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tv   Early Start With John Berman and Christine Romans  CNN  January 16, 2017 1:00am-2:01am PST

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d help our numbers grow. ♪ developing overnight. donald trump suggesting the head of the cia is behind the leaks that caused a stir for the transition team. what did john brennan say that has trump in a showdown with the intelligence community? china's state run media laughing at the president-elect taking swipes at him as amateur and arrogant. this as trump opens up to european media about a wide range of problems. and donald trump trying to set the record straight on his
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health care plan. he is promising coverage for all and warning congress not to get cold feet. welcome to "early start." i'm miguel marquez. >> good to see you. >> happy mlk day. >> i'm christine romans. it is 4:00 a.m. in the east. overnight, trump lashing out at john brennan. brennan suggests the friendly e relr relations with russia. >> i don't think he has the full capability of the russian actions. i very much hope that our relationship with russia improves in the coming administration. there is a fair amount of responsibility on russia's part to change behavior and actions. i think he has to be mindful that he does not yet, i think,
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have a full appreciation and understanding of the implications of going down that road as well as making sure he understands what russia is doing. >> sunday night, trump hit back, quoting a fox news headline about the interview in tweets. outgoing cia director blasts trump on russia threat. says he does not fully understand. trump responds, oh, really. could not do much worse. then lists sore spots. just like at crimea, ukraine and build up of russian nukes. was this the leaker of fake news? that last line refers to a dossier of unverified claims that russia has on trump and the belief the intelligence community leaked that dossier to the media. and the plans to dismantle obamacare. in the interview with the
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washington post, the president-elect said his proposal for obamacare replacement is just about ready for unveiling. he would not reveal specifics, but we will have insurance for everybody. even those that can't afford it. that is in apparent contrast to republican leader whos who say are aiming for universal access. trump promised his plan would be quote, less expensive and better. part of achieving pharmaceutical companies and forcing them to negotiate lower prices for medicare and medicaid. >> he warned to lawmakers saying the congress cannot get cold feet. that was the message carried by thousands of people at more than 40 rallies from maine to california on sunday. former candidate bernie sanders spoke to cnn. >> millions of people think it
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is insane to repeal the affordable care act without having a replacement. you cannot throw 20 million off health insurance and raise costs for seniors and do away with patient protection provisions. you cannot do that unless you have another plan in its place. >> some republicans have expressed concern about rushing to repeal obamacare without replacement plan on the table. the house voted friday to take the first procedural step on the road to repeal. a chinese state run newspaper slamming donald trump as amateur over remarks on taiwan. on friday, trump told the wall street journal china's one state policy. overnight. the tabloid called it despicable to use the stance on taiwan as a bargaining chip. the state newspaper says we were simply angry initially, now we
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cannot help but laugh at the u.s. leader in waiting. maybe american voters promoted him too quickly. his amateur remarks and manner are equally shocking. the editorial adds a fight with trump over one china would make beijing speed up efforts to reunify with taiwan. we would strike back in the entire taiwan society until washington realizes it is hurting them. donald trump will offer vladimir putin an end to sanctions in a reduction to arms agreement. trump says a lot of people will benefit. that is not the only headline to come out of the interview. i want to bring in moscow chief and journalist jill dougherty. good morning, jill. talk to us a little bit about a weekend full of headlines
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regarding russia and president-elect. >> reporter: really amazinamazi. let's starts with the idea that the united states would lift sanctions and russia would do some type of a nuclear arms reduction deal. it is interesting, but it con n conflates a lot of things. arms deals are dangerous. you want to cut back on nuclear weapons. you don't -- let's say tie it to economic sanctions or political sanctions or anything like that. i think there's a lot of lack of clarity you have to drill down and find out what he means. don't forget we have different types of sanctions. hacking sanctions and the sanctions about ukraine and crimea as well. >> some of the supporters who are trying to be confirmed in
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front of the senate weren't tough enough on russia when it went in on crimea. some were in response to that. jill, the president-elect talking to a german newspaper this weekend. making some pretty stunning comments about angela merkel, the german chancellor. angela merkel has been america's best friend in europe, especially since the financial crisis. >> reporter: that, too. basically he is saying i'll trust both of them. at the end of that, he says maybe i won't. maybe it won't work out that way. i think at this point, what he is doing is putting out a lot of very, very general statements that he is going in and wants to work with a lot of people, but we don't know how it will turn out. here in russia, sure, they love to hear that donald trump wants to work with russia. they will not put their eggs in
