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tv   CNN Right Now With Brianna Keilar  CNN  October 15, 2019 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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is just like our originalhn sandwiches...only we bought a little ad...on lil jon. little johns, yeah! $3, what?! i'm brianna keilar live from cnn's washington headquarters. more damning testimony out of the impeachment testimony, john bolton describing rudy giuliani as a hand grenade and the pressure on the campaign to describe rudy giuliani as a drug deal. and joe biden's son hunter speaking out for the first time, admitting bad judgment vovinvolg his work overseas, though
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insisting he did nothing improper. u.s. forces are angry at president trump, accusing him of betraying the kurds. a lot has changed since the last faceoff. an impeachment inquiry, a new frontrunner and a heart attack. the hill is alive now with the sound of investigations todayment congress is back in full session today, both the house and the senate getting back to work. the three house committees did not observe the break as they worked on the impeachment investigation. the house intelligence, foreign affairs and oversight committees heard testimony yesterday from fiona hill. she's a former top adviser to the president on russia. today another diplomat is testifying. george kent. he is the deputy of assistant secretary of foreign affairs. he prevented on you crane from being ousted by rudy giuliani, among other trump associates. kent testified today that he warned associates back in march
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about a rudy giuliani disinformation campaign in ukraine. these committees are also watching the deadline today for documents from several players that includes rudy giuliani, the president's personal attorney. he's supposed to turn over documents today on his dealings with ukraine. it's unknown if he will comply. and then also on deadline today is vice president mike pence. the committees are seeking documents from his office on his role in the ukraine scandal. the vice president is not expected to comply. and then there's defense secretary mark esper. he faces a subpoena deadline today to turn over documents related to military aid to ukraine which was withheld before the president's order before his phone call with ukraine's president on july 25th. the pentagon and the office of management and budget are both expected to comply with those house requests. a hand grenade that threatens to blow up everybody. that is the way that former national security adviser john bolton referred to rudy giuliani
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and his meddling with ukraine. that is what former trump adviser fiona hill told congress. our sara murray is here. this was just part of hill's testimony. take us through some other points she made. >> reporter: that's right, the comment about the hand grenade, this is how her boss john bolton described his shady efforts. fiona hill testified that john bolton actually told her at one point that she should go to the national security council's lawyer and report her concerns. she said she saw evidence of wrongdoing when it came to the ukraine policy because it wasn't run through appropriate channels and she saw the investigation of the biden family continue to come up. and of course one of the people at the center of these efforts was rudy giuliani. we know he was in contact with president trump before trump talked to the ukranian president
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in july and was talking to him about pushing for these investigations into the bidens as well as sharing information which was deemed not very credible at all about the then-ukranian ambassador in an effort to get her ousted. but rudy giuliani was doing his own shadow of diplomacy. fiona also testified about her concerns about gordon sondland. he is and was the ambassador to the european union, as well as mick mulvaney, the white house chief of staff, essentially saying they were running a rogue operation which she says her boss, bolton, described as essentially a drug deal, again, when it came to ukraine. she's running through all of these things that happened, all these concerns that were playing out in the trump administration in the weeks leading up to what has now become this phone call that's central to the impeachment inquiry between president trump and the ukranian president. >> we're starting to get more pieces of this puzzle. sara murray, thank you for showing us that picture. i want to discuss all of this with eric columbus. he's a fomrmer department of
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justice official in the obama administration. we also have attorney general elliott williams and lopez with politico. eric, i want to start with you, because john bolton referred to the president as a hand grenade that's going to blow everybody up, and this was the description that came as giuliani was pressuring ukraine to investigate joe biden. what does that tell you about how broadly this effort of giuliani's was known about, known of and disapproved of within the administration? >> i'm just surprised that bolton used language we can say on the air. if mulvaney was involved, that means it goes all the way up to the top, which is consistent with reporting that we've seen elsewhere. >> just to be clear, because fiona hill talks about bolton describing a drug deal that mulvaney and sondland are cooking up. that's how she describes what
