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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  January 16, 2017 1:00pm-2:01pm PST

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[ applause ] >> in fact, there were a lot of sick days during the playoffs. one of my staff members was caught being interviewed at a bar outside of wrigley, and we're watching him being interviewed. you remember? >> oh, busted! thanks for being with me. "the lead" starts now. thank you, brooke. four days until he becomes president. and donald trump can't seem to stop picking fights. "the lead" starts right now. donald trump escalating his public dispute with the cia, telling one of america's closest allies that she is in a tie with vladimir putin. and telling the nato alliance that it is now obsolete. all within days of his inauguration. thousands of u.s. troops near the russian border, the kremlin calling it a threat. now putin is responding with some military might of his own. plus, the wife of orlando
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nightclub killer omar mateen under arrest and officials suggesting the evidence shows she knew of his murderous plans in advance. welcome to "the lead." i am jim sciutto in for jake tapper. we begin today with the politics lead. on this martin luther king jr. day with just four days legal donald trump becomes the 45th president of the united states, we are talking about him putting the finishing touches on his inaugural address or rounding owes hit cabinet. today's story is the president-elect's public feud with a civil rights hero. it starts when congressman john lewis told nbc news he does not consider trump a legitimate president and he will not attend the inauguration. today on martin luther king jr. day lewis spoke, presumably, with trump in mind. >> never give up. never give in. stand up. speak up.
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when you see something that is not right and not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something, to say something, and not be quiet. >> and as has been his pattern, donald trump could not leave lewis' original comments alone tweeting congressman john lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district which is in horrible shape and falling apart not to mention crime infested rather than falsely complaining with the election results. all talk. talk, talk. no results. today he followed that with an mlk day salute. celebrate martin luther king day and all of the many wonderful things he stood for. honor him for being the great man that he was. the feud comes as the president-elect lights a couple more international brushfires, taking on a very close european ally and calling nato, maybe the most critical alliance ever created for the u.s. obsolete.
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all developments that probably have russian president vladimir putin sitting back and chomping on popcorn. jim acosta is live for us at the trump tower. martin luther king jr.'s son visiting trump tower today. do we know how that meeting went with the president-elect? >> reporter: i can tell you, jim, that donald trump declined to speak to the cameras after the meeting. martin luther king iii came over and spoke to us for a few minutes. he said he didn't agree with donald trump's tweet that congressman lewis is all talk and no action. it's generating headlines around the world as he did as a candidate. on this mlk day donald trump met behind closed doors with martin luther king iii, the son of the civil rights icon. >> certainly he said that, that he is going to represent americans. he said that over and over again. >> reporter: but it was only a brief reprieve from the controversy swirling around his inauguration, the incoming 45th president is slamming german chancellor angela merkel for
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allowing syrian refugees into her country. >> i had great respect for her. i felt she was a great, great leader. i think she made one very catastrophic mistake. that was taking all of these illegals -- taking all of the people from wherever they come from. nobody really knows where they come from. >> reporter: that drew the sharp response from secretary of state john kerry to cnn's christiane amanpour. >> i thought, frankly, it was inappropriate for a president-elect of the united states to be stepping into the politics of other countries in a quite direct manner. and he'll have to speak to that. as of friday, you know, he is responsible for that relationship. >> reporter: trump appears to be placing merkel in the same category as russian president vladimir putin. >> i start off trusting both. but let's see how long that lasts. may not last long at all. >> reporter: trump once again signalling a softer policy on
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russia hinting that he wants to work out a deal with russia. russia is hurting badly because of sanctions. i think something can happen that a lot of people will benefit. and trump sounds like he is not sold on the nato alliance. >> i said a long time ago that nato had problems. number one it was obsolete. number two the countries weren't paying what they're supposed to pay. >> reporter: the president-elect fuming over the disclosure that u.s. intelligence officials briefed him on unsubstantiated information that they had information on him. slapping back at cia director john brenner. trump tweeted, oh, really, couldn't do much worse. just look at syria. red line. crimea, ukraine, the buildup of russian nukes. not good. was this the leaker of fake news? >> it was john brennan, someone who the president-elect is supposed to be trusting who came
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out and attacked him on his breadth and depth of understanding of russia. it's unbelievable. the idea that you could question the president-elect's knowledge and understanding of russia is pretty remarkable. >> reporter: trump raising questions again about how el a he repeal and replace obamacare. telling the "washington post" his plan is insurance for everybody. but the transition is offering few details. >> president-elect made is clear to the leadership in the congress that he wants to do repeal and replace simultaneously. we're working to do that. >> reporter: despite the fire storms whipped up by his twitter tirades, trump is vowing to keep on tweeting. >> i would rather just let that build up and keep it @real donald trump. i thought i would do less of it. but i am covered so dishonestly by the press. so dishonesty. >> reporter: cnn has confirmed that monica crowley, the former fox news conservative commentator will forgo a position in the trump administration.
