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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 1, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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states, starting in texas and heading all the way up to maine cities and states along the path. pairing for an influx of travelers hoping to witness this once in a lifetime event like maine, where today the governor welcomed tens of thousands of visitors who are expected to flock there. she shared several common sense tips for both residents and visitors. the big one being obviously, do not look directly at the sun without safe solar viewing glasses anjoin cnn for special coverage of that big moment we're calling this one eclipse around america covered starts next monday at one eastern on cnn and streaming on macs and you can join me in just a few hours on cnn news night. that's tonight, 10:00 p.m. eastern time right here on cnn. jake tapper w will be back here on te lead tomorrow. and if you ever miss an episode of the lead, you can listen to the show wherever you get your podcasts the news continues on cnn right now. thanks for joining us
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>> property now, breaking news, the manhattan district attorney is asking the judge overseeing donald trump's hush money trial. two span the gag order on the former president to ine a relatives of peoe involved in thcase. concerns about trump's inflmatory rhetoricescating as he's beenttacking the judgeand the judge's hter also brking an suv rams into the lanta. attend 50o gainffice try. the sct is w in scrambli to try to determine a motive and iran is blaming israel for adly airstrike on its consular building in damascus syria, claiming two seniorranian commanders are among those killed standby for an update on the strike and the threat of retaliatiowelcom to viers hin t united states anarnd the
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world. 'm wo btzer, a urine the situation ro the skis, >> cnn breaking , because that's good right to the eaking news. and donal trump's hush money case in new york, the pror requesting and expand section of trump's trial seto beg two weeks frow cnn's kara scannell is in new york. she has details for us qarrah, tell us what the manhattadistrict journey is now asking for and why >> well, if there's manhattan district attory's office has asked the judge overseeing this case to expand theag order that he imposed limiting some ofhe people that trump could speak about in the case. a ey want the judge to warm trump that if he violates his gag order, he will get sanction. now, the gav that was put in place last ek said thatru could mak statents about potential witnesses, jurs,ourt staff members, psecutors, and the fami members of court staff, and osecutors. it did not
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cover the judge d it did not cover district attorney alvin bragg. now, prosecutors are saying because trump has made mber of statements beginning the very day after the gag order was put in place, focusing on the judge calling and compromise, also highlighting the judge's daughter who works for political consulting firm and taking aim at her by name, by suggesting that she is biased against trump's. so in their filing, prosecutors write this court should immediately make clear that defendant is prohibited from making or directing others to make public statements about family members of the court, the district attorney, and all other individuals mentioned in the order they also got to one argument that's trump's team had made earlier where they were saying that trump has a right to political speech. and the prosecutors saying in their letter to the judge that what trump is saying is not texted by political speech. they said it's viciously and falsely smearing the judge and his family will cure. i understand. trump's attorneys also are not responding. their own filing.
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is that right? >> yeah so trump's lawyers have responded. they said that trump hasn't violated the gag order because it didn't cover the judges, family members, and they believe that they do have a right to respond to some of the concepts out there about the judge's daughter, who she works for democratic political consulting firm and they feel like they should be able to respond to that. they wrote in their filing to the judge today, accordingly because the gag order expressly does not apply to family members of the court or the district attorney. and because the challenge social media posts were not intended to materially interfere with these proceedings. president trump did not violate the gag order and no contempt warning would be appropriate. britt, they want the judge to keep this gag order as he gave it last week and not to expand it in any way and not to threaten to sanction trump. if he were to violate the gag order in the future. now this is before the judge, so it will be up to him to decide how he's going to weigh in here. well, kara scannell reporting for us. thank you,
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kara very much. i want to bring it out. elliot williams right now, what's the significance of alvin bragg himself asking the judge to now clarify whether the gag order includes members of the president's family well, if it was very important for alvin bragg to make this request, and here's why on friday that the district attorney's office had >> merely sent a letter asking the judge to clarify or confirm what the gag order said. well, they were asking for it to be expanded, not clarified, or confirmed. and even setting aside how reprehensible from the speech that the president has engaged in the gag orders simply did not prohibit it on its language. it didn't speak about the judge or the judges coming up. so it was very important for prosecutors to data go to court and specifically asked the judge to expand the gag order >> interesting, le let me follow up or you surprised we haven't already heard from judge merchan about the gag order. do you see any first amendment issues with the
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including the judge's family? >> well, there absolutely are first amendment issues whenever you're talking about political candidates and speech and threats and where the line between permissible speech and threats is that's blurry. lawyers, people professors in this area of law grapple with these questions. so of course it's going to be complicated now, am i surprised that we you haven't heard from the judge yet? no, of course not because really the judge had to give the parties time to brief up this issue. all we had up until today, were letters from the two parties, attorneys like the prosecutors and the defense attorneys just wrote letters to the court saying what they thought today, we got formal filings. i think the judge will digest them now and may take a more official ruling than just a couple of attorneys saying back-and-forth in snippy letters to each other. we think that the former president violated the gag order. >> kara scannell still with us, kara, what sort of timeline could we be looking at for an eventual decision?
