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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  January 16, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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countdown to the inauguration, donald trump becomes the 45th president of the united states in less than four days. but he's under a cloud. this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. on this day, when we honor the life of martin luther king jr. trump is involved in a nasty
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feud with john lewis. a protege of martin luther king jr. himself. and he's calling the nato alliance ab sew heat. i want to begin with the breaking news -- cnn is reporting that trump's pick for secretary of health and human services, purchased shares in a medical device manufacturer, just days before introducing a bill that would invest in this company. he then made multiple donations to price's re'legislation campaign, tell us more before this breaking news story. >> he's a doctor, he's from georgia, a member of congress working in the building behind us, this is coming at a time when he is supposed to have a hearing on wednesday on capitol hill, the first hearing for his nomination. the question about this is that -- has he done this in the past, and is there a pattern
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involved here? we've seen the wall street journal report recently that in fact he had made over $300,000 worth of trades regarding medical stock and what have you, at a time, when he was deeply involved in the legislation, now, his spokesperson has come out and says dr. price takes his questions seriously. we will see him being openly questioned. we are hearing from the senate minority leader chuck schumer who is calling for an investigation into his investing actions. >> it's early on, we don't know how big a deal this is. there are a number of things to point out, whether it's going to derail his chances, it doesn't look good. >> it doesn't look good, at a time when you have donald trump looking at obama care as being his number one priority, domestically in many ways. >> tom price would be the one -- >> he's the one supposed to be
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putting this together and shepparding it through. paul ryan said, he wants to get this done in the first 100 days. >> he wants to drain the swamp, i want to know what that looks like, he's a proponent of extreme vetting. this was not vetted when he looked at this candidate? >> no doubt, in many ways, look, as much as donald trump will say, he always thought he was going to win. if you talk to those who were close to him, they were surprised he actually won the election on election day as many of us were. having said that, because of that, they didn't necessarily have the apparatus in place as robust as it should be, where you would be vetting people the way you should be. >>. >> what does this mean for his nominees going-forward. there are a number of nominees that haven't submitted their ethics agreements and disclos e disclosur disclosures. >> there are 21 nominees that have to go through a hearing process, 14 of them must have hearings at this point. five of them have finalized
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their paperwork, look at the math right there, you will see that there's been a lot of concern, specifically from the head of the office of government ethics, don, who is saying that these hearings should not be occurring until the paperwork is filed. that paperwork as we know, talks about how you resolve conflicts specifically when you have such a high net worth that could cause a conflict of interest in your new job. >> thank you very much. i want to bring in matt lewis, senior contributor to the daily beast. welcome to the program gentlemen. charles, i'm going to start with you, i know you have a lot to say about this, what do you make of the tweets of donald trump slamming a highly respected civil rights leader? >> it's kind of lunacy on a lot of different levels. on the first is, you know, the -- for donald trump to have the temerity to say to john
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lewis, that he is all talk and no action, this is a man who believes in his lifetime he's been arrested something like 45 times, the last being in 2013, a man who had his head, his skull fractured on bloody sunday. the same year that donald trump received one of his five deferments from the vietnam war, and for that man to say to john lewis, who has con stan thely thrust his body into the fight for service is just outrageous on its face, it's laughable. donald trump doesn't even deserve to stand in the same room or shadow of john lewis. when it comes to being able to put your body on the line. to be terrorized, to be beaten,
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to be taken into custody. and really, what we have to remember, this is not like now, you could die. and many people did die and john lewis continued to do that work, even though every time he was encountering those police officers, it was not in anyway certain he was going to survive. >> right, and went to jail a number of times along with dr. king. what's your take on this? what do you make of this. donald trump is bashing an icon who sat shoulder to shoulder with john king. >> he put his life and body on the line. you know who else did? john mccain. and you know what john lewis called john mccain, he compared him to george wallace. what's happening right now is sadly partisan politics. it's utterly irresponsible to call this president illegitimate. there is absolutely no proof of that. when donald trump said that this election was rigged and illegitimate. i condemned him, it's utterly
