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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  February 21, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PST

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guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, hill's house, >> the designers like your heart racing, had inside a prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash in a sales at up to 70% or today >> tonight on 360 breaking news, the witness house republicans have for months been saying holds the key to what they call the biden crime family now says he got his dirt on hunter biden from russian intelligence. also, house speaker mike johnson, turning up at mar-a-lago with the house in recess, ukraine, funding in limbo, russian troops retaking territory in that country and trump comparing himself to alexey navalny, we're keeping them honest. and later 11 year-old texas girl missing since she left for school. thursday has been found. the news though who is tragic and an arrest may be imminent we begin with the breaking news, which have allegations in a new court filing are true, suggests that russia is again tampering with a presidential election. indicted x fbi informant at the center of the house, republican
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biden probe saying that the made-up dirt he got on hunter biden came from russian intelligence now, keep in mind this is the person who republicans have been using to largely justified their investigation into the biden family. details. now from cnn's evan perez, who starts us off tonight. so evan, explain this all stems from a new court filing from the special case counsel, david weiss. what exactly is he saying about this informant and russian intelligence? >> well, anderson, this filing really raises the prospect that what this has all been about is a russian disinformation operation. and what they're saying is that alexander smirnoff who is who was an fbi informant for about ten years, that he received some of this information that he's been trafficking against hunter biden, against joe biden, that he got some of that information from russian intelligence that he's been associated with for a number of years. i'll read you just a part of what the filing says this is a filing from david weiss to special counsel. he says that during
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his custodial interview when he was arrested in las vegas last week, anderson smirnoff admitted that officials associated russian intelligence were involved in passing a story about hunter biden that's business person one who is identified there in the in that court filing. now smirnoff is the guy who has been telling people since 2020 that there was this scheme by burisma, people associated with burisma, which is a ukrainian energy company to pay bribes, $5 million a piece to hunter biden and to joe biden in exchange for getting favors from the us government at the time, joe biden was vice president on during the obama administration, according to the fbi, none of that is true. i understood what do you as officials say in the court filing about about how all this could relate to the 2024 election >> well, what they're saying is that this has as much to do with 2020 as 2024. i'll read you again just a part of this filing, they say that smirnoff
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efforts to spread misinformation about a candidate of one of the two major major parties in the united states continues, they say they misinformation he is spreading is not confined to 2020, that he's actively pedaling new lies that could impact us elections after meeting with russian intelligence officials in november, they were arguing anderson that he should remain detained during the time and that this case proceeds. he's facing two charges right now. one of them is lying to the fbi and the other is falsifying documents. >> and is it clear why the judge decided to release this guy >> the judge said that despite the political ramifications, that's not really relevant. to the detention of this, of this defendant. so what he's done is he's agreed to release smirnoff with a couple of restrictions, including that he has to surrender his passport. he's got a us, an israeli passports. he is also going to have a gps monitoring, but
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these charges, anderson are in los angeles where he previously lived david weiss, we should note, is bringing this case. he's also bringing two separate cases against hunter biden, one of them in los angeles on tax related issues, and another one in delaware for his possession of a firearm. so those cases are all now proceeding a pace at the same time. >> and is it clear when smirnoff i mean, when did the fbi figure out he was lying and because i mean, the eu said he's been he's been an agent of theirs or a source of their and informative. there's for ten years or so. i mean, did they trust this guy? >> they did and look informants are like this, right? there's there's always there's always a little bit of a mass that comes with some of these informants because of who they are associated with the reason why they have what they are informants is that the fbi believes that they are associating with intelligence people overseas, and that they
