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tv   This Is Life With Lisa Ling  CNN  October 24, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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. the state at washington reeling from a deadly high school shooting. we're about to learn more details about the shooter and what happened. here's a live news conference. >> investigators at the school are processing that scene. so in regards to the investigation, there's not a lot of new information. i do want to add that the s.w.a.t. team concluded their investigation at 4:45 are this evening. right now, the s.m.a.r.t. team, the multiagency response team is there on scene. they are conducting the crime scene investigation.
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they expect this wrap up their work no later than 4:00 this morning. that's their goal, to be out at 4:00 this morning. if the snohomyish county's medical officer has information on the victims, they will provide that after 5:00 p.m. tomorrow. this will be our final joint press conference. from here on out moving forward, we are going to be handling media as individual entities. anything regarding marysville police department, i'll be handling anything regarding the investigation and the smart team. sherry will be handling. this continues to be an active homicide investigation. we want to make sure we do this right and have all of the right answers. that's what we're gong to do by taking our time, doing it
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thoroughly and providing information only after it is complete. >> can you confirm the relationship [ inaudible ]. >> we're not confirming any of that information at this time. it still is early in the investigation. they are still out at the scene. they're still processing evidence. they're still -- i don't believe they're still interviewing any of the students. i think that is complete. did you we just aren't ready to release that information. >> so all of these questions, we know you want answers to are really part of the investigation. we need to let detectives kind of finish that investigation there at the school and debelief. any details we get overnight we're going to be releasing at a press release tomorrow at 7:00 in the morning. we just don't have any of that information at this time.
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>> is there surveillance video on the campus [ inaudible ]. >> that i don't know, but i will ask. >> can you confirm it was a .40 caliber baretta handgun. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i assume that would come out of the investigation, interviewing witnesses and such. and since we haven't compiled that information together, it's still too early to talk about that. say that again? >> [ inaudible ]. >> that's all part of the investigation. we just don't have the details. it's all part of the investigation. as soon as we have that information, we'll be sure to give that to you. >> can you confirm the type of the weapon? >> again, part of the investigation. as soon as we have that information we'll release that. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i kwnt remember the exact time, but i'll get that time line for you. >> does the shooter have any criminal record with any agency? >> that i don't know. any other questions?
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>> [ inaudible ]. >> i'm not -- without having been specifically briefed, i'm going to make some general assumptions. once witness statements are gathered, there's going to be a lot of gathering of evidence. so it's just a big space. a lot of people were in the facility. so that's going to take a lot of time. we talk about, we're not having any witnesses -- we don't have any witnesses on scene that we're interviewing. there are probably other witnesses is, say, at the hospital that need to be talked to as well. that's going to take several hours. >> [ inaudible ]. >> that will come out in the investigation and when we have that information, we'll go ahead and release it. thank you so much. >> 7:00. >> there's no criminal record the shooter has with any of your agencies, are you aware of that? >> all right. a very quick update from police there in marysville, washington. not prepared to answer any
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questions at this point as their investigation continues. not answering questions about what kind of gun was used. if the shooter had any relationship with the students that were shot, but they do believe to have the investigation there at the site of the school finished in just a few hours. so here is what we know about what happened there at this school in marysville, today. one high school student opening fire in the cafeteria during lunch, stood up, pulled out a gun and started shooting. the school is north of seattle. you're seeing kids running from the school. someone pulled a fire alarm and stopped -- and kids started running out when police arrived. they pushed all the kids back in and put the school on lockdown. here's what we know, witnesses say the reported shooter fini finished eating at marysvil
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marysville pilchuk high school and then shot five fellow friends, reportedly, in the back. one of those, a girl, has died. the wounded are hospitalized in intensive care right now. they were all less than 18, including freiberg who shot himself. investigators have searching the teenage's home and have traced the gun to his father. they also say police plan to work through the night as we just learned, trying to learn what led to this homecoming prince just a few days ago, an .today he turned to murder. he is part of an indian tribe there. >> he was suspended for being in a might. reportedly that was around racist comments. that's all we know at the moment. you just heard from police, and
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they're not going to say much more until they have time to investigate. but the shooting, of course, shocked the small town. it was school on lockdown, another community in shock, and another student with a gun. friday night, local people held a vigil for the victims as everyone tried to make sense of what happened today. the shooting lasted just over 90 minutes, but, of course, forever changed lives. tom foreman takes a look at how it all unfolded. >> at 10:30 a.m., as students gathered in the cafeteria at lunch, witnesses say a young man rose from the table, pulled a small pistol from his pocket and started firing. >> i just saw three kids fall from the table like they were just falling to the ground dead. i jumped under the table ooze
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fast as i could. when i stood back up, i saw that he was trying to reload his gun. when that happened, i ran in the opposite direction and ran as fast as i could. >> he said he knew the young man and he looked calm with a blank stare throughout. >> i heard his girlfriegirlfrie with mim him and everyone has been retweeting their conversations. pretty brutal, honestly. >> students scattered. many thought there was a fire drill under way and many ran outside. in the hallways, teachers started herding others into classrooms and ordering a lockdown. at some point, someone inside placed a 911 call and by 10:40, police were swarming the building. >> additional 30 students out to the south. >> going room to room, placing tape over the doors of those they had secured so they knew they had already been checked.
