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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  August 21, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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punish them, he says, for how they spoke to the u.s. the prime minister didn't say anything about the united states except flattering things about the relationship. but this president saw her as inappropriate. and some as you assess whom should lead, if it were today, just today, he praised putin saying he was a better leader than president obama. he called a nato ally nasty. a woman, of course. he threatened to unleash isis fighters on two others. he offered russia back into the g7 or g8 in that case if they wanted. he repeated that voting for a democrat would be disloyal of jewish people and he called himself the chosen one discussing the china trade deal. and, remember, he's the one who provoked the tariffs that are suffocating our farmers. that's just foreign policy. it's not about nitpicking. that's about assessing just one day in the life of a leader who is asking you to keep him in power. a taste of the walk and talk of a man who gets only 40% approval in foreign policy in the most recent polling. how did he fare today in your eyes? let me know.
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thank you for watching. "cnn tonight" with d. lemon is right now. >> it's only wednesday and i'm exhausted. i can't believe we have to sit here and discuss it as if it is a normal thing because it is not. and i wonder how many times he was in front of the mirror going, i'm the chosen one. i'm -- when i get out there, i'm going to say, wait, i'm the chosen. no, i am the chosen one. he looked up when he said it. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> now, listen, what frustrates me -- >> it's laughable. >> it's not funny, go on. >> it's a laugh or cry thing, right? >> i am the chosen one. >> people who defend him say he's not a typical politician. he's just telling you how he feels. >> he's not a typical anything. >> i don't believe that that is a good excuse. i think that it is a damning statement about the man who is the president of the united states. i do believe he's telling you what he thinks. i think he believes that jews are disloyal if they don't vote for him. >> of course, he does.
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>> i believe that he thinks only they should count his money as he said in the past. he believes these things that feed division and bigotry. i think people are right. but i don't think that makes him a good apolitical type of person. i think it makes him something that you have to look at very carefully and scrutinize through the lens of, is this what you want to be your face to the world? >> two things. i think, number one that, is a strategy, one that is not thought out. i think he's going to the fringes of whatever group to try the appeal to them talking about what happened with israel, what happened with moving the capital to jerusalem, on and on and on. i think he is appealing to the fringes and looking, quite frankly, forward to 2020 and he's trying on build up support. >> he's not from the jewish people. the way he's talking about them would not be helpful. they're full of pride and conviction. >> 150% agree with you.
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the other thing is that even among, except for the people out there on social media, who make up a very small group of people who actually go vote, they're just the louded voices out there, i think most people are exhausted. even his staunchest supporters are exhausted by his behavior. and so you get out there. i've been calling it that myself. stephen colbert calls it the same thing. you have that and he goes in front of the chopper and it's loud. if he doesn't want to follow up, he doesn't have to. he likes the sound of the chopper. it makes him feel more important and more urgent because the marine one is running behind him and he's off to some important business. or back from some important business. it's so obvious. i got him down. i know exactly what he's doing. it is just transparent. so i think people are exhausted by this behavior. even the people who supported him were among his staunchest supporters and by the way,
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people don't realize, you and i know people and have friends who are trump supporters. >> sure. a member of my family. >> they're exhausted by this behavior. as much as we're tired of talking about it, and we have to because it is our job, we have to point out the absurdity, they are just as exhausted. >> yeah, but i got to tell you, it matters too much. >> it does. >> and i don't find anything exhausting. i believe you have to be indefatiguable in this business. but the idea that his defenders, what is getting tired is their rationale of trying to escape from what he says and why he says it. like chris ruddy tonight, i'm happy to have him on the show. the head of newsmax. >> i get it. >> i didn't want to hold this guy over his head. i'm here to get his insights about the president. he took it on. the mode for a trump defender is, whatever you say is also true about you, or somebody else. and it is an unfair thing that
