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tv   CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin  CNN  July 18, 2019 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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didn't say that, they did. but i. >> i don't think if you examine it, you'll find that, but i disagree with it. >> watch what happened at his re-election event in north carolina, less than 24 hours ago, 13 seconds lapsed before the chants end. seeming to just die out on their own. >> send her back. >> and obviously, and importantly, omar has a history of launching vicious anti-semitic screens. [ crowd chanting send her back ] >> when she talked about the evil israel and it's all about
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the benjamins, not a good thing to say. >> she has apologized for these remarks, congressman omar had not heard that the president disagreed with the chants when she responded to this incident today. >> i want to re3450i7bd people, this is what this president and his supporters have turned this country -- that is supposed to be a country where we allow democratic debate and dissent to take place. this is not about me, this is about us fighting for what this country truly should be and what it deserves to be. >> the send her back taunts. go back to the crime infested places from which they came. jake tapper is the lead and state of the union.
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>> what do i make of the chants? i think that they are a natural result of a racist attack that the president launched on sunday. attacks so racist that even the house and senate refrain from criticizing the president, went so far as to call them racist. >> he keeps doubling down on it, though, and now he's disavowing it. >> some of the meekest, most supportive republican congressmen it's unsettling to have a crowd yell send her back about a woman who yes -- the idea that somebody who came to this country as a child as a refugee, she's a naturalized american citizen she's a duly elected member of congress.
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the idea that president trump should send her back to somalia is on its face xeno phobic, racist enoffensive. there was some brushback today even with some people in the white house telling the president, i don't think they told the president, he went too far, now he's trying to dial it back. he didn't speed up his speech so as to quell the chant. he stopped and let it go. once it died down on its own, he resumed talk iing. >> you do have some reporting. house democrats are growing frustrated, you say with the drama surrounding these congress women? >> there has been frustration behind the scenes, i will say every democrat, every house democrat with whom i spoke, is
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united in the belief that president trump's attacks are racist. and that there is horror among democratic officials today about what happened last night. now, that said, there is a division about the so-called squad, these four democrats, whether the party should be focused more on bread and butter issues, health care, jobs, and there's frustration with some of the things they have done. today nobody's -- none of the house democrats i have spoken to -- >> what is the growing concern about the disunity among democrats. particularly around the concerns around the moderate democrats who are trying to walk a fine line. >> the progressive democrats came, especially these four to shake things up, differently, but in the same kind of idea that president trump came to shake things up, and they are
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not -- they look at the world differently. and they are far more liberal. some of whom come from districts that trump won, some of them come from districts that hillary won but only narrowly, and they're more moderate. there's a policy division, there are deep differences when it am coulds to some issues like the boycott against israel. again, like i said, nothing has unified the democratic caucus around these four individuals who are controversial among some than president trump's racist attacks against them. telling people of color to go back to the country they came from, is literally in the eeoc definition of racist things you're not allowed to say. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> i know you have to get ready for the lead at the top of the hour. the chaplin's morning prayer sounds like an score six. >> this has been a difficult and contentious week in which darker spirits seem to have been at play in the people's house. in your most holy name, i cast out all spirits of darkness from this chamber, spirits not from you. let your spirit of comety of brother and sisterhood and love of our nation and of all colleagues in this chamber empower our better angels to be at play. >> and that's not the only sign of a nation on edge. less than two hours after the president walked off the stage in north carolina. racism became the most searched word according to miriam
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webster's tweet. socialism, fascism, concentration camp and bigot. just more proof of how much words matter. joining us now, a member of the congressional civility and respect caucus. congressman, good to have you with us. the president is not doubling down or tripling down of this matter, he does not approve of these chanting, can you appreciate that? does that help put some of this behind all of us? >> yesterday was one of the most chilling scenes i've seen in politics, to have a crowd chanting been an elected member of congress that they should be sent back to a country of their origin was just unamerican. the president should have condemned that right away, the way that john mccain when someone had confronted that obama was a terrorist, john mccain immediately said, that's uncalled for, that's not how we conduct things in america.