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>> in that process, they discovered the alleged gunman by noon, officially saying he was dead, apparently having shot himself. >> so again, who was jale jalen frreiberg, student who carried this out? by all accounts, he was very popular and loved his family. but just a few days ago, his online persona changed. here's that part of his story. >> social media shows two sides to jaylen fryberg. he loved the outdoors and his tulalip tribe. this picture on instagram shows
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him holding a rifle. this is not a weapon believed to have been used in the fatal school shooting. fryberg seems to love his family. probably the best birthday present ever. i just love my parents. but turn to twitter, in recent month, the freshman tweeted multiple times a day. it breaks me, it actually does. i know it seems like i'm sweating it off, but i'm not and i never will be able to. i'm tired of this expletive. i'm so expletive done. and 34 hours before today's shootings, he sent this. it won't last. it'll never last. franky pena told cnn that this horrific incident came out of nowhere. >> i heard his girlfriend broke up with him. and the tweets that everyone has been retweeting throughout the past couple of days of, like, their conversations have been pretty brutal honestly.
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so that would have been affecting it. >> and again, as i mentioned, another student said fryberg got into a fight a few weeks ago over what may have been racist remarks. and according to another student, he was suspended over that fight. there's no indication so far that the fight, though, was related to friday's shooting. if we get any more updates from police officers, we'll bring them to you. now, we turn to the latest ebola story. another u.s. health care worker just back from west africa is under quarantine and being tested for ebola. details on what symptoms the woman is showing. we'll look into that coming up next in a live report.
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>> latest developments on a new ebola possibility in this country. authorities in new jersey have isolated a health care worker who just returned from treating ebola patients in west africa. the woman is being tested for ebola at university hospital in newark after developing a fever. miguel marquez joins us now live from new york. you're covering this development. miguel, what do we know about the status of this woman and how she was detected? >> well, it's a bit of a complicated long story, actually. she came into the country while
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she was flying in the state of new jersey and new york changeds the rules for health care workers like her who had been treating individuals in ebola zones in west africa. she's been back from sierra leone. about 1,300 people have died there. when she got to newark, she was held under quarantine under this new extraordinary measure that new jersey and new york are doing that exceeds the cdc standards for quarantine at the moment. and she became very flustered at the airport and she apparently registered a fever. the question, though, is when did she register that fever. the new jersey state department of health saying she checked in at the airport, she was fine, she developed that fever later. the newark department of health saying that fever came at the airport and she has since remained fine. in any event, she's being tested
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for ebola and she will be quarantined for 21 days. natalie? >> so i hear what you're staying about the conflict here. and it just goes to show how this new quarantine system can get complicated. of course, yesterday, you were on live talking about the new york case, and the concerns with this person going on with his life all throughout new york until he developed symptoms. i know that this woman's friend told anderson cooper that the state of new jersey has it wrong. so where do they go from here? >> indeed, look, the friend was even more pointed about it. she went on anderson cooper a little earlier tonight and she said look, they just have it wrong. she was at the airport. she got flustered. she was angry, upset. she said she was treated terribly by the officials when she got in after a very long flight and after the sort of work that she's done.
