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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  August 2, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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this has been a signature issue for president trump. we'll see what he said last month. >> we wanted to fight a war in afghanistan and win it, i could win that war in a week. i just don't want to kill 10 million people. does that make sense i don't want be to kill 10
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million people. i have plans that if i wanted to win that war, afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the earth. it would be gone. it would be over in literally ten days. >> the trump administration has already begun shrinking the u.s. embassy. five sources telling cnn the goal is to cut half the embassy's personnel by the end of september. >> the tariff man is back. one day after talks in china, president trump said he will add a 10% tariff on $300 billion worth of chinese goods next month effectively taxing all goods coming into the u.s. >> when my people came home they said, we're talking. we have another meeting in early september. i said, that's fine. until the meantime until such a deal, we'll be taxing them. >> this is is on top of the tariffs that are there. this will hit iphones and other
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consumer electronics will be taxed. it will affect speakers and toys. as he has many times before, trump falsely claimed this. >> we're taking in many billions of dollars. there's been absolutely no inflation and frankly it hasn't cost our consumer anything. it costs china. >> business groups coming out against the new tariffs saying they will only hurt tariffs and ultimately undermine the economy. china's foreign minister said they will take counter measure. investors were not happy at all about the tariff news. the dow had been up. it had a nice rebound and closed down 281 points. retail tech, industrial stocks also fell. for the third time in eight days north korea has conducted a missile test. u.s. officials believe the latest test involves a new short range ballistic missile short of the other launches. even though the tests violate. n. resolutions, the president
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doesn't have a problem nkts is kim testing you. >> very much under control. i have no problem. we'll see what happens. these are short range missiles. they're very standard. >> analysts believe the recent launch signal north korea's displeasure with upcoming military exercises as well as south korea's stealth fighters. >> a new nonnuclear mobile launch cruise missile as the u.s. bows out of the nuclear treaty with russia today. the new missile was developed specifically to challenge russia aggression in europe. cnn's barbara starr has more for us. >> reporter: boris, christine, look for this to disappear into
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history. the u.s. says russia had already been violating it by deploying these intermediate missiles on the missiles that could target europe. as of today, the u.s. officially will be out of this treaty. this is a cold war arms control treaty signed back in the 1980s by ragan and mika'il gorbachev. are we in an arms race is the only question now. the russians have deployed multiple ba tallians of their new missile that violates the treaty. conventional at the moment but it is a missile that can target into europe and the u.s. now upon withdrawal will begin testing its version of a missile and try and get some congressional funding perhaps to begin its own program.
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there is very little hope russia will come to the table. if the u.s. decides to go ahead and field the new missile, they will need the european countries for basing of the american missiles and nations like poland that are nervous about next door russia just might agree to take the american weapons. christine, bore sflis. >> republican congressman will herd announcing he will not run for re-election. he joins a growing list of republicans. he hopes to tackle cyber security, instability in central
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america. he hurd is the only black republican. he scolded the president's attacks against congressmen of color. when you imply someone doesn't look like you and telling them to go back to africa, you're implying they're not american and you're implying they have less worth than you. the cnn debate, joe biden said he was surprised by the amount of criticism against president obama. the real target was biden. the former vp has tied himself to obama. biden was asked about the attac attacks. >> i must tell you i was a little surprised about how much there was about barack, the president. i'm proud of serving with him.
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i'm proud of the job he did. i don't think there's anything he has to apologize for. i hope the next debate we can talk about our answers to fix the things that trump has broken. not how barack broke these things. he didn't. >> we are having an honest conversation about an administration that was incredible. i would take him back. heck, if he was to run for president for a third term, i wouldn't be running. >> i have nothing but praise for president obama. i think he did great work. >> i've always praised barack obama. last night i did that with regard to the economy. at the same time, let me be very clear, don, i do believe when it comes to immigration, i said this when it comes to san antonio, there were ways that we could improve on what the obama administration was doing. >> president obama was a great president and i think for a lot
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of us we're looking to figure out how to build on his accomplishments and build on his record. >> president trump also noticed the takes on obama and talked about them in cincinnati. >> i was watching the so-called debate last night. and i also watched the night before that was long, long television and the democrats spent more time attacking barack obama than they did attacking me practically. >> a spokesman for obama declined to comment on the attacks for democratic rivals. with puerto rico's scandal plagued president getting ready to leave. it's still unclear who will replace him. that story next.
