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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 27, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> shortly before 10:00 a.m. >> divers located red pickup truck submerged and approximately 25 feet of water in the area of the middle span of the bridge divers recovered to vehicle two victims of this tragedy, trapped within the vehicle the victims were identified as alejandro hernandez fuentes, 35 years old, a baltimore and darlene running out castile cuboidal 26 years old of dundalk their family members were notified just over an hour ago, in-person by maryland state police personnel. with crisis intervention personnel present knowing the gravity of this, we provided them with a list of resources that they can refer to and refer their friends and family too.
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vehicle, what we believe are the vehicles divers were no longer avril, able to safely navigate or operate around that we have exhausted all search efforts in the areas around this this wreckage. and based on sonar scans, we firmly believe that the vehicles are encased in the superstructure and concrete that we tragically saw it come down at this point as this moves to a salvage recovery effort the maryland state police will continue to support the unified command as the salvage assessment phase takes place. and the us coast guard will review additional additional information
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regarding what to expect and possibly how long this could take but i'll tell you now there's no definitive timeline on this please be patient please keep the family members in mind. >> in coordination with our fbi partners we've determined the countries of origin of those that are presumed deceased to be mexico >> what the mala el salvador and honduras >> the notifications. >> so >> these individuals, family members, and loved ones outside of the united states is being handled by the federal bureau of investigation. and accordance with their established protocols >> again, i encourage you all to think about these people and those that they love and they lost their going to use your love and support now hand it off so that
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>> good evening. >> my name is rabble shannon gilreath first i want to say our deepest condolences go out to the sympathy, goes out to the families of the impacted individuals who also want announced that the coast guard, along with our federal and state and local agency partners have stood up a unified command our number one priority, not unified command, is to reopen the waterway so that we can safely move commerce in and out of the port of baltimore. >> that's our >> number one priority. >> we can do that as soon as possible. and as safely as possible. so that's what we're doing from a unified command perspective. thank you very much good evening. >> paul wiedefeld, secretary of transportation entire departments heartbroken to have lost these individuals one of
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our facilities. >> i did want to update >> you on the efforts that we're doing to move forward with the reconstruction of the bridge as was mentioned earlier by the governor. we have applied for the dollar, the federal dollars that are available for this type of purpose. i sent the letter earlier this morning. i just got off a phone call with the federal highway administrator on the on the step of the process that we move forward, we intend to receive some additional federal dollars very quickly. to start that process. and then we will come up with a design for the replacement of that bridge as quickly as possible to get the court backup and the community back up and running. thank you. >> senator ben cardin first let me express our deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this horrible tragedy. i also want to personally thank all the first responders i had a chance to see firsthand some of the
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diving activities and it was extremely challenging to say the least >> we >> know that the quick action of our first responders saved lives by keeping vehicles off the bridge before it collapsed. so we really want to congratulate our first responders >> when you >> have catastrophic event like this that affects transportation infrastructure that's critically important to our community and to our a region. the federal government comes to your help and we are asking the federal government to help us through this crisis president biden has responded in a very direct way. we are very confident that we will get the immediate tension that we need. thanks to the biden administration and our federal partners. we also will need the help of the congress center working with iran entire congressional delegation to make sure that we provide the necessary authorization,
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support, and resources to make this recovery complete. and that we can move as quickly as possible. make no mistake about it. our top priority is to get the shipping lane open. we recognize that every day it's closed. the impact that has not just on baltimore in our economy, in the state of economy but in our country and effects the global supply chain. and we recognize that we have to move with dispatch in regards to opening the channel. we are also working today on on a replacement bridge so that we can also have those plans in place and have the tools and resources available so that we can reconstruct the bridge good just quickly as possible first priority, open shipping lanes. let us replace the bridge and we appreciate the fact that the federal government will be there every step of the way. center being holland i want to start where the governor and >> senator card and others did