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dangerous to say that, especially when there's zero evidence to prove it. i think there could be some ramifications to this, if you believe the president's illegitimate. what ought you to do about that, i don't know what the answer to that is, but look, americans are already have a problem right now, there's a distrust of institutions, politicians, there's a lot of fear, there's a sense that we don't really know what's going on. john lewis today, added to that cynicism and that confusion. >> do you think this was a trap that trump fell right in? >> absolutely, i think they set a trap, it's the timing, martin luther king jr. day is pretty obvious, and trump took the bait. that's bad politics. i think that what congressman lewis did is actually bad for america. he's wrong on the merits, and i think it's irresponsible. >> remember we had that fake news story about that pizza
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place, and people were wondering, something weird or bad happening at this pizza place, i better check it out for myself. what are you supposed to do if you truly believe the president of the united states is illegitimate? >> i think for congressman lewis, it's not to attend the inauguration, i think that's what he feels, and it's up to other americans to decide that. >> but i have to ask you the same question, because -- and you did mention john mccain as well, we should not forget that donald trump also said he likes heroes who are not captured, he attacked john mccain as well. >> he's an equal opportunity offender. saying illegitimate throws it back to the birther movement? >> no, i want to make sure that i say on the record right now, with a clear conscience -- in full access of my faculties, i too believe that donald trump is illegitimate. because i know the meaning of that word, right? there are two ways to look at
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illegitimacy. one is the legal aspect of illegitimate, is it against the law? it is not against the law, he's the legal president of the united states. there was one way out of that, and that was through the electoral college. they decided we're not going to take that. that's their business, that's the way it works. that les massey is in tact. there's another way to define illegitimacy. when you do not confirm to standard rules and practices of behavior. and the fact that two things happened that completely do not conform to our standards or practice of behavior, it was the comey letter, and it was the act of war, the cyber act of war, it was an act of war, by a foreign government, attacking the integrity of our government, of our election, and expressly to damage one candidate and benefit
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another. we don't know if that was december positive in the sense that we don't know whether or not it meant that donald trump became elected. we do know that donald trump thought it was being helpful to him, and in fact, he encouraged russia to continue to hack, and if they had more e-mails, he wanted to see them, he continued to say over and over on the campaign trail, i love the wiki leaks. he continued to quote from those wikileaks when he was giving campaign speeches. that means to me, you believed -- whether it was dez posstive or not. you believed it was helping you, that means you are part of the illegitimacy that john lewis i assume is referring to, not that you're not the legal president. but you are now conforming to -- >> i want to give his response to that before we go? >> i don't think anybody serious does believe that it was
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december positive, the russians didn't cause hillary clinton to set up her own server. they didn't cause hillary clinton not to campaign in wisconsin, it's really dangerous to suggest that -- america's been through a lot, we had the 2000 election for example, where obviously it came down to florida, the supreme court ended up ruling, we've had this birther issue, which i condemned. i think donald trump is absolutely wrong, he was irresponsible in that case. why do we want to perpetuate this. i think we need more unity. perpetuating the notion, riles people up, we need to come together as americans, you know, you may not like donald trump, you may not have voted for him, he is our president, this is our country. we should be rooting for his success. >> i know the history of dr. king, and dr. king was not uniting behind -- >> hold on one second. i hear everyone saying, we should come together.
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>> no, you don't hear everyone saying that. i'm not saying that. >> in 2012, the day after barack obama won the election, donald trump said, we can't let this happen, we should march on washington and stop this travesty, our nation is totally divided. doing that in the midst of calling the president ilt legitimate, not being born in this country, what is different now, why should everybody come together now and he didn't want people to come together in 2012? >> first of all, we should -- >> i'm going to stop right there. >> can i -- >> no, no no. >> charles, i'll give you the last word. >> donald trump is a bad person, he should not have done that. but do two wrongs make a right? >> if we care about this country? do we want to replicate the bad thing donald trump did? they did it, so we're going to do it too?