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>> well the judge has these filings as of today. so as elleithee was saying, he wanted digest them, there are complicated issues about the first amendment and political speech. so he will likely want to do a little research into them as well. but he did spend some time on this in the beginning. i mean, at the very start of this case, prosecutors wanted there to be some order or directed toward trump about his speech. and the judge was very clear at the beginning, he didn't want to impose a gag order in this case because he recognized trump's right to free speech. and now the analysis here, since he did impose a gag order, and now that people are asking to extend it, he will digest the law here about what it says about out how expansive the gag order can be, and whether it should protect the family members of some of these people mean whether thing that a judge has considered are the threats that the prosecutor's office had received after trump made statements last year. i'm sure he'll be looking to see if there's been an uptick in that as well. he is one being taught forget it. he will know what is coming in. but i don't think
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he is going to expand it to include himself, elliott, if the judge rules in favor of the prosecutors would you expect trump to appeal and how would that work? >> well, he certainly can't. now, if he rules in favor of the prosecutors, all that would happen is the judge would still have to give the former president time to cure or correct the statement you can't just slap sanctions on an individual. you have to give them a chance to either retract it or explain why they made it or whatever else new york law requires now, once sanctions are imposed, there is a process whereby the former president could appeal the sanctions and that could go up again back to the judge or to the appeals court for a longer process there. but again, nothing would be immediate. you have to give the party had chance to correct the problem before you move with sanctions interested kara, what do we know about why trump is opposing expanding this gag order to include the judges
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family will trump's lawyers >> argument is that he needs to campaign and he needs to be able to defend himself against the charges and they're arguing that the judge didn't restrict him for making any statements about his daughter. the judge's daughter works for a democratic political consulting firm. trump's team has been focusing on that as being the political opponent. and so they are pointing that out and what they argue would be part of their ability to defend against these charges. and as trump has made claims about there being bias, he has already moved once to recuse the judge from this case for a small dollar donation he had made two democrats several years ago, and he noted in this filing today that they may seek to seek to bring another motion for the judge to beaver. q. so part of their argument here is is that there is some bias and he's part of his argument is that this is free speech campaign speech and he should be allowed to make these comments particularly since they weren't covered by the first gag order in this case.
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well, >> interesting, scott jennings and makari sellers are also joining us in this conversation. scott trump opposes any expense tension of the gag order, but trump also has kids and knows what it's like, what's like for people to attack them. so why would he be doing this to someone else's children? >> well i think he's doing it because he is trying to get a recusal of this, judge. i mean, remember, i think the whole legal strategy of trump is to do anything he can do to slow things down, to get delays, to push all this stuff back. and so i assume that's part of it here. i mean, she's not a young child. she is an adult and she does work a democratic politics would be one of the things he said is true. she, she does work in democratic politics and it's interesting to me that democrats are so been out of shape of it today because it's the same argument that they've made about clarence thomas on the supreme court give arguehat should have to recuse becse hisife
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is politicly active. but they don't seem to see the same stanrd here for this, dge. so i look i question whether it's good for him to attack. uh, judges family. this judge, after all, holds his fate somewhat in their hands. but i do think there may be a bit of a double standard here on democratic outrage over the issue. >> well, let me carry weigh in on that and also, why do you think it's been so hard bakari for republicans to say that the judge's daughter should be off limits as far as trump's condemnations are concerned, and that attacking her should be condemned attacking her should be beyond the pale. anybody attacking someone's child, regardless of how old they are particularly in a legal proceeding should be just off limits. the first thing that clarence thomas analogy is just not quite accurate. there's a question about clarence thomas is ethics there's a question about whether or not his wife actually actively participated via text messages and other things with an insurrection. and so those two things are vastly different. there's no question about the ethics of this, judge. there's no
