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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  October 17, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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will they jot vote no after no? they say ultimately they will come to hid side and he will be elected as speaker of the house later on tonight. >> just a reminder. he doesn't have the votes but he is the one that called for this vote. he is the one forcing this display of chaos, right? >> reporter: yeah. he wanted it. before he indicated he would only go to the floor if he had 217 votes when he put himself up in a secret ballot election to replace kevin mccarthy. he lost that secret ballot collection to steve scalise who ultimately bowed out antididn't want to go to the floor because he didn't have the votes. he wants to force this and get these members to come along to his side so that is the question. will they ultimately do that or stand firm against jim jordan and push for another candidate
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and can another candidate get 217 votes and this is a huge question as the leaderless house. >> he is using other to pressure the members of congress to vote for him. >> yeah. that is exactly right. that is the hope that, ultimately that these members will come to his side. expect there could be breaks in between each of these votes. we will see exactly how this plays out but a lot of uncertainty at the moment but there could be meetings that happen to try to pick off these members one-by-one. we will see if they decide to recess longer a few hours or maybe come back the next day. we will see. they hope they can eventually get the members by tonight to come their way and perhaps that pressure campaign they believe will get them to come to their side. one said i will close out entirely if they pressure him. we expect him to vote for steve scalise on the floor and not jim
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jordan. >> dana, what are you hearing? >> i want to underscore, based on some reporting that i'm doing, one of the aspects of jordan's challenge. that is something that is so fundamental and it is the 2020 election. i spoke to one of the republican lawmakers who is a holdout. one of those is having one-on-one meetings with jim jordan as jordan tries to get votes one-by-one. the ask by this member who i spoke to was really simple. will you go out and say publicly that donald trump lost the election? and jim jordan could not say, yes, i will do that. and that is an example of some of these conversations. again, so fundamental that are happening behind the scenes. yes, there are lots of different factors in some of the holdouts. most of them are moderates and most of them are those who come from biden districts, meaning districts where joe biden won in 2020 and they are republicans who are trying to grapple with
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the notion of being very vulnerable in the general election but vulnerable in the short-term if they don't vote for jim jordan in the primary. of all of those aspects and factors, one of those fundamentals that is in 2023 still something that jim jordan won't say which is that donald trump lost more than three years ago, is a factor we should keep in mind and that is according to a source i spoke to who will have a vote and is really interested in jordan saying that. >> very fascinating. dana bash, thanks so much. let's discuss with my panel here. you see the members of congress on the floor of the house there. kasie hunt, akin to saying can you go out there and say that nasa actually landed a man on the moon, that the moon landing wasn't faked? can you go out there and say
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barack obama was born in hawaii ennot in africa? he is not able to do it. jim jordan, in all likelihood, not able to stay a fact, a fact that is ripping apart -- the denial of which is ripping apart this country. >> the beginning of this trend we had seen in our politics of denying the things that you very much outlined. it's just so incredibly telling that jim jordan doesn't feel he can do that in public, right? >> i don't even know if he believes it. you're giving him the benefit of the doubt that -- >> in saying -- >> why do you -- >> i guess true if you listen to what he says it's impossible to know what he believes. i have had enough conversations with other republicans in private that is teams like they pretty much know what is going on but they have to tell their base of voters something else. >> think about what she just said. we don't know what he believes. how do you lead if anybody knows or trusts what you believe. how do you lead people. the reason we are where we are
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is that most of them are from very safely republican drawn districts they can say anything and deny the 2020 election. tuesday comes after monday. donald trump lost the election. the world is round. the climate is in crisis. donald trump lost the election in 2020. they won't say it because they don't have to because they go home to safe districts. can jim jordan get enough of them? he is everything that trump base loves. he will say anything. he will smear anyone. he will throw innuendo and cherry pick facts and everything that has cost the republicans dearly. nancy pelosi was the house speaker. 2022, more of a mixed bag depending where you look in the country but the republican performance in the suburbs the last in middle cycles. people who think and pay attention who believe donald trump lost the election have moved away from the party. will they make as their leader someone who doesn't know what he believes but he is willing to
