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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 2, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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redefining insurance let's i've are still alvarez at the white house. >> and this is cnn >> we're following breaking news out of gaza, several world central kitchen aid workers
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were killed in an israeli airstrike i'll speak to the director of the world food program ambassador cindy mccain would discuss that and more. that's just ahead. meantime, regional tensions are on the brink of unrest traveling even further after an iranian consulate building in damascus was hit. and later, florida supreme court opens a door for a six-week abortion ban to take effect, but gives voters the final word on abortion rights for women in november. we'll explain hello, i'm wolf blitzer in one washington and urine, the cnn newsroom we begin with two major developing stories out of the middle at least in gaza outrage after seven aid workers from the world central kitchen were killed in an israeli airstrike, israel taking responsibility for the attack. prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying it was not intentional. and just a
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short time ago, secretary of state antony blinken spoke about the incident. watch and as we have throughout this conflict, we've impressed upon the israelis the >> absolute imperative of doing more to protect innocent civilian lives be they palestinian children, women and men we're b, they aid workers as well as to get more humanitarian assistance to more people more effectively >> there was also an airstrike in damascus, syria, iran says seven if it's officials were killed, including some top members of the revolutionary guard force. iran is blaming israel for the attack. we have full coverage with cnn's melissa bell, who's joining us from jerusalem, fred pleitgen knows the story well, he's joining us from berlin. melissa, what else does israel, first of all, saying about this incident in gaza? >> well, what we're hearing is that they're planning not just to review at the top level,
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wolf, the one that's going to be overseen by the idf's top general carroll that he's going to be getting an eye on all the information coming to them from the ground and they're taking this of course, all the more seriously the bear in mind that israel, israeli officials and the idf in particular have been claiming over the course of the last few months to be working very closely with aid organizations to try and get some of that much needed relief to the more than 2 million gazans that are currently according to the un in need of aid and a danger of hunger. now, this is what benjamin netanyahu had to say a short while ago. >> let's have no unfortunately, in the last day, there was a tragic incident where our forces unintentionally struck innocent people in the gaza strip. it happens in war, and we are thoroughly investigating amazon. we are in contact with the governments and will do everything to prevent such occurrences in the future. >> now those who tragically died in the strike wolf came
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from a wide variety of backgrounds. there was an american canadian involved, a british citizen 30 citizen, australian citizen, as well. and so you've been hearing the outrage notches from the country's that they came from. but all too many united nations relief agencies that have been trying so desperately to get aid in an urging that more is done by israel to get aid through land. because remember that the reason that world central kitchen was able to to make such a difference in phase, such a crucial role until it announced the suspension of its activities. as a result of the strike. was that it's been able to get around the blockade by opening up that maritime i'm with shipments of aid coming from cyprus to that makeshift chetty. that's been made off the coast of northern gaza will >> melissa bell in jerusalem with the later this from their melissa, thank you very much. we're going to continue to monitor the fallout from this horrible, horrible attack later this hour i speak live with the executive director of the united nations world food programme ambassador cindy mccain. in the meantime, let's
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bring in seeing that spread plate and fred, i know you've been to that building that consular building in damascus that was targeted, first of all, what can you tell us about that >> either wolff? well, it certainly is very large compound that the iranians have there. what we have to keep in mind in all of this is that the iranian embassy in damascus is one of the most important ones that the iranians have simply because they have such large scale operations still inside syria that dates back to the syrian civil war, where of course the irgc did a lot of things on the ground there. you'll recall some of the militias that were put up by general qassem soleimani was later assassinated by the united states. now, i was in the main building of that embassy back then, and the main building, if we look at some of the footage, doesn't seem to be touched almost to buy those airstrikes. but an annex building next to it. absolutely flattened. so it certainly seems as though these strikes were pretty precise and use some pretty heavy munitions. again, the iranians right now saying that seven of their, what they call military advisers were killed in that strike, including at least two
