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tv   New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman  CNN  August 27, 2019 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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weather news in the tropics that look at specifically, but you're could affect millions of right, the doctors are the ones americans. the national hurricane center that spriprescribe this. has issued a tropical storm i think doctors do have to warning and hurricane watch for shoulder the blame. puerto rico and parts of the dominican republic as this storm let me talk about one statistic. gains strength. these are live pictures we're about to show you of the storm that is slowly approaching the in the united states we take 80% coastline of barbados. to 90% of some of tease classes of drugs and we're not even 5% of the world's population. so the drugs exist, something as we know it can move veryickl. was happening in the united states, and when you look at the numbers in terms of how big a deal this is, this is on par >> it's a serious concern. puerto rico's new governor has with aids. declared a state of emergency the entire medical community has been following this for many there. they're preparing a direct years now, and this was a big strike from dorian there deal yesterday to see at least, tomorrow potentially as the hurricane it seems to be getting you know, how this might move stronger. residents there in puerto rico, forward. >> you know, sanjay, felt the t they're still recovering from hurricane maria and irma two years ago, so are they ready? came in if you read through the florida, you can see right there court documents the judge claims is also in the cone for potential landfall this weekend. johnson & johnson used the term we're live in puerto rico pseudo addiction to tell doctors looking at the preparations, but when people came in desperate first we want to go to cnn
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for more of the drug that what meteorologist chad myers. johnson & johnson recommended chad, what have you learned? that the doctors say was that >> yeah, two separate storms they're not actually suffering here. one for the caribbean and one from addiction, they're suffering from undertreatment of pain. and the solution according to johnson & johnson's marketing for barbados. was to prescribe the patient those pictures you saw there, more opioids. >> no question about it. this storm has gone by. and that pseudo addiction term they had winds of 150 miles per as someone who was training or hour, but it's the puerto rico in medical school at the time, that was a widely used term. in emergency rooms you suddenly area, the dominican republic area that this storm will saw these smily faced charts pop eventually gather some strength. up. someone comes in for a cold and they're asked about their pain yesterday this was a 80 miles level by the smily face chart. per hour storm and today it's a and why are you asking about someone about pain in these 70 mile per hour storm simply because there hasn't been any organization overnight. situations? why would someone be prescribed narcotics for something that wasn't typically associated with but that's close enough to a pain. it was because nobody should be hurricane. in pain. but here is the rub, when the pain was the fifth vital sign. it was just an important to models get into nassau, free assess as heart rate, for example. and that was all very, very port, into the turks and caicos, strategic messaging. it's fine, people don't really
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get addicted to pseudo addiction that water there is 90 degrees. or and why should anybody be in what's going to happen in the pain? >> it's that kind of testimony meantime it's going to hit or fact finding that can be very puerto rico and the dominican damaging, though, to these republic. pharmaceutical companies which some of that because of the is why i imagine there might be topography of the dominican republic. very big mountains here not that a rush to settle some of these cases. far from santa domingo and from >> interestingly the stock of the center part of haiti and the johnson & johnson went up after this verdict because the stock dr, that's where many areas of market was expecting an even heavy rainfall could be happening. could be 2 to 6 inches of rain, worse verdict at an even bigger damage award. so $572 million was considered could cause mud slides. not that bad. and it's that area north we're >> considering how much money is worried about because this storm nuf eventually as aiosaid gets to involved here. >> and how much money these florida, keys, jackson vooivill pharmaceutical companies have. >> they wanted $17 billion for 30 years. this is for one year. essentially if you do the math and divide it by 30, that's don't know. where that number came from. the judge did say perhaps in the >> of course it's been two years since hurricane maria devastated years following maybe there puerto rico. many people there are not taking would be more money ses wraer, any chances this time around. but this is just one years of what they were asking for.