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isn't really true. it is fake news. he wound up getting himself into a bind saying that what this guy has said, this conspiracy theorist, i guess he's paying at newsmax, doesn't say those things but he does. it's a matter of fact. that's what a trump defender does. he didn't say it. he didn't mean it. it is true about you too or it's fake news. >> the internet, digital, video, it's all out there. >> i'm well aware. >> thank you, sir. fantastic show. see you soon. >> always a pleasure, d. lemon. >> you as well, c. lemon. this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. this is not politics as usual. this is not normal. it is not normal, people. i hope you don't think that it is normal. if you're frustrated and exhausted, most people are. how many times have i said this. this is the president of the united states running
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wild, running amok. it is constant. everything. all of it together raises serious questions about his fitness for office. all of it is exhausting. the volume of what this president has said and tweeted just in the past 24 hours puts us in danger of being overwhelmed, in danger of forgetting just how wrong, how bad for the country a lot of this is. it started this morning with a retweet as we were just talking about of a conservative conspiracy theorist who said trump was, and i'm quoting here, like the king of israel and the second coming of god. and this president who never heard praise that he didn't like retweets that saying thank you for the very nice words. the king of israel. the second coming of god. that's from wayne allen root who has a history of promoting dangerous conspiracy theories
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like falsely claiming the deadly mass shooting in las vegas was, these are his words, clearly a coordinated muslim terror attack. falsely claiming that deadly violence in charlottesville was likely staged by paid actors hired by george soros and falsely claiming that former president barack obama was, quote, sent here to destroy this country. none of that is true. none of it. he retweeted it. none of it is true. all of it is outrageous yet that's who this president retweets because king of israel, second coming of god. and, remember, it was then press secretary sean spicer who told us, remember, he told us that the president's tweets are official statements. all this president seems to care about is knocking down critics who said his statement yesterday, questioning the loyalty of jewish voters who
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support democrats was anti-semitic. the old ugly anti-semitic charge of dual loyalty. and the president speaking on the south lawn doubled down today, making it very clear for anybody who was 100% certain, that's exactly what he means. he thinks jewish-american voters who support democrats are disloyal to israel. >> in my opinion, you vote for a democrat, you're being very disloyal to jewish people and you're being very disloyal to israel. and only weak people would say anything other than that. >> your critics have said that's an anti-semitic response. what is your response? >> i haven't heard anybody say that. just the opposite. i think if you vote for a democrat, you're very, very disloyal to israel and the jewish people. >> the president also doubling down today on his feud with our
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nato ally denmark. a feud that started with the country's prime minister, when the country's prime minister declined to sell greenland to him calling the idea absurd. the president abruptly canceling his trip to denmark though the "washington post" saying that he was annoyed using back-to-back trips to europe and used the feud to get out of the denmark trip. in any case, the president blamed prime minister mette fredericksen for calling his greenland idea absurd. >> i thought that the prime minister's statement that it was absurd, that it was an absurd idea was nasty. i thought it was an inappropriate statement. >> i'm sorry. he called it absurd. i said absurd, but he called it absurd. he is holding a grudge against one of our allies for refusing to go along with a plan that he
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said was not number one on the burner. the president of the united states damaging our relationship with an ally over a petty slight. the former ambassador saying this -- >> this is offensive. it is a slap in the face. and it is just not how you treat an ally that has been as good to us as denmark has been. >> well, it's a way this president treats an ally. and in case you think he's not taking it all that personally, well, he is. >> i thought it was not a nice statement. the way she blew me off because she's blowing off the united states and we've done a lot for denmark. we've done a lot. i know denmark well. i have many friends from denmark. many people from denmark that live in the united states. and we treat countries with respect. she shouldn't treat the united states that way by saying, what an -- she said, absurd. that's not the right word to use, absurd.
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>> absurd. absurd, mr. president, absurd. she blew me off. i have friends from denmark. ♪ me, me, me, me, me, me it's all about me. she blew me off. it's absurd. absurd. but back to what the president called the prime minister, nasty. hmm. where have we heard that before? >> what we want to do -- >> such a nasty -- >> nasty. >> -- woman. >> it's his favorite insult. for anybody who crosses him. the former secretary of state hillary clinton, senators kamala harris and elizabeth warren, house speaker nancy pelosi, san juan mayor cruz. not to mention marco rubio, ted cruz, jeb bush. i only have two hours tonight so i won't go on. the list goes on and on.