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by saying to the families of the six that we lost in this tragic accident that our hearts go out to you and we as the maryland family will do everything we can to provide you with the resources that you need in this very difficult time. >> it's >> also a solemn reminder of both the contributions and the sacrifices that are immigrant families make in our community and around the country and i also want to thank the first responders for first of all, the search and rescue operation. and now the recovery operations. thank you all for the hard work that you're doing. as others have said, we have two priorities. the most urgent priority is to open up the port of baltimore because as the governor laid out it is essential to the livelihoods of people here in baltimore and maryland. and in fact, the
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economies of the region. and will impact people around the country and around the world. the port of baltimore is that important? and it is the the 8,000 people who were working there directly, the tens of thousands of people whose economic livelihood is tied up with the port. so i want to thank the prezi united states, who called many of us yesterday and then spoke to the nation, is already delivering on his promise which he is ordered the army corps of engineer to do everything necessary to clear the channel so that we can reopen those shipping lanes. we have to open one first and over a period of time i think we're going to do whatever we can to make sure that we have ships passing it through as soon as possible >> the >> army corps of engineer, the federal government will pick up the class for that. and those funds are available. i saw preliminary estimates between
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$4,050 million, but they are very preliminary, but the bottom line and as the army corps will pick up the cost, i don't want to commend the governor and his team for their fast action in putting forward the notice that they are going to apply for the federal emergency relief fund. part of the federal department of transportation's program. the federal highway administration we will be working very closely with the governor, secretary wiedefeld, and others and their team as you process that, just to give you all a sense of what that, what that means. for that you can draw it down funds immediately for some of the costs of diverting traffic and other immediate costs to adjust to what happened in the short and then going forward, that relief fund provides a strong federal match. we believe it will be 9010 in terms of the
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federal share for the 10% remainder center carden and i will be working very closely with the president and our colleagues in the congress to make sure that we meet president biden's pledge just to do as much as possible to make sure that the federal government picks up the class some have asked about the ship owners themselves, obviously as the ntsb conducts its review, will have a better idea of exactly what happened and if anybody is liable for negligence or wrong doing you can be assured that we will be pursuing those funds as part of the cost share from the congressional point of view we will be pursuing. as i say, what we hope will be about 10% of the total costs through the legislative process we will bush to increase make any increases necessary in that emergency federal fund. and again, put forward legislation
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center carden and i are in the process right now of reaching out, put it in a phone call into speaker johnson because we think that this is some something where americans should come together. there should not be a question of republicans or democrats. this is an american challenge. we are a great american city. you're in baltimore and we're hoping that all of our colleagues will come together and join us in making sure we rebuild the bridge because the governor said we do this together and we hope that will also be true in the united states congress so thank you. thank you to everybody who's been part of this. i'm now going to turn it over to the mayor of this i'm sorry to torres, another great maryland or who is now the white house doing wonderful work with the president, tom perez >> thank you so much. good evening. my name is tom perez and i have the privilege of serving as a senior advisor to
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president biden. and president biden, like the nation grieves stranger to tragedy. and his own family and governor. thank you so much for your leadership throughout this challenging situation. it's been steadfast and it has been remarkable we are all in this together. when president biden first heard about this yesterday morning, he summoned everyone who had a relevant stake in the game. to come together to make sure that every federal resource was put to bear. so we see the coast guard, we see the army corps, we see the national transportation safety board. we see the department of labor the president directed us to make sure that we are doing everything possible success occurs when everybody is working together. and that's exactly what is happening here.
