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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  August 20, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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jeanne moos, cnn new york. ♪ ♪ >> they do look a lot alike. thanks for joining us. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. we begin as we often do these days with presidential double talk. in fact, today we got two perfect examples of double-double talk, the first occurred when the president today confirmed that yes in fact he and the white house are considering a payroll tax cut just yesterday when washington post reported the white house was considering a payroll tax cut, the white house denied it. that he did ni they denied it to us. the president confirmed what they have been denying. at this point it's not clear if we should believe anything a white house spokesperson says or what the president says for that matter because they just contradict each other constantly and themselves. we'll have more on the double
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talk in a second. because a lot of it is on camera and you have to see it to believe it. one spokesperson denied it and confirmed it in the same interview, which is, i mean, that takes skill. that's the best people. i want to begin by discussing and focussing on the other presidential double talk we saw today about background checks for gun vbuyers. after the mass shootings in el paso and dayton, the president was talking about meaningful background checks. confirmation he's not looking at background checks. we'll be joined by a reporter of details the president may have fully caved a phone conversation with the head of the nra. it's not the first time he's done this. he did this after park land, exactly the same thing saying he'd stand up to the nra and quickly shrinking down. it was just nine days ago after the latest shootings he said he favored quote intelligent background checks and said quote, this isn't a question of nra republican or democrat. he told reporters he did not buy
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the national rifle association's main argument against new legislation it was a slippery slope. >> you know, it's a slippery slope. they think you'll prove one thing and that leads to a lot of bad things. i don't agree with it. i think we can do meaningful, very meaningful background checks. i want to see it happen. >> okay. he's a man of action. he doesn't buy the nra slippery slope argument, no way. he wants something done. we can do very meaningful background checks he said. i want to see it happen. he won the news cycle august 9th. he was engaged and would do something, that's what they said. now that 11 days have passed, he's heard from the nra and people aren't as riled up. the president is singing a very different tune. >> the president that a lot of the people that put me where i am are strong believers in the second amendment and i am, also and we have to be very careful
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about that. they call it the slippery slope and all of a sudden, everything gets taken away. we won't let that happen. >> so in the space of a week and a half, all of a sudden, he is very concerned about the slippery slope where something gets taken away although i think what he's really referring what might be taken away is what he talked about at the beginning of the sentence, the people who got him where he is. that's what this is about for him. the house and the senate are on vacation but the nra are clearly on the job. remember when the president made fun of congressional leaders to their face saying they were afraid of the nra by the president was and he would take the heat after parkland, that's what he said. he said he would take the heat after the shutdown. he would own it. it's double talk. the words spoken by the president of the united states, do they have any meaning? it doesn't seem like they do. we'll have more on how the president went from mouthing off about standing up to the nra to
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mouthing a talking point joining us now a elaina, staff writer from the atlantic, the pif vehic -- pivotal moment. according to your reporting, president trump and wayne la pierre, the head of the nra talked on the phone today. what have you learned about that conversation? >> that's right. they spoke on the phone earlier today and the first point i would make is that trump actually made this call himself. this was not wayne la pierre trying to schedule time with the leader of the free world. this was trump himself wanting to reach out to the head of the nra. so once they were connected, i am told by somebody briefed on the call who actually heard the tail end of it that trump was pretty unequivocal and not interested in pursuing expanded background checks and that instead he wanted to focus all of his energies now on focussing on funding for mental health reform, and prosecuting gun crimes across the country at the federal level. so as those clips you showed just, you know, revealed to your
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viewers, we've gone from parr parroting the idea the slippery slope argument is bad and very meaningful back ground checks are on the horizon to trump assuring wayne la pierre this is not something the group needs to worry about. >> he was telegraphing this i think yesterday on the tarmac where he was talking suddenly about, you know, there is a very strong background check already and now clearly then fascinated he was the one to reach out to wayne la pierre today. the white house is telling cnn table, which i mean, again, this is the same white house that said they weren't looking into cutting payroll taxes last night and of course, the president said of course, yeah, we are. so again, i actually, i mean, it really is getting to the point i feel like you just have to put everything they say in a box and just let it stew there for a little while and then wait to see who contradicts it the next day. this wasn't the first conversation they had had over