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but listen to what else the president said today about his feud with denmark. >> we can't treat the united states of america the way they treated us under president obama. >> interesting that he mentioned former president barack obama because guess who is going to denmark? president obama. a source telling cnn that he'll be traveling there next month. maybe it is a coincidence that president trump canceled his trip, though he sure does seem to have his predecessor on his mind a lot, even repeating his nonsensical claim that the 44th president was somehow outsmarted by vladimir putin. >> russia outsmarted president obama. they took over during his turn. not during mine. crimea. >> they're still there -- >> they took over crimea. we spend a lot of time talking about russia at those meetings. and they're not there. i think it would be a good thing
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if russia were there so we can speak directly. >> did you hear the reporter say, they're still there? why let them in now? didn't answer that. he just kept going because he doesn't have an answer for it. outsmarted obama? huh? i've said it before but if putin has outsmarted anybody, it is probably not president obama. the fact is, russia was kicked out of the then g8. for annexing crimea. russia still holds crimea to this day. you heard the reporter say it, but he didn't answer that question. so if this president wants to answer russia back, even though russia hasn't done anything to deserve it, you have to wonder, who got outsmarted? and then there is the president, what the president said today about his trade war with china. you know, the one that is hitting american farmers so hard the administration is paying
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them some $14.5 billion in aid? >> i am the chosen one. somebody had to do it. so i'm taking on china. i'm taking on china on trade. and you know what? we're winning. >> well, the president might be joking there about being the chosen one. how can we really tell? given he's already established for himself anyway that i alone can fix it. although you've got to wonder whether he forgot that. just last week, he backed down on new tariffs on china, pushing them back until december. one of his economic advisers called that, quote, a christmas present to the nation. after his joke about being the chosen one, the president made another joke. he joked that an audience of some of 25 -- to an audience some of 25 military veterans
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in louisville, kentucky, that he wanted to give himself a medal of honor. >> nothing like the medal of honor. i wanted one, but they told me i don't qualify for it. i said can i give to it myself anyway? they said i don't think that's a good idea. >> now, look, that clearly was a joke. that was a joke. but let's remember, the medal of honor is the united states highest military decoration. it's awarded to a member of the armed forces for gallantry and bravery and combat beyond the call of duty. gallantry and bravery. nothing for this president who never served in the military to joke about. that's just a sampling of what the president of the united states said today, everyone. you're caught up. kind of. joking about giving him a medal of honor, feuding with nato over a perceived slight, calling jewish-american voters who support democrats disloyal to israel, retweeting the supporter who compared him to the king of israel and the second coming of god. like i said, there is nothing
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wrong with you. if you are feeling this, this is not normal. and it has to make you wonder about this president's fitness for office. john kasich is the former governor of ohio. i'm going to ask him to weigh in on all of this, next. great presentation, tim. could you email me the part about geico making it easy to switch and save hundreds? oh yeah, sure. um. you don't know my name, do you? (laughs nervously) of course i know your name. i just get you mixed up with the other guy. what's his name? what's your name? switch to geico®. you could save 15% or more on car insurance. could you just tell me? i want this to be over.
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(gasp) (singsong) budget meeting! sweet. if you compare last quarter to this quarter... various: mmm. it's no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with fresh milk and real cream.
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with the creamy taste of philly, family meeting! busy! well, i'm going to t-mobile and for every iphone ten r i buy, they'll give me another one. but if you're busy... iphone ten r? let's go! for a limited time, come to t-mobile and for each iphone ten r you get, get a second one on us. he borrowed billions donald trump failed as a businessman. and left a trail of bankruptcy and broken promises. he hasn't changed. i started a tiny investment business, and over 27 years, grew it successfully to 36 billion dollars. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. i'm running for president because unlike other candidates, i can go head to head with donald trump on the economy,
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and expose him fo what he is: a fraud and a failure. president trump going off the railing today doubling down
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on his feud with denmark over their refusal to sell him greenland. boasting that he is the chosen one to take on china, even retweeting a conspiracy theorist who defends him for questioning the loyalty of jewish americans who vote for democrats. time to discuss now. look who is here, the former ohio governor, mr. john kasich. good evening, sir. >> yes, sir. >> you saw that the president is boasting he is the chosen one. he tweeted comments comparing a -- retweeted and comparing him to the second coming of god. does it seem like he's acting more erratically than usual? >> i think it is why i didn't support him. back, you know, i sound like a broken record.