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>> i >> met with the families earlier today and it is really, really tragic and we will get through this. we have no doubt about it. and the president has directed us to move heaven and earth those are my words. those are his words to make sure we are helping the remarkable people of the great state of maryland to move forward. and we we will indeed governor, i can inform you with confidence that we will process your request promptly because the situation calls for prompt action they have boquita and upon you love victim son, latinos mahmoud abbas paris you travel, i hope or presented biden oil is on d are moving with three thursday, but were dr. tavo waste dropped by his el presidente and ten dbn l sue
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fremantle yes son gone. laugh amelia daily, victim us president joe biden in tnt abn, land necessity lad, the comes through here el appointing the cons through here opportunity rad but total loss resident is the maryland we're going to monitor this news conference. we'll get back to it where there's more news. it's a significant, significant development. we begin an update on what happened in the what has happened down this investigation of the horror baltimore bridge disaster. once again, i'm wolf blitzer here in the situation room authorities have been revealing moments ago that divers have recovered the bodies of two victims, but now they say search efforts have been exhausted at least for now. i want to go quickly to see him as brian todd. he's a baltimore has been there watching all of this unfold breakdown what we just learned in his briefing, brian, the new
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information >> but will what we just heard really illustrates the point that with every new detail we're hearing, it just seems that the details of this accident just grow more and more horrific. this coming just moments ago from colonel roland butler, the superintendent of the maryland state police, giving us the new breaking information. now that at about 10:00, a little bit before 10:00, this morning divers and other teams discovered in about 25 feet of water, they discovered a red pickup truck and they did discover two victims inside that truck again in 25 feet of water near the middle span of the bridge? in that depth. and he identified the victim, says, alejandro hernandez fuentes 35 years old and joleon castillo cabrera, 26 years old. that identifies two of the victims that we know now have perished in this accident. that means four remaining victims are presumed dead, but their bodies have not been recovered also, the
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superintendent did say that this is now moving to what he called a salvage and recovery operation. but the recovery process is very, very problematic. he did say that divers are no longer able to navigate safely in that area of the river, the potassium river and where it meets the baltimore harbor right there, the frame scott key bridge. he did say that there are some vehicles they believe that are encased in the superstructure and concrete. again, with each new detail, we're getting here, wolf, just a horrific picture of what divers and other teams are going through trying to get to the victims who have perished and that the bodies have not yet been recovered it is very dangerous under, under the under the surface of water is incredibly murky. it was murky yesterday when we were out on the harbor very near the ship and that was that was in good weather conditions. the weather has really worsened today with driving rain and wind. it has made the water colder and murkier much more dangerous for divers to navigate through that. and remember that as
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horrible as the scene looks above the surface with a twisted metal and the concrete draped over the ship it is just as bad if not worse below the surface, a lot of twisted metal, they're again extremely dangerous for divers to navigate through that. so they are suspending that at least for the moment again, they will two or. put divers in. as soon as they can, as soon as it's safe, but the weather here is just not cooperating. it hasn't today and it likely will not cooperate tomorrow. again, the news from colonel roland butler of the maryland state police that a little bit four 10:00 a.m. this morning, they discovered a red pickup truck in about 25 feet of water near the middle fan of the collapsed francis scott key bridge. and inside that red pickup truck, they discover two deceased victims identified as alejandro hernandez fuentes, 35 years old, and doorly and castiel cabrera, 26 years old. that means that there are four remaining presumed victims that are presumed dead. whose bodies have not yet been recovered i think another additional detail that he provided was that they
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believe that the victims all six of the deceased victims, are from mexico, guatemala, el salvador, and honduras hi, brian will get back to you as well. we're coming we're watching a lot of brachii news right now, including the former vice presidential candidate, the longtime us senator, joe lieberman, has died at the age of 82. we'll have more in his life and his legacy right after this quickly if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that ever help >> my dad died doing what he loved. >> space shuttle columbia. he final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn realtor dot com's real view maps show you precise wildfire flood, and noise ratings on every homeless de, don't all have to do that. >> not really. trust the number one app real estate professionals trust, download the app today
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legacy as far as our country is concerned. >> well he certainly was one of the most, maybe the most pious politician that i ever covered. ever met and he was, well-known as very important jewish figure, but it's not just that he was jewish wealth. it's that he was an observant you very open and proud of his judaism and his traditions. and that no question gen. led him through a very long career of politics and he started out in the connecticut state house, then he became attorney general in connecticut. and then of course was a senator and the us senate for almost a quarter century. >> and we'll he was very well
