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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 4, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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guarantee i'm jeremy diamond in tel aviv. and this is cnn >> it's monday, march 4, right now on cnn this morning, the supreme court expected to hand down at least one of opinion today. it could impact donald trump's bid for a second term in the white house. and house speaker mike johnson squeezed. can you get a spending bill passed and stave off? government shutdown? again this week without backlash from conservatives. >> and here's a win for >> nikki haley, donald trump's last remaining rival for the republic but we can nomination picked up her first primary win, the first for a woman in a republican primary all right. >> look at that a live look at the us supreme court at 05:00 a.m. here in washington could see critical news coming out of there today. >> good morning. >> i'm kasie hunt. it's great to have you with us on this
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monday morning on what is going to be an incredibly significant week here in washington with super tuesday and then the state of the union on thursday and overnight, nikki haley had her first primary win right here in the district of columbia. she didn't become the first woman to win a republican primary >> first of all, when 70% of americans say they don't want donald trump or joe biden. yes, i'm going to keep on fighting the trump campaign wasting no time calling haley, quote, the queen of the swamp and quote. >> and as we noted at the top and just hours, the supreme court could weigh in on whether donald trump can appear on state primary ballots, or if he's barred under the 14th amendment, which prevents insurrectionists from holding office. the court announced sunday night on its website that they may rule in a case today. what's the smoke here? colorado, one of the 15 states set to vote on super tuesday during oral arguments last
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month, a majority of justices, conservative and liberal, seemed just to reject the idea of stripping him off the ballots. >> but colorado secretary of >> state hopes that the court comes down against trump >> from my perspective, section three of the 14th amendment is clear and its intention in the constitution is a realization that insurrectionists in office can try to destroy democracy from within. but at the end of the day, jim, whether trump is disqualified, qualified, whether he's on ballots across the united states are not americans will be able to save our democracy at the ballot box in november all right, axios national politics reporter sophia cai joins us. sophia. good morning. great to see you in >> morning. >> why don't we start with the insurrectionist ban question, right? because this again, just an incredibly consequential week in politics. the rematch between joe biden, donald trump is going to be all but set. but for first, we do have to answer this question and again, the
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court operates in this bizarre way where they put this ruling, this notice out on their website, just that well, we might rule in a case tomorrow, not going to tell you which one. but of course of speculation is this is the one that has the most urgency before them in no small part because voters are going to have their say in colorado on tuesday, what do you expect from the court? today? >> yeah. i mean, look, they never say which opinion they're going to issue, but they're very aware of the political calendar. and i think this will really impact super tuesday when colorado voters will come out and vote and to be very clear, trump's name will still be on the ballot because the ballots have been printed weeks ago. right? but the question is really will those votes for trump in colorado count right? >> and that of course, a critical, critical question when, when when we did hear these arguments, when we touched on this a little bit in the introduction, but it really did seem like the liberal justices and the conservative justices were on the same page. now, obviously sometimes the court sends misleading signals during arguments but i think
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that there would be a lot of shock if in fact that we're going to strip donald trump off the ballot, i think the expectation is they're going to lead him. what is your sense? >> yeah. i mean, just to give you a sense of what donald trump thought about the oral arguments he called it a beautiful thing to watch i think, that tells you all you need to know about what he thinks about how those oral arguments went for him and what their expectations are now, i mean, it would be a real shock to the entire country and have ramifications for other states that have challenged in the same way. and so with this case, there is an expectation of where it could go. but if it went the other way, would be a real a real surprise, shocked. >> all right. so let's talk about nikki haley. i mean, obviously super tuesday is likely to be the moment where donald trump really solidifies his path to the nomination. >> but she did not sure when in here in dc, and they cast it as
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well. republicans in washington or as close to the dysfunction is convenient. so that's why they backed me. obviously, the trump team trying to make this a punchline and basically saying, well, of course the swamp loves nikki haley. what's your takeaway from this? >> look? so dc is the first place for nikki haley has a win for them. it's great news and i think as you look ahead to super tuesday, you have 15 states that will vote >> their argument. is that in 11 of those 15 states, they're open primaries or semi-open, but her issue is that at most of those states are winner-take-all after 50%, which means if donald trump wins more than 50% of those votes, it doesn't really matter if she gets 30, 40, 45%. she's still not getting any math, but there are states like minnesota where she could likely become closer another state of course, like colorado i mean, there are a couple of states we're talking about on tuesday where she is expected
