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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  January 14, 2017 5:00am-6:01am PST

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field in the night cab. cold at kickoff. temperature at 18 degrees. the next story makes people -- bo jackson wishes he never played football. he won the heisman trophy for auburn. made progame. retired after a serious hip injury. he said if i knew what i knew now, i would have never played football. i wish i had known about all of those head injuries, but no one knew that. add him to the list of former nfl greats say they wish they never played the game. >> andy, thank you so much. appreciate it. a lot of news in the political arena. >> let's get to it. next hour starts now. the fbi director has no credibility. >> fbi director james comey facing renewed scrutiny on both sides of the aisle. >> jim comey is an honorable person who i think made a bad decision. >> when the director of the fbi
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can't answer those questions, it does shake our confidence. putin did call me a genius, and he said i am the future of the republican party. >> trump denied plains russia has compromising information on him. department of justice releasing a skating report of chicago police department. >> there's reasonable cause to believe the chicago police department engages in a pattern or practice of use of excessive force. >> ka my a mobley was first missing, the search was in tense. >> we found an 18-year-old young woman, same date of birth but different name. welcome, thank you for keeping us company. i am christi paul. >> i am victor blackwell. less than a week donald trump takes the oath of office. today, activists are rallying in the nation's capitol.
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this as donald trump goes back on forth on russia, telling "the wall street journal" he is open on lifting sanctions despite saying wednesday he thinks russia is behind the cyber attack. meantime, the democrats came down hard on fbi director james comey, confronting him behind closed doors about the russia hacking. on the other side, republicans are voting and approving to repeal the affordable care act. jessica schneider live in front of trump tower. >> jessica, donald trump's comments on russia, what does this mean as he prepares to take the oath, as he starts to build this new relationship between the u.s. and russia. >> reporter: you know, victor, donald trump has repeatedly expressed willingness to engage with russia, specifically talked about it in the hour long interview with "the wall street journal" last night saying that he is prepared to meet with russian president vladimir putin after he is sworn into office.
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that happening in less than a week. donald trump also talking about the possibility of rolling back sanctions against russia saying he probably would let sanctions stand for a little time, then they could potentially be eliminated. donald trump specifically telling "the wall street journal" this, saying if you get along and if russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody is doing something, some really great things. donald trump talking about the fact he potentially hopes to work with russia when it comes to eliminating terrorism, fighting isis and perhaps working toward other goals that the u.s. and russia maybe share. this could put donald trump once again at odds with congressional republicans, particularly congressional leaders expressed the fact they want a hard line stance on russia, after the u.s. intelligence community concluded that russia was in fact behind the hacks during the election season that targeted the democratic national committee as well as hillary clinton's
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campaign chair john podesta and his e-mails. a lot of questions linger. donald trump now implying he could roll back sanctions implemented by president obama at the end of december. victor, christie? >> what are we hearing about trump's national security adviser michael flynn and russian ambassador to the u.s., what are we learning about that? >> reporter: well, a lot of questions have been swerlg the past few days, trump team addressing it yesterday, saying michael flynn had been in touch with the russian ambassador to russia on several occasions, talking initially about when the russian ambassador to turkey was shot several weeks ago and continuing that communication in a text on christmas, both wishing each other merry christmas. the one raising eyebrows, december 29th, phone call between the russian ambassador
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and retired lieutenant general michael flynn. the trump transition team saying that phone call was merely to begin arranging a meeting or phone call between russian president vladimir putin and donald trump. some are expressing concerns. on december 29th, the same day that president obama did put in place sanctions against russia, expelling 35 russian diplomats, and of course that centuries old act, logan act, that does prohibit u.s. citizens from interfering in a dispute or controversy that the u.s. government hasn't explicitly approved. so there are questions. the trump team saying definitively michael flynn only talked with the russian ambassador to discuss this phone call that could happen sometime after donald trump is inaugurated. >> thanks so much. want to bring in cnn political analyst and good
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morning to you. we know democrats are meeting in the first of four forums they're having to try to decipher what happened in this election. right now, they're focusing on russia cyber attacks, where, ron, do you think their energy needs to be focused? >> in terms of the democratic party overall, they have to figure out what their strategy is going to be to respond, what is going to be a legislative flurry at the beginning of the trump presidency. think about the last time we transitioned from democratic to republican president, bill clinton ran and governinged as a centrist democrat. george w. bush ran as compassionate conservative and centrist republican. the distance where they ended and started wasn't nearly as great as it is now, where you have an obama administration that's probably left of bill clinton and donald trump direction in particular of congressional republican direction well to the right of where george w. bush was.