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top generals from the iranian, from the islamic revolutionary guard-core quds force, which is of course, the foreign operations wing. unclear what exactly they were doing their again, they say that this was part of their diplomatic compound. the israelis of course, are saying that they consider this to be a military facility used by the irgc wolf. >> and as you know, fred, iran has publicly vowing to retaliate. i know you were recently there in iran covering the elections that were going on. is there an appetite within iran for a larger scale conflict that potentially could come out of all of this i think for larger scale conflict, it would be it would be pretty difficult to, but certainly the iranians definitely have the means at their disposal >> for some sort of response that could be quite painful, not just for the israelis about possibly for the us as well. you're absolutely right. the supreme leader has come out and spoken about retaliation. the foreign minister has said that the iranians also hold the
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united states accountable as well. of course, we know what you, of course, very well from traveling so much in that region what the iranians have is militias on the ground. one of the things that the revolutionary guard has actually said to me is they say, look, the united states need to understand that next to every american military base in the region, there is a militia that is loyal to iran on the around there. of course, we know that one of the things that the israelis have said is on the very morning before that strike took place they say that the iranians launched a drone to attack and israeli military base in the port town of a lot on the red sea. so for a limited response, the iranians certainly have means at their disposal, whether or not they would be up at this point in time for some sort of major larger response for a wider conflict that certainly would be a lot more difficult, especially since we've seen some of the instability inside iran as well with some of the protests that have been taking place over the past two years, wolf fred pleitgen reporting
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for us, excellent reporting. thank you, fred. very much. let's get some analysis on these very important, a very worrisome developments. i'm joined by cnn military analysts retired us air force colonel cedric leighton, and cnn national security analysts, peter bergen. peter, first of all, do you expect the iran will quickly retaliate for what happened in damascus? >> well, if you think about what, how they reacted to the assassination of soleimani, who was that main military leader would, by the united states in early 2020. there's a reason that secretary of state mike pompeo and also the former national security adviser, john bolton both have 24/7 security details, secret service, so they turn they wanted to react to that how they react, they need to react in their own mind and so i think because these are the leaders of sort of a praetorian guard who've been killed. how they react to beat tbd might well involve hezbollah, because obviously hezbollah has the most capacity. so i expect they will, there will be some form of retailing palliation because they have a lot of proxy groups in the region, not just
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hizballah in southern lebanon, but the houthis in yemen. and hamas of >> course, i'll, these groups have been supported by iranian funds and iranian leadership absolutely wealth and that's >> one of the key things that you mentioned the houthis, they are going to be a critical component to this. they can cut off a lot of the world's commerce if the iranians try to use them for something, and we also of course have those malicious fred mentioned in various places within the areas that the united states has basis. so for the us, this is going to be a force protection issue for the troops that are already in the middle least, what does israel achieve strategically by launching an airstrike against this building in damascus, where these iranian military >> leaders were based. >> that's a great question because if you look, what are the us achieve and they killed qasem soleimani, the overall military commander their most important military commander, didn't really deter iran i don't think so. i mean, there are more than 170 attacks on us
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bases in syria and iran just since the october 7 war began. so i think taking out a couple of generals obviously israel thought that it was worth it, but i mean, ultimately i don't think it brings so huge strategic benefit. >> what do you think? >> well, i think one of the possible scenarios here is that the israelis either thought or new through their intelligence of these iranian generals were planning something against israel or perhaps with has spoiler that might be a possibility. so preemptively, the israeli's may have chosen to strike at this particular target in damascus but peter is absolutely right. this is these types of decapitation attacks don't always achieve their desired ends. and this is going to be a real problem for the israelis because once they eliminate one general, another when it takes that general's place. israeli intelligence seems to have been >> pretty good knowing where these three top iranian military officers were, were holding out. >> i mean, i'm reminded them of the head of hezbollah, imad
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boutonniere was assassinated in damascus. he was very, very careful about his security and eventually the israelis were some cia help, found him. now in this case, the us is saying they had no no pre-knowledge of this attack, and they did were not involved in any way. they've already said that to iran, but yes, israel obviously house very good intelligence just a pinpoint that particular building with those two particular general's, what israel normally coordinate or consult with the united states in advance of a strike like this, >> not always. there have been instances where the israelis have done so, but they've also been a lot of it instances where the israelis have informed the us after the fact and that has created some problems in the israeli us relationship. and those difficulties manifest themselves again, not only because of what has happened in damascus, but of course what has happened in gaza as well. >> so you and i have covered these terrorists related incidents in the region for many, many years. what's your anticipation right now? is this going to explode? the even further the entire region?