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probably the first thing she wanted to do was just ge home and relax. and suddenly she found out that won't be the case, you will be in forced quarantine for the next 21 days. other friends of hers complained she wasn't getting any food or being treated well at all. so her friend says that's when her temperature hit 101 degrees at the airport. later when they took her temperature with a mouth thermometer three different times, she says, the temperature was at 98 degrees. they're literally accusing the new jersey state health department of outright lying about the state of her health, that it went from a fever at the airport to a normal temperature, whereas the state of new jersey is saying no, she was fine at the airport and then fever has since come on. we do know that she is being tested for ebola. that's the one thing we can be certain about. but it's not very clear what her health status is right now. >> all right, well, we'll wait to see what that test shows. in 24 hours then these two state
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have gone from maybe underresponding to overresponding. thank you. we appreciate it, miguel. dr. jorge rodriguez is a board certified internist and best selling author. he worked on hiv and hepatitis clinical research trials and he joins us now from los angeles. thank you for joining us. you just heard about the new rules about quarantines that have taken place in new jersey and new york. it seems in the past 24 hours, we saw a doctor in new york, he has ebola. he went about his life, and now we've got this nurse, and it looks like there's some questions about when she had a fever, who is now under quarantine. what do you make of new york and new jersey going beyond the cdc rules now. how is the u.s. overall responding to this in your opinion? >> well, i think right now the pendulum is swing into an
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extreme fashion. but however, that goes to show how panicky people can get about this. listen, i've given this a lot of thought as to what i think should be done with people who are in direct contact with ebola. you know, people who have sacrificed their lyes to go there and help others. and my conclusion is that probably anybody who has known contact should probably be, for safety's sake, in quarantine either before they come to this country or after. and it's very difficult to say, but i think, you know, we now have to consider some political issue, and if the public is going to get that alarmed, you know, then maybe that's part of the safety that we need to consider. so it's a very tough question. >> and then quarantine becomes complicated, does it not? >> of course. >> tell us about that. >> well listen, from what i understand, the doctor in new york was in a pseudoquarantine. the doctors without borders, who
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i think is an excellent organization, you know, was asking him to monitor his temperature. did not allow him to go to work, but had allowed him to roam throughout the city. if you're going to be in quarantine, you need to be isolated from all people, including your family. so you either fish or cut bait. and if it's going to be quarantine, it needs to be complete isolation. >> and as far as travel guide guidelines, right now it's up to the person when answering a questionnaire to be honest, because really, anyone can just give a story and then board a plane. >> well, you know what, you need to have a questionnaire. because some people are going to be honest. the question was asked of me, if i had -- if i thought i had ebola, would i lie to get to this country? and it's a very tough question because you want to save yourself. you need to have physical checks
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like temperatures and questionnaires. but there's another class of citizen, if you will, and those are health care workers that we know have had contact with ebola. so what do we do with them? personally, i decided that those people, doctors and nurses, as kind hearted as the been should probably go that extra step and go through quarantine when they arrive in this country. >> are we on the right path to getting it under control? i read in a recent blog post you had extensive research with the hiv epidemic that you believe ebola could be worse than that. >> well, you know what, it could and it couldn't. the thing about hiv that made it so horrible is the fact that you could live with it for decades and spread it you know, without knowing. ebola has a very short half life. the key to ebola is to contain it. however, if we don't contain it, yes, it could definitely be as bad as hiv. the cdc has said so.
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they estimate in a few month, in half a year, over a million people could get infected. the key here, the more people you have, the more it will spread. so containment is the issue right now. not a vaccine. that has to be worked on. but to stop this, it needs to be contained in its tracks. >> dr. jorge rodriguez, thank you for your time and your expertise. >> you're welcome. >> ahead here, we'll turn to other news around the world. hundreds of balloons that hold a message for north korea. what's inside and why the person behind these balloons are on a hit list? we'll have a live report coming up for you. 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500,
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>> we want to turn our attention to the north korea/south korea standoff, if you will, other certain activist campaigns. a unique anti-pyongyang campaign is supposed to be happening near the north korean border today. south korean activists plan to release nearly 50,000 balloons like these, which all hold propaganda leaflets. a similar release happened two weeks ago which prompted an exchange of gun fire between north and south korean soldiers. the man behind the campaign is a defector on a north korean hit list. but he says that's not stopping him.