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john bolton said. >> exactly. and that suggests that -- we've already known that trump and giuliani have been working together on this. this suggests that trump has been trying to implicate, if you will, deliberately or not, as many other people as possible. you already have the secretary of state, the energy secretary, the vice president, and now we have the chief of staff getting involved. these are people who the house can try to call to testify, putting the white house in a difficult position of whether to stonewall and pay a political price for it or to allow these very senior officials to testify and risk that they will tell the truth. >> elliott, each day we're getting new information if someone is testifying on the hill, but when you look now as these pieces of the puzzle are being put together, what is sort of your overview of what's happening here? >> what you're seeing is the remarkable discipline of the house democrats. even look at yesterday with fiona hill's testimony, the very
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few leaks that came out were actually quite favorable to the democrats and to their impeachment efforts. now, look, if something were exonerating for the president of the united states, you would have heard about it yesterday from the republicans, because the problem is they don't have a strategy. what they have is undermining the institution, undermining congress -- >> you mean they don't have a strategy on the actual context of what's happening. >> but they're not in agreement. the president of the united states and the house republicans also don't seem in agreement on their message. are they attacking congress, are they attacking democrats, are they saying the president's conduct was okay but not impeachable? it's just not clear what they're going with. the democrats have said this is an intelligence investigation. three committees are looking into it. we're going to have these private depositions, and when we have enough information we'll move forward. but they've been incredibly disciplined and that's the one thing that's come out of it all, i think. >> we learned, laura, because
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rudy giuliani told lawyers he made 500,000 working with two associates who were arrested last week, and according to a federal indictment had received two $500,000 payments, so a million dollars from unnamed russian businessmen. giuliani says he's working for trump for free. but this opens a lot of questions about -- >> who knew? >> not only that, but who is paying for rudy giuliani to do this thing that is benefiting trump and potentially, you know, someone else or another country? is this opening up the possibility of this is a russian influence campaign? >> yes. i think that's something that cannot be just pushed aside and ignored. those payments raise questions about, yes, what giuliani's motives are, who he is exactly working for and what the
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administration, as well as russia and other players involved, hope to gain from all of this. over the past weeks, we've just seen a web that has further expanded and looped in more of trump's advisers in this larger story. i think there will continue to be a trickle who comes to testify despite efforts by the administration to stonewall this testimony. >> rudy giuliani says that foreigners didn't pay him. but he's been very lacking in details and specifics about how exactly he was getting paid. was it this company that these two now arrested men have is very unclear. >> well, look, to take john bolton's hand grenade analogy a little bit further, the thing with the hand grenade is before it blows everybody else up, it blows itself up. the question is what peril has
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rudy giuliani put himself in at this point. as we know from reporting in the "wall street journal," they're already looking into his finances. he's not a target of any investigation, but at a certain point, some of this could catch up to him as well. i think what's also particularly troubling, there's been some reporting that ambassador sondland is going to say later this week that rudy giuliani -- >> there's so many players -- >> should i not have said that? >> no, you should, but ambassador sondland is the ambassador to the eu. he was in trump's corner. he's part of these text messages we learned about through congress. please go. >> that guy is about to say or could say later this week in his testimony that rudy giuliani had to approve any meeting between the president of the united states and the premiere of ukraine. why is the president's personal lawyer -- and this is just one news outlet reporting this --