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have information. now, it's upon the fbi is incumbent upon the fbi. and the justice department to assess these peoples to see what their stories are and whether they can believe them and so the question anderson tonight is for david weiss, who certainly has had some of this information since 2020. and the fbi is what did they do to assess that, to figure out whether what he was saying was bunk or whether it was true. and so according to the court documents, the fbi last year asked weiss to start taking a look at this. so the question is, why did not happen earlier? certainly if you're joe biden and hunter biden and you've had to deal with these allegations for a couple of beers. i think it's very, very important for them to understand why these lies were these, what the fbi says. now, our allies, why they're allowed to live out there for so long, anderson 100 biden's legal team is now saying that this may have impacted the doing away with
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the plea agreement that they had. >> right. if you remember that court that court proceeding last summer where the plea deal collapsed, one of the things that happened was a prosecutor said that they were still investigating hunter biden for foreign lobbying allegations. and what hunter biden's attorneys today said is that they believed that had to do with smirnoff is allegations. we don't know if that's exactly true. again important questions for david weiss and his team to sort of answer. certainly in the next few months why? that was the case. >> evan perez, thanks so much. knows we mentioned republicans have treated this informants allegations almost as fact and have used it to push their investigation into prison. biden and his family how real of a bribery scant joe biden bribery scandal allegation is this >> well, every day this bribery scandal becomes more credible, we already know the president took bribes from burisma, even a trusted fbi informant has
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alleged a bribe to the biden family. >> the most corroborating evidence we have is that 1023 form from this highly credible, confidential human source, according to us attorney scott brady jim jordan, saying that was the most most important thing that they had. scott brady, who is a trump appointee, also said in his house interview that even though he corroborated some material from the informant, he did not determine whether the underlying biden bribery claims were true, and he acknowledged that his team never reviewed some key evidence that undercut the bribery claims with us now is new york democratic congressman dan goldman, who served as democratic counsel during the former president's first impeachment inquiry. first of all, congress and what is your reaction this revelation from the special counsel, david wise? >> well, it's pretty shocking, and especially what it means that has been going on for the last four years, which is that wittingly or unwittingly, house
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republicans have been acting as an agent or an asset of russian intelligence for vladimir putin. this whole burisma thing was debunked during the first impeachment investigation in 2019 by numerous, numerous witnesses, all of whom experts on ukraine and russia. and now this three, there's 1023 materializes from a purported conversation in 2020 that is it's treated as gospel by the republicans and i would like to know whether or not senator grassley, who had a copy of this 1023 before the fbi ever gave it, or chairman comer or chairman jordan, all of whom were singing the praises of this the information provided by this source had any idea yeah, whether or not it was completely bogus and was in fact a plant by russian intelligence, which has been trying to metal somewhat successfully in our elections since 2016. >> you're talking about a 1023
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that's where there's information initially was reported in correct >> yes, it's a report of a interview that as a confidential human source will provide to his handlers at the fbi to explain the conversations or the information that he has gathered the fbi than writes it down very meticulously so they know exactly cleve what he said that 1023 is the only evidence. the only evidence that the republicans and the house as part of this impeachment inquiry have related to these burisma bribery allegations, and they pushed get that information. chairman jordan oh, they they pushed incredibly hard. and chairman jordan and chairman comer have said that this is the best evidence they have of misconduct by president biden in fact, it is no evidence. it is just simply evidence that the republicans are willing to be used as
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assets of russian intelligence, just like donald trump was in 2016. and throughout his presidency when he went to a press conference in helsinki and chose vladimir putin's word over his own intelligence community. that is who we are dealing with. it is now a pervasive disease that has gone through the entire republican party and it needs to be excised immediately. so what do you see happening now? i mean, do you think any of this will actually cause republicans to abandon the impeachment inquiry because comer, the chairman indicated in an interview last week that the house may not actually hold a vote to impeach the president after his committee releases its report because quote, the math keeps getting worse >> well, look, before this revelation that the one source, the one person with information related to burisma in any bribery happens to be completed he leave fabricated and as a russian intelligence scheme,
