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tv   New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman  CNN  August 20, 2019 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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warren. the poll reinforces biden's key strength which is electability. biden's campaign is embracing this and stressing the need to beat donald trump in his first tv ad this morning. >> no other candidate has made any meaningful gains in the new cnn poll. this is a brand new cnn poll. no major gains for anyone but biden, significant, sizable losses for one candidate. senator kamala harris, she has dropped a whole bunch since june. erasing the boost she got after the first democratic debate. one other note, this poll secures julian castro's spot on the debate stage in september. he is now the 10th candidate to qualify. cnn's political record, david joins us now. >> let's take a look at those numbers again, the democratic horse race, where it stands
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right now. joe biden commanding lead in this race nationally. remember, this is a national picture right now. we know the nomination is fought state by state, iowa, new hampshire, nevada, south carolina, but here he is double digit lead, 29%. sanders and warren in a battle tied there for second place. sanders at 15. warren at 14. buttigieg and harris at 5. everyone else, 3% or below. look at the movement. we last polled in the immediate after math of the first debate, the miami debate, and take a look. you can see, if you see where they were in our june poll, compared to now, joe biden has returned. remember, he took a hit on that debate stage. he's now back up 7 points, 29% is about where he was prior to that miami debate. the only other big movement we see here is that kamala harris dropped, okay, she was at 17% in june. she's now down to 5. back down in single digits where she was before that miami debate.
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what we saw is that was a huge moment in this race, but it wasn't long lasting. we also asked whether people are looking for a candidate to beat donald trump or one that shares -- oh, sorry. i want to give you a little sense of the coalition first that biden has. take a look at the ideological split between liberals and moderate conservative democrats. i found this fascinating, biden, sanders, warren, they are in a battle for the liberal democrats. but he's running away with the moderate conservative vote, just like he does with older democrats, just like he does with self-identified democrats versus independents who say they are going to vote in the democratic primary. this is key to his coalition as we know are african-american voters. i want to show you that split, are you looking for someone to beat donald trump or are you looking for someone who shares your position on the issues. 54% of democrats in this poll say they want a candidate with a strong chance of beating trump.
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39% say they're looking for a candidate who shares their position on the issues. this is actually a little lower than we have seen before, this notion of just finding the one that can beat trump. look at some demographics on this issue, how it divides. take a look when you compare white college educated voters to non-college educated voters. it is amazing. if you are a white non-college educated voter in this poll, you're more in favor of someone who shares your position than beating trump but splits evenly here. take a look at college-educated white voters, 65% looking for a trump defeater. 29%, someone who shares their position on the issues. we see the same thing on age, this is also really interesting. if you are 45 or older in this poll, my god, it's like more than 2 to 1, you want somebody who can defeat donald trump. 66% to 25%. that advantage flips the other way for younger voters.
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56% of younger voters want someone who shares their positions. 41% say they want somebody who can beat trump. what you see here of course is this is biden territory, the 45 plus. this is more warren territory, sanders territory, the young voters. so you can see the difference of the electability argument you're saying that is clearly present in joe biden's new ad in iowa, guys. >> very interesting, david. stay with us. we want to bring in alex burns and kiersten powers, cnn political analyst and usa today columnist. alex, joe biden is waking up in a very good mood this morning. i mean, he's running for president obviously before. i don't think he's ever broken double digits and the idea that's nothing that's happened in the debates, the hit he took from kamala harris, none of his verbal missteps, heads only been climbing in the polls.
