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tv   Reliable Sources  CNN  August 25, 2019 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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i had no idea why my mouth was constantly dry. it gave me bad breath. it was so embarrassing. now i take biotene dry mouth lozenges whenever i'm on the go, which is all the time. biotene dry mouth lozenges. freshen breath anytime, anywhere. biotene dry mouth lozenges. the first survivor of alzis out there.ase and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association. i'm brian stelter. welcome to "reliable sources." how the media works and how the news gets made and how we can help it get better. lots going on. we're drowning in hypocrisy about the economy, debt and deficit and thankfully daniel dale is here to save us and this troubling incident at one of her
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pea speeches. her body guard took a man out forcibly. a five-year milestone, journalist james folley and steven were murdered by isis five years ago this summer. what their parents are doing now to help other reports. that's all coming up in the minutes ahead. first, the stories playing out on our tvs and twitter feeds. he's getting worse. we can see it. it's happening in public and a very hard, very sensitive story to cover. i'm talking of course about president trump, about his behavior, about his instability. the contradictions, the lies, the complete rejection of reality. some prominent figures including the husband of kelly anne conwa are pleading with the press to take this more seriously. they said trump is decomposing before our eyes. republicans need to face the fact the president is mentally
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unstable and psychologically unfit. conway thinks it's narcissistic personality disorder. anthony scaramucci says mental breakdown. this sum smer is chalked full o examples. racist comments about the quad and repeating things about voter fraud and denying calling meghan markle on tape and claiming he never said it. he's been bragging about visits to hospitals in dayton and el paso and mixed-up dayton and toledo and cancelling a planned trip to denmark over the greenland dispute and back in june he attacked nancy pelosi and muller and been retweeting conspiracy theories by epstein. the list goes on and on but the list is necessary to cover the big picture of what is going on. look, all of these stories are covered in the moment. individually. by reporters. news outlets use words like erratic, volatile, unstable but rarely are the words and actions
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covered as a whole and rarely do they take it to the next level. okay, what he just said seems crazy. what does that reveal about him? we rarely see it go to that next step. now i get the trump opponents have been saying he's sick since before election day and dream about the 25th amendment. it's possible to have a fact conservation. not just possible but necessarily. look at the "new york times" reporting that some former trump aids are increasingly worried about his behavior. most people who cover this world for a living know that. i spent the week talking with major media figures at networks and newspapers. there is definitely wide spread recognition that trump's behavior is getting worse in type and infrequency. he's acting more erratic more often. calling his federal reserve chair an enemy and saying the
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market is into a free fall. come on. of course, the president is always going to have a choir to back him up and rationalize and make excuses and orders say he was kidding. his fox fans pretend the worst episodes didn't happen at all or blame the media for bad coverage but let's talk about that coverage everywhere but fox. when you watch a broadcast nightly newscast, how often do you hear how far off the road trump? not often enough. they do note the daily madness but rarely connect the dots between the freakouts. i do think cnn and msnbc are better about putting the ugly reality in front and center with banners but there is not really a vocabulary for this. th there is not a far mormat. it's comfortable leading a newscast with trump wanting to buy greenland. we have a format. we know what to do. we know how. it's a lot harder to cover
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concerns about the president's well being. because it's really a series of questions that no one is able to answer. why does he make it all about himself even after visiting a hospital after a massacre? why does he lie so often? is there a method to the madness or is something wrong? is he suffering from some sort of illness? it's questions, questions and then just more questions. know satisfying answers and here is what happens every time. take megan with the washington post says i'm not trump's doctor and i don't know what's wrong with him. there is that understandable eversion to diagnosing someone off the tv and that aversion sometimes shuts down these conversations but she said she doesn't need a diagnosis to know she should be worried. maybe that's the point. here is james making a similar point for the atlantic saying if trump were a ceo or airline
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pilot or any responsibility, action would be underway to remove him from that role. so something is wrong. there are lots of theories about what it is. there are some doctors who think they know. others say we shouldn't speculate. there are ethical questions about having this conversation at all. but we can't tiptoe around it anymore. we've got to talk about this. so let's talk about it. let's do it. let me bring in two guests, two psychiatrists with different views about. a professor at the yale school of medicine and co-authored a book "the dangerous diagnosis of donald trump" and former chair of sipsychiatry at duke. so dr. lee, first, to you, you have been trying to sound an alarm for the past two years about the president's fitness.