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this, this investigation was going nowhere. it was being debunked, right, left, and center by every single witness that had come in it was almost laughable at this point that it was still an ongoing investigation now, this should put the nail in the coffin because not only is there no evidence of any wrongdoing by president biden, but it now appears as if the house republican majority is being used by russia to interfere in the 2024 election on behalf of donald trump. if they continue with this investigation, they are simply doing the work of vladimir putin to help donald trump win an election in november. that's where we are. it is extraordinary >> when you think about how much oxygen this has taken up by republicans in the house on fox news and other right-wing media outlets. and radio channels. i mean, it's extraordinary >> it's shocking and it is for
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me, especially because i led the investigation in 2019 in the first impeachment, and i had all of these state department witnesses, the national security council officials, all russian and ukrainian experts coming in and and saying, actually what joe biden did in encouraging the prosecutor encouraging ukraine rather to fire the prosecutor general was bad for burisma, the company whose board his son was on because that prosecutor general was not investigating corruption. and in fact, after he left in the next one came in they then did start investigating burisma. this has been debunked for years. and the fact that it now is the linchpin of this impeachment investigation based on a completely bogus lie funneled through a confidential source by russian intelligence it tells you the real danger that our congress is in right now, having been held captive by donald trump and now operating at the behest of russian
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intelligence and vladimir putin, it's incredible, congressman goldman. thank you perspective now from two cnn analysts are former cia chief of russia operations, steve hall and carrie cordero the former counsel to the assistant attorney general for national security steve, i mean, do smirnoff is claims about russian intelligence sound plausible to you and how could this guy who seems to have had recent contact with russian intelligence and still peddling misinformation been a source for the fbi for ten some years >> well, anderson, to answer the first part of your question. absolutely. this is this is very standard for the russian intelligence services when they're running disinformation operations, active measures, types of things. i think the russian intelligence services in the kremlin have long viewed hunter biden as a in president biden's armor and somewhat some methodology by which they can, they can get at him and weaken him. and of course, if you're vladimir putin, despite what he has said publicly, who would you prefer the guy who
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says, let's let russia do whatever the hell it wants in europe, or do you want the guy who says, let's send more arms to ukraine? it's pretty clear what the answer is. so yeah, this is extremely consistent. i'd be very curious to know how this confidential informants smirnoff actually got into contact with the fbi. i don't know if we'll find out, but if he volunteered himself, if he came to them and said i can help you with this. that's another hallmark of russian operations where they'll pick somebody and say, hey, go to the fbi or go to this we're going to station tell him that you have information than we've got them on the hook. so yeah, this is all very, very consistent with how the russian intelligence services do business. >> so kari smirnoff has been charged with lying to the fbi and creating false records. how would prosecutors try to verify his claims now about getting information from russia? and intelligence officials >> well, that would be the job of the fbi throughout the course of working with him. i mean, it is striking that the court filings say that he was a confidential informant going back at least to 2010. so from an investigative standpoint on
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the national security inside of the house and the counterintelligence side of the house. there's a lot of work that either has been going on or in still needs to be done to find out how far back he was providing false information to the fbi. what one of the things that's striking to me in the detention filing is that it says just recently he was in touch with his russian intelligence contacts and sort of the exasperated nature that the justice department appears to be in in the filing where it says, if he's released, he will potentially be spirited away by his russian intelligence contacts with 6 million in dollars on hand seems to me that his duplicity is something that was more recently revealed yeah. and so then switching from the switching from the legal side to the political side, following up just from congressman goldman's comments
