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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 7, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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us and then on toward haiti's island neighbor, the dominican republic, for an indefinite stopover. >> but officials in the dr. blocked his arrival instead on his plane went on to puerto rico the miami herald reporting that henry was mid-flight when the biden administration asked him to agree to a new transitional government and resign. the white house, pushing back on that, we are definitely not pushing prime at the prime minister to resign. that is not what we're doing, but we have underscored that now is the time to finalize a political core to help set haiti on a path to a better future where henry is now is not clear, nor is the direction of his country, which is increasingly under the tightening grip of gangs john, i haitian security source telling us tonight that police are trying to hold the line. they're low on ammo. morale is depleted. they say that with the prime minister out of the country in this moment, john, they feel like they've been abandoned david culver, important reporting. thank you
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so much. the news continues right here on cnn >> it's thursday, march 7, right now on cnn this morning, joe biden, just hours from delivering a state of the union address that could help propel him to a second term or possibly put his reelection campaign in jeopardy. plus donald trump challenging the president to a debate and signaling his second term in the white house could be even more chaotic and district corruptive than the first and alabama's governor signing an ivf protection bill into law. >> but >> access to fertility treatments still remains at risk. >> all right it's 05:00 a.m. here in washington. that's a live look at jefferson memorial, looks beautiful at this time of day. >> good morning, everyone. i'm kasie hunt. wonderful to be with you this morning. this morning, president biden and white house aides will put the finishing touches on his state
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of the union address. this is a white house photo from earlier this week of him working on the speech. >> it's likely to be >> among the most consequential of biden's presidency. >> or it could be. >> he >> is certain to highlight his claimed successes on the economy. and warned of the dangers of another trump term but more important, the address is a chance for biden to demonstrate the fight and fire democrats say that he shows in private in a chance for americans to judge for themselves, live and unedited, whether the president does have what it takes to lead for another four years. joining me here is cnn senior white house producer, betsy klein. betsy, good morning to you. thanks so much for being here. you've got a long day. so appreciate you. >> started out with us >> there's the stakes are very high here for president biden. >> how is he >> preparing for this speech and how, how did the aids look at these questions? we see it in all the polling about concerns about the president's age, his performance, as much as the content of that speech is going to be on display
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tonight. and he'll be judged for it. >> yeah. i mean, this is a really critical moment for president biden for the white house and for his campaign. we know that he has been wracked by poor polling questions about stamina, his age. and this is really an opportunity he is going to have an audience tonight to directly make his case for a second term as this general election is coming into view, really lay out the stakes, the issue there's some of those accomplishments that he's had trouble breaking through so far >> so betsy, one of the things that often tells us about the priorities of the speech or the guests that the white house chooses to invite. what do we know about the themes of the speech, and how are they being backed up by people that are going to be in the audience tonight. yeah. so like you mentioned, the first lady's guest guests, her box at the state of the union in really show us a blueprint for what the president is going to talk about those issues. one of them that is really coming into focus. we're getting new details this morning on who will be with her. we're getting information about kate cox, that texas mother of two, who is one of going when biden makes that case for abortion
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rights, reproductive active rights, she is that texas mother of two who had to leave her state to seek an abortion. there is also an alabama mother who was in the process of ivf when that state halted its ivf. and we're also going to hear about student loan debt. there is a teacher from minnesota who's going to help biden make that case on student loan debt, popular issue and on, democracy, one of the really interesting things happening today is that sweden becomes the 32nd member of nato and president biden will host the prime minister of sweden tonight as he seeks to draw that contrast with trump, who has really railed against nato in the past, right? >> i mean, it's, it's quite something that they have to invite a representative of a soon to be nato country to contrast with someone in an american election, right? we're not even talking about what that message that would send to people overseas. betsy, how would you say one of the things we've heard a lot about in the last 24 hours or those nikki haley voters who ultimately
