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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  March 7, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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to seem like they know famous people but also they get to highlight an issue that that famous person is associated with it advocates for >> now as for the potential pitfalls of having a notable guest in the box, historian tim naftali says, when a president and the white house aides are vetting a guest, they do have to make sure they know the full background of that person, that there aren't any surprises attached to that individual because these days he says within minutes of the state of the union address that person's name is going to be splashed across. social media will brian todd, i remember all of those special moments indeed, thanks very much for that report. and to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'll see you tomorrow, 11:00 a.m. eastern for cnn newsroom. and later in the day, 06:00 p.m. right here in the situation room
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us and the people work for a living in this country. >> all right. anita dunn, thank you very much. a senior adviser, of course, to president biden. and outfront now, dan cluchey, the former senior speechwriter for president biden, who worked on multiple major biden speeches during the 2022 state of the union speech and the 2021 inaugural address. and david litt, speechwriter for then-president obama. okay. thanks very much to both of you. so here we are. we're less than two hours away, from from this going to be a major speech from biden. and i think, safe to say, sort of my interpretation, from spending time with him today is it's he's going to take his time and he's going to talk about a lot of things, we know he reached out to tv presidents, tv presidents like morgan, morgan freeman, gina davis. yeah, i mean, why do you think he did that? >> well, can i say he neglected
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bill pullman, who i think is the best tv president's speech has gotten? >> no, i was not all inclusive with my list. >> i was looking for martin sheen, and i missed it. that's true. yeah, what i was going to say about that is i feel like there were two things going on. first of all, it's just a nice moment to have some fun and be a normal person, earlier you were talking about these implicit contrasts with trump. it is weird that we're in this moment where where if joe biden says, i'm, i believe in being nice to people and liking america, you're like, oh, he's talking about trump. but that's where we are. so i think that normalcy is very helpful. the other thing that i think is going on is this is a little bit of a flex, because these are people with big platforms that are saying, we're all in on biden. we're going to help him spread his message. and that's not just tonight. that's going to be true all the way through november. >> and i'd add to that it's a nice contrast with the pomp and circumstance of the state of the union address tonight. he can also show up and speak to the american people in, in ways that are more fun and more casual, and they get another sense of
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him in that way as well. >> i mean, i don't know, maybe, perhaps it was in part he seems to want spontaneity tonight. i mean, he had that moment, the viral moment last year, you know, during the state of the union, talking about taxes. i want to play it because it seems to be something that he would embrace. the possibility maybe that's why he was talking to tv presidents, that he might embrace something like that happen again. let me just play it for everyone to remind you. >> instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some republicans, some republicans want medicare and social security. sunset. i'm not saying it's a majority. let me give you anybody who doubts it. contact my office. i'll give you a copy. i'll give you a copy of the proposal. you think he wants a moment like that tonight? >> it's sacrilegious for a speechwriter to admit this, but this president is often at his best when he's off script and
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he's just having a natural reaction and working quickly. you know, i can't say that he wants another, another heckle to come through. but the last time they tried it, he was able to negotiate to save medicare and social security in real time. so, i think he'll be ready if it happens again. >> and how does something like that happen? i mean, you know, obviously you want you want a moment like that, although but then you want it to be controlled. >> well, i think that's always the challenge in life. right. you want control and spontaneity. and whether you're the president or you're just people, it would be great to have everything. and that's just not the way it works. i think that what you can do, though, is you can prepare so one of the things that really strikes me about the state of the union is this used to be a monologue, and now it's become not just a dialog, but whatever you call all of the members of congress. alag well, it's more interactive and maybe, maybe reflecting the world that we live in. >> yeah, right. twitter back and forth with a bunch of people you don't know all the time. and i mean, maybe it's twitter back