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known as pretty hawkish on defense issues and on some domestic issues. some of his positions when it came to international relations, certainly set him apart from his party and that led to some frank with the democratic party so much so that even though he was the vice presidential pick for al gore in 2000 and came within little more than 500 votes of vice president of the united states it wasn't that long afterwards that he may be better decade, not even that he was challenged from within his own party in the united states senate and get connecticut senate democratic primary. and he lost. and then he ran as an independent and he want again and that kind of sums up the career of delirium and the other thing that i think people might not realize is that the entire department of homeland security wolf was created in
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large part because it was his idea along with others, but his main idea, he spearheaded the idea after 911 of bringing all of these disparate departments and agencies that didn't communicate well enough up pre 911 into one umbrella organization. and that is the department of homeland security. and that was a large part what he did and i will say that we're already getting statements from from his former college, chuck schumer, saying how devastated he is. susan collins, republican of maine, who often traveled with a senator lieberman, senator mccain senator graham said that she's simply heartbroken and we're going to continue to hear that throughout the evening. there's no question about got it a lot of us a new joe liebermann. well, are heartbroken, right now. van jones liebermann was the vice presidential candidate with al
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gore, as we all remember back in 2000, how do you think democrats in general right now should remember? >> i mean that's kind of the tale of two joe lieberman why was he the vice presidential pick you know, we have a big party. >> a lot of >> people could fill that role coming out of the '90s, the bill clinton white house, i had been rocked by scandal. there was a sense that maybe we bill clinton was a tarnish figure and al gore to figure out how can i signal the people that this is going to be a button up operation? this is going to be a high integrity operation. my white house is going to be run by adults i'm going to get joe lieberman because his reputation, his standing, his his his esteem that he was held by the whole country. that was the biggest single wake, its signal, that kind of man he wanted to be associated with. and it was very important for gore at that time. and so
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again, as i just said, came within a couple of hundred votes of becoming the first jewish vice president would have made history doing that and given his heart for service, would have been a fantastic vice president. no doubt. at the same time, when mccain ran against obama, joe lieberman actually endorsed john mccain which on the one hand is a beautiful statement of bipartisanship. on the other hand, was heartbreaking for obama folks like myself to see a great figure like that walk across the street and hold hands with the other side. and that is also joe lieberman independent, tough minded isn't going to go with popular opinion, is gonna go his own heart. sometimes that helped them recreate, sometimes it hurt our feelings but a line of the senate and a legendary figure for sure >> let me get alyssa farah griffin into this conversation. alyssa jolie rieman was very, very, very independent minded. he joined with the republicans
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from time-to-time is, as we all know, how do you see as legacy >> well, first i just want to say condolences to senator lieberman, his family, his wife, hidatsa, he was truly a consummate statesman and hearing this news, i couldn't help but feel like this isn't some ways the end of an era he really encapsulated the idea of bipartisanship and championing the idea of working across it's the aisle he sought is a virtue. he didn't feel like he had to fit into one box or only play for one t. he truly focused on the priorities of the american people >> and he is so he's, >> he's such an interesting person to reflect on in this political moment because he's so strongly decried toxic partisanship. i mean, a remarkable legacy to vance the point that he was on a democratic presidential ticket and was very seriously considered years later to be on a republican presidential ticket. i think it speaks to his character, the seriousness of who he was in the senate as the statesman, as this policy maker, but also someone who is just universally respected by both sides of the aisle it's
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so true indeed everyone stand by for a moment. i want to bring in a longtime aide to joe lieberman dan gerstein's joining us right now. dan our deepest condolences for your loss. i know you worked very closely with senator lieberman over these years. how are you remembering him tonight? >> well, thank you. wolf. >> it's a sad day, >> stolen a little bit of a shock i guess the hearing, some of the other guests talked about the two eyes as we like to say, integrity and independence and those are the values that certainly should, for is approved will always be remembered for and as much as i'm sad, i'm also grateful for the opportunity to work from worked with him, but also learned from him. i've learned so much about not just politics and policy, but respect justice for other people for different viewpoints and one of my
