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tv   CNN This Morning Weekend  CNN  March 17, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> good morning and welcome to cnn this morning is sunday, march 17. i'm danny freeman, info your blackboard. >> good to have you, danny, i'm amara walker. thank you so much for joining us this sunday morning. and here's what we are watching for you, donald trump hits the trail for the first time since securing the republican nomination as president biden dines with reporters and politicians in washington, the very different warnings both candidates are issuing on the campaign trail, posted arms stand up paralyzes and new jersey neighborhood for hours on saturday will tell you what we know about what led up to it and how it all finally ended >> evacuations are underway in parts of iceland is a volcano near the famous blue lagoon a ropes, once again, the impact on nearby towns is a lava continues to flow this morning, and the final day of voting is underway in russia's presidential election. and although vladimir putin is assured victory, we're seeing protests across the region. we're live in moscow with more
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well, the first test of donald trump's senate influence is underway. he campaigned in ohio this weekend, the first time since rulings in georgia and new york help delay two of his criminal cases, ohio gop senate candidate bernie moreno is locked in a three-way primary mary and trump hopes to turn the tides in his favour. >> meanwhile, president biden is plenty to hit the road. this week to make appearances in key battleground states. he's doubling down on his message of this selections importance, saying, at last night's grid iron dinner, that freedom is under assault but trump has a dire warning of his own if he's not elected. here is cnn's alayna treene with a look at trump's ohio visit >> good morning, amara and danny donald trump came to ohio this weekend and really it was his first formal event that he held since securing enough delegates earlier in the week two effectively declared there him, the republican presidential nominee. but look, his visit to the state was not
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necessarily for his own campaign. both donald trump and his team think ohio is a state that they will likely win come november instead, this speech was all about boosting has endorsed primary candidate for senate in ohio, and that's business this man, bernie moreno. moreno is currently locked in a messy three-way primary with two other republican candidates and donald trump's visit here was really an 11th hour decision to try and help earn as many votes for bernie moreno as he could. but luck. even though this visit was not necessarily about boosting his own campaign, the speech that donald trump gave was very much a typical campaign and general election campaign speech. and at one point, he actually made a very interesting comment that i've yet to hurt hear him say on the trail thus far, and that was predicting that if he were to lose reelection, that it would be a bloodbath in the country. take a lesson we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. and you're not going to be able to sell those guys.
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if i get elected now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the country that'll be the least of it >> now, amara and danny donald trump i'm speech was pretty rambling. it was very freewheeling, as you can see, it was very windy in ohio and donald trump blamed that as being unable to use the teleprompter. he said that's why he was just speaking off the cuff more than he normally does. and so we really heard of him touch on a wide array of topics and again, focus heavily on the issues that were important to his general election campaign, not necessarily those here in ohio amara, danny >> all right. alayna treene. thank you very much. >> and we should note that trump's campaign later clarified that the former president's remarks saying he actually meant biden's policies would create an economic bloodbath for the auto industry and auto workers all right, moving on just in the past hour, we actually got our first look at president biden's fundraising haul in february. it's a major cash advantage as
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he's raised the most money at any democratic presidential candidate in history at this point of the campaign. >> yeah, now he's sending his sights on the west coast hoping to draw an even more money. cnn's camila dechalus joining us now from the white house. hi there. good morning, camila. so how much did biden's reelection campaign raised last month? how much cash do they have? >> good morning, amara. danny, what we know at this time is that biden's campaign team raised nearly 53 million in the month of february. now that is a slight increase for the month prior where biden raised more than $43 in the month of january at this time, we know that the campaign really wants to use the money that they have raised to open more campaign offices across the country. and really hire more grassroots organizers that can go door by door, talking to voters and making the argument on why they should support biden as a port his reelection efforts well, it tells if that's all right. where is biden heading next to