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maybe sometimes he's like a broken record. maybe we're all broken records. but the thing is, i didn't support him, and i didn't go to the convention. i didn't vote for him. and there were so many people upset with me. i'm looking at this poll. 84% of republicans support him. we're up to 14%. so i got 14% of people who may think that i was right in what i did. think about this thing with greenland. at least he should have gone for iceland. i have nothing against greenland but iceland is a really great place to visit. my family went there. but think about this. they didn't want him to buy greenland. it is like something on "saturday night live." >> if he isn't, what should happen? >> well, you know, what this gets down to is, i think, frankly, are the democrats going to pick somebody who can win because it will probably be tough. maybe. they've got to pick somebody that won't be for all this free stuff because people don't like
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that that they're going to lose their health insurance and all that, don. they have to be very cognizant of that. these voters, many of whom voted for him over hillary, these are gettable people for the democrats. but they can't be out there going too hard on the left because i think it hurts them. and those people might say, look, i don't like trump. i don't like what he's doing. i'm not for all that free stuff. that's what i hear a lot of places. >> i think the same thing. i think you're exactly right. i think it is a dilemma for the democrats. they want to animate the younger part of their base and maybe the people who are more on the progressive side. and the worries that they go with someone who is too safe who may be a moderate, that they won't do that. the moderates won't come out if they pick someone too far left. and the people who they can win over, the trump voters, people who voted for obama and then voted for trump, they're concerned. they're not going to vote for someone that they think or has been cast as a socialist. i'm hearing the same thing.
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i think it is very smart, what you're saying. the labor department announced today -- >> there are republicans. >> there are republicans, yes. >> who could go for a democrat in this case. you know, they've just got to be very smart about the way they do it. >> let me ask you about there because there is a revision of something that happened. the labor department announcing that half a million fewer jobs were created than originally reported in 2018 and early 2019. i mean it's still been a pretty good economy, but that will also have people taking a closer look at where things stand right now. don't you think? >> well, the economy matters a great deal. that's why they got a lot of happy talk out there. the president saying we're going to have a tax cut. i guess we won't have a tax cut. then this trade thing is hurting the country. hurting all the world. and, you know, they know if the economy goes south, they have a huge problem. and i think they're very concerned about it.
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the revisions are typical. we all go through revisions. i did as governor. what people are beginning to say, there's weakness in this economy. and when you take a look at the bond market and all that, these are signs that get people saying, you know, it's not great. now, we don't know when that will change. but we've had the longest running positive effect on this economy really i think in modern history. it doesn't go on forever. when it ends, i don't know. the trade policies are certainly contributing to the gloomy outlook. >> listen, the job numbers were revised down today but the deficit projection is now revised up. the cbo now predicting it will reach $1 trillion in 2020. two years earlier than previously thought. two years earlier than previously thought. i know republicans don't care about deficits anymore. but that is not good.
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>> well, don, look, in '97, i worked with democrats and republicans, and we got the first balanced budget since we had walked on the moon. we paid down the largest amount of debt in modern history of the public debt. we had great economic growth and we actually had surpluses. now, i said this to some people the other night at dinner, and they thought i'd been drinking. they said, wait a minute. when did that ever happen? don, think about this. a trillion dollars a year in debt. at some point, you have to pay it. it is a claim on our -- well, a claim on our kids' futures, grandchildren's futures. it just doesn't go away and it's very, very serious. at some point we'll have to pay the piper. there's no two ways about it. a trillion dollars a year. you're right. republicans forgot about it. the democrats forgot about it. i always say, look, the difference between republicans and democrats is the republicans don't -- they spend just like the democrats, they just feel guilty about it. >> democrats haven't forgotten
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about it because they're using it this time to say that republicans don't care about it. >> we'll see. >> so, listen, you understand what i'm saying. your name keeps coming up about a possible challenge to president trump. word on the street is that you might be heading to new hampshire next month. come on, brother. what's going on? tell us. >> well, word on the street, that's a pretty good word. i'm probably going to go to new hampshire and i'm going to deliver a tweech. a two-path speech. we need to be seeing this and going down into the ditch or can we be unified and lifted? and why am i going to go to new hampshire? when i go to new hampshire, everything will go with twitter. literally and figurativfigurati. i'll get a bigger message out about this is not the direction we should go. we don't have to settle for this. in terms of whether i'm running or not, that is a whole different issue. i just read these statistics. 84% of republicans support donald trump. now, if you don't have a path, you can't climb the mountain. we'll see. there's a ways to go but
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at some point i'll have to make a final decision. but of course i'm going to new hampshire and i hope people will hear what i have to say. >> if there is a big announcement or something, i'm sure you'll do it right on the show. john kasich. >> well, yeah. why don't you come to new hampshire. we can talk up there. >> you send a plane and i'll go. thank you very much. >> i don't have any plane. you've got enough money. i'll get you a ticket. >> okay. thank you. >> you can take bus! thanks, don. >> greyhound or trailways, i'll be there. >> you've got it. >> you heard the president boasting about admiring crowds at the hospital in el paso where victims of the mass shooting were being treated. presidential candidate beto o'rourke has something to say about that next. ♪upbeat musieverything was so fresh in the beginning. [sniff] ♪ dramatic music♪ but that plug quickly faded. ♪upbeat music luckily there's febreze plug. it cleans away odors and freshens for 1200 hours. [deep inhale] breathe happy with febreze plug.