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question about any impropriety on the part of his daughter so she should be off limits my biggest problem with this wolf and everyone watching this will say that there is a double-standard for donald trump. i do criminal defense law and my my my day job and i can tell you that if i had any and i believe elliott would agree if i had a singular client that went beyond the pale and did this, they would be hauled in, their bond would be revoked. they would not only be chastised, but they will be under the jail wearing orange and every day have to change into a suit when they come to trial. what we're seeing right now is fundamentally in the words of my five-year-old kids, not fair but this is what donald trump oftentimes gets, gets unfair treatment. he's not fed out of the same spoon of justice. >> let me let elliot way and what do you think >> i more than anything else. i it's the clarence thomas analogy and far more than weighing in on whether there's an insurrection or not. there's litigation before the supreme court dealing with matters that ginni thomas
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worked on. now, we're at the case. the judge merchan's daughter had actually worked on the alvin bragg case? for a prosecution before her father of course, she ought to be recusing me the first-person, frankly, as a former prosecutor to say that, but i think there's a lot of double standards in politics, but i just don't think this is the one you know, to bakari is broader point that of course, donald trump has gotten away with a lot and he's a defendant in a well justice system. he's allowed to defend himself. he's allowed to push for his rights, but at a certain point, they're delay tactics that are as much protection of his rights as they are abusive to the system and where courts are going to figure out what's okay and what's not is the great challenge of our time wolff. >> yeah, we're going to see what's going to win full, guys. thank you very, very much. coming up around now says, israel is to blame for a strike in serious capital that killed a senior iranian military commanders and others. what an israeli military spokesperson it's telling cnn. we'll be right back
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mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one 4,000 >> who are following breaking news in the volatile middle east right now, a very deadly attack on the uranian consulate in syria iranian and searing and officials are accusing israel of launching the airstrike cnn's nick robert and is working the story for us. nick, what do we know? first of all, about the strike and the regional reaction >> well, the ambassador in damascus, the syrian, the radian ambassador in damascus said he saw israeli fighter jets fired six missiles at the building seven people we understand a dead, two of them are senior irgc, uranian revolutionary guard corps commanders. one of the very, very senior in there in that force has been pictured with other leading irgc figures in the past, which gives the impression here at the elite
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and the irgc he was a ground force commander. he was an air force commander for the irgc as well this is perhaps he perhaps is the most senior irgc figure to be killed since the united states killed quds force commander qasem soleimani the drone strike in iraq back at the very early part of january 2020 the significance of the strike as well. it is on a diplomatic building. it was on the conduit, the ambassador was nearby, said that he wasn't injured but the reason that it was struck is unclear. clearly, the iranians, or blaming blaming israel and say that they will, there will be a decisive response. israel is saying they don't respond to such allegations. indeed the israeli military spokesman said that this wasn't a diplomatic building it was in fact, a military building. wolf >> what are what else are israeli official saying about
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all of this they are saying that >> iran is the one that's been escalating the tensions because iran is now accusing israel escalating tensions here in this case, there have been many strikes attributed to israel in the past. thinking back here to christmas day, there was a strike on un irgc senior adviser in damascus, an airstrike on him, killing him. so just a few months ago, israel didn't accept responsibility publicly at the time, but i think it's widely been appreciated. are understood that it was responsible for that strike. and this seems to fit the same hallmarks, attentions a very high between israel and iran right now. and if we think back to iran's response when the united states killed qasem soleimani, the iranians launched heavy missiles us military bases in iraq. i don't think anyone expects them to do that. israel at the moment, but they're saying a decisive response and it will be significant. we can expect clearly this whole situation
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could escalate big time. nic robertson reporting for us. thank you very much. nick. let's discuss what's going on with a veteran us diplomat, the former under secretary of state for political affairs, victoria newland, ambassador. thank you so much for joining us. israel, as you heard, is avoiding commenting on this specific attack. but does the evidence suggest to you that this was in fact that israeli strike on this iranian consular building in damascus well we'll fit obviously was a significant strike if the israelis had intelligence that there were senior >> irgc officials inside that building, i'm not surprised that they would take the strike given the fact that iran has been the primary backer of all of israel's enemies since october 7. and well before from hamas has belonging to the houthis in the red sea. so i think if they had a shot, they were clearly going to take it as you know, iran has already vowing to respond big time to
