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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  March 18, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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good morning, everyone. so happy you could join us and welcome to "cnn this morning." it is saturday, march 18th. i'm amara walker. >> hey, amara. i'm boris sanchez. we're so grateful you're spending your weekend with us.
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it's great to have you back with us, amara. she's back off the slopes in europe. she had a wonderful vacation. >> thank goodness i got off the slopes. i wasn't standing most of the time. i was seriously tumbling down the hill the entire time i was there. i've got a few bumps and bruises and i'm happy to be back. i have been watching you. it's good to be back. >> your skiing and snowboarding form is better than mine. >> that's really bad. america's largest banks come to the rescue of first republic, throwing out a $30 billion lifeline. the efforts underway to shore up the financial sector and prevent a bigger crisis. >> do you believe it's possible that one day we will see president vladimir putin in the dock? >> i think those fail to understand history. an arrest warrant if russian president vladimir putin for
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alleged war crimes. putin's response to the war and the odds that he's actually arrested. >> is he resisting? is he combat irv at all in those moments? >> no, not at all. he's not moving. he's, frankly, lifeless. several virginia deputies facing murder charges in the death of a jailed inmate. the prosecutor accusing the deputies of smothering him to death. we'll share what we're learning about the case. and we begin this morning on wall street where america's biggest banks are scrambling to shore shup the markets after tw bank failures. investors worry the worst isn't over yet. this week a second u.s. regional bank called signature bank shut down, and a third, first republic bank, was rescued with a $30 billion lifeline. >> investors, though, remain
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worried about european bank credit suisse despite a $54 billion loan from switzerland's central bank to keep it afloat. plus fears are growing, fearing an odds of recession from 25% to 35%. inflation still a major issue, hovering over 6%, far above the fed's goal of 2%. next week the federal reserve is going to decide whether americans can stand another interest rate hike. christine romans has more. >> boris and amara, a remarkable effort from big american banks to save another bank from ruin. 11 banks, $30 billion, that's how much money and how many lenders it took to shore up first republic, preventing another silicon valley bank. $5 billion each from bank of america, wells fargo, jpmorgan chase, and citi. 2.5 billion from goldman sachs
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and morgan stanley. $1 billion from bny, melon, truist, pnc, state street, and us bank. there were talks with jalen yelin, jamie dimon, and the chairman of the fdic. the goal is to return the markets to normal and convinces you at home your money is in safe hands. it capped a fast-moving week by the federal reserve, the treasury department, and bank executives trying to inject confidence and capital back into the financial system. president biden is calling for congress to tighten laws and claw back compensation from banking executives by imposing tougher sanctions for banking failures. >> cnn white house reporter jasmine wright has the details on this. jasmine, what else did the white house say congress needs to do? >> reporter: well, president biden, he wants accountability,
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and that comes after we saw those dramatic emergenciests the administration put in place. now he's saying congress needs to do more to expand his administration's ability to really prosecute or hold some of these folks accountable. now, i want to read you a statement on frichld president biden said that no one is above the law. congress must act to impose toucher penalties for senior bank executives whose mismanagement contributed to their institution's failings. he wants congress to expand authority and claw back. he wants congress to strengthen the fdic's authority to bar executives from holding jobs in the banking industry when their banks enter receivership, and lastly he's calling on congress to expand the fdic's authority to give fines to failed banks.