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you're talking about wrenching significant change on a lot of fronts, starting with the affordable care act, taxes, foreign policy, et cetera. i think democrats without doubt, their principle concern is figuring out what is their strategy to respond to what could be a legislative blitzkreig. >> there's a lot on the plate of both parties, particularly the democrats as they decipher that. the justice department is examining, we heard the fbi handling the clinton investigation. i want to ask you, lynn, is there a way james comey can survive? >> yes, he has a ten year term. it stretches beyond the end of the obama administration, so he could survive legally. we don't know if he could survive calls for him to step down, but my guess is that democratic calls, even republican criticism wouldn't make him cut and run because that's not the reason you have these terms of office for
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directors, it is to give them some independence. if he is called on the carpet repeatedly by congress, if this internal investigation finds that he did something wrong, that might change the situation and cause him reason to think about resigning but i think the idea that people have terms of office is something the public should think about when they say should he resign, he doesn't have to resign and can't be fired. >> and on that note, agencies have to know the protocols of the fbi. it wouldn't be hard to determine whether he breached it. >> well, you know, george bunld ee who was national security adviser for lyndon johnson said the color of truth is gray and many of these decisions are judgment calls but democrats are certainly outraged at the decision by director comey to put out the letter on the one
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hand about an investigation into, renewed investigation into e-mails that they were able to close very quickly and not to really release anything about whether they were investigating contacts with russia and the trump campaign. so there's a lot of fire at him, but whether they violated the fbi's internal protocol, justice department protocols, that's going to be in that color of gray and we will see where the ig ends up. >> congressman john lewis is making a statement that a lot of people are watching this morning questioning trump's legitimacy as president. let's listen to this. >> i don't see the president-elect as a legitimate president. >> you do not consider him a legitimate president. why is that? >> i think the russians participated in having this man get elected. >> all right. so we have donald trump this morning reacting to that on twitter.
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he said congressman john lewis should spend more time fixing and helping his district which is in horrible shape and falling apart, not to mention crime infested, rather than falsely complaining about the election results. all talk talk talk, no action or results. sad. lynn, do you think it was a responsible comment for him to make? >> i think in this case he is entitled to his view given the facts out there, but let's put this in the context that donald trump as everyone knows was chief advocate of the birther movement which served to delegitimize barack obama's presidency, because of false claims trump was a leader for, that obama wasn't born in the united states. you have to evaluate the incoming trump presidency, i am not looking for consistency here. if you want to understand where congressman lewis is coming from, i think it is helpful to keep in mind that the russian
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hack is a set of conclusions by intelligence agencies that has some foundation. the birther movement was nonsense. so you could see. everyone is entitled to their own view, you'll hear this discussion, ron you know this, you're not entitled to your own set of facts. >> so sorry we've run out of time. appreciate your insight as always. >> thank you. >> thank you. poland is welcoming nearly 4,000 american troops, part of the largest american military reinforcement in europe in decades there. this is from a few moments ago here, the official welcoming ceremony in poland. another 4,000 troops arriving in germany. the kremlin calls it a threat to russia security. but for the obama administration, it is an important move to reassure nato allies.
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up next, president-elect donald trump saying one thing, his cabinet picks say another. so what's going to happen once he gets into the white house and what happens when a lifelong republican asks his party to leave bouquet loan. -- leave obamacare alone. n eas. except when it comes to your retirement plan. but at fidelity, we're making retirement planning clearer. and it all starts with getting your fidelity retirement score. in 60 seconds, you'll know where you stand. and together, we'll help you make decisions for your plan... to keep you on track. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand.