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why is the president's personal lawyer needing to confirm meetings with another country's leader? that in itself is troubling. we have a lot to discuss. if you stay with me, hunter biden speaking out for the first time. he is embroiled in these attacks by the president. he said he did nothing wrong but he had poor judgment. and u.s. troops angry at trump as he removes them from the syrian border. and biden finds himself in the debate tonight with a new frontrunner. richer stories. get your dna kit today at $$9.95? no way.? $9.95? that's impossible. hi, i'm jonathan,
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for the first time since the ukranian controversy started, we are hearing firsthand from joe biden's son hunter. it is becoming a political liability when it came out that he served on the board of a ukranian gas company. hunter biden says he now understands how he gave joe
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biden's political enemies a chance to raise questions about whether there was wrongdoing. >> in retrospect, i think it was poor judgment on my part. i think it was poor judgment because i don't believe now, when i look back on it, i know i did nothing wrong at all. however, was it poor judgment to be in the middle of something that is a swamp in many ways? yeah. and so i take full responsibility for that. did i do anything improper? no, not in any way. not in any way whatsoever. >> back with me now to discuss, eric columbus, elliot williams and laura barron-lopez. it seems like hunter biden is making a distinction between what is improper and what is wrong, and that, elliot, is an important distinction in washington. should he have conducted himself differently? >> with the benefit of hindsi t hindsight, as he said, he should have, if he had known the
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president would be mounting this crazy campaign against him even though the president himself put his unqualified handbag designer of a daughter on the white house payroll. what hunter biden has been doing has been done in time memorial in washington. people use their family's names to get certain careers and influence jobs here and abroad. it happens everywhere and that's nothing new. >> what did you guys think? what did you think of the hunter biden interview? >> it's not just lobbying, it's foreign interactions, right? in order for these two things to happen, number one, an individual is engaging with a foreign government and foreign people, number two, there's huge money at stake here. you see the peril working in that line of business. frankly, the whole area could use some febreze generally.
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going back a couple months ago in the special counsel investigation, paul manafort went down over these foreign lobbying types. brian gregg, who was the white house counsel, almost got convicted for these things. it's just dangerous work and we saw it here. >> when you look at how this compares to the trump children and how they have conducted themselves in business, especially considering the president has not done financially what presidents normally do, nor have we had a president in his financial circumstance, it's so interesting because they seem to have so much more of a political liability, and yet the president has positioned joe biden and hunter biden in this position. >> there's rich irony there. the president has not did i vve from the trump organization, and ivanka trump received some 12 tra trademarks from china in the time she's been working in the white house. yes, there is irony there.
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voters seem to be taking it in its entire context, which is to say that joe biden has not been hurt so far in polling despite these attacks coming from trump and his allies. he seems to have weathered this storm so far, and this is an effort by him and his son to come out and pretty much deliver a one-two punch of trying to end this story. and what's interesting as well is that vice president biden's campaign claims that they did not interact with his son hunter and decide, this is the time that you should do this, that you should conduct this interview. that's what they're claiming. >> they said it was their choice, right? they move away from this chinese company. the vice president comes out with a plan to do with family members, hunter biden gets an interview, and you know what? there is a debate tonight, a cnn debate in ohio.
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and i wonder if you think, planned or not with the campaign, how this hunter biden interview plays into that. >> well, i think it certainly plays into the debate. we'll see whether or not it dominates. i don't really think a lot of the democrats are going to attack biden on this front because, again, they don't want to give credence to what everyone so far has found there is no evidence to president trump's claims. >> even one of the lower tier in need of a hail mary candidates? >> i don't think so. we'll see, though. maybe they'll surprise us. >> we'll keep our eyes open for this debate tonight. elli eric columbus, elliot williams, laura barron-lopez. we'll talk about this rogue policy with the campaign. and felicity huffman reports
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the deputy assistant for
