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tv   Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett  CNN  August 25, 2022 2:00am-2:59am PDT

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good morning, welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. it is thursday, august 25th, i'm christine romans. >> and i'm omar jimenez. good to be with you. hours from now a key filing is expected in the mar-a-lago search warrant case. u.s. magistrate judge in florida has given department of justice lawyers until noon to submit their recommended redactions of the affidavit that lays out why the investigators thought there was probable cause a crime had been committed and why evidence could be found at mar-a-lago. media organizations are seeking to have the affidavit made public, but the government says it deals with classified and grand jury information, so it would have to be heavily redacted if released.
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and president trump said he wasn't given any head's up that the search was happening. >> how much advance notice did you have of the fbi plan to search mar-a-lago? >> i didn't have any advanced notice. none zero. not one single bit. >> sources have now confirmed to cnn that trump era records were not returned to the government even though a white house lawyer had determined that they should be, accordinged according to a may 21 email from the chief council to trump's attorneys. let's bring in a former federal prosecutor. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> today the doj will submit their proposaled reed redactione judge. and of course this will all be unser seal, but you've been through this redaction process before. what do you anticipate the redactions will look like, will we actually learn any new information? >> it is interesting, i have been through literally hundreds
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of these. and what the redactions will look like, you will see the affidavit and it will and i i salked to and then the person's name will be blanked out and she said and then blanked out. so the answer to your question is, what the redactions will be there to come is to protect information that the government believes is sensitive or if it gets out will compromise their ability to conduct further investigation. oftentimes if you have a confidential informant or source and you don't want anyone to know who that is, you redact it out. so the redactions are based on what the government doesn't want to be let out to the public. but the judge will look at it, look at the redactions and make a decision as to whether or not what the government wants to redact should be redacted or should be let out. >> and the justice department initially opposed the release saying it could handle per their investigation and potentially harm those cooperating. former president trump has encouraged the full lease.
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but i wonder if people around him aren't a little bit nervous about what could be here, what we could learn. i mean, look, he has been fundraising off of this and trying to use it to show that the fbi is defense him, department of justice is against him, but could they be nervous about what could be in there? >> it is interesting. i eachteach trial advocacy and y when you look at evidence, you have to look at it one way that helps you and one way that it doesn't because people process information differently. you go to a chinese restaurant and it says that you get a fortune cookie that says you're going away for a long time, some people think you're going to tahiti, but some think that they are going to prison. but same piece of information. so it doesn't surprise me that people around the president say this won't help us, some say it will help us. at the end of the day,er rrs difference of what comes out, people will read it the way they want to read it. so again, the compellinging
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thing here is whether or not the information should be kept confidential, whether there is an ongoing investigation, what is the investigation, and so those are the things that the justice department will try to -- that is the mine field that they are trying to walk through. >> and we can say from a reporting perspective, i feel like when redacted documents come out, we always want more. >> right. >> and i want to get to the national archives real quick. officials say a trump lawyer told them the classified documents trump had should be returned. communication good the two parties goes all the way back to may 2021. and we're here in august of 2022. that is a long time trying to get back documents. what do you make of that? >> well, first of all, litigation -- any litigation moves at a glacier's pace. so the time frame -- i see this with nonclients and attorneys, they say dwhere does it take so long. if there is a back and forth,
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back and forth, ultimately the documents are there, the government knows that they are there, they talk about whether they should be there, shouldn't be there, but they may not come to an gremts and that is where you would go to a judge and make a determination as to whether or not they should be there or not be there. some people are concerned for some reason the government thought that they needed to seize the documents at this point in time. and again, that is one of the things that the warrant should shed some light on. >> all these -- in the trump orbit, there are all these circles of investigations and probes so i want to go back to the mueller probe. in 2019, bill barr's decision to clear trump on obstruction of justice in robert mueller's investigation. why now do you think? >> a federal judge ruled that the government had to release that. i think that within the last couple of days, timing to me is kind of interesting. i think if i'm the government i want that released because it
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shows, look, we haven't done anything wrong. part of what is going on, the government has to show there is an ongoing investigation and that is why they need to keep this foresee yet. and so that helps them up. people will attack that position that, well, this is just another investigationforesee yet. and so that helps them up. people will attack that position that, well, this is just another investigation that ultimately goes nowhere. so any party to any litigation, having done this hundreds of time, anytime when you take a position, you open yourselves up to an attack. one party says x, one party says y and they argue their position and a judge makes their call as to who is right and who is wrong. and so when you argue x, people will argue why it isn't x. and when you argue y, it burns through to get to the truth. >> thanks so much for dropping by this morning.