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and forth. >> it's people who are who are thinking, okay, how do i go viral for my heckle of the president? rather than just sitting there and saying, okay, this is not my moment, you get a whole bunch of different things. so i do think that that gives the president a the opportunity to say, okay, we have a some idea of what's going to come. we have some idea of which moments people might get a little, you know, a little eager to state their own view, even though they have not won a presidential election yet. and so that you can prepare for that, even if you can't control it perfectly. all right. >> i want to go ahead. >> yeah. oh, by the same token, you can prepare all you want, but you don't know what a random member of congress is going to happen to shout out or or when they will. and you know, the president can't go in there with a menu of one liners for any situation. what he can do is be quick on his feet, be knowledgeable. that's what he showed last year and we may see it. >> well, everyone's going to be watching for that, right? especially in the context of what we know the american people care about and are worried about vitality, you know, age, memory, all those things. right, that they're watching for that. all
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right. i actually wanted to i wanted to play something from the actors that the president spoke to in preparing for this. and now i you know, i feel a little embarrassed. bill pullman is not not is not no sort. oh, i'm sorry. it's not here at all. okay oh, we do have it. okay. but he's still not in it. i'm sorry. he's still not in it. but let me just play what we have. go ahead. >> my advice is, just keep telling us how you're working for us and building hope. i learned that having a loving partner changes everything. >> love and compassion as a leader are strengths. they're not weaknesses. and our key to your character. so let that shine through in your speech. >> whoever thought of that, i mean, you know, thought of doing that, thought of doing that segment or thought of i mean, i've thought of the concept and putting it out there, i mean, you know, that's it's a good thinking, you know, i have no idea. >> one of the things that i learned, though, working in the white house, i don't know if
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that the same experience is sometimes you have ideas and then if you find the right person and you know, people who are more important than you, take an interest in them. yeah, something could go from a whim to being something on, you know, that we're talking about on national news surprisingly quickly. that does not happen in one's post-white house life, i've learned. so it's a it's an exciting thing about that job. i mean, it really is like it's for creative, talented people pushing the envelope. there's really nowhere else to there's really nowhere else valuable to be. >> talk about loving your work. that's great to hear. all right. well, thank you both so much. i appreciate it. and obviously we're going to see what the president and those working with him on this speech have come up with and what we expect will be a long and substantive speech tonight. outfront next, trump welcoming a far right nationalist, the prime minister of hungary, to mar-a-lago. now some people don't like him because he's too strong. >> it's nice to have a strong man running your country. >> so do you just believe him at his face value here. is that how he'd like to run this country?
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plus the republican response being given by the youngest republican woman ever elected to the senate. biden and trump are nearly twice her age. so who is she? and why is jorge santos reportedly attending the state of the union tonight? >> special live coverage of the state of the union address tonight at 8:00 on cnn. >> oh, nope. try my old spice. >> you can use it on your pits, chest and even your toes. >> oh, that's fresh. >> the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea. and now becomes a future where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy arrow. put your business online in minutes. >> with the power of ai, the ladies have been doing a lot of talking recently. >> she looks great. >> what they don't know is i got inspired a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body. i
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money back guarantee. get your new favorite pair of jeans today m taylor available on the apple app store or android. >> now i am not guilty. >> i am resigning administration officials, destroyed my cover. >> our politics, we're great. power meets questionable decision making. >> i've been unfaithful from wildlife, backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution. >> as someone who lives for politics, when a major scandal unfolds, i have to know. there's so much more to the story. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn. >> welcome back to a special edition of outfront. we are live from capitol hill tonight as president biden prepares to address the nation, former president trump prepares to meet with an authoritarian leader. he will be hosting hungary's authoritarian, authoritarian authority, an i'm sorry leader, viktor orban, tomorrow at mar a lago. and the two of them do have a lot in common. they both embrace strongman rhetoric. he
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is out front. >> respected all over europe, probably like me. a little bit controversial, but that's okay. >> in style and in substance. >> i like mavericks, and he's like that. >> former president donald trump in hungarian prime minister viktor orban are two leaders sharing one playbook. >> some people don't like him because he's too strong. it's nice to have a strong man in running your country hard charging the globalist can all go to hell. >> brash and antagonistic. >> accusing us is fake news, and those who make these claims are simply idiots publicly praising each other. >> he doesn't allow illegals into his country. >> he put barbed wire fences all over. he has soldiers every ten yards echoing each other's rhetoric. >> make america great again and policies on immigration. when we