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she was tapped to serve at the national security council at the white house but it's changed after cnn broke the story that she is plagiarized vast portions of her book. >> jim acosta in new york. thanks very much. trump says he hopes to do, quote, good deals with russia. this weekend he raised the possibility of lifting u.s. and european sanctions in exchange for a reduction in moscow's nuclear arsenal. this comes as russian president vladimir putin is moving major military hardware into crimea. cnn's barbara starr joins me now from the pentagon. barbara, this all comes perhaps in response to the u.s. troops moving to poland, closer to the border? >> reporter: it looks like that. u.s. and nato troops are making a stand against vladimir putin. the question is whether donald trump stands with them. this is the new frontline in battlefield training, nearly 4,000 american troops, tanks,
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artillery and armored vehicles deployed to poland. it's all part of a massive u.s. and nato effort to send a pointed message to vladimir putin. hands off eastern europe. >> our soldiers will be show-casing their lethal abilities. >> reporter: the current cia director openly questioning if president-elect donald trump even understands russia. >> i don't think he has a full appreciation of russian capabilities, russia's intentions and actions that they are undertaking in many parts of the world. >> the idea that you could question the president-elect's knowledge and understanding of russia is pretty remarkable. >> reporter: trump's incoming defense secretary, james mattis, has no doubts about what russia is up to with nato. >> the most important thing is that we recognize the reality of what we deal with with mr. putin and we recognize that he is trying to break the north atlantic alliance. >> reporter: the president-elect still doesn't seem on the same
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page when it comes to nato. >> number one, it is obsolete. because it was designed many, many years ago. the countries weren't paying what they're supposed to pay. >> reporter: the alliance is worried. the german foreign minister says trump's latest remarks have caused bewilderment and agitation inside nato. bolstering europe's eastern flank with thousands of troops scheduled for joint exercises and training in the coming months. the kremlin spokesman calling it all a threat to russia. russia has responded, putting s-400 missiles in crimea and adding to missiles in kaliningrad, an enclave between poland and the baltics. missiles that can strike europe. all of this leaving the incoming defense secretary caught between the new president and what he sees as a top military priority. >> i would see us maintaining the strongest possible relationship with nato.
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>> reporter: now, the president-elect has said that nato is important to him, but he has not been precise about how important and under what circumstances. jim. >> barbara, you walk the halls of the pentagon often. i am curious how defense officials are taking the president-elect calling u.s.'s biggest military alliance obsolete. >> reporter: i think there is more than superficial politics here. underneath there is a serious military problem. miscalculation. if the united states military cannot, along with the commander in chief, have a single, unified message about what is important, what u.s. military priorities are, how they will operate, how they will counter russia, the risk of miscalculation on putin's part and on the u.s. part may be very significant, and miscalculation out in the field is something that the u.s. military likes to avoid at all
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costs. jim. >> can be dangerous. can be deadly. barbara starr at the pentagon. he once claimed the cry director john brennan should be investigated for doing a, quote, hit job on donald trump. what does congressman peter king have to say about brennen's latest comments about the president-elect. the congressman will join me live right after this. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. ♪
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welcome back to "the lead." sticking with politics now. president-elect donald trump suggesting on twitter that the outgoing cia director john brennan may have leaked classified intelligence about unsubstantiated information that russia has potentially incriminating information on the incoming commander in chief. joining me now is the republican congressman pete king. he serves on the intelligence committee. congressman king, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you, jim. >> so congressman king, i want to run through a few things that the president-elect has said that is sparking, frankly, a lot of concern among particularly u.s. allies. you have heard the comments of him equating angela merkel, the leader of germany, one of the
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u.s.'s closest allies in europe, a nato member and vladimir putin, saying he trusts them equally. why is he equating a close ally with an adversary that it is the view of many republicans like yourself, russia, getting more dangerous? >> it was the question that equated them. how would you treat angela merkel and putin. he could have been more precise in answering but the question was asked with both names in the same sentence. >> he said in his words -- he said in his words that he trusts them equally and we'll see, in fact. you have to think that would be an alarming thing for a close ally to hear from a u.s. president. >> what he's saying is, going into the administration he'll treat them equally, give everyone a fair shot. before that, he prefaced it by saying how he had a great regard for angela merkel other than her decision on the refugees which could be catastrophic, not just to europe but to the u.s.