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right there, a lot of a lot of more independence there or if disaffected republicans, some of them are moderate democrats who honestly are likely to decide the election at the end of the day how do you think the president is going to speak to those voters tonight >> well, i think it's really interesting that he is certainly trying to make his case here. that is evident yesterday when he offered that olive branch to her supporters, saying in a statement, there is a home for them with his campaign. he's making that case on foreign policy, pointing to nato democracy support for ukraine, places where they feel like they can win over some of those moderate voters and also issues like abortion and kitchen table issues like efforts to slash junk fees, lower the cost of prescription drugs and health care all, >> betsy klein starting us off. betsy, thank you very much. good luck tonight. thank >> all right. former president trump does want to try and you guessed it control some of the spotlight during biden's state of the union, he posted on truth social that he plans to do a live play by play during the address. and writes, quote, i will correct and rapid response any and all inaccurate statements especially pertaining to the border and is
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weaponization of the doj that should be something to see. all right. eugene scott, senior politics reporter at axios joins me now, live with more on this. eugene's great to see you. thank you so much for being here. >> honestly, >> this sounds like staff work fine. him >> so okay. that's pretty much par for the course. it's rainy state of the union and presidential year, if you haven't opposing campaign, what do you think we're going to see from him tonight? you think it's going to showcase the discipline is campaign wants or are we going to get the trump that lets the biden campaign make the argument that more trump would be more chaos. >> well, i think he might start off pretty disciplined. i mean, that is the direction in which his campaign wants him to go. so that's very possible. the challenge for the former president consistently is staying disciplined right? we have had these stops, these starts and stops before. if he's going to be able to continue that throughout the speech, especially if biden is hitting him hard in areas in which he's very sensitive about. i'll be surprised if he he maintains restraint.
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>> what do you think is the line for president biden in terms of i mean, these speeches obviously our political, but there also is a difference between being the president of the united states and being a candidate, right? right. >> and this is something he's going to be doing in his role as president for all americans, as opposed to in his role as someone who is running against donald trump. obviously, it's all tied together, but where do you think the white house is drawing that line? >> i think it's going to be very important for him to spin as much time, if not more communicating what he hasn't done opposed to highlighting the fears and anxieties that he thinks people should have if trump were to return to the oval office, it's also important than line that he was pretty hey, good at like treading when he ran in 2020 is attacking trump, not attacking trump supporters. that's something that people running against trump in the past have really struggled with. and that's because biden needs the supporters. he needed them in 2020. he needs them now eugene, what will you be watching tonight in terms of the president's performance? i,
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think one of the challenges for people obviously is a lot of people think the president's age is a problem and you shouldn't, you know, he's not up to this do you think this is a situation where people are expecting the worst? and so seeing something better than it is going to be good for them? or is this a situation where they're going to see something that they didn't expect. and this issue potentially gets worse for the president. >> when i think about the voters who are really concerned about his age, i think they're going to be focused on whether or not he actually is as old as they think he is. and if he is actually performing in a way that's better than they fear, you know, he hits responded recently in a few weeks, we've seen late-night interviews where he said, you know what, i am not, where you all think i am. and so i think the pushback on some of these voters has led some of them to say, maybe i'm wrong, let all i love them, maybe not even most of them, but i think enough of them will be open to seeing if he can deliver something different from what they fear. >> yeah. right. eugene scott of axios, eugene. >> thank you very much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate it.
