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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 24, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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the best performer i ever saw in las vegas was my friend elvis presley. ♪ i'm just a hunka hunka burnin' love ♪ ♪ just a hunka hunka burnin' love ♪ elvis, my goodness, he kicked butt! ♪ just a hunka hunka burnin' love ♪ oh, my god, what a show! ♪ just a hunka hunka burnin' love ♪ he was a hunka hunka man! ♪ just a hunka hunka burnin' love ♪ ♪ i'm just a hunka hunka burnin' love ♪ i was never that big an elvis fan. i was more of a pat boone fan. [ laughs ] [ cheers and applause ] boone fan >> hello, and welcome to our
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viewers joining us here. the united states around the world, and streaming is on cnn max. i'm rosemarie church, just ahead time's up. its deadline de for donald trump post a whopping bond of nearly half 1 billion in the civil fraud judgment against him four menn appear in court to face charges and the terror attack russian concert hall. we will discuss what motivated this deadly attack and the intelligence that may have prevented it and more than 300 nigeria three school children were kidnapped by armed gunman earlier this month. now, dozens of them have finally been released. but the fate of the rest remains unclear. the details ahead and a live report live from atlanta. >> this is cnn newsroom with rosemary church good to have you with us in the coming hours, donald trump will have two major legal threats
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colliding in new york. first, the former president is facing a critical deadline to post nearly half $1 billion in bond money for these civil fraud judgment against him. that's cash his lawyer says he does not have on hand and if trump fails to secure this bond, the state attorney general could begin seizing assets like his properties, but experts say his bank accounts should be handled first as they would be much easier to take. meanwhile, trump could also learn the new trial date for his delayed criminal hush money case base there will be a hearing where trump's lawyers can argue for a longer postponement or to have the charges dismissed the earliest the trial could begin is april 5, 15th, and we get the latest now on trump's legal troubles from cnn's zachary cohen >> if donald trump cannot secure a bond in his multimillion dollars civil fraud judgment against him by monday's deadline, he could see the new york attorney
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general start the process of seizing his assets. that's things like his bank account now it's things like his properties, all things that donald trump does not want to see prosecutors take away from him. but look, trump personally owes over 450 million as a result of this judgment. he is indicated and claimed that he has enough cash to pay that to support a bond in that case, his lawyers have corrected him saying no, he does not have that amount of cash on hand. but ultimately, if you cannot put up the money to post bond by monday's deadline, that is when you could see the attorney general start to i other things to make up for that cost and look. experts say that prosecutors have already taken some steps two potentially signal that they are going to move to seize some of trump's assets and properties in new york, should he be unable to post that bond on monday? those are things like one of his golf courses in new york and another private estate that he has there. and at the same time, don't trump is also expected in court as proceedings
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continue as part of his new york criminal now this case deals with the hush money payments that were allegedly made to porn star stormy daniels. these were these repayments allegedly made to cover up an affair between daniel's and trump prior to the 2016 election this trial, this case was supposed to go to trial. the trial is supposed to start on monday, but instead, we're going to have another pretrial hearing. this is where trump's attorneys will try to postpone a trial for as long as possible. they will argue that discovery issues require further to delay the district attorney's office in new york has argued that no further delay is needed. so ultimately, we're going to see if the judge in this case could give more insight and more detail about a possible trial start date. it's already been delayed through it these mid-april, but it's possible the judge sides with the da's office and gives us a trial date in new york before the 2024 election. zachary cohen, cnn, washington nikos passas is a professor of criminology and criminal justice and co-director of the institute
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for security and public >> policy at northeastern university. he joins us now i'm from boston. good to have you with us >> thank you for having me. so in the >> hours ahead, donald trump faces two major legal threats. first, a deadline for the posting of that 464 bond in his new york fraud i'm sure each case and also a possible hush money trial date. so let's consider the first what happens if trump is unable or perhaps unwilling to secure that bond? and what decision might the appeals court make about whether trump has to post this bond or perhaps a smaller amount >> so the court has discretion as to whether to stay enforcement reduce the amount of the bond or change the terms of the bond or keep things the