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to pick up some candidates, right? >> some delegates. delegates? yeah. yeah >> what is your son? i mean, she has said repeatedly, i'm staying in through super tuesday. it does seem like this week could be a moment where she decides that she's going to hang it up >> there was >> is the way it is for reason, right? which is that candidates rarely run out of ambition to run for an office. they run out of money before they get that far, but having less and closely to the way haley talks about this, do you think this is the moment where she decides to step back? >> or is there an >> argument for her to stay in toba convention for reasons that i know when i talked to my republican sources, they're all speculating. well, maybe something unknown will happen to donald trump and will need someone like nikki haley really, i'm skeptical, but what's your latest report? i think you're right. like the same could be said of the other side, but the reality is for her her argument of staying n has been for the longest time, she wants more of the country,
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if not most of the country, to be given the choice of somebody else to vote for him. she'll talk about being on the trail and having voters come up to her to say, thank you for giving me an option. super tuesday, we'll have more than 800 delegates up for grabs. 15 states the other side of that argument is that after super tuesday, a lot of the republican electorate voted already and she is not talked about any plans to campaign after that. she is not really talks about spending money to campaign after that, even though she does have that capacity and so that'll be a big call that we're going to be waiting for her to make after tomorrow. >> all right. sophia cai in national politics reporter for axios sophia, thanks for getting us started today. i really appreciate it. up next here, gaza ceasefire talks taking place in cairo. >> hamas is they're, the israelis are not plus why house speaker mike johnson is taking so much heat from members of his own party. it's a theme and blizzard conditions, battering in california, the snow not done following yet, we'll bring you the weather
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that targets vital cell turnover, even skin tone and smooths fine lines with visible results in just one week neutrogena retinol it's another massive hockey night storm power, auston matthews, fastest american, 50 goals >> electrifying players saviors, maple leafs, red-winged avalanche, wednesday at 06:30 on tnt >> welcome back. the table is set in cairo, egypt this morning. for gaza ceasefire and hostage release talks. but at the moment, one of the two key parties is absent. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has decided not to send a delegation. and israeli official tells cnn, it's because hamas has not responded to two israeli demands. they want a list of hostages specifying which ones are alive and which ones are dead? >> and confirming the ratio of palestinian >> prisoners, israel must release in exchange for hostages. cnn's max foster joins us live from london. now,
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max, good morning. always good to see you i mean, what do you make of israel's explanation here at why are they basically bailing on these talks? are they? >> looking for a reason, i mean, what's going on >> well, it's interesting, isn't it without sitting in the room and exactly how these conversations play out, why they decided not to go we have to look at the reasons that they're giving in is this list of hostages they want a list of hostages. they're not getting it. so therefore, they're not going to the talks. also talking there about the palestinian prisoners. on the underside of it, you've got people suggesting that hamas cannot give this list because they don't know where all the hostages are, not even whether they're all alive or dead, because different groups may be involved, but also just communicating across this absolutely devastated landscape. they're struggling to put the list together. but again, israel pointed out that not even communicating right now, but that might be for similar reasons. so some of the key hamas players aren't
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communicating at the moment. so it's became, it's become this sort of crunch point there has been a suggestion that hamas wants to push it into ramadan, which would work in their favor, push this deal further down the line. we just don't know the point. at this point, but it is of course very negative that israel isn't part of these talks because it means a deal just isn't lightly. >> well, and of course this is the day that president biden last this week have said, hey, we might have something by today. that of course, you had you and i had talked about how israel immediately pushed back on that. but here we are on monday with no deal max, i want to show you a little bit of what the vice president kamala harris had to say about the situation in gaza over the weekend because it was pretty striking, honestly, how direct she was. well watch what we are seeing every day in gaza is devastating. we have seen reports of families eating leaves or animal feed women giving birth to malnourished