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understand he's heading to the west coast. >> that's right. he's headed to nevada and arizona. now these are key battleground states in the past, the campaign has invested heavily and advertisements and those states and look, they say that fighting is really at his buzzy geysers when he is talking in to to them hearing their concerns. and that's what they want to do so these dates will be really crucial and the upcoming election cycle, and they really want to take advantage of that. >> all right, camila dechalus. thank you very much. let's turn now to political white house reporter daniel lipman. good morning. daniel. good morning. >> all right. so let's first talk about this. it's cash advantage for biden. a disadvantage, obviously for trump, 130 million as of february versus 40 million. is this a dangerous moment for trump, especially knowing that he's got a lot of legal fees to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars but he's also liable for a lot of the big donors have been shy about
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giving to trump because they don't want their money to be used just to pay lawyers to deal with criminal cases and civil cases and trump has so no sign of wanting to sell off any of his trump properties to pay for the campaign or even to use it for that new york defamation case and sexual assault case. and so he is really he's having all these dinners with top republican billionaires at mar-a-lago, almost pleading for cash even a sugar mogul, pepe, a fan joule jeffrey yes who helps own tiktok? he's trying to look for anywhere to find money for his campaign. >> and the meantime, president biden on saturday, he was at the grid iron club dinner. he made jokes about trump's mental fitness. he also talked about the importance of the freedom of the press, how biden and taking advantage of this huge
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cash war chest that he has for his reelection campaign. especially when a lot of public polls show that he is trailing behind trump for the general well, i think he hasn't really unleashed the full war chest yet. they're still building up and then slowly doing tv ads here and there. but it is definitely important advantage for biden because he is down in the polls, he needs to make up that gap. he needs to try to close the gap in terms of his peas losing on his with hispanics, 20% of black voters are against biden. they're voting for trump right now. and so trying to remind those communities why they liked biden in the first place. although i will say cash is not definitive, hillary clinton had more money in 2016 and she still lost and so sometimes voters, if they see 20 biden ads versus ten trump ads, they kind of get sick and tired of the biden ads because it's just
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polluting their tv screen >> yeah. yeah. and speaking of which cash in and not obviously, always being king when it comes to the general election. well, we know trump trying to take advantage of some of these vulnerabilities for biden. we heard trump last night on the campaign trail will actually he was supposed to be campaigning for for an ohio senate candidate he doubled down on his rhetoric surrounding migrants going as far as to say hey, that he doesn't view some of them some of those in jail as people here he is >> if i had prisons that we're teeming with ms 13 and all sorts of people that they've got to take care of for the next 50 years, right? young people they're in jail for years. if you call them people, i don't know if you call on people some cases than not people in my opinion, but i'm not allowed to say that because the radical left says it's a terrible thing to say >> yeah, obviously these are
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unfounded claims that some of these countries are emptying their prisons and sending at his migrants to the united states. and again, it's a familiar theme. but we know that when it comes to the migrant crisis, this is law vulnerability for president biden how was the addressing that >> well, we've heard that the white house is working on these executive actions to try to stem the flow of migrants at the border. we should probably expect that they would be releasing them once they're done. they know that the situation they have right now is not sustainable either policy wise or politically. and you have a lot of democrats who now support cracking down at the border. they didn't expect it to get that bad. but they're also don't want to anger their left flank by bringing back every trump policies. so not going to see any of the more extreme trump policies like child separation. but in terms of our asylum system, there's a
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lot of people who agree that it's broken and that you have these these claims that take forever. and meantime, people are allowed to stay in the country. and so i think that we're probably going to see the white house tried to address that even though they did not get that bipartisan border security bill that they are still pushing for. but probably to no avail. >> okay. well, then let's talk about what, what congress is doing or not doing because once again, we're talking about a potential partial government shutdown that can happen on friday. where did things stand in terms of negotiations? is anything different this time around in terms of keeping the government funded? >> i don't think that we're going to see a government shutdown because republicans have learned this lesson. the last government shut a couple of government shutdowns, which is they get the blame politically. so it's not in their interests, especially in a presidential election year, to cause this isn't to get, have americans lose access to important government services that we've all paid taxes four, and so they were able to prevent the partial government