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they are stocking up on water as sanjay, let's move onto you can see. justice ruth bader ginsberg. what is she made of? cnn's pablo sandoval live with >> it's incredible when you look at her history. everyone talked about the broken more. >> reporter: it doesn't take rib some time ago and how much here to make someone quickly she rebounded from that. nervous particularly because many people here are either recovering from or still clearly she had colon cancer in 1999 and remember the traumatizing experience that came with thou this new pancreatic cancer hurricane maria. it was two years ago with that and she gets this treatment, deadly storm. finishes three weeks of treatment and is giving this people headed to service stations, grocery stores to incredible speech. stockpile some supplies whether she's tough, there's no question it be fuel or food. about it. the concern here obviously is pancreatic cancer is a tough some of the potential winds will diagnosis for sure, something she's going to deal with have impact on some of the probably for the rest of her infrastructure that could get life. but seems to be recovering well. built-up and eventually power >> jeffrey, hold that thought. outages and if that happens let's just play ruth bader people have to do without for ginsberg, what she did yesterday quite some time. despite all the things sanjay that's why we're seeing what we're seeing here. just laid out there. in the meantime officials have this was the supreme court been warning people to prepare. justice in buffalo. they also had that emergency >> it was beyond my wildest declaration in place. they say they're prepared to open up to 380 shelters across imagination i would one day become the notorious rbg.
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the island should it come to i am now 86 years old, yet people of all ages want to take that. but we're seeing on the ground here is that expectation they could see small impact over there certainly preparing given what they experienced a few years ago. their picture with me. >> certainly encouraging they're amazing. >> look, this woman, she's about preparing now. this tall. please keep us posted. i doubt she weighs 100 pounds, some political news this and she is as tough as any nfl morning, one new national poll shows something of a change at the top of the democratic race for the presidential nomination. linebacker. there's no doubt about that. again, it's just one poll. but, you know, she's 86 years old, and if i may -- i don't but this new poll shows a three want to presume dr. g's role way race among senators burny sanders and elizabeth warren and former vice president joe biden. here, 86 is not the new this is the first poll that really shows joe biden back in the pack. anything. 86 is old. and it's more than this one poll and mitch mcconnell is sitting there saying if she leaves the that has people talking, though. bench, he is going to replace her no matter when she leaves. elizabeth warren has been drawing huge crowds. january 19, 2021. her campaign said she had 15,000 people at a rally in seattle. last week she had 12,000 at minnesota. the marek garland ruled applied
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so there is some enthusiasm and organization being demonstrated across the country. only to barack obama and marik joining us abbey philips, john garland. how did williams perform in her first match since last year -- this is the u.s. open. avalon and josh mcintosh. her first u.s. open match since last year's controversial final? and one poll, but it's a poll we'll tell you next. that shows this three way race. cramped and uncomfortable. the margin of error is 6%, so we can arrange a little upgrade. again it could be broad there. which is why i wear skechers... but if you are the biden wide fit shoes. they have extra room throughout. they're like a luxury ride for my feet. campaign and electability is your thing, this is not a poll try skechers wide fit shoes. you want to see. >> certainly not. and basing your campaign on the notion of electability is not a strong base for your campaign. i could name just about everybody within my lifetime, we've gotten it wrong. so that's not the way to decide a primary. a primary is supposed to be decided on who you actually want to nominate the most.