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way they are and in making that decision, it will consider things such as the likelihood of success and the appeal by the defendant the defendant's financial resources the potential harm to the plaintiff or the defendant and the public interest so we either keep things as they are or he has to post a bond. if you have, suppose the bond and does not then the question is, what the collection process may then get started and it is immediately enforceable. steps have already been taken by the attorney general in new york to play slim and starts a collection process so they will be immediate consequences and impact on his finances. the former president's of finances
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brand and any effect also on his credit rating the course of action on the part of letitia james, the attorney general, would be to move against as illiquid assets as possible. that is the lowest hanging fruit, such as financial accounts, bank or other financial assets. and then as we have read by in various sauces she may move to seize some of his real estate >> properties, right? >> so what >> if trump turns to a foreign source for help to post? he's bond, what's the potential conflict of interest or even national security threat in doing that if somebody else, as >> you asked steps in the question is who that entity or personal ease? and what kind of
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debt personal debt trump will be owing to that person. >> and >> that may clash with the national interest, that may clash with their priorities for the united states. >> so it >> is certainly a potential conflict of interest the question of course is, why would a person or entities the pin two do such to take such a risk? >> for >> some entities and some people. it's not a big deal, but it could mean a dead then creates a conflict of interests for someone who is making key decisions in the white house. if he gets elected, right, and >> trump is also expected to attend his new york hush money hearing today with the judge, possibly setting a new trial date for his case after a delay, potentially, he's only pre-election trial. what are your expectations?
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>> well my >> guess is that >> we are going to get that trials within the next month or so because the delay was for several thousand documents that we're disclosed. the later or the subsequent date >> both true. the prosecution and then to the defense the issue, however, is that the overwhelming majority of those documents are not relevant to the case only 200 pretty to 300 documents are relevant to it. and he doesn't take that long to go through them. we already had a delay of about a month and therefore, my expectation is that that trial is going to get started pretty soon >> nikos passas. thank you so much for joining us and for your analysis. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. thank you so
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much >> us national security adviser, jake sullivan is expected to meet israeli defense minister yoav gallant at the white house in the coming hours. official says they will discuss the urgent need for more humanitarian aid to reach desperate civilians in gaza and efforts to get the remaining hostages held in the enclave released. meantime, cnn analyst barak ravid it says israel has agreed to a proposal from the us that would release around 700 palestinian prisoners in exchange for the release of 40 israeli hostages. but he says a response from hamas could take a few days cnn's paula hang cox is in doha with the details we have seen a >> concerted diplomatic push from the united states over the last few days, trying to push these indirect and the guy between hamas and israel forward. now we've heard from
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our cnn affiliate channel 11, citing a senior israeli government official that israel hasn't great to a us proposal that would see some 700 palestinian prisoners released as part of this, this deal 100 of them we understand would be those serving life sentences for having killed israeli nationals that in return, they would be 40 israeli hostages. that would be be released. now this is israel agreeing to a us proposal. we obviously have to wait to see what hamas thinks of this particular deal. we know that there are technical will teams here in doha still based here and trying to work out the details what happens now is that israel is israel and the us and the qatari and egyptian mediators are waiting to get the response from hamas and what i hear from israeli officials that this could take between i don't know, a day to three days because those details need to go from hamas representatives in dough, we're
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negotiating to the person who really caused the shots. and this is hamas leader sinwar in gaza with in a bunker some hundred feet under the ground. >> now we know hamas just ten days ago, had proposed that there was between 700 to 1,000 palestinian prisoners released as part of this deal and in recent weeks, if not months, there have been quite significant gaps between the two sides, not only when it comes to the number of palestinian prisoners to be released, but also which prisoner? this would be released meanwhile, we have heard from the chief of unwerth, this is philippe lazzarini saying, in a tweet that israel has the informed the un group, the main un body within gaza that they would no longer be able to facilitate their aid distributions in northern gaza. now lazzarini has called this outrageous at a time when a un backed report