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>> all right. coming up, congressman pat ryan from new york joins us live what he thinks president biden has to do during tonight's state of the union, its view from a swing district plus the threat of genocide in haiti, how the us is trying to bring an end to violence there. and here we go again, congress racing against the clock to head off another government the shutdown vegas story. >> of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn with so many choices on, there are so many tina fey's. i could be hired body doubles to help me out >> splurging. tina loves a hotel near road day. you dropped five >> tina >> tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse >> glenn close oh millions of possibilities. >> you can book whoever you want to be. >> that's my line. >> looking. >> yeah >> after i received the silver
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whereabouts. since last week, port-au-prince has descended into lawlessness after a wave of coordinated gang attacks on police stations, government buildings, and even a prison. one gang leader calls it a direct challenge to the unpopular henry cnn's max foster joins us now, live from london. max, can you explain what is going on in haiti? i mean, this explosion of violence against the government has really threatened the foundations of it all. what do we know >> we're all complete lawlessness. and what's unusual here, this isn't an opposition group rising up. this is gangs taking control of the country tree, loss of prime minister was out of it. these are gangs that dealing drugs and arms. that's how they operate. the prime minister left the country and they're effectively not allowing him back in by threatening to take over the airport so, we don't know where he is. he can't get into the country. but there is a political message here. so barbecue, who's the most prominent gang leader, talked yesterday about how he wants
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elections because that might reflect what, a lot of the public feels here, because henry came into power two-and-a-half years ago without an election, he promised an election. it hasn't happened yet. so what they're talking about is free and fair elections, but it's not entirely clear what barbecue wants after all of this, he has suggested in the past a group of elders, for example but really this is gang violence out of control. and then this political message being folded in and the international community really calling on the prime minister to speed up this transition because it's not operating as democracy right now. >> max, what do we know about the international community and what they're doing about the security here. i mean, is there any hope from the outside for the institute, a civil institutions that exist to the extent they still exist in haiti when it wasn't kenya earlier last year. and there were big discussions there about setting up a un
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peacekeeping police force effectively to go into haiti to take back control to support the legal system there and the enforcement system and that's what the prime minister that's one of the prime minister left the country to sign that deal in kenya, which is when all of this really kicked off. what the gang leaders are saying is that this isn't to support civil society, it's literally just two the prime minister will use that security force to protect his position in power and continue without elections so now we're seeing america speaking up on this slightly yesterday, not leaning into it too much, but certainly i think we're going to see other countries. china put some sort of system together to try to bring back order to haiti because it's absolute chaos. the police stations are being rated, the banks are being rated. no one's in control of people are leaving capital and they're trying to find safety outside >> yeah, just a very, very dire situation and clear that the us doesn't want to involve its own security forces, not pressuring
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henry to step down, but saying they do want him to move forward with something that will transition things there. all right. max foster for us in london, max, always wonderful to have you. thank you. thank you. okay. see >> all right. up next the city of uvalde about to release its own report on the police response to the mass shooting at robb elementary school. plus why us taxpayers are spending millions to take care of a russian oligarchs, yachts. and that is a pretty boat, but why are we paying for it >> happens to the golden boy of new jersey. i >> engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed again night it's states of scandal with jake tapper are gonna get a therapy is if they're having an interview with jake, tapper, new episode next sunday at nine on cnn >> this is our night singles, doesn't care, but she works bug temps only she looks has proven over 90% effective. shingles is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50
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hello dad, hello dad, hello da. uh-oh. good bunnies. ahh! 79594061 >> call now i'm katie bo lillis in washington and this is cnn all right. 20 minutes >> past the hour. here's your morning roundup. this
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afternoon, the uvalde city council releases the results of an independent an investigation into the police response at the robb elementary school shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead opening statements. this morning and the trial of james crumbley, the father of michigan school shooter, ethan crumbley. james crumbley was charged with involuntary manslaughter after his son killed four classmates in a mass shooting in 2021 an arizona grand jury issuing subpoenas to 11 donald trump allies who tried to overturn the 2020 presidential election. >> sources let's say prosecutors could be looking at other trump subordinates who were tied to his campaign and then there's this us taxpayers are coughing up nearly $1 million a month to maintain a luxury yacht that was seized from a russian oligarch in 2022 prosecutors are trying to get permission to sell it since the maintenance since costs. now, top 20 million must be nice
