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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  March 13, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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being blown up over it and die. he's like, it'll be fine. >> and senator britt typically does not do hallway interviews on capitol hill. unlike other senators. so it's notable that the few times that we have heard from her since last week speech have been on friendly platforms. erin. all right. sunlen, thank you very much. thanks for joining us. king charles starts now thank you. okay. mr. brockie >> know, walk in cnn studio in new york city. it's king charles. >> you're not going to waste your time with gayle but you can call me gail and charles barkley >> i pulled out here tonight from saturday night live, kenan thompson, former alabama with senator doug jones. cnn's own, kaitlan collins, and the producer and songwriter of i'm just ken mark ronson, king
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charles starts now >> when going i'll come out >> yes we have a. lot to talk about tonight, but first i want to say something about flying. >> i fly a lot. you fly a lot. are you starting to get nervous about flying >> once i got the 50? in a turbulence yeah, me too wide, nochlin. it youtube, but nobody is above. used to joke about it. yeah, me too. >> but now it was getting oh is brutal because we're not all but it's more than we over 60 were old. >> we are not >> okay >> age is just a number, right? >> that's what all people say. >> hey, does this it's more than? the, turbulence i am, very nervous but, it just seems to be one little accident after another, forcing. there hasn't been anything catastrophic when the door flew off the plane on alaska airlines because of the screws weren't weren't in properly. there's >> forgivable to me. yeah,
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somebody should lose their job about that. i think somebody will but it just seems seems to be one thing after another, after another. i mean, we're still getting on planes, but listen, well, could we got places to go? yeah. yeah but having a plane leaving screws off and things like that, that should be a fireable offense easily a fireable offense. >> flames shooting out of the engines on the plane wheels falling off of the plane. it's a very scary time. i'm just saying everybody be careful when you're out there flying. it's still the only way to go and i'm still getting on a plane, but i'm more nervous than i've ever been before >> all right. >> i agree. you think >> about anyway, we got a ton of show for you tonight. i'm worried because i'm flying this weekend. that's why his top of my mind, former senator doug jones and cnn's kaitlan collins, you've seen her will join us to talk about their home state of alabama, which you've been paying attention is having a bit of a moment right now, charles is laughing because this is your state. this is my home state. this is where you were born? >> yes. leaves alabama? yes. are you feeling proud? are you feeling how are you feeling about alabama? we're going to get into
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>> little off feeling grief, not feeling great at all. be honest with you. okay. hold that thought. >> were also minutes away from talking his super producer, mark ronson is his name. he is a guy behind. i'm just can you thought the moment we all remember from this weekend's oscars, i swear i've felt this performance through the screen didn't you >> listen, ron gaza? i didn't know he could sing like that. yeah. the car have a free it was amazing as we saw what been a deir in the background >> now, this is a thing, you know, this movie is song almost didn't make it into the movie. let's see what mark has to say about that. and snl's legendary kenan thompson is here. >> yes. she's going to explain to us how his charles barkley is better than r charles barkley so the first time you saw him, do you were you offended? did you think it was funny? did you laugh? >> i laughed out loud. you did. that. i think it's an awesome being when people impersonate you, you do he, him and frank,
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kelly endo have done me. frank office. it just does two boys but i take it as a great compliment you laugh out loud. >> so you weren't sitting there a little nervous like, i wonder how this has gone go you didn't have that >> i was a basketball player. people people who in the limelight do one thing that's really, really stupid, which is they take, they surf wave to sit curious where two serious yes, saved me a couple of times. and when you're sitting there, you're like, i hope it's going be funny, but you're right. i think you have to laugh at yourself. you have to, you really do. but i think we have to start with an unexpected twist. it happened in the 2024 race, broke news yesterday, and charles has been pretty vocal. you've been very vocal about your lack of enthusiasm thousand for the candidates? yes. you did mention last week that you're leaning towards joe biden, but i just want to say there may be another option for you another option according to the new york times, did you see this story? rfk junior noted conspiracy theorists and vaccine skeptic says he's interested in former governor