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this. are you worried that this could significantly escalate possibly into a direct conflict between israel and iran well obviously that's something to be concerned about from a us perspective as you know, the administration has been trying since october 7 to keep this conflict from escalating beyond hamas, israel and beyond gaza. and particularly has been trying to ensure for that it does not spread much beyond the low grade conflict in the north of israel between hezbollah in israeli forces. so that is one thing to look for. iran had been constraining hezbollah in the north and maybe it'll take those chains off or as you say, we could see a direct strike which would be very dangerous. of course, would be indeed >> cnn meanwhile is reporting exclusively ambassador that the united states, the biden administration is now very close to approving the sale of
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up to 50 additional f 15 fighter jets to israel. how does that square with the biden administration's own criticism of israel's conduct in its war in gaza, killing thousands of palestinian palestinian civilians but the. united states has been the main supplier for the israeli defense forces for many >> decades. so you have to also think about it the other way when israel is still trying to destroy four standing battalions of hamas fighters in rafah. if the united states were to decide to deny this sale, it would be a very, very significant change of perspective, particularly at a time where we're trying to get israel and hamas to cut a deal and exchange hostages and have a pause and have a ceasefire. so i think the situation is extremely complicated, certainly is. >> and >> there's enormous fear,
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right now could escalate big time. ambassador victoria newline. thank you very much for all your important work over these years. thanks. very much for joining us >> thank you. wael. good to be with you. and there's more breaking news just ahead, we'll go live to atlanta an update on suv that rammed into the gate outside and fbi field office are officials getting any leads on a motive >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can never happen >> my dad died doing what he loved >> spatial colombia, the final flight, premiere sunday at nine on cnn, you know, when i take the mic out like this, all my stress is just melt where you said it, you don't have to worry about anything when you're saving dealt with americans. number one motorcycle insurer sharks getting trapped in an elevator, dogs have human-like basis. my carbon footprint daughters, jv hockey schedule. >> this is the one who keeps it moving. he stocks the right part and nose just where to
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and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. visit coventry get your viewing glasses ready. eclipse across america, live next monday at one. >> there's more breaking news coming into the situation room. this our authorities in atlanta or now investigating a vehicle that barreled into the gate outside of an fbi field office. there cnn's ryan young is on the scene for us. ryan, first of all, what do we know about
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this incident and the suspect was now in custody >> well, if right now at this hour, they're not sharing a lot of information about the suspect. we know he's being evaluated at a local hospital. will let me take you to the scene right across the street there. you still see the barrier is still up at bless suspect ramp into it >> ryan. ryan. >> we've got a technical issue with your with your mic microphone. we're gonna get back to you because i want to update our viewers are what's going on in atlanta with this vehicle ramming into the fbi field office there. so standby will get that technical issue worked up. the meantime, i want to get to some other news we're following officials in baltimore now say crews are making progress as they removed hundreds of tons of wreckage from last week's enormous bridge collapse. they're seen
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as brian todd is right near the scene for us, brian, i understand a temporary channel has just been cleared. what else are you learning? >> right? well, for temporary channel has been opened with a controlling depth of 11 feet and they're working on opening two more channels that will be deeper. meanwhile, we got an update a short time ago on the hundreds of tons of wreckage being lifted today. and the dangerous involved in that we're talking about a situation where a portion of the bridge beneath the water has been described by unified command as >> chaotic, wreckage, >> cleanup crews >> cleared enough concrete >> and steel debris from the tapscott river to form a temporary shallow channel with enough clearance for emergency vessels working on baltimore's francis scott key bridge collapse cleanup. >> every time we move a piece of the structure, this situation could become even more dangerous. we have to move fast, but we cannot be careless. >> we've >> already lost six marylanders to this crisis i refuse to lose anymore
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>> despite the coast guard and army corps of engineers starting to lift out thousands of tons of steel fm thriver isirders are essentially tangled together, intertned, king it very difficu to figure where you need to eventually cut so that we can make that into more manageable sizes to lift them from the waterway, the port of baltimore won't get back to business until the main channel is cleared for cargo ships, even as they tried to clear this one passageway there at the same time doing all the engineering analysis to open the deeper channel maryland senator chris van hollen and acting secretary of labor, julie su, met with port workers today. >> there's tremendous economic displacement. >> she says the government should be supporting the thousands of workers who rely on the port. >> but we saw during the pandemic now that our, our safety net for workers when they are put out of a job through no fault of their own is inadequate for everything that we needed to do. >> meanw divers, crane