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i was against donald trump when he was a birther, when he said that the election was being rigged and it was illegitimate. now i'm against john lewis, because i think he's wrong about this one. >> do not mangle dr. king's legacy, he was not getting in line with george wallace or bull conner, he was not getting in line with the racists, dr. king was throwing his body into the breach and getting arrested some 29 times in his life. dr. king was not saying, you must unite behind someone who you believe is doing something wrong ever. he was telling america that you must stand up for right all the time and put yourself on the line if you have to do that. >> okay. >> is donald trump bull conner? is donald trump -- >> donald trump is a lot of things. you don't want to get me started on all the ways i find donald
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trump to be offensive. >> thank you, charles, thank you, matt. donald trump's preferred method of communication is using twitter. many foreign leaders find it unnerving, will he stop beating when he becomes president? ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history
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washington post reporter, sally quinn joins us. and mark preston is back with me. i was jumping the gun, i thought i was going to introduce mark first. >> keeping you on your toes. >> donald trump has been feuding with congressman lewis, that's only the tip of the iceberg, he's been tweeting about the head of the cia, some of our country's biggest allies. what do you make of him handling foreign relations through 140 characters? >> i find it problematic, frankly. if you look at the way our allies are responding in in interviews, separate from twitter. it's creating a lot of heartburn, and i think you have fwrans coming to the defense of germany, these are the people who are on our side, we have actual enemies in the world, versus germany and france, and the nato countries.
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he's going on the attack against them, and it makes you wonder how he's going to handle people who oppose us if he can't be on the same side with people who are on the same side with us. >> i wonder if he's going to continue to use the donald j. trump account. you can get into a lot of trouble with 140 chakters. >> you can, and he has, and he will continue to do so. >> i was talking to a consultant the who represents one of our allies, as often happens, and they were telling me that there is great concern among their clients, this foreign government, who works closely with the united states government because they don't know if they can trust donald trump. they're concerned that donald trump one day will be with them, and the next day be against them. they'll find out by looking at twitter.
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>> the thing is, for now, he does not have to be accountable really to the allies, he's not running this big country by himself. there's little account ability. in four days from now, there's going to be account ability. and twitter can be problematic. >> i disagree with that. once you're elected president. you're talking about a transition of power that happens almost immediately and then you have the ability of donald trump, the head of -- the commander in chief of our troops, being able to say things that are going to cause markets to crash, cause our folks looking at military alliances wondering when are those alliances going to shift. >> it's gotten him this far he's the president-elect of the united states.
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not to den great anyone who's 70 years old, but usually by the time you're 70, you're stuck in your ways. i'm not quite 70, and there's not a lot of change -- he's been tweeting and will probably continue to tweet as president. everyone should get used to that. i want to read this for you. this is what gerald writes. he says certainly there's a danger in leaving the world unsure which messages to take literally, and in trying to handle subjects as sensitive as nuclear weapons strategy on the fly. it's also likely that donald trump knows what he's doing. is this the strategy, and do you think he's going to continue to engage even as president? >> all i can tell you is, i know a lot of people in the foreign policy arena, not just reporters, but people in embassies and the state department, from their experience, they say foreign leaders around the world, and i know a lot of ambassadors, are i
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think it would be fair to say, hysterical. they're out of their minds. they have no idea. i sat next too one ambassador, his government keeps calling him and saying, what does he mean by this? what's happening? what's going on? he said, i don't know what to tell them. because i don't know what he means, i don't know what he's saying, i don't know what's going on, i said you should call your government back and tell them you're not the only one, every single person in washington is feeling the same. there's no consistency in washington. in his position and so everybody is off kilter, everybody's off balance. the fact is, that when you say he says one thing one day, and another thing the next. this is not going to change. this is the way it's going to be. and whether you think his
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account ability will start on friday, i don't think that matters. >> is this what donald trump wants? he wanted to be a disrupter. i think what sally laid out is a very disruptive person, keeping everyone off kilter. this is the way he negotiates, tries to make nato members be worried. i think he may be miscal u lating this idea that germany and france are going to be crawling up to him and begging him. the part of the united states being a world leader isn't just because we have a big military and because we're a powerful economy. it's how our president interacts with the world and acts as a leader. he's frittering this away on the world stage. >> there's another thing too, total lack of experience. you can't discount that. you look atta ressa may in
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england, she called out john kerry for making a speech about israel. when britain was one of the sponsors of the resolution in the u.n. it was so completely just without any kind of background or knowledge i talked to some people in the british embassy about that. they said, the problem was, she doesn't know what she's doing, she's green. i think that's a huge problem, and a lot of people around the president are that way. there's some people i'm happy about, like general mattis, who seems to have some background in foreign policy. i think what's really scary is the fact that there's so little background and knowledge. >> listen, i know that twitter is a new form of communication. but do you want someone to give you great or bad news via text? or do you want them to call you personally on the telephone and
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say, meet you -- look at you in the eye and say, listen, i have something bad to tell you. so you can ask questions. >> and the problem with that is, that is instantaneous. when you're the president of the united states. have you to have the ability to take a step back, take a deep breath, assess the situation before you actually take action. >> thank you, i appreciate all of you. donald trump's growing feud with the u.s. intelligence community. oh, look! we've got fees ew, really? oh, it's our verizon bill look at them. line access fee, administrative fees, there are even taxes on top of them decent people shouldn't have to live like this (slaps "fee" off dad's head) did i get it? t-mobile ends surprise fees and taxes that's right, with t-mobile one, taxes and fees are now included 4 lines, 40 bucks each. all unlimited, all in.