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welcome back. by cnn's count, 117 house democrats support opening an impeachment inquiry. one more and that will be half the democratic caucus. it is also 22 additional supporters for an impeachment inquiry since special counsel robert mueller's public testimony opened the flood gates. only months ago pelosi suggested that nowhere near a majority of house democrats were in favor of
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impeachment. >> the caucus wants to go forward with the impeachment inquiry, would you vote for it. >> it's not even close in our caucus. >> while a majority is meaningful in the fact that it raises questions, pelosi would have to say 118 is still 100 votes short needed. >> big news out of the justice department, doj will not prosecute james comey for leaking classified memos. they referred the former fbi director for possible prosecuti prosecution. remember the case center around memos that comey shared to daniel richardsson who gave the information to a "new york times" reporter. comey testified that he hoped the actions would prompt investigation. ricardo rossello is leaving office today but who will
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replace him is unclear. the puerto rico legislature delayed a vote to appoint piro lussie. wanda vasquez would be next in line. she has said she does not want the job. if the time comes, she will assume the responsibility imposed by the constitution. no runway? no problem. see what drivers saw as a plane came in for an emergency landing on the highway next. ything! at the end of a long day, it's the last thing i want to do. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. it's an all-in-one so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep inside. so, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. plus, it's safe to use on all my floors, even wood.
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glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee we're on the move. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. terminix. defenders of home.
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a controversial bill board in north carolina is coming down. it features photos of the four congress women, the squad. the 4 horsemen combette crossed out are idiots. there is a lot of blow back. the company that owns the bill board convinced the gun shop owner that it had to come down.
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police dash cams catch some crazy things but this may beat them all. small single engine plane making an emergency landing in tacoma washington. pilot david aklan struggles to land without power and nails it. no injuries. no damage to the plane. no damage to any of the cars on the road thanks to the trooper's help. he managed to stop the plane at the red light. the faa is investigating the incident. have you seen this fine feathered fugitive? animal control workers have been trying to find this emu who they say decided to call eno every time they arrived on the scene the big bird is already gone. emus can run 30 miles an hour. it's been on the loose since june. keep popping up. eno responded tuesday last time he was spotted. he was meandering in a pasture
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in the town of hillsboro. i went to high school across from an emu farm. and i can imagine why those neighbors don't want to be anywhere near that smell. it's not good. 26 minutes past the hour. there's hope this morning for an end to america's longest war. the latest on peace negotiations with the taliban in afghanistan next. gumming up its performance. add finish dishwasher cleaner with your detergent to help dissolve this grease so you're ready for your next meal. finish dishwasher cleaner clean dishwasher. clean dishes.
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shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. the trump administration pushing for a peace deal with the taliban to bring thousands of u.s. troops home from afghanistan. until such time as there's a deal, we'll be taxing them. >> tariff man trump slaps taxes on china. kim jong-un just launched another missile. president trump says he has no problem with that. the only black republican in the house of representatives says he is not running for
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re-election and he has some pointed words for the president too. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. nice to see you. >> nice to see you, too. i'm boris sanchez in for dave briggs. the u.s. preparing to bring back thousands of troops from afghanistan. the trump administration negotiating a peace deal with the taliban right now. two sources familiar with negotiations say the number of u.s. troops in afghanistan would shrink from about 14,000 to between 8 and 9,000 in the coming moments. a spokesman says the move is part of the administration' push to end the war in afghanistan which has dragged on for nearly 18 years. this has been a signature issue for president trump going back to the days of the 2016 campaign and here he is talking about the war in afghanistan just last month. >> we're like policemen. we're not fighting a war. we wanted to fight a war in afghanistan, i could win that war in a week, i just don't want to kill 10 million people. does that make sense to you?