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babies with little or no medical care and children dying from malnutrition and dehydration >> she's being a lot more descriptive than her boss often is when he talks about this, what do you make of that >> well, you know, cynics were points of those poll numbers about their handling of the gaza conflict, the conflict in gaza they you. know we saw recently, didn't we? how there was this protest vote from arab americans. so perhaps responding to that, perhaps realizing that if people are seeing these pictures coming from gaza and it's very difficult to stomach. of course, you've got to always remember what started all of this, which was the october 7 attacks but the stream of pictures we're currently getting, the live pictures are of what's happening in gaza and people are looking at that and there there's a lot of sympathy for what's going on for regular civilians there and what they're having to live through and the so many people dying. so i think you cannot deny what people in gaza are
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suffering. it can and deny what happened in israel. but what happened on october the seventh is perhaps drifting backwards and people's memories and we're seeing what's happening in gaza right now and debates about what's proportional, what isn't proportional. but what we have to agree is that there's a huge amount of suffering there right now. she's recognizing that and i think that's been heard, hasn't it? if you look at the polling numbers? >> yeah, it has. absolutely. all right. max foster for us in london. max, thank you very much. i'll see you tomorrow. >> thanks. kasie >> all right. coming up next here. >> a shootout with police at a crowded amusement park. plus why taylor swift era's tour is called thanks so much bad blood in singapore >> a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance? >> no. >> but we have life insurance john. >> i'm trying to find something we can afford.
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minutes past the hour. here's your morning roundup. >> yeah. ics gunfire at the six flags amusement park near atlanta you're watching video taken by a woman running from the scene after police exchange shots with members of an unruly crowd leaving the amusement park. 15-year-old shot by police is now incredibly typical condition. right now when king city, california police are searching for three men who they say shot and killed four people at a house party last night, say the men drove up to the home, shot at people who are in the front yard and then drove off three other people were hospitalized and haiti has imposed a state of emergency and curfew after more than 3,500 inmates escaped from a national prison during a wave of gang violence. over the weekend >> and the supreme court has until saturday to intervene before a controversial immigration law allowing police to arrest illegal immigrants goes into effect. in texas
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>> all right. time now for whether more snow and rain on the way for california this morning after gusty winds and blizzard conditions pummeled the state, making travel difficult, if not impossible. this snow shutdown tahoe roads, leaving drivers trapped for hours despite all the turmoil, yosemite national park. and it sure looks beautiful after record setting snow and check out the real salt real salt lake soccer team taking the pitch. despite the white stuff, >> our weatherman, derek van dam, joins us this morning. derek, good morning to you. this is wild i played soccer my entire life and i can't even tell you how many times i played in the snow. you can't see the soccer lines, you can't see the boundaries and that's any given tuesday in michigan, you know, you not. yes. that's fair. >> look, in california, it's a whole different level because the snowstorm here has been met measured in feet. we warned about it all last week and really are forecast materialized. i mean, look at
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the difficult conditions that people have had to contend with. people who brave the roads which we did not recommend. but of course we know that's still going to happen. measuring this with seven feet plus sugar bowl donner peak, and it is still snowing, so we're not done with this storm. the other factor is the zero visibility, almost disorienting visibility and conditions on the ground because of this, we're talking about category four atlantic hurricane equivalent wind gusts that is significant, that takes any amount of snow and blows it around and makes it almost impossible to see we still have blizzard conditions for central sierra nevada mountain range. the radar still very busy, although it has led up somewhat from what we experienced through the course of the weekend when we peaked with this particular storm, still additional snowfall anticipated through tuesday. you can see several more inches across the sierra crest and more rain along the coastal regions of central and northern california. the other big story for us has also been the wildfires. there have been new
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spot fires that have popped up. this is in hutchinson county, again, the roughneck fire, which began on sunday, been fueled by winds associated with this monster storm that's entered the western parts of the us the good news is that the winds are going to relax as a storm system moves eastward. we don't have the critical fire conditions today, but still elevated. so something we want to be concerned about, or at least aware of strong winds above average temperatures and dry air. all factors. here's the latest containments, 15% for the smokehouse creek fire that is the largest fire. it of course, we've got our super tuesday outlook lots of wet weather along the east coast could impact a few different battlegrounds. >> shortcut to have to keep an eye on that. i have to say that first slide you had he had the numbers on it for how tall? things where you that 89 inches in that first one. i was wondering how tall is that? it's taller than shaquille o'neal. okay. who's 85 inches tall his head. so okay. so roughly about the same. so we're going >> exactly. all right. our weatherman van dam.