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that basket either. let's listen to what president-elect donald trump said about that. >> whom do you trust more as you talk to them? merkel or putin? >> i start off trusting both. let's see how long that lasts. it may not last long at all. >> reporter: and so then the other issue we have. he was criticizing merkel on what he called the catastrophic mistake of letting in what he referred to as illegals and he krek corrected himself and said refugees. we have sound on that. let's listen to what the president-elect said. >> i have great respect for her. i felt she was a great, great leader. i think she made one very catastrophic mistake. that was taking all of the
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illegals -- you know, taking all of the people from wherever they come from. i'll see her and meet her and i'll respect her. i like her. i think it was a mistake. people make mistakes. i think that was a very big mistake. >> reporter: okay. a lot of different subjects. on iraq. the iran nuclear deal. he wasn't clear about precisely what he would do about that. he has definitely criticized it in the past. on syria, critical of russia. he said it was very bad thing that they did and it has led to humanitarian issues and crises. he said he might restrict europeans entering the united states. that also is unclear. said he would tighten borders. u.s. borders. no surprise there. on brexit. the uk pulling out of the eu. he said that will end up just
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great. he will work on some type of trade deal directly with the uk. he would not be surprised if other countries pulled out of the european union. fini finally, will he keep tweeting? he will. he has millions that follow him on social media. he will side step the press and deal with the american people. >> all right. a handful of days until he becomes the president of the united states. jill dougherty, thank you. you know, we were talking earlier. it is as if people hired president-elect donald trump because they wanted a new way of doing business. it is as if he is starting each bilateral relationship with a negotiating factor. >> it all feels like a negotiation. the nukes for russian sanctions. it is not clear if that works on
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the world stage. >> thanks, jill. president-elect donald trump not backing down in a battle with congress member john lewis, but did the civil rights icon go too far with his own comments that prompted trump's tirade? we will get to that next.
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a feud between president-elect donald trump and a civil rights icon john lewis escalating tension in washington over martin luther king weekend. it started when lewis said on "meet the press" he will not attend the inauguration. explaining it this way. >> i believe in forgiveness. i believe in trying to work with people. it will be hard. it will be very difficult. i don't see the president-elect as a legitimate president. >> why is that? >> i think the russians
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participated in having this man get elected and they have destroyed the candidacy of hillary clinton. >> trump fired back at lewis in a series of tweets. he should spend more time on fixing and helping his district which is in horrible shape and falling apart. not to mention crime infested. rather than falsely complaining, all talk, talk, talk, no action or results. sad. the controversy has both sides digging in. more democrats are saying they will not be at the inauguration. suzanne malveaux has the latest from washington. >> reporter: good morning, christine. m miguel. the war of words is deeply troubling to many african-americans. getting strong push back from reince priebus as well as mike pence. some republicans are clearly
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trying to give lewis his props regarding the civil rights movement, but coming to trump's defense because they are opposed to any notion that trump is not the legitimate winner of the controversial election. despite the admission that russia had a role in hacking it. >> donald trump won this election fair and square. 30 out of 50 states, including georgia. more counties than any republican candidate since ronald reagan. to hear john lewis, a man i served with and i respect, to question the legitimacy of the election and say president-elect is not a legitimate president is deeply disturbing. >> reporter: this comes on the day that washington is preparing for the inauguration. we have seen reversals and band practices. the officials are gearing up with the close to 800,000 expected in d.c. for the inauguration, but for the close to 100 protest groups that have
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formally announced they are coming as well. christine, miguel. thank you, suzanne malveaux. the list of democratic lawmakers boycotting the inauguration is growing. 24 house members are now on record saying they will not attend. many of them point to russia meddling in the election. many come from the dust-up with congress member lewis. some lawmakers plan to participate in protests in washington or in their district. donald trump now has the lowest approval rating of any incoming president-elect in the history of gallop polling. the approval rating at 44%. contrast that to the 83% approval rating for barack obama during his transition and in the 60s for george w. bush and bill clinton. and donald trump prepares to
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take office. american preparing for the trump economy. the survey showing a deep divide. overall, 51% believe their financial situation will improve over the next four year. 37% think everyone's financial situation will get better from tracking firm experian. check out the difference with republicans and dumbs. 70% are optimistic. 77% think the entire country will be lifted financially. only 36% of democrats feel they are better off in four years. just 19% think all americans will benefit from the trump economy. donald trump has republicans who supported him or people who consider themselves republican, they expect he will lift their financial life. a lot there riding on that. >> everybody points to the stock market. that is not the only indicatoin. >> stocks and housing.