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has just said that there could be famine in northern gaza other between now and mid-may now, israel has accused these 12 members of unrwa, of being part of the october seventh attacks those 12 have been released from their duties. we know that there was an independent investigation that's ongoing within unrwa lazzarini calling on countries not to stop funding at a crucial time. he says, when those in gaza so desperately needed paula and cox, cnn, doha, qatar >> a week after the israel defense forces began an operation at al shifa hospital in northern gaza. the palestinian red crescent says the israeli military has surrounded two hospitals in southern gaza and their quota teams are in extreme danger. and unable to move at all. the idf released this video stating that it's conducting what it called an operation and the al
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amal neighborhood. but denies its inside al-amal and nasser hospitals israel says it launched strikes on about 40 targets and the area, claiming it's continuing to dismantle, quote terrorist infrastructure. cnn cannot independently verify these claims for man accused of the deadly terror attack in russia have appeared in court. the latest on the shootings and fire that killed more than 130 she people at a concert hall. >> that's next >> no way. >> why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel? i'd sit once i like to do things myself i do my own searching your sky? it i can
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>> psoriasis all over. i couldn't get my hair done then psoriatic arthritis, concentric swartz on both for people with psoriasis on the scalp, have a four times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis series allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like x amount and an increased risk of infections, some fatal have occurred. tell your dr. if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to or if ib these symptoms develop or worsen >> still working for me >> close captioning brought to you by mesobook if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to >> you 808 to 14000 welcome back, everyone. >> the four men accused of killing more than 130 people at a concert hall outside moscow, have gone before a judge. each had a number of visits we'll injuries. 1 was in a wheelchair
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and appeared non-responsive. three of the menn entered guilty pleas all or being held in pretrial detention investigators say the menn are from tajikistan and have been in russia on either temporary or expired visas outside the concert hall. thousands of people gathered in the rain on sunday to remember the victims. the death toll from the terror attack now stands at 137, more than 100 others injured inside what's left of the venue. crews are searching debris from the devastating fire the gunman or accused of setting. they're using robots and dogs trying to find any more bodies still in the rubble. and cnn chief global affairs correspondent matthew chance was add sunday's makeshift memorial and has more on how people are reacting to the terror attack where you joined me outside the crocus city hall near moscow, where on friday night, gunman
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killed at least >> 130 people inside that product concert hall. you can see thousands of people have now turned out from around russia to pay their respects, to lay flowers, cuddly toys as well. well i add respect for the children who are affected, it really is a major event that is affected this country and it has fed feelings of instability amongst ordinary people >> terrible about all the violence that exists in our world yeah, and i world. >> in russia as well. do you feel do you feel safe in russia >> he said? >> yes, and thinks so not today because this attack, attack can be in every country and i think that it is this is my probe them of all. >> do you feel safe in russia? >> you still
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>> feel safe. four is so many things happening. you feel a bit more insecure i don't know how to answer that question. properly, but i all i can say is that terrorist attacks, there will, there are worldwide problem oh this topic well, it's not safe to feel when there are terrorist in the home hello world. so i should say, well this is part of a broader, broader process. yes >> you can see orthodox priests have come out to deliver prayers at this memorial as well as investigators inside the burned-out rubble of the constant so who are still going through the debris and still saying that they're finding bodies. and so the death toll could rise in terms of the investigations while you're 30 say at least 11 people have been taken into custody, including the four suspects who they believe carried out the
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actual shootings inside the crocus city hall. of course, isis said they carried out this attack but the russian president vladimir putin, who is vowing revenge, calling it a barbaric act has said that it could be linked with ukraine something ukrainian government has categorically denied matthew chance, cnn at the crocus city hall near moscow >> matthew schmidt is an associate professor of national security at the university of new haven, is also a former professor of strategic and operational planning at the u whereas army command and general staff college, he joined us now from new haven in connecticut. appreciate you being with us >> my pleasure was me. >> so russia observed a national day of mourning sunday for the victims of that terror attack on a russian concert hall isis-k is claiming responsibility for that attack. it's not the first time and