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say whatever it takes. >> what is interesting, the person who is pushing this issue is one of the most conservative members of the house republican conference. it is congressman ken buck, republican of colorado, who is one of the most conservative members but he is behind the scenes challenging scalise and jordan. where are you on the 2020 election? because he just accepts the facts. he is very conservative on fiscal issues. i'm sure a lot of democrats would disagree with him on any number of issues. he just wants jordan to acknowledge that joe biden won fair and square and he won't do it. >> right. ken buck, heaven forbid, you give the straight and honest answer on this. i also want to add to what john just said. there is one other person who wants jim jordan here and that is, obviously, donald trump, who
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has endorsed him. we do not know yet how much behind the scenes he is leaning on people whipping for him. but let's keep in mind something very important about jim jordan. he is the single person who spoke to trump throughout the lead-up to january 6th. he was his ally. he wanted to find a way to overturn the 2020 election. >> let's listen in. >> actually, let's not listen in. okay. one of the other things that is interesting about jim jordan becoming this member of the republican establishment in recent days -- >> say that again. -- is that until recently, he was very much a thorn in the side of the establishment. in fact, this is an uncomfortable word to use given recent events in israeli -- but republican house speaker john boehner, a fellow buckeye
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referred to jim jordan as a, quote, legislative terrorist because he only tears things down and doesn't build things. it is true i don't think jim jordan has much of a legislative record. that is putting it charitableably. now he is out judiciary chairman. >> the jim jordan arrival in congress elected in 2006 and sworn in in 2007. if he can swing the final votes, he becomes speaker, jake. you see in jordan, he comes in, the tea party starts getting traction. he becomes a co-founder of the caucus. trump's arrival and takeover of
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the party gives jim jordan more fuel. look what kevin mccarthy did to become speaker. he embraced jim jordan and brought jim jordan into this moment to make him chairman of the committee. the biggest outsider may be on the precipice of being speaker of the house. >> lauren fox is on capitol little to give us an update what is going on. >> reporter: right now, they have begun the roll call vote. this is the first opportunity to see the full attendance of the house of representatives. what we understand from our team's reporting is that democrats have full attendance today and that republicans are missing one member this afternoon. that is significant because it lowers the threshold of how many votes jim jordan could lose on the floor from four to three. so that is why this role call is so important. it probably will take 15 minutes and then they will begin the actual vote for the house speaker. this is a procedural motion but it is, obviously, a very
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important step that they are taking on the house floor right now before they begin that roll call vote for the speaker of the house. >> all right. lauren fox, thank you so much. it is remarkable just on its face, kasie hunt. >> yeah. >> that they are voting on a jim jordan when you think about the role he played on january 6th. >> oh, yes. >> all of the calls, that donald trump made to him and all of the answers he refused to give the bipartisan committee that was investigating january 6th, the subpoenas he defied. then as house judiciary committee chairman, he would issue subpoenas without even acknowledge of the fact he had refused to acknowledge subpoenas from a congressionally authorized committee. >> we probably won't know the full extent of his involvement. i go back to the moment on the house floor that day where he
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walked up to liz cheney, then a member of congress, and seemed -- i don't know if he was trying to be a gentleman or what. try to help her get away from a violent mob at the door. you know? a gunshot went off and a woman killed through the course of it. liz cheney pulls herself away and said you eef'ing did this. >> i don't think she said that. >> i won't say exactly what she said. not only was jim jordan -- you know, he played a role in what we saw unfold that day beyond just kind of watching it and saying after the fact, you know, excusing it after the fact. >> any minute, we will see action on the house floor when lawmakers put jim jordan's name into nomination for speaker of the united states house of representatives. that name will be nominated.