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donald trump's views on n o nato, i want to discuss that now, with ambassador james woolsey. he's a former director of the cia. i'll start off with that question to you, over the weekend, donald trump ambassador said that nato was ab sew heat. the secretary of state fick has said the opposite. >> it's certainly entertaining. >> that is a good answer. >> the entertainment capital of the world is in america.
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but it's going to be on the east coast, not the west coast. >> i hope they won't do something off base, we really need the alliance to hold together. i think i'm very glad that donald trump has said on camera, and in front of the world, that he wants people like jim mattis who he's brought in, to be themselves, call it straight, call it like they see it. i don't know how one is going to deal with twitter in governance, it was a very effective part of his campaign. a lot of people who said, this is crazy, you can't do this. it doesn't work. it worked. it helped him a lot. >> you don't think it will in governing? >> governing is different from campaigning. >> would you advise him to put it down? >> i would.
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>> i want to play this, this is donald trump with the times of london. >> who would you trust more if you talk to them, american or putin. >> i start off trusting both. then let's see how long that lasts. it may not last long at all. >> so bob, do you see it that way, when he talks about angela merkel and vladimir putin? do you see it that way? >> well, i've got a problem with putin. >> did he make a mistake? >> yeah, he made a mistake, equating the two. the funny thing about his interviews, he says some absolutely brilliant things that are right on. it's like he's just been briefed about iraq, afghanistan, syria, and then he takes this 180 degree turn which i don't
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understand. the germans are ap politic tick. even the israelis are worrirwor. listen, you can't trust this guy, because of his relations with russia, if israel has any deep secrets, think twice about sending them to washington once trump gets into the white house. people are very worried at this point twitter is not the way to conduct foreign policies especially not in these new answered issues. >> ambassador, how do you put angela merkel and vladimir putin in the -- >> not a good idea. miss america el may have made a mistake in opening up the gates of germany as quickly and widely -- >> it's different than being a tie rand, though? >> that's right. >> she's trying to keep, to pull europe together.
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and putin is doing the exact opposite. >> well, he -- vladimir putin is trying to nibble off different parts of europe, georgia, and ukraine, as he gets an opportunity. lincoln lived on a farm when he was a little boy. and the neighboring farmer said, i don't need much land, just what adjoins mine, that's putin, i'm afraid. >> donald trump told the wall street journal that the one china policy is up for discussion. china is one of our largest trading partners, these are complicated relationships, what do you think about the president-elect's remarks on that? >> i think we are going to want to do our best to get china to take another tack on some very important things. the main was is the south china sea. china is a colleague in other
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issues which are a bigger problem, russia. keeping a focus on russia, and russian expansion iism along wi iran before long is a bigger problem. >> bob, i want you to delve into this more, you say donald trump needs to thread the needle on how he handles global relationships. talk to us more about that. >> i don't think he understands the nuances. iran and russia are joined at the hip. how do we not tilt toward russia and tilt toward iran at the same time. if we alienate the chinese at this point, they can say, you have north korea, you do something about them, we're going to stop using our influence. these relations are complicated. we get a lot out of china.