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>> thanks for having me. and he has been the face of the failed law enforcement response to the uvalde school massacre in which 19 children and two teachers were killed inside robb elementary school. and now school district police chief pete arredondo is out. his firing made official at a meeting of the school board wednesday. and we get more from shimon prokupecz. >> reporter: christine and omar, 90 days, three months to the day of the shooting, family members finally getting some accountability, school board finally deciding to fire pete arredondo after weeks and months of clay. supposed to happen weeks ago, but pete arredondo has been fighting it really to the last minute explaining why he should still keep his job. there was talk about him showing up here today, but what happened is his attorney says that he was too concerned over his safety and that is why he didn't show
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up. and really for family members, this is a day that they were looking forward to for quite some time. we heard from even a young girl who spoke about accountability and her feelings about some of the law enforcement that was inside the school on that day. >> i'm here today to make a statement. if a law enforcement's job is to protect and sevenrve, why didn' they protect and serve my friends and teachers on may 24th? i have messages for pete arredondo and the other law enforcement there that day. turn in your badge and step down, you don't deserve to wear one. >> reporter: parents say this is just the first step in accountability. they want more officers fired. they are now taking issue with some of the school board and some of the school officials and they say that they will keep fighting for more answers and accountability. >> thank you so much for that.
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>> and he's been down there continuously this entire time. elsewhere the death toll is rising in a train station attack in southeastern ukraine on the day the country observed its independence. ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy scheduled to speak with president biden today. plus what a jury awarded kobe bryant's widow and the second plaintiff over photos taken at the scene of the deadly helicopter crash. and rockets target syria injuring one u.s. service member. may i? we're definitely not lit. i mean seriously,, we named ourselves which is kind d of lit if we are talking... literal... ha ha. it's why we're planet earth's number one site for booking accommodation. we love booking stuff! and we're just here to help you make the best of your vacation. ow... hi... booking.yeah nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure demands a lotion this pure.
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russian strike on a train station left at least 25 people dead and dozens injured on the country's independence day. president zelenskyy says at least four rockets hit the station damaging utility building and destroying railcars. the white house says president biden will speak with zelenskyy today. and david mckenzie is live in kyiv with more. these talks come just as two rockets hit a ukrainian
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community near kyiv this morning as well. >> that's right. we are still in a heighten the state of alert here over this anniversary week. and that devastating attack on a train station and residential areas in the southeast of ukraine, at least 25 people dead again a strike that appears to have hit civilian areas, two children, an 11-year-old and 6-year-old killed in those strikes according to ukraine's presidential office, very much definite vvastating news on an hav anniversary and six months after the war began. and there is news that the russian occupied areas east of the country, they appear to be preparing for these trials, and i use trials in a loose way, the sham trials that they will be putting on possible p.o.w.s and members of the battalion. state department saying by
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planning so-called tribunals against the brave twedefender, kremlin is attempting to deflect responsibility for putin's war of aggression. the russian government has hit back saying that this is a groundless accusation against russia from the u.s. government. this is something that the president has warned that any discussions of a ceasefire or peace would be completely off the table should they publicly bring p.o.w.s into a kind of sham trial situation. as you mentioned, president zelenskyy later today due to speak to president biden. this will be an important conversation because it comes on the heels of at least $3 billion offered in grant money of ammunition, heavy weapons and training from the u.s. to ukraine to continue this fight which has shown very little movement, substantial movement on the front lines for many
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weeks now. >> david mckenzie, thank you so much for that. in syria, u.s. military officials say an american service member was injured in rocket attack osco sosco a ligs. they struck two bases housing u.s. troops as part of the defeat isis coalition. in response to the rocket fire, u.s. attack helicopters hit three vehicles and the equipment that launched the rockets. officials say two or three people involved in the attacks were killed. coming up, a birth sweet victory for vanessa bryant, a los angeles jury awards tens of millions over the kobe bryant crash photos. and dozens rescued from rising floodwaters in mississippi, the latest on the extreme weather continuing to pound the southeast. uhh... here, i'll takake that! yay!!! ensusure max protein, with 30 grams of proteinin, 1 gram of sugar
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$31 million was awarded to havanessa brooiyant and a co-plaintiff. they were found liable for infringing on their rights. testimony showed that first responders had taken and shared graphic photos of the victims in the immediate aftermath of the crash that killed bryant you can h his daughter and others.