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he'll be nominate by kwan stefanik. the world is crying out for a functioning u.s. legislative branch and israeli is trying to find a war, right now a war without an american package. stay with us. welcome back t
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coverage. you're looking at the house floor live where, in just a few minutes, lawmakers are expected to vote on a new house speaker. tomorrow, president biden makes a trip to warn-torn israeli as they get fear for a war against terror group hamas. sara, you saw some rockets over there in tel aviv. what is going on? >> reporter: almost every night and certainly in parts of israeli, you are seeing these
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rockets. just a few minutes ago, we had a few come over our way and the iron dome, as it normally does, was able to intercept them and you hear those big loud sort of booms that come from the sky. that is actually a good sound in israeli because it means that the rockets have been taken out and rendered them not vous any more. we also heard today from the first family who has seen a video of their daughter who is now a hostage in gaza. it was a very first time that they found out that she was alive when hamas put that video out on social media. that was a tearful and difficult moment for everyone to view. a domother seeing her daughter injured and her arm looked as if it had been broken potentially from a gunshot wound but the first time she saw her aallive,o
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some relief there. jeremy diamond is in jerusalem for us. president biden is leaving for israeli today, jeremy. we saw secretary of state blinken here and also trying to make maneuvers to try and help those in gaza, the civilians who are stuck. it's going to be a really tough task for president biden as well. how to sort of balance the unconditional support that he has already pledged for israeli, with easing the humanitarian crisis that is getting worse by the hour in gaza. what do you know about his plans when he gets here to israeli, jeremy? >> reporter: yeah, right. this is going to be a visit that is going to be with show of solidarity with president biden standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the prime minister netanyahu and with his war cabinet. also, of course, the practical complications of what a presidential visit to this country in this moment ahead of
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a potential ground invasion with this ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. we also know that on the symbolic aspect this is about that deterrence we have been hearing from the white house so much about in these last several days. you can really put the president's visit right in line with the other steps that his administration has taken, sending two aircraft carrier strike groups to the region, putting those 2,000 marines and sailors on high alert for potential deployment. all of those kind of part and parcel of the same message of deterrence. two countries like iran and other bad actors in the region not to take advantage of this war between israeli and hamas and not to allow this conflict to evolve into a broader regional issue.
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what will the president differ in terms of asaging the humidity situation in gaza? we know american officials are working to get humanitarian aid into gaza and american citizens out. of course, also this question of hostages. 20 of whom are believed to be american citizens. there will be any kind of deal and anything in the works for the president to get them out? we will see as the president heads to israeli first and amman, jordan, to mean with arab leaders in the area as well. >> reporter: so many difficulty choices have to be made as the president shows up here, not only for prime minister netanyahu but also for president biden. thank you for your reporting on what is to come and what has already happened in this country. dana, i want to toss it back to you. i cannot help but say this and i probably shouldn't but it is difficult from our vantage point
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here in israeli to see the dysfunction that is happening back there in the united states when there is a real crisis here, a war going on here, to see things just unfolding the way they are where congress can't get it together in the united states. it is quite disappointing. >> that sentiment is not just coming abroad but coming inside the united states capitol from members on both sides of the aisle. very deep frustrating with the dysfunction bought us to this moment. two weeks without a formal speaker of the house. as we are looking at the house floor, we should tell our viewers that what we are looking at is a roll call effectively to get everybody in to the house chamber and, most importantly, to let everybody know who is going to be there and how many votes there will be and that will help determine what a majority actually is. as we look at that and wait for this roll call vote to be