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jessie the body ventura or aaron rodgers as his running mate. so do you know either one of them? >> i know jesse really well and i take him, you see him as a vp i think he's an awesome guy. yeah. i've been i know him. he was back in his raslan days. i suspect some time when he was governor of minnesota i think he's got a pure heart. i don't know a lot about aaron rodgers, but i'm a big jesse ventura fan. >> well, just earlier this evening on cnn, aaron rodgers has also been a very noted vaccine skeptic was reported on jake's show, jake tapper show, that he also had some conspiracy theories about sandy hook. now, i feel very strongly about that sandy hook, the school shooting in connecticut and sandy hook at sandy hook elementary in newtown, connecticut several children die 26 people, 20 of them children, they were little six-year-olds, five six-year-olds still had their baby teeth. the fact that he
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>> away anybody could believe that they were actors. and i hope that's not an aaron fuels today. but the fact that he >> even said that back then, i think is very true. >> i think that >> other fu alex something alex jones lost some >> money first of all, that is just it's craziness. and anybody who thinks that you hope nobody ever thinks that. yes. and it's just painful for the parents. >> that's all i could think >> about is the pain that anybody who think that i would think they would be i'm saying i'm not going to lie to you have to be insane to think that and for the record, aaron rodgers declined comment tonight, which also says to me if somebody said that about me and i hadn't said, well, i'm ready we have another conspiracy theory, true? we're talking about drama and powerful families in those dynamics. well, the story where
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that has a lot of conspiracy theories has swept the globe is actually happening right now in england. the big question is, where is princess kate? where is kate middleton? we talked to some people on the street today. what do you think is happening with kate middleton? >> okay. so it's been a hot topic at my job today. >> it's a little weird. it's very soft and now i think people are kind of scared. she's like missing or something. >> i don't i think something is three happening with her. >> there's like all these cheating scandal controversy theories. >> i think she's on a mass singer. >> you think she's on the mass singer? >> she's gotta be i do know that all the pictures look photoshopped. >> people are like dams are princess so the last time the princess of wales made it appearance, it was around christmas time and at the time the palace announced that she was having abdominal surgery and since then, we've heard nothing more. and the conspiracy theories are really getting crazy this weekend, kensington palace released this photo. they were trying to actually ease some of the worries, but that only made it where is it backfired big time when it was discovered that the
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photo had been altered. now, i thought this was much ado about nothing they were saying when you zoom in, you can see charlotte sleeve, the daughter. you can see the sleeve isn't where it should be when i'm looking at that picture, i'm not even sure what i'm looking at to be honest with you. the zipper on kate sweater, they said is misaligned in a post from the official social so media account of the prince and princess of wales. kate, apologize for the error and she says this, like many amateur photographers, i do occasionally experiment with editing. so this is the thing charles, they put it out there because they wanted to let it put it to rest. but when people felt that the photo had been doctored, they said, well, if everything is okay with her, even if she's recovering, and people think she's recovering it. if you why would you dr. photo, what do you say about that >> i'm so disturbed by this whole situation and what not want to hope she's fine. yes, i do, too. i don't think she's fine that's the only reason you were sitting out a fake picture there on the so much
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stressed or walls are like every single thing they do every single day is news. and that's unfortunate, but that goes with the job. yeah. >> and it obviously kill princess diana and mr. phi. >> i know her family believes that. well, when you're running around you know, these for the paparazzi to be chasing exactly right. >> moving on from kate, let's turn now to the song and performance of the moment you all saw if you've watched the oscars and if you didn't watch the oscars, i know you heard about it because it gets it's an earworm. i just heard a sound back there. >> i'm just ken. did you hear it? >> i did. are you ready to spring into action on labor yeah. >> i'm just kidding. and i'm a tan >> and he's a ten anyway that song brought down the house at the oscars. you remember this moment all right ryan gosling,
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i love this song so much paying homage to marilyn monroe. everyone's favorite ken, that's ryan gosling dazzled in a pink suit surrounded by his fellow cans from that blockbuster movie, right now, we have one of the masterminds behind this hit song, super uber producer there he is mark ronson. congratulations mark, welcome, welcome, welcome, king charles thanks so much. it's a great to be here really is. >> i wonder what you must be thinking because i saw kingsley two nights before the performance at one of those oscar parties and he said, wait till you see what we're going to do sunday. he said, i can't even tell you anything about it. but we've been in rehearsals and you're not going to believe what's going to happen on this stage. and mark, he was right he was right. >> he what? he was absolutely right and he had seen more than
