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tv   Early Start With Christine Romans  CNN  March 22, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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double the cleaning crystals enough for up to 40 windows. just pay a separate fee call or go online now. mark twain prize for american humor celebrating adam sandler sunday on cnn. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm christine romans. this is early start just hours from now one of the most important federal reserve reserved decisions in years we'll hear from fed officials for the first time since the
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collapse of silicon valley bank and signature bank, the sale of credit suisse and the lifeline extended to first republic. the big question will the fed raises interest rates to try to fight inflation, even in the midst of global banking turmoil, and if so, by how much. today's decision could affect the interest rates on your loans on your credit cards, the price you pay at the store and even potentially the bank where you keep your money. cnn's anna stewart live in london for us, and we've been saying this is a delicate balancing act for the fed here. i mean the options are they pause. they raise rates 25 basis points or they follow in the footsteps of the european central bank and fight against inflation by raising a big 50 basis points. yeah big hike. little hike. hike is where i see it right now. so let's talk about the big hike react on the data because the labor market is too tight and inflation is too high. so that is certainly one of the options out there. but the risk, of course, is you spoke with markets, particularly with the uncertainty around the banking sector. that middle option the smaller hike a
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quarter of a percent. that seems to be what is priced in by investors, and certainly what i'm seeing in terms of analysts notes in terms of their expectations. which is act on that data, but maybe also kind of read the room of the markets and the third option do absolutely nothing. this would be perhaps the fed deciding that really going to take this seriously, they're going to pause while they focus on the banking sector. but of course that suggests that maybe they're not taking inflation seriously enough, so that could also have a negative impact on the markets . it's not just the rate, though, is it? it's the messaging around it that will get today and also the so called dot plot. the quarterly summary of economic projections. if they release it. there was a suggestion that they might hold off, but i think that's going to be really interesting in terms of where people are seeing. chief says how he says it and how it's received. you know that's going to be just as important, i think is the size of that of that rate hike. if it comes and stuart, thank you so
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much we know you'll be following it all afternoon. so lie. alright the grand jury investigating former president trump's hush money case set to reconvene today, the manhattan district attorney's office appears close to a decision on whether to indict the former president is also just received communications between stormy daniels and an attorney who now represents donald trump, raising the possibility that he could be sidelined from mr trump's defense. cnn's paula reid has more. this was the day former president trump claimed he would be arrested on charges related to a hush money probe. but there is no sign yet of an arrest or even an indictment. still law enforcement continues to prepare for possible protests in washington, d c barriers erected around the capital in new york police officers told to be in uniform and ready for deployment. so far, officials say there are no credible threats despite online chatter calling for civil war if trump is indicted. today small groups
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gathered outside trump tower and mara lago. there has been no word from the manhattan district attorney after a last ditch effort by trump to avoid charges. attorney robert costello, appearing before the grand jury monday to attack the witness at the center of the investigation, michael cohen. my obligation is to bring the truth to both the district attorney and to trump's lawyers. that's exactly what i did. costello previously represented cohen if they want to go after donald trump, and they have solid evidence, so be it. but michael cohen is far from solid evidence . it is unclear whether the grand jury will hear from more witnesses as an investigates a $130,000 payment porn star stormy daniels to silence her about an alleged affair with trump. she was paid by cohen in the final days of the 2016 campaign. oh, come under the $30,000 payment to stormy daniels. no no. now seven years