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completed, i want to bring in my panel here with me. doug, i start with you, because when i was covering capitol hill full-time, you, for a a while, was working inside the house republican leadership. you certainly never witnessed anything like this but it certainly you've been involved in some of the tumult in the past and nothing like we are seeing now. i know you're in touching with some people on the floor. what are you hearing? >> one, they have never been in this situation either. you covered a lot of what is called opening day of congress and celebratory days and people bring their children on the house floor. >> this is not the that day. >> there is nervousness and cautious optimism and cautious that jordan will get through if not a first vote but a second vote. what is important is the alphabet. not the no votes early on jordan
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but you remember the john boehner 2013 election very well. blackburn not present and we were nervous because parlor games going on within and outside of the chamber. that would happen here as well. >> she said in her office to bring the threshold down to make it easier for boehner to win did you. >> once it was clear that john boehner was clear to win, here we are, fully supportive. >> scott, you are close with the leader on the other side of the capitol, mitch mcconnell. you worked for him. what is idoes this tell you whe the republican party is right now? jim jordan made his name as flame-thrower and disrupter and now the guy trying to convince enough of his fellow republicans he is mr. unity? >> it's interesting. two things come to mind for me. one is the nature of the job
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changing. if he gets it, essentially, he has been a television personality for most republicans. that is why he has such a large natural following because of his appearances on fox news. he is not known on the hill as governing tactician. he is also not a political tactician. kevin mccarthy, he came from the political mechanics he operated behind the scenes, including fund-raising and not the jordan brand either. he is a messaging guy and what he does and he does it on television and one of the on-message. it's changing nature of the job. you contrast of what you get in the senate. they are not talking heads and/or legislators second. they are legislators first. the way they approach the contrast of the leadership if they go with jordan is fascinating because all of these guys have to get in a room pretty soon and keep the government open and something jordan is telling people he
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wants to do, he is not a part of the group that wants to shut it down. >> remarkable given what he was not even ten years ago. ashley, you are the democrat here. and i am hearing from democrats who are focused on 2024 and taking back the house, that they would be just fine. hang on. >> reporter: if he falters, would you be -- you make a comeback? >> [ inaudible ]. >> manu? it's dana, manu. if you can hear me, i know you just were speaking to kevin mccarthy who was ousted two weeks ago. did he tell anything how he thinks this is going to go? okay. he can't hear me. welcome to live tv where we have a lot of drama and we don't know how things are going to go. >> by the way, i know he was talking to kevin mccarthy. you still hear from some members of this conference, this idea that if this all falls apart,
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there is a few people that still say maybe we can get kevin back. >> like mike lawler. consti maybe they don't want jim jordan but maybe use the notion of jordan who they are calling mr. mega against the moderate republicans who they need to beat to get the house back? >> yeah, well, when you think about this vote and what people are looking at in the speakers, there is the actual governing factor. we have to keep the government open. we are in a world where we see the conflict in israeli and gaza, the was are ir in ukraine need to support and aren't able to do that because the republicans are not functioning and able to elect somebody to actually lead. on the other side, scott, i agree with you. jim jordan is a message per. what is the message is in the results of the 2020 election
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were not real? he started the freedom caucus. he was the precursor to donald trump. it's not false for democrats to say that he is the extreme magna candidate and will he governor in that way? if so, in 2024 it makes it easy for democrats to potentially get back some of those seats because not what americans want right now. they are frustrated with the nonsense on capitol hill. >> stand by. manu can hear me now. what did kevin mccarthy tell you? >> reporter: i asked him about whether or not he believes that jim jordan should continue to go ballot after ballot as he did -- kevin mccarthy did himself back in january. he said he believes that he should and he believes he should continue to fight it out. he says essentially, you know, this is different than january because the rules have changed and the likes. he thinks he can actually get there by fighting it out on the house floor. he also indicated that he is encouraging his supporters to