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has the press been listening to what you and your colleagues have been saying? >> not at all. i feel that the press has actively tried to shun us especially "the new york times" editorial that seems to have been publish in collaboration with the past apa president and i'm very concerned about the fact that the american psychiatric association has been working as pretty much as an agent of the state to -- >> to stop people from talking about this issue? >> yes, i'm speaking of the new, what many of us have started to call a gag rule. they have modified the original gold water rule, which i'm a staunch supporter of into an order that allows for no exception and it basically says that we're not just allowed to
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diagnose but say anything of any kind in relation to aub many i can will figure. here is what the original gold water rule says. that psychiatrists have a responsibility to society as well as to patients and we are expected to contribute to activities that improve the community and better public health, and so when we're asked about a public figure, we should educate the public in general terms, just not diagnose. >> without saying i'm diagnosing because you've never met the man. >> exactly. >> you can describe what you're seeing. dr. francis, i know you disagree with this view dr. lee and a couple sigh cpsychiatrists publ. you said it's dangerous, why? >> there are three very dire consequences. the first is that it stigmatizes. i've known thousands of patients, almost all of them are
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well-behaved well-mannered good people. trump is none of these. lumping that is a terrible insult and they have enough problems and stigma has it is. calling trump crazy hides the fact that we're crazy for having elected him and even crazier for allowing his crazy policies to persist. trump is as destructive a perp in this century as hitler in the last century. he may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were. he needs to be contained but he needs to be contained by attacking his policies, not his person. it's crazy for us to be destroying the climate our children will live in. it's crazy to be giving tax cuts to the rich that will add trillions of dollars to the debt our children will have to pay. it's crazy to be destroying our democracy by claiming that the press and the courts of the enemy of the people. we have to face these policies
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not trump's person. it's absolutely impossible, you can bet the house that the congress that paints that the cabinet will never ever remove trump on grounds of mental unfitness. that will never happen. discussing the issue in psychological name-calling terms distracts us from getting out to vote -- >> but i'm not talking about name calling. i'm talking about asking questions that are really uncomfortable. not saying we have the answers, i'm saying we need to bring it up. >> the problem is the diagnosis offered have been armature. they don't apply to trump. they will never get trump out of office and i'm worried that in dealing with the psychological motivations and inaccurate diagnosis, we lose the focus on getting out to vote and that's much more important at this point. >> dr. lee, your response? >> first of all, i'd like to clarify that i have never
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diagnosed, in fact, i have always emphasized dangerousness over diagnosis. dangerousness is about the situation, not the person. mr. trump as a private citizen would not be such a great danger. i also object to the moral attribution that dr. francis is giving. those with mental illness are no different than the general population. some are good, some are bad. in fact, mental pathology is defined by destructiveness, whether one is destructive toward oneself or against others. it is something we need to treat and address. >> so your advice to the press to outlets like cnn and nbc trying to cover trump, what's your advice? >> my advice is consult us. there are now thousands of mental health experts who are eager to speak beyond belief. in fact, they have formed professional organization called the world mental health collision and made me president. people can go to the website
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dangerous we started on an ethical basis. i held an ethics conference at yale to speak about, to discuss the gravity of speaking up and after that, we collected the essays of 37 of the most renowned psychiatrists and mental health experts from around the country and that's how the book came about. we're not trying to medicalize politics, we're trying to meet our professional responsibility to society. >> and dr. francis, your advise for the press? how do you feel the press should handle these on going questions about the president's health? >> the problem is i thought the book was really silly. the people most willing to offer diagnosis know the least about it, have never contributed to discussions about diagnosis. there is absolutely no doubt that trump is dangerous. everyone knows that. everyone should have known that before the election. the question is he dangerous because he's a bad, evil con man or dangerous because he's mentally ill? on that issue, i think it's very
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clear he's dangerous because he's evil. he's not dangerous because he's mentally ill and the mentally ill argument, if it gets him out of the office, go with it even if inaccurate. anything to get this man out of office but it won't work so piling on inaccuracy, stigma, the press will get people who know nothing about psychiatric diagnosis spouting off at the mouth, it won't add to the discussion, it will district from the political stuff and we have to focus on how evil -- >> are you talking about -- >> i don't care -- >> connecting the dots be between all of these ridiculous things that happen every day and my fear is that people are too afraid to say wow, this is a problem. there is something wrong here when he's attacking his federal reserve chair, misspelling the guy's name and doing 50 of those a day. kind of grasping for the language to use around this, but it's -- >> i have -- i think i have better language. i think trump is best
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characterized as a spoiled brat as a baby having temper tantrums, as a completely unfit person unable to meet the challenges and the responsibilities of his office, as a con man, as a, the most narcotissistic person maybe in r time and for all times. all of these as a thief. as a corrupter of others, as a obstructor of justice. these are terms that all make sense. attributing every bad behavior that humanity is capable of to mental illness misses the point of evil and stigmatizes the mentally ill. >> dr. fran sicis, dr. lee, to . >> he has diagnosed saying somebody has a narcissistic disorder is a diagnosis and i don't believe there is a need to dualize everything.