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stopped illegal migration, we have actually built that wall. >> we had the strongest border in history. we built 500 miles of wall russia in the ukraine war. >> if at the time of russian invade on ukraine, trump would have been the president of the united states, there would be no war. >> now, i'm absolutely sure i'll meet with putin. >> i'll meet with zelensky. they both have weaknesses and they both have strengths. and within 24 hours, that war will be settled. it'll be over. >> lgbtq rights. >> hungarian people reject sexual orientation programs in schools without parental consent. >> on day one, i will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school, pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our
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children and their treatment of a free press. >> i don't want to give them any ideas they know best how to write fake news. >> fake news is all you get, and they are indeed the enemy of the people in the u.s, orban has become an icon in some far right circles, even as his government is seen by many as authoritarian. >> has changed election rules to his benefit, and threatened his political dissenters and rivals. >> what orban represents at one level that is the maga america first movement here scoring him prime speaking spots at the conservative confab cpac, attracting the adoration of some of the republican party's top right wing voices. >> you know, it's amazing just to see that and what is on the agenda for their meeting. and then what else is he doing here? obviously, we saw a picture there in your piece of orban and kari lake, for example. >> that's right. and so not much
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is known about this meeting that's going to happen tomorrow night at mar a lago, trump's resort down in florida. it's a private meeting, of course, between the two leaders. but the timing is so interesting here too, right? it's an interesting moment for trump. just as he's about to clinch potentially the trump the republican nomination notably orban, though, is not going to be meeting with anyone from the biden administration. it's expected that he will not be meeting anyone from the biden administration while he's here, so that's significant. but he, however, did today, spend some time with the leader of the heritage foundation, that, of course, a conservative think tank very closely aligned with president trump. >> all right, sunlen, thank you very much. and our special coverage of biden's state of the union continues. and there is new reporting this hour that the disgraced former congressman, jorge santos, is actually expected to make a surprise appearance tonight where we are. plus, putin's next move, a top american general tonight warning that central africa is at a tipping point as putin seems hell bent on taking control of that region to vegas.
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>> is it not business as usual? your people are turning on you. >> why don't i just smas your face in? well, if you think it'll help anyone who dares insult me or my country shall feel my fury. >> yeah. >> good. >> the regime streaming exclusively on max. >> and welcome back to a special state of the union edition of outfront. you're looking live at statuary hall on capitol hill, where people are now arriving for what truly may be the most consequential address of president biden's political career and an important focus for him tonight will be reproductive rights in an excerpt of his speech just released, biden will say and i quote clearly, those bragging about overturning roe v wade have no clue about the power of women in america, butut they fod out when reproductive freedom was on the ballot and won in 2022, 2023. and they will find out again in 2024. all right, dana bash is outfront now. and
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dana, you've been had a chance where you are right now as people are coming in and with your reporting all day to speak to lawmakers on capitol hill ahead of this speech, what is the mood tonight? >> well, let me just set the scene. what's happening right now where i am, as you said, i'm in statuary hall. you see a parade of people coming in and they're heading into the house chamber. this is the diplomatic corps. this tends to be the first group of people that gets seated inside the house chamber. and then later, obviously, we'll have the actual members of congress who are the formal members of the audience. and the answer to your question, erin, is it does feel different this year. i have covered i don't even know how many states of the union and just joint addresses by my president. and it's always electric. there's always kind of a crackling feeling in the atmosphere over here on capitol hill. this feels different because the stakes are just so obvious. the stakes are obvious