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14 minutes after the hour. donald trump firing back at democratic congressman john lewis on twitter just minute ago after lewis said trump was not, quote, a legitimate president. this is from donald trump. congressman john lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his drilistrict which in horrible shape and falling apart and crime infested rather than complaining about election results. all talk talk talk, no action and results. sad. first, let's get you caught up where this started. this is what congressman lewis said about donald trump in an interview with nbc news. >> i don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president. >> you do not consider him a legitimate president. why is that? >> i think the russians participated helping get this
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man elected. >> we're joined by congresswoman marsha blackburn and vice chair of the trump transition team. congresswoman, good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> let's start here with this exchange between congressman lewis and the president-elect. what do you make of what you heard from your colleague there in the house and the response from the president-elect? >> well, john lewis is someone who is very dear to the members of the house and it was so disappointing to me to hear him say that and we all know that the russians did not get into any of the voting machines. there was no change in the vote totals because of that. the russians, we have to also recognize have been in the propaganda business for years and years and years trying to influence public opinion, whether it is in the united states or other countries, europe, of course. you can look at the czech republic, radio free europe. i was over there yesterday, they
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were highlighting with us the amount of money that the russians were spending on over the air propaganda so this is not something that is new. i'm surprised that it took a lot of people this long to realize that the russians are so heavily embedded in the propaganda business and i'm delighted that now people want to join us and other colleagues in the house want to join us in addressing data security and cyber security issues. and my hope is that with rudy giuliani leading that team and with the subcommittee i chair, communications and technology, we're going to get something done with cyber encryption and data security. >> let me ask you about this call, this exchange between the incoming national security adviser michael flynn with the russian ambassador to the u.s. we know there was a call in addition to text messages about the holidays that were released, there was a call on the day the obama administration announced
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sanctions against russia. was that an appropriate exchange for the incoming not yet nsa director to speak with the russian ambassador? >> to be working to schedule a call i think is appropriate. i think the timing is unfortunate it was that day. of course i fall into that camp that looks at putin as being a thug and the russians as very bad actors and agree they need to be held to account and i'm certain that as president-elect trump takes the oath of office on this coming friday and as he and his security team begin to address these issues, there's going to be robust debate between them and also between my colleagues and i in the house on how we think we move forward with dealing not only with russia but looking at other bad
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actors, china, iran. it is important to realize these are nations that have cyber war units. they do not wish us well. >> let me stay on russia here. >> sure. >> you say vladimir putin in your words is a thug and they need to be held accountable. we learned in this interview with "the wall street journal" despite on wednesday donald trump saying he thinks that russia is responsible for the hacking, that he is open to lifting the sanctions on russia. reconcile those two for me. if he believes russia is responsible for the hacking, why would he consider lifting consequences for said hacking? >> i don't know the answer to that and i think this is one of those elements of robust debate. quite frankly, i appreciate robust debate. i think it is healthy and as we go through this process of looking at what they've done and have continued to do over many, many years, many years, that
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what we will do is arrive at an appropriate solution to begin addressing this. what we need to see is leadership on the issue and the russians need to know we're going to stand for america's interests first. >> do you think the sanctions should be lifted? >> i'm not one who would be for lifting sanctions. i think we need to be holding the russians and the other bad actors to account. >> all right. we have much more to talk about, obamacare, paul ryan from earlier this week. take a quick break, we'll be right back. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months.