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last week there were emergency measures to make sure they could meet payroll and other obligation. we saw that $30 billion infusion of cash into first republic bank. of course, concerns still remain here not only on the practical whether or not more banks will continue to fail but on the political with president biden. what happens if more banks fail? what does he do? we know bailouts have become a bit of a political liability, which means president biden is on a tightrope as his administration continues to try to inject confidence in the americans when it comes to the u.s. banking system. boris, amara. >> it will be interesting to see what the fed does. jasmine wright, thank you. big international news. the president of russia is now a wanted man. the international criminal court has issued an arrest warrant for vladimir putin and the country's
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children's rights commissioner in an alleged scheme to deport ukrainian children to russia. of course, moscow is rejecting these allegations. >> kremlin sp's spokesman tweet any decisions of this kind are null and void for the russian federation from the point of view of law. but ukraine's minister of foreign affairs says the wheel of justice are churning and they thanked the icc for its historic decision. let's take you to senior national correspondent david mckenzie who's in kyiv for us. what's the reaction on the ground to these wartime charges against putin? >> reporter: boris and amara, there's certainly a sense of hiation over the hague court and the serious allegations against
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president putin and his staff. the wheels of justice often take years after the alleged atrocities have happened to actually get into gear. now this is still happening, according to our sources here on the ground, of children taken away from their parents in some cases and most seriously out-of-state run orphanages across the front lines into russian territory and often given up to adoption to russian parents according to allegations. the prosecutor of the icc said that these children are being used as a tool of war. you had president zelenskyy speaking about the scale of these alleges crimes. >> translator: this is a historic decision that will lead to historic responsibility. more than 16,000 cases of forced deportation of ukrainian children by the occupier have already been recorded.
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but the real full number of deportees may be much higher. such a criminal operation would have been impossible without the order of the highest lead over the terrorist state. >> reporter: on a daily basis, there are investigators here in ukraine looking at other possible war crimes, amara and boris, and i think this is really the tip of the iceberg. making accusations is one thing. of course, getting the accused, in this case, the president of russia to justice, is something else entirely. >> yeah, important to point out, david. the icc just announced an investigation into russia's actions a few days ago, so this could be a first step in a much longer process. david mckenzie from kyiv, thank you so much. i want to turn now to the united states and new developments in fulton county, georgia, where a special grand jury recently wrapped its work looking at former president putin's efforts to overturn his 2020 election defeat in the peach state. the "atlanta
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journal-constitution" is reporting that investigators now have audio of a phone call that trump made to the former georgia house speaker. a recording where trump pushes for a special session of the legislature to undo president biden's victory in that state. the source has confirmed to cnn that such a recording exists. let's dig in deeper with leroy chapman and former federal prosecutor michael zelding. gentlemen, i appreciate you sharing part of your saturday with us. michael, first to you. there are three recorded calls we know of where trump tried to pressure officials in georgia. how does that bolster a potential case? >> well, it's further evidence, boris, of the effort of the president to undermine the integrity of the vote in virginia. to prove criminal behavior here, however, you need to have established that the president
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knew he lost, objectively knew he lost, and despite that knowledge, went forward with a plan to prevent the certification of the vote. merely calling members of the state legislature in a good faith effort to have them investigate his belief of fraud will not rise to the level of criminal behavior. it's a matter of what was his intention and what can they prove about what prior knowledge he had and why this call was an effort to do something that was criminal as opposed to just inappropriate. >> leroy, i'm curious about the timing here because the special grand juries were concluded almost two months ago. the foreman of the grand jury went public, making very clear insinuations what she thought was going to happen. do you think we're any closer to finding the da to find and issue indictments? >> we are closer, but we don't
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know the timetable. we spoke with her and she said things are imminent. then she qualified things are imminentmy bihis timetable, but it's not imminent. we understand with some of our interviews with members of the grand jury, their work is complete, they're confident in it, and they talked a little bit about what they heard. it's a matter of time before the da goes public with it. >> five jurors say they listened to that third recording. what did they share about their impressions? what details did they give you about the recording itself. >> what they heard was the former president talking with david ralston who's the former speak f of the georgia house of representatives, and he's arguably the most powerful politician in georgia, maybe even including the governor, because of the power the georgia house has, so he wanted the speaker to convene a special
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session, and what he wanted was exactly what he asked brad raft is berger. what they heard is they heard speaker ralston commit to saying i will do everything that's in my power, but what speaker ralston knew is that he did not have the power to call a special session just for that. so it was speaker ralston understanding georgia law and perhaps the former president not because he thanked him and said okay. >> and, leroy -- rather, michael, going back to what leroy said about finding willis and the timetable of the law being different for the timetable of reporters and the imminent potential charges, what else do you think she might be considering? >> well, i think what she has to figure out is can she prove
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beyond a reasonable doubt that the actions of the president violate the laws of georgia. what leroy described is interesting because what ralston said is i will do everything that's appropriate and trump says thank you very much. a phone call in and of itself to me wouldn't prove criminal behavior. it would prove inappropriate behavior but not necessarily criminal behavior, so what the da has to do is decide whether or not these phone calls in combination with all the other evidence she's amassed equals criminal behavior versus just inappropriate behavior. and that's not a simple thing because you have to prove this to a jury, a fulton county jury beyond a reasonable doubt, and that's to be sustained on the appeal. she's taking her time appropriately to determine whether or not she can make a case that will stick.
