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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  August 6, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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visit both el paso and dayton ohio within the next few days. the white house will offer federal help. the death toll has climbed to 22 with at least 2 dozen people injured and some people here are not in a welcoming mood. the el paso democratic county department sent an open letter urging the president to cancel the visit so their community can grieve and heal in peace. beto o'rourke put it even more blunt bely. he tweeted this. this president who helped create the hatred that made saturday's tragedy possible should not come to el paso. we do not need more division. we need to heal. he has no place here. el paso mayor dee margo says he has often disagreed with the president but that will not stop him from meeting with the president. >> he's coming out here on
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wednesday and i want to clarify for the political spin that this is the office of the mayor of el paso in an official capacity welcoming the office of the president of the united states, which i consider is my formal duty. >> reporter: cnn's rosa flores is here with me now on how the city is coping with this tragedy and how they feel about the president's visit. you've been speaking with people at this memorial and around the community. what do you hear? >> reporter: some of the people that i talk to say they know that it's the president's duty to be here as commander in chief. they have respect for the office, but they have difficulty reconciling the words that he has used to describe immigrants, to describe the migrant caravan because the other thing, victor, is el paso is really ground zero for the immigration debate. so people here have been feeling
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the immigration policies that the president has enacted. and so they talked to me, for example, about the remaining mexico policy just across the border in juarez. people are waiting for asylum and because of the president's policies they have to wait in mexico. in this community, a border community, a lot of people even though they live in the united states they know people in mexico. they have family members and friends in mexico. so it's really just one giant community with an international line in between. i was just talking to a woman here at the memorial, and she says that she's really not happy that president trump is coming here because she doesn't believe that he's -- his words are genuine. he described in such an eloquent way, when he denounced white supremacy and racism, she says she just doesn't believe those words. her name is carla kubero.
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she is in much paape and trying to heal because of all of this. take a listen to what she has to say. >> it's his responsibility to show up when something like this happens in the city when there's any type of tragedy. i think it is his responsibility as a leader of the united states, however, i -- seeing his recent commentaries and his responses to this tragedy, i don't think he has -- it's really coming from him, you know, from the goodness of his heart. i'm hoping for the best. i would hate for any more violent acts to happen with his visit, but i do appreciate that he is coming down. >> reporter: now we haven't heard of any protests. she's concerned about possible violent acts or something happening while the president is here, but, of course, they're community continues to heal. >> that's the last thing this community needs is another violent act. the president is also planning to visit dayton as we mentioned.
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the city's mayor whaley said they spoke by phone sunday night. she told the president he is welcome but she made it clear she expects something to be done about gun violence. >> i talked to him about 24 seconds, that he reached that much havoc with that type of gun. i said, i'm from southern ohio. people have rifles and handguns. we're not east coast or west coast folks that say no guns at all. i said, but like i don't understand why anybody, why any citizen would need that gun. and he didn't disagree with me. maybe he was placating me, i don't know. but i appreciate he listened to me around that. we'll continue to push because i don't want other cities to go through this. >> reporter: cnn's ryan young has more from dayton.
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>> reporter: a lot of work is still to be done. there are so many questions for what exactly happened when you have people from the ages of 57 to 22 who were killed in this crime, people want to know exactly why the shooter came here, trained his gun on the club behind me and opened fire. what we do know is at least 41 rounds of fire and he had over 200 rounds of ammo within that clip and in the car. there are a lot of questions. there is still one man who was alive who apparently accompanied the shooter and his sister who he ended up killing to the scene. he was shot. he's still in the hospital. that man may have more details for the police to unravel the investigation. 24 seconds is all it took for that shooter to kill 9 people and wound dozens of others. now we're seeing all of the surveillance images of the shooter as he moved through the street. there are 911 calls as people called for help. the police response, those heroes, who got into the scene
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in 30 seconds who were able to take the shooter out and saved so many lives. victor and christie. >> reporter: let's bring in james galiano. good morning to you. i want to start here with you as the former army ranger, right? what we learned from ryan is that this man fired off 41 shots, killed 9, injured 22. in 24 seconds. your reaction to his ability to be able to do that. >> chilling to watch the videotape. it shows the gunman coming down the street and making a hard left turn trying to get inside the bar. if that gunman had not been interdicted by the police, as you said, in 24 seconds, the slaughter could have been worse. i cannot fathom why a 100 round double drum magazine on a