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vanessa posted all for you, i love you. more now from that t natasha ch. >> reporter: and it was such an emotional ending to two weeks of a very intense trial. as the verdict was being read, vanessa bryant cried, she hugged her lead counsel and then proceeded to hug her oldest daughter. they came out of the courthouse together, she did not make any statements to us as she got into her car. and chris chester's attorney did give us a statement saying that they are very grateful for a judge and a jury who gave a very fair trial. now, the lead counsel for the defense, l.a. county, gave us a statement saying that they appreciate the jury's hard work and while they disagree with the outcome, they pointed out that the award amount of $31 million shows that the jurors did not
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believe the evidence supported the maximum possible $75 million that the plaintiffs initially asked for. the jurors did have a lot to consider including the question of whether the l.a. sheriff's department and the l.a. county fire department lacked the proper training and policies that caused the violation of the plaintiffs' rights. they also had to consider whether they had a long standing widespread practice or custom of taking illicit photos of victims' bodies. they all found in the plaf plaintiffs' favor except that they found that the fire department did not have that long standing practice. but otherwise they found in favor of bryant and chester. >> i can't imagine how painful it was for those families to have to go through all this, but how brave of them. >> to keep fighting through it, yeah. ahead carol maloney voted
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out of office and democrats are already fighting for her committee seat. plus president biden forgiving billions in student loan debt, will that help or hurt democrats in november? and -- ♪ the university of texas offering a new honors course and the entire curriculum is taylor swift songs. e. they drink what they're told to drink. i drink what helps me rehydrate and recover: pedialyte® sport. because it worksks... and so do i. ♪ hydrdration beyond the hype. ♪ with best western rewards you get rewarded when you stay on the road and on the go. find your rewards so you can reconnect, disconnect, hold on tight and let go! stay two nights anget a free night. book now at okay season 6! aw... this'll take forev—or not. do i just focus on when things don't work, and not appreciate when they do?
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a 15 terms, 30 years in congress and just like that, she was defeated in a new york primary this week. democrats are already jockeying for her powerful position of chair of the house oversight committee. daniella diaz is live on capitol hill. not ideal for her to be matched up with jerry nadler in this messy primary in new york. what is the impact of maloney's primary loss? >> reporter: it has left a scramble for democrats to figure out who will fill the top position on the house oversight committee, they have the power to subpoena, to investigate. for context of course this is the first committee to come out and it raised questions surrounding documents that former president trump took to mar-a-lago as well as created an investigation on the deleted text messages from secret service agents. they have a lot of power of course the house oversight committee chair woman being carolyn maloney who lost the
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primary against jerry nadler. and now it has left the scramble of who will replace her on that committee. several democrats have come forward putting their names out there hoping to take that spot. one of them being of course jamie craskin. he is serving on the investigation of the jabnuary 6 riot, a lot links of what the house oversight committee is doing as well as the investigation for the january 6 riot is doing. the house select committee also gerry connolly of virginia pat husband hit name forward for that spot as well as stephen lynch of massachusetts. so of course remember this is important because that committee will be incredibly important, that thought, that top democratic spot will be incredibly important. should republicans take the majority in the november 2022 midterms, that would mean that it would be a top republican on that spot. so democrats would not have subpoena power, but would be the top messenger for that committee
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with whatever investigations republicans proceed with should they take the majority in the november 2022 midterms. and so that is why this committee is so important and why it will be interesting to see who takes that spot. but of course want to emphasize still a lot of time until that next congress begins. >> daniella, nice to see you. thank you. president biden fulfilling a campaign process spelling relief for millions burdened with student loan debt. the plan calls for forgiving $10,000 in federal loans for those who didn't receive spell grants. borrowers who did receive spell grants are eligible for up to $20,000. and it applies only to those earning less than $125,000 a year. and the freeze for luntstudent students was intended through the end of the year. into and the plan is drawing criticism from republicans and some democrats. the president responding to some questions about whether it is fair.