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to abandon the one china policy for no good reason, poses a serious danger to our foreign policy. >> bob, thank you. ambassador, always appreciate it. coming up, donald trump's plan to replace obama care may sound a lot like well, obama care. tiki barber running a barber shop? yes!!! surprising. yes!!! what's not surprising? how much money david saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. who's next? looking for clear answers for your retirement plan? start here. or here. even here. and definitely here. at fidelity, we're available 24/7
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congressman john lewis questioning the legitimacy of donald trump's presidency. and trump striking back at the civil rights hero. joining me is kelly mcinerney, bruce lavell, the executive director and mark lamont hill, author of nobody let's talk, everyone knows the details, right? kayleigh you first. what do you think of this whole
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controversy, are you okay with the way donald trump responded? >> of course he's a hero, everyone agrees to that, i think it was entirely uncalled for for him to put partisan interests above american interests. you have these news agencies that are so angry. donald trump was slammed by congressman lewis, what he did was simply respond by saying, you should focus on your own district. you're in a city that's ranked 14 out of the 20 most recent in the united states. he was not the one doing the slamming. but he's being attacked for doing the slamming opinion. >> there's some legitimacy to kayleigh's argument. it's not apples to apples, he's
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saying obama is not american. there was a question about trump's mandate to unite the american people and the integrity of his campaign. if i were congressman lewis, i would not have done that. what i would have liked to see from trump is to not respond with twitter fingers every time something happens. sometimes you can let things go, to attack john lewis on the eve of martin luther king's holiday. i live in district 5 in atlanta. it's a pretty nice neighborhood. he's got this awful circ um distance going on in his district. it's a cliche? >> i saw some of these people saying, i'm walking through my neighborhood and i'm really scared. i'm walking my dog to the dog groomer and i'm nervous about living in the irony. atlanta has problems as a lot of
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cities do. was it warranted? >> was donald trump's attack on john lou witness warranted? i think john lewis, i think he was feeling this, he was coming from a place of passion, john lewis, i don't think anyone asked if donald trump was a legitimate president, it's something that lewis felt he needed to say. what wasn't warranted is the president elect's attack on john lewis in such a personal and stereo typical way, to automatically revert to, your community sucks, because clearly you represent a black community that sucks is incorrect. >> it did go from russia meddling in the election, to you have a terrible community you should do more for your community. you haven't done anything. and quite honestly, the man almost lost his life, what more
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does one have to do in one lifetime? >> i want to say happy mlk day down here in atlanta. i want to get back to where all this came from. john lewis got on "meet the press" and said there was a russian conspiracy that relates to the election process. the fbi said there is no wrongdoing or meddling in the election process, that right there for him to come out and say that the russians were -- >> i don't think that's true. >> let me fix this for you. they said they're not sure, they don't believe it would change the outcome of the election. they believe russia meddled. >> let me finish this point here, we don't know who's hacking what, okay. i'm married to a very strong i.t. engineer. i can tell you, that hack could have come from colombia, anywhere.
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>> you're denying the cia information because your wife went to penco tech. >> even donald trump says the russians had -- >> even the fbi. >> donald trump is denying what you're saying pp. >> let him finish. >> you're all over bruce. >> i know they miss me, it's been a while, but listen guys, seriously, at the end of the day, this all started by a very well known congressional officer from the fifth, came out and said that the incoming president-elect is not legitimate. that is not right, guys. john lewis was elected by the people for the people to go up and work in d.c. to help bring jobs in their district. to help with transportation, which you know we had -- we have the worst transportation down here in the world. that's what we elected him for? in the world? >> yes, we do. >> i just left palestine where i
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was going through a tunnel with our shoes on. >> are you talking about marta? >> no, we're talking about traffic. we're talking about traffic. i'm just saying. >> let's not get thrown off the path here. i just have to ask you, bruce. does it -- you know, some people say it's irony, others will say it's poetic justice, that donald trump spent years saying that the president wasn't legitimate. not only that he wasn't a legitimate president, but sort of as a human being, dehumanizing him, and now this happens, and he's really upset about it. >> we're talking about donald j. trump the private citizen. congressman lewis, my family marched with him. came out on national tv and said that donald trump is
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illegitimate. we are working so hard, everyone says the republicans never get involved with urban renewal. i am so excited about what's ahead of us, that relates to bringing jobs and opportunity in black communities, don, i am excited. we don't need anything to get derailed like this, and john lewis should know that. that's what -- that's the hurting part of this. >> we're not done. we'll be right back. now we just need 500 more... translated into 35 languages, personalized oh and shared across the 7 continents. (other languages spoken) look abbot, i got it. it's a miracle. ♪