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on the d a is looking at whether trump may have falsified business records when reimbursing cohen for the payment. this case is not going to be predicated on any one individual, but rather it's going to be predicated on the documents. the evidence the text messages, the emails. cohen has made countless public statements about the investigation team. are spectacular. they are well versed. they are well informed, and we just will continue to cooperate each and every time that they asked. my goal is to allow alvin brig and his team to do what they need to do. at the end of grand jurors have an opportunity just to ask me some questions as well. i'm looking forward to that, while he usually says he cannot talk about what happens in the grand jury room. he has been advised to stop talking about the case on tv after drawing the ire of prosecutors for appearing on tv monday night to rebut costello's testimony, in fact, that i waved
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attorney client privilege. i'd like to know when, how where? i don't recall waving anything. bye. again this is this is i don't know. i don't know what he's talking about. prosecutors here in manhattan have a deadline. the statute of limitations in this case expires in may. so it's now or never for the district attorney reed cnn. new york paula thank you so much for that. all right. the u. s ramping up efforts to send patriot missiles and abrams tanks to ukraine. faster than originally planned. ukraine is preparing to launch a spring offensive against russian forces , largely relying on the more advanced systems. western countries have agreed to send. cnn's claire sebastian live in london with more for us this morning, claire, how soon can ukraine expect to receive those weapons now? well in the case of the patriots, christine it could be in the coming weeks, according to defense officials. the idea is that the 65 ukrainian soldiers they say that a currently training in fort
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sill oklahoma on us patriot systems, they will wrap up that training in the coming days and then subsequently moved to europe to train on the actual patriot systems, two of them that will then be deployed to ukraine, they say. in the coming weeks, so that is coming up pretty fast in terms of the reason why they were able to accelerate. well, they're saying that the ukrainian soldiers already had a baseline knowledge of air defense systems, and we're quick at learning, so they're able to whittle down that 10 week training period eight weeks and get this done faster, so it's sort of public praise for ukrainian soldiers also good news for ukraine. in terms of the one abrams battle tanks. those main battle tanks that were so sought after by ukraine. that timeline also being accelerated, according to two u. s officials that was originally thought to be set to take more than a year to get those tanks to ukraine with the most sophisticated model needing lots of refurbishment, perhaps even building from scratch lots of training. they have now decided to send a slightly older model, which will need less training less preparation, and
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that will mean they say they can get those tanks to ukraine by the fall. so that is another boost for ukraine. now, of course, the reason not such good news is that the u. s believes that russia may be getting ready to mount a new offensive in the coming weeks. don cubby, the security council, initial security council spokesperson, telling cnn. he thinks the next weeks and months will be crucial and overnight christine yet more evidence of the need for sophisticated air defense in ukraine in the air force. they're saying that 21 drones were fired at the country of which they shut down. 16 amazing . all right. thank you. so much for that right. chinese leader xi xinping, wrapping up his three day visit to moscow for talks with the russian president vladimir putin. she promoted beijing's peace proposal for ukraine, which putin says could end the war. but he claims the west and kiev are not ready for that. cnn's kristie lu stout, live in hong kong. following this with more christie putin's sheer convincing anyone that their peace brokers here christine in a word. no look, she jinping has already left
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russia. he's on route to china. but while in moscow him and his russian counterpart posed as peace brokers playing up china's plan for peace in ukraine that plan calls for a ceasefire calls for talks. it does not include any calls for russia to withdraw from occupied territory. this plan was drawn up without the involvement of ukraine. it has been roundly criticized by the west, including the u. s and nato. and on tuesday we heard from the ukrainian president added that a ceasefire is not in his country's interest. and in addition to making these overtures about peace in ukraine , she jinping, vladimir putin while having that state visit. they also emphasize their deepening relationship, and it was on full display. at the start of the state dinner. the two leaders raised a glass they had a toast, and putin proclaimed. that russia chinese relations are at the highest point ever. we also heard from xi jinping, tattered, they're close economic ties. take a listen to this. woman changes will being far beyond we have signed a joint statement to deepen our comprehensive