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semi-automatic weapon is necessary. don't tell me target practice. putting that into the hands of somebody who's not in law enforcement, who's not in the military with those types of drums, the high capacity, the ability to fire weapons at a high rate of fire and have all of that available ammo does not belong on the streets of dayton, doesn't belong on the streets of el paso, doesn't belong on the streets of america. >> reporter: we heard from mayor nan whaley. let me ask you about the online revelations from this investigation that he tweeted extreme left wing views antifa. reconcile this with the target on saturday night. >> huge relevance. for law enforcement, so important to get the motive and causality. people are like, it doesn't matter. those people are dead. that's true. for law enforcement to get out in front of the next one. between 2000 and 2013, the fbi
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conducted a study on preincident, preclub related. most of the shooters have no record. most obtain weapons legally. the median is 38.8. 12 is the youngest. 88 is the oldest. 68% are caucasian. here's the important thing, 7% of them spend a week pre-planning. 46% of them spend a week or more in preparation to cause this to happen. did this person in dayton target that bar for a particular reason? was it a racist methodology or was it related to the fact that he had just killed his sister and this was a target of opportunity? >> let me tell you about this. we learned from the police chief because i want to get the quote right. he said as soon as he got here he was lost in the neighborhood. after that he found his way to the walmart because we
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understand he was hungry. he didn't want to go anymore into details of that. the random nature of choosing this target. you receive that how? >> so curious but that tells us a lot as we peel the onion away. the police are being cautious of what they're releasing. we're data driven to figure out what was the real causality behind this. we know he drove 600 miles from alan, texas. came to the border. that's juarez back there. very close proximity to a major city in mexico. what that tells me is he did not pre-plan this like many mass shooters did. they will go and walk the ground where they want to continue. they knew there would be a populated area. president trump condemning racism and white supremacy in
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these remarks from the white house on monday, but he did not acknowledge his own racist and divisive rhetoric. he stopped short of endorsing a house bill that would endorse background checks for gun violence. >> the shooter in el paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate. in one voice our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy. these sinister ideologies must be defeated. hate has no place in america. we must recognize that the internet has provided a dangerous avenue to radicalize disturbed minds and perform demented acts. we must stop the glorification
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of these acts. we must better identify mentally disturbed individuals who may commit acts of violence. >> before the president made those remarks he used his twitter account to call on republicans and democrats to come together to make small -- it gone. cnn has learned two senior officials oppose connecting gun violence and legislation in the same issue. the justice department is now considering a federal law that would make mass shootings a capital crime. programming note, chris cuomo will moderate a live cuomo primetime town hall, america under assault right here at 9:00 on cnn. the first big casualty of the u.s./china trade war, the american farmer. cnn is up next. it's tough to quit smoking cold turkey.
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worst day point wise. nasdaq down 3.5%. worst day since last october. what in the world happened here? well, china retall leiating aga the latest tariffs on china. the treasury secretary steven mnuchin officially labeled china a currency manipulator. he'll work with the international monetary fund. china announced it was halting the purchase of products. the farm bureau called it a body blow to farmers already hit hard by the trade war. china was once the biggest market for soy bean farmers. now soy beans are sitting in storage at record levels. according to the st. louis federal reserve bank, delinquencies on ag loans have tripled since 2015. the dow is still up more than
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10% this year. the s&p 500 up 13.5%. nasdaq up 16% even after the big selloff. that's your latest. let's bring in cnn's matt rivers live in hong kong. it looks like china has responded from the treasury department? >> yeah. unsur priesly, we're not currency manipulators. we ret the value of our currency -- that's going to come from experds and if he wanted to have it go to the point yesterday, beijing could have made that not happen. it was a message beijing was sending to the united states. it's a form of retaliation. donald trump levied new tariffs on $300 billion of new exports since last thursday.
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ever since then we've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. the tangible move was not buying agricultural products. beijing made that announcement given that it was billions and billions of dollars of products bought by china over the last several years. >> that's part of it. it's going to make chinese more competitive and beijing didn't want to let that happen, they wouldn't have let it happen, christine. two rounds of bailouts. we'll see how hard american farmers can be hit. miami marlins rookie making his major league debut last night. wait until you see his father's reaction when he hit a home run for his first major league hit. so cool. andy scholes has the bleacher
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a day after making a statement about gun violence on the field, u.s. soccer star brings home an award.