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they're like a luxury ride for my feet. ♪ in that case i think we're seeing the electorate is more progressive than the media generally gives us credit for. an ultramillionaire's tax cut is are we supposed to dance? ♪ boy boy bands without dancing are just ok. high among progressives. get a better than just ok unlimited plan with >> those ideas are not actually spotify premium included on america's best network. popular at all among the only from at&t. more for your thing. that's our thing. electorate at large. >> they are true but not as popular among progressives. >> what you're seeing is, though, the polarization of the parties is leading to more unrepresented candidates who the base gets fired up about. elizabeth warren has momentum. it's easy to dismiss crowd, they're often an illusionary indicator later in the election. but this is happening
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organically, and the biden time really needs to confront the idea she could win iowa and new hampshire, and then you've got a juggernaut. that said, this one poll needs to be taken as an outlier. everybody, calm down, folks. >> you're the one shouting. >> you're the one quoting taylor swift. >> i actually agree with you on this. we're in radical agreement, we're in shouting agreement. i think for the most part voters know they're not electing a health care plan. they're electing a leader they want to push for one. and starting slightly farther to the left than we did last time doesn't sound like a bad idea to most progressives who think we didn't get as much as we wanted. >> by way of apologizing, you have a graphic that shows what you mean when you call this poll an outlier. this is p202. you see there in five polls joe
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biden is most of them around 0%. this one down around 20%. i will say elizabeth warren consistently down around 20%. >> abbey, maybe you can be the tiebreaker here for us. >> what they've just pel spelled out is enthusiasm versus electability and whether the primary voters, there's any res resemblance to the general election voters. >> i think those polls you showed are a perfect segue. hey! i live on my own now! i've got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. i think joe biden is the perfect unlike my parents. candidate to beat. you rambling about xfinity again? he's still polling better than you're so cute when you get excited... all the other candidates in this race. it's not as consist, you know, anyways... i've got their app right here, as jeffrey toobin in the last i can troubleshoot. hour talked about crowd size i can schedule a time for them to call me back, it's great! being a pretty consistent you have our number programmed in? ya i don't even know your phone anymore... indicator of grass roots but i excuse me?! what? think also the person who's i don't know your phone number. aw well. he doesn't know our phone number! winning, also that shows that you have our fax number, obviously... people actually do genuinely today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. support joe biden. i think it would be a mistake i'll pass. for democrats to assume that
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somehow democratic voters are being duped into liking joe biden better than some of these other candidates. maybe they know him better, but i think also many of them think he would actually be the best president, actually be the best person to go up against donald there's this brand new trump. national poll which is getting a so i think his support is real, but the risk here for biden is lot of buzz because it shows that all the other candidates something different than we have seen in the democratic race to are not as well-known as he is. date. it shows a three way contest with senators bernie sanders, and what you're seeing with warren is people are very elizabeth warren and former vice president joe biden all interested in her. clustered around the same area, they're very interested in and it's really the first poll learning more about her. in many cases when they do learn where joe biden is not way out in front. more about her, her support is so what does this mean? starting to gel and solidify. let's get the forecast with cnn's senior politics writer and you're seeing some real shifts in the race, but i still think analyst harry henton. >> what does it mean? the fundamentals of this race have been what they have all so let's just set the context, summer which is joe biden has you know, just refresh the been the one to beat, elizabeth viewers if they weren't watching warren is rising pretty steadily the last ten minutes of this program because this poll seems to be getting so much press. in the race and bernie sanders is doing quite well but not as 20 sanders, 20 biden, 19 harris
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well as he did last time. and compare that to june. >> and if our politics says biden down 13 points and sanders anything clearly and consistently over time in and warren each down 5 or 6 greater polarization is this, points. to me it's all about context, playing defense is the worst form of offense in politics. a rose garden strategy is a folks. there were four national polls, suicide note for a political campaign. so you need to get out there and probability live interview sample polls done in the month of august, and this poll sticks out like a sore thumb for this compete like you're behind every day. >> let's play the biden ad. reason. look at this, cnn poll which was done at the same time as this this is big buy, a six figure buy going up in iowa. poll, 29% for biden, fox news we'll talk about it in a few taken about a week before, 31% seconds. >> my son beau was diagnosed for biden, and here you have 19 with terminal cancer and given here. that my friends is the only months to live. definition of on out liar. i can't fathom what would have i've paid more attention to this democratic race than i do the popeye chick-fil-a wars, and happened if the insurance companies had said for the last six months of your life you're on your own. >> the reason we're showing this is it's significant he's it's simply something that spending this kind of money in happens. one out of 20 times you'll find an out liar and more than that iowa and the issue of health care is a dividing line. you're dealing with an out liar and he's choosing a side i think plus or minus 6.