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actually vote for jim jordan in a matter of moments. we do expect that handful of members will vote for mccarthy here on the floor of the house. there is some hope among those handful of mccarthy supporters in the republican conference that he could make a comeback bid and could run again if jordan falters. i tried to ask him about that. he didn't exactly address that question. mccarthy is endorsing jim jordan but if he were to mount a comeback bid if jordan falls short of the 217 votes he needs, mccarthy, himself, is also short of those 217 votes because of what we have seen over the last two weeks. eight republicans who voted to out of the him are showing no signs of reinstating him in that position here. for the moment, mccarthy encouraging jordan to fight it out and what we are hearing from our sources that is exactly what jim jordan is going to do, fight ballot after ballot and hope he gets there today. the question is will those republicans who are voting for kevin mccarthy will they
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ultimately vote for jordan? we don't know the answer and it will play out in minutes from here. >> thank you for that report. i believe we have former republican congressman adam kinsinger with us who is now a cnn contributor. congressman, i really want to get your thoughts on this notion of jim jordan potentially going to be the 56th speaker of the house of representatives by the ends of the day. you are not a big fan of jim jordan. i think that is probably fair to say. talk about it from your perspective as one of two republicans on the january 6th select committee, in particular, given, i don't know if you heard my reporting earlier, but one of the hold-outs, republican hold-out asked him to publicly say that donald trump lost the election in 2020 and he declined to do so. >> yeah. i mean, look. this is incredible because -- yes, his role on january 6th, he
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was really the spearhead in the house of this. when donald trump had his, you know, meeting at the -- with the department of justice officials and he said, just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the republican congress. so what donald trump wanted was doj to put a stamp of doubt on the election, to use their official stamp to do that. then he and the republican congressman would do the rest to exploit that mi tstrust. he was speaking with jim jordan. i think jim jordan has passed almost nothing, if anything at all. almost nothing has been signed into law. he is a true believer, dana, the other side, the democrats are evil. he doesn't say that metaphorically. he truly believes you have to defeat the democrats with liberals by any means necessary and they are close to giving him the speaker's gavel. this is a worrisome thing for
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our country. look. it only takes four or five republican members of the house of representatives to be heros and literally change the future of this country and this world. you look at ukraine and you look at israeli, he would be terrible on both. and why somebody, dana, like mike rogers, who was very clearly, i will never vote for jim jordan and collapsed just 12 hours later in a heap of jim jordan support, why he didn't get at least jim jordan to believe to bring ukraine aid to the floor. it's like these guys have all of the leverage in the world and the idea that fox news sean hannity's booker reached out to them and now they are scared to death. i think enough to deny jordan on the first round. my personal hope is they stick it out. >> my reporting and that of certainly of our team is that a lot of these moderates who you were eluding to this, don't usually hear from some conservatives, not only in conservative media, but those who help raise money and have
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voices, influencers, if you will, and they are worried about a primary and losing a primary, never mind, the long-term general election, particularly swing district republicans, like you were. so what is your message to them? >> can i just say as somebody who has been -- i faced this and i had to make a decision to basically end my career to do the right thing, it's well worth it. like you get -- you know, everybody goes into congress saying i'm going to go in and do the right thing, i am going to stand alone if i need to. then, all of a sudden, that fear of a primary is enough to frighten them away. this is as almost big in my mind of a moment as standing up against january 6th was for these members. listen. the job of congress pays $174,000 a year. it's not a terrible salary. you got to travel all the time. it's actually really hard. the idea that it's the best job
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in the world and you have to actually sell out what you believe to keep it? it's just fear. it's fear paralyzing members of congress and if you're somebody that gets paralyzed by fear, fear of a eefing primary? then you probably should find a different line of work because we need brave people in the house of representatives. look. i'm trying to put on my analyst hat here a little bit but, at the same time, emotionally i'm so invested in this because jim jordan, i truly believe, would be the worst pick of the speaker of house as anybody in the house of representatives maybe except matt gaetz. >> wow! a big statement. don't go anywhere. we will be back to you as the day goes on. please don't go anywhere. we are looking at the house floor, house members are gathering in order to have a vote very soon on the next speaker of the house of representatives. will it be jim jordan? stay with us. from chrome to duckduckgo.
