on them. they have to look good. >> just past noon at the mgm grand, the groups head to the hollywood theater to greet the media and address one another. >> it's a great pleasure for me to introduce to you the light welterweight champion of the world. please welcome tim bradley. [ applause ] >> i'm ready. i'm ready to shock the world. i'm ready to do whatever it takes in there to win this fight. training camp was hell. i've never, ever trained as hard in my whole life.
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it's going to be war. i'm ready. [ applause ] >> we did our best in training. i know because tim bradley is a hungry fighter and is young. i know what he's feeling. that's why i train like i was -- i feel like 26 years old. keep pushing, pushing more. saturday we can give a good fight. it's going to be a good fight. >> whether they be tenured legends or young champions on the rise, all fighters ultimately search for the same illusion, a sensation that overwhelms the instinct for self-preservation and unleashes a recklessness essential to success in the ring. they yearn for the feeling of
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invulnerability. view a bout through the prism of that pursuit, and you're likely to come upon some realizations. you might discover a fighter's choices to mean something entirely different than you first thought. for years, he now concedes he lived his life without regard for the responsibilities of iconic status or the feeling of those closest to him. now he has yielded himself to a force that can't be seen, heard, or proven, but one he says he derives great strength from. surrounded unhesitantly by men he's trusted without limit for years. long before he ascended to the opportunity of a lifetime in front of him made an unlikely personal commitment. one he has held steadfast and joyously. he finds unparalleled purr
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purpose in being their protector, just as he draws uncommon meaning in the stoic dedication his father engrained in him. these are the defining choices manny pacquiao and tim bradley take with them into this bout. these are the roots they've taken to turn the illusion of invulnerability into their very own reality. >> put the speed on him, champ. >> he in for a rude awakening. baby, i can box. >> there you go. >> woohoo! >> come on, baby.
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>> would you question a man's choices without knowing the story of his life? would you question a fighter for walking into the ring and simply wanting to feel unbeatable? don't miss the live fight june 9th on hbo pay-per-view.
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