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>> the good news for biden is he has a significant lead. he hasn't lost much ground. he has recovered ground since the after math of the first debate and on top of that there is not a coalescing of liberal opposition. he's approximatelying a tipolli. you're at 29% in the field of a million candidates, can he win over people who don't support him as the field gets narrower, but you have elizabeth warren and bernie sanders drawing on an important well of opposition, liberal pop ewe louulous, everye in this race, including candidates who we have thought of formidable competitors, pete buttigieg, kamala harris, they have not figured out what their
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path is in this race. they need somebody else to stumble or they need to break out in a much bigger or sustained way. >> it seems like the biden team has fully embraced what they see as their path to victory, which is we can beat trump. they're jumping in with more than both feet. if you can jump in with 4 feet, that's what they're doing this morning. they have the new ad. and jill biden, the vice president's wife said something out loud last night in new hampshire, which is not the type of thing you folly hear from a campaign. listen to what jill biden said. >> i know that not all of you are committed to my husband, and i respect that. your candidate might be better on, i don't know, health care, than joe is, but you've got to look at who's going to win this election. and maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say, okay, i sort of personally like so and so
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better, but your bottom line has to be that we have to beat trump. >> so kiersten, not the candidate you might like, but the candidate you might need. that's an interesting message from a campaign this morning. >> yeah, i mean, i think it would have been more effective to say that he has a great health care plan and he can beat trump. i don't know that you need to concede that he might not have the best health care plan but vote for him anyway. you know, i don't know why she chose to go that route. i think it's fair to, you know, remind people how important it is to beat donald trump, and he is the person that a lot of people feel is the person kwhwh can beat trump. i don't think there's any real problem with that. the one thing i would say, the liberal vote that sort of bernie sanders and elizabeth warren vote, which is definitely, you know, a decent group of people, they're splitting that, you know, so i think it makes biden
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seem a little farther ahead than i think he is because if you were to combine those, and you know, it was just one person, then you would have, you know, roughly the same percentage that joe biden is getting. right now he's benefitting from the fact that there are so many other people in the race, you know, who are dividing the vote. i don't know that he -- you know, that this is sustainable as people start dropping out and it starts becoming a more -- clear decision between different people and people may come around also to believing that elizabeth warren is the best person to beat donald trump. >> we've got more than a year to go. >> but you don't until iowa. we don't have more than a year to go. iowa is february. >> that's a good point. >> and donald trump, in august of 2016 was well ahead in august and never slipped behind. a second to herman cane. >> but we're in august of 2015 right now. >> it was august of 2015 he went
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ahead and stayed ahead the whole time. we don't know. it might be that biden has solidified. it's not a year. it's six months. >> the motto, my husband, he's good enough might be working for jill and joe. that could work, but david, i'm curious, what is the thinking behind what's happening with kamala harris. she has been out stumping. we have seen her in iowa doing all of the right things, so what's the thing about that drop? >> i don't think there's a massive amount of concern about the drop. i think there was an understanding, our poll is showing what other polls are showing since the miami debate. she scored a moment. it wasn't long lasting. that was an artificial high that she had. i think they're back to sort of figuring out how to break into that group of the top three and consistently stay there and as you said, she's been out and about and campaigning more. she's leaning more into iowa as
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john notes his importance of where it is up front in the calendar. i don't sense any sort of panic. this is a return where we were before that first debate. i think more than anything else. and i will also just note, as we're talking about -- kiersten was talking about the liberals, splitting between sanders and warren. it is clear in the poll that various coalitions of the candidates and therefore what turn out looks like, cliche that it is, is going to determine so much. if reliable democratic voters, older voters, ones that identify that more moderate and conservative, they are identifying as a democrat than an independent. if those are the folks that show up in large numbers, that is joe biden territory. you can see where the nonjoe biden -- non-joe biden vote. among liberals, independent
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minded people who want to play in the democratic nominating contest, if that is what the electorate looks like as we turn the corner into 2020 in these democratic nominating contests, that could spell trouble for joe biden. >> the only thing i want to note is that the warren coalition, and bernie sanders coalition are not exactly the same thing. >> true. >> and we don't have that cross trek to show you. bernie sanders does much better among non-college educated voters, and elizabeth warren does better among college-educated voters, and neither has been able to make significant end roads in the competition. joe biden does well with both. he plays in every voting group. he doesn't necessarily win, but he plays. >> that is the challenge for biden, he does have broad appeal. does he have the same kind of deep appeal. bernie sanders has a more limited coalition. a 6th of the party instead of a third.