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shutdown with some of those agencies in the last week or so, they're probably be able to do it. again with the remaining part of the government because speaker mike johnson does not want this on his record. it makes it harder for him to keep control of the house, which especially he has to do because it's such a small majority right now. >> daniel lipman will leave the conversation. they're great to see you. thanks so much >> thank you. >> in new jersey, police arrested a 26 year-old suspect after an hours-long armed standoff on saturday, the suspect, andre gordon is accused of killing three people, including his 13 year-old sister and false township, pennsylvania authorities say gordon then carjacked a driver at gunpoint and fled to trenton, new jersey where he barricaded him self and at home. police say gordon was eventually spotted not far from the home. they'd believed he was still barricaded in and were able to apprehend him without incident. it's again, it's polo sandoval is outside the home in trenton, new jersey with more amara and danny was a
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peaceful conclusion, but also an unexpected one after what was treated as an hours-long standoff >> between police and they believed was a barricaded subject inside of that a duplex that you see behind me in this trenton, new jersey neighborhood? police initially led here on saturday afternoon after reports the 26 year-old andre gordon had stolen vehicle in pennsylvania that made the short drive here to trenton, new jersey potentially made his way inside the house with residents inside that home that reached out to police saying that they believed that gordon was still downstairs. now, acting on that information, police set up a perimeter around that home and even out, we're attempting to negotiate using a bullhorn with the man they believed was inside only to find out about five hours later police encountered an individual not far from this location, the man they believe it's actually inside that home. here's how authorities described more about what took place preliminary investigation
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determined that 26 year-old andre gordon driving a stolen >> vehicle, which was carjacked from trenton, new jersey earlier in the morning forcibly broken to the residents after which he shot and killed his 52 year-old step mother, karen gordon, and his 13 year-old sister kara gordon, who lived at the residence. there were three other individuals at the residence, including a minor inside the home, who were able to hide and avoid being shot by gordon as he went through the house searching for them. following shootings at approximately 09:01 a.m. gordon drove to the unit block of edgewood lane in where he forcibly broke into a residence, after which he shot and killed 25 year-old taylor taylor, daniel, with whom he has two children >> this morning, gordon remains behind bars. he is the prime suspect in the shooting deaths of his stepmother, karen gordon
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his own 13 year-old sister, carer gordon. police believe after he committed those murders, he allegedly that made a short drive to another home on saturday morning where he shot and killed 25 year-old taylor, daniel, with whom gordon shared just to children, amara, danny polo sandoval. >> following breaking news that of washington, dc this morning where two people are dead and at least five others are hertz after an overnight shooting. here's what we know right now. >> yeah, the metropolitan police department says a shooting happened just before for this morning at the intersection of seventh p street near downtown washington, dc. now, this is near the kennedy recreation center and about 12 blocks from the white house were told all seven shooting victims are adults and police continued to search for the shooter. iceland's world-famous blue lagoon and the nearby town of grindavik were forced to evacuate following a volcanic eruption in the reykjanes peninsula. official save this current eruption is the most
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powerful so far and lava is rapidly flowing north of the town of grindavik, just as it did during an eruption in early february. aerial video shows lava just spewing out of all the sides of them. massive fisher and explosions of lava causing large clouds of smoke to cover the sky as of now, iceland's main international airport and regional airports remain fully operational. >> wild images there all right, coming up in a moment, voters are at the polls across russia. well, anti-putin protesters take to the streets pleats in some of the biggest cities in the world, we're taking you to moscow for a live report on the presidential election in its final hours, they're also the state department promises help is on the way for us citizens trapped in the escalating gang violence in haiti, we are in port-au-prince with the report, you will only see on cnn. plus, we may ring in spring and a couple of days, but winter is making one last stand, meteorologist allison chinchar says.. more than half of the us