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the course of the last few weeks, right? >> right. both wayne la pierre and his top lieutenants have been in contact with either the president or his aids almost daily over the last two weeks. so this has been a pretty concerted effort on their part. it's interesting even in spite of all of the internal strife taking place within the organization right now, you know, you have board members resign, leadership shakeups, they are still very much, you know, on the front lines when it comes to this and having the president's ear. in fact, i'm told that wayne la pierre even considered going up to bedminster where the president was on vacation the last ten days, but the scheduling didn't work out. i mean, that really, anderson is showing how close they are. >> contradictory what he said to members of congress mocking them for being afraid of the nra and reporting what the president seemed to have been most
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interested in about all this, which was a televised ceremony in the rose garden? >> correct. i'm told that ivanka trump right in the aftermath of the el paso and dayton shootings decided that perhaps the way to get her father to be on board for expanded background checks was to say, you know, if you support this, then we get a bill signed, we could have a really lavish rose garden ceremony for it. these are the kinds of strategies you have to float to this president to peak his interest and he was in fact quite interested but then he got on the phone with wayne la pierre, the first of many calls that would come over the next two weeks and wayne la pierre i'm told put the president on mute and looked at the person next to him and said is he serious? and took the president off mute and then said, you know, i'm sorry mr. president but that's not going to work and trump said i'll over you cover, can you give it all on background checks. putting in very plain language, this is the president of the united states asking the leader of the gun lobby what they would
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be willing to give on background checks and not the other way around. >> i mean, i just -- if i can, i want to -- whatever you -- i'm not sure what you can say but i want to ask about your sourcing. they said they heard the conversation between the president and la pierre? >> correct. >> your source was briefed? >> correct. >> that's fascinating. thank you, appreciate it. >> thank you, anderson. joining us is somebody that confronted president trump and had ever reason to. this is the mayor of dayton, ohio and the president attacked after visiting the wounded city. the last time you were on the program, you accused the president of being a coward. is there any light of that especially in the reporting we heard? >> not really, anderson. i can't say i'm very much surprised. i was hoping that the president was a man of action instead of a man of talk and, you know, the people of dayton when this happened on sunday night, you
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know, shouted to the governor who is a republican to do something, not say something. the governor is responding. our congressman is responding with an assault -- supporting an assault weapon ban but unfortunately, we're not seeing that action out of the leader in washington. >> yeah, i mean, you spoke last time you were on the to gram abo -- program, about wanting action from washington. it does -- i mean, i assume it seems to you that the president is more concerned about the nra wants than what the residents of dayton wants. it's kind of -- it's not unbelievable to me, it's all too believable but this would be the exact same play he did after parkland, you know, talking about back ground checks when people are upset and furious and mourning and then when he thinks attention is sort of faded and, you know, more people are whispering in his ear, he just does a back flip on it. >> right. i mean, i think that's the
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reason why dayton was the 250th site for a shooting, mass shooting this year. he's counting on the people that happened in cities across the country they will forget, and that he can just talk away instead of seeing action. i think the difference is we're starting to see support from republicans like governor around these meaningful efforts and stays but not surprisingly, unfortunately, we just don't see that in washington and it's disappointing. i think, you know, i'm not super surprised because this is what he does whenever a shooting happens. you always hope as a mayor, you're the city that will break free for meaningful common sense gun legislation. kain i can't say i'm surprised he would act any different today ton than any other city. >> you think one wants the president of the united states' words to mean something, if anybody's words should mean
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something it should be the president of the united states. it is at the point now where we've had enough time to assess and see that the words he speaks don't really have much meaning, you know, you have to kind of track it over time and see where truth really ends up. the fact that he seems more focused on a rose garden ceremony and that that was something that ivanka trump is using as a hook to kind of get him only board, that's stunning. >> it's just sad frankly, anderson. 90% of americans want background checks. the majority of his party want background checks. the majority of the americans want something on assault weapons and certainly, every city, every community that's gone through what my community has gone through wants action. and this president is one that just likes to talk and, you know, make sure that the people that have out sized power in washington get the voice instead of the voice of the people and