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>> it is unfair to people who paid their student loans or chose not to take out loans? >> it also fair to people who do not own multimillion-dollar businesses. is that fair? what do you think? >> let's bring in john harwood. hi, john. >> good morning, christine. president biden was brisling there, wasn't he? >> he sure was. to that criticism in a moment, but bottom line, this is a promise kept from joe biden. >> joe biden had a bunch of conflicting pressures as you know in trying to fulfill this promise. of course his number one political problem right now is inflation. economists for some of the reasons that you mentioned generally speak, democrat, republican, don't like this plan because they say among other things that it would tend to be, not hugely, but tend to be inflationary over time.
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so it cuts against biden's attempts to solve that problem. but the democratic coalition right now is cholk full of young people, college graduates, middle class people, african-americans, and representatives of all of those groups progressive have been pushing very hard for more fulsome relief of student debt obligations. the president trying to balance those things. some people wanted him to wipe out $50,000 in debt. the president decided that he wasn't or couldn't do that. but this is a pretty expansive plan nevertheless. >> and obviously not everybody was on president biden's side here. mitch mcconnell says that it is just not fair. listen. >> i think that it is a bad idea. an awful lot of americans choose not to go to college and ten there are those americans who borrowed money to pay for school
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and paid it back. in what way is it fair to those taxpayers? >> and democrat tim ryan says that the loan forgiveness sends the wrong message. this is all out of a critical midterm for democrats. so the question that is on everyone's mind, how is this going to play out politically? >> well, i think democrats are counting on the idea that the people who are gratified and pleased by having their debt wiped out and millions and millions of people had less than $10,000 in debt, and they will qualify by income. and so many people will no longer have to write those checks. those people may be more motivated rather than the people angry about it. people who say i paid my loan back or i didn't go to college, those are all valid points. the question is what does it translate into in terms of political energy. and i think that biden was doing
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too things. he thinks that he will come out ahead as democrats look to midterm trying to hold the congress. but he is also making a larger point about many things in the society and the tax code that may not be fasir. so economists say it rewards too many people at too high of an income level. and biden said, well, you may not like it, but there is a whole lot in our tax code including breaks for wealthy people and corporations that i don't like either, so come at me with the fairness argument. >> when he made this promise, we had basically inflation that was nil too. so the inflation part of this argument -- when he made the argument, we didn't have the inflation problem. >> that's right. >> and this does not fix the high cost of college, this doesn't fix what is a terrible higher education situation. tuition inflation is insane. this doesn't fix that. it is taxpayers not the colleges that are held accountability. so that is one problem.