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a big question for me, anderson is when did the fbi and the doj tell members of congress that they understood him to be lying over a long period of time. >> yeah. i see. we noted earlier that this guy smirnoff, allegedly told investors to get a receipt was in contact with quote, top russian officials who were quote, the heads of the entities they represent. what does that signal about the scale of this alleged disinformation effort? and would it require vladimir putin's approval? and why would this guy now? >> be admitting that >> he was peddling false information >> while it could be that he's admitting it because the the fbi is putting the screws to them in terms of, you know, you got to do this or there's gonna be no deals for you. we're going to throw you in jail for a long time. >> carries absolutely right. this confidential informant thing is tough. we just don't know how to manage these people. sometimes it's difficult to vet them the bi clearly had problems with this one. but yeah, this is a really interesting story. i don't think we've heard the end of it until we find out more about this individual as a person. and when he started cooperating
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with the bureau, carry, doesn't make sense. the judge let this guy go today. >> i think it's a little bit surprising. i mean, the statement in the detention filing was pretty clear that the fbi was really concerned about him being released. so i need to know more about the conditions of his release. maybe ivan report earlier that they'd put a gps on them so they're there were a lot fighting on their ability to track him. there's also a possibility that they would also have to back that up with physical surveillance to make sure that he doesn't disappear >> carrie cordero, steve hall. thank you. that breaking news on russian intelligence comes as house speaker mike johnson, who said, we should be quote, united, unquote against putin, had time for a holiday shot with the former president mar-a-lago, but not a vote on aid to ukraine. where keeping them honest. next plus the death of russian dissident alexei navalny, announced last friday, four days later. now his family still not allowed to claim the body are the latest on that mr. in a live report from moscow and later the search for missing girl ending
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possibly murdered on vladimir putin those orders. the same speaker johnson who said just four days ago after navalny was died, that we must quote, be clear that putin will be met with united opposition. united opposition is certainly not, was congressional republicans are showing putin instead, speaker johnson declared a bipartisan senate compromise to fund ukraine dead it on a with no viable replacement, according to one republican lawmaker who told cnn, i quote, if there is a mike johnson plan, there aren't any house republicans who are aware of its existence. johnson second move was to tell everyone to take the next two weeks off tonight. we know that there's third step was a pilgrimage to the man who doesn't want him to pass any important legislation. if it helps president biden or apparently hurts putin the man whose own message yesterday about the death and perhaps murder of navalny. we're short on condolence, long and personal grievance and did not even mentioned vladimir putin by name. a mixed and grotesque message he repeated in a
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pre-taped south carolina town hall, which air tonight >> navalny use a very sad situation and he's very brave. it was a very brave guy because he went back he could to stay away. and frankly probably would have been a lot better off staying away and talking from our inside of the country as opposed to having to go back. and it's a horrible thing. but it's happening in our country to we are turning into a communist country in many ways. and if you look at it i'm the leading candidate. i get. i never heard of being indicted before i was going i got indicted four times. i have eight or nine trials all because of the fact that, you know, this all because of the fact that i'm in politics he's equating himself of alexey navalny and his supporters are going even further. former house speaker newt gingrich tweeting, quote but watch the biden administration speak out against putin and his jailing of his leading political opponent. while democrats in four different jurisdictions tried to turn president trump into an american navalny, except as speaker gingrich should know the american navalny as he puts it, has already benefited from
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extensive and lengthy due process yes. overseen by nonpartisan judges. and the verdicts in his criminal trials. if and when they go to trial are by no means preordained and as they all grind their way through as many motions and appeals as millions of dollars in legal fees can bond i the defendant has flying around the country on his own private airline are under secret service protection. is air travel unbothered by anything like being poisoned with nerve agents, which is of course what happened to alexei navalny at the hands of russian agents. and as all of this moral and historical inversion is happening, president biden says he'll be announcing additional sanctions on russia, on friday in response, the real navalny's death. as for putin, according to russian state, media has officials have filed charges against navaly's younger brother and added him to russia's wanted list and a russian military defector was shot and killed in spain under suspicious circumstances this is joining us now cnn political commentator jonah goldberg has recent column in the los angeles times. it's titled know donald trump does not equal alexey navalny. so jonah