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population will experience at or below freezing temperatures where she's tracking. it will tell you united states of scandal with jake tapper >> tonight at nine on cnn >> generalized myasthenia gravis made my life a lot harder, but the picture started changing when i started on viv garch if god is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti chr antibody positive in a clinical trial, viv guard significantly improved moos participant's ability to do daily activities when added to their current gng treatment. moos participants taking the guard also had less muscle week and your vif guard treatment schedule is designed just for you in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract >> infections and headache. fifth guard may increase the
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authorities say shot and killed a police officer who offered to help a driver ever in a disabled vehicle. new mexico state police officer, justin hare was killed around 05:00 a.m. on friday. the suspect is also linked to another killing of a 52 year-old south carolina paramedic. police issued an arrest warrant for jaremy smith of marion, south carolina and say he is considered armed and dangerous. and in indianapolis already have arrested 25 row nicholas folk and connection to a nightclub shooting that left one person dead and five others injured. the shooting happened at a popular nightclub early on saturday morning where it police arrived on the scene to find five men with gunshot wound a sixth victim made his way to the hospital. the incident is just one of 77 mass shootings that have happened here in the us. and the first three months of 2024 the final day of voting and russia's presidential election is underway. the first said russia invaded ukraine two years ago, vladimir putin is running for what will likely become an
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unprecedented fifth six year term. voter turnout is reported at about 60%, but some protests have erupted in their hands it's been outbreaks of civil disobedience reported at some polling sites. fires have been set in one person was seen dumping black dye into about box. cnn chief global affairs correspondent matthew chance is at a moscow polling site to tell us what he's seeing their matthew thanks. >> it's not been you're right. it's not been an entirely smooth process. this three-day process of voting across russia, there have been a numerous acts of disruption taking place across the country at polling stations. as you mentioned, the individuals going into polling stations putting black or green dye into the ballot boxes to ruin the votes that already been cast. that's happened in a number of locations. there have also been asked and attacks as well with people throw molotov cocktails or petrol bombs at the doors of
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the voting center, or setting a fire to the no places where people cast their, cast their votes. >> the polling booths >> and so that's been taking place as well. the election authorities say that about 200 ballot boxes had been ruined because of those kinds of actions by individuals across russia within the past, vinod examine a polling station now, but it's pretty quiet. here, but within the past hour, you a couple of hundred people came here at one time to register and to vote in these elections. that was a response to a call from the late the team of the late opposition leader, alexey navalny, who died in an arctic prison colony last month, he called it mid day against putin tinny was supposed to be a nationwide process in which people came to cast their ballots at midday. and indeed the was a fairly sizable turnout is one polling station and the other polling stations across the russian capital and indeed across the country as well. an indication along with
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the other acts of disruption at the simmering three of frustration just beneath the surface in russia as these elections, which are bound to elect vladimir putin to that fifth term as president those elections continue banning matthew chance. >> thank you for that reporting. appreciate it >> all right. still to come as gang violence continues to destabilise haiti, the state department is working to get americans out. we'll have the latest done the evacuation measures coming up next today. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu joins dana on the latest in the war. then house speaker amir jordan >> an option for >> maize. think they're contracture has to be severe to be treated. but it doesn't
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to the us as gang violence escalates, their americans with valid passports can fly back to the us, provided that the local security conditions remain stable in haiti's second-largest city, the airport, about 120 miles away in the capital is still shut down this morning. >> now cnn is the only major network news. how live reporting from port-au-prince, haiti. this morning, david culver shares a glimpse into one of the neighborhoods affected by haley he's gang violence >> neighbors, protecting neighbors. that's essentially what this has become here in port-au-prince, just to survive. and this is one community that we're in that feels rather safe. and that's just because several blocks out, you've got perimeter after perimeter that is set up by the committee unity and works with the police. so the police essentially allow the community to do what they need to do the setup, these blocks at entries and exits, and the community in turn helps empower