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that's what is really sad about this. >> appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> uh-huh thank you. next, more presidential words that really don't mean much on the state of the economy and what the president is saying he's doing about it. we're keeping them honest. democratic presidential candidate julian castro joins us who would do best against president trump and eloquent thing words against joe biden. we'll talk electability and more ahead. redefining value for investors with zero account fees for brokerage accounts, and zero minimums to open an account. we have fidelity mutual funds with zero minimum investment. and only fidelity offers four zero expense ratio index funds directly to investors. because when you invest with fidelity, all those zeros really add up. ♪ so, maybe i'll win ♪ saved by zero
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there is no issue more central than the state of the economy how the president is handling it. for days concern is centered on what many economists see as a sign the recession could be coming. the president have been telling the fears the media is intentionally trying to create a recession or hasten one. three sources confirmed the
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white house it held early discussions about a possible payroll tax cut that would indicate they are concerned ability the economy. the white house denied it to us. the president was asked directly if he and advisors were talking about cutting payroll taxes and here is how he answered. >> so we're talking about indexing and always looking at the capital gain stacks, payroll tax. we're looking at i would love to do something on capital gains, we're talking about that. >> so there is confirming what his an mid station, at least some members were denying to us last night in addition to that he called on the fed to significantly cut interest rates, in order, between that and the tax cuts, the president called for just the kind of measures would one take the economy is slowing down, something top advisors have been going on the v and denying for days. just this morning one of the president's spokes people hogan gidley was denying payroll taxes were being discussed but actually admitted it seconds
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later in the same interview. >> it's not being considered at this time but he's looking at options to give back the hard-earned money they made. >> if there were to be a temporary payroll tax to be considered, what might draw the conclusion there is a need to stimulate the economy the white house and president is still on very strong ground? >> first of all, there is a payroll tax cut, not a payroll tax because we're looking to give people back hard-earned money and that's what the conversation was about. i was in the meeting yesterday. we talked about all types of options. >> that's what the conversation was about, he said. the conversation he said had taken place about concerns the white house denies having and that is incredible. more now on this with former obama senior advisor david axelrod and commentator and cnn political analyst kirsten
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powers. kirsten, i mean, i guess for me the question is should at this point anyone believe out right anything that comes out of the white house because it just seems like every day there is an example of they say something, they deny something and the president cuts them off of the needs. >> yeah, well, i think the short answer is no, i don't think you can believe it and i think that the president was given way too much credit for a looming economy. that's my opinion. the economy has not actually been as looming or stable as the white house has led people to believe and there is a lot of concern among economists, we may be heading for a recession. there was a survey three out of four of the nation's top economists said they are fearful we're headed for a recession and the thing they named as being the biggest problem is the president's trade war so it is the president as behavior that
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has helped hasten a recession many were worried about and i think that clearly they are concerned about it or they wouldn't be talking about a payroll tax cut. >> yeah, david, i also just want to play something that the president said today, which frankly, you know, has also made headlines about jewish voters, americans, after talib and omar hit israel and jewish people, i want to play what he said then. >> i think any jewish people that vote for a democrat, i think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty. >> i mean, this is the president of the united states essentially saying either you support me or you are, you know, ignore rant or uninformed or disloyal, i'm not sure to wham evom, to your , to america which brings up antis-semitic troeps which have always been used. >> i'm the son of a jewish
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immigrant who fled troeps like that when he came, he and his family came to america and has terrible meaning to many, many jewish americans and, you know, the president may think that he can bully jewish voters into his corner by creating, you know, these kinds of going after the two congresswomen and so on. i think what he's actually saying is opposition and by the way, i don't know how much credibility he has with jewish american voters, he's stood up after charlottesville when neo-nazis say jews will not replace us. he's off on a thin branch. >> i mean, kirsten he thinks he's sort of appealing to jewish voters and i don't know that he knows what he just said. >> well, i'm going to offer an