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i don't want to kill 10 million people. i have plans on afghanistan that if i wanted to win that war, afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the earth. it would be gone. it would be over in literally ten days. >> the trump administration has already begun shrinking the u.s. embassy. the goal is to cut half the embassy's personnel by september. the tariff man is back. the president is adding a 10% tariff on $300 billion worth of chinese goods next month. that effectively taxes everything coming into the u.s. from china. >> when my people came home they said, we're talking. we have another meeting in early september. i said, that's fine. but in the meantime, until such time as there's a deal, we'll be taxing them. >> this is on top of the tariffs already imposed on $250 billion of chinese goods. the new tariffs will hit tech
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particularly hard. goods like iphones and other consumer electronics will be taxed. it will affect sneakers and toys. these are categories that have been protected earlier. as he had said many times before, trump falsely claimed this. >> we're taking in many billions of dollars. there's been absolutely no inflation and, frankly, it hasn't cost our consumer anything. it costs china. >> business groups and the u.s. chamber of commerce coming out against the new tariffs. they say they will only hurt consumers and they will undermine the u.s. economy. new this morning, the reaction from china. china's foreign minister said china will retaliate, will take counter measures if they're bent on putting taxes on chinese goods. the dow closed down 281 points. the tech and industrial stocks fell. north korea has conducted a missile test. the latest test on thursday involved a new short range
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ballistic missile similar to the other two launches in recent days. even though these tests violate u.n. resolutions, president trump says he has no problem with it. >> is kim testing you? >> i think it's very much under control. >> why do you think -- >> very much under control. short range missiles, we never made an agreement on that. i have no problem. we'll see what happens, but these are short range missiles. they're very standard. >>able lists believe these recent launches signal the recent displeasure with upcoming testing between the u.s. and south korea and they're -- >> the u.s. bows out of a nuclear treaty with russia today. the new missile was developed specifically to challenge russian aggression in europe. cnn's barbara starr has the
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latest. >> reporter: christine, boris, look for this treaty called the imf treaty that restricts intermediate range missiles in europe, look for it to disappear into history. the u.s. says russia had already been violating it by deploying these intermediate range missiles on its territory, missiles that could target europe, and as of today the u.s. officially will be out of this treaty. it's signed back in the 1980s by president ragan and mikhail gorbachev all aimed at arms control. the question now, are we in an arms race. the russians have deployed multiple ba tallians of their new missile that violates the treaty, conventional at the moment but it is a missile that can target into europe, and the u.s. now upon withdrawal will begin testing its version of a missile and try and get some
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congressional funding perhaps to begin et cetera own program. there is very little hope, according to experts, that the russians will come back to the table on this. they want to have this kind of system. look for nato today to talk about all of this and talk about european security and stability for the countries in europe. if the u.s. decides to go ahead and field the new missile, they will need those european countries for basing of the american missiles and nations like poland that are nervous about next door russia just might agree to take the american weapons. christine, boris? >> barbara starr, thank you for that. republican congressman will hurd of texas announcing he will not run for re-election. he joins the list of another seven republicans who are not running. he plans to follow opportunities in the u.s. sector.
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among issues that he hoped to tackle he cited china's geopolitical threat, international competition and cyber security and inbe stability in central america. hurd is the only african-american republican in the house of representatives and a frequent critic of president trump. on thursday he scolded the president against four congress women of color. when you imply someone doesn't look like you and telling them to go back to africa or wherever, you're implying they're not an american. you're implying they have less worth than you. as the dust settles from the cnn democratic debate, joe biden was surprised at the amount of criticism aimed at president obama. key accomplishments of the obama administration came under fire. the real target, of course, was biden. the former vp has tied him seven closely to obama who is beloved amongst democrats. he was asked about the attacks on obama's legacy.
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>> i must tell you, i was a little bit surprised about how much there was about barack, the president. i'm proud of having served with him. i'm proud of the job he did. i don't think there's anything he has to apologize for. i hope the next debate we can talk about how we fixed our answers to fix the things trump has broken not how barack obama made all of these mistakes. he didn't. >> yesterday cnn asked four of the candidates about president obama's legacy. >> we are having an honest conversation about an administration that was incredible. i would take him back. heck, if he was to run for president for a third term, i wouldn't be running. >> i have nothing but praise for president obama. i think he did great work. >> i've always praised barack obama. last night i did that with regard to the economy. at the same time, let me be very clear, don, i do believe that when it comes to immigration, and i said this when i was mayor of san antonio before i even
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joined the obama administration in 2014, that there were ways that we could improve on what the obama administration was doing. >> president obama was a great president and i think for a lot of us we're looking to figure out how to build on his accomplishments and build on his records. >> president trump also noticed the attacks on obama and talked about him at his campaign rally in cincinnati. >> but i was watching the so-called debate last night, and i also watched the night before that was long, long television, and the democrats spent more time attacking barack obama than they did attacking me practically. >> a spokesman for obama declined to comment. lawyers for two american teenagers accused of killing an italian police officer now raising doubts about a key part
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of the case. we'll take you live to rome next. teach them to smile. teach them to love themselves. teach them they are special, and you'll be amazed by what they do. a cockroach can survive heresubmerged ttle guy. underwater for 30 minutes. wow. yeah. not getting in today. terminix. defenders of home. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, your plans can change in minutes. your head wants to do one thing, but your gut says, "not today." if your current treatment isn't working, ask your doctor about entyvio. entyvio acts specifically in the gi tract to prevent an excess of white blood cells from entering and causing damaging inflammation. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission.