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the police so that they can then do their patrols. but for many of them, it's about setting these up to block what is not far from here. and that is an expanding gang territory, one that has been trying to encroach on this community. in particular, many times over the past year or so. >> and it got to a point >> where community members, according to one police commander, had to take justice into their own hands. and they were able to take into custody 14 suspected gang members. they then executed those gang members, right in the middle of a street. there was a very public display, but for them it was to send a message to other gang members to keep out of their community it hasn't stopped the gangs from trying to push further and further in. but if the folks who live here, it's everyday life has gotten increasingly difficult. we see a few street vendors but not many we're here three weeks ago. many of the sidewalks were filled with street vendors folks now simply don't have things to sell. and so they've
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resorted to trying to secure as best as possible using the police's helped. some of the supply lives trying to bring water and food into areas like this. i asked some of the community members, how is it that they're able to stay afloat? and he said, we rely on each other essentially, they will have some of these community members go door to door collecting food, maybe some money, some water, and then that provides some substance for the folks who are securing these communities. if you ask, who's in charge? they look around and they say no one. >> that's why they've >> taken matters into their own hands. you ask, what do you need? what can help haiti in this moment the first thing that most folks have told us is for the international community to not intervene in the way they have in the past instead of b wants help in the form of
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aid. >> they also say >> that they need some sort of security backup. what that looks like. >> they didn't really articulate, folks really didn't want to go into too much still trying to explain what that added security might come in a form of. but for most here it's just about trying to figure out how to get to tomorrow and knowing but tonight could bring another round of violence. david culver, cnn, port-au-prince, haiti >> all right. david culver, thank you for that still to come, israeli officials are expected back at the table to discuss a potential ceasefire where negotiations stand as pressure grows from the internet national community >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7th, nine once. >> why would i use kayak to
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businesses like ours depend on this misguided agenda will empower foreign adversaries. threaten national security, and destroy jobs. are leaders need to strengthen, not weaken american technology this is the big dam >> kane who that do >> new this morning, the director of emergency response at world central kitchen tell cnn that they have successfully delivered a ship with 200 tons of food aid to gaza. and they are preparing to hand it out plants for a second delivery are underway. now, this comes at a critical time as a united nations children's agency recently reported a rise and severe malnutrition among children in northern gaza with cases doubling in a single month today, the head of mossad is set to go to doha to continue ceasefire discussions between hamas and israel with
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qatari and egyptian officials. yesterday, secretary of state antony blinken met with bahraini crown prince and prime minister to talk about a plan to stop the fighting in gaza for at least six weeks and to agree on terms for freeing hostage. they >> also discussed the dangerous and reckless attacks by the houthi rebels on ships in the red sea and agreed on the importance of following international law and ensuring ships can travel freely. sealant. cnn's paula hancock is in qatar. paula. hi there. what's the latest on the negotiations? >> well, i'm ruined. dani, we are expecting the mossad director to travel here to doha. this according to a diplomat familiar with those talks, the same diplomat saying they believed the torque should happen on monday. so this will be between israeli officials and the egyptian and qatari mediators now we have reached out to hamas and asked if they will be here for the torques at this point, they've said, quote, the picture is not clear yet. so what will happen in
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israel today is there will be a war cabinet meeting. there will be a national security cabinet meeting. and that is where the israeli leader and the cabinets will decide the parameters of these negotiations. how far can the negotiators go in agreeing to this ceasefire? now the reason they will be here it's in reaction to the counter offer from hamas, which the israeli prime minister's office has already said is absurd, but they are still sending a delegation here, which the us secretary of state, antony blinken says shows the possibility and also the urgency of the situation. so what we heard last thursday from this hamas counteroffer was there would be multiple phases to this ceasefire deal, as we know, the first phase, they want to see 700 to 1,000 palace genuine prisoners released and in return, they would release the females including the idf soldiers that elderly, the sick, and the wounded hostages from gaza. and