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alternative theory. he's talking to e vvangelical voters. the most obsessed with and i don't think he that is going to try to win over jewish voters by calling them sptupid for not voting for him because that's what he's talking about. loyalty to him -- loyalty always means loyalty to him. it doesn't mean loyalty to the united states. but it's dangerous rhetoric and i think that that's the most important thing that it really is, you know, it's part and parcel of the way he so often speaks, which so engage in very divisive in this case it's andy semimet ti -- antis-semitic. >> it's not a coincidence he's focussing on two muslim, you
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know, junior members of congress. >> oh, no. look, i mean, i think he's made clear what his intention is. he wants to elevate these members, make them the face of the democratic party, suggestion that the democratic party is, you know, anti israel, antis-semitic. he's ascribed more to them than he should fair ll lly ascribe a this is trump politics. he thinks it's addition by division and it doesn't add up. i think he's going -- what he's going to do is create an environment in which people are going to say we can't do this every single day. we can't be exhausted by these kinds of maneuverers, these tweets and tantrums calculate for his own political profit. i think that he is going to run the string out on this. >> david axelrod, kirsten powers, thank you. >> julian castro will talk electability and why a lot of democrats have an edge over president trump.
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cnn's new poll has him at 29%, that's the seven-point increase. the chief weapon appears is electability. it's one of the themes of his first tv ad in iowa that went up today. ill bidenpolls calling him the was in new hampshire and had a message for democrats. >> your candidate might be better on, i don't know, health care than joe is. but you've got to look at who is going to win this election and maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say okay, i could personally like so and so better. but your bottom line has to be that we have to beat trump. >> well, the cnn poll represents a milestone for jewulian castro with his fundraising totals make him the tenth democrat to qualify for the third debate. i spoke about the raise and some of what the president said today. secretary castro, jill biden's argument for her husband that
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even if another candidate might be in her words better on a particular issue, the democratic voter should vote for the former vice president because he can actually beat trump. what do you make of that argument? >> well, i have a lot of respect for dr. jill biden. at the same time, it's true that there are many candidates in this race who are polling and are competitive against donald trump and able to beat donald trump. i believe that i'm actually the party's best chance for instance to go and get the 1 1 electoral votes of arizona and 29 votes of florida and my home state of texas in addition to going back and getting michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania. there are a lot of candidates that could beat donald trump in this race. >> i'm sure you're aware if you haven't heard president trump's comments he made today when he was asked about congresswoman talib's call to reduce aid to
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israel. let's listen in. >> yesterday i noticed for the first time talib with the tears. all of a sudden, she starts with tears, tears. and i don't buy it. i don't buy it. i don't buy it for a second because i've seen her in a very vicious mood at campaign rallies, my campaign rallies before she was a congresswoman. i said who is that? and i saw a woman that was violent and vicious and out of control. >> i mean, i'm not sure i ever heard a president call a sitting member of congress violent and vicious, you know, he also said jewish people that vote for a democrat shows either a total lack of knowledge or disloyalty. can you imagine if president obama your former boss had ever said anything like so do your viewers that president obama has way too much
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class to have ever done anything like that and that's what this president lacks. he lacks class. he lacks honesty. i mean, what he just said there today was just a bunch of lies. and he uses this all the time as a device saying that people are crying crocodile tears. you may remember he said this about chuck schumer. he didn't believe his tears were real. this president isn't interested in anything including israel or the jewish community. all he's interested in is donald trump and how he can hold on to his power. >> it's amazing to me how every single day we get an example of, you know, the white house denying a story and then the president hours later or the next day confirming that in fact yes, the reporting was correct, latest is this white house considering a payroll tax cut. they denied it yesterday. folks on the white house denied it this morning and the president of course said yeah,
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that's under consideration of course. that the one of the things they are looking at and on background checks after parkland said wanted strong background checks. talked about standing up to the nra then backtracked and now it seems he's backtracking yet again from wanting meaningful background checks as he said after el paso and dayton and reporting about a call with wayne la pierre and said universal background checks are off the table. it shouldn't surprise anybody but it is just a constant double talk. i mean, he even used the slippery slope argument about background checks even though previously he had said he didn't believe the slippery slope argument. >> anderson, i mean, we had two and a half years of this.