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we're back with congresswoman marsha blackburn and from the donald trump transition team. i want to start with obamacare. they started first steps to repeal the affordable care act but the question is when will it be replaced and with what. donald trump says it will happen simultaneously. do you agree that it will happen simultaneously? if not, what's your projected time line? >> well, we're already working on replace. we started that last year when we passed the bill and president obama signed it into law in december and it was tremendously
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popular, enormous bipartisan support, will put emphasis on precision medicine, money into research at nih, allows for health care and ability for new delivery systems for health care and remote monitoring, telemedicine and will enable cms to reform payment systems. >> when will that be -- >> it is already in the law. that's a component that we have already moved forward on. that's done, finished, it is law, and we are thrilled with that. now going to the balance of this, as we do the reconciliation, which the reconciliation budget passed yesterday, that's the document we will work on and at some point in february you will see us with the details. there are components, yes. dealing with title 1 of obamacare, the insurance title,
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that's got to get off the books and in its place across state line, purchase of health insurance, pardon me, bipartisan support on that, and association health plans, health savings accounts, some of those. >> congresswoman, i have the same thing you have, i had it last week. >> for some reason, a tickle in my throat, i'm sorry. >> as you look at when this will be replaced, republicans for six years have been saying repeal and replace. we know you are instrumental offering the better way program. >> yes. >> why isn't it prepared to pass if repealed? >> it is prepared. the cross state line health insurance hr 314, read it, it is a great bill. it will open up that insurance
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market. i would also say go back to blair house health care summit that president obama called in february, 2010. we laid out a private sector patient centered model at that point in time, democrats laid out a government controlled model. they went with theirs. what we're saying now, it didn't work, too expensive to afford, too expensive to use, let's go with the private sector model so that all americans have access to affordable patient centered health care. that's where we need to be with this. make certain you get costs down, access up, that networks are expanded, not narrowed. >> we saw at least nine republicans that crossed over and voted against the bill yesterday as they started the repeal process. let me move on to daca.
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deferred action on childhood arrivals. speaker ryan had an exchange with a woman in the town hall, protected under daca. watch that. >> do you think i should be deported and many families in my situation should. >> no. first of all, i can see that you love your daughter, you're a nice person who has a great future ahead of you, and i hope your future is here. what we have to do is find a way to make sure you can get right with the law acnd do it in a god way where you and your family are pulled up and separated. if you're worried about a deportation force knocking on your door this year, don't worry about that. >> interestingly enough, you said two years ago to the day this about daca in defense of the bill to freeze funding for it. let's watch that. >> we're either a nation of laws or we are lawless.
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president obama is turning every state into a border state, every town into a border town, and unfortunately the lawless amnesty has taken democrats from the party of yes we can to acting like the party of because we can. >> lawless amnesty you called it. what do you make of the speaker's rhetorical embrace of the woman wanting her future in the u.s. >> speaker ryan is committed to working this out and i am hopeful that legislation that i have written and supported as have many others, the clear act which deals with the criminal illegal aliens will pass. on the daca program, what we have to realize is when the president signed that executive order, what it did was to open the flood gates. we saw the thousands of people that came across the border. many of my colleagues, myself included, spent time down at the
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border with our border patrol agents, working through some of those reception centers and looking at the porous nature of the border and the condition that some of the children that were coming across that border, the vetting process which was not typed, who those children were being released to, if they were going to gangs or individuals involved in sex trafficking, human trafficking, labor trafficking, and indeed that's an issue that has to be dealt with. can i tell you what the resolution is going to be between this administration and the speaker of the house and leader mcconnell. >> quickly, if you can. >> i don't know. i do know they're committed to dealing with sanctuary cities, criminal illegal aliens and those coming into the country illegally. >> congresswoman marsha blackburn, vice chair of the donald trump transition team. >> good to be with you.