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>> i mean, iran has a lot of reasons not to go to war with the united states, not lisa. they have massive protest movements that they put put down very violently. they have an economy, this in terrible shape. they do have oil, but they also have lottery sanctions they don't want to go to war with the united states. they want to kinda keep turning up the heat a little bit. i mean, what's difficult about all this wolf is no one really knows what the real red lines are right? i mean, there are at a certain point somebody's going across them, but right now everybody sort of creeping up to these red lines without actually knowing what might trigger something bigger >> yeah. i mean, i suspect the rand doesn't want to go to war with the united states or what about with israel >> well, that's perhaps a different story. i think most of us were looking at at this from an analytical point of view, are going to say that they don't want a direct confrontation with israel but they're willing to do it either through proxy forces or through other means, asymmetric means such as cyber warfare or something like that. and of course, the iranians or smarting, because many of their nuclear scientists have been killed by the israeli intelligence services. over the
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course of the last few years. so there are different aspects to this where at some point yes peter said there's going to be some area where we reach this point of no return and whether we're there or not, of course, is an open question. i don't think we're there yet, but it's certainly a possibility even as this is going on in the middle east. let's not forget, there's a war still in ukraine. i want to ask you a kernel about this drone attack on a refinery. more than 700 miles deep in russian territory, what does this attack tell you? it tells us, >> i think wolf that the ukrainians have a major capability that allows them independently the weapons that they're getting from the west to attack russian targets and the ukrainian plan to the ukrainian strategy seems to be to go after the infrastructure structure that russia has the most vulnerable infrastructure being their oil. i, all the while refineries, all the pipelines, all the things that are part of that russian structure for their oil business those are all
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legitimate targets in the ukrainian view and the ukrainians are basically trying to do to the russians the form of oil cut off the oil just like the russians tried to cut off the food exports from ukraine earlier in this war >> very important in developments were watching all of these developments some folder in there also worrisome indeed, our it guys. thank you very much. cedric leyton, peter bergen, appreciate it. very, very much. still ahead this our, a judge in new york just expanded a gag order against donald trump, just as the former president heads back hi, to the campaign trail plus the supreme court in florida is allowing a six-week abortion ban to take effect next month. but the biden campaign he says it will turn florida blue in november by fighting for reproductive rights. stay with us your live right here in the cnn newsroom houston check we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part
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determined by the patient's health care provider. close quote congresswoman debbie wasserman, schultz is joining us right now. she's a democrat from florida congresswoman. thanks so much for joining is an amendment to the constitution of florida would require, as you know, a 60% super majority of the voters in november and florida can this proposed change make it through? >> well, thanks for having me on this really important topic the answer is yes, it most definitely can make it through especially when florida voters and by the way, more than 1 million florida voters signed a petition to get this constitutional amendment on the ballot, including 20% of the signatories were republicans when they hear over the course of the next six months, the harrowing stories like the one i just heard at our republic field hearing here in broward county from deborah doorbell, who is a woman in my community who found when she was partway through her pregnancy, that her fetus what's going to be born
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with no kidneys. she testified that she had no amniotic fluid at all and was forced because of our 15 week abortion ban. that is in effect. now she was forced to carry that pregnancy to term without amniotic fluid with horrific physical impact. then give birth to her son. at after being induced and had to wait until 37 weeks. and he died in her arms 94 minutes after birth. that is outrageous. that the decision about deeply personal health care choices should be made by anyone other than the doctor and the family and not politicians, and not judges, and not the government. and that's what voters will have an opportunity to decide in november. and i think more than 60% of them will make sure that we can restore abortion rights here in florida. >> and so this amendment, if it passes with the 60% plus majority, would allow women to continue to have abortion
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rights in florida. is that right? >> up through viability? yes. that's what the constitutional amendment spells out. that a right to an abortion in our state would be granted up through viability, which is stature luck statutorily defined in florida law donald trump's team gave a statement to cnn, congresswoman on florida's upcoming amendment vote, saying he supported the voters having the last word, last >> september. he had this to say about florida six-week abortion ban for women. listened to this. this is last september i mean, just shanked is willing to sign a five-week and six-week ban. you support that. you think that what he did is a terrible thing in a terrible mistake? >> but as you know, it was his supreme court picks the three of them that allowed roe v. wade to be overturned, which in turn allowed these laws to go into effect. so what's your reaction to all of this?