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i did because i had only been in the music rehearsals and these guys have been dancing where her son choreography they were changing dance moves at like 11:00 a.m. on sunday, you know, like the fact that this all came together and even the rehearsal was it was great, but it had this sense of like a wigan to pull this off, like this. there's so many moving parts and i couldn't believe it just the way that it came out. >> i'm proud of, you know, this is this an oppenheimer had been a two biggest movies of the year by far. what are you surprised by the success? number one of the song, but also other movie? >> i mean when i read this script, i just it had so much hot. it had laughs, gratis, such a great filmmaker, i thought it was going to be a good movie. i had no idea. it would be so huge and you know, even going into it when we first got the dr. lipa to come in and sing, dance the night you're just like, wow, if that's the only song we get,
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this is going to be great. we have dua, lipa, the superstar. and then when billie eilish and phineas road, their song and charlie sex and sam smith and all these people started to bring lizzo, these sounds like this is a really great this soundtrack is going to be pretty special. >> you know what's so interesting because billy and phineas, as you know, won the oscar. but one of the critic says, when you lose the oscar, but you win the show, i saw an interview with billie eilish and she said that performance gave me life. this is the oscar winner talking about your show, talking about your song. so did greta come to you to do the song or did you go to greta? he didn't even come about because i heard it on monday. >> yeah. greta and i had had a meeting. she was like, i'm doing this barbie film and i need to songs in the beginning, there was just going to be to solve this big dance number, which is what became dance the night would do it and we need a song from ken's point of view, there was never anything in the script that ryan and was gonna saying there was never a
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moment. we thought like nato play over the end credits a song about qanon, his pain or whatever. and then wrote this song with my with my partner and spread love that she played it for ryan because like all right, we're going to put this in the film. ryan's going to sing it. so we were this is there started filming. we couldn't believe that they were suddenly going to put this in. it was such a, it was amazing. so it was all very like it was really unplanned. >> i know. but marc, tell me what that moment was like for you on stage number one, i got to kick out a you wearing pink. let's just start with that. everybody is wearing. thank but i got to kick out a you wearing pink. but how ryan starts in the audience and then it became an audience sing along that just gives me goose bumps. watching that at home, it came through through the screen. >> he's he's he's so he's really smart. he has such a great comedic mind, ryan, and he said he pretty much had the whole thing and his head when we first started talking about where we may be going to do this, he was like, yeah, i'm thinking maybe i'll start in the audience that i don't think even, you know, even when in
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the last rehearsal he was like, what if nobody gets up and stands out like, you know, and then at that moment, a minute inland, it starts to walk towards the front and everybody just lifted up. i remember thinking like oh, he's going to be okay. and then when he went in the crowd and everybody was singing and martin scorsese dancing. it was, it was such a celebration, but it was all from his energy like he's just such a great sorry, i should say kenergy, but he's such a great singer perform and he's so well loved that i feel like that's a lot of what has to do with it. >> you know, what all does access you had, what individual singular you just named a bunch of people on the soundtrack and everything we're getting a song, song at the oscars has got to be a different type of pressure. i mean, other in a super bowl is probably most watched event in the world. did you feel that type of pressure? >> i think so, definitely. i mean, i definitely felt to have her ryan, you know, because
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he's he's not a single he doesn't have to prove himself. he has sort of everything to lose and nothing again, if it doesn't go well, you know, me, i'm just playing the bass. i can i'm pretty sure and confident about that, but i just thought yeah, the way yes, of course, it's such an honor to be to be nominated the oscars is like one prize from songs, you know, the whole night. and then to perform on that stage was amazing because even when out my songwriting partner and i, we wrote shallow with lady gaga. and even though it was amazing, we got to win. we didn't perform that night and so this was a whole different kind of thing >> well, i say give yourself a round of applause. i know meryl streep is your mother-in-law. what did she say, mark. what did she say? >> she thought i think she thought it was great. she sent me a little text afterwards saying like that was so much fun you brought. so much life into that room. yeah. she loves ryan and greta and she was very supportive.