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paula hancocks is with us. she's been covering this story. you're live for us from south korea, and we're hearing there's some sort of standoff happening over this balloon campaign. >> that's right, natalie. it's clear these balloons infuriate north korea, but they're also splitting public opinion in south korea. you can see a standoff here between basically the activists and the defectors who want to launch these balloons. conservative groups, many of them in the bus behind me, that's being blocked off by residents. there are many people who live in this area who are very angry these launches even go ahead. they blooe these defectors, launch these balloons then go back to their own homes and leave them in the line of fire of north korea. this leaflet is one that they intended to send today, saying the cruel end of the dictators.
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you've got gadhafi and saddam hussein from iraq. and kim jong un they're calling on the residents and mill at that particular times to stand up against the regime. the residents really are determined that this should not go ahead. and i think it's one of the very first times we've seen the residents stand up in this particular way and try to make sure it doesn't go ahead pit's been a couple of hours now the defectors have been sitting in that bus, basically waiting to see if they can go ahead. now as seoul, the government itself, they say they can't stop the balloons. they say that it's freedom of expression, and they have rights to carry it out. but if there is trouble between the residents and these defectors, then they can stop them. and this appears what the residents are trying to do at this point. to start some conflict between the two sides and make sure they don't go ahead. >> and one might understand the residents are tense after this
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recent balloon release as we mentioned ended in exchange of gunfire. >> well, that's right. it was a couple of hours after they actually launched the balloons. and the balloons are usually launched from just over in this direction. this is also where the residents have actually been blocking the road a little earlier to make sure the people couldn't get through. and then a couple of hours after that, we heard that there was some gunfire. north korea basically trying to shoot the balloons down because they're infuriated by these leaflets, defectors say they're clearly making a difference and they're getting through to the people who want to read them. they send dollar bills, sometimes they send foods. they often send dvds with things like south korean soap operas to show people what life is like outside of north korea and try to show them the truth. you can hear the chanting in here. these are the residents who are dead set against these balloons launching. and at this point, to be honest,
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especially given the huge presence, it looks unlikely that they will actually be launched today. natalie? >> a community certainly divided over very, very heated topic. thank you so much. well, back to our other top story, putting together pieces after a school shooting in the united states. a student recounts his experience of being put in lockdown after one of his friends killed another. also ahead here, we'll tell you why authorities now consider thursday's hatchet attack in new york a terrorist act. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and you'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line.
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>> we have continuing coverage of some kwoping news stories.
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in marysville washington, not far from seattle there was a police shooting. police say jaylen fryberg shot five students inside the school cafeteria. police say he shot himself after killing his friends. so far, police have not released a motive. they're still investigate. a new jersey woman is in isolation after being tested for ebola at university hospital in newark. she returned to the u.s. friday after treating ebola patients in west africa. on thursday, a new york doctor tested positive. thursday's hatchet attack on a group of new york police officers is called a terrorist attack. the attackers critically injured one officer before other officers fatally shot him. a female bystander wounded in the gunfire is in critical condition. police in the state of
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washington again tried to find out why a high school student open fired in his cafeteria friday during lunch. it happened again just north of seattle. witnesses say jaylen fryberg finished eating at his high school then shot five of his friends in the back. one of them died, a girl. the wounded are hospitalized in intensive care. all the victims under 18. police aren't saying much right now about fryberg and why he may have carried this out in the lunchroom. sources are telling us the gun has been traced to the boy's father. by all accounts, he was a very popular boy and his school was even crowned homecoming prince last week. cnn's anderson cooper spoke with a student at the school who knew fryberg. he also knew the female student killed in friday's shooting. here's that interview. >> i've known her, or the victim
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since about fourth grade. a pretty outgoing person. loved to talk to people. loved to get to know people. she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. >> you were at the school you heard the gunshots. what went through your mind? what happened when you heard those shots? >> you know, at first i didn't even think they were gunshots. i heard noises louder than those shots. i was coming out of the bathroom on the way to my fifth period class. i heard a couple of loud bangs followed by a couple of other bangs. i heard a couple of screams. i just thought it was normal high school life. and i was on my way to my fifth period. i saw a couple of people running. that's just high school. kids running around, doing their own thing. i made it to my fifth period class, was in the classroom and right as i sat down, the fire alarm went off. so you had half of the high school going out to the stadium