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if he messes up, somebody interesting pops up on the debate stage, they're not going to move on bernie sanders. i don't think the biden folks have the same confidence in that as a possibility. i do think a point that david made that was key is that harris had this interesting moment, this exciting debate that drew a lot of eyeballs to her candidacy. the three people who are dominating this poll, and who have dominated the race so far are people whose impressions on the public are really deeply ingrained. elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, joe biden, democratic voters know who they are, and they have the key traits identified, biden's electability, warren's ideas, sanders liberalism and independence. it's going to get harder and harder for somebody else in the race to build that durable impression on the electorate. >> i was just going to say that yes, it's true that they have different kinds of voters in terms of education level, but, you know, i think that what they
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have in common is that they're obviously people who are looking for someone to disrupt the system. they're not looking for a joe biden who is sort of status quo, just vote for me because i'm going to win kind of person. if that's what they were looking for, why wouldn't the sanders voters move over to biden, you know, i mean, because a lot of biden's voters overlap with him, and a lot of them are the noncollege educated people, so you know, i think the question does remain, if sanders collapses, you know, where do those voters go, and i don't, you know, my expectation is that a fair number would probably go to warren just because she, like sanders is basically saying, this system is broken, we have to change it. you know, whereas biden's argument is essentially as we heard from his wife is i can win. >> you're so right, the most progressive voters that we talked to and we hear from, are not excited by biden and so it
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just depends on if they turn out, you need the excitement that they feel for sanders or warren to turn them out or if they would ultimately just, you know, come into the fold. >> i would say, again, joe biden is at 22%, among self-proclaiming liberal voters and elizabeth warren at 22%. the most of the most, probably they're not excited about joe biden. >> i guess that's what i'm trying to get at. i don't think it's just that they're liberal voters. i think they're people looking for disruption so it's a different kind of person. maybe id logically that's where -- idealogically, that's where they are, but looking for someone to blow up the system. >> thank you very much. new this morning, the police officer in the eric garner case vowing to appeal after being fired from the new york police department and stripped of his pension. garner's family has thanked the department but is now demanding the state pursue the other
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officers involved. cnn's brynn gingras is here. >> o'neill actually choked up when delivering this news, admitting that it was going to anger the rank and file. >> it is clear that daniel pantaleo can no longer effectively serve as a new york city police officer. >> more than five years after the controversial death of eric garner. >> i can't breathe, i can't breathe. >> reporter: the nypd is firing one of its own. >> this was not an easy decision. it's not something that i could make over a few hours. and i have been thinking about this since the day i was sworn in as police commissioner. >> reporter: an internal nypd investigation found grave misconduct by officer daniel pantaleo. that report which factored in
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the commissioner's decision characterized pantaleo's use of force in garner's arrest as reckless and a gross deviation from the standard of conduct. a federal investigation and grand jury proceedings began against pantaleo in 2014. no charges were filed in either case. garner's family is praising the nypd's decision but says this isn't the end. >> we will be going to the congressional hearings. we will be trying to reopen the case. we will be going after the rest of the officers involved because it's not all right. >> you cannot scare me away. yeah, pantaleo, you may have lost your job, but i lost a son. >> pantaleo's attorney says he will appeal the firing. >> obviously he is disappointed, upset, but has a lot of strength. we're looking to him to get his job back. >> reporter: garner was approached by pant laleo and otr
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officers for allegedly selling loose cigarettes. the arrest was caught on camera, sparking city wide protests, as people took to the streets using garner's last words as a rallying cry. >> i can't breathe. >> the mayor, de blasio, and commissioner o'neill said they hope the city will move forward peacefully and learn from its mistake, but both agree it took way too long to reach a conclusion. >> thank you very much for the update. coming up on "new day," we'll be talking to new york city's mayor, bill de blasio, and the widow of eric garner if they are sfi satisfied with the outcome. the trump administration says there's no reason to be concerned about the economy, but there's secret plans to boost the economy. why are they making new plans if they're not worried. the new reporting straight ahead. that a handle is just a handle.