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>> derek. thank you. i'll see you later on in the show care coming up next here, cnn on supreme court watch a critical ruling involving donald trump could be announced in just hours. we're going to watch that plus allowing a vote on aid for ukraine. why somehow it's republicans are warning their speaker, it is the dumbest thing he could do >> introducing miracle file, the revolutionary new water floes. did gently cleans and losses your entire mouth in only ten seconds. the secret is this specially designed eight shape flossing head with or targeted water jets that clean the top bottom, front, and back of your teeth and below your gum line. all at the same time in just ten seconds, miracle smile is more effective in string flossing, removing over 99% of black perfect for braces, dental work, or tightly spaced teeth, compact, cordless, lightweight an easy to fill in use with three adjustable pressures settings.
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lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks, don't take an allergic to invoke a serious reactions can occur. tell your dr. if you are may become pregnant, what you see a check and keep it there with rinvoq. >> ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how api can help you save rife >> diabetes is no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose lucerne it to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carbs, steady glue, sirna, bring on the day >> i'm more liebermann at the pentagon. and this cnn all right. >> a live look at the white house with a mock washington monument it went up behind him. i was like to check and see if the president's gotten up yet clearly has not. good morning. thanks for being up with us. i'm kasie hunt just before 530 here on the east coast and the supreme court may be hours from
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announcing whether donald trump is eligible to appear on colorado's presidential ballot. the court never reveals which opinions are going to be released in advance and there it is. the court but the justices may want to decide the trump ballot issue before colorado voters head to the polls tomorrow. in their super tuesday primary also over the weekend, put one in the win column for nikki haley, cnn projects the former south carolina governor, won sunday's washington, dc primary. that's her first victory of the primary season. haley's campaign put out this statement. it is not surprising that republicans closest to washington dysfunction are rejecting donald trump and all his chaos the trump campaign for their part called her the queen of the swamp also today, 29 delegates are up for grabs in the north dakota primary. let's bring in our guests, max cohen, congressional reporter for punchbowl news, and washington post, white house reporter tyler pager. good to see both of you. this is a massive week in politics. we got super tuesday on thursday we've got the state of the
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union. tyler, you cover president biden so closely and the other thing that we haven't touched on too much so far this morning, there's a pair of really tough polls for the president. they came out over the weekend, one in the new york times, their headline most biden voters of 2020 fear he's too old to lead the journal also finds that while people are starting to feel a little bit better about the economy, it doesn't seem to be helping the president what have you been hearing from the white house as these numbers have been coming out? >> yeah. >> look, what i've been hearing from democrats around the country is panic and fear and what you're hearing from the white house and the biden campaign is very different. they continue to largely dismissed these polls, say it's too early. most americans are not yet tuning in in. most americans have not yet realized that it is going to be a biden trump rematch. now, i think they're also putting a lot of pressure and raising the stakes. others, they say the union saying this is going to be the best opportunity yet for the president to lay out what his agenda is for a second term and make the case that he is capable. he's not old enough and. he's fully able to do the job of president. you mean
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he's not too old? >> not old enough to old and not n is fully capable of serving another four years in office. okay. >> max, i mean, tyler mentioned panic and fear among others mean what are you picking up from demak? i know you're kind of on crawling, walking the halls of the capitol hill every day. i mean, where would you put democrats in congress right now on the fear scale of whether or not the president is able to get reelected. i think it's definitely inching up, but there's this sense that they can't do anything about it, right? right. this stage of the presidential primary, when there's no clear alternative to joe biden and hill democrats understand that i spoken to a lot of them and they say privately, look, we know we can't control biden's performance. we can focus on what we can do ourselves on the hill, right? you always want to talk about touting the accomplishments they achieved last congress. and there are significant accomplishments, inflation reduction act, infrastructure act chips but what really is baffling the hill democrats is that you look at these polls in the time. so had it, you had it earlier you