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if you include his campaign four years of this. this president is somebody that does not have integrity and is not honest. there are some people that support him when you poll them that acre knowledge that he's dishonest. and he does this as a strategy with guns for instance, now twice after mass shootings he has said we're going to do something on universal background checks and, you know, starts to call on people in congress to take up legislation and when the furry dies down about it, when we get to a little calmer, when the attention goes somewhere else, then all of a sudden there is nothing on universal background checks. it's a strategy and a game this president plays and it shows is how low of an opinion he has of the american people. >> secretary castro, appreciate your time. thank you. >> good to be with you. all right. more to come tonight, film maker
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spike lee talks about an anniversary 400 years ago. the slave trade from africa landed on these shores it bebeg. how far we've came and how far we have to go when we come back. flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief [fa♪mers bell] (burke) a "rock and wreck." seen it. covered it. at farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ morning. what are you doing? isn't it obvious? nah. we're delivering live market coverage and offering expert analysis completely free. we're helping you make sense of the markets without cable or a subscription from anywhere you are. i get that. but what are you doing here? nice pajamas. really? i say pajamas.
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there is an extraordinary anniversary that we recognized today. many historians believe it is today, 400 years ago that enslaved people were first brought to these shores. the ship landed at point comfort
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in what is now hampton, virginia. we're now 400 years from that date. joining me now to discuss all this is film maker spike lee. thanks so much for being with us. >> thanks for having me again. >> this is important to you. >> very i'm to r tablp importan. we're not taught this in school. we're dealing with christopher columbus and all that other stuff but 40 years ago today, 1619, august 20th the first 20 slaves stolen from mother africa were brought here and 400 years later. >> it's interesting you see it's not taught, it's also not i think fully understood as how krush it was to the history. this is not just something on the side. this is one of the things that enabled the colonies and --
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>> i think that most woke historians would say that this country, the united states of america was built upon the genocide of people and slavery. i mean, that's a fact. and i think that if we americans came to study how this country started, we wouldn't be talking about kick immigrants out, you know, because if it wasn't -- i mean, native americans, people brought here as slaves, everyone was immigrants. i woke up this morning and went on instagram and felt my ancesto ancestors, not the on one saying this but i think it's a very important date today in american history. >> the other -- there are so many haunting horrible things about this but one of them is, you know, history does not record the names of these human beings who were brought here. there is -- >> here is the thing, not to cut
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you off, is that not everybody made it during the middle passage died in holes of ships or jumped overboard. >> so it is generations of people who have essentially been, whose stories have been wiped out, i mean, they are not in history books and their names, if you look at purchased documents. >> this names, language, religion, a whole -- just -- >> yeah. >> wiped out. >> i've looked at purchased documents for enslaved people and there is no names. it's like a nickname that somebody gave to these people and all that's registered really is height, sex and age. it's haunting when you see that. how do you think obviously reparations is something talked about a lot among democrats. >> i'm for -- how -- what's that going to be? i don't know. i'm for college athletes being
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paid but i don't know how -- >> how it's going to happen. >> how it's going to happen. thank you for having me on the show. i don't want to take up your time but -- >> we set time aside for you. >> i wanted to talk about where we are today. i mean, you got to do it every night so. [ laughter ] . every night. then another thing i'd like to say respectfully, why are we still asking is this guy a white supremacist? i mean, like -- >> to you -- >> it's not even the question anymore. i mean, the muslim ban, all mexicans are rapists, drug dealers, i mean -- >> do you think he'll get reelected? >> can i get on my knees now and pray? [ laughter ] >> and then charlottesville, we
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have marching. the kkk, the alt right, neo-nazis and he can't make a decision between what's right and wrong? what's love and hate? both people -- i mean, that's going to be -- i mean, that quote, that's going to be attached to him. he's going to be on the wrong side of history and that's the first thing they will say, that quote. >> it's interesting, there is a movement among republicans to rewrite the history of what the president said about very fine -- >> you know what they need to do? david duke. vie again, him and - >> because the president said very fine people on both sides specifically referencing friday night in charlottesville, which is the night of the tiki torch -- >> not buying it. >> whoa, whoa, you know what that is? >> what? >> shenanigans.