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>> all right. let's go now to weather because >> severe thunderstorms could bring heavy rain and winds today from central texas to western oklahoma. and we've got flood watches in effect for new england after non-stop rain soaked the northeast meteorologist allison chinchar, tracking all of it for whereas she joins us now, allison, what do we got today >> all right. a little bit more rain, which for some of these areas is the last thing they really want to see already in inches fallen in several areas including new york. and you can see from the radar we've still got very heavy rainfall across portions of upstate new york, vermont, massachusetts, and even maine right now. and here's what that's where the main focus is going to before the flood watches a lot of these areas can still expect to pick up about an additional one to three inches on top of what they've already had. that thing here is that the flooding is going to be concerned because that ground is already saturated. look at all of these areas, the surplus of rain they've been dealing with so far this year. again, some of them, even as much as half a foot of rain above were they normally would be the good news is by tonight we finally start to see an exit to that moisture. but that next system
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you can see out there that's set to arrive as we head into the weekend. so philadelphia, new york even areas like boston in boston and baltimore also expecting some more rain for this weekend out to the west. this is where we have the concern for not only some additional file eric concerns, but also the potential for severe storms, especially across the southern plains, large hail damaging winds and yes, even a tornado or two possible places like wichita, oklahoma city, dallas, and down just to the north of austin. this is mainly going to be in the afternoon and the evening timeline. and then behind that system, that's where we have the big concern for a lot those fires, not only the ones that are ongoing, but any additional fires that could be sparked, but that's the system that's going to continue to make its way off towards the east, bringing additional rainfall and quite heavy rainfall across the southeast. and then again, that's going to be the next system we talked about, casey that brings more rain to areas of the northeast this weekend all right. allison chinchar for us, allison, thank you >> very much for that. we'll see you soon up next. president biden's allies pleading with
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him to do one thing during the state of the union address that he hasn't done so far. we'll bring you that new reporting next. >> plus mitch mcconnell. no fan of donald trump trying to explain why he just endorsed him >> united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn. >> so this has pickleball with e-trade for morgan stanley. we're ready for whatever gets served up. >> didn't get a living trust on rather work on saving for retirement or college since you'd like to get gould has pretty good burn right? >> now, adt professionally installs google nest products. >> they're all set are less system. we >> should go the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. >> after i received the silver star in afghanistan, i tried everything for pain relief, even cbd, when a small tincture in cost over $100 and it's not approved the du thing this is
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get 20% off at the terms of high, if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with parsi because they're places you'd rather be for secret can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis since that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar. >> a rare >> life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking first, seek ahead, call your dr. right away. if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election, with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tonight at eight times cnn >> all right. a live look at the white house good morning. come on, guys of an atom it's sue the union de it's always
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dark this time it's not their fault. thanks for waking up for us. i'm kasie hunt tonight, president biden has what's going to be one of his best chances to speak directly to voters ahead of the november election, as this is likely one of the largest audiences he'll have between now and november, if not the largest audience obviously, what he says is important, but how he says it may be just as critical this time, president biden's closest allies, they want to see more fight or passion and his messaging. and of course, voters who are worried about the president's age are going to be evaluating his fitness for a second term joining us now cnn senior reporter isaac dovere, white house correspondent for bloomberg news, akayla gardner and mychael schnell, congressional reporter for the hill. welcome. all >> isaac, let me start with you because you have a piece that it may tweak some, some feelings in the white house this morning kind of looking at basically what are the challenges? for the president going into tonight? what are some people who want to see him when telling him that he needs to do tell us more. >> well, look and say that yoon is always a little bit of
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theatrical. are a lot of theatrical in this case, as you said, it's important, it's the big speech that he has not only going into a reelection year, but coming at this moment when people are saying, is he up to it, is he up to the job? is he up to us? second term? >> the >> alarm democrats and i've been talking to leading democrats for the last couple of weeks, have been saying, not just with the state of the union, but overall, they want to see more of a fight out of him. they want to see enthusiasm, passion, pride. those are the words that i hear. governor tim walz from minnesota, who is a big fan of the president very much on boards that people need to hear from the candidate himself. they need to feel like he's a fighter that the question is he tough enough? he's gone to answer, and that's something that comes up when they hear these stories of oh, he's cursing about donald trump behind closed doors or benjamin netanyahu, where he says something tough at a fundraiser. >> let's >> see some of that because he needs to show it, show he's got the vitality to run and that he has the enthusiasm that he's going to drum up in democrats across the country. >> yeah, i mean, akayla,