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what a day for this president. unloading on the reporters on the south lawn, caving to the nra for background checks, calling for indefinite detention for undocumented parents and their children and more. i have some specific questions for you. overall, what is your response to the last 24 hours from this president? >> just more cruelty from someone who has visited so much of it on the american people. so these attacks on immigrants, the warnings of invasions, the cruelty of putting kids in cages or separating from their parents.
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to learn today that they are changing the flores agreement which was intended to ensure that we have the welfare of those kids. it's helped to produce one of the worst tragedies and acts of domestic terror we've seen in el paso on august 23rd 22 people killed. the conversations about trying to buy greenland to distract us from the horror show that's his presidency, the farms lost thanks to his trade policy and tariffs when it comes to china. the u.s. steel jobs being lost and the fact that this economy is not working for millions of americans. it is that cruelty and it is the bizarre sideshow that is the real challenge. i'm confident the american people understand what is going on and are going to replace
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donald trump so that we can bring this divided country back together again and meet the real challenges that we have. >> let's dig deeper now foo specific issues. first, guns. after backing away from background checks in recent days, the president made a number of conflicting statements about whether he supports them. let's listen and then you can respond. >> oh, i have an appetite for background checks. we're going to be doing background checks. we're working with democrats. we're working with democrats. we already have very strong background checks. we're dealing with democrats. we're dealing with republicans, we're deeping with the nra. we're dealing with gun owners, we're dealing with everybody. and i think we'll have something hopefully meaningful. >> so he went on to say that he had spoken with the new year's wayne lapierre, expressed concerns that background checks would be a slippery slope. what do you think will ultimately happen, congressman? >> i think the president has been bought and paid for by the nra. if you really wanted to put an end to gun violence, he would
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have called the student leaders of march for our lives who put out a very bold, ambitious, life-saving proposal in addition to background checks and loopholes, it calls for the end to sales of the ak-47 that was used and buying those weapons where they exist in our communities so they cannot be used against us. that's where the real leadership is right now. when we get these things signed and passed into law under my administration, it will be thanks to those students, the moms who demand action, everybody but the nra and the politicians they have corrupted and purchased and the president will not be saving any lives. we cannot count on him for leadership. it is those in the streets, the students and moms showing that leadership that we need. >> he also spoke about el paso. your town, close to your heart. and his visit there after that
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shooting that took 22 lives. listen then we'll discuss. >> when i went to dayton and when i went to el paso and i went into those hospitals, the love for me, and me maybe is a representative of the country. for me and my love for them was unparalleled. these were incredible people. there were hundreds and hundreds of people all over the floor. you couldn't even walk on it. >> i mean, this comes, of course, after he previously bragged about crowd size at his el paso rally versus your el paso rally back in february. what the president is saying, what he's saying about this reception, does it match what you're hearing in el paso? >> he is a sick man focusing on the attention that others give him on whether or not he is loved versus helping a community that saw one of the worst mass shootings in american history to heal. going into the hospitals of
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victims who were injured in large part because president trump by warning of invasions and predators and killers and laughing when somebody said shoot them when referring to immigrants was responsible for this. that just shows how depraved this president is. and i'll tell you this, don, we talked to the folks at both of the hospitals where patients are being treated, are still recovering from the shooting on august 3rd. not a single patient who was in care and recovery at those hospitals wanted to see the president. they had to bring people in who had been released and folks from outside of those hospitals in the community to greet the president, to satisfy his ego. but this community, el paso, texas, did not want to see him. we understand that he was in large part to blame for the shooting, the hatred, the racism, the gun violence that we see in this country. >> the president also says that he is considering an executive order to end birth right citizenship.