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>> well, we love you cheering you on congratulations. thank you so much. i know. >> i know you're working in la. >> thank you for taking the degree of success. we appreciate it. thank you so much. thank you for having me >> yeah. mark ronson is very busy. that was clearly one of the highlights of the show for me, but i also like the john cena moment. did you like that? i loved it. i'm a big john cena fan that was hilarious. i think you see yourself i'm doing i can't take my shirt off and public intermodal days are over. those days are over. do you, ms those days here? i ms those days you ms those days, macron take my shirt off in public. he's great with bruno mars also. >> yes, he is mark ronson. we thank you. thank you. thank you. because he's working in la job well done so the home state of alabama, charles barkley, as you know, has been in the news for the last couple of weeks. and my guess is you've got a lot to say about this. we've got the perfect people to break it all down for a sorted all out former alabama senator doug jones is here and cnn anchor and alabama native, that would be lovely. kaitlan in college.
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>> they will both be with us next, you're watching king charles >> or what new think of alabama. what the first thing you think of immediately roll tide, roll tide. >> i'm going to say he can buy we hope you go. that's better than we heard. what's the first thing you think of when you think of alabama >> i mean, it's a state vegas story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn give me a hot-pink cosmopolitan and some drama >> recent twists union early morning tea time bloody mary was killed on both. >> give me a cocktail with kettle one vodka >> what if all i do for my type two diabetes isn't enough or what if once weekly manjaro could help mounjaro helps your body regularly blood-sugar, i think can help you eat less
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that embryos are human beings, prompting ivf providers in the state to immediately pause on those services causing a lot of pain and anguish for women and men too then republican senator katie britt, you saw this delivered the gop response to the state of the union and the late night host. well, they had a field day with this. >> here's a look we see you here. you and we stand >> if you're if you're going to stand with me would you stand a little bit further away i imagine one of her kids, she came downstairs was like, i'm sorry, mom, i just came down to get a bowl of soup i didn't realize you were losing your mind. >> never forget we are steeped in the blood of patriots who
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overthrew the most powerful empire in the world thanks >> one >> who smiles when i say the line steeped in the blood of patriots >> tell my kids every night, we are steeped in the blood of page in a castle meta bones. good night, kids >> speaking of >> tea, my team is ready so >> that scala johansson on saturday night live this past saturday, that was kenan thompson is the scene from get-out. you remember that? we're going to talk with canaan and just a second. but first we are very excited about our next guest. both are alabama neda's as former democratic senator, doug jones and cnn's kaitlan
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collins. welcome guys. you know, when i saw senator britt's response, i said, this is a saturday night live skit waiting to happen. >> you know, it was going to be bad number one is when someone is on facts came out about things to happen 2030 years ago? >> yes. yes. i'm not feel bad. i feel because i knew she was going to listen, you know? no matter what you do now. but other party is going to kill you. i think that mistake, what happened bad to hurt a republican squred are also yes. but we got this thing going with like i watched the hearings yesterday. very for tat it was it was embarrassing. the democrat said everything great about mr. hur. >> yeah. the republic said everything bad about him and it's unfortunate. and obviously, just your job, but you've been in there what is it like when you in one of those hearings >> well, i haven't been in a hearing that had a special counsel that had to do like that we had some interesting
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hearings, but i've always enjoyed them. i'm to trial lawyers, so i like to wait i was down at the end of the dais, so i would listen to the testimony and i would go no, i won't talk. and how would stop? i'd interrupt ben carson one time. i tried to ask about the sewer sanitation issues that we've gotten an alabama and he kept trying to tell me that they could clear all that up in the black belt with opportunity zones. i'll said wait a minute, you telling me that you're going to get a hedge fund manager to invest in septic tanks in black belt, alabama. so i always had fond at those hearings, but the house is a lot different. you got a lot more people limit amount of time and it's all speeches you know, it was just all speak center. >> i always find i don't know about you kaitlan. i always find politicians very difficult to intervene i mean, because they're so used to sticking to their talking points and it's very different. i find it very hard to get them to have a real, real authentic conversation. many cases. but when you saw senator katie britt as i was watching it, i don't know her. i've seen her. i was certainly aware of