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andy scholes has more on this morning's bleacher report. hey, andy. >> after scoring a goal on sunday, he ran over to the field mike to make a statement. >> congress, do something now. end gun violence. let's go! >> major league soccer says he will not be fined or suspended for making a statement mid game. he was awarded the player of the week in mls which is voted on by the media and fans. he has been outspoken about gun violence. he grew up from marjorie stone man douglas high school in parkland, florida, where 17 people were killed last year. posting on instagram yesterday saying my call towards congress is that we can't just simply sit idolly by without even trying to continue to implement new laws while also helping those with mental illness. baseball last night, marlins
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taking on the mets. eson diaz making his major league debut. his dad raul was being interviewed when this happened. >> is this an emotional day for you? >> it is very emotional. >> oh, oh, oh! >> first career hit for diaz, a home run. texans up in green bay practicing with the packers. training camp tradition is for the players to ride kids bikes from the locker room to the field. j.j. watt was taking part in the fun yesterday. one problem, some kids bikes not built to hold 250 pound linebackers. watt sat on the bike and broke it. watt said he will be buying the
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little guy a brand-new bike. >> i can't believe he could sit on it. it's so amazing. all right. thanks so much for that. andy scholes this morning. about 27 minutes past the hour. we're getting reaction from people in el paso, texas, who are just learning the president plans a visit tomorrow. that reaction next. the third stair always creaked.
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the president's coming out. i will meet with the president. >> president trump plans to visit el paso and dayton tomorrow. not everyone welcomes him. mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun. >> reporter: the president focuses on mental illness instead of gun safety. just gut punched america's midwest hitting farmers right where it hurts. welcome back to "early start," everyone. i'm christine romans in new york. >> reporter: i'm victor blackwell in el paso at half past the hour.
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president trump is planning to visit both el paso and dayton, ohio, within the next few days. the white house says he'll express condolences and offer federal help in the wake of two mass shootings over the weekend. here in el paso the death toll has now climbed to 22 with at least two dozen injured. some people here are not in a welcoming mood. the el paso democratic party sent an open letter urging the president to cancel the visit so to, as they put it, allow their community to continue to grieve and heal in peace. democratic candidate and el paso native beto o'rourke put it even more bluntly. this is what he tweeted. this president who helped create the hatred that made saturday's tragedy possible should not come to el paso. we do not need more division. we need to heal. he has no place here. el paso mayor dee margo has often disagreed with the president especially on the border wall but he said that
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will not stop him from meeting with the president. >> he's coming out here on wednesday. i want to clarify for the political spin that this is the office of the mayor of el paso in an official capacity welcoming the office of the president of the united states, which i consider as my formal duty. >> reporter: cnn's rosa flores has more about how he's coping. you have been here speaking with people and there are people here now at this hour but also across the city. how do they feel and how do they feel about the president's visit? >> reporter: you know, emotions are really raw right now here in el paso, victor. i was just at the memorial, like you said, and there's been so many people stopping by to drop off candles that you walk by that memorial and you can smell the scent of those candles. as you said, i've talked to
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people all around the city asking them about this and of course they're in pain. they are trying to decipher the president's words describing immigrants. very painful words here in el paso. in a city like this one, a border city, people have family and friends on both sides of the border. i talked to one woman this morning. her name is karla cuburo, she said it's painful for the president to come here. she would prefer the president not come here. another i talked to, oscar salazar, he says he hopes that the president stops by with positive words that perhaps can help this community heal. let's listen to what he has to say. >> but hopefully this is an awakening for everybody as a humanity. i'm just a little nervous about how the public is going to react
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to him coming back after saying so many negative things about, you know, mexican people and stuff like that. it's kind of heartbreaking, but that's the world we live in today so -- >> reporter: one of the things that really stands out to me about the memorial, victor, is there are two flags. there's a mexican flag and an american flag and they're sown together. that's what i keep on hearing from people in the community. those flags are a symbol of what the community expects. even though somebody came here trying to divide them because of hate, they're not going to be divided. >> the mayor said they will not be divided. >> reporter: the president is expected to visit the city of dayton, ohio, nan whaley said she will welcome him but she expects something done about gun
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violence. >> i talked to him about 24 seconds, that this gunman wreaked that much havoc with that kind of gun. i said, look, mr. president, i'm from southern ohio. people have rifles and handguns. we're not east coast or west coast that say no guns at all but i don't understand why anybody, any citizen would need that gun. he didn't disagree with me. maybe he was placating me. we'll continue to push because i don't want other cities to do this. >> reporter: cnn's ryan young has more on the investigation from dayton. ryan? >> reporter: christine and victor, a lot of work to be done when it comes to find out the motive but there are so many questions in this community from what exactly happened when you have people from the ages of 57 to 22 who were killed in the crime, people want to know