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partnership and strategic engagement as we enter a new era and a joint statement on the development plan for key areas of chinese russian economic cooperation for the period up to 2030. china has been buying up russian energy softening the impact of western sanctions, and putin says russia is ready to increase uninterrupted oil supplies to china. he points out that russia is the fourth largest supplier of liquefied gas to china, and that those supplies will expand. putting also said that moscow will support chinese business in replacing the western businesses that left russia now there will be another meeting. that's very likely because she jinping invited putin to make a return visit to china this year and separately. a senior ukrainian official tells cnn that talks are underway for a possible called between she and zelinsky , but nothing has been booked. nothing locked in christine. alright thanks so much for that kristie lu stout for us in hong
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kong. the defamation lawsuit against fox news goes before a judge today. will the case be decided before trial? paltrow on trial for a crash on a ski slope. and later a dentist accused of poisoning his wife, police lay out a chilling timeline. i see how pro starts working incident. two extra pain relievevers. you can rise from pain like a pro. i see hot pro. for people who are a little intense abo hydration neutrogena hydro boo lightweight, clinically proven 48 hour hydration for that healthy skin glow neutrogena for people with skin viking. we are proud to have been named the world's number one for both rivers and oceans by travel leisure as well as conda nast traveler, but it's now time for
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and where it's going. right on time can predict breakdowns and order their own replacement parts. nice work, retailers can get ahead of the fashion trend of the day with a new line tomorrow with a verizon private five g network. you can get more agility and security giving you more control of your business. we call this enterprise intelligence from the network america relies on. write a high stakes hearing in dominions defamation lawsuit against fox news continues today. both sides are now arguing that the judge should declare them the winner before the case even goes to trial. here's jessica schneider. fraud is something that is real that just took place two weeks ago the words of tucker carlson and other fox news hosts at the center of $1.6 billion defamation case brought by dominion voting systems, lawyers for the voting machine and software maker telling a delaware judge today the fix was in arguing that fox producers and hosts new the claims that dominion rigged the 2020 election were false. even when
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they continually booked guests like sidney powell, who perpetuated the falsehoods dominion voting systems, the smartmatic technology software and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just a minion were created in billions of independence away, hla at the direction of hugo chavez to make sure he never lost an election after one constitutional referendum came out the way he did not want it to come out. news maintains it is proud of its 2020 election coverage and that it is fully protected by the first amendment, arguing it can't be held liable for airing newsworthy allegations from public figures. and there are other aspects of this fraud that at this point, i really can't reveal this is really enough is enough to overturn any election judge will now determine whether to decide the case on the claims already presented to him or if the case will go to a jury trial
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next month. the decision comes as a fox news producer is suing the network for allegedly coercing her into giving misleading testimony during the deposition for the dominion case , abby grossberg's lawyers saying fox news had its lawyers misleadingly coach manipulate and coerce miss grossberg to deliver shaded and or incomplete answers during her sworn deposition testimony. fox news responding that attorney client privilege prevents it from commenting on the claims, but the producer is now on administrative leave from the network. if the defamation case goes to trial, dominion wants to put fox corporation chairman rupert murdoch on the stand as well as his ceo son, lachlan. both have already given depositions in the case with rupert murdoch, acknowledging fox news hosts endorsed election conspiracy theories and then saying, i would have liked us to be stronger in denouncing it in hindsight. fox news is resisting efforts to put rupert and lachlan murdoch on the stand there, saying it would create an undue hardship for both of them and would only result in a media