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>> let's remember as you just said, donald trump bragg has bragged about the fact that he appointed an anti ro, majority on the us supreme court that just a little over a year-and-a-half ago overturned a 50 year precedent that allowed women to make their own reproduction objective decisions, and ensure that those decisions are not interfered with by the judge, by a politician, by the government that you're not going to have the government at our pharmacy and that's what donald trump main priority was when it came to health care. stop women from being able to make those personal private decisions. this is on him and he's certainly can't be trusted to be given another four years where he could make life even worse potentially ban in vitro fertilization, which is clearly the next step in the abortion. the reproductive anti reproductive freedom 3 minutes that put us in a situation in
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the first place, like like donald trump did. >> president biden's reelection team is now calling florida winnable after being fairly read in the last few election cycles, as you know, do you think that's true? how does the biden team use this issue specifically to drive voter turnout come november even before this decision was handed down by our court yesterday florida was already going to be in play. the biden campaign was announced. their team that they are putting in place for the coordinated campaign here having this amendment on the ballot is going to bring a flood of voters who believe that reproductive health care decisions should be made between doctors and patients that ethical decisions are deeply personal and that it is not the government or judges that should be interfering with them. and that's going, and that's going to cut across the the breadth of voters, whether for the democrats, republicans,
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or independents, who wanted to make sure that we can keep the government out of our most personal health care decisions and as a result that's why in addition to already being play because of the extreme policies and danger that donald trump represents if he gets another term ensuring that we can have a pro, reproductive freedom president of the united states in place in the white house as joe biden has been it's going to be something that florida voters will go to the polls and choose to do. in addition, wealth. we have one of the most it's unpopular us senators and rick scott, who is very gently vehemently anti, anti reproductive freedom. and we have a great candidate that he merkel cell powell, who will certainly be drawing that contrast, which will help as well. >> yeah, lots going on. congresswoman debbie wasserman, schultz, the florida thank you so much for joining us. will of course, continue this conversation. down the road. a much needed delivery of food aid in gaza turn deadly after
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an israeli airstrike hit a world central kitchen truck. i'll speak to cindy mccain, the executive director of the world food program graham, about the crisis that's going on in gaza. that's coming up next day with us urine. the cnn newsroom this, is the >> kane who that do attention former marines and family members station to camp plus june, if you lived or work that can't lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953. to december 1987 and has been diagnosed with cancer neuro behavioral for lifx at a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with fertility issues are more significant compensation may be available. called legal injury advocates. now, to discuss your case, golf, when 805 013636.
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of seven aid workers who were trying to feed starving civilians in gaza. those aid workers were killed monday in an israeli kelly airstrike, their group, world central kitchen is one of the few aid organizations providing desperately needed food in gaza, right now, the group for the time being is now understandably paused. its operations there, joining us now is cindy mccain, executive director of the united nations world food program. she's also the former us ambassador to the un agencies for food and agriculture director mccain. thank you so much for joining us. thanks for all your important work. we are all grateful to you. let me first of all, get your reaction to this tragedy involving world central kitchen in gaza? >> well it's unconscionable, number one, that i know personally would it feels like to lose colleagues in the field. and it's, it's heart-wrenching and heartbreaking my heart goes out to everyone at world central
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kitchen but this has to stop targeting or not my targeting or misread, miss firing or whatever it is, humanitarian aid workers is, it's it's unacceptable in this situation. we need to get food in, we need access, we need to be able to get to the north, especially to make sure that we can stave off famine aid workers should not be a part of actually what's going on we're the ones that bring me an open when we come the world central kitchen, as i said, is now pausing its operations in gaza. and that's totally understandable given what has happened, the group by has been delivering about 300,000 meals a day another key, a grip anaerobe, a group you're familiar with also just the doubts. it's also suspending operations in gaza. how big of a void does all this leave? >> well, there was a huge void anyway, what they have been able to do is probably 100 the