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because of all the syrian fighters that could have come into europe. >> is it right for a country to treat its allies and adversaries equally? >> nobody treated an ally worse than obama treated israel. >> i am asking about the incoming president-elect. >> i know. jim, i am saying let's put this in a historical context. i would have expressed it differently but he was answering the question the way it was asked. he could have been more precise but, again, that's the way the question was asked. >> let me ask you, then, about nato. there was fair precision there in using the term "obsolete" to describe the nato alliance. do you view the nato alliance as obsolete? >> it has severe weaknesses. if you talk to european leaders they'll tell you that. the fact is, there are only a few countries who are coming close to paying what they should be paying. back to the war in kosivar, the
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united states carried the burden in that. having said that, nato is essential to our defense. maybe we can send a wake-up call to nato. you talk to leaders from european countries and they'll tell you there are only a few countries in nato that do have the fighting capacity and are living up to what they should be doing. >> that's a very different description. you said it's essential to the country's defense. that's exactly how general mattis described it, as essential to u.s. safety. when you describe something as obsolete, you are not describing the alliance as essential. >> the term "obsolete" came one or two months ago when he was referring to the fact that he didn't believe nato had done enough in fighting terrorism. that it was still in a cold war mentality. he was talking about specifically terrorism. and after that, when nato seemed to adjust its policy, donald
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trump said they are listening to me and moving forward. again, i would have articulated it differently but i think that, again, donald trump has his own way of speaking and obviously if his defense secretary believes in nato. donald trump does believe in nato. it has to be strengthened. there are severe weaknesses in nato. we are killing ourselves if we don't acknowledge that. >> you are a serious man, you are on the intelligence committee. i know and you have said this before you take the threat, for instance, from russia seriously. you are open to sanctions against russia. >> right. >> you have experience with multiple administrations. i would ask you, are you concerned at all about the way the president-elect is talking about some of the most essential national security, if not crises but challenges for the u.s.? i mean, you say it's an inarticulate description of them, but are you concerned? words matter on the international stage. allies react. you saw the reaction of our allies to the comments about nato. are you concerned this is the
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way the president-elect should be talking about these issues? >> first of all, i hope the allies do pay more attention to nato. they have been very derelict. whether or not he should have said it publicly is another thing. i have had any number of conversations with foreign leaders who are concerned, our allies in nato, who is concerned about the preparedness level of nato. basically the u.s. and a few other countries are carrying it. donald trump will have his own style. i would be more precise, and i would probably, you know, try to be more specific. but having said that, again, i go back to things president obama has said and others have said. i think somehow there is a -- more of a magnifying glass being put on what donald trump is saying. we'll see how it works out. >> all right. congressman king, we'll be watching as well. thanks very much for joining us today. >> okay. jim, thank you. his rampage at an orlando
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nightclub left 49 people dead. now seven months later, his widow is under arrest herself and now heading to court. runs on intel? that ride share? you actually rode here on the cloud. did not feel like a cloud... that driverless car? i have seen it all. intel's driving...the future! traffic lights, street lamps. business runs on the cloud... and the cloud runs on intel. ♪
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all on the go. you can even download from your x1 dvr and watch it offline. only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. download the xfinity tv app today. we're back with our national lead. a short time ago the fbi arrested the widow of the orlando nightclub killer who you may remember massacred some 49 people just last june. authorities believe she had a role in the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history. i want to bring in cnn justice correspondent pamela brown. what kind of new information