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in your piece, you write up this absurd trump navalny comparison quote, condemning such false moral equivalents was one central to american conservatism i mean, i know how it came to this, but it's incredible >> yeah it's it's, it's kind of maddening. you feel like you're taking crazy pills. i grew up in the conservative movement. i was at national review for 20 years you know, pat buchanan came to my breasts. so i've been around in the conservative movement for awhile. >> and this was one of >> the load star arguments of the american right the patriotic american right, the sensible american right that just because the soviet union or communist china or whatever it had a big military and we had to build military that didn't mean we were morally equivalent. the false moral equivalents argument was that the cornerstone of the reagan administration was cornerstone of gene per patrick's work is the cornerstone of william f. buckley, his worldview. and now you who have this just
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unbelievably glib, asinine effort to do this. >> it's >> you have to be too stupid to be a spell checker, an m&m factory to think that donald trump is un american navalny and you'd go one ridge. i mean, you know, who was like hockey and videos to make money on. i don't know the muslim takeover america or something years ago is now switched to, i guess he's full-on maga i mean he knows better i like to think some of these people know better, but that's not really i, when i say i'd like to think, i'm not sure that's the right >> phrase because i don't know that that's exculpatory. right. i mean, they know better than they're just grow lying. and look, i don't mind throwing rocks at joe biden, i think calling him the equivalent of vladimir putin. is profoundly stupid and slanderous towards him. but the more important point for me at least is that it's profoundly slanderous against the united states of america during, during the bush presidency, the people, there are constant
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attempts on the left to make bush and to some sort of dictator. and i would always point out, look, if he was actually the dictator, you thank you. you you wouldn't be allowed to say the things about them that you're saying. >> if >> trump were the actual navalny, he will not have just concluded an hour on primetime television on another network. >> he would be dragged off and beaten to death or poisoned or thrown into jail. >> it's just its gaslighting more than anything else. >> it is remarkable to when we have correspondents, i've talked to nick paton walsh on the program last night in kherson and actually seeing the lack of ammunition, a view for ukrainian troops actually leading to deaths of ukrainians and ukrainian troops pulling out regions and russians taking over regions. i mean, all of this has consequences >> oh, for sure. and >> earlier you said i just want to correct one to disagree a little bit with one thing you said earlier, you said johnson is down there and you won't do
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anything that helps joe biden because trump won't let them. i agree that trump won't let them. i agree that what johnson is doing is craven and embarrassing and shameful. the thing is, i think trump doesn't understand his own political interests very well. it probably would have been better if the republicans had been able to get that thing pat that big compromise on the border, and aid passed because that it would put all the pressure on joe biden and if joe biden did what republicans wanted them to do then they can say see we made them do it. and if you didn't do it, they say see, he doesn't want he he's not willing to do what america needs. both scenarios would have been better for republicans, but trump doesn't understand his own political interests sometimes and he just has this blanket thing we're now if ukraine falls, if the border goes terrible he gets blamed for it because he's the one who stopped republicans from doing the right public policy from doing the right, the right thing politically. it's just also asinine because
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because the entire party refuses to stand up to trump, even when it would be in trump's own self-interest, because they've all just sold their manhood cheap. it's just mortifying >> jonah goldberg. thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> coming up next, where is >> the body of alexey navalny, why authorities handed over to his family. matthew chance is in moscow tonight with the latest that's next every night at the same pain after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing, >> scraping your top >> now, you can wake kept to a clean dream kitchen every day with stole guard, slide on stove top protector that stops all the methods before they start. sauces are rinsed and sayonara gone. seconds, sticky messages are no challenge. were stove guard macaroni and cheese comes off in a brief even baked on caked on oil, oils, fats,
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why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. disaster. protecting your family is the best you can make >> rahel solomon in new york and this is cnn >> four days since the death of alexey navalny and his body is still not been turned over to his family. matthew chance is in moscow time with more captured on camera in russia's freezing north. what could be