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there's some truth to that, right? that we've heard the president say all sorts of stuff behind closed doors, call, use the phrase crazy sob. i mean, it's there does seem to be different prince between who he is, especially in these fundraisers where he's not on camera. he's not necessarily on the teleprompter from what we get me, this is the most teleprompter of teleprompter speeches that like exists, right? state of the union, it's incredibly formal, it's incredibly scripted. what do you expect tonight? >> yeah, i think to isaac's point, i think a huge thing that voters are gonna be watching for is just his performance and delivery especially because voters are still concerned about biden's age. they're gonna be watching how he handles hecklers, interruptions during the speech. overall, i hear from voters some of those more candid moments they wanted to appreciate its those that he has some whit that he's quick on its feet. and i think that's exactly to isaac's point. what democrats are really hoping to see from him today? >> yeah, i mean, michael to that point you cover congress every day, run around in the hallways mean i remember my first state of the union in the room was a george w bush state of the union. then when obama
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came to office, it was an absolute scandal that joe wilson leaped up and said you lie in the middle of that speech. and i've got to be honest with you, that seems almost quaint in comparison to what we have seen in the year since since this is one of the route easiest audiences that any president will have likely faced in the state of the union. biden kind of turned it his advantage last year. he he he punched back on when he was talking about the state of the union. what are you expecting like who when you're sitting up there in the gallery watching the crowd, like who are you going to have eyes on to see? >> hey? are they going to act out of school basically, and this to your point, it's because president biden's going to be addressing some of his fiercest republican critics, both to have tried to thwart his legislative agenda. folks who have led an impeachment inquiry into him tried to kick him out of office. and who have dragged his family members and then questioned him about question them about their personal life. so i'm going to be keeping the anion who those fiercest critics are. some of those hardline conservatives, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, congressman jim comer and jim jordan there leading the impeachment inquiry against him congresswoman lauren
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boebert. other folks who we've seen be very critical of the president. i'll note speaker johnson yesterday in a closed-door meeting, urged his members to maintain decorum during tomorrow's beach it's a nice job. bystander >> mr. speaker, you're on the record by urging that's a quorum, but i was talking to congressman tim burchett afterwards and i said, you think folks are going to heat johnson's advice. what do you think? and he said, quote, does a baptist church got a bus? of course, they're not going to force they are going to speak out because that's how it's become his divisive politics. and again, they are face-to-face with their political opponent to your guises point and a moment where it's a very high stake speech, then we're going to see a lot of heckling depending on how the president handles it can be a great moment for him. >> yeah. i mean what is your sense of i mean, biden clearly is someone who gets angry, right? like he gets very angry. he flashes that anger for more in private than in public is that something he seemed to be able to channel that? well, last year in his state of the union, what do you expect from him this year, especially
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because as michael points out, like the stuff that congress is going after this time, i mean, it's very high, very high. it's very personal. >> well, look, last year, there was that moment when he talked about social security and medicare cuts and the republicans started jeering him or not just one person saying lie, you lie, but a lot of people calling out liar. >> he said, oh, i enjoy conversion >> that was >> he talked to white house aides. they said that was not scripted, that was just biden off the cuff, taking advantage of a moment that worked out well for him. they loved going into this year. some people in white house said to me, we've had an eye on some moments that we can try to go them into some traps. so that's part of what the thinking is here. >> joe, do you any sense >> of what those traps are? well, if they gave me the sense of it than i would sit here on tv and tell everybody i'm surprised. >> i'm sorry. finish your thought. >> what's they are looking for is those moments where they can make joe biden seem like the reasonable, rational person who's just down the middle,