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does the fbi have now? because they've been considering these charges for some time. >> that's right. part of the charge is obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting her husband. her story not fully standing up. we know she has told investigators she did not know about her husband's specific plans, though he threatened her and that he was very aggressive and she was worried he might do something bad but that she didn't know her specific plans. now the fbi believes it has enough evidence, through the course of the seven-month investigation, to prove that she was complicit in her husband's actions, the worst shooting in u.s. history that killed 49 people at pulse nightclub in orlando. and as you may recall, jim, we previously reported that the wife went with omar mateen to some of the places, some of the potential targets, early on, weeks before the shooting happened, she went with him to buy the weapons that were used
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in the shooting. we know that just before he had spent thousands of dollars, including buying her a nice piece of jewelry, and he also put documents in her name before his death at the nightclub shooting. but at the time, early on, jim, she had told investigators that she was innocent, that she knew he had a bad temper and that his behavior was changing but she didn't know anything. but the charges clearly indicate, jim, that over the course of the seven-month investigation they have the evidence to back up the obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting charges. >> so, if she is found guilty of these charges, and i know we are a long way from there, what kind of time would she face? >> she could face up to 15 years in prison. one of them, the aiding and abetting to her husband's attempted material support to isis basically means she could be charged as though she was involved in that act. that would be up to 15 years. but of course, it's very early on. a plea deal could be reached.
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there are a lot of unknown factors. she has her first court appearance tomorrow morning. we should also mention that we have reached out to her attorney and have not received any return calls. jim. >> pamela brown, thanks so much. turning to our world lead now. china fires warning shots across the bow of the incoming trump administration. china's two leading straigate r newspapers warning beijing will, quote, take the gloves off, after trump said for the second time in a month, the one-china policy, the four decade old policy is, quote, in his words, negotiable. under the one china policy the u.s. has maintained a formal diplomatic relationship with mainland china while severing official at as with taiwan which viewed by china as a break away province by china under that agreement. bringing in matt rivers. matt, pushing back with strong
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response. sounds to some degree like a threat to the u.s. >> yeah, jim. china responding in two ways. on the official side, you hear ministry of foreign affairs officials repeating the similar thing that they do when the president-elect brings up the one-china policy. that would be that the policy is not up for negotiation from the chinese point of view, in negotiations about trade or anything else. that is something that they consistently maintain. china also expresses its viewpoints oftentimes in state-run media. as you mentioned, two leading newspapers have published editorials. one from a big newspaper called the china daily. the editorial reads in part, if trump is determined to use this gambit on taking office a period of fierce, damaging interactions will be unavoidable as beijing will have no choice but to take off the gloves. certainly stronger words than you would hear on the record from officials, but that's how the chinese communist party uses its state-run media apparatus.
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>> i know the china daily, global times, english language state-run newspaper often uses colorful, combative language like this. when you speak to diplomats there, et cetera, what does china do if it's taking its gloves off? what measures are they talking about china taking? >> well, no one really knows exactly what they're going to do, but they do have a lot of options at their disposal. i can give you a couple examples. you could talk for starters about china making conditions tougher for u.s. firms to operate in china. they could devalue their currency, making chinese exports for competitive internationally. moving to the u.n. china is a permanent member of the security council. they could make the u.s. agenda more difficult on things like iran and north korea. maybe final, probably the most extreme option. china has always said it reserves the right to take the island of taiwan back by force. given u.s. defense commitments
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to taiwan, it could easily drag the u.s. into a conflict. that's an extreme example. all of these, frankly, are hypotheticals given a post one-china policy situation, but these are things the diplomatic community has to be talking about giving what we've heard from the president-elect since he was elected, jim. >> the danger of escalation from each of those options. thank you very much. donald trump says once obamacare is repealed he wants to make sure that everyone has health insurance. isn't that the same thing as the affordable care act? we're going to talk about that next. when you have a cold,
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welcome back. as the nation pauses today to remember civil rights icon dr.