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first and foremost for the president of the united states and for his party. and there's tension and there's a bit of anxiety. the public line is that they know that he'll be great and they know that he just has to communicate what he's done and what he's going to do. but this is something that the democrats who i'm talking to are so focused on pretty much more than i have ever seen when it comes to not just the substance of what the president is going to say, but the performance. >> yeah, as you say, the performance, you know, the not the not the opposite of substance. but yeah, how he looks and how he sounds, i mean, what are they hoping he can accomplish tonight with voters who obviously have made it clear in poll after poll that in addition to the substantive issues, they care about the economy, border is the top ones care deeply and have deep fears about his age. >> yeah, and we saw in one of the excerpts that you were talking about that he at least
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in what we've seen, he is going to try to address it head on. i mean, maybe it's a little bit subtle, but he is going to talk about his age and start to say that that's an asset. that is the kind of thing that a lot of democrats who have spoken to say that they hope that he does. he certainly a lot of these members who are here, they can go out and they go on your show and they go on on my program. and they talk about the contrast between joe biden and donald trump. they talk about the litany of things that they believe that that biden accomplished again, and that he hopes to accomplish in the future. and what they are hoping is that he can be that kind of messenger for their party and ultimately, for a second terme. and the stakes are very high, as i said, not just because this is an election year and this is the biggest audience he will have likely until the convention this summer. but because of the contrast and that that word
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contrast is a word that we hear over and over, which is a not so subtle way of saying it's either joe biden or donald trump. >> all right, dan, and of course, dan is going to be in statuary hall throughout the evening talking to everyone in our special coverage. and outfront now with me here on capitol hill, shermichael singleton, republican strategist who's worked on multiple presidential campaigns, and jamal simmons, former communications director for vice president. harris. okay. jamal. so interesting. you know what dana just referred to there? he doesn't use the word trump, at least in the excerpt that we have. but, i mean, this one's loud and clear. my lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. this is what the president will say, a future based on the core values that have defined america honesty, decency, decent dignity, equality. to respect everyone, to give everyone a fair shot, to give hate. no safe harbor. now some other people my age see a different story. an american story of resentment, revenge and retribution. that's not me, you
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know, so there's no fig leaf there on what he's doing. oh yeah. >> we know exactly who it is he's talking about. the white house is very clear. they are focused on making the contrast between the president and the former president and let people know either you can go back to chaos and instability, or we can have a government where everybody works. you know, we have people arriving here right now. tonight i mean, and i'm here. this is like one of the big grand nights of our democracy. right? >> here it is, dana, talking about that crackling energy. that's right. and in a town that the country doesn't necessarily associate with those words crackling energy, it is that way tonight. >> it is that way tonight. no, it's true. and like two years ago, i was here with the vice president when she was sitting on the podium, i was, you know, when i was working for her at the white house. and i'm sitting here and i'm just thinking about all the people who were out there protesting on january 6th. that was two, four years ago, almost four years ago now, three years ago. right here. we're here. this is the cradle of our democracy. and this night is one
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of the nights where our democracy really does speak for itself. the president of the united states, speaking to all the members of congress, all the senators. and i think the contrast is, do you want a president who respects this building and respects this process, or one who encourages insurrection? that's part of what it is we're up against. >> i'm going to push back a little bit. i think the president is speaking before a country that's severely struggling economically. financially. you have people who want better jobs, they want higher wages. you have people who can't pay for the basic necessities. you have people who wonder if they can even put gas in their cars. you have people who are seeing an immigration system and a broken border where individuals are coming into their cities, tapping into already limited resources with programs that already don't have enough funding. and so people are asking themselves, is joe biden the best person to continue to lead the country for another four years? you had a cbs poll that came out a couple of weeks ago, where 65% of americans said that they believe the economy was better under donald trump. only 38% said the
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same thing about president biden. so the president is going into tonight, jamal, with a lot of struggles ahead of him, can he accomplish convincing the american people that he can continue to do the job? well, i'm not certain, erin, that he can. jamal. >> that's a tough line to walk because you just gave a bunch of stats that are true. there are also other stats that are true that show, you know, unemployment, plunging and wages rising and right. all these things are true at the same time . but jamal, when you go in and you tell people all the good ones and it isn't necessarily how they're feeling, how how do you walk that line? it's sort of like, give me credit for something that you aren't feeling. >> so the president has to tell the story of what he did in the last three years. and we know all the stats. unemployment is down for two years. we know that exports are up to now, but where