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the president should have done that. his statement today is a step, but he needs to be far stronger, and make it clear, that that has no place in american discourse. >> what was your reaction when you heard those chants? >> i was horrified, i never thought i would hear something like that in the united states of america, i'm the son of immigrants, i was born in philadelphia, my parents immigrated from india, i went to public school. i grew up in a community that was 99% white. i grew up in a place that was welcoming. i had teachers and neighbors that were supportive. i thought to myself, what is happening to our country. we have progress with president obama and thinking we were making progress on race, and why are we going to a dark place, and why do we have a president of the united states who's not standing up to that? >> we have reporting that members of your party have expressed some internal
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frustration surrounding these four congress women. do you share that concern? >> our caucus is unified in making it clear that xenophobia has no place in our country. i think the frustration is that our positive agenda, where we're talking about health care for all, where we're talking about $15 minimum wage. we passed it today, where we are taking steps for infrastructure, that none of that is getting out. and we are mired in division and anger, and we need to have a message that talks about what we're doing for the american people. that's the frustration. >> only four gop members of the house voted to condemn the president's racist tweets earlier this week. i'm wondering what you hear from the colleagues. >> many of them think the
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president went too far. one presidential tweet could cost them their primary. this has been the case over and over again. i hope that more people will develop the courage to speak out because if a group of 20 or 30 speak out, then it will become easier. >> do you have any fears as a congressman of color? >> i don't. but there are people in this country who have a much tougher life, who face more daunting odds of being a member of congress. i believe in the decency endivision. that's not the america i know. i wish the democrats had someone like mario cuomo, like barack obama who has the inspiration to help lead us to the america we all want. i'm hopeful we'll be able to
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find the voice in the 2020 election. >> do you have somebody in the 2020 election, who you think represents that voice? we talked about you endorsing bernie sanders, it sounds like you're waiting to hear the right words. >> i think that we need someone who can offer the hopeful vision for america. i have tremendous admiration for senator sanders, and i think he can do that, i also think that president obama should come out and give a speech, and michelle obama should give a speech. i know they've been on the sidelines, i don't think there's been anyone that's been better at talking about race and founding than president obama. frankly, i miss his voice, i think we need his voice. if he or his people are watching, i hope he could give the same type of speech he gave when he dealt with reverend wright in philadelphia, we really need some of his wisdom. >> thank you, i appreciate you taking the time. >> thank you, ana. in illinois today, a glaring
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example of the climate in this cun, a gas station employee refusing to serve spanish speaking customers, telling them to go back to their country. breaking news on the investigation into the hush money payments michael cohen paid to porn star stormy daniels. documents show just how involved president trump may have been. later, i'll be joined by a 9/11 first responder to get his reaction after two republican senators tried to block a bill that would pay for their health care. like crab lover's dream with crab...crab... and more crab. or for those who want it all... new crabfest surf & turf. grab your crab crew, hurry in or order it to go!
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a judge unsealing fbi search warrant material in connection to the michael cohen case the president has denied those claims, the documents reveal that candidate and now president trump talked several times on the same day before the 2016 election. the files also show the mad scramble going on inside the 2016 trump campaign, to try to contain the damage after the infamous access hollywood tape came out, in which trump used crass terms to say the left.
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he's the founding partner of behrensweigh law firm. what do you think of the fact that it's only cohen who faced charges over this? >> so far. today is a major development that shows further clarity as to the criminal exposure of the president. the legal team for the president has really been spiking the football in the end zone and giving a lot of high fives, saying since the investigation is concluded and there's no further activity, therefore, this case is over. it's not over. the temperature today went way up and not down. take a look at the information that you've accurately described that shows the specific information, a granularity, and reputation of the president's direct involvement, it's all there, he's already a co-conspirator in the southern district of new york. you have to view it in the context of where we are today.