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favorite things about him and what will always take away is when we were rat events and we're, you know, maybe backstage or in the kitchen, you would always take time to talk to the catering staff, the bartenders and make them feel seen and show respect to them. and that really says a lot about his character. >> yeah, it certainly did. you were a top adviser at center labor inside through multiple campaigns. tell us a little bit more about your experiences with senator lieberman over the past few few decades >> sure. >> one of my favorite experiences was, and this was really my first fear. it's working for him full-time was on his 94 reelection campaign, which he wasn't a dominant position. it was not much of a contest but he still campaigned hard and went out and met with voters as, again, as a sign of respect for the process for the
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democratic process >> and we came up with the idea that he had been >> visiting diners off and on as a way to interact with real people, real voters. and we put together a tour and i had the opportunity pretty to kind of drive with him and oftentimes drive him to some early morning stops at diners across connecticut. and again, it was remarkable to see a man who was very comfortable sitting in boardrooms with ceos in meetings with heads of state, with presidents of the united states but also being very comfortable talking to cops, factory workers, teachers. the kind of people he would meet in diners and take their questions and take them seriously. and he was as much as he was a statesman and a master policy and negotiated some very important piece of legislation he also was a master retail politician and it's a rare combination these days, particularly in the digital era >> so bottom line that dan,
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what do you see a center labor bins legacy right now? >> well i mean, i think the word statesman, i think we'll be attached his name and integrity >> and one >> that the way he worked across the aisle and tried to build coalitions and, you in an era when compromise increasingly became a dirty word, he still believed in the power of compromise and being in a position to founding agreement and good forge consensus from people from different viewpoints because he's always said, the only way to get things done in washington it's through the center out. and having bipartisan buy-in not just to get the votes, but to have a little it's you intimacy for the policies that passed. and i
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think we're seeing the consequences now of that lack of compromise, that lack of consensus in our politics. >> and he was very open and proud of his jewish faith. was it they talk a little bit about that oh, yeah. and, you know as someone who has not observant, i learned a lot about judaism from him and jewish values and again, that's one of the things i always respected and admired him for was it's one thing to be a man of faith if it's the other, it's quite another thing to live. your values. an honore your faith every day in your work, how you treat people >> and >> a lot of it just started with his mother. i think you remember wolf marsha. and what a special relationship they had and you know, it's again one
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of my fondest remembrances of the campaign was 2000 when he was the vice presidential nominee, de loving what so many evangelical christians coming up to him and no telling how much they admired him and his a man of principle and a man of faith and i think that showed the best of america was that you know, the connecticut, the way that we the civic religion and what binds us together has for most of our history, have been much stronger than differences. >> yeah, good point. dan gurski. thank you very much for joining us. our deepest condolences to you and to the liebermann family right now, i want to bring back dana bash shut down. let me at some final thoughts from you as well. as i said before, you and i cover joe lieberman for many years so first of all, that was beautiful from dan gerstein's who i got to know when he was working for senator lieberman back in the day, i think one of the things that i always think about with joe lieberman is he
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grew up in an orthodox community in stanford, connecticut. and i actually got to know him separately from the us senate because he grew up with two of the fathers of two of my two people. i know very well two of my friends one of whom lost her father, are quite young and senator lieberman said to her, i will always be there for you and he promised her father that he would be any was she just recently got a new job. she just told him about it. and that's the kind of man vector match if you will, that joe lieberman was personally and his politics obviously, we're as van, really brilliantly laid out, very complicated, but his north star was compromised. the center and trying to overcome the extremes in both parties and he will be missed and as you say so, well, may his memory be a blessing
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>> yes, indeed. are dana thank you very, very much. we will all ms him. >> we'll >> take a quick break. much more of our news right after this >> there is no media personality businesswoman celebrity chef leichhardt mini >> lives of martha stewart. now streaming on macs sarlin businesses never easy. the star near eight months pregnant >> that's a different story. >> with the chain inke cart, we got up and running in no time or an unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase chase ink business unlimited, make more of what's file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form 1040 and limited credits only. see how it that's me >> kinda riva support your brain health, narrate, janet,
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>> go to deal right now and see how much you can save i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn >> tonight. barack obama is stepping up his efforts to help president biden keep the white house democrats looking to rebuild president biden's winning coalition and beat donald trump again. cnn's mj lee has more >> you, but go bomber, jumping into the 2024 election, hoping he can help his former vice president joe biden win a second term at the white house.