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they were in 2019, we know all these great stats. the question now is what are you going to do next, mr. president? and that's his challenge for tonight because elections are always about the future. they're not about the past really. the past is just an indicator about what you're going to do. so he's got to tell people what's going to happen next, and then he's got to say, but then there's this guy. and if you think things are a little bit troubled, remember your crazy ex-boyfriend, he's the one who's going to show up here and he's going to like, you know, start doing the things you didn't like. but when you guys were together, that's the case, that joe biden is an indicator of what the future outlook is going to be. >> it doesn't look great. jamal you can talk about how great the unemployment numbers are on paper. it doesn't matter to erin's point if people aren't feeling it, then you add into the president's age and people are worried. can he continue to even do the job for another four years? democrats haven't persuaded the american people that they that he can. >> people feel two things and remember this. there's the economy. there's also what's happening in the social structure. right. abortion is still an issue. democracy is still an issue. people do care about this. and they've got katie britt talking tonight, who's from alabama where they had years old, 42 years old. but she's in the state where ivf just the supreme court went to
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make ivf illegal. right. >> so she's a woman and i'm sure she's well aware of how important well, age is at the center of everything. >> the other thing is, is you have, you know, when you talk about the energy and but you also talked the respect for the building. yeah. the times have changed in a sense in that room. right. it's more interactive. yeah. as a speechwriter, just saying more interactive than it's ever been. and there's positives to that. and part of that's cultural and the way we are. then there's the lack of decorum that can come with it, shall we say. so we don't know what'll happen tonight. but sure, we do know jorge santos is there. he is not a current representative. he's not, he got the boot. >> i would like to move on from jorge santos, but the fact that he's here says something about what? >> somebody, you know, kind of wants there to be a focus or wants to happen. what is that? >> i mean, i think it says a lot about his ego and whomever invited him. from my understanding, speaker johnson wants to showcase civility, but he also wants to showcase that the republican conference can lead for the american people, that they can fight for immigration. so you don't think he's happy with with santos being there and sort of a worried about that? i think he's more worried about how can i one protect my position and protect my conference. but number two, how can i deliver results for the american people? you know, we talk a lot about the economy and democrats, in my opinion, want to add more to the budget. and republicans are saying we need to spend less because
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people have to spend less in their homes. erin, why shouldn't congress do the same? >> he'll make the point tonight that he's cut the deficit. >> we'll see. >> yes. ever since they yelled, you lie at barack obama, they yelled at joe biden when he gave the speech last year. there is no evidence that this republican conference is going to have more decorum than any other. one. >> fair point. okay. let's let's end on a note of agreement. all right. thank you both. >> and next, our special coverage does continue with trump on the cusp of clinching the republican nomination. should he be allowed to start receiving classified briefings again. yes. this is the moment that we are at as a country. these are the questions that we are facing. he's under investigation for mishandling of classified documents. in fact, he is charged criminally with that very thing as we await a verdict. does that mean he gets more and a cease fire between israel and hamas falling apart? tonight i'm going to talk to the parents of an american man who is still being held by hamas, 153 days after that original terrorist attack on october 7th. they'll be at tonight's state of the union, president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election, with
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challenges at home and abroad. >> can he make the case for four more years in the white house joint cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address. >> next on cnn, the all new godaddy aero helps you get your business online in minutes. with the power of ai with the perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website, that site just start with a domain, a few clicks and you're in business. make now the future at slash aero eyes feeling dry, tired, stressed. >> get a boost of moisture with biotrue hydration boost eyedrops for comfort throughout the day. their preservative free gentle and made with naturally inspired ingredients. stay biotrue to your eyes today, my friend. >> you did it. you did it, you did it. >> centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health, so every day you can say you put centrum silver.