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he's trying to highlight. >> how much coffee have you had you say medicare for all is this morning? >> i've had a ton of coffee and popular. i think he's trying to highlight it's because i am so into this right now because this is what i her position here because on two weeks on that debate stage he's love for to explain statistical issues to the american people. going to draw a distinction. >> we've never seen him on the >> you know what you can do with debate stage with the sort of progressive standard bearers for the field. i think this is obviously a polls like this, average them in. >> you can absolutely average compelling contrast for him to them in. and take a look at this, i've done exactly that. late june versus august and what draw as we get to that moment. his first ad was all about do we see? is biden really falling? electability. this is. not really. this is the strongest case joe 30% of average in polls after biden could make on the issues the first debate. people care about the most. he's at 21% now. i'm curious to see follow through. he can't hide. the one thing i think is right he's got to get out there. he's got to do the big events. the number of times we see warren is getting that momentum. sanders is pretty much study. everyone showing up except for he's not going anywhere. joe biden that's not a great i'm not going to say he's look. if he can follow up a smart dropping or rising, he's just basically steady. strategic advertising campaign >> that's not othnl metric we like this, i think he's going to have about enthusiasm for be in a really good position elizabeth warren. going into the next debate. there's also her crowd numbers. what are you seeing? >> bernie sanders is right in >> this has been played over and over again. there, too. in all these polls bernie a very impressive crowd of
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sanders is right there. he just doesn't get as much 15,000 in seattle on sunday. buzz, why? but you've got to put this into >> i think warren is eating into context, folks, washington to his lane so to speak, and she's where seattle is to my doing it in a way that so far understanding of the u.s. map, bernie sanders won those caucuses 73% to 21%. it's not a representative state isn't alienating bernie compared to ideological supporters. >> some who thought he was really great last time spectrum. if she was going to get a big especially against a hillary clinton, but now they have more sort of turn out washington progressive options, i think would be the place for it. >> to be clear, i don't think it's a lot harder for bernie sanders to really find his footing solidly in this race, we're running down the poll as but he's still doing quite well. all, but you would expect given the margin of error it's completely possible that one quite a bit most than other poll would have that big of a difference from other polls. people in this race. what's notable about this ad is the lack of specificity, i think it's completely in line. >> i'm very happy he published a that's really important because it tells you a little bit about poll that might not look like the biden's campaign philosophy the other polls because that makes the average more accurate. for dealing with health care as but we need to point out when it an issue. i think they believe, and they doesn't look like the other polls because everyone wants to
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make such a big deal of it. might be right about this that a lot of voters want to know you >> it could be a harbinger but care, and that it's a top cnn was in the field at the exact same time and cnn didn't priority for you. look like the other polls. for some progressives it's going to mean they want the most sort of radical proposal possible, i have 15 seconds here. that it shows you're not going just i think this is sort of important in terms of measuring to take a sort of middle of the road approach. enthusiasm, strongly favorable and for a lot of voters for the ratings among democratic voters. biden argument is they believe a and warren, sanders and biden wide swath of voters in the middle are going to say i want are all pretty much the same to know it's important to you and i don't necessarily need to there. >> is top steyer getting in the agree with every single line next debate? >> the answer, no, he probably item of your policy plan on this. isn't. he needs one more qualifying so it's an important stake poll to get the necessary four. they're putting down in the he needs a miracle by the end of ground even in a state like iowa the day tomorrow. where there are a bit of very >> is there going to be one more qualifying poll? progressive voters in that state. they're still saying they think >> not from my understanding voters are going to be just fine talking to pollsters, but maybe with believing joe biden cares i'll get a popeye sandwich by about this issue in the same way the end of the day. they do even if it's not about there's a line. exactly the specifics of the it turns out they've run a very policy. >> it's a values ad, it's not a good campaign on twitter. policy ad, but that's important right now.