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islamic militant group has attacked russia. but why would isis attack at this time? and for what reason isis most recently attacked the russian embassy in kabul last fall and it's been trying to push russia out of afghanistan because russia has been supporting the taliban which has been fighting against isis k. and i says case basic strategy is to try to put russia out of afghanistan and out of greater central asia so putin was apparently warned by us intelligence of the possibility of an attack like this. but dismissed it >> as an attempt to destabilise russia. however, the russian embassy in the us is saying it did not get notice of an impending attack. what do you make of this chatter >> well, it's pure hubris on russians part. it standard operating procedure for us intelligence agencies to pass on information of impending attacks for instance, we just did it in iran a few months ago
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where ice is k attacks the target that we were warning would be attacked. so this is pretty normal and for putin to just dismiss it out of hand. in fact, he said he wouldn't accept it because it was an americans disinformation plot you just, shows the weakness of his leadership >> and putin is trying to unite russia behind the ukraine war by blaming ukraine for this attack instead of isis will that strategy worked for him? >> absolutely. when you don't have a free press, when you control what goes out on radio and tv and in print and the majority of your population is giving the news that way. that's exactly what he's going to get he's going to get a rally round, the flag effect, although there is, i would now it's significant discontent in the immediate aftermath here the attack. >> there are a lot of >> citizen journalists were posting things on telegram critiquing the security services, and putting himself
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lightly with what they do in russia is they critique the people around poussin. and this, hey, if only those people had given putin the right information then he, the czar, would it back in correctly and so any failure is kept one level below putin himself but that criticism is pretty strong, right now. >> yeah, i mean, putin has control of television and print coverage, but has not tried to control the internet in the same way. why is that given it? if as a threat to his regime doesn't it? by leaving open a loophole allowing for anti-russian chatter, which is what we are seeing right now in the wake of this attack yeah, it's probably his biggest strategic mistake back in the early 2000s, he simply didn't understand it and so he never built the kind of firewall for domestic information that china did, for instance and so there's really, it's leaky over time. he's tried to build
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a propaganda machine. he's trying to control what's going on. but he didn't build the fundamental infrastructure. and so he can't fundamentally stop people from using vpns or other anonymizing things like tor servers and things like that to get information in. but he has significantly slowed it >> matthew schmidt. thank you so much for joining us. appreciate it. >> my pleasure. always still to come after a military rescue the parents of dozens of children kidnapped in nigeria. a briefing sigh of relief, while others are still being held in captivity, we'll have a live report and thousands gathered in argentina to remember the victims of a former military taylor ship, which was in power decades ago. the details when we return
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the state's governor says he met with families of the children and the students will be hosted at an official dinner on monday, but the added that one teacher had died after developing complications while in captivity joining us now is cnn's david mckenzie in johannesburg. good to see you, david. so what's the latest on these kidnapped at school children? nigeria. and the number that were rescued and those that perhaps remain in captivity >> rosemary, these are often murky circumstances and certainly the parents of these children in kaduna state will breathing a huge sigh of relief more than two weeks after they were taken from their school in kuriga the both primary and secondary school, the gunman came in on motorcycles according to witnesses, the terror that must have been felt by that students who already living in circumstances of insecurity in that part of northwest nigeria, they were pulled away from their school after assembly taken into a
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remote area. now, according to the governor, he says that in fact, only 137 children were taken it isn't 37 children were in the words of them rescued in a search and rescue operation. parents of the total and that we spoke to a few days ago, said that the bandits, as they call the nigeria, asked for more than $600,000 in ransom it's unclear if ransom was paid. certainly the government is not admitting that and you have these new images coming out of the children being paraded as it were in front of a governor who is claiming credit along with the members of the military and the nigerian government for getting these children back home safely. rosemary and david, >> how bad it >> kidnappings like this in nigeria, nearly ten years after the chewbacca girls were taken it's a crisis in nigeria at least 1,400 people. students, in fact, had been taken under
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various circumstances according to now, over the last several years since the checkbook case where more than 200 girls were taken, nearly ten years ago, the cause, an international outcry my bad. there have been many, many more children and students who have been kidnapped who haven't caused as big of an outcry, didn't cause a social media campaign in the whereas then gets still there have been taken from their parents in some cases, those children have been returned after a ransom is paid and it really speaks to the inability of the nigerian government to secure those zones of the country particularly in the north west, central, north and the northeast, where it has become this epidemic of kidnappings for ransom, not just of students but just businesspeople, private citizens. this is a massive business by a bandit in those areas of the northwest and also by islamic terror groups in the northeast. this will be a happy