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the prison motorcade carrying alexey navalny's body from the arctic penal colony, where he died independent investigative journalists believed these traffic images show the late russian opposition leaders remains have been removed. although there's still no official confirmation of where they're being held even navalny's elderly mother travelled nearly 2000 miles from moscow to see her dead son, has been denied and is now asking the russian president for mercy mean even though you do whatsila, they won't give me his body. they don't even tell me where he is. yeah. >> i'm addressing you, vladimir putin, the solution to the issue depends only on you let me finally see my son. i demand that alex's body be immediately handed over so that i can bury him humanely >> it is an emotional appeal
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with russian public support. >> it's hard to but >> the valley here is only the latest in a long line of kremlin critics to be permanently silenced at home and abroad. dissidents have been poisoned, killed even fallen out of windows. the kremlin has denied any involvement of political killings, but the message russians are hearing is as clear as it is dark opposing the kremlin right now is an extremely dangerous path to take >> alexey navalny >> knew it firsthand. the kremlin critic barely survived this poisoning with a russian nerve agent, novichok on a plane from siberia in 2020 now, he's bereaved. widow is accusing the kremlin the finishing the job and hiding the corpse to prevent the real cause of death from being revealed. >> wave will russia will misled
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meet my husband could not be broken. and that's exactly why putin killed it, would literally, and it is just as despicable and cowardly that they are now hiding his body. >> will my colleague datum is children slithy >> applying pitifully and waiting for the traces of another putin's novichok to disappear. you >> but the kremlin has objectives. those allegations has absolutely unfounded and boorish, saying investigators have yet to determine why this latest problem when a critic died, immune to the criticism, it seems the grief so many russians now feel matthew chance joins us now from moscow. as we mentioned, russian state media is reporting that the russian authorities have filed charges against navalny's brother. what do we know about it >> yeah well we don't know what navalny's brother, his younger brother, oleg is suspected of doing, why they want to question him. but in the past,
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critics have often accused the kremlin of sort of targeting his brother for prosecution in sort of retaliation for the anti-corruption work that alexey navalny's has done. and of course, let's invalid these now is now dead, but, but this announcement that all leg navalny is on the woman to bless came just a few hours after what we heard. his mother they're appealing to vladimir putin to release the body of alexey navalny. it also came after his wife yulia navalnaya, said that she would pick up the reins and carry the mantle and carry on the work of a husband. so it seems that that pressure on the navalny family from the russian authorities shows no sign of letting our panelists, matthew chance. thank you. just ahead. an arrest warrant may be imminent after authorities found the body of a missing 11 year-old girl in texas. today details next only the sleep numbers smart that lets you eat, choose your individual
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phone analysis, as well as video and social media helped them to pinpoint her location, the spot was also one of several given to authorities by don steven mcdougal based on all of the evidence that law enforcement has collected they are in the process of preparing the appropriate arrest warrants for don steven mcdougal. at this time, we believe the appropriate arrest warrant is going to be for capital murder in the death of adre cunningham he is currently still in jail under an unrelated felony charge. >> adri was last seen in this livingston, texas neighborhood, about 70 miles northeast of houston at about 07:00 a.m. thursday's state police say, but she never got on the bus and never made it to school that day. mcdougal lives on the cunningham family's property. the polk county sheriff said they believe mcdougal was the last person to see her and says he admits to leaving the house with her thursday morning around 07:00 a.m. and they would've made it to the bus
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stop which is relatively just a little under a mile in the same community. real close. >> did anyone see her at that stop? no other witnesses saw her at the bus stop. sheriff lion says, when audrey was reported missing and the community started searching mcdougal joined in, appearing to help. >> hey, this happened in her search. >> what does that tell you? >> i mean, to me, it simply tells me is that he's trying to give you appearances, that he has no play or he's not at fault in her disappearance. and that i important the concern pony parties who were trying to locate her know no, i don't share a lyons took cnn to the area where authorities recovered a key clue and audrey's disappearance. he says authorities located the girls bright red hello kitty backpack near this dam friday. >> just a little west of us here in the water no. it was along the riverbank that was enough in it to lead us to