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she shouldn't have used the word "imminent" in her comments. it's very different for hem compared to lawyers. >> i wanted to talk about the timing of this. trump is also facing a potential indictment from the manhattan da, and, of course, we know that the special counsel is looking at his handling of classified documents. would those cases have any impact of potential indictment on those cases to an indictment in fulton county? >> i wouldn't think so. i would think they would stand independently. i think the most troublesome for former president trump is the obstruction investigation in mar-a-lago. we've seen smith has expanded the number of subpoenas he wants from people. corcoran has to give testimony.
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that obstruction investigation, boris, i think, raises the biggest problem for the former president, but to your question exactly, i think all these things will stand independent of one another. >> leroy, michael, we hope you will stand by with us as we await potential indictments because i feel like there's going to be a lot more to discuss coming up in the next month. >> i'm always happy to discuss with you and leroy. still ahead, house republicans ramp up their gkss into president biden and his family, this time targeting hallie bind, beau's widow. this is coming as hunter goes on the offensive. also a major baltimore to abortion advocates as they sign new law regardinging abortion as soon as tomorrow. we'll explain. ah (sfx) car racing -final boardrding flight to wait... is that a phone? look at the performance!
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the biden family received just over $1 million from a chinese company. the committee issued a memo earlier this week that names hallie biden, the widow of the president's son, beau biden, as one of the family members allegedly receiving the money. >> it comes as hunter biden is going on the offensive. he's suing the owner of that computer rew e pair shop that wound up with his laptop, accusing him of wrongfully sharing his personal data with political enemies. manu raju has the latest. >> reporter: house republicans stepping up their probe of hunter biden and other members of joe biden's family, digging into overseas interacts with the chinese company tying payments to the president himself but have yet to prove any link. >> there was a lot of money that transferred from china to the bidens, and what we want to know is what did china get in return.
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>> reporter: in a new memo, republicans in the house oversight committee say three biden family members in 2017 receives over $1 million indirectly from a shanghai-based company, state energy hk limited. the money came after biden. waunger then transferred a third of those funds to various biden family bank accounts over a three-month period. the new information uncovered by the house gop, $35,000 in payments to hallie biden, beau biden's widow. republicans also targeting the president's brother james and his son hunter and also say they're probing an account linked to an unknown biden. the memo did not reveal any illegal action by the biden family members, and the president has long maintained he
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had no involvement in any of these dealings. >> i never discussed with my son or brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses period. >> reporter: the information quickly dismissed by hunter biden's legal team, which noted hallie biden was romantically involved with hunter biden after she became a widow after her husband's death. hunter says a money came from a venture he shared with his uncle james biden and hallie biden who he was involved with at the time sharing expenses. today hunter tried to take the offensive, countersuing a computer repairman releasing information on his laptop. the filing accused him of invasion of privacy, claiming he sent a hard drive contained private information in a stuffed animal to his father in mexico
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and more all in a bid to help trump win in 2020. the laptop has become a trump a tag line. >> hunter and joe biden, they skate. what's going on? that laptop is a disaster. >> reporter: top democrats are pushing back. >> there's a fixation on the bind family by many republican leaders, and i think there are otherishes that are real relevant and important than the lives of ordinary americans. >> reporter: the computer technician declined to comment about that lawsuit hunter biden filed on friday saying they could respond in court. at the same time john robertson walker who was a business associate who helped direct those payments to those three biden family members, republicans on the house oversight committee want hmm to sit down for a transcribed interview in the days ahead. boris and amara? >> thorough reporting from man you raju. still ahead, seven virginia