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for this fire alarm, everyone thinks it's a fire. and you have others running back to their classroom knowing it is a lockdown. so we're out on the field anying it's a fire alarm, we had teachers telling us to go back to the classroom, tell everyone else is that we need to go back into the classroom, stay safe, stay away from the windows and we're in lockdown. >> and you real liz praised the reaction of a lot of the teachers? >> yeah. i mean, the reaction of the teacher, the teachers handled it well. i didn't get to see a lot of them, but i think the main role they played was to just keep a calm demeanor and just let the kids know everything was going to be okay in the classrooms, and just make the classrooms safe. >> i also understand you knew the shooter. often we don't know what's going on in somebody's mind. and this was somebody who was
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well liked by the community. >> he was a respected kid. he was homecoming prince. i talked to him a couple of times. i talked to him today before school, knowing about a couple of problems that occurred in the past. i said if there's anything you need, i'll be here for you. come talk to me. i said have a good rest of your day. i went to my first period and didn't see any problems that were occurring. didn't look like he was -- didn't look like he had any acts of anger towards any student. >> he had been suspended recently for fighting. is that correct? >> yes. there was a fight that occurred. >> you actually saw him this morning and it seemed normal? >> yeah. he seemed pretty much content with life. i saw him, i was talking with him and i just said, like i said, if you need anything, just come to me, talk with me and i'll be here for you. and he said okay, did a little
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hand shake and he was on his way. i didn't see any signs of anger, any signs of aggression. he looked like a normal high school teenager on a friday morning. >> is there anything else you want people to know? >> i would just like to tell people that, you know, it's not always the kids -- you know, in his case, he was well liked by the community. there are still kids that do have problems and they're facing problems with their own life. just to look out for them and if you see any signs of change, get them the help they need. >> really remarkable there, that well spoken young man who reached out to jaylen the shooter on the morning of the attack. but the shooter already had a gun with him and carried that attack during lunch.
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we'll continue again to bring you any more information. police held a news conference about 37 minutes ago. we brought that to you live but they didn't have much more to add because the investigation is ongoing. now we turn again to that hatchet attack that authorities in new york say was indeed an act of terrorism. it came after the militant group isis called on sympathizer as they continued to do in the west to carry out attacks against men and women in uniform. it also follows two deadly attacks this week in canada. here's more now. authoritying in united states and canada are investigating this week. all were aimed at people in yuan former, all seemingly inspired by terrorism, by loners, self-radicalized, online. >> today, the model here is mass markening. they play to a wide audience
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with increasingly sophisticated messaging, compelling videos and outreach on the assumption that if just a few buy into that narrative and act out independently, that will be enough. >> police say that's what inspired queens new york resident. >> was this an act of terrorism? it appears that was the suspect's intent. >> thompson's attack comes on the heels of monday's ins dement quebec. two canadians were run down, killing one. michael zehaf-bibeau murdered nathan cirillo, shutting down parliament when he raced inside with his hunting rifle. he was
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shot dead. all men's ties to isis or any other terrorist organization are very much in question. but run-ins with the law were a common trait among all three attackers. at least two had a history of drug abuse. in the case of the parliament shooter -- >> he has a very doped criminalalty, violence, drugs, instability. combined with some of the things that give rise to radicalization i think is where the focus of our investigation needs to be. >> where does drug abuse and criminality need to be? >> i think that some of these people have had problems with mental health can make it easier to make the leap from the belief towards action. >> action that now has authorities in two countries wondering if this was one bad week or the beginning of a violent, unpredictable trend. >> and it was a somber day in hamilton, canada, as that fallen soldier returned home for the last time.
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the body of corporal nathan cirillo left ottawa friday. the procession travelled a route known as the highway of heroes. because it's used to pay tribute to many fallen canadian soldiers. kurdish forces battle isis mill at that particular times for control of kobani. that city has been in the throes of a siege for weeks now. coming up here, we'll tell you how they managed to regain some lost ground. also fighting isis on another front. the battle to save iraq's ancient art facts from being sold on the black market.