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we need to connect the dots. one does not have to be -- one or the other, someone can black the capacity and be criminally minded. i pointed that out in a number of interviews and it does not have to be only a personal problem, we're not concerned about mr. trump's personal mental health, we're krconcerne about his affects on society and political people are asking questions about mental health. mental health people are wondering about the political process. it's about time for a conversation, i would say. >> dr. lee, dr. francis, thank you both. i'm grateful for you both. quick break and a conversation about the economy, president trump's tweets and comments about the economy and right wring ev wing media hypocrisy about the death. ♪ (music plays throughout)
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welcome back to "reliable sources." i'm brian stelter. trump's pledge to eliminate the federal debt is further and further out of reach. they expect the deficit to reach $1 trillion next year sooner than expected. notice what is not happening right now. right wing tv and radio hosts are not up in arms. in fact, they barely made a peep when trump surrendered a fight over debt and deficits by signing a bill that increases spending and raises the debt ceiling. that story almost didn't lead the nightly news, it is partly
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because there wasn't an outcry. i guess conservatives wanted this issue to disappear to ensure their conpitlation, once said to be a top priority would go unnoticed and mostly did but small signs surfaced. they called it to to lou dobbs and explained what trump is doing to lower the deficit. dobbs couldn't. >> what has he done to address i it? >> looking for record low minority. >> the debt -- asking you a question about the deficit and debt. do you worry about that or not? if you don't, that's fine. >> defending trump of course but i don't want this he'sry to fall down the memory hole. d dobbs and right-wing stars screamed. this is in 2015, watch. >> we've seen seven years of absurdi absurdity. we're talking about a debtor nation.
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we continue to persist between $400 billion and a half trillion in deficit every year. you don't find your way to the promise land and find your way to devastation. >> devastation, we're nearing a trillion dollars and likes the guy. >> it's the most outrageous example of deficit spending imaginable. they borrowed $170 billion to pay for the spending not covered by the tax revenue. amazing. if you run your household like that, you would be bankrupt. >> these clips are important to remember, rush limbaugh spent years slamming obama to turn around and blame politicians, not himself for squar scares pe about the deficit. >> this is about the debt that obama created if obama was a ceo of a private company, he would
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face an e. sechc. investigation because of his lies. he's not a fiscal conservative anymore. >> it's easier to roll your eyes and excusing the obama apart for but in this molt, we need to remember those old clips. o outrageous acts and obama kept the great recession from becoming a depression and support the safety net during a recession and it worked. trump inherited a healthy economy with the deficit slowing and trump started blowing up the debt with tax cuts. god help us if we do have another recession. joining me is my two guests. daniel dale, the president is trying to blame any downturn on the media and will say it's our fault. what is his most agreeegregious?
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>> it's not his trade war. as fact checkers, we like complicated policy claims we can delve into and make ourselves look smart and ridiculous ones where you're like no, everyone knows that's not true. >> there is the quote. he did say it. how are we supposed to respond when he says i'm the chosen one to take on china and he says i was beingcasticsarcastic, you c take a joke. >> what it means to have second thoughts. it's really a problem when the president's version of truth, we already know is not evolved and we don't even know if his words seem to mean what they sound like if the tweets constitute any kind of policy, i mean, we're in this ever shifting reality here where it's impossible to know whether to take these seriously because sometimes policies do follow some trump's random using in the middle of the night. >> right, and tweets and things like that.