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what we need to get in. we'd none of us have been able to get to scale or get to get to where we need to go and bring in enough food to feed. again, we need access. we need the ability to safely get at into these areas. >> we need >> unfettered access all the way up and down both offense road and the the beach road >> it's >> sent we simply can't help people feed themselves or feed them unless we can get in. and it's been an impossible task, failed to get our trucks in up until now >> director became i want to share a statement from the ceo of world central kitchen, aaron gora said this and i'm quoting now this is not only an attack against world central kitchen, this is an attack on humanitarian organizations showing up in the most dire of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. this is unforgivable end quote. do you agree, has food in gaza become a weapon of war
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>> well in my in my case, i leave those two there's someone in the un and actually says those things and determines whether or not it, whether or not it is being used as a weapon of my job is to get the food in. my job is to make sure that our people are safe when they're getting it in. and then we can get it in its scale. that's what i meant. asking for it. i've asked the israelis this many times down at to be able to do joe system. we also have to remember that the south is in trouble too. we can't just concentrate on the north, but we need to also maintain help within the south the united nations says at least 165 of its relief workers have been killed since the start of this war. making this the deadliest conflict ever for aid workers, just how dangerous has this conflict been for aid workers and how big of an obstacle does all this post for delivering desperately needed humanitarian aid going forward
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>> we saw how dangerous it was today by what happened to world central kitchen. we've got to move forward though that's what organizations like world central kitchen and wfp and others do. we still stay in? we still maintain we still keep food going because that's what we do. that's what humanitarians do. and so the idea that somehow humanitarians can be attacked for doing what the right thing is. that is trying to feed people is just unconscionable. >> the world food programme executive director cindy mccain cindy, thanks so much for all your doing. we really appreciate it. so, so important. thanks very much for joining us are in this news just coming in to cnn, president biden just spoke to the chinese president xi jinping. it's the first time they've spoken since november. are white house course about it or let science is joining us now, our lead, what do we know? what do they speak about? >> well, what if we learn moments ago the president biden spoke by phone with chinese
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president xi jinping this morning there first communication since they met in-person at a summit in california in november. now, this comes as the us it's really sought to defuse tensions between the us and china. one thing officials have repeatedly stressed is that they want to ensure going forward that there aren't any misunderstandings in the relationship. president biden, after he met with she in california said that one goal that they had was to be able to pick up the phone and call each other more often to talk about certain issues. and that is what happened today. now, this call is coming amid a very turbulent time on the global stage in the wars in gaza, as well as ukraine and north korea's nuclear capabilities works expected to be part of this conversation. they were also expected to speak quite frankly about the tension points between the us and china that includes china's approach to taiwan provocations in the south. can you see as well as human rights, a senior
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administration official had said that the us was it's also planning to discuss efforts by china to potentially hack into us infrastructure. there's also areas of agreement that the two liters worked expected to touch on things like climate change in artificial intelligence. but really what this phone paul between the two liters is the first since they met back in november the last phone call had been all the way back in the summer of 2022, and it really makes good on the president's intention to try to manage this relationship clear up any misunderstandings or prevent any misunderstandings from unfolding. and it's not just this high level engagement from president biden with president xi. we're also learning the treasury secretary, janet yellen, is set to travel to china a bit later. in the coming days, she'll be meeting with her treasury counterpart parts in the country as well as business leaders and students all signs of the us efforts to try to ease into few some of
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the tensions between, between the two superpowers. something that president biden has said he would work towards as he's been in office arlette saenz at the white house. thanks for that update. appreciate it very much. it will be right back with more news >> get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades get cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies, eclipse across america, live monday at one on cnn for streaming on home home >> yes >> focus on an american the home she had warranty. i can reject your cupboard home systems and appliances like this ac when the repair or replacement? yes. >> thank you it's >> oh, i'm not home. >> yeah, that's pretty sure it's home. american home shield. don't worry, be warranty. >> what's considered normal