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circus. both sides will be back in court on wednesday. if this case does go to trial, that trial will likely start sometime next month. jessica schneider, cnn willington, delaware. all right, jessica. thank you for that. let's bring in julius kim, former district attorney in milwaukee county, wisconsin. nice to see you this morning. so you know what can we expect today? great to see you, christine. i think we're going to see a little bit more of the same that we've seen this past week with the lawyers for both sides making arguments on this summary judgment motion. both sides have put in motions for summary judgment and the judges becky basically continuing to let them make the arguments today, so that means essentially the summer judging means they're the case will be over. there would be a decision and then it doesn't go to trial. well the main issues could be resolved through the summary judgment process. now there could be other issues regarding damages, etcetera that could end up getting in front of a jury. but, yeah, it could be that the judge looks at the case and rules one way another that the case does
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not have any merit under the law, or that the issues and facts are so obvious that you know there's no reasonable defense that could be made. one thing that we've seen is all of these text messages, private conversations, private emails between people who work at fox news. how critical our tucker carlson's private, um, text in dominions case here. yeah i think those were powerful pieces of evidence for dominion. not only tucker carlson statements, you know that he passionately hates donald trump. but the other employees of fox news hosts and whatnot because one of the things that dominion has to overcome is this notion that fox news acted with actual males, which means that the knowingly put out false information or did it with reckless disregard for the truth. and when you have people like tucker carlson basically saying that they're not sure that what has been put out there. it is really true or not. that's pretty powerful evidence. rupert murdoch on the witness stand. what would that add? i think that would help
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level of drama. but it also shows that um fox corporation may have been involved with what fox news was up to. you know, they want to go for the deep pockets here. clearly, this is the $1.6 billion lawsuit, and so i think they want to tie rupert murdoch being the chairperson. the high person on the kind of the line here to say he managed what was going on. he approved of what was going on with these lies being perpetuated on fox news. fox can fax legally make the claim that we knew that these were false. hoods. but it didn't matter. we were just putting people on and they were saying it was falsehoods. yeah i think. well, that's what they actually are doing right now. christine they're making that claim and trying to say hey, listen, we're just neutrally reporting the news. we're just allowing people to make their claims. but i think that the judges expressed some skepticism because the clips that dominion has been presenting shows that the fox news hosts aren't just letting people you know, see what they want to say. the fox news host are embracing what the
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these guests are saying. sidney powell, rudy giuliani in the lake, and i think that that's where the question comes in. right. alright, julius kim. so nice to see you. thank you so much. have a nice day. great to see you. thanks all right. quick hits across america. now a lawsuit against gwyneth cultural goes to trial and utah 76 year old says she crashed into him while skiing back in 2016, causing a brain injury. paltrow is countersuing for $1. she says he crashed into her. a grand jury indicted seven sheriff's deputies and three hospital workers on second degree murder after a man died at a virginia mental hospital. prosecutors say they smothered irv otieno to death. 30,000 los angeles school workers striking for a second day, shutting down classes for half a million students. they're fighting for wages above poverty level and increased staffing right next, a disturbing mystery who mailed bombs to journalists in ecuador and later the costly truth for cat and dog owners. i
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overtime with a firm joburg .com . good morning, everyone we do begin with breaking news this morning. lawmakers in uganda just passed a bill that would punish people with up to 20 years in prison for just identifying as lgbtq. cnn's larry meadow will live in lagos, nigeria, for us, lagos, nigeria for us, larry. now we're hearing that an amendment to the bill goes even further. what can you tell us? christine that is right . lawmakers in uganda passed this anti homosexuality bill that defines a life sentence for anybody convicted of the crime of homosexuality for the offense of aggravated homosexuality. that would be a death penalty.