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that congressman jim jordan will need to clench the speakership. once they figure out who is there, they finish up, then we expect to see the beginning of the nominating speeches. we learned minutes ago that congresswoman elise sta stefan will initiate him. we do not know if congressman jim jordan will win on the first ballot. fountain six remain holdouts, what happens next? do you think on the second ballot he will pick up votes? >> that is jim jordan's hope. he is vowing to continue fighting this thing out on the floor and going as many rounds as it takes. jake, there is a potential risk here for jim jordan. some of his supporters have not committed to voting for him on multiple rounds of ballots like they did for kevin mccarthy in january. garcia told me he will see and if he is at a breaking point and
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not making progress, people will start to peel off at some point. french hill was noncommittal when i asked him if he would continue to back jordan through multiple rounds of voting. that signals to me that some of jim jordan's support is soft and that he is at risk of leaving some supporters the longer this drags on. jordan's camp is supporters if he can't get as many supporters as kevin mccarthy did on his first round, 201 republicans, he is in good shape. >> it worked that was for mccarthy but for steve scalise, it went the other way. the more counting went the more votes eroded. >> reporter: only are backing jordan tepidly. they say we will give him a shot because he is the no mminee.
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he did not have a lot of die-hard supporters in the centrist wing of the party. if he starts to lose support you can see some of them start to jump ship. >> melanie, thank you. manu, you have breaking news. what is up? >> i just talked to a member who was on the house floor and he told me that there is an urgent discussion happening right now on the house floor to try to get those holdouts, those members who are expected to vote against jim jordan, and have them vote present on the floor. not for a candidate but present. why would that help? that could lower the threshold that jordan ultimately needs to become speaker. the way the votes go down right now, they consider a ma-- victo a majority of those voting for a specific candidate. if someone votes present, that lowers the threshold. if there is the right balance of members who vote present, perhaps that can help jordan
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ultimately become elected here and a reason why this vote is held open so long. the simple call of the house being open. let's listen. >> members have recorded their presence. next order of business is the election of speaker of the house of representatives for the 118th congress. nominations are now in order. the chairman now recognizes the general woman from new york miss stefanik. >> mr. speaker pro tem, madam clerk, colleagues opinion on behalf of the house republican conference, i rise to do to nominate the gentleman from ohio jim jordan as speaker of the people's house. we are at a time of great crisis across america.
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a time of historic challenges in this very chamber, and a time when heinous acts of terror and evil have been committed against our great ally israeli. as this body convenes for the sacred responsibility to elect the next speaker of the people's house, i am reminded of the book of esther. for such a time is this, jim jordan will be america's speaker for such a time as this. a time when hard working american families are struggling under the vice of inflation and not able to afford groceries, heat, or gas, because of the trill i don't know these of reckless spending by failed farp l dr left government. a time when violent crime is
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skyrocketing across america, destroying our great cities, suburbs, and small towns where people no longer feel safe in their homes or in their communities. a time when american energy production has been crushed by joe biden's radical failed far left policies causing people to pay more at the pump and struggle with skyrocketing utility bills. a time when the federal government is weaponized against, we, the people, who they are supposed to serve. stripping us of our god-given constitutional rights and wrongfully targeting conservatives, catholics, and even parents at school board meetings. and a time when the people of our closest and most precious ally israeli suffered the bloodiest day since the holocaust was acts of inhumane efficiently committed by terrorists backed by iran.