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warren has effectively translated herself between biden and bernie. >> now to sports. thank you very much. don't forget especially in this serena williams crushing long time rival sharapova to advance whittling down of the field, only 20% of the democratic party to the second round of the u.s. identifies as liberal. and there are centrist open. williams stretched her winning candidates that are not taking the debate stage. streak against sharapova to 19 that's not a good sign for the democratic party's longstorm consecutive matches beating her strength right now. in two straight sets in less justice ruth bader ginsberg than an hour. serena is seeking her seventh making her first public speech since undergoing cancer u.s. open title. she has been plagued by spasm said in her last two events. treatment. and it appears her health issues have not impacted her signature >> comedian eddie murphy is going back to "saturday night spunk. >> it was beyond my wildest live" after leaving the cast. imagination one day i would ♪ become the notorious rbg. >> more on what we know about her health status next. we call it the mother standard of care. >> sublime. the best "saturday night live" sketch ever. nbc announced murphy will host
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the nbc christmas episode. he was credited with helping it's how we bring real hope to our cancer patients- save it is in the 1990s. like viola. when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, what caused the rift between murphy and the show has been the her team at ctca created a personalized care plan subject of hollywood legend. one theory was a joke by david that treated her cancer and strengthened her spirit. spade where murphy's picture was shown as spade said look so viola could focus on her future. children a falling star, make a their future. wish. >> that's mean. this is how we inspire hope. this is how we heal. we'll see if he does the hot tub cancer treatment centers of america. revival when he comes back. appointments available now. our next guest stunned the political world when he abruptly dropped out of a mayoral race he was seen as winning to seek treatment for post traumatic stress. will he make a come back? what about this? changing your plans. yeah. run with us. search "john deere 1 series" for more. yeah. ♪ (music plays throughout)♪
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a $572 million judgment that holds pharmaceutical giant johnson and johnson responsible for fueling the opioid crisis. what does this landmark ruling former missouri secretary of mean, let's discuss with cnn state and afghanistan war veteran jason candor has been seen as a rising star in the chief medical correspondent dr. democratic party and was on the sanjay gupta and legal analyst verge of become kansas city's next mayor last year when he jeffrey toobin. made a decision that surprised >> i thought you had fascinating his supporters. he dropped out of the mayoral interviews with both sides. and what my conclusion of this race to pursue treatment for depression and post traumatic whole first act in this is the stress. madness of the american legal now he's fighting for his fellow system and the craziness of how veterans. jason candor joins me now. we deal with this problem. thank you so much for being with us. it's been a year since you opioids are a national problem. basically dropped out of the the idea that one company in one mayoral race. state has to pay $572 million do you ever look at city hall and think, gosh, i wish i were when they ask the judge for $17 there? >> no. honestly, john, not even a billion, it's just that's not little and that's not a comment the way to solve the problem. on city hall. that's a comment on how johnson & johnson should pay gratifying the work i'm doing now actually is. i'm here at veterans community something, purdue project where we fill in the pharmaceuticals should bay. gaps and services for my fellow but it should be a national
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settlement. veterans whether they they be one smart thing the country did homeless or otherwise, and it is really gratifying work. in the late '90s, the tobacco it's something that i'm honored to have the chance to do. companies did a national >> it's such important work and settlement, $200 billion, and i know so many people are there was a way of sharing the grateful eighty-four doing it. money in an appropriate way. i want to give our viewers who may not know a sense of where >> but who'd have to sue for it things stood for you. as you were running for mayor in to be a national settlement? >> it would have to be the state kansas city, "the new york attorneys general leading it times" wrote this just the other day, all that time mr. kandor with some private lawyers but also dealing with the companies as a group. the idea of doing this in 50 or said he was racked by more lawsuits strikes me as insane, but that's the direction nightmares, depression and we're headed. suicidal thoughts whatever the >> one of the legal cases wife returned home with couple's johnson & johnson made and i want the medical perspective 5-year-old son she made sure to here, they didn't prescribe the enter the house first in case opioids, the doctors did. she found her husband dead it's the doctors actually doing inside. and that was just one year ago. it. now, the plaintiffs in this case tell me about your journey from said, no, no, johnson misled the that moment to today? doctors. so if you're one of these doctors nationwide exactly how >> i was fortunate actually with the hem of folks here at does that work? >> i think the lawyers for veterans community project, and had the opportunity to very