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thank you. >> christie? >>. lifelong republican says obamacare saved his life. the question is will he be able to support president-elect trump's plans to repeal it. also, a new gunbattle brewing on capitol hill. new legislation was introduced to make it easier to buy a gun suppresser. details ahead. too.ptoms, now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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good to have your company. christi paul. >> victor blackwell. good morning to you. repeal and replace obamacare, a rallying cry for republicans since after the affordable care act was passed nearly seven years ago. >> that promise is gaining traction. here is manu raju on the first steps being taken now. >> current resolution is agreed to. >> reporter: the house taking the first step to repeal obamacare. >> this law is collapsing while we speak. >> reporter: congress approving a budget that will give republicans the authority to repeal much of the affordable care act on a party line vote. >> repeal and replace is going great. >> reporter: the move intended to fulfill one of the main campaign promises of president-elect donald trump who wants to replace the law at the same time as repealing it. >> it will be essentially simultaneously. it will be various segments you understand, but will most likely
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be the same day or same week, but probably the same day, could be the same hour. we're going to do repeal and replace. >> reporter: trump's comments undercut the plans of gop leaders who want to take their time developing a new health care law. house speaker paul ryan even said last month a replacement would not be ready by the next football season. cnn's town hall, a shift. ryan now promises to move quickly. >> we want to advance repealing the law with its replacement at the same time along the lines of what i just described as something definitely is a plan within the first 100 days to get moving on this legislation. >> reporter: but they're already running into problems. the party is divided over how to replace the law. some influential voices are asking party leaders to hit the brakes. >> i think the repeal plan needs to be fully developed and better articulated prior to moving forward. i have some reservations about
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moving as quickly as we are. >> do you have concerns at all about the timetable then? >> i think it's going to be a very long process. >> you don't think it will happen right away? >> no. >> reporter: some conservatives are demanding quick action on plans allowing individuals to buy insurance across state lines and to receive tax breaks for getting coverage. >> why don't we do replace and repeal. we can do this, putting those things on the floor this week. >> reporter: democrats are warning the gop will pay a political price for scrapping a law that helped insure another 20 million people. >> what are they doing, overturning the the affordable care act, undermining health security and financial stability of america's working families, and defunding planned parenthood. that's their man hood thing. >> reporter: manu raju, cnn, capitol hill. >> boy, it was quite a moment,
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wasn't it. a lifelong republican standing up at a cnn town hall with paul ryan, telling the speaker of the house that obamacare saved his life. here it is. >> from arizona, he was a lifelong republican and then something happened. jeff? >> come back. >> i was a republican and i worked for the reagan and bush campaigns, just like you, i was opposed to the affordable care act. when it was passed, i told my wife we would close our business before i complied with this law. then at 49 i was given six weeks to live with a curable type of cancer. we offered three times the cost of my treatments which was rejected. they required an insurance card. thanks to the affordable care act, i'm standing here today alive. being both a small business
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person and someone with pre-existing conditions, i rely on the affordable care act to be able to purchase my own insurance. why would you repeal the affordable care act without a replacement? >> we wouldn't do that. we want to replace it with something better. first of all, i'm glad you're standing here. really seriously. no really. >> can i say one thing. i hate to interrupt you. can i say one thing. >> yes. >> i want to thank president obama from the bottom of my heart, i would be dead if it weren't for him. >> now here's how jeff james there says his outlook changed. >> i was paul ryan, talking about repealing before i got sick. i was paul ryan. but not any more. paul's a nice guy, speaker ryan
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is a very nice man. as a matter of fact, after i went through a break, i went and visited him, he called me up to the stage. he is a very personable guy. you know, i understand why he's in the position he's in, why he's as popular as he is, and he was interested in what i had to say and we exchanged contact information, you know, i hope they come back and maybe ask my opinion, you know. i would be happy to help any way i can. >> so gracious of him to share what he has been through. certainly can't be easy but really shows how this lifelong republican and cancer survivor seems to be caught in the middle of his political views and his personal views and how they merge together and how important it is to find some sort of middle ground here to take care
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of these people. >> we heard from a lot of people in this position, dr. sanjay gup at that was out speaking to people with similar views. we'll hear more as this fight over the future of obamacare continues. still to come, republicans introduce new legislation to reform the law that governs gun silencers known as suppressers. they call it a public health effort. the debate next. my name is barbara and i make dog chow natural. now that i work there, i value the food even more. i feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors, preservatives and it's made with real chicken. i'm so proud to make dog chow natural in davenport, iowa. of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how.