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know, voters say biden's policies have hurt them, and that does not compute with the democrats are saying on the trail, which was look what we've done for you as voters, right? >> and that's of course the messaging question. >> tyler, you also had >> spent a lot of time reporting out how president biden himself kinda makes decisions and that of course is going to be all the more critical as we head into these final months before the 2024 election, what did you find and how do you think that that's going to influence how the election plays out? >> yeah, this is the beginning of a three-part series. i'm doing on how biden leads trying to give the american people have good understanding of what the president and this time the scenes, how he does the job of running the us government. and i think this first series looked at how he gets information. how does he decide he cares about what his priorities are? one of the things that i found most interesting was how there's often these chance encounters he has from people he goes to church with, from people that work on his property in wilmington where he's getting this real time i'm pulse of what's happening in the country. and i think it's really important because there are issues that just don't break through in the
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presidential bubble. he travels around with this huge hulking secret service detail. he doesn't have that same sort of encounters with american people that he did when he was a senator traveling every day between wilmington on the amedi was like sitting on the train exactly. >> peep. can doctors would come up to him random passengers would come up to him. it was a way for him to get a pulse of what's happening in the country, then that's a lot harder for him now. and we've heard from former colleagues, friends of the president how hard it is to get in touch with him. and it's clear he's trying to break out of that too. and so it was just i think as we get closer to the election, he's going to be trying to get what more feedback from the american people about what's working, what's not working, and how his message should or needs to change and airframe to one again, i mean, it is a really interesting conundrum when you are president and the goal is for you to be in touch with people. the fact that you do the nature of the job means you're just kind of behind these security lines at all times. all right. standby guys for one second because i do want to talk about well, i mean, honestly, it's a new week, but it's really the same story because congress has another friday deadline to
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avoid another partial government shutdown last night, lawmakers unveiled a final package of six government funding bills. both parties quickly tried to claim that they had one senate majority leader, chuck schumer said this in a statement, quote, we're proud to be keeping the government when open without cuts or poison pill riders. so that poison pill writers is a reference to things conservatives want. house speaker mike johnson, of course, had this slightly different take, house republicans secured key conservative policy victories, rejected left-wing proposals and impose sharp cuts to agencies and programs critical to president biden's agenda johnson of course, de-rail the senate's bipartisan ukraine aid package. but he has been leaving the door open to a new proposal that's emerging in the house. however, some far-right members of his conference, like congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, are opposed to doing anything just on ukraine the speaker seems open to moving something according to the members who are pushing this. what do you say to him? >> i think that would be the
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dumbest thing possible going into super tuesday because the american people don't support. so i think it it's pretty foolish to bring up funding bill to the floor on something that the american people just don't support >> but dumbest thing possible. she says, max, what is your sense of how this is going to play out on ukraine funding specifically like what is johnson going to do? >> it's incredibly murky. i don't think anyone knows. even johnson himself as you saw from that, marjorie taylor greene clip, the far-right of his conference is incredibly opposed to this stuff. and johnson has governed so far as the speaker concerned about what the far-right of his conference thinks, which makes sense given what happened to his predecessor, kevin mccarthy, who was vacated over working with democrats to pass the short-term government funding bill i think that we've seen some senior figures like house foreign affairs committee chair michael mccaul propose a gop-only bill that would focus on funding ukraine, maybe having border provisions which