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this morning, the white house is denying a new report that they are considering a temporary payroll tax cut to try to boost the economy. it comes amid concern that the u.s. could be headed toward a recession, a possibility that the white house also denies. back with us, alex burns and kiersten powers, and jacky ie
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almeni, they deny they're talking about a payroll tax cut. there's clear reporting in the white house. it seems despite their claims they see no trouble on the horizon, they're concerned that trouble is on the horizon. >> that's exactly right. my colleague damian poleta, reported that the white house is in a bit of a catch 22. there are signs, as we all went crazy over the inverted yield curve last week that the recession is slowing down and the white house is in fact exploring various ways to make sure that doesn't happen while at the same time trying to project confidence and make sure that those plans that they are seeking to bolster the economy don't actually get out. but the president here is grasping for straws and trying to come up with every single excuse in the bag in order to claim that, you know, if the economy is faltering, it's not his fault, it's the fed's fault,
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jaye powell, whom he appointed, it's the trade war, exaggerated reports over the trade war which is hurting consumers and company profits or, you know, it's a media conspiracy theory that we are pushing for a recession because we don't want the president to win the election. >> kiersten, we had peter navarro on last week, and i asked him about this. i said everybody wants to know what your plan is when you see some storm clouds coming, what is the plan, if there are signs of a recession, and he had an interesting non-answer. here it is. >> i think that what the question was yesterday after this very volatile week was what is your plan going forward if you see signs of a recession? >> so let's look at the china question. >> okay. >> that's not an answer. is that an answer. >> that is not an answer.
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he went out to lay out the seven deadly sins of china. won't they feel better to think the administration has a plan. i don't understand the denials of we have no plan. >> well, i mean, the original plan chs twas the tax cuts and was supposed to create a booming economy. i have said all along i think the trump administration has gotten way more credit than they deserve in terms of the economy, the so called booming economy because it's the underlying fundamentals of the economy have not been good. this shouldn't be a surprise to anybody. many economists were saying, you know, that they saw a recession coming and increasingly more are saying that. there was a recent survey of the top economists in the country and 3 out of 4 said they see a recession coming before 2021, and why do they see that? they see that primarily because of the china trade war, and so this goes back directly to the actions of the president.
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he's trying to point fingers at the fed to scapegoat them for the decisions that he's made, and the other thing about the trade war, which many economists noted is we're not even getting anything for it. china is not making any concession. it's not as though it's leading to something better that in the short-term you suffer and in the long-term you end up with what you want. they're not making any concessions and the only way you're going to get them to change is some sort of multilateral approach. i think the trump administration right now is just trying to point fingers at other people to try to convince, you know, the people who might vote for them that it's not their fault. >> there's a major development over the last 24 hours in women's access. particularly low income women's access to get health care, particularly contraception and family planning and that's that planned parenthood has withdrawn from title x money. this is a rule that says while clinics accepting the title, is
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it title x or title 10. they may not refer women to an abortion provider or suggest where to obtain an abortion. planned parenthood say the restriction will force physicians and clinics to withhold medical information from patients, would interfere with the doctor patient relationship and could deny women the range of options available to them. planned parenthood said rather than agree to the new rule from the trump administration which says they can't recommend an abortion provider, they're not going to take the money at all. abortion proponents see this as a major victory. >> it is. in a lot of ways, achieving through executive administration what republicans in congress have been unable to achieve through legislation. it's not an outright defunding of planned parenthood wholesale but this is what republicans and the anti-abortion movement have been trying to do for some time, limit the relationship between federal funds and this organization. i think it is a real case where