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deputies and three hospital workers now facing second-degree more charges in the death of a man prosecutors say was smothered to death while he was in custody. we're going to have the latest on that next. work tripsps need crushing... or anniversaries need... celebrating? no matter who you are, where you're going, or why. with 24 trusted brands by wyndham to choose from... your wyndham is waiting. get the lowest price at if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee, even if it received ppp, and all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then we'll work with you toill out your forms and submit the application; that easy. and if your busiss doesn't get paid, we don't get paid. has helped businesses like yours
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stories. starting tomorrow, an abortion under most sixes will be a felony in the state of wyoming. the piece of legislation only makes the case in cases of insevgts sexual assault, the mother's life is in danger, or the baby has a fetal lethal anomaly. the person found guilty could face up to 5 years in prison and up to $20,000 fine. and they're also making it unlawful to use the abortion pill. the penalty if found guilt, up to six months behind bars and a $9,000 fine. that goes into effect july 1st
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y. we're sad to bring you the news that lance redick from "the wire" and the "john wick" franchise has died friday morning suddenly from natural causes. he stars in the fourth "john wick" film which is set to hit theaters next weekend. lance reddick was 60 years old. it will take six more months to finish with the cleanup in palestine, ohio. these barring any weather or site conditions changing according to the epa administrator. crews are halfway through clearing out the contaminated soil from under the tracks and hope to be done with that by early april. so far 6.8 million gallons of liquid and more than 5400 tons of solid waste have been removed. ten people have now been charged in the death of irvoe otieno. he's a virginia man who died in custody at a mental state
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faci facility. the charges follow the viewing of the video. staff was watching with their hands na their pockets while he was allegedly being smothered to death. the three guards along with seven deputies are all facing murder charges. here's cnn's brian todd. >> reporter: new details of what the video shows of the final moments of 28-year-old irvo otieno who died in custody on march 6th when he was brought to mane tall health facility on march 6th. the video is not public yet. but we're told why they have been charged as well as three security guards. >> he goes to the ground and one by one there end up being ten people on top of him. visibly they're putting their back into him, leading down. >> was he resistant?
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combative? >> no, not at all. he's not moving. he's, frankly, lifeless. >> reporter: there are other disturbing details. >> hospital staff comes in and out of the room as if nothing is taking place. nothing. no one tried to come. >> reporter: a disproportionate amount of officers showed up. >> he was agitated, confused, high state of mental sens sensibility. >> reporter: his mother calmed him down. irvo was not a threat. >> he was treated lie a criminal from the beginning. >> reporter: at the hospital police say he became physically assaulted anand he was arrested and jailed. in the jail video shows he was pepper sprayed while handcuffed and naked in his cell alone. >> five or six deputies were at
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the jail and tackled him. blows are sustained at the h henrico sheriff's department. >> my client would describe him as violently noncompliant. being regularly violent. he had no idea in the way that this man was in danger of his life. >> reporter: another attorney who represents bradley disse says they've reached out for a response to the very latest allegations. we have not heard back. brian todd, cnn, henrico county
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jail. coming up, two planes were close to colliding last month and it's one of seven runway close call near misses this year. what's going on, what's got to change, we're going to talk ababout that with a flight safe expert. o both o of you. our smart sleepers get 28 minuteses more restful sleep per night. proven q quality sleep. only from sleep number. there are some things that go better... together. hey! like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all yo financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. thanks. ahh, pretzel and mustard... another great combo. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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aviation officials confer in a meeting over a number of dangerous close calls between commercial airlines. the faa and ntsb are investigating a total of seven near-collisions since the start of this year, and transportation secretary pete buttigieg says now is the time to act and strengthen safety measures.