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would stand in contrast to democrats want, which is, hey, just bring up the senate bill which passed overwhelmingly with mitch mcconnell's support as well as democrats, which only focused on foreign aid. honestly, the path forward here is not clear to anyone because republicans have said, we want this pair with the border. when you had that murphy sinema lankford bill which was a border bill, donald trump and other fire republicans killed it so democrats say, hey, you guys want a border, you killed it. what do we do as we stand here in march, it's not a priority for mike johnson. that's clear. >> yeah. tyler, you're kind of shaking your head here. i mean, where's the white house and all this? >> yeah, the white house is endlessly frustrated by what they say is the inability of house republicans and republicans more generally to govern i think the president and his aides now see the failure of that immigration bill as an opportunity to try to go on the offensive. obviously, we had those dueling border visits from biden and trump quickly, immigration is becoming a top priority for voters in this election. but biden is also sees the ukraine issue as a legacy item. he sees
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his whole presidency through this prism of autocracy versus democracy and trying to promote democracy abroad. >> and there are >> great fears on the frontlines of this ukraine war that without additional american support, they are not going to be able to sustain the defense that they have validly put up for almost two years now. so i think this is a huge issue for biden they're not just in the current moment, but he sees this as a legacy item of rallying the world to support ukraine in response to russia's invasion. >> where's the white house right now on possible >> executive orders around immigration. >> i mean, they're looking at it and i think we're going to hear more detail on that this week leading up to the state of the union where the president is supposed to unveil a series of of executive orders. but the president has been very clear as aides have been very clear that there's limited action that he can take. i think we should expect to see some some action from the president, some executive orders and the reaction that i'm carefully monitoring is from the left-wing of biden's party and how they respond to what is
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expected to be tougher immigration enforcement or attempt so try to be tougher on the border. max quickly, what do you watch him from the state of the union later this week? >> biden needs to address the age concerns democrats themselves. evening knowledge that he's no spring chicken and he needs to get to this speech without making any major gaps. that's the main thing i'll also see what republicans do of course last year we had matt gaetz, marjorie taylor greene stand up and he called the president, which was pretty rare to see. we'll see if the quorum can last or if this can be more republican attempts to derail his speech. >> i remember when everyone was horrified >> at congressman wilson, who stood up and yelled, you lie at obama. and like we have just that seems so quaint now. all right, guys. thank you >> both very much for being here. i really appreciate it. >> all right. up next, a republican can senator warning donald trump to stay out of the race to replace mitch mcconnell plus an epic de in iowa city. caitlin clark now stands alone vegas story of sin city. next sunday at ten on cnn is two
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difference. >> all right, joining us now is the atlanta journal constitution to correspondent tia mitchell. tia, good morning. always great to see you this sort of the race to replace mcconnell's already underway. he says he's going to leave in november, but again, the person that looms over all of this consistently is donald trump. why is he kind of framing it this way? if trump were to weigh in here and not get the person that he wants that potentially causes problems. i mean, what do you see going on behind the scenes? >> so i thought it was interesting to hear senator mullins because he's talking about the old school way presidents would say, i can work with anyone in my party. i just want my party to be in charge and we know that trump has been more hands-on in reshaping the republican party in his own image. and a lot of that is self-serving because we know that trump has been a very non-traditional candidate, and he wants a party that serves him. he's trying to silence his critics. that's what makes this race just to replace mcconnell