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grotesque atrocities. the beheadings of babies. rapes, kidnappings and slaughter of women, children, and the elderly. and israelis and americans taken hostage. we are here in this very chamber for such a time as this. jim jordan will be, we, the people, speaker for such a time as this. our friend and colleague jim jordan is a patriot. he is an american first warrior who wins the toughest of fights. going after corruption and delivering accountable at the highest levels of government on behalf of, we, the people. jim is the voice of the american people who have felt voiceless for far too long. whether as judiciary chairman, conservative leader, or representative for his constituents in west central ohio, whether on the wrestling mat or in the committee room, jim jordan is strategic, scrappy, tough, and principled! he is a mentor, a worker, and,
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above all, he is a fighter. the american people know, we know that jim jordan is a winner on behalf of the american people! almost ten years ago, many of us sat with our colleague jim jordan in this very chamber. when prime minister netanyahu delivered his historic joint address, which some of our colleagues across the aisle shamefully boycotted. b.b. pointed out in this very chamber, we serve under the watchful gaze of moses. he said, quote, overlooking all of us in this chamber is the image of moses and before the people of israeli entered the land of israeli, moses gave us a message that is steeled our resolve for thousands of years. be strong and resolute, neither fear nor dread them. he went on to say, my friends, may israeli and america always stand together strong and resolute. may we neither fear nor dread
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the challenges ahead, may we face the future with confidence, strength, and hope. end quote. on behalf the american people, let's face the future with confidence, strength, and hope. let's elect jim jordan, our speaker of the people's house for such a time as this. i yield back . >> the chair now recognizes the gentleman from california. >> mr. speaker pro tem with great respect for this institution is chairman of the democratic caucus, i am directed by the vote of that caucus to present for election to the office of the speaker of the house of representatives the name of the honorable hakeem jeffries and proud of crown heights and a representative
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from the state of new york . >> mr. speaker pro tem, this is not the history we wanted to make here in the house. it's something that none of us imagined when we were sworn in to this office. we are here because the house has been thrown into chaos. we are here because this hallowed chamber has been led to a breaking point by two dangerous forces -- extremism and partisanship. the american people place their faith in us to tackle their most pressing issues, lowering costs, growing the middle class, and standing up to those set on delivering a national abortion ban. the choice before us is simple.
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come together on a bipartisan path toward or take us over the cliff and ban us from getting things done or triple down on division division and dysfunction. a vote today to make the architect of a nationwide abortion ban, a vocal election denier, and an insurrection would be a terrible message to our country and our allies. mr. speaker, it would send a more troubling message to our enemies that the very people who would seek to undermine democracy are rewarded with positions of immense power. we are talking about someone who has spent his entire career
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trying to hold our country back, putting our national security in danger, attempting government shutdown after government shutdown, wasting taxpayer dollars on baseless investigations with dead-ends and offering the very bill that would ban abortion nationwide without exceptions, and inciting violence on this chairman. even leaders of his own party have called him a legislative terrorist. he once said, quote, i didn't come to congress to make more laws. his words speak for themselves. when new yorkers recovering from hurricane sandy needed congress to act, he said no. when wildfires ravaged the west and they needed disaster assistant for those rresidents, he said no. when the mississippi river floods devastated the south and they needed congress to act, he said no.
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. >> when our veterans were suffering from disease and dying as a result of service to our country and congress passed a bipartisan solution, he said no. when our ally in ukraine looked to congress for additional support to help defeat putin, he said no. and just before hamas' brutal terrorist attack on israel, he said no to fully funding military aid for our ally. this body is debating elevating a speaker nominee who has not passed a single bill in 16 years. these are not the actions -- these are not the actions of someone interested in governing or bettering the lives of everyday americans. this is nothing less than the rejection of the oath that we swore to uphold, as duly elected members of this body. but, on this side of the aisle and throughout this chamber, i'm convinced our oath still
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matters. to fulfill our obligations to the american people, we have no choice today but to vote for a leader of both character and conviction. when the congress first began, he -- we proudly stood next to him as our leader and made a promise to every american. house democrats would work to find common ground on the issues that matter most to the american people, whenever possible. that would -- that we would stand up to extremism whenever necessary. only hakeem jeffries can be trusted to keep his word. only hakeem jeffries can lead us out of the chaos and towards a path of governance. it brings me immense pride to nominate our friend, the democratic leader hakeem jeffries as speaker.