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for as i was watching her, i thought is this really how she speaks is, this really how she is? what was your response when you are what were you think? i >> think that was kind of everyone's reaction in this sense of no one talks like that. and i know her. i mean senator doug jones, and she doesn't talk like that. that was the reaction. know that is not her normal voice. if you watch her press conferences or you've heard her interviews and she's very smart and she's very savvy and there's a reason that she was on trump's vp shortlist. what i heard from she's still on the list. what i heard from sources right after that, they were texting me as this was happening, people in trump's world. and obviously all he cares about is optics and how things come across. and so he didn't defend her publicly after that, but there is no and to really i'm hoping on that shortlist anymore, maybe that's good for her in the end, maybe she doesn't want to be on that shortlist and wouldn't want to have to be in that position but it's a thankless task. it never really goes over well democrats or republicans. but i think a lot of people didn't think that she did herself any favors
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>> pick it back on girls point you have to interview democrats and republicans >> how >> frustrated that they always tick, tick stick to talking points. and we're going to say everything pro republican or pro-democratic half for state frustrating. is that for you? well, i mean, watching that hearing yesterday because no one asks a question there are great questions to ask. rob hur grandstanding, it's all grants dating. >> sometimes they won't even ask one question. so what i always try to get through the talking points. so you know, you're going to get them, but it's sometimes they're not always ready for the follow-up right after that. and i think if you if you dig into those and i mean gayle, you know this too, they follow apart really quickly when you when you push on them because i cannot stand a talking point. >> what did you think about senator britt's response it was painful to why i made it was just painful to watch. oh, yeah absolutely. i mean, she was senator shelby's chief-of-staff when i was there, we worked a lot, our staffs did and it was just
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painful. it was no charles is just another and a long line unfortunately, of embarrassment for alabama. and that's and we've seen that and we've seen a lot lately, the ivf ruling that you mentioned that you know, some of the antics of senator tuberville and that that's the one thing nobody likes. and everybody had high hopes for that that talk. it was a big deal. for a freshman. senator was just not good. >> we're talking about the black population you want to talk about that in alabama. so this is >> i want to ask you this, doug good this is heartbreaking for me. the population alabama's six, 5% white, 27% black, black people make up 27% of the population. but almost half of those live below the poverty line were the seventh highest rate poverty nationwide we rank forward to fill out a child well being. we ranked 44th in adult literacy. and only 28% of our kids read proficiently
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it's it's heartbreaking when i see those stats, but they are factual. what what can we do? what can i do? what can you do? because you still live there? >> i got a lot of pressure before you say what can you i want to know, why is it happening? why is it happening? we always hear the great state of alabama know it's interesting when we were doing the man on the street now as people when you think alabama, what do you think? what was the number one answer we got out there, charles, about alabama. >> there's no chance >> that's kaitlan. >> they were saying goal tied hey, look, somebody said p can somebody said roll tide and they were everybody said role bowl. >> oh, i row, sorry, go, you can do i've done it before. isn't real time nobody basketball. >> but nobody talked about any of this. no one talked about the poverty. nobody talked about ivf. >> well people don't like to talk about it. i mean, you know this better because there's such pride in alabama and i probably i get people tweeting at me saying, please, we know
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you're from alabama, you don't have to mention it every five minutes because i am really proud to be. >> do they say that to you? yeah. >> but but i think you understand. i mean, when you live there, you know, those numbers better than anyone else because you grew up with it and you see it it my mom is a public school teacher and we were kinda having this conversation other day that sometimes it feels like they're focused on the wrong thing, like the ivf ruling that caused so much heart ache for families want to have kids or there's a book-banning effort going on in my hometown would really while you have literacy issues, rules or literacy or truancy and all these if they're really kaitlan. those people have no political power though that, that are the ones that don't read that can't read well that are in the below the poverty. they don't have the political power. alabama is just like every other state. it's been so gerrymandered that folks in the alabama legislature have to only react to a small percentage of their population. and it's not the percentage that's in, in poverty. it's not the percentage that doesn't have health care.