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all right, back now with my panel. so apparently donald trump is having trouble securing performers are if the inauguration and of course "snl" had their way with it. >> who is excited for my inauguration day? yes, thank you to those people over there who i definitely did not pay to do that. and we have got some of the biggest performers in the world lined up. we have "three doors down." also from america's got talent, jackie what's her face and the one rockete with the least money in her savings. we've also got some huge a-list actors coming, like angelina jolie, ryan gosling, and
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jennifer lawrence. they will all be at my inauguration, courtesy of madame tussaud's. >> kayla, he said he doesn't care about celebrities at the inauguration. he cares about the people. do you really believe that? >> i do believe that. and look, don, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. and it's all what you see. because when i heard toby keith, and i was like, way better than beyonce and katy perry and all the various obama performers. toby keith is a-list for me and for the other deplorables out there. so it's good. [ laughter ] >> okay. i'm not even going to go there. jennifer holiday now saying that she will not perform. she said it was -- she was going to do it, she thought she was going to do it for the people. and now because of her fans, her gay and lesbian fans, that she's not going to do it, that she was wrong. what do you think, mark? >> good for her. a lot of times people are just happy to be in the room. if the president invites them,
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they show up. they show up in trump tower, show up on tv, they sing a song. and they're not self-critical about why they're there. i don't think it was a partisan decision, but when she saw what the impact was on the people who she cared about, she said, i'm not willing to do this. i applaud her principle and her willingness to self-correct and say, i made a wrong choice and now i'm going to make a right choice, not double down, i'm going to pull out. >> let's move on and talk about something else, about steve harvey. mark, steve harvey went to trump tower and has taken a lot of backlash for meeting with the president-elect. what do you make of this controversy? >> i love steve harvey and i have respect for steve harvey and i think his intentions were appropriate, but my disagreement is the way in which he's being used by folk like donald trump. his intention is just to have a seat at the table. about when you're at the table, you should have experts at the
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table. i don't care if steve is there, but if i'm steve harvey, i'm bringing cornell west, ahmadi perry, michael eric dyson. i'm bringing folk with me who can challenge the president and inform the conversation. otherwise -- >> why are you saying, oh my god? >> real quick, they keep bringing up comedians and athletes to represent black interests is condescending. don't just bring up people to entertain. >> bruce? >> you were at the meeting, you heard and saw everything? >> i don't understand how anything i said would prompt that question. >> listen -- >> unless steve harvey turned into a policy analyst behind the scenes meeting, it doesn't matter what -- first of all, the people he's trumpeting up and putting in front of the camera. >> you weren't even there. you don't know what happened. >> yes, i do. are you disagreeing that he brought -- >> you weren't in the room, sir. you weren't there. >> let him finish. >> how does that negate my point
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that he brought steve harvey and put him in front of the camera. that's my critique. >> here's the deal, you don't know what happened. pastor darryl scott, mike cohen, they're in the process of bringing all types of people from all over the country, all different backgrounds, like we have -- >> yeah, it's a bunch of mediocre negros being dragged in front of tv for donald trump's exploitive campaign against black people. >> so now you want to name-call? >> simone, you better jump in. [ all speak at once ] >> i wasn't name-calling. >> let me back mark up here. what i think -- [ all speak at once ] >> simone has not spoken. >> let me back up mark here. mark is making an important point. >> mark is not making an important point. he's just talking. >> black people are diverse and for donald trump to only engage actors and athletes and reality type folks, he's not engaging the reality of black people in
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america. i would like to see him bring policy analysts, some real people with meat on the bones for the issues, to the table. >> danged if you do, danged if you don't. >> ten seconds, bruce. [ all speak at once ] >> what do you mean danged if you do, danged if you don't? he ain't done. >> bruce is an expert and he brought bruce in. [ all speak at once ] >> they don't have to be leftist. >> i wish we had like a dong on x. we surveyed 15 people and -- whatever. that's it for us tonight. that's a family feud joke by the way. see you tomorrow night.
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thanks very much. good evening from washington. thanks for joining us. in four days, donald trump will take the oath of office and become the 45th president of the united states. tonight fallout from his final days as citizen trump and there's a lot of it in the last couple days. he promised health insurance for everyone and sent mixed messages on nato. he will trust angela merkel and vladimir putin equally to begin with. he led his feud with a civil rights pioneer continue. through the martin luther king holiday. he is facing low job approval ratings, as low as 37%. two new challenges breaking tonight, his labor secretary reportedly having second thoughts about taking the job. serious ethical questions surrounding his pick for health


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