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believe strongly that it is andres backpack, that it was hers >> what about signs of struggle of blood or any the other dna? >> no, ma'am. >> that was no signs of struggle there >> 11 year-old audrey has touched the hearts of many, including law enforcement in this community, be cried over this several nights, several days? >> yeah >> i have kids or my home i feel that pain. they're feeling >> and i talked to audrey's mom this evening and she says that reality has not sunk and that's how she described it. >> she >> says that she's still processing the reality of living without her daughter and she's going to need time that she's going to need a minute. but when i talked to her yesterday, she described her daughter is a beautiful little girl and what she asked the public for were prayers and positive energy. and anderson,
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like every journalists covering the story, i also have to tell you a little bit about the suspect we have exhausted efforts to try to get comment from his family and we have scoured court records to try to find his attorney if he has one we have not been successful >> thank you very much the start of a new series with a randi kaye is coming up. she listens to a group of republican women voters in south carolina talking about the presidential race ahead of this weekend's gop primary. that's ahead. >> i don't know how things united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn >> have your anyone you know, ever been stationed at marine corps base camp lejeune. camp lejeune, water was contaminated by fuel leaks if you edit any water contact while at camp on june had been diagnosed with cancer or parkinson's disease, you may be entitled to compensation as a marine who was stationed at camp on june
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we're headline or las vegas. that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike any way warehouse in the world. >> vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn >> close captioning is brought to you by audio book network. authors tell your story, produce an audio book with us. >> what earn more profits and find a new audience for your published book, produce an audio book. we handle narration production, and digital distribution can call or scan the qr code. now tonight we're debuting a new series, their randi kaye, we're calling it the 53%. that is the average number women voters and presidential elections since 2000, more than half the electorate. it's powerful, important voting bloc throughout this 2024 race. want to hear what women voters have to say about the candidates in
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the issues and candid conversations with one another, randy's goal is to be a fly on the wall, not an interviewer per say, more of a facilitator to keep the conversation going. we begin in south carolina, which will hold this republican primary this weekend on the ballot, of course, is the state's former governor, a woman, nikki haley. here's randy's report watch this >> we do what's really i think donald trump may very well win this primary. but my vote is going to nikki haley based on my conscience, i think there are a lot of closet nikki haley's porter's as well, and i'm really excited to see. >> i didn't find in i'm really excited to see hopefully how young people turn out this week, how many of you've decided >> to vote for donald trump in the primary and how many are voting for nikki haley and the primary? >> okay. so you're evenly split five of these six republican women in greenville,
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south carolina thought nikki haley was a good governor, but only three of them want her to be president. >> the way she went in there in handled what i like, took all those good old boys and gave it right back to them. she stood up to them and i'd love to see her do that and on the federal level, she was a good governor and i think she'd be a great precedent i just two more in line with donald trump's. the loss of phi, of government needs to be smaller and they need to take less from us i did not vote for him in 2016 i was aggravated with his language and the way he had to have a nickname for everybody and none of them were flattering that what he did in those four years made me a supporter to the rhetoric piece that you just said that was a main reason why i'm not voting for him. this go round because i think as an educator, who i would want to work with as a principle, i would never, i would never want to work for donald trump and i
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would never want him around my kids that i'm teaching. i don't think he's the role model that we need for our country right now i'd love to work for donald j >> for hire but i think mary bradley, this group of southern ladies have a real hard time with his language the issue i have with donald trump is his demeanor in his language and how he treats people and women we live in a very polarized country and i feel that donald trump is very much on a vengeance campaign. >> it would mean a lot to me as a young woman, to see somebody, to see a female in office. i think that'd be really empowering and a lot of women my age that i know if you've missed any way, but you wouldn't none of you here would just vote for her because she's but i wouldn't vote against her either >> she's a tough cookie. yes. and i would trust her