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the president is the only person in the united states that is, according to the justice department, precluded from being indicted. so this is very important, very significant and it demonstrates in my view that on january 21st after the election, if he does not run successfully, they will empanel a grand jury in new york. >> we do know that robert mueller is about to testify on capitol hill in less than a week from now. do you expect the details of this will be brought up during that hearing or should they? >> absolutely. not only should they, they absolutely will. this shows direct context and meaning into his statement. if he could exonerate the president, that he would so state. he cannot do so. prosecutors don't walk around handing out certificates of exoneration, we have to be a little careful with that statement. it further shows the clarity and focus with respect to his personal involvement with respect to this campaign finance violation, which is a felony and
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also blends that into the context of the other findings in the report, all of these things are now in front of congress front and center, that puts the heat on the mueller hearing coming up in a few days, even much more so. >> hope hicks was very much in contact with michael cohen, working closely at the time with her, at the time that access hollywood tape came out and the backlash we saw after that. he doesn't believe anything -- do you think any of these messages opened her up to anyone else with legal trouble? >> it could have, the cohen case has already made it clear the framework is based upon a conspiracy where two or more individuals are acting in further answer of a felony. this brings us closer to the heat. she was asked questions on capitol hill recently, she universally refused to answer the questions. who instructed her not to answer those questions, president
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trump? she's always tried to distance herself away. but i think it's going to be a little more complicated. she's going to have to consider whether or not she needs to be a cooperating witness. >> thank you. the president speaking about a military incident with iran. let's listen. >> the strait of hormuz today involving uss boxer and navy amphibious assault ship. the boxer took defensive action against an iranian drone which had closed into a very, very near distance. approximately 1,000 yards. ignoring multiple calls to stand down and was threatening the safety of the ship and the ship's crew. the drone was immediately destroyed. this is the latest of many provocative and hostile actions
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by iran, against vessels operating in international waters. the united states reserves the right to defend our personnel facilities, and interests and calls upon all nations to condemn iran's attempts to disrupt freedom of navigation and global commerce. i also call on other nations to protect their ships as they go through the strait and to work with us in the future. thank you very much. you should know that. >> let's go straight to ryan brown. >> we are confirming this incident occurred, an iranian drone was destroyed. tased been operating in a region for sometime. it's part of the u.s. military
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presence in the gulf near the strait of hormuz, which has been ramped up in recent weeks as part of this effort to deter what the u.s. says is provocative activity by iran. in the past, iran has flown drones in proximity, often times those are warned off, this has been intense situation for some time, just a few weeks ago, iran downed a u.s. drone operating in the same area, again, detentions very high, two military forces. which often fly themselves sailing and flying in close proximity to one another there. >> thank you for that reporting. up next, as president trump tries to distance himself from the send her back chants, the sentiment seems to be gain steam. an employee has been fired for telling spanish speaking customers to go back to their country. none of your ideas make eyecare more frustrating,
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as the country continues to digest the country's insin deairy remarks. chicago is now seeing a new example of that racist taunt. a cashier at a bucky's convenience store was caught on camera, questioning the
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citizenship of customers there and threatening to call ice. >> undocumented. >> who? >>. >> eh? >> i'm an american. >> eh? >> what is your problem. >> it's illegal. >> it is not illegal. >> it is. >> what are you talking about in. >> what is your problem in. >> don't you know the rules? >> what is your problem? >> they need to go back to their country. >> why? >> it's illegal. >> you be quiet. i call the police. >> ice will come. >> bye, god bless you. >> stupid. god bless you too. >> cnn's ryan young is following this story, what exactly led up to this exchange. >> you think it would have been a conversation, maybe an argument that led up to this,
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this 15-year-old was inside trying to buy something when this conversation started. we're an hour outside of chicago, and this has gotten people's attention. that is the convenience store we're talking about, there was a protest out in front yesterday. there's another protest in an hour and a half. you can understand why there's so much anger about this. for their part, they were just trying to buy something from the store. listen to another part of this exchange? >> we are travel here. we -- our family was -- are those two girls adopted? she's like, no, they're my cousins, they came from mexico. and he asked, are they legal? >> now, the courts -- we reached out to the corporation to get their side of the story. the comments are not reflective of the core values of the bucky's convenience store.
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we are aware of the situation, and are managing this personnel issue. this is becoming viral, people are upset about what they heard. we're told today in the next hour or so, there will be another protest here, but some people feel be -- you see some of the online comments already. this is exasperating by what's going on if this country. it should be interesting to see what the response is. again, the clerk has been fired. anna? >> okay, ryan young, what a story there. thank you. >> this as we're seeing another example of americans outwardly expressing xeno phobia. the president stood in silence as his supporters launched in this chant. [ send her back ] >> he waited for 13 seconds before continuing on with his
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speech. joining us now, john kasich, governor, with those chants in mind and this incident. what is happenng in the u.s. right now? >> i'll tell you, that audio i heard of those young women being questioned makes me sick to my stomach. you know, ana, i've been highly critical of the president. i believe that we are a nation where we were taught to be kind to one another. that's what the jewish and christian tradition is all about, be kind. that includes many other religions as well. so the president in my opinion created -- it's almost like a contagion with some, and kind of tearing up the fabric. this is -- this is a sad sad thing, let me also say for those people who were at those rallies chanting. you know, this is not an object
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they're talking about, this is a human being. somebody with flesh and blood. someone with feelings, somebody's daughter. you know, a mom's daughter. a father's daughter. it's not an object. it's not inanimate. this is a real person. for those that want to go to a rally and khan the. i would ask you to spend a second and think what it would be like if your son or daughter was at a sporting event or they were in a school play, or wherever they might be and people started attacking them, people started chanting against them? see, because as americans, we better all take a deep breath, and begin to realize we're all connected to one another. when we work to dehumanize another person it just doesn't hurt them, it hurts us as well. this is not a political issue for me at all.