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we've got 170,000 people that could benefit from medicaid expansion, you think our legislature and governor would do that? absolutely not because that's not who they answer to in the electorate. and that's all real problem. political power. and there are good people speaking up and standing up to do it. but you just cannot break through that super majority in the alabama legislature. you can't break through that and that's why they're going to focus on huntsville and birmingham and montgomery and mobile that said, do you have kaitlan's alabama pride? my dad was one and raised in birmingham, so i spent many summers alabama >> yes. yes and no. there's so many great things about alabama particularly are natural resources in the land and the people for a really good people, it's just that we get this bad rap. we've been embarrassed for years and years. you've said this before many times, charles, about ai alabama going back to the george wallace days and it is
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one of those things that we can do better, but we've got to get the political wheel. we've got to get people out there to vote, gotta get people think thinking their vote matters, and standing up and speaking out. and that's what happened with ivf, by the way, and not to bring this all back to football, but in a way, you know, when i was watching coach saban on the hill yesterday and he was talking about the efforts with paying athletes and how what it's done to college football. i was thinking there was a lot of criticism of him from people who don't know him or maybe just don't like him because he's such a winner and some of the criticism, what about he's not interested in these, these players and their well-being because he doesn't want them to get paid. he is deeply interested in their well-being and one of the testaments to nick saban is that every player that came to alabama, he invested in them not just for their four years there wanted their character to be developed. he wanted them to be better off in life and to have these better positions, he cares more than a lot of people. and i think that speaks to his investment in alabama in the state and why there is such
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pride over football. it's not silly to us, is everything that's sounds like a proud alabama girl >> thank you. thank you. thank you. she's about co saban though. hundred percent. thank you. thank you very much coming up. our next guest is a modern comedy legend for 21 years, kenan thompson is his name. he's been a saturday night live staple. he's played the likes of steve harvey, david ortiz, and even charles barkley >> that's not charles. there keenan joins us next >> you >> ever favorite saturday night live cast member kenan thompson. >> it's probably keenan, right? >> keenan, i love how he tries to keep a straight face. he's got a cute smerch about him, favorite keenan skit that he does when he does steve harvey >> do you ever think about it, was up with that. was that >> he's a ods what do you
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on their favorite sport. >> grow your business easily with freelancers, fiverr, fiber united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, a nine on cnn now the cnn trump's town hall, live from columbia, south carolina hello and welcome to south carolina. we are your host tonight. i'm charles barkley and i am gayle king. and where are the co-host of a real cnn show that combines our two names, king charles yeah, i thought it should be gay bar but then i was told that that was terrible >> terrible >> well, it goes without saying we love that sketch on saturday night live when we sought a few weeks ago. although we did have
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a few knew a few notes, all that good thing though, that charles is alter ego is here. >> we are very excited. they >> can't. thompson isn't a house. he is the longest serving snl cast member ever. >> want the washington post. i love this description. you can call you a sketch comedy savant, nice. he has been acting since he was a little kid on nickelodeon's all that. and keenan in kelvin, remember that? that and the good burger movies. and if that isn't enough, he also wrote his first book. do you mind if we mentioned the book, please. you, sir, what his first book? it's called when i was when i was your age. welcome to ukraine into thank you very much. what it says. an intro. thank you. wael, what it says the longest. remember, standing 23 years. you over the longest standing member of minima matlab 21st, but yes. >> yeah. it's it's a long time. i mean, i can't even imagine where all that time went honestly, because i still feel young men, you still look young. >> but when you're >> sitting in front of somebody that you've done an imitation of them. do you get a little nervous? do you think? i hope
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they're not angry, you know, clearly he's not. >> do you get >> nervous about that? >> yeah. yeah. because we're not out to offend, you know what i mean? we just hang out to offend. >> i'm not personally no but some people strike your funny. so you know, you have a very specific tone i mean, a, you're a big place yes it's just down in here. just a very southern bear, a tonal. i'm a very tall person, so that's how sound is a tremendous compliment. it is first and foremost members, but like i've said this, i had a couple of people called me who a host and south night live i said, it's the longest down week or your life? yeah. >> well, you posted it. >> i have it as long as weaker your life, you were hurston ten to 12 hours every single day >> how do you >> keep doing the same thing over and over? how do you keep your energy level and you'll focus up? working that hard
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every day >> number one is a dream come true >> wait, wait. there's the two of you together. yeah. yeah. and that was the presidencies day. yeah, that was a great way >> number. two is different for the host. the host has a lot of responsibility where they're more like a supporting role third, i worked with amazing people, brilliant people in the cars in front of the camera, behind the camera it's several hundred people, family, you know, i mean, they are trying to build something new every single yeah. may you did such a great job there when you do really did because i remember when he came in day one is like i've never worked more than two hours my whole life. that's what i'm not about to start now i don't know about that. like you buy a little different in the next amazing because it is fine. yeah, it is it keeps changing his sketch comedy. so it's constantly refreshing. so that's how i think 20 years goes by before you even realize like what i don't want, on. >> do you ever worry about hurting somebody's feelings when you're doing their impression?