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and then the ncaa says canceling $10,000 is like pouring a a bucket of ice water on a forest fire and that biden must recognize and regard student debt as a racial issue. is that valid criticism? >> sure, and that is why it is such a difficult problem. tremendous cross pressures on the white house here, you've got strong constituents saying that we need more help and then you have the larger economic concerns as you said. the inflation ground has moved under the feet of the administration since the beginning of joe biden's term in office. now, the inflation problem seems to be getting a little bit better now. it may have peaked but it is still a concern and that is the basis of a lot of criticism from republicans as well as some democratic economists like larry summers. >> and i'd caution people that this could be a game changer for so many families, but anybody
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sending a kid to college, we still have to keep telling people you got to really be careful how much you borrow, where you go to school, because the whole system is just rigged to keep you in debt. >> and that whole issue of moral hazard which those of us who follow economics are familiar with is the idea that the fact that this has taken place might encourage other people to pay more debt in the belief that down the road they may get some kind of relief of this magnitude. that may not happen. and so it is a very dicey issue and tuition has skyrocketed as public support for higher education has diminished. and so certainly the financing of education is a systemic problem that is much deeper than anything that could be addressed by low ofan relief. >> nice to see you, john, thank you. and bill jojill biden testi positive for a rebound coast of
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covid. she doesn't have any symptoms and a small number of recent close contacts have been notified. the first lady originally tested positive ten days ago while vacationing in south carolina. she was prescribed paxlovid which can trigger a rebound case. she is sis lating but not alone. tweeting she is grateful to have her cat bill low at her side during recovery. and several high water rescues in mississippi as record rainfall creates life threatening flash flooding. more than 100 children had to be rescued from a daycare center wednesday. terrifying. 31 people had to be evacuated from a nursing home and up to 3 feet of water rushed through the facility. waters derailed a trail, caused widespread damage to many homes and businesses. and mother more storms are
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expected today. and pedram javaheri is joining us. feels like every time i talk t you we're talking about the flooding and pounding rain. >> yeah, i think that some light at the end of the tunnel at least going into friday possibly getting a break across the region . in could be some thunderstorms this afternoon that could bring in heavy rainfall. and you notice the widespread coverage, frontal boundary in place that has prompted all the wet weather, it is still there. it is weakening rather quickly. and then we expect floodiminish.
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the rain will make its way across north georgia and crossing in to the carolinas. and mississippi and louisiana and texas, conditions are generally quiet right now. you take a look, forecast does bring in heavy rains across the region into the afternoon hours as well and flood alerts again are in place for another possible 2 to 4 inches before it is done. >> about pedram, thank you so much. coming up, a verscontrovers plan in los angeles to address the homeless. and this yacht once owned by a russian oligarch, first to be sold off due to western sanctions. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammamation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme.
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elelos angeles is debating
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whether to require hotels to offer rooms to the homeless. the controversial initiative is being backed by a hospitality worker union and will go before voters in 2024. but national and local unions say that it could put workers and guests in danger. nick watt has more. >> reporter: in los angeles county, more than 60,000 people are homeless on the average night. and more than 20,000 hotel rooms lie empty on the average night. see where this might be going? >> it is insane. it isn't going to solve the problem. >> we think this is one part of the solution. by no means do we think it solve respect the homelessness crisis. but do hotels have a role to play? of course they come. >> reporter: so the union he leads gathered enough sits and a bill will be vote order that
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would force every hotel to report vacancies at 2:00 p.m. every day and then welcome homeless into those vacant rooms. >> honestly, would you check into a hotel knowing that the chance of your neighbor to the left or right is a homeless indi individual? >> reporter: and this man voluntarily rents some rooms to homeless vetted and paid for by a local church. but he is against this bill that would make that mandatory. >> we barely are surviving. number one. number two, we have to think of the safety of our staff. and number three, we're not professionally or any other way equipped with any of the supporting mechanism that the homeless guest would require. >> reporter: what services would be provided remains unclear. also unclear the funding and hotels would be paid fair market rate. >> it is up to the city. they did it during project room key. >> reporter: and the pandemic program now winding down that
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inspired this bill by placing more than 10,000 people in hotels that volunteered. sean among them. >> first of all, it is a blessing. it is a great room. technology is not up to par, but what technology do you have in a tent? >> reporter: this bill would also force developers to replace housing demolished to major way for new hotels and hotel permits would be introduced. as well as making every hoel hotel from the super 8 to the biltmore accept homeless as guests. >> i don't think it is a good idea. maybe for some, but this is a lot of people with untreated mental health and some people do some damage to the poor buildings, man. >> reporter: and this happened in his motel. >> she marked all walls, thank god there was no fire. everyone marked the ceiling. >> reporter: opponents of housing the homeless in hotels fear this, and fear tourists could be put off from even coming to l.a.