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this is an issue about our country. and we all make mistakes in the way we treat others. i mean, sometimes i'm not as nice as i ought to are, i can be rude. i have to tell you, when it's pointed ott to me, i try to do better, but to deliberately do this and use it to stoke a base or for the people that are there chanting, feeling good like they're in some kind of a baseball game, think about the human consequence to that. think about your own children. because this isn't our country. i'd say one other thing, we're not talking about massive numbers of people in our country. the bulk of this country are good folks. they don't like this, the polls indicate it, and that's not who we are. we don't want to let a few people out here, maybe it's more than a few, but that many people try to take the story and try to color the way we are as americans. that's not who we are. all you have to do is take a
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look at the beautiful and wonderful stories in this country of people helping one another in ways that are just make you feel so good, to just be not only an american, but a human being. >> i think it's fair to say there are some things that are objectively wrong, that are belate an thely racist, and i spoke with former house speaker john boehner last hour, for his interpretation about this week's tweets from the president, the chant, listen to his take. mr. speaker, let's back up to the president's original tweets. were they racist? >> i don't -- people can describe them anyway they want. i don't think there's room in american society for these kind of chants, this kind of conversation, it certainly doesn't belong in our politics. >> they're from america. they're all american citizens. three of them were born here, one in somalia as a refugee.
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how is this not racist? >> he has a different style than i have. >> you don't want to go as far as -- >> i'm not in the middle of this. >> he's not running for re-election, and yet he doesn't even want to weigh-in like so many republicans. >> well, look, i think there's always a reluctance to name call. particularly, i've known john boehner for a long time, his father was a bar owner, he grew up in the rough and tumble, we all, people who were around during the years when things actually worked, where you could get things done, name calling was never acceptable. and when i look at what's happening in the house of representatives and that frozen line down the middle of the aisle between republicans and democrats, i don't recognize the place. because back in the days when i was in the congress we didn't tolerate it, somebody got out of line like that, we'd take them to the back corner and explain
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the facts of life to them. i didn't tolerate it when i was governor, and i don't tolerate it in the public arena. i think what john is doing is he's reluctant to name call. i can't be any more clear or out there as what i've had to say about the tone the president set, and look, every day, i -- people need to understand why i was never for the guy. i was never for him, because i saw these things, i thought it would change and it hasn't. i also want to talk to the americans who form these crowds. i talk to someone working in a store ask someone where do you come from? it could be your son or daughter being asked next? that's not the way we want to live our lives. let's live a life a little bigger than ourselves. we can, we will, and we do. there was a story last week about a young autistic girl who had her dress ruined. and there were thousands of people that searched for this special heart on the dress so they could send it to her.
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thousands of people. i have story after story like this. >> thanks. we're just a few hours away from finding out who will share the stage during the two nights. we'll break down how tonight's live draw will work, and how these matchups could impact the 2020 race. carl, i appreciate the invite here. as my broker, what am i paying you to manage my money? it's racquetball time. (thumps) ugh!
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and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. woman 6: ask your rheumatologist about humira. woman 7: go to to see proof in action. it is a big night here on cnn, at 8:00, a live drawing to determine the lineup for the next round of democratic presidential debates, that happen later this month in detroit. here's how it's going to work. it's a random draw to split off into three parts.
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so there's a first draw, a second draw and then a final draw. a name card will be picked from the first box and matched with a date card from the second box. gloria borger is here to explain how it will work. >> what everyone wants to know, is there going to be a rematch between kamala harris and joe biden, and how will he handle it? and will we finally see bernie sanders and elizabeth warren together on the same stage. >> harrison sanders are fighting for many of the same voters biden is so popular with african-american voters, sanders and warren would like a lot of those too.
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she talked about desegregation and bussing. she was so real and passionate about it. >> we have those four in our final draw that i will be selecting randomly. we know two of them will be on one night, and two of those will be on a different night. but it also really matters for the people who are polling at one or two%, right? >> this is make or break. this is it for them. our debates are going to be either -- they'll be able to go on to the next step or not. don't forget the next debate basically doubles the bar, it raises it by 50%. so -- and if they don't do well, how are they going to raise money. how are they going to go up in the polling, how are they going to say to contributors, you know
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what, you have to come support me. if people watch them and said, you know, you didn't do so well, you have to prove yourself on this stage, you have to be prepared. and you really cannot look contrived. have you to look prepared but not contrived, there's a real difference. and the good candidates can do it, the ones that fall by the wayside really cannot. the stakes could not be higher for the candidates at the lower end of the tier as we head into the debate. >> good to see you. we're excited for tonight's drawing, see you then. don't forget, it's all going to happen. the live draw for the debates at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. more on our breaking news this hour, the president announcing a military incident with iran saying the u.s. destroyed an iranian drone in the straight of hormuz. ins to c, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain
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or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do.