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>> yeah. yeah. i mean, kind of like any sort of like negative feedback. i think that you get from doing an impression of somebody. i don't think is ideal, not for me as a performer or any of the performance that i've been around at the show since i've been there, you know, we're just not those kinds of people. >> i know, but i think charles is right. i think you have to be able to laugh at yourself you the first time it pops upset though kenan, when you see yourself being imitated on saturday, i'll have you do have that moment like, oh god, oh, yes >> yeah. yeah. >> i hope this is going to go well, but you do have to have a sense of humor. >> and i'm doing fine. >> the response within an hour and >> is to do it with some level of respect. i mean, as far as like getting it right as concern like if we're mimicking something and we're just like highly exaggerated than that. that's a little egregious. you know what i mean? but a lot of the time is pretty close to what's actually happening. and that lets us last thing, especially when it comes to
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politics many people think snl is dead on when it comes to politics and their take on political figures that are in the news right now. >> so it'd people and then there's other there's other people that like shame on you as a way, both parties, like just whatever you do to one party, they hate the other party, but opportunity thank you are equal, are equal opportunity offenders. >> i think we tried to be yeah, we tried to be neutral and just, you know, i say there's a lab, but really just hold the mirror up to society like that's, that's our job >> you know, you always think about like you've done everybody wait so they have some pitchers wouldn't we were dressed up like lemon >> yes. >> i've been a woman every time i've been on the show it was like i could not try anything >> we can try >> anything well, because it goes guilt when you sit down on monday? >> yes. >> on monday, you stay with like, 30 right and they just arrived deals that you have to have them written by tuesday,
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then you start really rehearsed it on wednesday. and i always said i've hosted at four times. i'm like, yeah, i'm dressed up like a woman. i mean, i'm a good looking woman >> but as you say so yourself, i'll just tell him what the public says. oh >> oh >> business brought it in most nerve racking thing to me, get the monoline >> okay. i mean, this is just you >> there monologue is the hardest part yeah, i'm done at well, in done for the oh, look at this man. we'd been buddy-buddy i love it >> but you so big >> charles. but kenan, when you started though, you've been doing this since you were a little kid, you were you imitating a tv show? a cnn type show? >> we were a little boy. my, my brother and i grew up in the cable error like when hbo first came out, you know what i mean? so that was when we were able to see movies over and over and over again without having to pay for it. you know, am i we
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would watch coming to america meantime, is three amigos 1 million times you know what i mean? like 48 hours? whatever. >> we have a slip of young keenan and action can show that, please. yeah. we would just, you know, recreate all those things oh, look at it a little baby >> what do >> even though sanford, look at that just wasting everybody's time so funny >> what what is that oh, that's real news for kids. yeah. oh, but first loop, that was a cnn show. yes. yes. yes. what were your dreams back then? did you want to be doing this? >> yeah. or something? i was obsessed with the television. i wanted to be inside of it. number one, like just to figure out how that worked. but, you know, i always enjoyed the hollywood are the kind of like the mystery of hollywood, the magic, like i don't know that the fandom that you get when
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you watched certain shows or whatever like, i don't i just grew up being a fan of stuff and in the industry once i learned that it was an industry trying to figure out what was my service to that industry going to be in it always was in the performance realm. and first of all, yes, it'd be great at it because there's no way you can have this extended career unless you're very, very talented because thank you. you were you saying a lot, i'm gone. yeah. >> yeah. so to be the start off, a young kid and expand your career, that tells me number one pneumonia, nice guy. i appreciate it, but you're talented what's next for you? have you directed anything? >> i've directed stuff in the past, but it's not my favorite thing. i like producing a line, which is why i'm really excited for our company, artist, artist, shout out to johnny rally and he's in the building my part section company. that's it. artist foreignness. are just florida