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what do you think? would that be unconstitutional? >> you asked me at the beginning about what i think of these last 24 hours. it is such a blizzard of bizarre statements and behavior unbecoming of any president questioning the citizenship of our fellow americans, i guess, based on their country of national origin or ethnicity or this race. the very idea that we can realize the promise of this country, that we are all created equal and that we can all from the planet come to this country and by our very presence make it a great country in the first place is being destroyed on a daily and i guess over the last day an hourly basis by this president. it is a ridiculous notion to overturn the 14th amendment. it is racist on its face. he is trying to drive us apart. make us angry and keep your eye off the ball, which is the fact
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this economy is beginning to crater through his gross mismanagement. the trade war with china. the lack of pay increase for our fellow americans. taking away health care for those who depend on it in america and then not willing to admit that we are heading towards recession in america. that's why he's talking about greenland and the 14th amendment and continuing to visit these cruelties on our fellow americans. he doesn't want us to be able to come together. recognize his failures and overcome them by defeating him in november of 2020. we can't let him do that. >> arrest the mass shooting in el paso, you returned you returned to your hometown and you came out with a new strategy. what do you want to do differently? our new polls show you're polling at 3%. what do you think? >> the first place that i went
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to after spending nearly two weeks in el paso, following the shooting was jackson, mississippi, to visit small communities in that state that have been subject to the largest single state employment i.c.e. raid in the history of this country. nearly 700 people rounded up in the workplace. most of them, chicken processing plants. these are folks who have been here in some cases 15, 20 or more years raising their u.s. citizen children here in our country. working some of the toughest jobs, not committing crimes. not violent. not posing any threat. i went there because i want to go everywhere this president is terrifying or terrorizing our fellow americans. everyone that he is trying to push down we are going to lift up so going to mississippi to hear their stories and share them with the country to make the case. to rewrite the immigration laws in our own image. in the image of el paso, in the image of canton, mississippi, in the image of every
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community in this country of immigrants and asylum seekers. it feels so right. and as i think what this country needs right now, but to follow that up by going to arkansas as we did, then to oklahoma, then to kansas, then to missouri before coming to iowa, we've got to show that in a national campaign, everyone in this nation counts. and the only way to demonstrate that is to show up and bring people in and ensure that no one is written off and nobody is taken for granted. i feel really good about the way we're running this campaign and feel it will be borne out in the rest of the campaign into the first caucus here in iowa. >> congressman o'rourke, thank you so much for your time. i appreciate it. >> thank you, don. appreciate it. >> we've got some breaking news. on the 2020 presidential race, washington democratic governor jay inslee says he is dropping out. as greenland is melting and the amazon is burning, he built his campaign around the central issue of combating the
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climate crisis happening around the world. now that governor inslee has dropped out, there are 22 democrats in the race now. did you notice that president trump mentioned former president barack obama 20 times in 30 minutes today? what he said, why he said it, and if any of it was true. that's next. i like to make my life easy. ( ♪ ) romo mode. (beep) (bang) good luck with that one. yes! that's why i wear skechers slip-ons. they're effortless. just slip them right on and off. skechers slip-ons, with air-cooled memory foam.
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one, two, three, four. one, two, three, four. one, two, three, four and last one.
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president trump addressing the media today and lashing out at his predecessor over and over and over again. watch. >> president obama, russia outsmarted president obama. president putin totally outsmarted president obama. outsmarting president obama. obama was upset. totally outsmarted obama.