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not screaming and cheering all those things. when marjorie taylor greene last year stood up in that, remember that all white outfit with a fire coat screaming liar, that's the kind of contrast that they what that's the contrast between joe biden's brand of politics and the maga republican brand of politics, whether that's donald trump or anyone else, obviously donald trump much more on his mind this year than in years past. >> yeah. and i do remember now that you bring that up, i mean, kevin mccarthy tried to prevent what we saw last time. give us a message, right? exactly. and we see how that yeah, that worked out. all right. >> let's take a quick pause. i do want to kinda pull our conversation in this direction because just over three years since donald trump urged a mob on to attack the capitol, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell has said that he will support trump as the republican nominee. >> what do you reconcile your trump endorsement with the fact that you call them practically and morally responsible for january 6, and the fact that he insulted you and your wife repeatedly. >> february at 25th, 2021
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shortly after the attack on the i was asked a similar question and i said, i would support the nominee for president >> even if >> it were the former president. i don't have anything to add to what i just said. >> all right. panel is back. isaac. i mean, i you know, full disclosure. i was at the capitol complex on january 6, you know, and i remember covering intently what mcconnell was doing behind the scenes. i mean, this was a hard break with donald trump for him there was a time in the during the second impeachment trial where there were a lot of questions about how mcconnell was going to vote, whether or not he was going to pressure other republicans to vote to convict trump in that circumstance. he ultimately didn't he used his floor speech announcing his resignation to say that i've been accused of being wrong about a lot of things, but where knowing where my party's
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politics are is not one of them what is your assessment of? this situation here where mcconnell is endorsing trump, even as these out in the way out the door. and in spite of all of that, i look at what you see from a number of republican leaders here is very clearly valuing partisan commitment over principle. things that they have said privately and publicly that they have real problems with donald trump. and this is not just we have a different view on tax cuts or something. this is a real fundamental disagreement on how he views the constitution and what the future of the republicans, it's not even kyiv win or lose those these are real deep things that they've talked about. they've talked about some of them in public and some of them in private. there's a public comments from mcconnell and then we are being presented with this situation where he has wrapped up the nomination and these leaders say, well, he's the republican nominee. so i guess i'm supporting him and it's not just mcconnell. you had kim reynolds, the governor of iowa, who said many things
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about how she didn't think donald trump would be fit to lead endorsing him yesterday, glenn youngkin, the governor of virginia where we'll see, i assume some of the last remaining holdouts in the next couple of days go that direction to it is not a situation where they are saying, i have come to this because i've come to agree with him where i believe principally that he's the right person for it. it's the republican nominee that's the republican the voters have chosen, and that's it. >> that's, mikael. what are you hearing on the hill about this? >> i mean, we were talking about mcconnell's stepping down as leader last week and saying that it was shocking because he's a, he's a stay is a stalwart of the senate, but not surprising because the republican party has moved away from his institutional conservatism towards more of that maga, an america first move movement. i think that this is, this encapsulates that this is the epitome of that, that mitch mcconnell, someone who blamed donald trump for the january 6 attack, someone who has weathered attacks on him and on his wife, the former transportation secretary, elaine chao, from donald
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trump's someone who mitch mcconnell hasn't spoken to since the capitol riot before. the capitol right around that time. mitch mcconnell made the political calculation that donald trump is going to be the nominee. and if we want more conservative judges on the court, if we want more conservative policy to be pushed through potentially with a senate majority next year, they have to endorse donald trump. i think that at the end of the day, this just shows the changing center of the republican party and we're not just seeing that with mitch mcconnell, but lawmakers across the board, you mentioned some state officials are some moderate lawmakers, congressman don bacon, for example, came out yesterday and said, i'm going to endorse donald trump, someone who hasn't said the nicest things about him. but the end of the day, this is where the republican party is going. and these republicans want these conservative policy wins judicial nominations they're making the calculation that donald trump has to be their guy. >> yeah. and kayla, it's it's not even that it's worth the party's going it's where it's gone. >> exactly. i think to both of your points mcconnell is a party loyalist, but the end of the day, he's also trying to make his life easier if donald trump is elected, they're still
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going to have to work together in some ways, but they still have huge disagreements when it comes to ukraine, when it comes to working on a bipartisan basis. and so there's definitely going to have to struggle with that if he ends up with donald trump as a president in november. >> well, i mean mcconnell's also peace and out before trump can take office. again, either years left in the senate, just not that's fair. but he's not gonna be in charge. >> all right. isaac to akayla gardner, mychael schnell. thank you, guys very much. i really appreciate it. ahead on cnn this morning, a juror explains why the movie set armorer was found guilty after alec baldwin was handed a gun with live rounds isn't it plus democratic congressman pat ryan of new york here to tell us what he wants to see from president biden tonight during the state of the union address i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me. >> emerged you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin eye for months. and the majority stayed clear eyed five years cbs allergic reactions