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completely. >> i really wish we could shift the conversation to talk about the border i think donald trump will definitely have a stronger stance on the border in adult believe that nikki haley will have a strong of a stance >> i think that her stances awesome. i think she's strong. i don't think she would flinch at doing what is necessary, but i think she's also empathetic to the challenges of becoming an american citizen. she doesn't want it to be a tenure process >> she wants people >> to be able to come in like what you were experiencing american dream. and i think not only will she will she help secure our country, but i think she'll be more empathetic to that as the campaign draws on, trump is still facing 91 felony charges in four separate cases, and he now has about 438 million in judgments against it in this group. that's only strengthened his supporters resolve. >> it's a political witch hunt. >> every raise >> why don't you hate that? all of your, the gop funding is
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going to pay trump's legal bills? no, i'm not. i'll help pay his legal bills. how did you feel when he was arrested? >> locked in my vote, i was like, there we go. >> forum. i want that shirt a mug. i have the hat that >> locked in your vote absolutely. >> i would hope that if he's exonerated than everybody accepts that. i hope that if, you know some things in different places are proven true, then people will accept that what i'm seeing is the narrative is he's bad, works going to keep throwing things at them. he's bad, he's bodies bad. so the public needs to believe he's bad. and this is the narrative we're going to throw at you. >> nikki haley has been attacking trump pretty forcefully on age, alluding to the fact that he should take a cognitive test do you think that's fair? does that resonate with you, becky? >> i am a 73 year-old woman. >> there are >> people who are cognizant and capable. and sadly, there are
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people who are not. >> so would you support trump getting a cognitive test? >> oh, i think he i wouldn't have a problem. i wouldn't i wouldn't have i think it's a democratic it's democratic talking point. >> i think she's thinking about it more as like, let's get a fresh face and office. and personally, i would love to see somebody who is making policy changes, who is actually going to the those policy changes live al and i think that's really important if nikki haley does lose this state loses south carolina. should she stay in the race? >> i think so. i think so. >> i mean, super tuesday, let's see how goes i lost some good kyrsten, optimistic >> and you got faded as i really to the same thing i think that it needs to go on to super tuesday. we need to hear her voice. she has >> important things to say. >> are any of you impressed with her willingness to stay in in fighting brutely?
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>> ready joins us now from greenville, south carolina. do any of the women you spoke with believe hayley has a chance of becoming the nominee >> what interested of the three hailing please supporters in our group, two of them do strongly believe she still has a chance of becoming the nominee. one of them said she doesn't believe based on the polls that nikki haley has a chance of being the nominee, but she's voting her conscience and that's why she's still supporting her. i also anderson asks the haley supporters in our group if they would consider supporting donald trump, if he becomes the nominee and the general election one of them said absolutely, she will support him. another told me it's very unlikely she will likely go with either a third-party candidate or the democratic nominee. and the third haley order at our group said that she just does not buy donald trump's election lies. she never did. and she also would consider the democratic nominee. so anderson, you have to haley supporters to republican women in our group who say it's very unlikely they will they'll support donald trump in the general election if he is the nominee. >> or randi kaye, thanks so much coming up at the top of the hour, the source with kaitlan collins, she talks to
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georgia governor brian kemp. we'll be right back after this with an update on new charges in that shooting, a kansas city as a gynecologist, i'm embarrassed to say this. we use deodorant on our armpits and we kinda make women feel bad about body odor that they get on other parts of our body. that's why i created lumi whole body deodorant for pits, privates and beyond. it's clinically proven to block odor all day controls odor for 72 hours soap can't do that. and since you're pits and privates go everywhere, you go, keep them competently fresher with lumi, that reassurance is priceless to learn more, go to lumi sickness can spread. >> but with lysol, you can go into protect mode for the things you touch. nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray >> and when it >> comes to your laundry adding lysol, laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness causing
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support more victories for veterans go to dab to be a headliner. laws vegas. that's what i want to do. >> vegas, the story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn lastly, tonight two men were charged with murder and other felonies today for their roles in the mass shooting after a hometown rally last week for >> bowl winning kansas city chiefs, lyndell mays and dominic miller are the two man. this is separate from the two teens facing gun-related and resisting arrest charges. as, you may know, lisa lopez-galvan, 43-year-old, mother of two, and a local dj and radio host was killed during the shootout. more than 20 others, including nearly a dozen children, were wounded.