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we're going to see some of the abortion debates that have been for a lot of people, relatively abstract, for a number of years, people who trusted that there was basically a post-roe consensus on the way the government was going to operate and a conservative minority trying to change that consensus. this is now where the conservative, the ascendant conservative government that we have at this point is going to see what kind of popular response there is to those actual policies. planned parenthood has had a really rough year between this decision and its own political internal turmoil. it's not necessarily on the strongest possible footing to fight back. >> i wish we could talk about this more. just to tie this up, not providing birth control for women doesn't help your ultimate goal of reducing unwanted pregnancies, and so if that's the by-product of this it's a problem. we'll talk about it later in the problem. thank you all very much. vladimir putin insists
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there's no reason to be worried after a recent blast at a missile facility. so why did four of their nuclear monitoring stations go dark after this explosion. we have all the details next. you're turning onto the street
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there are new questions this morning about the mysterious explosion at a russian missile test facility that killed five nuclear scientists. four russian nuclear monitoring stations stopped transmitting information after that explosion. heightening concerns that russia is trying to conceal information about how much radiation was released. cnn's barbara starr is looiive the pentagon with the latest. what do we know about this mystery. >> this was all after explosion on august 8th in northern russia of a missile test. that's what the u.s. believes. and they believe it was a missile called sky fall, a
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nuclear powered cruise missile program that the russians are working on. huge explosion, and in the days after, after this apparent test failure, four of five nuclear monitoring stations in russia went offline. these are stations that are put there by an international, independent monitoring organization that monitors around the world for nuclear explosions and radiation. so far, the question of whether radiation has been emitted from northern russia is very confusing as well. people were warned about it after the explosion but with monitoring stations offline for no apparent reason, it's difficult now for these international monitors to know exactly what is going on. no word from the russians about what has happened. vladimir putin says there's nothing to worry about but he's not talking about these stations being taken offline. so russians, sky fall, john
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berman, come to your own conclusions about whether there are james bond analogies to be made here. you wouldn't be the only one if you thought about that. >> no, but there's a lot we're not being told here, and the people in russia are not being told as well with these tests. another development overnight, barbara, as well, russia is accusing the united states of escalating military tensions when it comes to missile activity, correct? >> they are indeed, and this now is because of a test that the u.s. conducted on sunday of a cruise missile. they test launched this missile off the west coast of the united states. this is basically in response to the russians testing other new missiles that the u.s. says is in violation of an arms control treaty, the inf treaty. now that treaty is defunct. the russians are testing theirs. the u.s. is testing missiles. >> barbara starr on these
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important developments, thank you very much. the story that might matter than any other today. >> if you have a fence around your home. >> is this. that's an alligator climbing a fence. >> can they do that. >> that's the point. if they can, then what's the point. they're coming for you. >> and if they can't, what's he doing. >> we're going to give you the back story on this and tell you what it means for your safety, next. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the sleep number 360 smart bed. you can adjust your comfort on both sides - your sleep number setting. can it help us fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep us asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so you can really promise better sleep. not promise... prove. and now, all beds are on sale! save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months and free home delivery. ends saturday laso you can enjoy it even ifst you're sensitive. se. yet some say it isn't real milk.
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this morning, millions of meer americans gearing up for extreme hit after some cities hit record high temperatures. meteorologist chad myers with the forecast. >> it felt like 116 in tulsa yesterday, just ridiculous numbers out there. hot all the way south of that front right through the middle part of the country. this weather is brought to you by xyzal, all night, all day allergy relief. so yes, another day of hot weather today. it's going feel like 100, 102. it 103 in d.c., 106 in dallas, texas, but relief is on the way. there will be storms to get there, but relief is on the way as the front goes by on friday. so yes, we're going to see showers, but these temperatures here today that are going to be in the 90s and even in the 100s, will be in the 60s, 70s, and 80s by friday, saturday and sunday. as promised. >> thank you, chad. thank you very much.