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okay. >> and what kind of stuff you want to produce? everything we have produced good burger two, that was a big one, that was one of my first big leg. we're here and we're actually doing stuff kinda moments basically you know, anything under the sun didn't like direction no, because i can't be asked them any questions. you know, it was every department is asking you about something that you approve this dress. do you improve it as look, do you prove this table? do you improve these lights like it's too much for me because i'm a ya'll supposed to be professionals while you're asking me, you know what i'm saying? but directors have to be meticulous like an assembly some people, some people that are great directors are actually very controlling like that and good at it. >> i'm not very good. >> so you've been on the show given i mean, obviously, i'm not going to ask you any three years. 21, 2021, when i go asking who's your favorite, can give me a short list, are the funniest people not in character that you board with >> fred armisen is one of the greats. like he's one of the great backstage, like we'll
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just keep a big going like jb smooth. >> yeah. >> jamie smooth as obese but yeah, there's, there's been a lot of them. i mean, like jimmy fallon is high, any like how he is on tv is how he is in real life, just high-energy, really, really funny. but, you know, all my is the greatest like amy, tina rachael, really, really, really funny people over years, like sandberg, bill bill is so reserved and then he turns so much when he performs bill hader you know, it's like night and day from who he is as a person. and then when he's performance similar to myself myself because like mellow, you marvel keen that you've been on since 2003. you now have two daughters? yeah. young daughters. i'm marble because i can't name them all. you know me. i've had i've had the blessing of working with a whole lot of light i can't named my daughter's daughters for basketball. my daughter got to see me at the end when i was nobody. right. right >> you're still doing your
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day, your kids, you said ten almost ten? yeah. so they've seen you like in your prime? yeah. yeah. what is your key is speaker you they think is funny because nowadays as now i'll play a lot of old old characters you. know what it means. anytime it's show a clip, they'll see me and like old hair, like gray hair, something like dress, you know, in sweaters and glasses. and they're like, why were you such an old person on that thing? and i'm like, i've taught tend to do that a lap because it's a funny, like performance is on for me and the audience, like the audience likes to see me when i'm in character and stuff like do you have a favorite characters was interesting, asking people on the street. this one, is that your favorite characters? >> it was my favorite sketch. yeah. it was something that was real strong, you know, and i really loved it because it was personal i had an idea and then my flak jeopardy talking about blacks, i believe is incredible. shout out to chadwick boseman. that was the greatest one that we ever did. i think besides tom hanks is one of those two are the
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strongest black jeopardy's, but you know black jeopardy had drake, black jeopardy had elizabeth banks and he was a great, great, great sketch. >> i mean, it fools walk up to you and say, make me laugh >> over >> the years a lot and i've led a lot of them down because as you see, i'm like very kind of cheer. i'm not a joke. tell him i like to laugh and have a good time. and there's a moment that's funny, but, you know, i'm not the joke telling my dad told me a joke today. you know what i mean? he was like, i don't for your dad. funny. >> he's a joke teller. really funny. >> now, laura is approaching 50 years. yeah, there's all sorts of speculation what will happen, what will happen? >> do you have thoughts about that? >> i mean, personally, kind of when i see how hands-on he is and it's, you know, i mean, it's i can't really imagine. yes. i feel i don't really know, but yeah it's his baby. yeah. >> baby in his baby is doing very well. >> thank you so much. gain in my dad's don't real quick. okay. go ahead >> what was it
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>> oh, man. how far can you run into woods? >> okay. >> how far halfway. because then you start running out. i mean, it's more of like a that's that's a pretty good job. like that's always you okay. >> great >> he thought that was really funny to share an eight in the morning this morning thank you. thank you. kaitlan, >> snl returns on march 3, with a host ramy youssef >> yeah. >> yeah. >> realms coming ramy youssef and musical get. >> oh, travis scott wright live on nbc where's the wave is comment? ryan gosling is mine numbing going over there. yeah. yes. >> all seasons if snl, you should know are streaming right now on peacock, you can see keenan anytime you want king charles will be right back >> this is the big dam
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associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures used with caution and dogs with a history of these disorders for winning protection, go with sympatric, a trio, news night with abby philip tomorrow at ten eastern on cnn >> that'll go president still talking about how great we thought >> yes. >> and doug and kaitlan were awesome. yeah. mark and mark ronson. >> thank you so much for joining us. we'll be back next wednesday. >> same time, same place. >> once again, we're matching. yes, exactly. right. hey, you didn't care as gail tomorrow and i'll cbs border that semi am. good night >> united, states of. scandal with jake tapper, sunday at nine on cnn
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