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martin luther king jr., we look at how far race relations have come in this country. today's reflection is arguably more distinct as the first black president prepares to leave office. key moments under barack obama's leadership show some of that progress, and stagnation in this country nearly half a century after king gave his fight for his life -- fight for equality. cnn's athena jones gives us a snapshot of where we are now. >> i barack obama -- >> reporter: when barack obama was sworn in as the nation's first black president, some hoped he would usher in a new post-racial era in america. after all, having a black family living in the white house for the first time was hugely symbolic. but as the president said in his farewell address -- >> such a vision, however well intended, was never realistic. race remains a potent and often divisive force in our society.
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>> reporter: it soon became clear that the old wounds and old conflicts remained. and that talking about them would be tough territory, even for a black man. just months into office, the president sparking controversy after a police officer in cambridge arrested black harvard professor henry lewis gates on his front porch. >> the cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. >> reporter: a poor choice of words, he later acknowledged, one that hurt his standing with white voters and drove homofe f him how much a leader's words matter. afterward the president invited both them to the white house. then a beer summit. it was the beginning of a larger conversation about race and policing that would last throughout his presidency as racist shootings of unarmed
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black men repeatedly sent protesters into the streets. it was the killing of trayvon martin by a neighborhood, that prompted an unusual response by the president. >> when trayvon martin was first shot, i said this could have been my son. >> they thought by personalizing it in those terms it would help people have a better understanding of what it's like for young african-american men. >> reporter: also striking a powerful chord after the june killing of 19 worshippers at a historic black church in south carolina when he praised the amazing grace of the families of the victims. >> ♪ amazing grace >> reporter: and before that, when he hailed civil rights icons in selma, alabama. >> on that history met on this bridge. >> reporter: he has also faced criticism from some in the black community, including for his tough love message to black
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college graduates. >> nobody cares if you suffered some discrimination. whatever you've gone through, it pales in comparison to the hardships previous generations endured, and they overcame them. >> reporter: in his second term bo obama pushed for criminal justice reform and launched a mentorship program aiming at improving the lives and prospects of young minority men. while he says progress is never a straight line, it's a record that has made him and his team proud. athena jones, cnn, the white house. >> athena jones, thanks very much. quick programming note. don't miss the cnn film called "the end, inside the last days of the obama white house." it airs wednesday night at 9:00 eastern time here on cnn. so much to talk about with our panel. jackie kucinich and keirston powers and kristen sultus.
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jackie, if i can begin with you. we have the controversy over the weekend. the public spat with john lewis over the weekend and the tweet today, celebrate martin luther king day and all of the many wonderful things he stood for. honor him for being the great man that he was! does that put an end to this public spat? >> i don't think so. you know, this -- while john lewis has been given credit for starting this, you have to remember that this started a long time ago. this has to do with donald trump being the guy who decided to delegitimize the first black president by buying into birtherism and making it mainstream. so the wounds here are very deep, particularly for the african-american community. i think that's what you're seeing from john lewis, and you know, he gave his reasons of why he believes this. but you know, donald trump could have risen above this, but he is so easily baited that he couldn't let this go and instead maligned not only a civil rights icon but his district in
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atlanta. you saw the "atlanta journal-constitution" this weekend responding to that by saying you're wrong. >> the district is doing just fine. how concerned are republicans about being associated with this battle? >> donald trump has picked toxic battle after toxic battle. he's already alienated people who he doesn't care if he alienates. i think it's troubling. folks have waited so long. is donald trump going to pivot? is he going to change. we are on the verge of his inauguration. it's clear that's not going to happen. one thing that's unfortunate, while certainly i don't like the idea that we're calling our president-elect illegitimate, it still doesn't mean you hit back. every time somebody picks a fight with you you don't have to hit back. vice president pence had a more measured response, calling it disappointing but acknowledging the important role john lewis has had in the civil rights