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here's what the secretary told cnn's pete muntean. >> but instead what we're finding is that pilots, ground cruels, and controllers alike seem to be experiencing this uptick, some who have described it as a kind of rust. but that needs to be turned into a very concrete diagnosis and specific action steps. >> here with me now is the president and ceo of the flight safety foundation. thank you so much for joining us this morning. look, i'll just say i fly a lot. i'm not really a nervous flyer at all, but i'm so aware now of these incidences, and i'm thinking about them whenever we're landing or taking off, and i never take off my seatbelt anymore even during the flight because of the violent turbulance lwe're hearing about.
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we're wondering, has flying become less safer? >> well, i think it's important to note that every day there are thousands of flights that take off and land safely and without any incidents, and they are carried out by professional pilots and air traffic controllers who do their job very well. have a safe system in this country, and we have manyredund enjoying today. but as you mentioned, we have seven serious incidents currently being investigated. each is unique, and the investigators are looking into the underlying causes, root patterns that might be suggesting specific actions or solutions that need to be taken and taken immediately. >> that margin of safety is
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getting uncomfortably smaller, at least in my opinion. in your opinion, what needs to be done then? what are the issues here? >> as this point there are a number of factors. we're looking at prepandemic levels, we've had significant turnover in the work force, specifically pilots in the last three years. the question is the system being stressed. so the investigators are really looking into those underlying patterns, the causes, and looking into specific issues such as, for example, standard operating procedures. is it now important to reinforce those types of procedures, reinforce the training that is needed by the traffic controllers as well as pilots. >> i've always heard regarding pilots that they're feeling a lot of pressure as well, right, and also the number of hours
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that they're working, that it seems to have increased compared to prepandemic levels. that's concerning. you want to make sure our pilots are rested and feel good. >> absolutely. there are regulations that the faa has with respect to the hours that crews work, and so those regulations need to be foll followed and enforced. >> so at the faa safety summit this week we've been referring to, the union said there's a staff issue with 1,200 or 12,000, i believe -- 12,000 less certified professional controllers than there were ten years ago. that's also concerning. i mean is this about funding from congress or is it about recruitment and is it tough to attract people to work as air traffic controllers?
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>> yes, i was at that summit this week. the number 1,200 was mentioned. i think it's important for an agency that's managing the most air traffic transportation system in the world to have predictability in terms of resources available so they can plan and implement the solutions that are needed. so that is important. that was certainly discussed during the summit as well as many other things that are important to take action and move forward with. >> what else do you think is important that needs to be addressed? what about the fact that we haven't had a permanent faa administrator? >> well, certainly it is absolutely important that there be a permanent administrator confirmed and in place. meanwhile the job of safety must continue, and that is why the
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acting administrator called a safety summit to bring a professional and experts together to start looking at this and start taking action immediately. and so in the following days and weeks to come, there will be a series of teams and activities that will be undertaken to look for solutions that implement these kinds of solutions so we don't see these things happening again. >> yeah, we don't want any more near misses or want any near misses to turn into accidents. incidents are okay for now. coming up t mother of a 14-year-old boy who died after falling off an amusement park last year in orlando speaks to cnn about the horrific accident and what caused it. the story is next. n" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day...