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more interesting, it's very likely that as trump has taken over the party as a whole, he will also have a much more loyal new senate republican leader. those are just the facts that's what i think is going to happen in november. >> certainly, whoever succeeds, mitch mcconnell is likely to be closer to the donald trump and mitch mcconnell has been. and i will say also, trump's record on picking these leaders is not necessarily great, right? i mean, he weighed in on the house speaker fight and didn't get his guy at the end of the day. so definitely some challenges there to let's talk about kind of the big, the big story that's dominating the presidential race. over the weekend. and that is president biden's age. these numbers in the new york times, pretty tough for him. i mean, they're headline, most biden voters of 2020. so people have voted for him in 2020, say he's too old to lead saturday night live had a little fun with this. let's take a look at a little bit of what they had on snl behind
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closed doors. he's a dynamo. this weekend, we both went down to the border town of brownsville, texas and joe went into beast mode. he said, we're going to tighten this border. look how easy i can cross it then he par cord up to the top of the border wall, flipped into the rio grande and came back up with a fiction, his mouth but you didn't report that because it is i'm fit your little narrative with all due respect. it doesn't >> fit reality >> that of course a parody of our very own, dana bash >> but look, i mean, that's a challenge you're facing, right? and this is of course, just a >> few days ahead of the biggest moment arguably that the president at one we'll have certainly in the next couple months, millions of people watching the state of the union on thursday. what's the imperative for him given these circumstances? >> so i think i think the white house knows that the imperative for president biden, beyond laying out a vision for america in a contrast with former president trump, i think having
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a strong speech, his delivery is going to matter a lot. his energy is going to matter a lot because we know that a lot of people just aren't paying attention as much to the daily campaigning. it's kind of early, but the state of the union does grab a lot of attention and i think so for president biden he needs to have a good night. he needs to come across how strong, clear minded, focused, and really communicate with the american people that he has a hand on the job in that in that they can see him continuing in the role. i think that's what people are struggling with. they struggled with seeing him as presidential because he comes across not just his age, but his gaits, his mannerisms come across as just a little bit elderly and i think they struggle with that. >> yeah. let's put we had a breakdown from this poll a second ago up on the screen. let's put it back i'm kind of showing the question that the new york times asked right there. you can see the difference here between biden and trump, right? so the new
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york times sienna college poll who is too old to be an effective president, 73% agree that biden is too old to be effective, but only 42% say trump is twofold. we just should remind everyone there's just over three years between these two guys. i mean, they're definitely the same generation. >> what do you >> think explains the gap there? so again, i think the >> gap is not just the age on the paperwork. is that president biden, a. the job has aged him. we know every president at ages, everyone yeah, it ages you and so he already started out as the oldest american to be elected president. the natural aging of the role, and then i think this has been an interesting study and just the fact that people, individuals, age differently when you look at biden and his contemporaries, mitch mcconnell, jim clyber, nancy pelosi, all of them have aged differently even though they're kind of similar in age on paper, right and so even trump, trump doesn't come across
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nearly as old as biden in his mannerisms and things like that. even though, as you mentioned, there are only three years apart. so i think again, it's not just about the age on the paperwork. it's how people perceive president biden and we know he also does have his speech impediment and things like that that aren't necessarily tied to age. so i want to say that the stuttering, but i think in general, people say he looks to be older, he looks to be someone that we wouldn't necessarily think has the energy to be president for another four years what we should, we should certainly note. >> i mean, donald trump has made his share of mistakes on the campaign trail lately, but these numbers speak for themselves in terms of what you're saying about how voters perceive the differences between these two men. all right. tim mitchell. thank you so much. we'll see at the top of the hour with our panel. >> all right. >> now, this taylor swift's era's tour has landed in singapore, but it is not without controversy