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we're just learning the senate will vote on funding the 9/11 first responders bill next week, but that doesn't mitigate the scorn and anger for senators paul and mike lee after weeks of drama to get the bill passed,
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they threw up road blocks saying this bill is not fiscally responsible and that their amendments are not expected to pass. democratic candidate kristin jill i grand and senator schumer spoke about what they hope will be the final passage. >> they shouldn't be having to come back to washington again and again and knock on every door of the senate and house just to get the compensation that they have earned and deserve. >> finally these first responders who spent so much time focused on washington will be able to focus on whom they should -- the families of those who have been lost. their brethren and sisters who are sick and the families that nervously await every doctor's visit. rob sara is a 9/11 first responder, retired member of the
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fire department of new york and a team leader for feels good foundation. thank you for your service to this country, to your community. the motto of the field good foundation is no responders left behind. after all the effort, the lobbies, the heartbreaking testimony of luis alvarez just days before his death, how does it feel to have this stalled by a couple senators? >> it's like a gut punch. completely unnecessary, as you stated earlier. their armed are unlikely to pass. just yesterday when senator paul was making his objection to the fdny, they were announcing another death. this bill should have happened 15 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago, and should have happened yesterday. they just keeping moving the goal post back. at least they're giving us a
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day, and with 70 co-sponsors, we're pretty sure it will pass. i'm hesitant to say i'm happy, because we shouldn't be here in the first place, but it's a good day. >> if you could speak directly to senators paul or lee who are worried about the fiscal responsibility in connection with this, what's your message to them? >> well, my message would be we weren't worried about fits dalles responsibility on 9/11. the federal government wasn't worried about fiscal responsibility when they told us the air was safe to breathe and sent us back. they sent 19,000 school children back to school. they weren't worried about the cost then. this is the price of war. peer are sick and dying behalf those lies, so i think the and the students that are suffering immensely. we have over 10,000 people.
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over 40,000 battling a little illness. for this to be the case where they draw a line in the sand seems rye dib lutz. >> and i'm thinking about something we hard from yawn field, if they supported the 1.5 trillion tax cut, how can they have credibility trying to scuttle this bill i can't speak for them, but it certainly seems that way. senator rand represents kentucky, right? as far as federal dependency goes, they're the number three state in the country. so he's talking about fiscal responsibility? he should start looking at hi own state. i don't know what their agenda is. maybe they were looking for airtime, i'm not sure, but i look forward to watching their
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amendments fail. i tell you that. >> thank you for your time and we'll continue to watch where this story goes next. rob, i appreciate your time. >> thank you, ana. up next tens of thousands to stock up on water bottles, as a city has a complete water outage. details on what caused it, just ahead. [music playing] (vo) this is jerry.
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jerry has a membership to this gym, but he's not using it. and he has subscriptions to a music service he doesn't listen to and five streaming video services he doesn't watch. this is jerry learning that he's still paying for this stuff he's not using. he's seeing his recurring payments in control tower in the wells fargo mobile app. this is jerry canceling a few things. booyah. this is jerry appreciating the people who made this possible. oh look, there they are. (team member) this is wells fargo.
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so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. one of the largest cities in florida has no water right now. a contractor apparently working near the ft. lauderdale executive airport damaged a water main caughting a citywide
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outage. rosa, what are you hearing from city officials ♪ >> they tell us about 220,000 people are without water. in total about eight municipalities are impacted. officials say on wednesday a contractor was working near the ft. lauderdale executive airport. they hit a water main. that had 2-inch pipe feeds raw water into the treatment plant. they had to shut down the water, that repair could take 24 hours, so they issued a boil order. that boil order will be in effect for even 48 hours after the water returns. now, we're already seeing some fallout. of course, it's a densely populated area with hotels, with high-rises, with senior centers. some of these buildings require water as a cooling water source. some people will be without air conditioning. of course local officials are monitoring that very closely.
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we're also see some buildings downtown have closed. there are water bottle distribution stations for people who need them in the city of ft. lauder day, and bottled water is flying off the shelves. 220,000 people in the ft. lauderdale area right now dealing with a situation of not having water in their facets. rosa flores, thank you. that does it for me. i'm ana cabrera "the lead with jake tapper" starts right now. energizing your base with a debasing "the lead" starts right now. a chance that even many republicans found chilling, after the president fired them up for days. 2020 democratic presidential candidate kamala harris will join us. documen