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democrats are vowing to derail president trump's pick to become the next director of national intelligence. they're already raising questions about congressman john ratcliff's resume about a terrorism prosecutor. he claims as a u.s. attorney he putter or lists in prison. his office has been unable to provide any names. that's no problem if you ask the president. >> congressman ratcliff is an outstanding man and i'm sure he'll be able to do very well. i think he's outstanding. highly respected by many. >> they're not concerned about the accuracy of ratcliff's resume, they fear the president is trying to polite size the
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role of the dni. >> if we don't have a dni who speaks truth to power, who first is able to cull the facts and come up with an unbiased view of what they say and in an unvarnished way can tell the president, we're in a much more dangerous world than they would have been. i could hardly think of a worse choice than him. >> if there's ever a time that the intelligence committee needs to speak truth to power, it's now. >> burr will speak after they receive the nomination. puerto rico's scandal plagued governor is leaving office today, but who's going to replace him is still unclear. the puerto rican legislature delayed a vote to confirm the new secretary of state. by law he should be the one to succeed rossello. if he's not confirmed before the island president steps down, then wanda vasquez would be next
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in line. she said she doesn't want the job but if the time comes, she'll accept the responsibility. new information in the case of two american teenagers. lawyers represented finnegan lee elder and gabriel hjour say they can't get their hands on the offic officer's autopsy report. let's go live to rome and bring in cnn's melissa bell. melissa? >> reporter: christine, this is a prison in which both teens are still being kept. we just watched the father of finnegan elder make his wayhow again he remained tight lipped as he passed in front of all of our cameras. really, that's been the case throughout this, christine. we've been hearing an awful lot from italian prosecutors, investigating judges and italian media through weeks and press conferences. we've had very little from the
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defense apart from this who expressed his frustration that the defense has not been able to get its hands on the material that it needs, including as you say, christine, that crucial autopsy report. that report is simply not ready yet. that is really the quirk of the italian system if you like. remember amanda knox, it was very similar. the press gets access to one side of the argument, one narrative before the other can fully be explored never mind expressed. that could be changing. the lawyer of the ore young teen allegedly involving in this killing, his lawyer has confirmed to cnn that he's launched an appeal on his client's behalf. what that means is that it will be heard within the next couple of weeks. crucially the defense will get access to all of the material, all of the evidence against the
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teens by monday. you're about to see the story change quite substantially. it's important to remember what we have heard so far, christine, is one version of events. very little from the other side for the time being. >> the only fact not in dispute dead. frankly is that this young so now with a lot of questions that need to be answered. thank you for that. a new and unexpected opportunity for diplomacy. president trump offering to help vladimir putin. cnn is on the ground in siberia to explain just what the two leaders are talking about next. at the end of a long day, it's the last thing i want to do. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. it's an all-in-one so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep inside. so, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. plus, it's safe to use on all my floors, even wood. glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor.