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it's likely that president yoweri museveni who the bill goes to now will ascend to it because his prime minister and his attorney general war in parliament when this past, and he said that the government fully supported president museveni has called homosexual people, devi friends. but this law goes a lot further than many anti lgbt legislation in africa because it criminalizes even identifying as lgbt or non binary in the country. the man who proposed this bill, the opposition mp, calls himself a human rights lawyer, and he took a love of honor when the bill passed in parliament. in fact criticizing western nations listen. being threatened with the visa restrictions, probably spiritualists. this. homosexuals have been jamming my phone. with the new detail, profanities and abuses thinking that we would relent. i know what i've gone through is what all of you have gone through in one way or the
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other. ugandan lawmaker stated that protecting traditional family values if that sounds familiar, it's because a lot of the lobbying around these anti a little bit lgbt legislation in africa, including in uganda, is sponsored and supported by us conservative christian groups. they have previously worked on similar legislation in ghana and uganda in other parts of the continent. and so this builds on that i wasn't uganda just last week, and there's a lot of concern within the queer community and their allies within civil society organizations and the ways this could be weaponized or abused to affect sexual minorities in the country, and this criticism from human rights watch and other human rights bodies that said, this is using sexual minorities for political capital, christine , it's just it's just so chilling. um i mean, is there a viable opposition at all in the government to this, or is this going to happen. it looks very likely christine that this will happen because this was a build by an opposition mp that had
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bipartisan support people from the government, including the prime minister, the a g said. we support this. it will likely get contested in court, but it's unlikely to stand and the laws of this builds up on his colonial lord british colonial 1950 law that criminalized em the same sex relations and then this has a lot of public support uganda's a deeply christian conservative nation, so this looks like it will happen. all right, larry meadow. thank you so much for that. alright, quick hits around the globe right now at least 13 people have died in pakistan and afghanistan after a 6.5 magnitude earthquake, officials say the quake also triggered landslides in northern pakistan. ecuador opening a terrorism investigation after five journalists received the letter bombs one that went off. nobody was injured, but officials say it's a clear message to silence reporters. saudi arabia releasing a dual saudi us national more than a year after he was arrested for tweets critical of the government, he had been sentenced to 16 years behind bars. all right. just ahead. why
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mercedes benz certified pre owned vehicles are rigorously inspected to live up to the highest of expectations. here's today's fast forward. look ahead , the federal reserve will announce its decision on interest rates today. it's the first time we'll hear from the fed since the collapse of silicon valley bank touched off fears of a global banking crisis . grand jury investigating donald trump for hush money payments to a porn star reconvenes later today. still no word when or if the first ever indictment of a former president could come down. lawyers for jack daniels will argue a federal trademark case before the supreme court today. the tennessee whiskey maker says a dog toy company selling bad spaniels silly squeakers. ripped off its brand. alright colorado . now we're a dentist is accused of fatally poisoning his wife. police say he put arsenic in her protein shakes as cnn's whitney
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wild shows. us investigators also point to his internet searches as evidence. 43 year old angela craig was hospitalized for the third time in a month last week after complaining of a severe headache and dizziness. she was put on a ventilator rapidly declined and was declared brain dead. soon after. my name is dr jim craig, and i practice that summer brooke dental group now police say her husband at colorado dentist killed her by poisoning her with toxic chemicals. he bought online police in aurora, colorado, say 45 year old james tolliver. craig showed intent to end and his wife's life by searching for ways to kill someone undetected by giving her poisons that align with her hospitalized symptoms, investigators say craig, but arsenic as well as potassium cyanide. police laid out a chilling timeline that began march 4th when arsenic was delivered to the craig's home. two days later, angela headed to the hospital, complaining of dizziness and difficulty focusing her eyes symptoms
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consistent with arsenic poisoning. according to the police affidavit, angela texted her husband that day, saying, i feel drugged her husband, james texted back. just for the record . i didn't drug you. investigators say craig used a computer at his dental practice to research poisons. police say his search history showed phrases such as how many grams of pure arsenic will kill a human and top five undetectable poisons that show no signs of foul play. police say around the time angela was hospitalized again from march 9th to march 14th. james craig ordered potassium cyanide online, the highly lethal drug was delivered to his dental practice. so concerned a staff reported what they found. charges are set to be filed formally thursday, while the case has rocked their community just makes me sick, real like something that he could ever do to her. whitney wild cnn, chicago alright