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hundreds of people are expected to come to the funeral of an orlando police officer. she was shot monday morning, approaching a suspect outside a walmart. fellow officers say she leaves behind a legacy of hope, compassion, and always helping people who were in need. meantime, the manhunt continues for suspect accused of killing her. there's a $60,000 reward for information to help police find this man, markeith loyd. he is also suspected of murdering a pregnant woman in december. this week two republican congressmen introduced legislation under the hearing protection act to make gun silencers easier to buy. some call them silencer suppressers. there's a tax and lengthy background check to purchase one. the american suppresser association worked for years to
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remove the requirements. i met with the president of the group that thinks it will become law during the trump presidency and a key endorsement he thinks will help. >> daniel craig used one in "casino royale." another was used in "no countries for old men." a gun silencer, shooting enthusiasts call it a suppresser, an assassin's must have in movies. >> only time they've seen a suppresser is in film, through hollywood. >> in real life, a heavily regulated gun accessory that williams says makes shooting safer. >> they reduce noise of a gunshot, bring noise down to safer levels from a hearing conservation perspective. >> he is president and ceo of american suppresser association, an advocacy group working to make them easier to buy. >> we have a campaign, we're
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going through, trying to make them legal for ownership and hunting in all 50 states. >> his fight has now reached congress. representatives jeff duncan and john carter introduced what they call the hearing protection act. the goal is to lift provisions of national firearms act of 1934 placed on the suppresser, $200 tax and background check that gun shop owners say can last a year. they say it is about militarizing weapons, not about hearing. >> a complete misunderstanding of noise levels that unsuppressed firearms have, the risk both recreational shooters and hunters have to things like ringing in the ears and hearing loss as a result of exposure to loud noises. >> they say it will allow mass shooters to kill stealthily. to demonstrate, he fired several
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rounds with and without a suppresser. first up, nine millimeter without the suppresser. [ gunshots ] >> and now with the suppresser. the ar-15 without the suppresser. and now with it. a noticeable difference but nothing as dramatic as leonardo dicaprio's muted rounds in "inception." gun rights advocates are optimistic this session. why? >> second amendment, 100%. remember it. >> donald trump won the presidency. >> if we can get the hearing protection act to his desk, we believe he will sign it. that wasn't the case under the obama administration. >> donald trump junior told the suppress or manufacturer as much during the campaign. >> we want to go through congress and the right way. it wouldn't make sense
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otherwise. it is about safety. it is about hearing protection. it is a health issue frankly for me. getting little kids into the game, greatly reduces recoil. just a great instrument. there's nothing bad about it at all. >> the bill is just days old and members of congress are taking sides, gearing up for what could be the next big gunbattle on capitol hill. >> that's the view from proponents. next, we will talk to an opponent, gun control advocate that says this is a recipe for disaster. that conversation is after the break. ce! ma'am. this isn't a computer... wait. you're real? with discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u.s., like me, anytime. wow. this is a recording. really? no, i'm kidding. 100% u.s.-based customer service. here to help, not to sell.
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republicans have introduced a bill that will make it easier to buy a gun silencer, some call it a suppresser. they say it is a public health effort. my next guest says the legislation only exacerbates the danger for more criminal activity. joining me, director of communications f communications for the coalition to stop gun violence. >> just to correct you, good morning, work with one pulse for america. >> my apologies. one pulse for america. so we heard from the president of the american suppresser association there that this is about public health. you say that's bunk.
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from your perspective, what is this about? >> this is about expanding profits for the gun industry. the gun industry for quite some time has been dealing with a saturated market of customers. gun ownership has been steadily declining in this country for decades. and the challenge for the gun industry is to figure out what products they can sell someone who already owns let's say five, six, seven guns. one way to do that is by selling them accessories. as you pointed out in the segment earlier, silencers have been extremely well regulated since the 1930s. that law worked beautifully. these silencers are rarely if ever used in crime, and the weakening of regulations here i fear could be very dangerous both in mass shooting situations and in recreational shooting situations. >> let me come back to that in a moment. gun sales have been holding for some time and increasing over a certain period of years, but let's talk about the health element here. proponents point to a 2011 cdc
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report about the impact of the noise in gun ranges and classes. this is from that cdc report. the only potentially effective noise control method to reduce students or instructors noise exposure is through the use of noise suppress ors that can be attached at the end of the gun barrel. is this about profits, and also a health benefit for shooters and hunters? >> absolutely not. i have no idea what report you cited or who the authors were. >> cdc 2011 report. for people watching, i will tweet it after we finish the show at 9:00. >> i have yet to see actual evidence of a public health problem, any actual research into hearing problems with gun owners. last i checked, ear plugs are still readily available, ear muffs are readily available at
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shooting ranges. there are a whole range of products to help with noise suppression for shooters. the problem with silencers, particularly in a recreational shooting situation like hunting is you want people in the vicinity of gunfire to be able to hear the report of a firearm. that in itself is a key safety element. if there are people around you when you're hunting let's say, you might not be aware of their presence. report of gunfire allows them to either identify themselves to you or to move safely out of that area if necessary. that's just common sense. and this stands to be dangerous particularly for people in those types of recreational shooting situations. >> we have a minute left here. you know the realities of the numbers in washington with donald trump in the office, donald trump junior supporting loosening of regulations here. do you expect that law will change? >> i don't know.