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>> i'm pete muntean at reagan national airport. this is cnn close captioning brought to you by mesothelial mom. it's all >> we do with local offices throughout the country and has help you get the compensation you deserve. 800 to eight to 44, 44 a little as gentlemen, a little more junkyard dog tonight, president biden will give the state of the union
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address and we're learning many >> democratic allies want the president to bring little more fire. >> when >> he speaks the speech could potentially go a long way towards easing concerns about biden's age polls show that most voters are concerned he's not up for a second term. close allies are hoping for more unscripted moments, like they saw in last year's speech some republicans want medicare and social security sunset. i'm not saying it's a majority >> contact. my office i'll give you a copy. >> fentanyl is killing more than 70,000 americans a year you got it >> okay. >> joining us now, democratic congressman pat ryan of new york, who represents a swing hudson valley district congressman. thank you very much for being here. >> thanks for how many top lines what are you one of these people that wants to see more fire from president biden tonight in the state of the union i mean, that is a joe
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biden that we know and love that i've seen a bunch of times as many have said, sometimes off camera, he is fiery right? >> people are saying, we see you in private. we know he clearly gets angry. he flashes that he's he's but we don't see it in public. >> yeah. >> well, i think i think he takes a job so seriously. i mean, i think he understands the weight of particularly what's happening in the world right now, what's happening in our country, the threats to our democracy in that he meets that with a seriousness that it merits. but but people want to see and should see the fighter in him. i mean, he is a fighter, certainly for our country, but he's, he's a he's a people person. i mean, i spent a bunch of time with him in ireland and the irish the irish in him came out in terms of his fire and you know, you caught him, you come at his people the american people. he's going to come right back at you. we saw that last year. i've seen it a bunch of times. i think i do think we will see tonight again, i'm excited for that. >> yeah, that's a really, really interesting way scene, i
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guess to set him in if you're actually with him in with him in ireland? you represent like we said, a very swing district, your barely won your own race. you're running another race. what do you hear and see on the ground that helps you understand what you think the president should do better. what are voters telling you in your district about why they don't like the president as much as they used to. >> i hear a lot of great feedback about not only the president personally, but more importantly, what he's delivered on and what he's talking about continuing to deliver on. and it is that fight. i mean, folks right now are i just had a town hall last week so much pressure, particularly economic pressure, economic stress, cost of housing, cost of healthcare, cost of groceries. still, the real record that the president has had that the democrats have had on bringing that pressure down, bringing those costs down in my district, for example, he came in and delivered a 20 billion-dollar investment in
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quantum computing from ibm in the hudson valley north of new york city. that hasn't had anything like that in a really long time. that's those are big deal deliverables that we've already seen from him. and that's what folks want to continue to see it. >> at the end of the day. it's a stark >> choice coming into 2024. are you going to fight for us, the american people are going to fight for yourself, for your own personal grievances, like we've seen for trump's grievance-based divisive and dark politics. and that is not what folks in my district want. >> do you want president biden to come campaign with you and your district? would you welcome him? absolutely. i mean, he came he came last time in a tough, tight race and you're driving through your home in the streets of your hometown in a motorcade with the president, the united states, you see tens of thousands of people come out waving and greeting him as a huge impact, it lifts morale all it gives people hope and optimism. and i think we'd love to have that again, fair enough i want to ask you about something we saw from governor
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kathy hochul yesterday, which is it's the cover here of the new york post that there are boots on the ground in the subways because of a rise in violent crime, do you think deploying the national guard? to protect people in this instance was the right thing to do >> that's an honestly it's a tough having served in uniform and thought a lot about civil military relations. i think that was a pretty strong call. we certainly need to up the public safety in new york and we've been doing a lot of that. i've been working on a lot of that, working with our local law enforcement, working with federal authorities. i think the decision to deploy the guard is a strong move and it puts frankly, the way i think about it, you're putting young soldiers with relatively limited training and really tough spots. i mean, they're not trained really to do law enforcement. so i think i hope they get a lot of training on rules of engagement and they're not put in in tough situations. but i would prefer to see some other public safety assets