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attorney here now to sports the world baseball classic ends in classic fashion with a pair of superstar teammates facing off with the title on the line. carolyn manno has this morning's bleacher report. good morning, carol. good morning. this is what everybody wanted, right? mike trout team usa against japan and the two way phanom shohei otani. the pair have been teammates with the angels for five years, but this was different and you could feel it. there's a combined for american league mvp awards and 12 all star nods between this pair. but they never played against each other until last night. otani coming in from the bullpen in the ninth inning with a one run lead, we thought he might do that, and trout team usa is last chance representing the time run at the plate with two outs. otani strikes him out swinging queue up the celebration. japan winning a thriller 32 to capture the nation's third wbc title. whether i got him out or he got a hit off me. i don't want to
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make any regrets to make my best pitch. everybody wanted to see it. he won round one. yeah i know it's you can't take it any way from it just to be able to come out of the bullpen, um as a starter and show time. so it's you know, hats off to them guys over there. it was tough, tough night for us, but we'll be back. hopefully no hard feelings with the regular season right around the corner to the nba now where grizzly star john marin was back on the court, practicing with his teammates for the first time since serving that eight game suspension for wielding a gun in a viral social media video earlier this month, the all star guard told reporters. he knows he made poor choices in the past. he vowed to make better decisions moving forward. like i said, take responsibility for your decisions i've made pretty much you know, hurt me to the core. no, not like i said, not only affecting me, but it affects everyone around me. my
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family is organization. my teammates. cause me not to be out there on the floor, which no one thing you know, i love to do the most is, you know, play basketball. elsewhere in the nba scary moment for clippers star paul george last night against the thunder, the 13 year veteran landing awkwardly while bringing down a rebound in the fourth quarter. he was eventually helped off the court by clipper staffers. he's expected to undergo further evaluation later today. to add insult to potential injury. ella ended up losing that game by one. at a long road trip for the celtics, ending on a high note. jayson tatum taking over in the second half of this one, he put up 36 points on sacramento tuesday night. jalen brown, adding 27. this was one of the more critical games for boston against a quality opponent. the king's fighting with memphis for the two seed in the west right now, 1 30 to 1 oh, nine, the final there's boston gets its 50th win for the second straight season. there are five games ahead of last year's pace right now, and quarterback cam newton hasn't played in the nfl since december of 2021, but he thinks
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he has what it takes to make it back into the league. this is the 33 year old throwing in front of scouts at auburn's pro day yesterday, where he won a heisman and national championship. back in the 30th season, he was actually invited to throw by his younger brother , calin, who played two seasons as a wide receiver at auburn before finishing his college career at william and mary. 2015 nfl mvp has run for more touchdowns than any other quarterback in league history and hinted at this christine that he might be trying to get back into the league. but his brother said that it was something that he just did for me and think about if you're an nfl hopeful, and you're on the other end of those passes pretty cool. you looked good, right? real good. alright nice to see you, carolyn manno. thank you coming up on cnn this morning why the us is speeding up the timeline for tanks and patriot missiles to ukraine. and next right here, it's not just you. more companies are intentionally dodging your phone calls. only at vanguard. you're more thann just an investor. you're an owner. that means that your
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alright your roman's numeral this morning 11 home prices falling for the first time in 11 years. first time in 11 years, the median price of a u. s home was 0.2% lower doesn't sound like much right. but that's the first time that has happened in 11 years. regionally prices fell in the west more than 5% the northeast more than 4% but they rose nearly 3% in the south. and 5% in the midwest. alright looking at markets around the world. asian markets are higher this morning. european european stock markets are mixed inflation in the uk jumped by 10.4% in february compared to a year ago and food inflation in the uk hit its highest level in more than 45 years. so inflation still a global headline here on wall street. second x features are barely moving lower. i would call that indecisive. after a bank rebound led stocks higher yesterday on inflation watch a gas prices held steady at 3 44 gallon. everybody is waiting on the fed markets pricing in 87%