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what should the press do differently? i was talking about how to handle things that seem unhinged but when it seems to fact checking, your specialty, what do you wish we would do differently? >> cover the dishonesty at all. i can't tell you the number of times i fact checked a rally he made 15, 25, sometimes 30 false claims and read the coverage and not only is that not the focus -- >> he was enter gergetic at the rally. >> the headline is his people love it and don't care. >> if it's not the focus, it should be mentioned at least and that often still four years into this does not happen. >> often times, the lying is the story. >> yes. >> i'm glad cnn brought you on. we have a fact checker but need more of that across the press it seems like. all through the news outlets to keep it front and center. >> agree. there are a couple things the press should be doing. one is confronting trump at least about the lies and false claims he's made dozens of times. i understand if the first time
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you don't know the facts and aren't comfortable putting him on the spot but after 80 times he passed the program that obama signed into law, someone can say mr. president, that's not true. also, it's not even after his rallies, it's not even mentioned whatsoever that he made 15 or 20. i think both of these things need to happen. >> this week two former trump secretaries got new jobs, sean spicer going to "dancing with the stars" sarah sanders joining fox news as a commentator. does this matter to see folks rewarded after misleading the public after months and months and months? >> what we're seeing is precisely the consequence of what daniel is talking about and reporters daily interacting with trump to call him out. there is a desire here to pretend everything is normal and to memory hole the parts that are extraordinary. sean spicer and sarah huckabee sanders regularly lied to the press and american people in service of most likely play
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tabletly unconstitutional policies. so does truth matter? does it matter that we can trust basically what's coming out of the white house? instead we have this impulse where we want to move on and pretend it's normal and people want to take their kids to school and worry about their jobs and not keep thinking about the fact that people in what is supposedly the most elevated institution of our country are lying to them and so we turned it into meaninglessti trivia. we want to make sean spicer into this lovable hilarious chakt acr with no rhythm. sean spicer is out there lying about voting fraud. >> cnn hired andrew mcelderccab accused of lying and people on the right side, you're hiring mccabe, why can't fox hire spicer? is there a difference? why can't fox hire sanders?
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is there a difference? >> of course. andrew mccabe will bring serious expertise with respect to the fbi and investigations, and he in no way was accused of standing in front of the american people and lying to them. he was accused of lack of candor and talking to the press that the proportion, skill and substance are up early in the comparable. >> is that a problem, two wrongs don't make a right behavior that goes on a lot? i find in my twitter feed, i got a lot of trump supporters saying every politician lies, so what's the big deal about trump? >> yeah, i get that all the time. i'll point out that trump made, say, 240 false claims in a single week before the midterms and i'll get people saying well, obama said you can keep your doctor under obamacare where you couldn't. every politician is not always honest and obama was sometimes dishonest. if you talk to any historian, we've never seen anything like the avalanche of dishonesty and the triviality, the needlessness of many of these are simply no
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qualitative or quantititive comparison between trump and pred says so pred saecessor predecessors. >> quick break and april ryan up next. i don't keep track of regrets. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on... is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. boost® high protein. be up for life.
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a baillionaire politician comparing the media to garbage. west virginia's newspaper leased a damming report about the state's republican governor jim justice and details the countless conflicts of interest created by the governor's conflict ovf interest.