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it's hard to say. you know, i certainly don't think donald trump junior will be effective in promoting that law. i don't think nepotism is playing too well for the trump team right now. i think if they do try to push this, they'll have a fight on their hands. i think the whole notion of this being about hearing protection is utterly as nine and it will be easy for the american public to see exactly what this is about, which is pretty much a blatant corporate handout to the gun lobby. >> thank you so much for being with us this morning. >> thanks for having me. there's a cold case that's finally been cracked. this is just stunning, a newborn, kidnapped from the hospital found alive 18, 18 years later. cnn's polo sandoval has more. >> yeah, christi. kamiy kamiyah mobley starting her search for answers. coming up, the latest on the
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18 years in the making. a newborn kidnapped from the hospital found safe nearly two decades later. >> the woman accused of posing as a nurse and abducting kamiyah mobley. now her biological family is learning the baby they lost so many years ago is a teenager living under a different name in south carolina. polo sandoval has more. i understand the girl is in south carolina? >> that's where she woke up this morning. there's a mix of emotions, plenty of questions. this young lady living her life in south carolina for 18 years until recently when she received a knock at the door from sheriff investigators with information that would change her life forever. >> i just always thought it would happen one day, but i didn't have no idea it would be this day. >> reporter: her prayers were finally answered. disappearance of her granddaughter kamiyah mobley captured the attention in 1998, just a few hours old, a woman
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dressed as a nurse walked out of a florida hospital with her, leaving behind no trace and a heartbroken young mother. >> would be the happiest thing in the world now to hold my baby. >> reporter: the exhaustive search turned up clues but no baby kamiyah. 18 years and nearly 2500 tips later jacksonville sheriff's office received the tips they needed. investigators were led to the tiny town of walterboro, south carolina. >> found an 18-year-old young woman with the same date of birth but a different name. further investigation revealed fraudulent documents were used to establish that young woman's identity. >> reporter: sheriff mike williams says dna analysis confirms the 18-year-old woman in walterboro is baby kamiyah. >> the interest of reducing any further tram a to this woman, i am not revealing the name she lived under all these years. >> reporter: gloria williams, the woman believed to have raised her was arrested friday and charged with kidnapping.
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a neighbor of the 51-year-old tells cnn williams and mother had a normal mother, daughter relationship. the young woman today faces a new reality, being away from the only mother she ever knew. >> you may have been been able to make out gloria williams, behind that cell window as she spoke to the young lady yesterday. she will soon be in south carolina, extradited to face charges. the question remains, how will they prosecute. what will the approach be prosecuting a woman who by all accounts was a good mother, but allegedly dressed as a neweurse walked out with a baby that wasn't hurs, according to reports from officers. >> how do you navigate that reunion, too, a lot of years. >> you can imagine when the biological mother gets news her child was found after 18 years. >> that will change the story.
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it will take it a different direction. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. that's it for us. see you back at 10:00 eastern for an hour of newsroom. >> don't go anywhere. smerconish starts now. ♪ ♪ i am michael smerconish in philadelphia. welcome to viewers in the united states and around the world. t minus six days to donald trump's move to the produces. the honeymoon seems to have already ended. congressman john lewis says he will skip the inauguration, he does not view trump as a legitimate president, believing russia helped elect him. never one to allow an insult to pass, donald trump responded calling lewis who marched alongside mlk a


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