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quickly navigate the va process, johnson & johnson, they're right in part on this. which is not always an easy i've watched the interview, i process to navigate. but they helped me do that here, read the statements saying they did when you and i got into mental health treatment quickly. went to weekly appointments here at the va and it's made an enormous difference in my life. i'm in numerous ways a different person than i was a year ago and i'm grateful for that. and so our lives, my wife, mine, our son's even though all he knows is daddy spends a lot more time with him, all of our lives are very different than they were a year ago. so to go back to your question, you know, probably the biggest reason i don't look at city hall or the white house for that matter and wish i were there or on the way there is just simply i know i wouldn't have had the opportunity to improve myself and take care of my mental health. let alone the chance to do the work i get to do now. >> no better way to send that message than to lead by example. tell me about the veterans community project and how this
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organization that you were working for can help others who might be in a situation like yours. >> i really appreciate the question, john. this is a really special organization. it was founded a few years ago by a group of combat veterans here in kansas city, guys my age who came on and said, you know, there's all these gaps in the system and rather than advocating for closing those gaps, complaining about those gaps they said i bet we can do this better. and they created two things. a walk in clinic that serves all vets with whatever need they could possibly have a veterans village with tiny houses for veterans. what that does is replicates the environment veterans were in prior to leaving the military which was sort of the last time they were in a stable situation. and what the walk in clinic does is it brings the community in to serve veterans. you know, everywhere you go people want to serve veterans. they want to help people who have fought for this country. but really the most you're ever asked to do is maybe stand up at
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a ball game and applaud or buy somebody beer at an airport. what we do here is invite the community in to actually serve veterans in whatever their specialty might be. and now my job is to expand this nationally across the country. the first place we're going to expand to is colorado. but our objective in the short-term establish this in eight or locations over the next three years. people can help us do that. they can go to veterans and make a donation. >> people see you leading this organization and wonder if there's more after this. would you consider a return to elected office or a run in the future? >> well, first of all i think public service comes in many forms and i strongly feel that's what i'm doing now. people ask me all the time, you know, are you back, are you coming back, and i say, yeah, i am back. and i'm doing this work leading the national expansion of veterans community project. but to not dodge but to actually answer your question because i'm
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not running for office, look, there's no part of me that wants to run for office right now. but i'm open to the idea that that could change. but, again, i guess what i would tell you is that when you're going through the stuff that i went through for years there's a natural tendency to focus on the future and think about what you could do next because it's very difficult to deal with the president because it's full of internal turmoil. i don't feel that way anymore. i don't think about what i'm going to do in a year. i think about what i get to do today. so instead of being a politician that says, well, i'm not thinking about that right now as a way to dodge your question, i'm actually not thinking about that right now and i've got to tell you, that feels pretty great. >> i didn't think your honor dodging for a second there where you're absolutely right. there's so many ways to lead and you're doing one of them right now. thank you so much for joining us and good luck. >> what a terrific message and what a beacon for hope. i'm so grateful he's speaking out because it'll help so many people. our next guest has made it
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her mission to meet almost every single presidential candidate in this race. who has impressed her the most? that's next. a samsung galaxy note 10? buy a netflix subscription on us. and for a limited time. buy any samsung galaxy note 10 and get one samsung galaxy note 10 for free. it's how we care for our cancer patients- like job. when he was diagnosed with cancer, his team at ctca created a personalized care plan to treat his cancer and side effects. so job could continue to work and stay strong for his family. this is how we inspire hope. this is how we heal. we love you, daddy. good night. i love you guys. cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now. cancer treatment centers of america. the business of road trips... ...adventure... ...and reconnecting. modernized comfort inn's and suites have been refreshed
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new hampshire plays a pivotal role in the election and one granite state voter is taking her responsibility very seriously. 56-year-old elementary schoolteacher sherry schmidt has met almost every single candidate running for president this cycle and there's a lot of. >> all 76? >> yes, all 76 of them. she voted for hillary clinton in 2016 and she joins us now. great to see you. why are you taking the time to meet every single candidate when, you know, weeks from now, maybe days from now some of them might not be there any longer? >> well, i think it's incumbent on any person who has the chance to participate in our democracy to get to know who their