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then in a second phase, they would like all of the prisoners and hostages to be released. but the main sticking point is after that first phase hamas wants all with the israeli military to get out of gaza. they want a complete evacuation. they want a permanent ceasefire. and we've heard consistently from israel that is simply not what they want to do. we know just last friday, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu proved an offensive in rapper. this area in the southern part of gaza, when more than half of the population of gaza is currently sheltering something which the head of the world health organization to set e is gravely concerned about. so israel is not going to agree to this full withdrawal or the full ceasefire. we've heard from when israeli official, it will be very tough negotiations. we've heard from one diplomat as well saying it is not going to be easy to convince israel of this hamas offer. so no imminent
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breakthrough expected at this point, but the fact that the israeli delegation is coming here, some source of hope, amara, danny, oh god will see if a deal can be reached. thank you very much >> all right. come on up next, harnessing the power of hollywood will tell you how one show is using its platform to try to curb the gun violence epidemic and tonight on cnn, a new episode of the cnn original series vegas. the story of sin city. here's a preview by the early '70s, it was clear in las vegas at the >> balance of power was shifting. it hadn't completely shifted. nobody operating in las vegas thought the mob was gone but it was starting to look safer to other people >> it's a period where there's some restructuring going on. you might say recalibrating. the corporations are coming in and korean sold
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his two hotels and flamingo and the international to help he was a big deal for las vegas because there was a respectability associated with hilton, the las vegas aspired to when you were able to attract somebody is respectable as the hilton family. we were getting somewhere all right. >> you can get an all new episode at 10:00 p.m. tonight right here on cnn. let's stay with me and you was introduced >> was my son >> who keep your hit him. >> just like mom, thomas. >> but you see that color purple now streaming exclusively on men home, where routine meets remarkable with unexpected moments of inspiration around every corner and through every window my mornings in the sun with porto's can new world and fine dining with a view. your window
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muntean reagan national airport. this is cnn close captioning is brought to you by page publishing 1 published a book. will review your manuscript for free if you've written a book page, publishing can help you through the process. we cut through the confusion of the publishing world to make it easy for you call 805630741 >> so it may have worked with cigarette smoking, public safety advocates harnessed hollywood influence in an attempt to shape public behavior and save lives. >> well, now they're hoping to use the big screen to try to
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reduce gun deaths. this new tactic huddling gun safety. cnn's josh campbell reports gunfire danger, high-energy to another episode of the hit cbs shows swat something in this scene is different. can you tell your day get any better after? >> so i saw you actually got worse if you can believe it, but we just save a mother and her child. so amid it all the rest of your day ago, did you spot it on a work look again >> mother and a child. so amid at all safe gun storage on that same sony pictures set swatch show runner andrew devon says, in the past, the officer may have just said his gun on the counter, but now >> gun safe opens. he puts the gun away. it's nice and safe before he heads back to talk to his wife, it's very routine. partners life come home at the end of today's store, your weapon so that it's safe now
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that he's got a toddler in the house, that's a game changer. >> the new approach is one of the successes of the show gun safety campaign launched by advocacy group brady united, which is now partnering with studios across the country after verse meeting at a white house roundtable with actors and writers last year, their initiative calls for no guns on kids shows, rethinking what their guns are needed in adult shows. and if they are showing proper storage and handling, we lose eight kids a day uniquely american epidemic to family fire. that's two, that's because of firearms in the home that are not safely stored while guns can be politically polarizing. this show believes encouraging for safe storage of firearms shouldn't be controversial at all. >> this is not part of that larger gun debate. we have our audience is very much on both sides of that issue. this to me, i hoped anyway, seemed like this is just a common sense issue, right? so it safely don't leave it out in the house. if if we if they see their favorite characters doing on a regular basis, maybe that influences them some way.