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drivers, and technicns clearing debris have aon road ahead of them. >> this is not something that's it'd be done by the faint of heart doctor oscar barton, heads the engineering school at morgan state university. he says, before anyone can even get close enougho physically move any wreckage abo obelothe water. >> they're going to do som surveying fore they art to do any excavation. the >> first crane operation finished this morning and another is planned pending whether specifically pending lightning and they will be lifting an estimated 350 ton piece from the bridge. >> larry desantis was driving back from work on the bridge that tuesday morning. >> i wrote right by him. >> i saw them just a minute before they'd died. >> he was one of the last cross the bridge just minutes before it collapsed, killing six people. >> it's hard to believe something like that could happen that quick could have been on there the white house has announced that president
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biden will be traveling to baltimore on friday to survey the damage and to meet with >> local officials. meanwhile, the bodies of four people who are still unaccounted for and believed to be deceased, still have not been recovered. well, brian todd reporting from baltimore for us, brian, thank you very much for joining us now, captain morgan mcmanus, he is a training ship master at the state university of new york maritime college. thanks very much. a captain for joining us officials are going to try to lift as 350 ton piece of this collapsed bridge today after lifting a 200 tons section yesterday, what's your assessment? captain of the progress being made in this massive cleanup effort, at least so far >> i think they're making amazing progress as quickly as they gone site over the weekend. i think the lives are so complicated as everyone is saying, you're dealing with tangled messes of metal that are intertwined under pressure. you're also working on the water. everything gets more complicated on the water. they're dealing with whether as well it just it's gonna be very hey, difficult for them to
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do so the progress they're making so far as is really fantastic, it's encouraging to hear that how significant captain is it that this temporary channel on the northeast side of the collapse is now open? >> it's great progress because that's more assets that can get on scene to help. and they can work around the whole scene now by getting equipment in there, moving personnel in and out quicker. so it's a big improvement. it's going to just help bring more resources to bear what challenges are these divers up against right now as conditions in the water continue to be not only difficult, but very dangerous >> they're they're basically working blind. they visibility about a foot or two feet in front of their face of the best you know temperature fatigue, it's all going to take a toll on and over time. so it's going to be a very physically and mentally taxing job for all of them. >> captain morgan mcmahon's thank you very much for your expertise. thanks very much for joining us right now. wanna get back to cnn's ryan young.
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he's on the scene for us of that vehicle that barreled into the gate outside and fbi field office in atlanta we've fixed those technical issues. ryan, so tell us what we know about this incident >> yeah. what we know so far and the fbi has confirmed this to us. is there were no weapons found inside that vehicle. that's done after a bomb sweeps, they went through the vehicle to make sure there were no weapons on necessity but just after 12 30, they're not sure why this man and is orange vehicle tried to ram his way into the fbi office. he wasn't able to make it very far because once you get out to fbi agents, were able to surround him. now he was taken to the hospital for an evaluation at that point will be passed over to a police department. before being taken to a jail. >> we leave his >> first court appearance will happen before the end of the week, but that sharing a lot of information about the suspect just right now. but what we do know the defensive mechanisms this installation worked perfectly because that ramps system, because sustain itself to a car trying to push his way
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through it, did his job today as the man tried to get the way through, he could not move that system we know the airbag deployed. they were able to get him into custody right now. there are so many questions are going to his social media. he could face state and federal charges. >> wolf hi, you keep us up dated ryan young are in atlanta for us. thank you very much coming up a very high-stakes grudge match is about to unfold in the ncw, a women's tournament, iowa, looking to vengeance 2023 championship lost to louisiana state >> you ally the fight against climate change. this is >> new car business blue carbon. we just need to protect nature will do the rest in carbon. >> cnn film sunday, april 21 at nine >> when you're there were small business owner your to do list can be a log that's why
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products unleash your potential with for stack your on iherb. >> i'm paula reid in washington and this is seen we're closing in on a highly anticipated rematch in the women's and cwa, a tournament, lsu and >> i were preparing a face-off little over an hour or so from now as the hawkeyes look to avenge their loss in last year's championship game. let's bring in another great sports journalist and cnn contributor peter bob costas. bob give us a little perspective here, how significant is this game between iowa and lsu to