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this sounds familiar because trump made the same move. they share a lot in common. they criticize the same targets and attack the media. justice is known to bring a paper copy of the gazette to slam coverage of the rallies. we did invade the governor to come on our show and he declined by ken moore junior is here. before i bring in ken, let me show you what justice said. he said this week it's become the charleston inquirer. they make no news. all they do is throw garbage. come on. despite his efforts, lawmakers are calling for ethical reforms. ken moore junior's reporting is having an impact. ken is with me from charleston. what is it like to be called garbage by the governor? >> well, this is nothing new for us. former governor arch more years ago the charleston gazette was known as the morning sick call but certainly i think that president trump is kind of
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elevated this and it's allowing this sort of anti press rhetoric to trickle down and embolden people like governor justice to take those kind of cracks and attacks at what is good solid reporting by the gazette mail. >> did he actually answer real questions you asked? >> we wanted to sit down with governor justice and go over the questions we had about the greenbrier and that he declined to do that. a spokesman did send us sop me responses to emailed questions but no, they would not sit down and discuss this with us. >> notably, your reporting was in consult with a national non-profit news organization that's been trying to help local news outlets recently. what does it mean to have non-profit help like this? >> oh, it's just absolutely essential. you know, the program, the local reporting network report for america is another great program. one of the things we're seeing and this happened in west
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virginia last year when they helped write about the natural gas inindustry, what we're seei is that a powerful interest whether politicians or industries are very critical of this propublicia program. powerful people don't want local news organizations strong and n independent and doing that. >> that's one of the best testimonials for having if they don't like it. >> we follow the money and get a reaction like this, it shows we're on to something. the governor, he pointed out something inaccurate. >> that's always a thing. we know the facts are not on their side. ken, thanks so much. check out the full reporting on the website.
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quick break and much more ahead this hour including april ryan, also ahead this hour a really important story we'll get to april ryan in a moment plus, these two men, these two journalists killed by isis in syria five years ago this summer. if you were their parents, what would you do? we'll find out what these two parents did, how they are honoring their children's legacies coming up ahead. chair is just a chair. that a handle is just a handle. or... that you can't be both inside and outside. most people haven't driven a lincoln. it's the final days of the lincoln summer invitation event. right now get 0% apr on all lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. only at your lincoln dealer. hey, who are you?
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in just a moment april ryan is here. hear what happened right after this.
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to a controversy involving april ryan. ryan has been si lenglent about incident giving a speech in new jersey. ryan was there with a body guard, you saw him walk through the frame and she faced death threats for speaking out but the body guard took local editor charlie's cam pa, you can see it shaking there while he was filming the speech. then the body guard forcibly removed the reporter from the event as seen on the hotel's lobby security camera. morris is scheduled to appear on court on september 12th. morris declined to comment to us and up until now, so has ryan.
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she's been criticized for not condemning the use of violence against the violence. ryan is joining me. april, a lot of people have expressed concerns about this being a first amendment violation. it look s concerning to me. it seems like the body guard tries to say something to you on stage starting your speech. did you order the body guard to take the man's camera and remove the reporter from the event. >> before i get to that, i want to say this. anyone who knows me knows that i'm the first person who wants to get a story out be it on tv or radio, and the only reason why i've been quiet is because of threat of lawsuits, and my attorney said i can speak but here is the thing, this is not about suppressing the press. my body of work stands for me. and no, i did not order anyone to do anything. at that moment, what you saw was my then body guard, who was concerned with my safety come to
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me and say stop talking. they were about 100 tee 0 feet from me. i didn't know what was going on or said. i was on stage at the time. >> and that's tough when you're on stage and you're not sure what's going on but why not have cameras at your speeches? what's the problem with having a person videotape your speech? >> well, you know, this was a private event for a non-profit organization in new brunswick new jersey. our contract stated if someone wanted to come and film or if they wanted to interview me, they had to ask for permission. there was no request for permission and permission was not granted. now, if they would have asked for permission, it would have been granted and the reason i do this, one, it's standard in the industry and two, because i don't want my words twisted. >> and i get that. he says he did have permission. he says he has the documentation and sent some of that to me. >> according to my contract and with the organization, no one
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asked me for permission. >> do you -- >> if it was asked, yes. >> do you regret that the body guard put his hands on this reporter? to me that's completely inappropriate. >> well, again, my former contracted security personnel thought i guess i suspect was concerned for my safety. >> so maybe he just overreacted? are you saying he just overreacted? >> yes, yes. >> i remember i was giving -- >> then the date after this, we reviewed this and decided not to contract with that organization anymore but again, i believe in my humble opinion or i assume that he was concerned about my safety. >> and you have spoken in the past about facing death threats more than one. >> yes. >> can you tell us anything more about that? i know that's sensitive. >> it's a very sensitive situation. i do receive death threats. i continue to receive death