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eurasian affairs is testifying right now on capitol hill. our manu raju is on capitol hill. tell us about his testimony so far. >> he was asked what he knew about former ambassador marie yavonovitch, something he said in emails he provided to congress, that she was concerned about the efforts to remove her from the post. her emails to the inspector general were emails that he wrote from this conspiracy launched by rudy giuliani and rudy giuliani going after marie yavonovitch. these are concerns that had been raised for months about giuliani's role, about the oust of the ukranian ambassador. what they are investigating is
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whether she was unfairly removed from that position in part because of the efforts of giuliani and president trump himself to urge the ukranian government to investigate the president's political rival joe biden. so in a large part behind the scenes this inquiry is focusing on that. members just briefly broke up, most of them declined to comment on what exactly transpires. everything that happened behind the scenes in a run-up to that july phone call between president trump and president zelensky and everything that happened about rudy giuliani's efforts we're getting indications that mr. kent had concerns for some time about the efforts to go after the ukranian ambassador about this so-called shadow of foreign policy that had been waged. we'll wait to hear the particulars of what he's saying behind the scenes, but according to what we expect to hear, we expect him to essentially back up a lot of the concerns that have been raised for months
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about rudy giuliani and his efforts and what people within the state department have been saying, brianna. >> this is going to be a very interesting one to follow, manu, because this is a career d diplom diplomat. we may get more candid information from you and your sources. we'll come back to you if you get more information, manu. thank you very much. sto disappointment, frustration and anger. that is the sentiment that military personnel and officials are expressing about president trump's refusal to face the kurds about a military assault. several officials including personnel deployed to syria have described this as an abandonment and a betrayal. 11,000 members of the kurdish-led forces died in the fight against isis. this is a battle that the u.s. asked them to fight. military personnel also told cnn that there is concern that allies and potential partners will not trust the u.s. in the future. the exit of u.s. troops from
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northern syria has left the door open for russia just to walk right in. we have cnn military and diplomatic retired admiral john kirby with us. tell us about this. >> let's look at the map and we can get a sense. this is the bufferred area the kurds are trying to take over. they are in border towns, lots of highways crossing into turkey here. so that's their focus. green represents where the kurdish forces are predominant, red for the syrian army. a couple things to denote, you'll see red over here, the syrian army here, and we just got reports last night that syrian army forces have approached on the outskirts of racca and isa. this is where a detention camp of some potential isis family members are being held, so it will be interesting to see what happens in the next couple days.
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>> there are russian forces supporting this? >> there are russian forces supporting assad. the russians have had a longstanding physical footprint in syria. in fact, it's their only geographic footprint in the middle east. they don't want to let that go, and that's why they're backing bashar assad. they provide him assistance as he tries to regain territory. in one fell swoop, without firing a shot, he's now regained about a third of his territory in the country of syria since our kurdish allies have asked him for support. turkey, of course, their focus on the kurds alone, they consider almost all kurdish forces to be terrorists. we don't believe that's the case. but now as the kurds are going to be focusing on turkey, it gives him more latitude to go in there and do it more violently. >> and isis. >> isis stands to gain here, too, because our kurdish forces who were aligned with us fighting isis, now they're focused on fighting the turks, so they are leaving their
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positions south of the country, including around those detention camps where isis fighters are being guarded and moving to the fight against the turkish forces. and of course iran benefits. iran has been primarily focused using syria as a round bridge from the south and middle of the country to provide arms to hezbollah. they're all involved in direct fighting, and the administration says they're still keeping tabs on this border town altop, they're keeping forces there to prohibit them from moving those armed forces in, but any duplicate to syria is to their benefit. thank you for your reporting. stunn stunning comments by lebron james. what he says that is raising so many eyebrows.