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>> take any excuse to play that what we bad blood because neighboring governments are upset with singapore for reportedly paying up to $3 million per show for an exclusive deal with the star in southeast asia singapore's culture minister says that the grant was quote, not anywhere as high as speculated. cnn's has reached out to swift spokespeople and to singapore's government for a comment on this controversy. all right, time now for sports, caitlin clark's stands alone. the iowa superstar has now scored more points then anyone and in nc doublet history in d1 history, man or woman, coy wire has this morning's bleacher report, coy. good morning. this is so cool. >> it is just dreaming. i mean, the girl from iowa grew up playing in the boy's legs as
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she's had a career that is the stuff pub legend it was senior de in iowa city, clark signing autographs for the next generation ahead of her final regular season home game, 18 points shy of brick and pete maravich's all-time mark kaitlan putting on a show. she's known for a circus like three-point shot from way downtown. but the moment came, case he just before half and fittingly, clark was all alone, all eyes, singer push past police, pistol, pete's martin with a pair of free throws, sellout crowd. they knew it. everyone knew it, except kaitlyn. did you know it happened >> not really. but then when they announce it and everybody screams, that's when i knew. but pretty cool. a good half for us. i think we can do a little better job on defense and clean it up a little bit, but i'm proud of my girls were fighting they're really good team. they're gonna give us everything they got locked in all business. lebron james fresh job becoming the nba's first ever 40,000 points score, posting a bunch of buckets, giving his congrats and president joe biden hi, telling
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her and let go in his post, the greatest of all time all this came, i guess the number two team in the nasia and ohio state, clark's hot guys he's the hawkeyes heartbeat. she finished with 35 points. number six, iowa pulling off the 93-83 upset when she becomes legend breaking the all-time sewa one scoring record, but also ty steph curry's single-season three-point record in this game, 162 of them. afterwards, she tried to put it all into perspective. >> a record is a record. i don't want that to be the reason people remember me. i hope people remember me for the way i played with a smile on my face, my competitive fire. sure. they can remember the wins, but also just like the fun me and my teammates had together and i think honestly, if you would have told me that before my college career started, i would have laughed in your face and then like, no, you're insane and like i've always been able to score the ball, but i don't think people really understand how many amazing players have come before me, whether it's p, or whether it's kelsey plum or lynette woodard like all these
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people have just given so much the game, so hopefully somebody comes after me and breaks my records and i can be there supporting them and that's what makes the game of basketball. so pfk-1 >> now the boston celtics six there on a level, we've never seen any nba notching their third game where they've won by at least 50 points. no other team in the league has ever done that in a single-season, the warriors didn't know what hit them. seas were up by 44.5 time franchise record. boston's on an unreal stretch outscoring opponents by an average of 22.1 points per game in there 11 game win streak, largest margin ever over an 11 games stretch in nba history. finally, alex morgan in the us women's national team, looking to handle business bounce back from a stunning two nil laws to mexico and the gold cup. and they did with a dominated think performance against colombia already up to one nil. jenna nighswonger ripping oma stinger up the brilliant header from morgan and then ghaidan shaw she's strong, 19-year-olds.
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>> third goal of attorney making it three nil us now, based in defending olympic champs from canada in the semis on wednesday, but kaitlan clark, casey is just absolutely unreal >> 30 games. they've either sold out or broke attendance records this year, all because of the magic she's been making on the court is something of c. >> it's amazing. i love seeing i mean, women's sports and spot like banks like this. so awesome. and she's, she's got such class to when you hear a takedown, all right. coy. thank you so much. >> got it. all right. coming up next here on cnn this morning, we are closely monitoring the supreme court for a ruling that could impact the race for the white house. >> plus nikki haley heading into super tuesday there's day with her first primary victory over donald trump >> sports this morning brought to you by safe all right. your vehicle glass and recalibration experts cracked windshield schedule would say flight will come to you fixing this customer was enjoying her
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