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chance the fed will raise the main interest rate by a quarter point with more on the upcoming fed decision. let's bring in rachel siegel, economics reporter at the washington post big day here. the economy has performed strongly since the last fed meeting. you know if you just look at the economy and isolation, it would seem logical the fed would keep raising interest rates, but we have banking turmoil. where do you think the fed comes out here? the markets expecting 25 basis points. there's plenty of people who think the fed should take a time out. it's really just remarkable how much has changed in such a short period of time. the last time that the fed chair spoke publicly, he was talking about those very economic science that you just mentioned. sign that these signs of the economy was heating back up, then maybe they would need more aggressive rate hikes in order to try and tame things down. but then you had this entire baking crisis squeezed in the middle, which has markets saying no, no , they definitely won't go even farther. they maybe we'll settle for a smaller 25 basis point hike, or they'll have to pause altogether. they'll have to acknowledge that there is so
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much chaos out there that there is not yet enough column to say. we're going to keep raising rates and honestly, it's hard to remember a meeting where we're going in saying we could really see either option. i know i mean, i think anything could happen here today and what the fed chief says. i think it's going to be so closely scrutinized here. i mean, there's a big debate if they were to pause that maybe it would send some sort of scary message to investors. it could spend send a scary message to investors that they're worried that there is more turmoil coming in the baking system that they're worried that their moves have a very direct line to causing the kind of tumultuous nous that we've seen in terms of financial stability. it could say that they are still trying to figure out what is happening that they don't feel comfortable moving forward until they have a full picture of what went down over the last two weeks. then again, they don't want to change their message on inflation, either. they don't want to say that they have seen enough progress on that front too. well, they have to be able to walk into gum at the same time, right? they have to be able to fight inflation and with an eye
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to financial stability. so how would a rate hike you think ripple through other small banks? well, it would mean that they basically have to keep charging forward part of the reason that we saw such a disaster with silicon valley bank is that they didn't plan effectively for the rate hikes at the fed had been promising would come for such a long time, and that meant that they weren't able ultimately to handle the rate hikes once our customers came looking for their money, the message then from the fed would be to other banks. we are going to keep doing this. we are not going to slow down, we are not going to pause altogether because we have to get inflation under control, and that is something that you have to prepare for two two. so the treasury secretary yesterday. speaking to the american bankers association, she said this i think, trying to calm these banking concerns. listen. let me be clear. the government's recent actions have demonstrated our resolute commitment to take the necessary steps. to ensure that depositors savings and the banking system remains safe.
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where do you come in on whether the united states government is going to guarantee all deposits here in the near term, if there's another bank failure, do you think that she was suggesting that it's really hard to say honestly. there were so many questions left unanswered by yellen's remarks yesterday. i am not sure if that suggests that those answers are still being debated within the halls of the white house or the treasury department or if we will get some sort of announcement in the coming days. what i do know, though, is that that has had has to happen in tandem with the federal reserve. figuring out what to do we have all of these parts of government trying to decide how to respond to this immediate crisis will also going about the jobs that they were working on to try and control the economy before the shock happened. you know, jay powell has been, you know, criticized for calling inflation transitory and getting into this inflation fight too late just quickly. now he's being criticized as well, because you know the fed overseas. these banks like svb, and maybe should have done a better job. yeah there are a lot of questions about how this was able to
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happen. why? warnings that went out about svb either went and heated or why the protocols that were put in place were not enough to stop this bank failure. you mentioned walking and chewing gum. at the same time. i think you could probably add balancing a basketball and maybe closing your eyes and walking backwards because these are all things that fall under the federal reserve's huge, huge mandate that now are questions that are going to be going to come before its most powerful person this afternoon. yeah, i mean, the other metaphor i've used is juggling. flaming chainsaws. i mean, that's essentially what they're doing with the economy right now, trying to get it right and so dangerous and difficult. rachel siegel. nice to see you. thank you so much. thanks so much right after nearly two years of high inflation cheap is the new premium for shoppers. time to bring in. nathaniel myerson, cnn business reporter so nice to see you across across 11 categories of e commerce, high priced goods are moving, losing or have lost meaningful market share to low cost goods. this is adobe analytics. tell us about this. right, so we're seeing shoppers