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movement. i think that's the much better approach rather than picking a fight over twitter. >> did john lewis go too far using that term? >> i think that he did mostly because i don't think there is enough evidence to back it up. if there was a true statement, there would be nothing wrong with saying it. most of the analysis that has been done has found that probably wasn't a major factor in why hillary clinton lost the race. did it help her? probably not. but it wasn't what caused her to lose. for him to call him illegitimate over that, i think that was the wrong thing to do. it's hard to take from donald trump consider what donald trump did to barack obama. >> for a number of years, too. >> which was made up. there wasn't even something where we actually had people coming out and saying there was serious concern over his birth certificate. i think john lewis maybe shouldn't have said it, but the reaction is a little much and also considering where we are here with the martin luther king
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jr.'s, you know, memorial day and the civil rights icon being attacked by the president-elect of the united states. >> clearly the trump team and the president himself feels embattled, right? they feel like they are this target for, from their point of view, illegitimate, to borrow a word, criticism. and yet you have others on the other side who feel they're taking, from their point of view, reasonable shots. i mean, this is a dangerous cycle. isn't it? jackie? we're just -- the inauguration hasn't even happened, right? >> are they ever not in battle, though? seems like donald trump really does have a very high tolerance for lots and lots of conflict. he doesn't even need -- he didn't even need to continue this rift with john lewis. he could have just let it go and said exactly what kirsten said, what mike pence said. that's what he could have done but he didn't. he likes all the conflict. so is this going to go, continue
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into the administration? it seems like this is going to be the new normal, just basing on what we've seen in the weeks since the election ended and, you know, in a couple of days when the presidency actually begins. >> whether it's john lewis or "saturday night live," right, which was another tact target of his criticism this weekend. let's talk about a conflict that really matters. the comments about nato. donald trump saying nato is obsolete. the conflict here is within his own administration. last week we listened to confirmation hearings for the national security picks. mattis, tillerson and others saying, no, no, nato is very important. russia is a big threat. forget what adversaries think for a moment, talk about what u.s. allies think and the confusing signals. what is u.s. policy? >> that is the problem is how the allies are already reacting to this, whether it's germany or him attacking angela merkel and then france having to come in and defend her. it's -- these are our allies. the united states has a lot of
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enemies in the world, and to be making people angry who are supposed to be on your side, you have to wonder what's the end game here, what is he trying to accomplish. if he believes nato is obsolete, there is another way to handle that, i think, probably versus announcing it to the world and not working with your allies and letting them know what you feel. this is very scattershot and feels, i think, alarming to a lot of people. >> kirsten, there is an argument out there that this is donald trump the negotiator. whether it's with the one-china policy with china or nato, that he is laying out these sort of, you know, walking out on a limb positions, i might call them, as the beginning of a negotiation. then you have people -- pulls him back and shows how serious he is. is that a reasonable interpretation? >> i think he is persuadable on many fronts. take for instance the example where he took one position on torture and then spoke with general mattis and said, hey, this was a new way of thinking
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about this issue. i think on a whole host of issues he'll face as president he'll have an opportunity to dig deeper and surround himself with people to give him advice. he'll have a lot of different opinions from which he can form his own. on something like nato. if one or two bright voices that he trusts come into the room and say mr. president, nato is one of the best defense agreements we can strike. there is a chance he can be persuaded. it's unclear to me which positions he's dug in on and which are the ones he'll be open to listening to a diverse team of advisers on. >> are there consequences already to those comments? you heard barbara starr in the pentagon. miscalculation. russia may take it as an invitation to roll tanks into the baltics. words have consequences. >> at a minimum it's embarrassing. i really think the president-elect behaves this way
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and that you have our allies sitting there having to like, slap back at the president-elect and the united states. that's sort of the minimum. and then the maximum is the kind of things you're talking about. there are serious consequences to the things the president says. the president-elect comparing angela merkel to vladimir putin in terms of trustworthiness suggests he either doesn't understand who putin is or he does and he doesn't care. both situations are very troubling. >> thank you. for the first time in 18 years she is reunited with her biological parents. now this young woman, allegedly kidnapped at birth, must say good-bye to the only parents she has known. that's right after this. see me. see me.