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war. as for donald trump, he'll be stepping in both wisconsin and michigan today, where he set to deliver remarks. on what he calls biden's border bloodbath all this comes as get another judge is trying to rein in the former president's rhetoric by expanding a gag order to protect the families of court officials involved in the new york hush money trial. let's discuss all this and more with cnn political commentator, and republican strategist alice stewart and cnn political commentator and former senior adviser to hillary clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. karen finney. let me start. karen with, you. what's your sense about right now? what's going on with the judge in these latest issues involving the judges family and trump. >> i think there's a real concern based frankly, on fact and precedent this dangerous rhetoric could have real-world consequences. look at what happened to nancy pelosi's husband. i mean, look at what happened january 6 am a feeling that family members
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particularly ones who are not in the public eye, should not be brought into the iyer against donald trump. free speech is free speech, but you don't need to use that speech to attack people who have nothing to do with the case as a way to certainly try to intimidate people. and i think there's a real concern that's the impact it could have. and so look, i think as these cases going judges, they take it very seriously and they're looking at ways to, let's keep it focused on the merits of the case. >> we should be doing. judge, birth called trump's rhetoric because you know, alice and i'm quoting now a very real threat to court officials and to their families, how significant is it for a judge to make such a statement involving a former united states president well, it is significant, but we ally is he does have some basis for saying so and i agree 100% with karen, there's there's just no need in certainly should >> not be any desire for anyone to threaten anyone in the court
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system, but certainly not their families. and i think he's faced some consequences for this kind of outs slide the courtroom behavior with these fines against him because of his lack of remorse, lack of contrition, and as egging on those involved in the case. but this is part of donald trump's campaign. this was part of how he is conveying to his supporters and others that he is a victim here. he is the martyr here, the justice system and liberal justices and district attorneys are going after him because he is a threat to joe biden, and that is something that he is not just campaigning on his fundraising on and has really energizing his base off of this, but criticizing and attacking and threatening family members is not necessary. >> very well. i have both of you. i want to talk a little bit about what's going on in florida. write down a new memo, the biden reelection campaign says they think florida is now a winnable state for president biden, after the state supreme court upheld florida's six-week abortion ban, but also let voters have the final say.
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in november. do you see? florida as potentially now in play for democrats? >> it certainly does give some lifeblood to democrats look, we have seen every time abortion as a single issue on any of these states individually. it has been a win for the pro-abortion crowd and the pro-life community really needs to make sure and take this head on and take this seriously it look that decision from florida supreme court yesterday was one decision was a victory for the pro-life community in terms of saving innocent lives. but the fact that now this is on the ballot in december or in the election, this will rally democrats and i think republicans and the pro-life community needs to change the language stopped talking about abortion bans and put more emphasis on abortion limits because that is something that more people can agree on. and the bands are certainly energizing democrats. >> yeah, it's interesting characters. the biden campaign has a new ad that's just focus again on trump's stance when it comes to abortion rights for
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women. it's airing in several battleground states, including florida. listen to this in 2016, donald trump ran to overturn roe v. wade >> now, in 2024, he's running to pass a national ban i don't woman's right to choose. i'm running to make roe v. wade the law of the land again. so women have a federal guaranteed to the right to choose donald trump doesn't trust women i do >> what do you think >> i think it's a great ad and it reflects frankly, the way the country fields mean eight, ten americans support roe v. wade and states like florida majorities of the floridians actually supported roe v. wade, and oppose the six-week ban. i think what's important about this add though, is holding donald trump accountable for his record because one of the things we've seen him do, particularly on this issue is to try to have it both ways on both sides of the issue and the reality is a ban is a ban is a ban. and we've seen time and
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again when republicans have tried to soften that language and say it's a limit, americans understand the problem with that, is that every woman has a different situation and you can't have a one-size-fits-all government solution to our most personal private health care decisions. so look, i do think at this point it will be interesting to see, does this put florida and play maybe at least for now, we'll see, you know, this is the moment where you got a lot of chips on the board and you try to see what you're going to move those around as conditions shift throughout the election. >> i do think while this has been a motivating issue for democrats and those on the left abortion is not high on the list of where voters are, people are concerned about the economy, immigration, national security, and crime and abortion is down. so i think the more that the republicans can focus on those issues really turns out voters that will be better for republicans, although as we've seen, reproductive freedom ivf