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makes it simple to schedule an eye exam that works for you, even if you have a big trip to plan around. >> thanks, meghan. see you right now. that's convenient. visionworks see the difference? i'm arlette saenz at the white house and this is cnn. >> welcome back to a special edition of outfront live on capitol hill for tonight's state of the union address. president biden's speech will be watched very closely around the world, especially in places like ukraine, where the crucial military aid bill is still stalled in congress. and just take a look at this new video in this video, what you see are ukrainian drones striking a convoy of russian military vehicles. ukraine saying u.s. aid is crucial to keeping up each and every one of these small victories. of course, we've also heard that they're so desperately low on ammo that they're literally only shooting smoke in some cases. outfront now, democratic congressman ro khanna of california, he's on the armed services committee and the advisory board of the biden-harris 2024 campaign. so, congressman, he's going to talk about a lot of things tonight, but he's got to make a case to
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the republican conference who has completely stalled this aid. and an american public who, you know, there's plenty of ambivalence about it. how does he do that? erin >> i think he talks about american values. i mean, we have always stood up for democracy, for freedom. here you have putin , russia invading ukraine, killing civilians, and the war will not succeed for ukraine if we don't provide aid. i mean, the ambassador of estonia was in my office today, as were other baltic ambassadors pleading. saying we need this aid. >> and they feel that. i mean, how tangible is it to them that they could be next? the real risk of this going bigger, it's existential for them. >> and they're saying, you know what he said to me? he said, we're putting 3% of our gdp into aiding ukraine. we're doing more than our part. we're simply asking that the united states step up. and this is a risk to not just ukraine. it's a risk to the baltics. and they believe that ukraine can an defeat the russians, that they're on the path to being able to win the
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war, but they need the aid. >> so the top us general overseeing africa warned congress today that putin is determined to take over central africa, warning that several countries are at a tipping point of basically capture being captured by russian influence. >> and we've seen that in places like burkina faso and across. you've seen it with arms deals. obviously, that then solidifies russia's control of a lot of bass minerals that are required for the running of the us economy. how worried are you about it? >> i'm worried, and i'm particularly worried because we've lost out not just to potentially russia, but to china. american interests in africa have been compromised. what i don't understand is i grew up in the 1980s, when ronald reagan was the strongest voice against the soviet union. mitt romney ran his whole race in 2012, warning about russia. i just don't recognize the modern republican party. i think that's what president biden ought to say tonight. he can just quote republican after republican. >> well, one of mitt romney's most famous moments in that was actually in the debate, right? when he was warning about russia and obama. what was it, bayonets
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or that whole moment? okay, president trump, the former president trump is essentially now the gop nominee. he will formally clinch that next week, most likely. so the way that it goes is the party nominee traditionally, obviously has access to classified briefings. this nominee is criminally charged with violating the rule of law on classified documents. so should tradition hold and he get these briefings as that court case winds its way through the system where we very well may not get a verdict even before election day or not. >> well, look, i'll let the courts speak to that. i don't think it's for politicians to be opining on a legal matter. let this process play out. let the court trial play out. let the supreme court rule on these very complex issues. and i respect the supreme court's decision that says that he has to be on the ballot. i mean, that's why so does he get the briefings, which is that's a matter of tradition, though, not not law, the classified briefings. in the
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meantime, i think we need to have the courts figure that out and, you know, have the courts make a determination how what he can be told as a republican nominee without compromising national security. obviously, those what i do think should happen, though, is the trials should be moving forward. i don't think anyone should be allowed to just punt a trial, a criminal trial, because they're running for office. all right. >> congressman khanna, thanks so much. >> i appreciate your time. beautiful set i know. >> right. >> inspiring. and it's a real backdrop. >> always an inspiring moment for the country. >> it is. >> and it's great to be here to witness this american moment. and next. president biden is about to leave the white house to come here to the capitol as we're learning, part of his speech will focus on the israeli hostages being held by hamas. i'm going to speak to one family whose son is among those held captive and who will be at the capitol tonight. love lunelli. >> uno de su. a, you know, to