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breaking news now here on "the lead." after a two-week man hunt police in istanbul arrested the suspected terrorist who killed
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dozens of people at a packed nightclub on new year's eve. that according to turkish media. isis claimed responsibility for the attack that killed 39 people and injured some 70 more, including an american who was rushed out on a stretcher into an ambulance. you are seeing him there. he said that he was shot in the hip and played dead, fearing that the gunman may finish the job. now back here in the u.s. today we're learning how a young woman started to figure out that she was kidnapped at birth, some 18 years ago. this as the woman she always thought was her mother sits in a south carolina jail. waiting to be taken back to where it all started in jacksonville, florida. the sheriff there tells cnn the big break came when kamiyah mobley started applying for jobs. cnn's polo sandoval joins me now. the pull between her newly discovered biological parents and the only family she has ever known. >> it's been an emotional weekend for this young woman.
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facing a slew of difficult questions, how will she get to know the new family and where will she live and what actual name will she use next. >> first meeting was beautiful. it was wonderful. >> reporter: 18-year-old kamiyah mobley finally reunited with the birth parents investigators say she was stolen from in 1998. >> trying to process it, man. 18 years. it's going to be hard to make that up, know what i'm saying. i can't -- i can't -- like i say, i can't describe it. >> reporter: overjoyed that their child is alive and well after years of uncertainty. 18 years after her alleged kidnapping from one mother -- >> that would be the happiest thing in the world right now is to hold my baby -- >> reporter: the teen could now be separated from the only mother she has ever known, her alleged abductor. >> kidnapping is a first degree felony. interfering with custody has a maximum of five years. >> reporter: gloria williams
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posed as a nurse and stole the infant. >> she took the baby out of the room and disappeared. >> they were always happy, always together. never anything. i mean, negative, at all. from either one of them. >> reporter: according to the sheriff mobley only just began to discover her complicated past as she recently started applying for jobs. >> she is fraudulent identification. so her social security card and her birth certificate were both, you know, fraudulent. and that began to raise questions. >> reporter: now, apart from the daughter she raised into adulthood, williams is awaiting extradition to florida on kidnapping charges. >> as far as motive, that's something we'll still get into. this is still really in the early stages of this investigation. we have lots of questions left to be answered. >> reporter: the jacksonville sheriff expects that that extradition will likely happen
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sometime this week. she faces life in prison if convicted. legal experts will be closely watching the prosecution of williams. a criminal defense attorney i spoke to tells me this could be a textbook case of jury nullification which would allow a jury to acquit even if the evidence clearly shows quilt. defense attorneys could argue williams gave the young woman a normal childhood after the alleged kidnapping. this will be an interesting case to watch if it makes its way to trial. >> no question. remarkable argument there. polo sandoval, thank so much. the suspected cop killer, markieff loyd, still at large after murdering his pregnant ex-girlfriend as well as an orlando police officer. investigators say the 17-year-old orlando police veteran debra clayton was killed as she tried to apprehend loyd. over the weekend clayton was laid to rest in an emotional funeral service where she received a final honor from the police department, a promotion
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to lieutenant. a funeral service held yesterday for deputy first class norman lewis, killed in a traffic accident while helping search for clayton's killer as well. $100,000 reward being offered for information leading to loyd's arrest. we'll talk to a member of the trump transition team right after this. it's straight talk. if you love your phone... ...but hate your bill. do something about it! no, not that. straight talk wireless let's you keep your phone, number and 4g lte network... ...for half the cost... ...with the bring your own phone activation kit. it's time to ask yourself... ...why haven't i switched? unlimited talk, text and data for forty-five dollars a month, no contract. straight talk wireless. only at walmart. that i was on the icelandic game show. and everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. but nobody knows the box behind the discounts.
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happening now, airing of grievances, in a storm of tweets and multiple interviews, donald trump's feud with civil rights oy con john lewis as well as the head of the cia and even promises insurance for everyone once obamacare is repealed. days before the inauguration, is trump taking on too many fights? trashing the alliance. trump calls the nato