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the demonstrations have been going on for days, causing them to end all broadcasts of pre-season games. james now says maury was, quote, misinformed. >> i just think when you're misinformed or not educated about something, and i'm talking about the tweet itself, you never know what ramifications can happen. we all saw what that did. not only did the fall happen to the chinese as well, and you have to think about things that may cause harm not only for yourself but for a majority of people. >> joining me now to discuss is the editor in chief david aldridge. thank you so much for coming into the studio. it's such an interesting story and has reignited this controversy. i would like to say lebron james
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tried to clarify his comments with a quote. he said, let me clear up the confusion. i do not believe there is any consideration for the consequences and ramifications of the tweet. i'm not discussing the substance. others can traalk about that. >> i think a few people got caught up on words education and misinformed. nobody is following the actions in china than darren maury. they worked extensively with the chinese government over the last 15 years. sdp >> because the team is incredibly popular. >> they're the most popular team in china by four or five times. they got stuck on that. when lebron started talking about the economic impact of his tweet, i think that really rubbed some people the wrong way, because obviously the protestors in hong kong do not
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care about the economic impact of what is going on with this thing with the nba and lebron james when they're fighting for freedom. i think some people got caught up in that, and i think lebron was trying to thread the eye of a very, very small needle by trying to limit it to the impact of what darrell maury said rather than what darrell maury said in the subject of the tweet. i don't think people will be nuanced by that. >> and even that will not exonerate him of criticism on this, right? right now when you're looking at the big picture of where this is, the nba versus china, what is your expectation about how this moves forward? >> i think we saw last week china starting to pull back just a little bit in its criticism of the nba and about the nba's commissioner. look, i think the reality is the nba is a multi-billion-dollar industry like other multi-billion-dollar industries that do business in china, like all the united states airlines
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which don't refer to taiwan now because china asked them not to as a separate country. like starbuck's with thousands of stores there. like apple that took the hong kong protest ad off its store a couple weeks ago. you have to deal with the chinese government and the chinese business structure. if you don't do that, they're not going to do business with you. >> it strikes me when you look at the players here, darrell maury is an executive. lebron james is the most important voice, the most important player. could other players have gotten away with either -- with weighting in on either of these ways? >> this may be one of the things that angered lebron james. sort of the cause of his anger was that he felt like an executive was allowed to say things that maybe a player would not be allowed to say without ramifications, right? whether he's right or wrong about that feeling, that was, i think, part of his feeling.
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and you can criticize lebron james, and i think he was wrong to say what he said, because it's just so complex andnuances -- nuanced that you have to be careful about what you say to people who aren't paying attention. there are people who don't like what lebron james said about black lives matter, who don't like what lebron said about trayvon martin, so many other issues in the united states that now look at this as a convenient time to jump on lebron james and make a point he's on the wrong side of this. i don't know that they're especially motivated by the protestors in hong kong. >> that's a good point. david aldridge, thank you so much. we appreciate you coming in. more on this explosive testimony coming from premiere diplomats. a picture of the rogue operation involving the president and some
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of his men, including rudy giuliani, who is referred to as a hand grenade. plus tonight's democratic debate on cnn. these are live pictures for you here. this is the first since the impeachment inquiry, the chaos that we've seen in syria. it's the first since bernie sanders had a heart attack. we'll talk about what to expect. we're reporters from the new york times. this melting pot of impacted species. everywhere is going to get touched by climate change. mom you've got to [ get yourself a new car.g ] i wish i could save faster. you're making good choices. you'll get there. ♪
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as you can see at the bottom of your screen, it is debate day here on cnn. as the top candidates gather in ohio for the cnn democratic debate, it's important to remember just what happened since the last debate 33 days ago. since that laurcnch, we saw the whistleblower report of the president's phone call with the ukranian president and his investigation into joe biden. also this military offensive by turkey and the pullout of u.s. troops in northern syria. we have former mayor mitch
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andrew, all here to discuss the debate site here in westerville, ohio. with all that's going on, do you expect these candidates to be focused on president trump, about their own ideas, or taking issue with each other? >> reporte >> i think the one thing they all agree with is that withdrawing u.s. troops made us less safe. nothing could be worse than him being caught red-handed in a deal with the ukranian president which launched the impeachment inquiry, not the least his decision to throw the kurds under the bus which has caused havoc in the republican caucus on the senate side. i think there will be some discussion about that tonight. the candidates also have to stay focused on the bread and butter issues most americans care
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about. and of course they have to distinguish each other on the stage. i expect it to be a really good night. it's a great and beautiful day for an argument and the american people, i think, are excited and looking forward to it. >> it's always a good day. even if it's not a good day for seems to are for politics. and not the best sdwrouchto joi ukrainian company, hunter biden says this. does joe biden deal with this? how should he deal with that and are other candidates going to make issue of it. >> if asked deal with it forthrightly and say there's no evidence that joe biden did anything wrong and hunter biden didn't do anything wrong and pivot and say it's ironic we're talking about this given the president has his kids actually working in the white house. made $80 million last your and doing business with foreign government as we speak.