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exactly why the shooter came here, trained his gun on the club behind me and opened fire. what we do know is at least 41 rounds was fired from the weapon, police believe he had over 200 rounds of ammo within the clip and within the car. still a lot of questions. there is still one man alive who apparently accompanied the shooter and his sister who he ended up killing to the scene. he was shot. he's still in the hospital. that man may have more details from the police to sort of unravel this investigation. 24 seconds is all it took for that shooter to kill nine people and wound dozens of others and now we're seeing all these surveillance images of the shooter as he moved through the street. 911 calls where people were calling for help but it was the police response, those heroes who got to the scene within 30 seconds who saved so many lives. victor and christine. >> reporter: president trump condemning racism and white supremacy in a speech on monday, but he did not acknowledge his own racist and divisive
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rhetoric. he stopped short of endorsing a house bill that would expand background checks for gun violence. >> the shooter in el paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate. in one voice our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy. these sinister ideologies must be defeated. hate has no place in america. we must recognize that the internet has provided a dangerous avenue to radicalize disturbed minds and perform demeanted acts. we must stop the glorification in our society. this includes the gruesome and grisly video games that are now common place. we must better identify mentally disturbed individuals who may commit acts of violence. >> reporter: let's bring in zach
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wolf live from washington. zach, the president's scripted comments were so inconsistent with his unscripted comments that it's fair to question the relevancy. he stood at that very podium in that same room, the diplomatic reception room august 17th, 2017. the next day he called them very fine people. what's the value of a scripted speech by this president? >> i think in this kind of moment immediately after these tragedies he's out there sort of staying on script. i think that's something most people probably can be thankful for, but i don't think it's going to end up being some new trump. this is not a new individual we're seeing before us. he's reading the peach but i
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think the next time he has a political rally, it will be the same guy. thankfully he is not full meanting frustration amongst people right now in this very painful moment. >> zach, it's unclear if he's turning a corner on policy as well. he trotted out that old and frankly debunked notion that video games are at the core of these things. even conservative icon antonin scalia, he wrote a scathing supreme court decision a few years ago between video games and violence. it shows a lack of seriousness about trying to figure out what's going on here. the president earlier in the day on monday had tweeted, republicans and democrats must come together to get strong background checks perhaps marrying the legislation with desperately needed immigration reform. that didn't show up in the prepared remarks showing there's
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existing trouble in the white house putting those together. what policy could come out of this? >> i thought the lack of him mentioning background checks when he had the opportunity to do it at the white house was pretty clear. when he's thinking to himself. well, maybe we should do background checks. when they write the speech for him and he goes up there and delivers it, it doesn't include that. i think that suggests we're not going to be seeing background checks any time soon. republicans in the senate have made very clear they don't want to check the background check bill that has already passed the hou house. he was going out of his way to find things to blame, video games, the internet culture. he didn't want to blame himself and his rhetoric and he wanted to make sure not to bring in any new gun measures. he danced around that very carefully in that speech.
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>> reporter: the white house says the president will be visiting el paso tomorrow. we should remind people that it was just six months ago during the state of the union address that the president maligned the city saying it was one of the most dangerous in america before a barrier went up when historically elpass so with breeding, that they were bringing disease to the u. states and how does the president think he can console? >> we have to hope he stays on script and can be there. he's sort of whipped up his base there, but this is going to be a very different, very different scene, i think, when he shows up. >> we've heard from the former
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president barack obama as well. he's issuing a statement about these racist sentiments in america. it is at the root of slavery and jim crow, holocaust, ethnic cleansing in the balkans. it has no place in our public and life. it is time for americans to say as much. clearly and unequivocally. barack obama also, i will point out, was president during numerous mass shootings as well. what about the democrats and barack obama. how are their voices being heard? >> that's important to point out. there were multiple shootings during the obama administration, during the bush administration. you can't tie them to the political environment trump has. he has helped them flourish. for democrats it will be interesting to see if this
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becomes a motivating issue for them in the election. is gun violence going to be something they try to mobilize around and break the hold that republicans and gun activists have in the senate. >> zach, nice to see you this morning. programming note, everyone, chris cuomo. right here on cnn. the first big casualty of the u.s./china trade war. the american farmer. cnn business is next. no hesitat, i went straight to ctca. after my mastectomy, it was maddening because i felt part of my identity was being taken away. when you're able to restore what cancer's taken away, you see that transformation firsthand knowing that she had options that she could choose, helped restore hope. my team made me feel like a whole person again. cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now.