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threats. the atmosphere around me is charged, and that's one of the reasons why i assume he may have overreacted because hes concerned for my safety but it doesn't make you feel good to get a death threat and have to send it to the fbi and local authorities. i'm a person in the community, of children. i have friends, i have family. it's a tough situation to live under but i do it and unfortunately, i have to have body guards around me. >> here is what t"the washingto post" eric wrote. it's one thing to hire a body guard to protect from death threats but one thing when they undermine the freedom of press. what will be different in the future? will there be something different in the future? it sounds like the body guard is no longer working for you. >> as long as this atmosphere continues, ryan, i'm going to have to have a body guard but
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the protocol is that the body guard is supposed to be with me, and that was not protocol. >> you mean because he left, he left to go allegedly assault the journalist, your s're saying he didn't follow protocol. >> you weren't in the room. >> i was speaking. so and at the very least, for those journalist who are saying the things they are saying, i would hope there may be a correction for the error that, you know, some of the things that have been said. >> isn't it concerning you're out there speaking privately, i remember when i was giving a speak at a college and info war reporters, they were asking questions. i found it the best way to talk to them. our job is not to stop people from asking questions, it's to help them ask questions. >> that's the issue. if someone asked for permission, i would have granted it, but
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sometimes your words are twisted by people who don't necessarily understand you or what you're saying or who have an agenda and that kind of thing can charge the atmosphere to create hate against me, and death threats. so that is one of the reasons this was a protected measure but again, we're reassessing a lot of things. >> april, appreciate you being here. thank you for talking to me. >> thank you. after the break, it been five years since the tragic murder of two journalists at the hands of isis. their families are taking that tragedy and turning it into purpose. mom and dad, james foley's mom and dad are with me next. at t-mobile, what can you get when you a buy a samsung galaxy note 10? a netflix subscription on us. and for a limited time. buy any samsung galaxy note 10 and get one samsung galaxy note 10 for free.
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by tragedy. it's been five years since the brutal kills of two journalists by isis. james foley was abducted covering the conflict in syria. he was murdered on august 19th, twount 14. steven sotloff was murdered two weeks later. five years later, steve and james live on because his parents have taken that trauma, one of the worst days of their lives, and worked to keep other reporters safe in war zones. it's the ultimate tribute to their sons. the james foley organization provides journalist safety jiedz and the steven sotloff two lives foundations funds safety training sessions and presents scholarships. they join me. thank you so much, both, for being here. diane, first, just a basic question. how are you doing? what is your life like these days? >> well, we're challenged. both arthur and i, we want to continue the legacy of our brave sons. they both were intrepid, courageous journalists who really wanted the world to know of the suffering of syrian people. so my challenge has been to continue jim's spirit, so the james foley legacy foundation advocates for freedom of all americans who are taken hostage abroad. and for the protection of journalists worldwide. >> and art, same question for you. how are you doing five years later? >> we're doing okay.
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i have a purpose now. we have a purpose of steven's legacy and protecting journalists, giving them training, first aid training, and survival training. that's very rewarding to us to see that we're making a difference in these young, i have to say young, free-lance journalists. they were kids just like my son. independently, they came up to me and they said, if it wasn't for you and your wife and the foundation they never would have been able to afford this type of training. and when i started to get this feedback, i realized this was really something i had to do, more than once a year. we're looking to do three to four training sessions a year. >> diane, jim was four years old in 2014. do you think about where he would be today? do you thing about what he would be accomplishing in journalism? >> well, sure.
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and that is why i applaud all of you courageous journalists who dare to continue to report the truth, to investigate the truth, to report from dangerous parts of the world, and even domestically. on subjects that people may not want to hear the truth on. and that is why art and i and other families through our foundations want to create this culture of safety, so that journalists who want to become, report on the truth in the world, know how to protect themselves, the subjects that they interview, and dare to speak the truth to power in the world. so that is why the foley foundation also has developed a curriculum, a safety curriculum for graduate students and most recently we're working on undergraduate students so that they know how to protect
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themselves, their sources, and so that they can continue to do this important work. >> the journalists that i met that have taken our training have said to us that, again, if it wasn't for our organization and also what the foleys' organization does, they wouldn't be able to afford to even come. it's very, very essential. this is training that saves lives. it makes them think correctly. it teaches them first aid. security when they're at computers. how to handle yourself in interrogations. breathing properly, just things that everybody needs to know. >> yes, indeed. truly two organizations well worth supporting. we'll be back in just a moment. i don't keep track of regrets.
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