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>> officials have isolated a health care worker after returning from west africa. the woman is under quarantine in the hospital at newark and being tested for ebola after apparently developing a fever. meantime, the governors of new york and new jersey say there will be mandatory quarantines for so-called high-risk travelers kurning from the ebola hot zone and west africa. this comes a day after new york announced its first case of ebola. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen has more on that and the recovery of two texas
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nurses. >> there is no cause for alarm. >> tonight, new york city health officials are urging calm as they look for anyone who had contact with dr. craig spencer, the city's first ebola patient. >> the patient continues to be stable at bellevue hospital where he remains hospitalized on the isolation unit. >> reporter: the 33-year-old doctor returned to the u.s. last week after treating ebola patients in guinea with doctors without borders. three people who had contact with dr. spencer have been quarantined, including his fiance who will be monitored for symptoms over the next 21 days. and as hazmat crews work to decontaminate his apartment, city officials are retracing dr. spencer's steps and alerting all who may have come in contact with him. >> we want to find every person with whom he may have been in contact. we want to account for all of his time from the time he developed symptoms. >> on wednesday, just one way
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before his diagnosis with ebola, he was out and about in new york. visiting a brook len bowling alley, going for a job and riding the subway. the metropolitan transit authority released a statement about isolating and disinfecting rail cars for calming new york commuter, adding that it's safe to travel. this, amid good news from the national institutes of health. nina pham is ebola free. >> this whole experience has been challenging for me and my family. although i know longer have ebola, i know that it may be a while before i have my strength back. >> the nih director said no experimental drugs were given to pham while under their care. exactly when or why she turned the corner is hard to pinpoint but that the blood transfusion from cured ebola patient dr. kent brantley could have been
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the factor. >> when you have so many separate factors at the same time going into the care of a patient, and it's virtually impossible to say that this is the thing that did it and this is the thing that didn't do it. >> pham was invited to the white house where she received a hug from president obama in the oval office. and reports that the other dallas caregiver to contract ebola, amber vinson, tests no longer test the violence in her blood, she remains under close watch. >> that was elizabeth cohen reporting. the west african nation of bali has now recorded its first death from ebola. state television reports there, a 2-year-old girl diagnosed just a day ago has now died. mali's health ministry says officials are monitoring dozens of people who may have had contact with her. hers was the first known case of
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ebola in that country. the world health organization says the girl had traveled from southern guinea where she was attending a funeral. >> at least 29 egyptian soldiers are dead, 28 others wounded after two terror attacks in egypt's sinai peninsula. a suicide bomber near a checkpoint. hours later, gunmen open fired on a checkpoint, killing three security personnel. well, fighting rages in the syrian city of kobani between syrian forces and isis militants, both sides battling for control of the besieged city near the border with turkey. but a strategic hill that came under assault by isis is now back under kurdish control. the united states carried out more air strikes thursday and friday against isis in iraq and syria. the militant group is also managing to get its hands on
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valuable ancient artifacts in iraq. it's already well funded from black market sales of iraq's modern treasure, oil. now isis is adding to its war chest by selling pieces of the country's history. senior international correspondent ben wiedeman is following that. >> reporter: few are the lands that can boast a history as deep and rich as iraq. and nowhere is that more apparent in baghdad's iraqi museum. the director takes us on a tour. this is from 3,000 bc, he says, pointing to a sumarian mosaic. people of the mess po tame yeah developed the first writing system, mathematics, astronomy, literature and law. iraq's past, howe, is threatened
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by the nightmare of its present. the group calling itself the islamic state in iraq and syria, isis, is not only at war with iraqi state, it's also at war with iraq's very identity. blowing up religious shrines, slaughtering and enslaving minorities, executing its enemies. and what it hasn't destroyed, isis is selling on the black market. they cut these relieves and sell them to criminals and antique dealers. usually they just cut off the head, leaving the rest because the head is the valuable part. the area around mosul is replete with ancient ruins, now in peril. these artifacts come from an ancient city which dates back to more than 300 bc. it's located just south of mosul where isis took over a few months ago. they're now using the site to
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store weapons and ammunition to train fighters and to execute prisoners. there are palaces, temples and statues there and isis is living mon among them, he tells me. i'm afraid they'll do something crazy. isis has taken over mosul's museum, turning it into an office to collect the tax levied on nonmuslims. the fate of the antiquities there is unknown. iraq's history is full of catastrophe, one of the worst was the mongul sacking of baghdad. thousands of manuscripts weres to ed in t-- were tossed in the.