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not just the stock market. ironically, the people who benefitted the most from the president-elect donald trump presidency are the richest people in the world. 18 minutes past the hour. confusion in chicago after police use force to bring down a black man after stealing a car. so who's car was it?
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did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. breaking news. at least 37 people are dead after a turkey cargo plane crashed. it went down in kyrgyzstan. it crashed trying to land at the
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international airport. victims rushed to the hospital with severe burns after a fire broke out. at least 15 homes in the area were destroyed. poor visibility at the time of the crash. south korea prosecutors looking to arrest jay y. lee. in connection with a massive political corruption scandal. the samsung leader and others are investigated over allegations they tried to bribe south korea president president park. a big question being raised in evanston, illinois after officers arresting a black man accused of stealing a car. turns out, the car was his. >> on the ground. on the ground!
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get on the ground! turn around! stop resisting. >> sir, you're on video. fyi. >> fine. fine. >> this is my vehicle. i was trying to get something. i have evidence. >> when we tell you to get down, you got to get down. >> incident started when the woman driving by saw the man leaning across the car. crosby says he was fixing something on his roof. evanston police gave us 40 minutes of video and audio. in the 911 call, you hear the woman call if her concerns were racially motivated. >> what did the guy look like? >> he was african-american with a black hood.
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i feel bad. i feel like i'm racial profiling. >> did you see him jimmy the door open? >> he had a bar in his hand. it looked like he was jimmying the door open. >> the driver was arrested and charged with disobeying officers and resisting arrest. those charges were later dropped. crosby is now suing and seeking damages in excess of $50,000. >> remarkable. an update on a story that cnn is following. a young be an tickabducted as a. meets her parents. kamiyah was kidnapped at the hospital a hospital. kae kae kamiyah and her berirth parents met for the first time. >> it could not have gone any better. just keep hope alive.
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keep praying. if it happened to me. it can happen to anybody. >> meantime, gloria williams, the woman who abducted her, is facing a number of charges and kidnapping. she had bogus documents for kamiyah. four teams left standing in the quest for the super bowl. after a heart pounding week, the chiefs attempting a two--point conversion to tie in the fourth quarter last night. and it's good. but wait, the red flag for holding. the two points from the 12 yard line. the pass incomplete. the steelers failed to score a touchdown, but hang on for an
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18-16 victory. earlier, dallas and green bay. cowboys dez bryant with a touchdown pass with four minutes left to tie the score. 28-28. after the teams exchanged field goals. the packers mason crosby boots a 51 yarder. i know even i know that's a long way. >> unbelievable. i watched this with the kids. >> as time expires to give the packers a thrilling 34-31 win. go pack. eliminating america's team. next sunday, falcons and packers for the nfc title. the steelers travel to new england to battle the patriots for the afc championship. the winners meet in houston for the super bowl li. >> i know my romans numerals.
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inauguration week for trump. beginning the week like so many. going after a top official and fending off criticism at home and abroad. we will bring you up to date next. sometimes you just know when you hit a home run.
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that's how i feel about blue-emu pain relief spray. odorless and fast-acting. it soothes all my muscle aches and pains. and it's convenient for those hard to reach places. and if you're like me, you'll love blue-emu super strength cream. it's made with real emu oil, it's non greasy,
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it's a deep penetrating formula that works itself down into your joints. take it from me. it works fast and you won't stink. blue-emu, it works for me it'll work for you. developing overnight, donald trump calling out the head of the cia suggesting john brennan was behind leaks that caused a headache for the transition. what did john brennan day four days before taking the oath? and china laughing at the president-elect as state run tabloid dismissing amateur and arrogant as donald trump speaks on a wide range of issues he will face in the white house. and donald trump clarifying his plans for the health care. he is also warning congress to get the job done and soon. welcome back to "early start."