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the former president, making clear to associates in recent months that he believes the bottom i didn't donald trump rematch in november will be incredibly close. and that he sees the election as an all hands on deck moment. sources tell cnn, as you know, joe is an extraordinary friend and partner. he was by my side for eight years last friday, obama spending several hours in the white house residents recording videos for the biden campaign, including about the affordable care act. >> there's nothing i'm more proud of than the aca >> off-camera obama telling biden that the president's state of the union remarks this month appear to have broken through. and that he believes health care will once again be a potent issue in the upcoming election passage of that landmark health care law, one of the hallmark achievements of the obama presidency >> that >> 14 years later, president biden is continuing to tout. >> i thought it was a big deal at the time well, it's even a
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bigger deal today. >> good sources telling cnn that the two presidents who have made much of their friendship. and so-called romance still speak regularly. >> it's also gives the internet one last chance to talk about are romance and that obama is also indirect contact with some senior white house officials, including >> chief of staff, jeff zients on thursday, three us presidents, biden obama and bill clinton set to appear together for a star studded fundraiser in new york city, moderated by comedian stephen colbert tickets to the sold-out evening at radio city music call, ranging from $225 to a whopping half 1 million and numerous celebrities expected to be in attendance. some audience members also getting the chance to have their photo taken with the three presidents by famed photographer annie leibovitz
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>> and wolf. there's high-dollar fundraiser tomorrow night is expected to be just the beginning of former president barack obama is growing involvement with the biden campaign and particularly as we start getting into the fall, sources say he is expected and likely to visit college campuses and key cities in key battleground states. and certainly when we see these three presidents onstage together tomorrow night, it is going to highlight the deep anxiety that so many national democrats are feeling about the process specs of donald trump returning to the white house wolf. mj lee at the white house for us, mj. thanks for that report or senior political commentator, van jones is back with us, write down van how much can former president obama and former president bill clinton's embrace of president biden's reelection help energize so-called disaffected affected democratic voters. >> i think can, can do it a lot anybody who underestimates barack obama, any time you
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spend downing brock obama is time wasted. he is a world-class talent. he is the most talented politician of his generation and with no peer and he's coming off the and the don't tell well beyond biden these, these have to hang on to obama. don't forget when obama was going for reelection, bill clinton came off the and bill clinton gave an unbelievable speech at the convention and turn the tide for biden. so this is a tradition the former president comes out and embraces the present president, but anytime anybody spends doubting barack obama's ability to appeal to people, it's just wasting their time. there are disaffected voters in our party. some of them are young, some of them are men of color. barack obama has a unique ability to cut through to that constituency. that's gonna be very, very important. but by the way, there are two obama's there are two clinton's, and there are two biden's. all six of whom are going to be on the court. and i'm excited about it.
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>> yeah. do you see obama's involvement van as borer about turning out democrats to go out and vote for biden are persuading independent voters >> i think that he has a unique ability to do both. i do think there are people are base voters need some more encouragement or you're seeing some black voters move away, some male voters move away. he can support, you can help on that. but there are also our independents who remember him as the no red states, no blue states guy and obamacare has done a great deal of good for a lot of people. he's a full court utility player and he's going to do a great job. i'm excited about it. >> it's gonna be very, very impressive and important. van jones. thank you very much. just ahead, we'll have more on the baltimore bridge collapse as officials now confirmed, divers recovered two bodies from the water we'll have a closer look at the victims and more when we come back >> this source with kaitlan collins tonight at nine why
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>> we're following breaking news in the baltimore bridge disaster officials now revealing just a little while ago that divers have recovered the bodies of two of the six construction workers here's who were on the bridge working when the cargo ship crashed into it. cnn's danny freeman is taking a closer look at the victims >> early tuesday morning, a group of workers were on the overnight shift filling potholes, doing routine surface work on baltimore's francis scott key bridge. when the unthinkable happened. but on novel for us and the family in honduras, we still have hope i know time is our worst enemy among those presumed dead 38 year-old maynor yassir >> suazo sandoval a honduran national, one of eight siblings a husband and a father of two hey, may nur's brother, carlos suazo sandoval is desperately waiting for any updates for officials. >> a little template. >> he was the breadwinner for his children right now, god is going to provide for us too, so we can get together as a family