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trade down from higher price products to lower price products as a result of inflation, so instead of buying bounty paper towels, we're seeing shoppers switch to cheaper store brand paper towels or instead of expensive cashmere sweaters, just buying basic sweaters. this is happening across the board all 11 categories that adobe tracks online. and not only are shoppers switching the type of goods they're buying, but they're also shopping at cheaper stores. so why wal mart said that it's seen a trade down from higher income shoppers trying to save money at its stores. dollar general, which typically caters to lower income customers, they say that middle income and higher cut higher income customers are trading down. so this trade down effect happening across the board so interesting that inflation now a year into this, it's changing consumer behavior. you know, people are trying to trying to get around it if they can. meanwhile pet owners are particularly squeezed by high inflation, how adoption spiked early in the pandemic about 23 million households
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adopted a pet to keep them company while they were stuck at home. but unfortunately it's proving very costly to take care of a pet inflation on pet food has increased faster than inflation on human food. pet food up 15% in february from a year ago, pet supplies up 11% and vet services. is also up about 10.5% so pet owners they're having to make some difficult tradeoffs. they're buying fewer toys for their pets , switching from natural and organic foods to just kind of basic foods and, in some cases, even returning their pets to the shelter if they can't afford them. economic indicator. it really is all right. if you have customer service complaints, good luck. getting somebody on the phone companies are actually trying to make it harder to get in touch with him. companies do not want to hear you on the phone, christine. so we see frontier airlines, the budget airline. they've ended their lives call option. other companies like breeze. airlines facebook, risi, the reservation
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platform. amazon those companies either don't have phone numbers or make it just about impossible for you to find their phone numbers, and that's a way to save money there. they're reducing costs instead of the live phone operator, uh, they want you to just tweet at them. so when you have when you have an issue if you need to change your flight, you can't call anybody but you can scream into the void on twitter. okay, well, that's that's aggravating. alright. nice to see you, daniel morrison. thank you so much. right ahead on cnn this morning . new legal developments in both the classified documents and the hush money cases involving donald trump. and doctors struggling to find prostate cancer medications for their patients. a ah! no. two dreamame the e same. but there is one va. equipped to handle them all. for
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longoria searching for mexico premiere sunday at 10 on cnn. alright are top of the morning. the top tv shows right now. she's not like everybody else. she knows what we're thinking, and she gives it a knee. she's a goddess swarm is number one topping rotten tomatoes most popular list. here's number two up, right? other purpose than any of us could have ever imagined. still riding the buzz of a great first season number three. be careful who you put enemies. threatened by your mere existence. whole world to be after you. that's a shadow and bone from netflix, california's latest atmospheric river, unleashing torrential rains, powerful winds, killing at least one person when a tree crushed a van more than 465,000 people lost power in the bay area alone tuesday. the winds are so strong some power lines snapped in
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half. in san bernardino, a driver pulled to safety when his suv was stuck in a flooded creek. and higher up crestline residents writing a message in the snow, pleading for help. let's go to meteorologist chad myers. from what i understand is it's still not over chad. not over yet. i mean, probably three or four o'clock this afternoon, things will begin to die off. but look at these numbers. these are very low elevation wins yesterday from the oakland airport, 74 mph. i mean, that is that's not good. you don't land planes in there. a lot of planes got diverted to sacramento and other places around there. winds are still today 45 to 50. but here's some pictures from what those winds really did. and i know you mentioned over 400,000 people without power for a while. this morning. it's down to 1 75. so these men and women got your power lines up. now if you're going to be at a long time, and many people are because there's some smaller outages that's gonna take a long time. maybe a week to get back up. but as soon as the weather
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got better, they were in those bucket trucks and they were back to get your power up. hopefully you're watching. this morning we will see some snow in the rockies will take that ski resorts ready for spring breakers. here's the rain still for today. still three or four o'clock we're going to see the showers. through southern california. l a all the way down even toward 29 palms will see showers in places that typically don't get it this time of year, certainly through the desert, many areas here again in the sierra, a foot of snow or more. this is going to have to melt and go downhill and we're worried about that. unbelievable it's just been what a ride for california alright, nice to see you. chad myers. thank you so much. thank you for joining me. i'm christine romans, cnn this morning starts right now. good morning, everyone. we are so glad you're with us on cnn tv that like came so too. but, yes , we're here and here are the you are the five things back. by the way. i feel so


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