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>> settle, settle. do we go quiet, please? >> inside another sound stage, we watched as a swat crew film scenes with starr chemali, or we've heard statistics that more people look up to their favorite actor than a lot of politicians. >> once i'm not taylor swift, but she doesn't carry a gun as i know more told us he's a gun owner two and with a young daughter, both on and off screen, modeling safety is a badge >> he is willing to wear big bad as honda and i get out there and, take down bad guys. but when i come home, i own a firearm, but it's it's safe. it's protected. if i can use my platform to effect change or affect optimism, or to get people to listen. that's an honor. i'm humbled by it. >> along with safe storage, swat is also curving the amount of gunfire on its show. >> the director had an automatic weapon in mind, but maybe we can pull that back and just have it be a few shots so that we don't have while this gratuitous gun fire with no consequence, we got to stop normalizing this across the board
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>> gun violence victims like christian high-need, who lost his mother in a 2005 shooting in california. praise the efforts of shows like swan now achieve policy officer for brady united, he hopes this new campaign succeeds, like past partnerships with hollywood to d glamorized smoking and promote safe driving >> you never we'll see somebody get into a car on a film or on television and not put a seat belt on, we have to be thinking the same way about gun violence to really create a movement in hollywood where this becomes second nature >> people are going to watch me and listened to me and i know that by behavior, by how i present myself, somebody could follow suit. that's a huge responsibility and so hopefully, this is reminder city adults do the parents to be extra cautious good josh campbell, cnn, hollywood >> all right. josh, thank you. still ahead. this week marks the official start of spring, but before winter says goodbye,
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that's right for you at trust and we'll dot com, united states of scandal with jake tapper tonight at nine on cnn >> all right. it is winters last hurrah this week, the east coast will get hit with a cold front as we officially say goodbye to winter hello to spring. >> but before we say goodbye to winter, let's say hello to allison chinchar there are still some storms we're talking about, right? >> yes. and so it's that cold front the same spot that's going to bring that cold air we've got to get rid of it first, which means we still have the potential for some severe thunderstorms today. now, most of what we're seeing is really focused, right along the gulf coast region. so texas over to louisiana, and then eventually we'll continue to see that spread eastward as we
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go through the day and evening hours. so there is still the potential for severe weather and extends basically from texas all the way over to the panhandle of florida, large hail damaging winds and yes, the potential for a few tornadoes is not cannot be ruled out. here's a look at where the storm stands today. the morning is really really going to be focused for those strong thunderstorms over texas and louisiana. but then we start to see that spread into alabama, georgia, florida, and into the carolinas. once we get towards the evening tonight. but that cold front once it slides through, we are talking bitter cold temperatures, yes, some that would remind folks may be say more of january or february, take a look at that cincinnati and kliger when looking at high temperatures on monday that are more typical for early february, memphis and huntsville, their high temperatures more like what you would see in mid-january. and even when you fast forward to tuesday, atlanta in philadelphia, also looking at temperatures that are going to feel a little bit more like february, rather than say the first official day of the spring, which is set to be tuesday. it's just not really going to feel like it for many
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places. here's that first wave and out when dives deep, you're talking well into the southeast seeing those temperatures below average, then we is rebound just a little bit briefly before a second round begins to come back. and especially for the midwest and areas of the northeast by the end of the week. so take note york city, for example, 61 today, dropping back down, we rebound again by wednesday only for the bottom to drop right back out yet again. not living the frigid in huge letters >> spring us brung for me because i'm, i'm taking my my antihistamines. >> yeah right. exactly. fallen has been a little much. thank you so much. good to see a figure soon. >> all right. a teenager trying to catch some air at a skiing composition wound up almost catching a ski chair lift instead, cnn's jaime moos shows you his spectacular wipe out that has the internet buzzing it was a little like one of those james bond ski chases, like when doublers seven over a picnic table only
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17 year-old ivan jones was just trying to do a move called the flat spin 360 when he almost landed on the chair lift of course, everyone wanted to know where are you injured? >> i definitely felt very beat up, mild concussion. i was quite sore, but i then was able to ski down the mountain at the lake louise resort in canada to get checked up by the ski patrol so close to landing on the actual seat, maybe next time was a typical comment but i haven't said he had no intention of trying that. >> he >> thought it would be impossible to hit the chair lift until a dad when i hit the chairlift, i was actually in shock so i didn't feel anything. >> his mom, monday off skiing when she got the call that her son had hit the chairlift, was very grateful to see him in person before seeing the video because the video is pretty awful as the video went viral,
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jokester is added audio dreamed about this. >> his whole life oh that is not good. >> lake louise resort told cnn it does not come down. what happened? imagine a view from the chair full of skiers coming up the lift and instead of just wondering how ivan fared, guy like is the chairlift okay? you'd be giggling to if you survive this ginny most cnn, new york thankfully nobody was on those chairs. that chairlift yeah. yeah i mean, you must actually ended up sitting there for a second though. >> yeah. not really yeah. >> next time. >> next time all right. the next hour of cnn this morning starts right now.


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