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deployed. she is also deploying the state police, which i think makes a lot more sense. and of course, nypd but that was a bit of a surprise >> i mean, it seems pretty strong political statement about crime hi, do you where do you come down on how big of a problem crime is right now? >> well, i hear from a lot of folks concerns about public safety. we have seen some violent crime go up in new york city. in meyer, actually crime is down pretty consistently for the last few years, which is encouraging. we got to keep doing more work. so i've been pushing and fighting for more funding, particularly on the fentanyl and opioid epidemic. that's been really the number one public safety concern that i hear in our area is just with a family over the weekend who lost their son to a fatal overdose from fentanyl and so we're pushing more resources. there were pushing now block china from bringing in all the precursor chemicals. and of course, i've been strongly calling consistently for more funding and more border security, which is one of the
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biggest things i hear in my district. i do think though the militarization of the response like this can be counterproductive, actually, that's i think we got to we have to be careful about who we deploy and how we deploy military folks in the us, even among the guard? >> no. no, i appreciate your perspective as someone who's served. thank you very much. and you're going to stick around and join the chat of our show and thank you very much. i really appreciate your time. >> all right. this just in here at cnn hamas is leaving cairo with no breakthrough in negotiations to try to reach a ceasefire. as calls for that ceasefire in gaza are growing around the world. a senior source says the delegation is going to resume negotiations next week, you'll remember that israel did not send a delegation to participants in this round of talks when hamas refused to provide a list of hostages that were still alive in gaza >> all right. time now for sports, the us women's soccer team wins a thriller against canada and conditions that many
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people called unplayable. andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report, andy, good morning. >> yeah. good morning. kasie. so san diego got lots and lots of rain yesterday, so much so that there were just big puddles standing on the field at snap dragon stadium that meant the ball certainly didn't move like it's supposed to sometimes not rolling it all and that helped me if you score their first goal right here now they squeegee the field that halftime to try to help the conditions. but us women's national team interim head coach twila kilgore said, it was tough out there you know the game is played under all sorts of conditions all over the world. and today are conditions have happened to be a ton of rain and standing water on the field and you've got to find a way to get it done. and these things, these these things do happen in football i would say thinkable to just to any sort of conditions is always a part of it and takes a certain mentality to do that. and we did that today and we're not going to shy away from celebrate really not because it's not easy
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>> yeah. and despite the conditions, this was a really good game. sophia smith scoring the 99th minute to give the us a to-1 lead. canada though on their very last chance, would get a penalty after us keep her alyssa naeher, just level that canadian plane they're right there. the 127th minute goals sit this game into penalties, but that's when nayar would get redemption. she's saved three penalties and converted one us wins and penalty kicks three-to-one to move on to the gold cup final against brazil on sunday. all right, to the nba where the golden state warriors had the biggest one day in turnaround in nba history last night. so sunday they offer the celtics by 52 last night, they beat the bucs like 35. >> that's only at 87 point difference. steph curry made 6-3, scored a game-high, 29 points, a box scored an nba season low, nine points in the fourth quarter. it's going to state one, that one won 25, 90. all right. lebron james, meanwhile, limping off the court and the final minutes
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against the kings last night afterwards, abroad said he's gonna be all right. it's just his sore ankle, 39 year-old scored 31 points and that 13 has said, but it was in a losing effort. de'aaron fox 44 points is the king's won that 113120 elsewhere. scary moment on the sidelines during last night's game between the thunder and the trailblazers? oklahoma city's bismarck biyombo appears to collapse and fall to the ground during a time-out after a lengthy delay, the veteran center was able to get up and walked to the locker room from trailblazers, doctors reportedly cleared biyombo of any serious medical issue. he's gonna go under further evaluations later. >> finally, things >> got heated at the end of the bulls matchup against the jazz was less than ten seconds remaining. you have a walk point game. >> you tell us john collins at >> some words which goggles torrey craig and assistant coach chris polemic, things escalated, lots of pushing and shoving here both teams started going yet each other. everyone eventually was separated. technical fouls, given a fleming, craig and colin chicago ended up winning that game one to 117
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>> the rare assistant coach employer pushing each other case, you don't see that one very often? >> no. let's let's let's let's let's not say we did. okay. thank you very much for that. i'll see you tomorrow coming up here. deputy white house press secretary, olivia dalton joins us live to talk about tonight's state of the union, plus alabama's governor signs a law protecting ivf. why some experts say it doesn't go far enough >> sports this morning brought to you by safelite, your vehicle glass, and recalibration experts why did we choose safely who were always working on a project while loading up our suv. >> one extra push. and so we schedule that we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrived. we could keep working. safelite came to us i am kendrick replaced a windshield and installed new
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