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. >> he may just be the candidate with the most votes, but he is also the candidate with the most credibility. if the goal is to continue a 30-year march to hallow out our democratic institutions, weaken our democracy and embolden extremists, there's a candidate for you. if the goal is to continue taking marching orders from a twice impeached, former president, with more than 90 pending felony charges, then there is a candidate for you. the world is watching, mr. speaker pro tem. our allies in ukraine and israel are watching. and waiting. so let's -- so let's have this vote, but let's be clear, a vote for the gentleman from ohio is a vote to turn your back on national security. it's a vote to turn your back on a bipartisan path to fund the government and avoid shutdowns,
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something we can only do if we reject his nomination. house democrats are in the minority. we realize that. if house republicans wanted to elect a speaker without us, then they could have. there is still a path forward for both democrats and republicans to come together to elect a speaker who can unite us behind a common purpose, keeping the government open on a bipartisan compromise that won more than 300 votes just four months ago in this chamber. taking an up or down vote on help so israel can defeat hamas and ukraine can defeat putin, and reassuring the american people that their legislators have their backs. it's that simple, mr. speaker, and we can do it today. let's work together, let's elect a speaker who will reach out, a hand of bipartisanship and deliver for the american people. that is why once again, mr. speaker pro tem, i'm proud to nominate hakeem jeffries for speaker. and yield back .
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>> the gentleman yields back. the gentleman yields back. the names of the honorable jim jordan representative from the state of ohio and the honorable hakeem jeffries, a representative from the state of new york, have been placed in nomination. are there further nominations? 66 there being no further nominations the chair appoints the following tellers the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. style, the gentleman from new york, mr. morelli, the jenman from georgia m lauder milk, the gentle woman from alabama, miss seoul, the tellers will come
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forward and take their seats by the desk in front of the speaker.
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>> way. . we are waiting for a roll call street begin and we will be dropping in and out to look at key votes of house republicans that we are watching. we believe that congressman jim jordan can only afford to lose three house republicans. any more than that, and he will be denied the speakership on this first vote. we will have the roll call vote begin any moment and we will dip into the voting pretty quickly with congressman don bacon of nebraska who is a no vote on jordan. he has said. and represents a district that president biden won, a swing district in omaha, nebraska, and he has said he doesn't want to reward the hardlinerwho have
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created this mess to begin with. he's going to vote for former speaker mccarthy on the first ball ballot and take it one and a time. that will come fairly early. john king, what are you looking for. >> to see if they vote no or present. the first thing, is there tweaking of the math, if you will, some arm twisting convinced people to stay in their office and not vote or come to the floor and vote present. as you mentioned we get two pretty quick out of the box, bacon and buck. two different men. bacon has to run in a competitive district carried by biden. a conservative but more of a centrist conservative. ken buck came to congress as a tea party guy. they're principled men who know that joe biden won the last election and who are governing conservatives. they're governing conservatives who want to do stuff and they're tired of what they consider the clown car show in their caucus. the question is, you know, can jim jordan his colleagues use the term bully, tell people we need to have a speaker by the end of today so give it up?
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we'll know if they give it up and vote present instead of no. >> it's not about moderates versus conservatives anymore, right. it's about people willing to go along with the election lie and aren't. don bacon is a conservative republican but not willing to allow about the election. >> let's listen in. >> house come to order. the roll will now be called and those responding to their names will indicate by sir name the nominee of their choosing. the clerk will call the roll. >> adams. jeffries. aderholt. jordan. aguilar. jeffries. alford. >> jim jordan. >> jordan.
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allen. >> jordan. >> jordan. >> allred. jeffries. amodei. jordan. armstrong. jordan. arrington. jordan. auchincloss. jeffries. babin. jordan. bacon. mccarthy. baird. >> there it is. that was congressman don bacon, republican of nebraska, not voting present, voting for kevin mccarthy. ths


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