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boy who fell to his tragic death at a florida amusement park one year ago has reached a settlement in the wrongful death suit. >> he slipped out of his seat during spring break. his grieving mother was at the orlando site this week before the ride was dismantled. we have more. >> reporter: making a first and possibly last visit to the amusement ride that killed her 14-year-old son. workers began taking apart the free-fall drop tower ride in orlando as she watched. >> this place was my son's last breath, last place on earth. i mean last everything. he took his last everything on that ride. >> reporter: samson was on a
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spring break trip last year when he fell from what is the world's tallest drop tower ride at icon park. nearly a year later dodd said the grief is still overwhelming. >> i still talk to him every day. he's there with me spiritually. >> reporter: an investigation by florida's department of agriculture and consumer services determined that sampson slipped out of his seat wasn't properly secured. the operators made adjustments on the ride to, quote, accommodate larger people. the photo on the left shows the the photo on the right shows the average gap for the unadjusted seats was 3.3 inches. the report found the misadjust thes of the seat's sensor allowed for safe tu lights to turn on, which allowed the ride to start, even though it wasn't
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safe. sampson weighed 383 pounds, according to the family, and was 100 pounds above the maximum weight for the ride. >> they had nothing for weight on a ride that that was the most important thing because of the velocity of the ride. they had nothing to warn tyre. >> as an adult or the ride attendant, he should have made that call. >> the family's attorney said they have reached a settlement in their wrongful death lawsuit with the amusement park ask the operators of the ride. a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the ride and the company that designed the seat is pend ing. and florida's state legislature is considering a bill that would increase safety regulations for rides. the tyre somp sampson act would require any ride more than 100 feet tall to have seat belts. it would increase training
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standards for inspections. the attendant who strapped sampson in had only been on the job three days and was considered a trainee, according to the investigation. they welcome the changes, but wish they had come sooner. >> is it easier? is it just as difficult? >> it's difficult because a year later we're coming across birthdays and holidays and family functions. we have a the spot where there's no tyre. >> reporter: crews hope to have the entire ride taken apart in time for the one year mark. this time next week. the terms of the settlement were not disclosed, and his mother hopes to start a foundation in her son's honor. the criminal investigation is still pending. >> carlos, thank you. coming up, more than 50 million people under freeze warnings right now in the u.s. your forecast is next. with models that fit any lifestyle.
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at suggest cant runoff. one last blast of winter before the official start of spring. there are unseasonably cold temperatures in the east this morning. more than 50 million people under freeze warnings in the south. let's take you to the cnn weather center. how cold are we talking? >> it's certainly not what we would expect for march. it's going to feel more like january or december for these areas. mother nature not getting that memo that we're going to see the season change on monday. you have some very cold conditions here across the u.s. but anywhere where you have the moyisture to go along with it i going to be in the form of snow. so you have a significant amount here of winter storm warnings and advisories across the midwest as well as portions of the northeast. we have some lake effect enhance ment that's following up from that cold front that's sliding through. st that's going to produce some snow showers across much of the area. most of the areas we're talking about, about 4 to 6 inches
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total. however, there will be a few places, especially east of watertown, new york, you could get as much as a foot of snow before the system decides to shift out. down to the south, it's more just the cold air itself. freeze warnings in place for a lot of the south. the main concern here is that february was so warm you have really started to see a lot of the plants ask the crops begin to change the seasons. now you're getting that hard freeze on top of it. the cold air also up into the midwest, 12 degrees right now in minneapolis. minus 1 in bismarck. even nashville, it's only 30 degrees right now to start off the day. we are going to start to see some changes by the end of the week. a lot of that warmer air finally does start to push back in to the eastern half of the country, but it's going to take a few days. take atlanta going from a high of 47 today, but we'll be back into the 80s by the end of the week. >> yikes. thank you so much. the next hour of cnn this morning starts right now.
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good morning. welcome to cnn this morning. it is the weekend. saturday, march 18th, we're grateful to have you. i'm boris san chess. >> and amarah walker. we'll have all weekend to talk about it's his last weekend. i won't get sad now, but i'm going to relish every moment with you. >> there's no reason to get emotional now. we have plenty still to go. >> you're not going that far. here's what we're watching this morning. >> do you believe it's possible that one day we will see president vladimir putin in the dock? >> i think it's possible. they issue an arrest warrant for vladimir putin for alleged war crimes. putin's response to that and


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