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let's get a check on cnn business this morning. a look at markets around the world trying to stabilize after a really awful day yesterday. you can see asian markets all closed lower following the tone set in the u.s. european markets though are bouncing back here. on wall street escalation in the
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u.s./china trade war caused a huge selloff on monday. looks like we're trying to take it back. the dow closed down 767 points. the worst day of the year. the s&p 500 closed 3% lower. the nasdaq, wow, down 3.5%, the biggest decline since october. trade tension hitting tech stocks hard. apple down 5%. chip stocks have a big presence in china, all of those suffered. some important perspective here, we like to take the long view. joining us is will ripley. the president famously said, trade war is easy to win. this does not look easy. i don't see the off ramp here. >> i think there are a lot of people who think the united states and president trump is doing the right thing by pushing back. this tariff tax is failing miserably right now. >> when you look at american
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farmers in particular, the chinese government saying they are not going to allowed state-owned enterprises to buy ag products in the united states. >> it's huge. >> it seems like that's from the chinese side a savvy political move. >> right. china can do this because they have the swine flu outbreak because the hog herd is being hit. chinese pork is a staple of the diet. it's everywhere, every restaurant. such a popular item. brazil can't fill the boyd. they have resisted labelling it and the yuan dropped to the low ets level
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est level in a decade. but by labeling them a currency manipulator, china no longer has to be worried about being labeled that. therefore they can lower it even further if they want to allow it to drop further, they could manipulate it even though china has said within the last couple of hours that they don't manipulate their currency. it's all about supply and demand. >> where are we? there are lower level talks for september. where are we in the negotiation? >> lower level talks have been very difficult. things when they do go well between xi and trump whether it be in argentina or at their most recent meeting in japan, you know, they come up with this agreement. for example, in japan president trump said he secured large purchases of agricultural products, soy beans. we now see what's happened. at the working level there's not a warm negotiations and the two sides were at odds. what the u.s. wants is for china
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to fundamentally restructure its economy. beijing doesn't think like that. they think there could be two or six more years left of the trump administration. >> the working assumption in the united states, let china do it its own way and eventually they'll be like the united states. eventually they won't be a state owned economy. that's not the way the chinese see it. the u.s. is asking for china to existentially change its business model. they've been giving a lot of. >> leah: way. force technology transfer. you can't even use an american credit card when you go to beijing. the market is not open. that's been a long standing complaint. china is refusing for the most part to change them. >> it is such an interesting story. thanks, will. nice to see you. a child takes a frightening
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take a look at this security camera video from southern china. curious 3-year-old. oh, my goodness, walks over, steps on a broken manhole cover and instantly disappears. his dad scrambles to reach him and hauls him out of the water. he was terrified. he did keep his head above the dirty water and suffered only minor injuries to his feet. all right. khalid will be performing a benefit concert in his adopted hometown of el paso. ♪ ♪
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khalid grew up in a military family that moved to el paso when he was a teenager. he has been outspoken about his love for that city. he tweeted, over the past few days i've been thinking of ways to help out and support the city. i'm planning for a benefit concert later this month. all of the proceeds will go to the families. sending you all my love. we'll keep you updated. i'm christine romans. more from el paso as "new day" starts right now. our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy. >> he is responsible for the hatred and violence we're seeing. >> i don't think i deserve to live because it's not fair. >> mitch mcconnell won't let these bills come up for a vote. >> if they can stop one shooting from happening, they ought to do it. >> he died in your arms.
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what did you say to him? >> i kept saying i love you, get up. >> this is "new day" with alisyn camerota and john berman. >> welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. this is "new day", tuesday, august 6th. alisyn is off. chris cuomo joins me live from el paso, texas. we learned overnight that president trump is preparing to visit el paso and dayton, ohio, later this week. two cities burying their dead after mass shootings. in the case of el paso, cities trying to move past divisions that the president has stoked for years. the white house is not releasing the president's travel plans. the mayor of el paso says he will meet with president trump tomorrow, and some in the city are asking the president to cancel the visit. they say the racist, divisive language that the president uses is having very real consequences, chris. >> reporter: i tell you, we had
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hundreds of people coming up to us after the show expressing those concerns, no one louder than beto o'rourke. he tweeted, this president who helped create the hatred that made saturday's tragedy possible, should not come to el paso. we do not need more division, we need to heal. he has no place here. we spoke at length with o'rourke. the former congressman says the president's speech, denouncing racism, calling for unity, rings entirely too hollow. >> this is the same man who called white nationalists and chancem clans man and neo-nazis, nice people. and full of aids or countries in africa [ bleep ] hole nations. he responsible for the hatred


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