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to them, that pales compared to isis. they take pride in nothing. their mentality is completely petrifying. they don't think of all of this as the accomplishments of humanity. aliens with an alien ideology bent on patrimony. >> yet another horrific chapter in the isis story. coming up here, a ground graekigraek i ing procedure in heart transplants. at t-mobile you can hook up the whole family for $100 bucks. get 4 lines with unlimited talk and text and up to 10 gigabytes of 4g lte data. plus get the brand-new samsung galaxy note 4 for $0 down. means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g,
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and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. amam rich. my social circle includes captains of industry, former secretaries of state, oil tycoons, and ambassadors of countries known for their fine cheeses. yes i am rich. that's why i drink the champagne of beers. anncvideoconferences it's youof the day.rtant hi! hi, buddy!
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anncr: that's why the wifi and free hot breakfast are something to smile about. and good reasons to book now. feel the hamptonality doctors in australia have unveiled a new heart transplant surgery that they say will reduce waiting lists for patients. sky news australian reporter tells us about how this revolutionary procedure works. >> researchers here at st. vincent's hospital have been work on this technique for round about four year, finding a way of transplanting a heart after its owner has died and it's stopped beating. two patients are the first to prove this surgery works. >> we primed the machine, we then take the heart out.
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we infuse the heart on the machine. we warm it up, and when we warm it up, the hearts start to beat. >> previously, heart transplants were only possible when the donor was brain dead and the heart was still beating. this allows the heart to be completely still for up to 20 minutes before it's removed and then preserved in a machine for up to four hours before the transplant occurs. >> it's a thing to get your head around. your heart is going, a stranger, someone you don't know. you know, part of them is now inside you. it's a privilege. it's an amazing thing. >> reporter: experts say this will revolutionize organ do nations, and reduce waiting lists for those who need a heart transplant, meaning far more suitable donors able to provide their organ and the gift of life to the recipient. cameron price, sky news, sydney. we take a look now at the weather. heavy rain continuing for southern europe with more mountain snow.
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here's ivan cabrera with that. >> a truckload of it. rejoicing out there with significant falls. we'll talk about that in a second. but as far as the rifle, look at turkey, picking up 103 millimeters of hateful. and other area, not as impressive, but this system is not going anywhere. so we're going to continue to tag on to some of these numbers here. but look at this stream of moisture crashing into the alps here. over the last few days. this is since wednesday. some parts here fantastics up 110 centimeters or 43 inches of new snow. so incredible numbers there. i think at this point, that's done as far as the heaviest of the snow and one of the happiest folks i've ever seen removing the snowfall there in germany. so there you go. but this low, the upper levels of the atmosphere spinning in place. kind of cut off in the rest of the atmosphere here. that means that we are going to park it in place, and it is
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going to be raining over the same area. and then it will eventually fill out and things will get a little more back to normal. my goodness, continuing to stream in moisture from bulgaria. and look at sophia here, getting in on perhaps a little bit of snowfall as well. we're thinking some accumulation in the next couple of days. the rest of europe, we're looking at a system moving through the uk right now. the nfl headed to the uk london with our atlanta falcons here at cnn. temperature at kickoff, 16. that will be about 61 fahrenheit if you' following that in the united states. my goodness, they leave a mark here with torrential downpours. 54 in boston with that east wind crashing into you. there's coastal flooding. areas upwards of two to as much as six inches. that is gone, we have more where
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this came from. this is one storm that rolled throughout the week here, picking up seven inches. look at this low just kind of crashing in with heavy amounts of precip and, of course, the amounts we'll be getting in on the snowfall. and then the system rolling in right after it here. so we don't have much time. this is the time of year we can do that here. we'll continue to see unsettled weather, nice and mild and quiet down across the south central u.s. >> look forward to seeing how the nfl played over there in london. all right, thanks, ivan. and thank you for watching our special coverage. i'm natalie allen. for our viewers in the u.s., "this is life with lisa ling" is coming up next.
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salt lake city, utah was founded by the mormon church. >> we believe our body is a temple and should treat it as such. >> there are things we're taught by the mormon church not to do. >> the population of the state of utah is mostly mormon, a faith that discourages drinking,


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