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day though for these parents and the children that have gotten home safely. i'm sure more details will emerge as they reunited with their families, rosemary. >> all right. david mckenzie joining us live from johannesburg. many thanks for that report. >> will thousands >> gathered on the anniversary of argentina's 1976 military coup to, on a victims of that former hey, the ship, human rights organizations estimate about 30,000 people were kidnapped, tortured, and killed during the military dictatorship, nearly 50 years ago many of those who suffered under the regime were opposition members, union members, or students. this year demonstration is the first under controversial new president javier milei who has disputed the number of victims ireland is once again poised to get its youngest ever prime minister. the ruling thinner gael party has named higher education minister simon harris
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as its new leader. the 37-year-old harris would succeed leo varadkar, who surprisingly resigned last week citing personal and political reasons. but adkar had also been ireland's youngest ever leader when he was elected in 2017. at the age of 38, he guided the country through some difficult times, including brexit and the covid, pandemic in his acceptance speech, sunday, harris pledged, quote, hard work blood, sweat and tears as the next prime minister will still to come on your mark, get set, go observers or servers. i should say in paris, compete in an historic wage his race, that's back after more than a decade, the action and the details after the break sanity needs to save space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill
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known as holy, it marks the beginning of spring and celebrates the victory of good over evil. some communities begin the festivities the night before by lighting bonfires, followed by drenching each other and colored powder and buckets of water and singing religious song so on the day of home and roads of waiters in paris served up their a game this weekend for a century race that's come roaring back to life and the city of lights they took to the streets to show who could move the fastest. and with the best balance. cnn's michael holmes boats, waiting tables in paris isn't just a job. it's a profession and a good server needs a lot of hustle to get through the day but just who is the fastest waiter in town? some 200 servers in paris suited up to put this skills to the test, both alone >> so said noir black pants, a black socks, well-polished shoes and a tie or bow tie with
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a jacket. that's traditional and parisian holding trays containing a typical french breakfast that participants navigated a two kilometer course through the >> morais district in the revival of paris's classic cafe waiter race last year old in 2011. >> the >> rules are simple, no running that would just be gauche and no spilling anything on the tray, which must be held in one hand and i've been doing this job since i was 16. i don't necessarily expect to be the first because i don't necessarily here we have the best cardio, but i hope to at least arrive with a train good condition at the finish line, >> the race began in 1914 with servers balancing a bottle on a tray in the earlier days, but 13 years ago, organizers couldn't find any sponsors. so the race was put on the backburner until the paris city
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hall and water or authority fired up the advantage again this year. >> i find it wonderful that we're reviving this race, which highlights a very beautiful profession and which above all is very difficult i think on a daily basis so congratulations to them. and may the best when >> so while this might >> not look like a >> typical day at the cafe the men's and women's we lose who completed the circuit in 13 minutes, 30 seconds, and 14 minutes, 12 seconds respectively, say, it's an expedited version what they do every day with a healthy serving of stamina getting them across the finish line bon appetit michael holmes homes cnn >> and thank you so much for joining us. i'm rosewood church, right? international viewers. sport is up next. i'm proud of you is here in the united states and in canada. i'll be back with more cnn newsroom in just a moment to stay with us >> okay. everyone, our mission
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democrats on friday, georgia representative marjorie taylor greene filed a motion to oust fellow republican mike johnson from his role as house speaker democrats now say they might come to his rescue if he helps pass ukraine aid cnn's amount of raju has more >> house democrats are considering saving mike johnson from a threat from his speakership after marjorie taylor greene announced on friday that she would try to make mike johnson the second speaker ever to be ousted by his own colleagues. our first speaker happened last ball, kevin mccarthy was booted in the aftermath of a right-wing revolt. there was a little bit different that dental grows all voted to oust him along with eight republicans, kevin mccarthy is pushed out of the speakership. there is 22 days of chaos. johnson came in. now he's facing the similar threat after he agreed with democrats on a bill to keep the government open through september. now but the question will be, are democrats handle this because many of them are