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women's college basketball >> yeah that's the big question beyond lsu routers and iowa routers and insignificant in that respect, lse, the defending champion, beat iowa last year in the final, but here's the point that you're getting to last year's final through 10 million viewers. and that growth in interest and women's college basketball has continued. uconn has a chance to go back to the final four. in fact, uconn could have two men's and women's and nc state already has two men's and women's in there final for, uconn has one, 11 titles. they've got page bukar, she's a well-known player angel reese and flau'jae johnson of lsu, well-known caitlin clark. clark, biggest star in all of women's college basketball. but there are other good players on the team, debbie marshal, for example, in the most recent victory, hit four out of five three-pointers. the
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quality of the women's game has improved exponentially. this may sound like an odd aside, but some 40 years ago, i did missouri's men's games on the radio on kml in st. louis. and a lot of times wolfe, i get to the arena in columbia, missouri and the game would say start at 7:00. the men's game and the women's game would be played at 4:00 and it'd be like 200 people in the arena. and the quality of play was so low that you knew that any pick-up team at a high school could easily run right through them it is improved so much athletically. and in terms of interest, and it just keeps on getting better. and lsu, iowa or rematch tonight, even though it's not in the final four, it's close, it's in the elite eight. and there was a little bit of, a little bit of tension between the two teams a year ago that works in the men's game and it's working now in the women's games serve as a basketball fan. i love what's going on right now. the
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washington post, as you probably know, just released the story that paints the lsu head coach kim mulkey as a polarizing figure with a brash manner and tendency to hold a grudge she is threatened to sue over all of this. how is all of this potentially you think bob impacting the big game >> i think it's fueling lsu, if anything, it's fueling them and at baylor and now at lsu, mulkey has been a polarizing figure she has a very distinctive personality, you know, when i first read that she planned to sue, this was before i read the story, i thought the story be much less favorable tords her than it actuly is. i'm t saying it's a hearts and flowers thing. i'm not saying it'a tough honor, but not as bad as you would have feared if you're a big and kim mulkey fan, essentially, basedn what i know and i'm not that close to the women's game, but based on what i know, it was mo or
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less a fair assessment, she's terrific. she's hard driving, she's been immensely successful and she rubbed some people the wrong way. >> yeah, that's what happens sometimes caitlin clark might be right now and tell me if you agree the biggest name in all of college basketball men's or men's for that matter, h impoant is tonight's game to her lecy? >> well, her legacy as a very all-time great player. and even though it's apples and oranges, because pete maravich played many fewer games, there was no three-point shot, there was no shot clock. back at lsu in the late 1960s when pete maravich set the men's record, still, she holds the all-time record. no woman or man has scored as many points and ncw play as caitlin clk. sin that sense, the legacy is set, but she gets back to ather final four that would be pretty good. >> there would be amazed at what enhance it. yep, it certainly would pop const-ness as usual. thank you. let's
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continue these conversations down the road. love having you here in the situation room, coming up, breaking news out of florida right now, the state supreme court has just handed down a major disk decision on abortion. we're going to tell you about that right after a quick break >> get your viewing glasses ready? periods, so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies. eclipse across america, live next monday at one on cnn, or streaming on macs at granger. we know dealing with the unexpected as part of your job description. and we're here to help with professional grade supplies plus same-day pickup up next day delivery on most orders, call could or just stop by granger for the ones who get it done everywhere. >> but the seed, the seed is 11. now, you get it. you love your bike. we do two. that's why we're american. >> number one >> motorcycle insurer. the de have the wedge it and everything will do that reminds
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janice and now soda. my neighbors i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this >> is cnn >> there's breaking news. we're following right now, the florida supreme court has just clear the way for the state's extremely restrictive six week abortion ban to take effect while also allowing voters to decide on a pro abortion rights ballot, ballot measure. this fall right now i want to bring in the president of planned parenthood, alexis mcgill johnson. alexis, thanks for joining us. first of all, what's your reaction? do this decision clearing the way for this proposed constitutional amendment in florida to go on the ballot this november >> well, i mean well, first it is devastating for patients in
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florida, right. to know that within 30 days, a six-week ban could take place in florida. really should be upsetting to all floridians right now, all americans, i mean, we're talking about the south that has been dependent on the state of florida for access to care over these almost two years post roe v. wade post the dobbs decision that really will have devastating impact on accessing care in the south. and at the same time, paving the way for a ballot initiative for amendment four to move forward when a million floridians have signed on, including some 200,000 republicans. i think that really pretends to create a lot of energy going into 2024. and we know that everywhere we have seen reproductive freedom on the ballot. we have one. and that actually tempers a little bit of the devastating pain that we are seeing related to patient's decision does allow a florida six-week abortion ban