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try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee
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wildfires are raging in the
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russian arctic. one of the coldest places on earth. the fires have spread across almost all of siberia. president trump telling reporters he personally offered to help vladimir putin in the fight. >> i spoke with president putd contin putin of russia yesterday. they're having massive fires in their forests. they have tremendous -- i've never seen anything like it. it's very big. i just offered our assistance because we're very good at putting out forest fires, fair and accurately. >> the fires, according to greenpea greenpeace, have created an ecological catastrophe. smoke covering the siberian city in the toxic haze. let's go live to eastern siberia. we have cnn's fred pleitgen there. hi, fred, what are you seeing? >> reporter: hi, christine. the fires are extremely toxic and extremely dangerous. one of the things about the fire, you're absolutely right. they're absolutely massive. if i took a flight from here in
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eastern siberia, for about 3 and a half hours i would still be in the fire zone. one of the reasons why president trump apparently offered that help to vladimir putin is because the russians are having a lot of trouble fighting these fires. they'll try and contain the fires around the areas where there are urban settlements but they're not going to do anything against those fires in more remote areas. the big problem is those fires are spewing megatons of c o2 into the air and into the atmosphere. one of the things you're seeing is that smoke covering things. people having trouble breathing. that's been going on for months. that's a global problem as well as some of that smoke, we've learned, has already reached the western parts of the united states as well. the fires are still raging. the russians have stepped things up. ten planes and ten choppers. with the fire of those size, that is not going to be enough
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to combat these blazes. that's why the u.s. offered this assistance. the fires are ranging this large, chis teen. it's here, the personal ma frost regi region, is melting more quickly. that unearths more carbon. that gets burned by the fires. this is a problem that's not going away and certainly one that this country is having a lot of trouble to see. >> fascinating. so glad you're here to show us that. let's get a check on cnn business this friday morning. a look at global markets here. you can see disappointment around the globe here. asian markets close lower. european markets close lower. 2% moves are significant moves in one day in the market. dow futures on wall street leaning lower here indicating it could be a little bit of a soft warning. u.s. stocks closed lower after
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the president closed lower. the dow closed down 281 points reversing a nice early rally. the s&p 500 and nasdaq also lower. retail, tech, industrial stocks all hit hard by the announcement. caterpillar closed down almost 4%. nike finished more than 3% lower. look at best buy down 10%. a real concern that u.s. consumer electronics will be hit very hard. u.s. oil fell nearly 8%. that is a huge one day move and it's sort of indicative of the fear of how this trade war will hurt global growth and kill the demand for oil. important piece of economic data in the u.s. jobs report will be released in just a few hours. the estimate from economists, about 164,000 new jobs in july. the unemployment rate steady at 3.7%. that will represent a little bit of a cooling from the 171,000 job average over the past quarter. according to the national federation of independent business, finding qualified
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workers is still a big concern for many sectors. the question remains how many workers are left to be pulled back into the labor force. the senate passed a huge budget deal that would stave off the potential default for u.s. debt and prevent automatic spenting debt. the deal suspects the debt limit until 2021. it sets top levels for the next two fiscal years. it now goes to the president for signature. the committee for a responsible federal budget said if the deal becomes law president trump will have signed into law legislation that adds $4.1 trillion for the national debt during his first term. a third case of ebola has been confirmed in the the congo. the announcement is raising new concerns that the virus could spread across the border. cnn's david mckenzie is joining us live from johannesburg. the fear is a geographic one,
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right? this being a transit hub means the virus can spread further and faster? >> that's right, boris. that's the real fear here. good morning. this goma is a major city. we were there recently. you had the situation that several people have showed up at that city's border with the ebola virus disease, the deadly disease has killed 70% of people who contracted it. here's why everyone should be paying attention to this. for the last year now this disease has spread through parts of the eastern northern part of congo and is flaring up again despite the use of the experimental vaccine. we were there and the mistrust and conflict is making it that much harder to top thstop this disease. we reported this was an announce thamt this was a global public health emergency. it hasn't garnered nearly the attention it should. the worry is because it's near the border regions that it could
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spread further. overnight we had a statement from the region from the u.s. ebola czar that has been brought in some weeks ago to try and stamp this out. take a listen. >> i think it will be a long fight. it will be a hard fight but with vigilance, we need vigilance as i've mentioned before with discipline and it will take discipline and determination we can see this through and we can bring this epidemic to an end. >> although heroic responders on the ground have been trying for months to get a handle on this disease outbreak, so far it doesn't seem like they can. boris? >> david mckenzie reporting from johannesburg. president trump tweeted out some unfortunate things about the ebola crisis before he was president. we'll see if his tune changes. thanks for international viewers for joining us. have a great weekend. for the u.s. viewers, "early start" continues right now.
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the trump administration pushing for a peace deal with the taliban to bring thousands of troops home from afghanistan. >> until such time as there's a deal, we'll beaxing them. president trump slaps china with new tariffs on things like iphones, speakers and toys. missile. president trump says he has no problem with that. a dashboard camera captures the moments a plane swoops in for an emergency landing on the highway. stopped at the red light. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm boris sanchez. it's friday august 2nd. 5 a.m. on the east coast. the u.s. preparing to bring back thousands of troops from afghanistan. the trump administration negotiating a peace deal with the taliban right now. two sources familiar with negotiations say the


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