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indicating that they are willing to save them. >> why? because of ukraine aid being stalled in the house made them say, if johnson were to outline a path to getting ukraine aid approved then that would change their calculus and perhaps they would vote to save him if he does the responsible thing which is allowing members of congress to vote on a bill that will pass and that is in our national security interests. and then subsequent to that, a nonserious actor who doesn't want to govern brings a motion to vacate. yes, i would motion to table in that circumstance. we'll make >> common cause with anybody who will stand up for the people of ukraine, anybody who will get desperately needed humanitarian assistance to gaza, and anybody who will work for a two-state solution. >> now the timing of this is all a bit unclear because marjorie taylor greene because actually call it that vote whenever the house that she's recognized on the house floor. now the house is in recess for the next two weeks she told me that she is not certain about her timing yet, but when she
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comes back, she could that could change. you could move to the floor, start the process, which would be two days before they would actually cast that critical vote. the first vote is expected to be a motion to table. or kill this resolution on a proceeding deidre matter. procedural grounds. that is one of the democrats are considering doing essentially voting to kill the resolution from going forward. but their demands are pretty clear. move on. ukraine aid. >> and >> if there's a path, they believe ukrainian can become law. perhaps johnson can stay in the job manu raju, cnn, washington millions across the us are under winter weather alerts as a significant winter storm is currently impacting much of the central plains with several states under blizzard and winter storm warnings, that could last until early tuesday the center of the storm will move into the midwest on monday, where much of minnesota, wisconsin, and the dakotas could see up to a foot of snow and cities like
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minneapolis could see as much or even more snow than they did all winter. the us federal aviation administration is stepping up its oversight of united airlines are bro series of troubling incidents over the past month 11 incidents made headlines including hydraulic system issues on several planes a plane sliding off the runway, and a tire falling off a plane during take-off. the airlines and employees and memo on friday to let them know the faa will be present to take a closer look at multiple areas of their operation and evaluate safety on expert weighed in on this development i think it shows that the whole industry has been under the microscope over the past couple of months. and >> united has been at the forefront. unfortunately. and the faa united as 950 aircraft. the third largest carrier in
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the world and they've had a number of troubling incidents. i think some of them the importance has been magnified because of just the general scrutiny of the industry. but the faa is taking no chances and they've instructed their certificate management management offices that oversees united to step up the oversight the faa is also warning united that some of its future projects may be delayed based on the findings of the agency's oversight. the wise man's ac wa tournament's sweet 16 is set on sunday. market advanced by beating colorado at one to six 77, it's tyler colic, it had 21 points and 11 assists >> meanwhile, >> purdue powered past utah state the. boilermakers seven foot four center zach edey had 23 points and 14 rebounds in
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the wind by the way, the cinderella story of this year's tournament has it's come to an end. the scrappy yell bulldogs lost to san diego state 57 to 85 american ice skating prodigy ilia malinin lived up to his quad. god nickname on saturday when the 19-year-old climb from third to first place, landing his first ever world figure skating during title by way of a dazzling, not to historic performance. marlene and opened his routine with a quadruple axel before landing not one not two, but five more quad jumps resulting in the highest ever score given in this competition. the quad god is still the only man to land the quadruple axel and baseball star shohei ohtani's former interpreter is being investigated for gambling. ohtani's lawyers accuse him of stealing millions of dollars from the star. now the japanese player who signed with the los angeles dodgers in the of season is planning to speak to
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the media cnn's camila bernal has more >> it's the de, a lot of dodger fans were waiting for watching shohei ohtani play here at home, but it comes with but so much controversy. we're talking theft, millions of dollars lies gambling. and now an irs and an mlb investigation, let's recap where we are right now. shohei ohtani's longtime interpreter, ippei mizuhara, was fired after ohtani's attorneys accuse him of massive theft, millions of dollars, and placing bets with a bookmaker that's currently under for federal investigation that's according to espn and the la times who first reported on this, and cnn did speak to a spokesperson with the irs that confirmed that you pay me zahra and a man by the name of mathew bowyer are both being investigated by the irs. we spoke to boyer's attorney and here's what she said >> we've learned during the course of the investigation is that ohtani's name was on one of the wire transfers to mr.