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to go into effect in 30 days. what other concerns do you have about that? we have seen the >> consequences of six-week bands across the south. we've seen them in states nearby, like georgia and and others in south carolina. we've seen patients travel to florida to get access to care. and so that will have on the infrastructure of providing abortion access a very devastating eect. we have seen the stories come out patients who have not been able to get access to miscarriage care knowing that in fact, abortion bans have made pregnancy more dangerous. and so i think that over the next six months related to the election, we are going to see what's happening in florida right now related to patients who are seeking care and we should be deeply concerned about that lots of stake right now, what options, if any, are you planning to pursue that could potentially stop? the
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six-week abortion ban from taking effect >> well, i mean, they're the best option right now is to focus on the florida amendment, right to ensure that we are educating all of floridians around what is at stake right now, we know that 81% of americans do not want their reproductive health care to be regulated by the government and we know that is true as well in florida. and so our focus is going to be on ensuring this ballot initiatives the successful in stopping the these horrific health care decisions being stripped away from everyday floridians and putting into the hands of folks like the florida supreme court. so we're going to make sure that floridians have the last word that's our job right now. >> the proposed amendment in florida will need approval from 60% of voters to pass recently in ohio and other state that
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often votes republican. a measure passed to protect abortion, but with just over 56% gain given that, how confident are you that floor this florida amendment will meet that high 60% bar >> i'm very confident it will meet the bar. i mean, as i said, everywhere we turn the majority of americans in every state support access to abortion. they do not want the government to own these decisions. they want to own the health care decisions themselves and so we believe just as what we saw, all of the energy that went into floridians protecting reproductive freedom. we have seen petitions fly off the shelves. we've seen people engaging. their fellow neighbors at the grocery store we have seen people talking about it and beauty and barbara salons because they understand how fundamental reproductive freedom is for their lives and for their state. so i'm very confident that they will meet
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the 60% threshold. it is what we have seen every time. as i said, reproductive freedom has been on the ballot. we have shown up and we have shown out and i think that is becoming even more apparent as we have seen attacks on things like reproductive freedom and ivf, right? as we've seen, the impact on pregnancy and miscarriage and as these stories come out, again, stories that are also in florida, we're going to continue to see the impact elsewhere as you mentioned, alexis, this six-week ban will be the latest restrictive law in the south. so what's your advice to women there who need reproductive care? >> think about what that means for the south, right? think about the fact that if you are literally in the northeast where we are and you travel south of virginia, it means you literally have to drive all the way south and make a left and go all the way to new mexico in order to get access to abortion within a month time. that is
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unconscionable for americans like letting people understand that if you need access to abortion, that literally an entire region of the country has now been devastated by these abortion bans. one out of three women and more trans and non-binary all right. folks, are living in states with abortion bans. and this florida ruling will impact that exponentially so people need access right now. go to abortion patient navigators will help you find your way to a provider and for all those folks who, who can continue to support the kinds of funds that people will need for patient navigation, for travel, for access. we encourage you to do it. you can because we should not be living in a world where an entire region of the country we are no longer free and able to take care and make decisions about
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our own health care, where we actually have to travel out of state in order to get the care that we need. and so i think it's really important for people to understand that. and i think floridians we'll have something to say about that. the south will have something to say about that just as they just did an alabama last thing, we'll see what happens in florida. alexis mcgill johnson. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. i'm coming up with the manhattan >> district attorney has just asked the judge overseeing donald trump's hush money case to expand the gag order details trump's inflammatory rhetoric is playing >> spatial colombia, the final flight, premiere sunday at nine on cnn >> shopping online comes with digital threats. so turn on nord vpn you're clear on phishing websites and encrypt your online traffic >> get the deal now >> i guess i'm not the easiest person to please i like things
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