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obama was upset. obama had separation. president obama in 2014. so president obama. but it was president obama. >> president obama and others. >> president obama did that. >> obama much? joining me to discuss the many false claims trump made today, cnn's resident fact checker. daniel, hello. let's dig into some of these false claims. watch this. let's start. >> you don't talk to the united states like that, at least under me. when president obama, when they treated him so badly in so many places, the philippines is one that comes to mind. that's different. >> so explain this. did the philippine government prevent barack obama from landing there. >> no. this story is entirely fictional. the leader of the philippines is prone to outbursts went on a profane rant about obama. obama canceled a meeting with
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due duarte -- from that, somehow trump made it from duterte prevented a plane from landing that was in the air. that never happened. >> trump claimed this. watch. >> i am the one that kept the families together. okay? you remember that, right? just remember i said it. now it gets even better. president obama and others brought the families apart. but i'm the one that kept the families together. >> this is false. >> this is false. there were of course some separations of children and parents at the border under obama but they were done under exceptional circumstances. it is trump who implemented the policy of routine separation by implementing a policy of zero tolerance for people caught crossing the border illegally. so, yes, trump did eventually end that policy but it was his own policy. not obama's, and he ended it after a furious public outcry.
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>> daniel, thank you for your time. i appreciate it. we'll be right back. do your asthma symptoms ever hold you back? about 50% of people with severe asthma have too many cells
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plus 0% interest for 24 months and free home delivery. ends saturday president trump leaning into his feud with denmark, saying he cancelled his trip after the danish prime minister said it was absurd for him to want to buy greenland. he called her comments nasty and inappropriate. let's discuss. alice stewart's here as well as ana navarro. good evening to both of you. ana, welcome back. hope you had a great honeymoon. it's great to see you. so let's start. all the danish prime minister did was said the president's interests in buying greenland was absurd. why do you think the president takes that as such a personal insult? >> first of all, he loves to
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call women nasty, right? it's a word he used about hillary clinton, it's a word he used about kamala harris, and now it's a word he's using about the prime minister of denmark. this is a guy who has to be in a fight with everybody. in the past 24 hours it's been the press, it's been scaramucci, it's been the squad, it's been the prime minister of denmark. i was hearing you at the beginning of the show with chris cuomo talking about how exhausting this is and talking about how this is not normal. no, don, finding a live frog in your lettuce is not normal. what we are seeing is insane. it is lunacy. it is complete instability. alarming and it is scary. this is way beyond normal. it's nerve-racking. and i think, you know, i've been abroad for the last 17 days. you can't go to any country where somebody doesn't realize you're an american and immediately ask, have americans lost their minds?
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what the hell are you guys doing? this is scary. >> well, alice, i've got to ask you. listen, we don't need to play the sound bite. he has this history of calling women -- we know it's there. he has this history of calling women nasty and what have you. why does the president use the word nasty when challenged by strong women? yes, he does it for men as well, but it seems he does it more for women. >> he does it equally across the board. for some reason he loves the word nasty. he's done it for many men, my former boss ted cruz, marco rubio, lindsey graham, jeb bush, mitt romney, down the line. you remember the london mayor sadiq khan. he's used it across the board. the reality is he is one of those if someone is a challenger or confronts him and pushes back on him, he will punch back. look, i wish he would aim high. i wish he would talk nicer. i wish he would be best. that's unfortunately not his nature. we can all remember back in 2016 jeb bush said, donald trump, you
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cannot insult your way to the white house. well, he did and he will insult his way through the white house. he will insult his way out of the white house, and the reality is people that support him, myself included. i don't like his tone and tenor. i don't like the way he talks. i don't like many of the things that he says, but his policies are the reason why he does have almost 90% approval rating from the gop. i wish he would knock it off. i wish he would be nicer. i wish he wouldn't be an equal opportunity offender with no regard for gender, but that's who he is and anyone who thinks he's going to change i think is sadly mistaken. >> that's got to be the last word. >> and i think that's so important. he's not going to change. so shame on us if we continue supporting this insane man who is in the white house. >> thank you both. i appreciate it. >> not shame on me because i never supported him. not for one minute. not ever. >> we'll be right back.
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12:00 am
this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. president trump not backing down in the face of criticism that he is pushing an anti-semitic trope. in fact, ramping up his divisive rhetoric today, claiming that jewish americans who vote for democrats are being disloyal to fellow jews and to the state of israel. much more on this just ahead. also today, the president trying to defend t


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