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find out how you can own an x-chair for only $20 a month. x-chair .com. >> this is cnn, the world's news network. >> all right. welcome back to our special state of the union edition of outfront live from
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capitol hill. >> tonight. the president will enter the house chamber in just about an hour, where he is expected to address, hamas and the more than 100 hostages still being held in gaza tonight, at least six of them we know to be american citizens. and tonight's speech comes as a deal to free more hostages appears to be falling apart. dozens of hostage families, though, will be in the audience tonight. among them israeli american jonathan declan and his wife, jillian kay. jonathan's son, sergei, who also has dual citizenship, is being held captive by hamas tonight for the 153rd day, and i spoke with them right before they went into the house chamber moments ago. jonathan sergei is still among the hostages. it's been 153 days as, of course, i know you have counted every single one. what do you want to hear from the president tonight? when he stands in front of this country? in the world? >> well, i think that the very fact that we are. desantis of
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the american hostages, i think that already says an awful lot about the administration's commitment to getting the hostages home. all of them, not just the us citizens and also the congressional support, whatever he can tell us, whatever hope he can give us, that there is a way forward is something that that would only add to that. but we feel by our very presence there that the us government and the executive and the legislative branches are with us. they're behind us. >> jake sullivan, obviously, the national security adviser, has been at the tip of the spear on this for president biden, for the united states. i know you had a chance to meet with him. was it just just yesterday? did he was he able to give you any specifics or anything that gave you hope? >> again, i think the magnitude of the us administration's engagement in this is a hopeful
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factor, because if we were to listen just to hamas and certain parts of the israeli government, we probably would lose hope that the hostages will come home and have have has anyone in the israeli government or the us government, it's a hard question to ask, but do they know he's okay? >> i mean, do they know he's alive? >> well, we're among the fortunate ones, we actually from october 7th until late november, we didn't know if sagir, actually, anyone else amongst the hostages were alive or not in that first wave of hostages that were released, 100 hostages or so, 40 of them were from our community kibbutz near ose, women and children and some of the women and a couple of the teenagers who had been released were able to tell us that they had seen sagi in the tunnel in hamas's tunnels under khan younis a few days before. so as of late november, early
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december, we have proof of life for him and many others in our community. of course, that that's an eternity ago, of course, and conditions we know have only gotten worse, and the exposure of all the hostages of all ages is they are on the brink of death. this much? we are pretty sure of. and so the urgency is extreme. that that this negotiated process moved forward and that requires all of the parties to negotiate. that's amazing as a father, that you can speak so about it, because i can only imagine your heart. >> jillian, there has been one joy for your family, and that is that the siggi's baby, his third child, was born in december. and amidst the sadness of that child being born without him, there is new life in your family, how is his wife dealing with that? how are all of you dealing with that, well, shachar, who is our newest grandchild, is who was
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born a couple of months ago. >> now she is, you know, she's the shining light in this unbelievable, impenetrable darkness that we're all living in, she's adorable. she's sweet. she's thriving. avital, my daughter in law, she's a lion. she she's rallied. she is raising three daughters on her own, sad. it's very hard. the his two older daughters ask a lot of questions that none of us can answer about where their father is when he's coming home. it's. it's devastating. and it's a devastating for her because she has no, no answers to give. but, but we all yes, shachar is, she is adorable. and as i said, thriving. and i do just want to add, you know, there is a there's a bittersweetness to this in so many ways. and one of them is that, her name, which means dawn in hebrew, also, she's named after a little girl
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who was one of siggi's other daughters, best friends. and this little girl, shachar, her sister, her little brother and her parents were brutally murdered, on october 7th. they. the two families were best. the best of friends. and as i said, shachar is named also in memory of her. and that's something that we live with. >> i hope that in the from this darkness will come a dawn that she. will. she will be the symbol of that forevermore. thank you both so much. >> thank you. >> and thanks so much to all of you for joining us. i'll be live here on capitol hill throughout the evening as our special coverage of the state of the union continues. ac360 starts now