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all right, speaking of extreme heat. what temperature do you keep your air conditioner at while you are sleeping in the summer. >> sultry. >> well, then you're going to like this report. a new consumer energy report says it should be 82 degrees, music to my ears. a reporter at a florida station shared this tweet, listing the new energy efficient recommendations of 82. it soon went viral, sparking outrage from twitter users who said that's too hot. i hope my husband is watching right now. 82 degrees sounds just right to me. >> first of all, if that sparked twitter outrage, the bar for twitter outrage is way too low. >> did you not know that. and b, why don't you go to sleep in the hot tub. >> why haven't i thought of that. 82. and you know what, guys, for the planet, let's keep the studio at 82 degrees. who's with me. guys. >> none of this matters you know why. >> gators are on the loose. >> yeah, because alligators can climb fences. if alligators can climb fences,
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nothing else matters and they can. this is at a naval air base in jacksonville, florida, you can see the alligator there scaling the fence and going inside, right? so what's the point. >> of anything. what's the point of anything. >> they're coming for you. the alligators are coming for you. >> what do gators want, you know? >> they want to climb the fence and come after you. >> what do they want on that naval base. >> a thermostat at 82 degrees. we have several alligators on the base, and they do not respect our security measures. >> wow. >> we would like to know what you think of that and by that, john's twitter feed would like to know. >> outrage. there's new cnn polling on the 2020 race. it has just been released this hour. we'll speak with the democratic presidential candidate. bill de blasio is here with what he thinks about these new numbers and so much more.
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new this morning, the police officer in the eric garner case vowing to appeal after being fired from the nypd and stripped of his pension. new york mayor bill de blasio celebrated the decision saying that justice has been served for the garner family, and the democratic presidential candidate joins us now. great to have you here. officer pantaleo has been fired. that's what eric garner's family has been asking for five years. many think this is long overdue. couldn't this have been done years ago. >> alisyn, look, the important point here is there was justice and there was a fair trial for the first time, and you know where that fair trial happened, it happened at the nypd, and
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this really bears recognition. a lot of people in this city, in this country would say, wait a minute, if something is happening within the police department is it going to be fair. is it going to be impartial and it was. an nypd judge said this was a p prohibited choke hold, this is not acceptable. the officer was fired. the effect of real reform where you have a police agency stepping up and saying we need accountability in our own house. that's the big news here. the problem, alisyn, was, the united states department of justice, over two very different presidential administrations told new york city, do not proceed. the justice department will handle this, but alisyn, here's the rope, for five years they did nothing, and i think we need a law in this country that says god forbid we have one of these situations again. the justice department should be on a clock where they have to provide speedy justice. that's a whole american concept of justice. >> because justice was delayed, let's be honest, in this case, the and nypd would have started,
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what you're talking about, that disciplinary action at a trial, while the doj was doing their investigation. >> the department of justice says do not proceed. it will undermine a prosecution in a much higher case. >> it's not a law. it's a request. >> it's a request from the united states department of justice which bluntly at that point in history, we believed was the great measure of justice. the department of justice has stepped into a number of sensitive situations and been the force for justice. when they say don't proceed, we the justice department have higher charges, not just occupational charges but higher criminal charges. you should defer to them according to all history. things have changed now. they did not act, and let me tell you, the job one is to never have a tragedy like this again, and it can be done, alisyn, it can be done because we have changed policing. every cop has a body camera. every cop has been trained in deescalation. that tragic moment, you see,
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doesn't happen again, and implicit bias training, telling our officers what we need to learn, we all have biases, we need to bring them out in the open. >> all that is the silver lining, but to the garner family this morning, what do you have to say to them, do you personally think five years was too long. >> of course it was too long and what i have said is we will never do it again. we depended on a justice department that did not provide justice and i think in the future, and first of all, again, when i say never again, i mean it. we need to have the resolve in this country and in this city to believe it can be stopped in the future. this kind of incident did not have to happen. eric garner did not have to die. and there are ways of policing that can stop this from happening, and this nypd today would never have done things that way, that's the important point, to never let there be another tragedy. every police force in america should be trained in deescalation, implicit bias. every police officer in america should have a body camera so it