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the issue is always compared to who? if you compare it to trump you always come out looking better. >> there's a lot of candidates on the stage who are hoping that they're going to make it to the next round. hoping they make enough of a splash they can fundraise and continue on campaigning. we've seen some of these, i guess, the lower tiered candidates trying to make a maim for themselves. is there anyone in particular you have your eye on tonight? >> well, first of all, all of them have a serious challenge. there are going to be 12 people on that stage. i've been on the debate stage many, many times. hard enough to get a word in edgewise only four people much less 12. the debate will be fairly long and it's three hours and hopefully each have a moment but they have to find a way to get past each other. elizabeth warren as everybody has seen is doing better in polls. bernie sanders had a health issue i think he's going to have to address that will cause some people some concern, but the lower tier candidates whether it's tulsi gabbard, pete, beto
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or julian, they have to make themselves known tonight and it's going to be interesting to see how they choose to do it and when they pick the moment, what they choose to say and whether or not it resonates with the public. >> because we never know what's it's going to be. that wa some kind of moment there. sorry? >> we don't know what the moderators will ask. or start with. could give anybody an opening. we'll see what happens. >> sure will. thank you so much. again, the debate begins this evening 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. in his new book ronan farrow makes explosive claims on just how far the national enquirer went. and in an interview on cnn he says some of the very documents disappeared. >> we also document multiple
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source documented accounts of a destruction of evidence before the election. >> they were shredded? >> there is an incident in the days before the 2016 election where we have employees saying that dylan howard, this senior official ordered documents removed from a safe and shredded. >> cnn chief media correspondent and anchor of "reliable sources" here on cnn brian estimator joins me for this. the timing of that shredding is particularly interesting. >> yes, because only a few days before the 2016 presidential election. i think about a lot of things, president trump is as einberice. in this case, melted, shredded by a document shredder according to ronan farrow's book. happening early november 2016 the "wall street journal" called around about stormy daniels and karen mcdougal.
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the journal about to public the first story about the hush money payments could keep the women silent because of allegations involving president trump. according to farrow's books, documents, unknown documents, what were trump-related were taken out of the "national enquirer" safe before the journal came out. they collected dirt on trump and kept it secret. called "catch and kill" as farrow's book is titled. to know it was shredded just before the election makes you think differently about what happened before election day. >> any other details we should look for in the book? >> american media denies the account, the parent company for the enquirer says it's full of information is unsubstantiated, it's dramatic but completely untrue. american media in the past has lied to reporter. put that out there and lawyers
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haven't commented. farrow has multiple sources for these details and very notable he says documents were shredded right before election day. >> a pretty good reporter. brian stelter, thank you so much. >> thanks. rudy giuliani telling reuters he was paid half a million dollars by the firm of his indicted associate as career diplomats testify they became more alarmed by his rogue foreign policy negotiation, and also breaking, another top law official telling lawmakers concerns about giuliani began earlier than previously thought. i...decided to take the dna test. and i...was... shocked. i'm from cameroon, congo, and...the bantu people. new features. greater details. richer stories. get your dna kit today at is just like our originalhn sandwiches...only we bought a little ad...on lil jon. little johns, yeah!
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11:00 am
hi there. i'm brooke baldwin. thank you for beak with me. this is cnn. jaw-dropping revelations happening on a day that has plenty of potential for more big headlines to drop. what we know on capitol hill. members of congress returned to work after some faced testy town halls during recess. rudy giuliani and defense secretary esper facing subpoena deadlines to produce documents and going for house committees


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