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contraception, access to abortion, it actually motivates democrats, republicans, independents, moderates across board. >> suburban women, and a lot of those battlegrounds especially all right, guys. thank you very, very much. alice stewart and care anthony, i was caitlin clark dominates again, taking your team to the final four, we'll have more on the epic matchup with the lsu tigers. that's coming up next. stay with us. you're in the cnn newsroom >> attention former marines and family members station to camp plus june, if you lived or work that can't lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987? and had been diagnosed with cancer, neuro behavioral effects at a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with fertility issues are more significant compensation may be available. cold legal injury advocates now, to discuss your case, it has been proven that the water at campbell's zhun during those years was extremely contaminated with toxic chemicals. legal injury advocates has extensive
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questionable singing voice. don't make them inherited final expense tab to i'm paula >> reid in washington and this is cnn the iowa hawkeyes are back at the women's final four last night, >> their star, caitlin clark, lead them to a 94, 87 victory over the lsu tigers. it was a rematch of last year's title game that lsu one our national correspond to bring jin grasses joining us die from, from albany, new york where the game was played, brin, one big reason people were into this game so much as i was, is the
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rivalry between clark and lsu star angel reese >> what are they? everyone reacting today? give us a little sense >> well, yeah, i mean, we'll fix ankle region in the postgame interviews, she was crying, she was talking about the role she played in that rivalry, talking to how she sort of been the villain and what told that has taken off on for her. we'll talk about that just in a minute. but as you've said, this game was a rematch of the national championship game from last year between these two teeth. and that's exactly what it felt like when these two teams went to the floor, if felt like a national championship game with all of the passion and the intensity of these players and also the drama between those the star player as before the game even started, we saw angel reese put a crown on the bench while caitlin clark was warming up. what we saw caitlin clark hit one of those big three, she would point at it angel reese, so it had all of those elements, but take a listen now to both of those players, talk about this game and their futures
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>> we don't want this to end and we want to keep coming back and working hard with each other and fighting for one more week. and extended as long as you possibly can, i guess. >> i'm still like all this, has happened since i want the national championship and i said that i beat since then and it sucks. but i still wouldn't change. i wouldn't change anything so much pressure on those players. >> but look, they know >> what role they have played in elevating this game for future generations at the end and do they both said his each other keep on elevating this game and certainly that is what we are seeing from them. you know, jason sudeikis both was in the stands last night. ted lasso wearing that's why trump said, everyone is watching women's sports and that couldn't be for that could be, that is totally the truth is what i'm trying to say there. and certainly everybody will be tuning in this friday when final for kicks off in cleveland. >> well, i'm so excited about how women's basketball has really exploded this year. it makes me so happy i was
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recently at the nba all-star game weekend. and the highlight for me and i think for whole bunch of people, i don't know if you were watching on tv. i don't think you were there he was when the greatest three-pointer in the nba, steph curry was doing a shootout contests with sabrina ionescu of the wnba, new york liberty, and she almost one that was an amazing moment. it really was a great moment. i don't know if you were watching >> yeah, i was watching what i will be with you next year. bring me >> but yeah, it's a great time to be a women's basketball fan and the greatest thing about this is there are more fans it is exciting to see and hopefully it continues as we go into future years. yeah. >> yeah. once you must beat steph curry, it was an amazing moment for all of us, especially those of us who are there at the stadium. brin, thank you very, very much. let's let's up next year in san francisco, the nba all-star game will be in san francisco next year. thanks very much. for all the great reporting and thanks very much to everyone
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watching the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. i'll be back of course, later. tonight's 6:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room right here tomorrow morning, 11:00 a.m. eastern stay with cnn inside politics with dana bash starts right after a short break stay tuned to learn more about this limited time offer from renewal by anderson >> have you been looking at replacing your home's windows or doors if so, i'm sure price is a huge factor >> a renewal by >> anderson. >> we're >> really proud of our fair pricing policy were typical middle-class family. we have a budget but we need to be aware of where money is going. and the great thing about renewal by anderson was they actually had several financing options that we're going to make sense for our situation. gen. >> let's talk windows are five rx window material is like the gold standard in the industry. it's a composite material that last longer performs better and is actually two times stronger than vinyl,
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