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never happens again. washington has something to do. the justice department needs to confirm if there is god forbid another situation, they will step in and make a decision fast. >> let's talk about your presidential race. >> yes. >> cnn has a new poll out just this hour. let us pull that up right now. joe biden is doing very well. joe biden has gone up since june. he's at 29%. i guess the bad news there is bill de blasio is there under 1%. it's not 0%, but it is under 1%. i'm wonder, what do you think that's about? >> first of all, i'm looking forward to sunday on this network, town hall meeting that i think is going to give a lot of people a chance to get to know me, what i have done, and what i believe in. honestly, those televised town halls have been crucial for candidates. this is the first one i'm getting as one of the last candidates in the race. in the end, you see a bunch of candidates there, but there is
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not, in the end, i think a sense among democratic voters that they're secure where they want to go. the vast majority are going to make their decision late. what are they looking for? they are looking for someone who can change this country. wherever i go, alisyn, people are not satisfied with the status quo, america is not working for working people. i have proven in new york, big changes can have. pre-k to every child free. folks get paid sick days, health insurance, we're making sure get health care when they need it. nie these are big changes, and i have actually gotten this done. the more people get to know this record, and this vision that i have, i think it's going to mveu people. >> it sound like what people are looking for is who can beat donald trump, and that's why joe biden's numbers -- >> right, and the challenge becomes in terms of who can beat donald trump, first of all, do they have a record that proves
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they can get something done. people want to know that. that's part of how you beat donald trump, he said he would be the best thing in the world for the american worker. it's been the opposite. he has given away the store to the wealthy and corporations with huge tax cuts, tariff war is hurting farmers, hurting consumers. he said one thing did another. you need a candidate who can point that out, and democrats have to stand for for working people again, which in 2016 wasn't entirely clear. with all respect to joe biden, unless there's a message that's strong and forceful, you're not going to see democrats want a candidate without that strong message. without that message we don't beat donald trump. >> mayor bill de blasio, we will look forward to sunday night and your town hall. >> thanks, alisyn. president trump's chief economic adviser loves predictions. the problem is predictions don't love him. larry kudlow's prediction predicament, next. chair is just a chair.
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you might think predicting the ebbs and flows of the economy might be a job for the nation's top market analyst. for white house chief economic adviser larry kudlow, his track record suggests he's not. >> there are plenty of signs of a possible recession, the trade war with china, slowing business
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and manufacturing numbers, and then of course there's the dreaded inverted yield curve, which predicted almost every recession since world war ii. to listen to president trump's chief economic adviser larry kudlow, there's nothing to see her. >> i don't see a recession at all. there's no recession on the horizon. >> if you don't feel totally comforted that may be because larry kudlow has a not good record when it comes to progress na -- predicting. president clinton's across the board tax increases will throw a wet blanket over the recovery and depress the economy's long run potential to grow. immediately before the 2008 collapse, kudlow wrote, quote, there's no recession coming. the pessimists were wrong. the bush boom is alive and well. and when chuck todd called him out, all kudlow could say was this. >> i plead guilty to that. >> and it's not all he should
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plead guilty to, he said the deficit was coming down and coming down rapidly when in the summer of 2018 when it was going up, cheer leading for trump's tax cuts. with "washington post" erin blake points out, kudlow said his boss's tax cuts would lead to a 4% gdp growth. it's grown around 2 1/2%. kudlow is trump's economic hype man. don't believe the hype. tax cuts don't always pay for themselves. particularly when combined with tariffs and high spending. kudlow's rosy predictions may work for his audience of one but do nothing to help defend against signs of a possible recession that kudlow either doesn't see or worse yet, pretends doesn't exist. and that's your reality check. >> thank you very much. >> i put him in the same category. there's a brand new cnn poll, and it could have big
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implications for the 2020 race. "new day" continues right now. i know that i have made mistakes. i am sorry for harm i have caused. >> i know that not all of you are committed to my husband, but you've got to look at his win. >> can he deliver consistently and generate excitement. >> daniel pantaleo can no longer serve as a new york city police officer. >> this needs to be a never again moment. this needs to be the last time we see one of these tragedies. >> the police department based this decision not on the fact, but based this decision on the politics. >> pantaleo, you may have lost your job, but i lost a son. >> this is "new day" with alisyn came -- alisyn camerota and john berman. >> welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. the breaking news this morning, a b


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