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>> maybe i'm stupid and naive but i was shocked to see all these, you know, whatever age they were people totally fine with showing their faces, chanting jews will not replace us. >> blood in soil. >> blood in soil. carrying tiki torches. >> as david schapel would say m-f-ing torches. >> the cowards -- >> because the guy in the white house gave the dog whistles like come on out. so our guys in the white house say we're good. >> do you feel a difference in -- in america. do you feel a difference in people's willingness to give votes to things they didn't give willingness -- they didn't voice before? >> before just didn't do that. but now they got the green light. so it's like we're good.
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>> yeah. what do -- what should -- i mean, as people are watching this tonight, 400 years, what should people remember or think about what do you hope people are kind of reflecting on in terms of the impact of, you know, enslaved people generations of them who were here whose names we'll never know? >> again, another great question. i think the people have to really look in their heart and i truly believe people know what's right and what's wrong. you know that. and a lot of these people getting behind this guy, they will be on the wrong side of history with him. i mean, i don't know how -- for money? are you doing it for? i mean, you neal down before the all mighty dollar, i guess all
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bits are off. >> spike lee, always good to have you on. >> condolences, too. >> appreciate it. >> thank you. >> yeah, we'll have more coming up next. breaking news on moves by the trump administration on immigration. we'll tell you about that, ahead. family meeting! busy! well, i'm going to t-mobile and for every iphone ten r i buy, they'll give me another one. but if you're busy... iphone ten r? let's go! for a limited time, come to t-mobile and for each iphone ten r you get, get a second one on us. announcer: at fidelity we're leading the charge on value. we have stock and bond index funds with lower expense ratios than comparable vanguard funds. and the industry's first true zero expense ratio index funds offered directly to investors. plus, we have fidelity mutual funds with zero minimum investment. how many other firms give you this much value? absolutely zero. ♪ why don't they do what they say ♪ ♪ say what they mean ♪ oh, baby, one thing leads to another ♪
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roxana: our students don't have part-time needs. so they absolutely cannot have part-time solutions. angelia: one of changes that we need is smaller class sizes. rosanne: we need a lot more school nurses, a lot more school counselors. rodney: counselors provide that social, emotional core that's needed. marisa: schools need to be safe places for our children to learn. ever: every student has the right to quality education. no matter what neighborhood you live in. angelia: we are cta. rosanne: we are cta. marisa: we are cta. narrator: because we know quality public schools make a better california for all of us.