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i'm christine romans. >> i'm miguel marquez. 31 minutes past the hour. happy mlk day to you. overnight, donald trump lashing out at john brennan. brennan criticized the president-elect on fox news sunday suggesting the friendly relations with russia could run into the reality of moscow's real intentions. >> i don't think he has a full appreciation of russian ability and intentions and actions that they are under taking in the world. that is what the obligation of the intelligence community is. i hope our relationship with russia improves in the coming administration. there is a fair amount on russia y 's part to change actions. i think he has to be mindful he does not yet have a full appreciation and understanding of what the implications are of going down that road as as well as makes sure he understands what russia is doing.
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>> sunday night, trump hit back about the interview in a pair of tweets. outgoing chief john brennan blasts president-elect donald trump on russia threat. he says he does not fully understand. trump responds, oh, really? couldn't do much worse. just look at syria and use of chemical weapons that crossed obama's red line. not good. was this the leaker of fake news? that last line aimed at brennan referred to a dossier of unverified claims that russia has on trump and trump's belief the intelligence community leaked that dossier to the media. in the interview with the washington post, president-elect donald trump said his proposal for obamacare replacement is about ready to unveil.
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he said quote, we will have insurance for everybody. even those who cannot afford it. that is an apparent contrast to republican leaders who say they are aiming for universal access. not universal coverage. trump promised the plan is less expensive and better. part of achieving that is forcing pharmaceutical companies to negotiate lower prices for medicare and medicaid. >> it was the message carried by thousands of people at more than 40 rallies from maine to california on sunday. former democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders appeared at a rally in michigan where he spoke to cnn. >> millions of people think it is insane to repeal the affordable care act without having replacement. you cannot throw 20 million
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people off health insurance, raise the cost of prescriptions, do away with important patient protection provisions. you can't do that unless you have another plan in its place. >> some republicans have expressed concern about rushing to repeal obamacare without a replacement plan on the table. even so, the house voted friday to take the first procedural step to the road to repeal. then there's this. a chinese state run newspaper slamming trump as quote amateur, over his remarks on taiwan. on friday, trump told the wall street journal that china's one policy is negotiate. using taiwan as a bargaining chip made china angry. now we can't help but laugh at the u.s. leader in waiting. maybe american voters promoted him too quickly. his amateur remarks and over
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confident manner are shocking. the fight with trump over one china would make beijing speed up efforts. we would trying back hard until the taiwan society realizes that washington is hurting them. trump has plans to cut a deal with russia. the president-elect suggesting in an interview he will offer vladimir putin an end to sanctions in exchange for a nuke arms reduction. trump is saying a lot of people will benefit from the deal he plans to aft s to offer. for the latest, let's bring former cnn moscow bureau chief, jill dougherty. the idea you can trade nuclear weapons for sanctions, does this make sense? >> reporter: well, for people who know about nuclear weapons, this is a real head scratcher.