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>> i wouldn't want my kids ash people that i'm not sure about, i wouldn't wab to be in an elevator with somebody who is having a mental break. the idea that you can intermingle homeless with normal paying guests, just doesn't work out. >> we don't want to head backwards? to n. to the segregated clarks but tha class but that is the cllanguag that they are talking about. we're talking about seniors, students, working people that is who the voucher program would benefit the most. >> nick watt, thank you for that reporting. a check on cnn business. you can see asian shares have closed higher. europe has opened i call that mixed. and wall street stock index futures are leaning up a bit after stocks closer higher on wednesday. investors appear to be waiting
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for jerome powell's speech tomorrow morning. owe potential market movers, jobless claims, the personal consumption expenditures price index. and more fodder due soon for the recession guessing game. second quarter gdp revision could tamp down or ramp up fears of a recession. the economy is showing huge improvement following the covid-19 economic downturn. payrolls have returned to their february 2020 levels. jobless rate is at levels not seen in five decades and the american consumer is showing resi resilience. and gas prices still down from the record set in june, but around every corner danger. we've seen two quarters of negative gdp growth, housing market is turning lousy as demand plummets. interest rates are now routine as the fed tries to cool runaway
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inflation. friday jerome powell will speak in jackson hole. and pelton has a new partnership with amazon, now selling a collection of its fitness connection and accessories on amazon's website in the u.s. pelton is trying to broaden its investor base. revenue growth has slowed from pandemic highs. investors like the stock and ended the day up more than 20%. and this, a $75 million super yacht once owned by a russian olligarch auctioned thi week in gibraltar. other super yachts have been detained under the sanctions but this one is the first one to be sold. the financial screws to the russian economy. at least the richest.
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>> i was going to say, just $75 million. so it was on sale. amazing. people who look alike -- sorry, that is not us, share dna. the new study that says that you might be distantly related to your doppleganger, next. and -- ♪ i bet you think about me ♪ >> some texas college students are about to have the chance to study taylor swift. what is included in the new class, ahead. fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i usese the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-secocond scan i knowow my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at
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there. people who look just like each other but aren't directly related. but they have genetic similarities. that is according to a new study. researchers in spain asked people about their lives. and facial recognition tests were also done and half had outcomes similar to actual identical twins. so you might actually be related to your look-a-like. >> over the years we've been mistaken for each other all over the place. all over atlanta. and there has been some really interesting situations that have come out just because people thought that we were the other person. and so for us, it has been a lot of fun and we're already good friends so another way for us to be even better friends and to bond more. we have this thing between us that not everybody else has. everybody has a cdoppleganger probably, but we know ours. >> and they look exactly alike and they are not related.
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do you havecop doppleganger? >> not specifically, but everyone sent me a screen shot saying here is your long last brother. i can kind of see it, but it is not exact. but something there. >> close enough. >> what about you, anybody? >> sometimes i'm in an airport and people will say, oh, yeah, savannah guthrie. no, we're not the same person. but sometimes people mistake me for her. but not very often. >> well, your doppleganger is out there somewhere. and if you think of anyone, send it to her. >> yeah, if you think i look like someone. >> so cool. well, tiger woods and rory mcilroy are teaming up to launch a new tech infused golf league. andy scholes has the "bleacher report." a lot of golf leagues being talked about these days. >> yeah, right? omar, good morning. this one sounds pretty cool. think best players in the world
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playing in a top golf-like arena. this new league called tgl will feature two hour 18 hole matches on a virtual course. the players will compete on six three man teams. and there will be 15 regular season matches on monday nights in primetime. and in a playoff. it will all get started in january of 2024. and it will be for pga tour players only. it is a further incentive to those guys to not leave for the saudi backed liv golf series. tiger woods saying embracing technology to create this unique environment gives us the ability to move our sport into primetime on a z canconsistent basis. and soccer pitch back yesterday and all played behind closed doors and stadiums have bunkers in case of air raids. yesterday's match in lviv played on independence day, it was
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stopped four times after the sirens sounded. the match lasted nearly 4 1/2 hours. thankfully no strikes reported in the area. and finally, linebacker shaquem griffin initially announcing his retirement from the nfl, he was the first ever to be drafted with just one hand. he had to have his left hand amputated at age four because of a rare birth defect. he played four seasons with the seahawks and he is now on to plan "a" because football was always plan "b." and the seahawks and nfl both saying that griffin a true inspiration. certainly was. >> what a legend. griffin and to you as well, andy scholes, thanks for being with us. and this fall students at the university of texas at austin getting a chance to take a course on pop songstress taylor swift. ♪ yeah, you get college credit f


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