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new breaking news out of the white house tonight about migrant families. cnn's jim acosta joins us with details. jim, what's going on? >> anderson, we've been talking to a couple of administration officials who confirmed that the white house is expected to roll out as soon as tomorrow, but within the coming days, a new regulation that would extend or seek to extend the length of time that they can hold migrant families. one of the big impediments to the administration's goals down on the border is something
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called the flores settlement agreement. that legal settlement essentially prohibits any administration from holding migrant children longer than 20 days. the trump white house wants to get rid of that so they can hold those migrant families longer. t make no mistake, just as soon as the administration announces this, you're going to see other announcement that is this is probably heading to court. >> yeah, that's very, very likely. the president also tweeting tonight that he's postponing his trip to denmark which was scheduled next week. can you explain the reason he gave for this because you would -- i -- you would think it's made up? you would think this whole thing -- this is something on colbert, but it's real. >> this can be summed up in one
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word and that is greenland. we know that the president has had his eyes on recent. he's talked about the united states purchasing greenland and denmark which has control over greenland, denmark has said that greenland is not for sale. and just recently the danish prime minister has said that that was an absurd prospect. we should point out the president has tweeted about this just in the last several minutes saying that because of the danish prime minister's comments he is going to be canceling his trip to copenhagen that was scheduled to happen in early september. just because of this one issue of greenland, the president is calling off a trip to a foreign country to meet with the prime minister to talk about, i suppose, other issues. now that greenland is off the table, the president is saying that he appreciates her for saying that, and he looks forward to rescheduling sometime
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in the future. a white house official said that visit to the entire country of denmark for the president is off. >> that makes sense, of course. >> exactly. i talked to a source earlier this evening who suggested that this is one of the president's bright shiny objects, that he threw this out there this evening after a tough news day, after his comments about jewish people showing their disloyalty if they vote for democrats. >> you know what, you can't be tough with the nra, go after the danish prime minister. >> it's all greenland to me. >> greenland was never on the table, anyway. thank you. chris cuomo is going to be covering all of that and more. next on 360, president trump naming himself michigan man of the year. he is now apparently got a new award and he never actually got, but he talks about it, the ridiculist next. every day, visionaries are creating the future.
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his luxurious fur calms my nerves when i'm worried about moving into our new apartment. why don't we just ask geico for help with renters insurance? i didn't know geico helps with renters insurance. yeah, and we could save a bunch too. antonio! fetch computer! antonio? i'll get it. get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. time now for the ridiculist, tonight president trump is basking in the glow of another award that he's given himself. to be fair, it's been five whole days since the president bragged about a bogus accolade. just in time today, we learned about a whole new award that he got. asked today by a reporter whether he's okay with steps his
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administration has taken to discriminate against lgbt people in the workforce. >> i just got an award from a group, you saw the -- they gave me the endorsement yesterday and i was very honored to -- is it log cabin group? and i was very honored to receive it. >> yeah, not the name of the group. very honored. it was a huge award, all the gays voted, lesbians too. unanimous consent. trump was also stonewalled. he had had enough that night. you know what i mean? uh-huh. he had enough. he sang somewhere over the rainbow at judy garland's funeral. "the times" calling it haunting. there were chills in the crowd. people were crying. judy and he were great friends. not his type of course. she tried. they all do. anyway, back to the award he says he got from the log cabin
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group, the question -- sorry. it's actually the log cabin republicans. he was asked about workplace discrimination against americans. even if the president had gotten an award from the log cabin republicans, or as he calls it the log cabin group, which may or may not be the name of a doomsday prepper hedge fund, he might have to explain why his administration moved to give a green light to government contractors who may want to fire workers because they're gay. the president did receive the endorsement of the log cabin republicans. not an award. the endorsement was last week, not yesterday as the president said. it's easy to lose track of time when you're explaining the lyrics of "born this way" to vice president pence. it takes a long time to explain
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that. i don't know. it's a lady gaga song, vice president. if all of this talk of phony awards is starting to sound familiar. last week the marshal of the pride parade said he was named man of the year. >> in michigan they gave me an award, it was a man in the year in michigan. >> i was man of the year in michigan, a number of years ago. >> i was honored five years ago. man of the year in the michigan. that was a great honor for me. in fact, five or six years before i even thought about running for whatever reason, they named me man of the year in michigan. i said, how come? i didn't understand it myself. i was named man of the year. >> i didn't get it. they just gave it to me. great honor. it's always a great honor. even the fictitious honors, they're the great honors.
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so, just, michigan never named the president man of the year. there's no such award. he did speak at a dinner in michigan. the log cabin republicans never gave him an award. and "the apprentice" never won an emmy. maybe someday president trump will be given a real prize. he's president of the united states, most people would consider that pretty cool. maybe not as cool as all the colors on his rainbow. i want to hand it over to chris. i'm chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." if voters are going to the polls because they want us to be safer from gun violence, then this president's chances just took a hit. the nra background checks are off the table. we have reaction from a senator and a deep red state who's been personally lobbying the president to