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bowyer's organization to cover a bet but as far as mr. bowyer understood, the bet was from ippei or it was being covered by mr. ohtani for each the problem that a lot of the fans people following this controversy have, is the changing statements from ohtani and mizuhara ohtani's rubs first telling espn that he was aware of the gambling debt, then later saying he had no knowledge of any of this, and mizuhara's speaking to espn initially said that he'd asked ohtani to hey, his debts and the he had agreed to do so. but later, walking everything back, saying that he lied and that ohtani had no knowledge of any of this. so again, a lot of questions and major implications when it comes to these investigations because of the fact that ohtani is a worldwide baseball star. and because of the fact that he did sign that massive $700 year deal with the dodgers? we're
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being told that ohtani will likely speak to the media on monday. that's according to a number of media outlets. so of course, a lot of people having questions for ohtani about this entire actuation. camila bernal, cnn, los angeles >> most of us can't imagine our lives without electronic devices and not just screens. we also rely on larger items like refrigerators and air conditioners. >> according to him new joint report from the united nations institute for training and research and the international telecommunications union, the world is now producing a record amount of e-waste and it's putting lives at risk. kim brunhuber has more these menn and ghana or rummaging through discarded electronics using screwdrivers and pliers, they break down computers and cell >> phones for any parts they can and salvage but this is just one electronic wasteland and alarming knew un report says that since 2010, the amount of global e-waste has grown in five times faster than
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it can be collected and recycled according to the study, a record 62 million metric tons of e-waste was produced in 2022. that's an increase of 82% from 2010 and the world is on track to generate a whopping 82 million tonnes of e-waste in 2030 un researcher says that we're losing the battle against e-waste and the wealthy are mostly the blame well the richer you are, the more useful june and the more you consume the more products you are buying on the battery >> and the blog, and the more e-waste you are generating. >> what's more e-waste recycling only produces 1% of the rare earth elements needed to meet the current demand, which leaves the world highly dependent on just a few countries where rare earths or mind, including countries in africa the continent generates the lowest let's amount of e-waste, recycling rates. there are below 1% a high level
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official with the international telecommunication union says, it's up to the manufacturer jurors to make a difference by giving devices are longer life cycle >> they to be benefitting, they take measures to make sure that there is a response two, bowman featuring that is irresponsible consumerism >> while some countries have implemented environmental regulations to tackle the problem we're working on a more grassroots level. places like the fixing, factoring in london or teaching consumers to make more sustainable choices >> we buy these sayings. and the first time they fail we don't get them fixed and we're trying to change that mindset. so when it fails, just think that's just a part of its lifecycle. is not the end how can we get that going? how can get it going? a few more years. >> but such efforts won't do enough to address the rapidly growing mountains of e-waste especially a society rose more dependent on tech devices which are linked to the internet
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despite the dire forecast, the report says there's still time to introduce infrastructure to process e-waste more efficiently, driving up demand for recycled materials. an increasing recycling rates overall >> kim brunhuber cnn and >> thanks for your company. this error i was with church. i'll be back with more cnn newsroom after shot right to >> he worked in spaceflight. this is the worst thing that can happen >> space shuttle columbia, final flight for mirrors sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn, rsv is out there there for those 60 years and older, protect against rsv with a wreck sv, a rx is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv. and people 60 years and older, wreck speed is not protect everyone it is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients, those with weakened immune systems may
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l0 be to three-to-one, three-to-one today. >> i'm ryan young in jackson, mississippi and this is cnn >> hello and welcome to our viewers, joining us here in the united states and all around the world, you are watching cnn newsroom. and in w


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