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and see how we can help each other. because at this moment, his wife is left with his girls and their greeting. >> miguel luna was a father of three and immigrant from el salvador, also presumed dead nonprofit casa announced the luna was a member of their group which provides services to working-class families from marginalized communities, including immigrants casa. said luna lived in maryland for over 19 years 26 year-old, darlene castiel cabrera was an immigrant from guatemala, found dead earlier today. his sister-in-law told cnn he loved his job as a construction worker. his cousin added that doorly and came to the united states to follow his dream and help as much other the guatemalan government confirmed another immigrant from that country was among missing, but did not provide details. >> i'm >> thankful maryland's governor said he prayed with the families of victims yesterday. >> we're hoping for right now that in this moment that we can just bring them a sense of, a sense of closure after this,
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after this horrific incident? >> lemon demo rule joe lands he just show we are very sorry for the situation of what happened in general this >> morning. mexico's president andres manuel lopez obrador said three mexican nationals were also on that bridge when it collapsed. two died and one survived. >> initially moisture. this >> shows that migrants go to work in the middle of the night, very risky jobs. and that is why they do not deserve to be treated, as usually happens by some irresponsible politicians. >> seven of the eight people on the bridge that night worked for local construction company brawner builders in an interview with cnn, its executive vice president jeffrey pritzker said, quote these were, wonderful young men. they were doing a tough job. these guys were hardworking wonderful people and now they're god >> well if and i want to mention alejandro hernandez fuentes, 30, who was discovered earlier this morning alongside of doorly. and one thing wolf you can see this entire
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community really has come together around these families. there have been multiple gofundme set up. these politicians have come and made multiple promises and evp of the company that many of these his men worked for told me he's going to make sure the families are well taken care of. >> well, on our deepest condolences to their families, may they rest in peace and may there summaries be a blessing? danny freeman, thank you very much. just ahead. well, are the latest that the human trafficking investigation involving sean diddy combs, what we're learning about his whereabouts as the raids began? >> sanity need to save space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher saturday at eight on cnn >> one barbarous was the terrible tax. >> i broke four generations of family tradition >> i want to make perfume >> so i need barbers, new
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right now, save up to $500 on installation. schedule your free estimate today? >> hi, priscilla alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn >> tonight, we're learning new information about the federal human trafficking investigation involving sean diddy combs, including his whereabouts as the raids on his properties began, cnn security correspondent josh campbell has are report sean diddy combs seen him. this video obtained by tmz said to be filmed at a
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miami airport. he and his twin teenage daughters were headed away on a planned spring break when federal investigators searched his homes monday, according to a source close to the musician with direct knowledge of the situation a video obtained by tmz said to show the aftermath of the law enforcement action that is home so far his current whereabouts are still not publicly known after department of homeland security investigators search for documents, phones, computers, and other electronic devices, according to a law enforcement source familiar with the searches combs attorney issued a statement tuesday calling the search of the homes a gross overuse of military-level force and a witch hunt based on meritless accusations claims disputed by law enforcement veterans. >> the round house swing he took at the show of force, really kind of classic defense attorney tactics. try to turn around a bad press day hey, the law enforcement action coming after a series of civil lawsuits alleging combs involvement in sex trafficking and sexual abuse allegations. combs has denied his attorney
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statements saying the musician was never detained, but spoke to and cooperated with authorities until there is an indictment and a potential kill bail hearing, which could include a limitation on a defendant's travel. you would not expect in this type of case there to be any limitation on his travel. >> combs is legal issues stemming from civil lawsuits, including one filed in february by producer rodney jones, also known as little rod, accused combs of among other things sexual assault and other members of his inner circle also now facing legal issues. actor cuba gooding junior, named as a defendant in an amended complaint filed by jones and february joan stating in the lawsuit that he believed combs was grooming him to pass them off to his friends, alleging that combs suggested jones get to know good junior while on the mogul's yacht and the virgin islands last year and claiming gooding junior began touching, groping, and fondling jones before he was able to forcibly push him away.
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the filing included two images described a screenshots from a video of gooding junior with combs and gooding junior with his arm around jones, an attorney for cuba, gooding junior has not responded bonded to cnn's request for comment on monday at the same time as the execution of the search warrants were underway, an arrest of one of combs associates unrelated to the search warrants and the civil lawsuits 25-year-old brendan paul was charged with possession of cocaine and marijuana-laced candy, allegedly found inside his personal travel bags at a miami or poor how we reached out to paul for comment, we have not yet heard back. you're looking now, wolf at new affiliate video that we obtained that is sean combs, gulf stream 550 executive jet. today in miami, still no public sign of the singer himself. we have not heard directly from him nor for that matter, have we heard from authorities about what, if anything think they found at those residents as wolf and whether any of that information might result in criminal charges. >> josh campbell reporting. thank you very much. into her


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