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essentially it's apples and oranges. normally you say you don't stop sanctions if you give us a nuclear arms reduction agreement. we got reaction a few moments ago. the spokesperson for putin said we are going to wait for mr. trump to become president of the united states and a little bit of reaction coming from the parliament. basically in tweets. this is a nuclear weapons which is a delicate issue. this is not a proposal. maybe we put this aside for the time being. i don't think anybody is picking up on that. >> it is interesting to see how it plays out. on angela merkel and vladimir putin. he seemed to talk about whether or not he trusted one or the other despite maerkel being a
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friend to the u.s. for years. >> reporter: yes, that was a shock in europe that he would put those two people angela merkel and vladimir putin in the same breath. listen to what the president-elect said. >> whom do you trust more as you talk to them? angela merkel or vladimir putin? >> i start off trusting both. let's see how long that lasts. >> reporter: a lot of concern about that. we go on to the criticism of angela merkel. president-elect donald trump saying she made a catastrophic mistake on letting immigrants, my gra migrants come into germany. listen to what he said on that. >> i have great respect for her. i felt she was a great, great leader. i think she made one very
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catastrophic mistake. that was taking all of the illegals -- you know, taking all of people from wherever they come from. i like her and i respect her, but i think it was a mistake. people make mistakes. that was a very big mistake. >> in the interview, he covered a lot of territory. i'll go through it quickly. iran. he has criticized the iran nuclear deal. he did not say what he would do with that. on syria, he was critical of russia. he said russia had done a very bad thing with its air attacks in syria. and the gulf states should be paying for safe zones. he said he might restrict europeans coming into the united states. presumably because of concerns of terrorism. he said he wants to tighten u.s. borders. no surprise there. and he said brexit, in which the
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uk pulled out of the european union, that will end up to be great. he wants to do an individual trade deal with the uk. and finally, will he keep his twitter account? he said definitely. with millions and millions of people following him on social media. essentially gives him a way of side stepping the press. miguel. >> it keeps us interested in everything he says and does. jill dougherty, thank you. donald trump says his tough talk on trade is convincing companies not to move jobs overs oversea. he threatens tariffs, he said it may not come to that. here is what he told the german publication "bild." >> when people hear that. carrier or ford or any of them, they say we're going to stay here or build in the united states. so they'll go and build the car plant or air conditioning plant and sell air conditioners, but
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pay 35% tax. there will not been any tax because they will not leave. >> there are two ways to not move jobs overseas. let's explain what we think he is probably talking about. the first is a border adjustment tax. part of the tax reform. it would change the way companies are taxed for importing and exporting their goods. the second is a tariff. 35% number. this is a different penalty. it is difficult to slap on specific companies, tariffs are for classes of goods like steel or cars or chicken. you cannot slap it on one company. it has to be on a category. donald trump says he wants to be smart about trade and not specific set of political ideals. >> i do believe in free trade. i love free trade. it has to be smart trade. i call it fair trade.
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the problem -- i say to the people, do you want conservative, but great deals. they don't care. there are no labels. >> there are no labels. fascinating. the tone has changed in business. i have talked to ceos. they say the tone has changed. the biggest loser is the towns in mexico where they were looking for billions of investment and not getting it right now. the question is the companies are saying we're keeping jobs here. many of those plans were made two or three years ago. now the winds have changed and giving credit to donald trump. >> if there is a border adjustment tax and/or a tariff, the consumer will pay. >> bottom line the consumer will pay. some economists say the border adjustment tax is unfeasible and geni genius. if you can get that through the international trade courts, that is something at least would raise prices for consumers.
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longer term, it disincentivizes jobs leaving. we will see. >> very interesting. a growing number of democrats saying they will boycott the inauguration after the twitter tirade against congress member john lewis. some say it is lewis, the civil rights icon, who went too far.
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a feud between president-elect donald trump and civil rights icon john lewis escalating tensions in washington over the martin luther king weekend. it started when lewis said he won't attend the inauguration. explaining this thit this way. >> i believe in forgiveness. i believe in trying to work with people. it will be hard. it will be very difficult. i don't see president-elect as a legitimate president. >> you do not consider him a legitimate president? why is that? >> i think the russians participated in helping this man get elected and they helped destroyed the candidacy of hillary clinton. >> trump fired back at lewis in a series of tweets. congress member lewis should spend more time on fixing his
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district in horrible shape and falling apart. not to mention crime infested. rather than complain about the election results. all talk, talk, talk. no action or results. sad. and now more members saying they will not be at the inauguration. suzanne malveaux has more from washington, d.c. >> reporter: the words are deeply troubling to many african-americans. lewis is getting push back from the rnc head and soon to be chief of staff reince priebus and the vice president-elect mike pence. some are giving lewis his props regarding his stature in the civil rights movement, but coming to trump's defense. they are opposed to any notion that trump is not the legitimate winner of the controversial election. despite that russia had a role in hacking it.
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>> donald trump won the election fair and square. 30 out of 50 states, including georgia, more counties than any republican candidate since ronald reagan. and to hear john lewis, a man i served with and i respect, to question the legitimacy of the election and say that donald trump will not be a legitimate president was deeply disappointing to me. >> reporter: this comes on the day when washington is preparing for the inauguration. we have seen rehearsals taking place at the capitol. 800,000 are expected for the inauguration, but 1100 protests groups coming as well. christine and miguel. thank you. members of congress that found that callous by the president-elect. the list of lawmakers boycotting the inauguration of president-elect donald trump is growing. 24 house members are on record
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saying they will not attend. many point to the russian meddling in the election. the list expanded after the dust-up with congress hmember lewis. some plan to par mitiecipate in protests. president-elect donald trump has the lowest approval rating in the had history of the polling. trump's approval rating is 44% with 51% disapproving. contrast that to 83% for obama. the greatest show on earth is no more. after more than 100 years in business, ringling bros. will close this year. we'll have more next.