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representatives are, who people are who are running for government positions. i think it's a fantastic opportunity. new hampshire is unique in our first in the nation status for a primary, and, you know, i'm not the only person who's doing this. i'm sure there's plenty of other people in new hampshire also doing the same thing i am. it's just i'm the one who happened to catch the eye of a national reporter and now i'm sitting with cnn. >> this is quintessential in new hampshire. the big difference this time is there are so many candidates. it's another thing to listen to 20 or 25. what or who has impressed you the most? what do you look for? >> what do i look for? i'm looking for policy. i'm looking for what people are doing to impact other peoples lives in the country. i'm looking for a good positive message. i want someone who's uplifting, who can display good leadership
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qualities. there's a number of things i'm looking for. >> since you've met 20 plus of them, who's the best? >> oh, i can't make that determination. that's up to each individual voter to make. >> okay, okay, but who's given the best or most compelling performance, say, or has the best road show? i'm not talking about policy. just who really does it well campaigning? >> absolutely. and it's very interesting for me to watch the different campaigns. you have have some seasoned obviously contenders in the race who have have been on the national stage for some time. their campaign staffs are like well oiled machines and then you have a number of younger or newer i should say candidates, either new entries noo into te political field or people who just don't have the national base. and you can see the difference between them. i'll just give you an example. we did go to see pete buttigieg up in concord right after his cnn town hall. and i think the staff was a
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little bit caught by surprise. that was at the gibson's bookstore in concord. by the turn out i've seen mayor pete since then and obviously his campaign staff has made tremendous strides. but it was contrasted the same day we went to see kirsten gillibrand do a town hall as well and her campaign staff had everything down to practically a science hupeople were arranged and questions were taken. it's interesting for me to see the campaigns themselves, how they grow over the course of the cycle. >> like any great new hampshire voter you have pet peeves. you don't like it when the candidates just give their speech and leaves, you want questions, right? you want questions and answers? >> absolutely. i think new hampshire voters are privileged. they don't want to say we're spoiled but we're used to having
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access to the candidates -- >> i say you're spoiled. >> that's okay. that's a fair enough shot and i'll take that. it's nice and i think it's also great because like i stated before in the l.a. times article, i said this was a -- our chance to help the candidates refine our answers, to refine their stage presence. you know, as an english teacher you look at things as the rough draft of campaigning, i they're starting and where we're helping them polish to get to their final edit. >> okay, lightening round. who has not done something well? i know you were a little disappointed with joe biden. what went wrong there? >> i wasn't disappointed with joe biden. i think joe biden has gotten tremendous amount of strengthen in this field. obviously he's got a huge amount of foreign policy expertise. and i look at joe biden as the -- he's the comfortable candidate. he's got obviously the deepest institutional knowledge in the federal government of the candidates running. he's had administrative
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experience. he's had senate experience. he is just a strong candidate all around. >> this is education. this is how voters should approach these elections. thank you for what you do and being with us this morning. all right, we've got some new information about tropical storm dorian and where it's headed next. stay with us. at t-mobile, what can you get when you a buy a samsung galaxy note 10? a netflix subscription on us. and for a limited time. buy any samsung galaxy note 10 and get one samsung galaxy note 10 for free. a lot will happen in your life. wrinkles just won't. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair's derm-proven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. making wrinkles look so last week. rapid wrinkle repair® pair with new retinol oil
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good morning. i'm jim sciutto in new york. poppy has the day off today. right now puerto rico is under a state of emergency as tropical storm dorian moves closer to the island. just a few hours ago the national hurricane center issued a hurricane watch and tropical storm warning for the u.s. territory. people snapping up supplies on the island, all public schools closing early today. shelters have already been
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opened there. remember it was just two years ago that hurricane maria devastated puerto rico, and the truth is it still hasn't fully recovered. joining us now chad myers, in the cnn weather center. chad, will this island, will it take a direct hit from the storm based on what you're seeing now? maybe nut a direct hit from an eye, but this isn't a category 3 or category 4 hurricane either. even a glancing blow of this storm, rain, wind, maybe even 70 miles per hour. 70 miles per hour would bring them back down. the entire caribbean boxed up with watches and warnings right now. one thing i noticed, the pressure is falling a
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