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breaking news.
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37 people are dead after a turkey cargo plane crashes. the boeing 737 departed from hong kong and went down in kyrgyzstan. it crashed on the way to manas airport. a fire broke out and at least 15 homes in the area were destroyed. and south korean prosecutors seeking arrest warrant for samsung electronics jay y. lee in connection with the corruption scandal. the leaders are investigating over allegations they tried to bribe the south korea president park. the judge will decide to issue the arrest warrant and detain lee. real concerns in evanston, i
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illinois after release of the dash cam video of officers arresting a black man accused of stealing someone's car. turns out that car was his. >> on the ground. on the ground. get on the ground! turn around! turn around! >> i'm cooperating. >> stop resisting. sir, you're on video. >> all right. all right. fine. this is my vehicle. i was trying to get something on the roof. >> when we tell you to get down, you got to get down. >> yes, sir. >> he is so calm. the incident started with whehe woman driving by saw the man with a metal bar. she called police. crosby says he was fixing
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something on the roof of his car. evanston police gave us video and audio. in the 911 call, you hear the woman question if her concerns were racially motivated. >> what did the guy look like? >> he was african-american with a black hood. i don't know if i'm racial profiling. i feel bad sdplch. >> did you see him jimmy the door open? >> he had a bar in his hand and it looked like he was jimmying the door open. >> the driver was arrested. he was charged with disobeying officers and resisting arrest. you can see exactly his manner. the entire time. the charges were later dropped. crosby is now suing and seeking damaging in excess of $50,000. another even more amazing story. update on a story cnn has been following. a woman who was abducted as a
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new more than. kamiyah mobley was taken in july of 1998 by someone posing as a nurse. her mother would bake a birthday cake each other for her daughter. kamiyah and her birth parents met for the first time. her father overwhelmed with joy. >> the first meeting was beautiful. it could not have gone better. for anybody, keep hope alive. keep fighting. if it happened to me, it can happen to anybody. >> gloria williams, the woman who allegedly abducted kamiyah is facing a number of charges including kidnapping. she used fake documents to establish a new identity for kamiyah. investigators are talking with williams' family in hopes of learning more. let's get a check of cnn money stream. the stock market in the u.s. closed today for martin luther king day.
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markets in europe are dropping. asia closing with losses overnight. oil is down after a big rally to end the year. the three averages are higher in 2017. the dow up 2/3 of 1%. nasdaq is up 3.5% gain in the first ten trading days. some of the wealthiest people in the world are heading to davos. the goal is to come together to stre strengthen the global economy. some call it the meeting of the ultra rich. the world you haview is now in question. this year, it is pushing this stat. the eight richest men in the world own as much wealth as the bottom 3.6 billion people.
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mark zuckerberg zuckerberg and bill gates and michael bloomberg. the greatest show on earth closing its doors. ringling bros. and barnum & bailey with the last show in may. the ceo said high operating costs and low ticket sales is causing the closure. the circus hits about 115 cities each year. ringling bros. and barnum & bailey founded by five brothers in wisconsin. current owner feld entertainment bought the circus back in 1967. those elephants were a big draw. >> i love elephants. i'm not sure the circus was the right place. >> i did not grow up going to
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the kirccircus. "early start" continues right now. >> developing overnight, donald trump suggesting the head of the cia is behind the leaks that caused a stir for the transition team. what did john brennan say that has trump in another showdown with intelligence four days before taking the oath? and chinese media taking swipes at trump as amateur and arrogant. a wide range of problems you don't want to miss what he said. and donald trump trying to set the record straight on the health care plan. promising coverage for all and warning congress not to get cold feet. good morning. welcome gto "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm miguel marquez. it is january 16th. martin luther king day. 5:00 a.m. on the east coast. trump lashing out at john brennan. brennan criticized trump suggesting t


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