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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  April 4, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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chasing business cash or make more of what's yours >> this is cnn. >> the world's news network. >> finally tonight, a closer look at the seven world central kitchen workers who were killed safe. a dean, abutaha 25-year-old palestinian, who had been volunteering as a driver with world central kitchen. he was the youngest victim of the, strike. a close friend and former colleague remembers 43 year-old australian aid worker zomi frankcom as full of life with a smile that would light up a room 35-year-old worker, damian sobol, had been working nonstop since the russian invasion of ukraine according to his friend and former colleague, he is remembered as one of those guys you just want to hold onto jacob flinkinger was a dual us canadian citizen who had a military background. he leaves behind a partner sure and a one-year-old son, john chapter
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>> in james henderson and james kirby, were all from the united kingdom. they worked for world central kitchen's security team. may they rest in peace and may their memories be a blessing? the news continues on cnn right now >> tonight on three 60, the former president fails again to delay his first of many criminal trials and special counsel jack smith, challenging the trump appointed classified documents, judge, to make a ruling so he can take her or to court. also tight, we're live from taiwan after the worst quake there in decades. and millions of people are plotting and planning and gearing up the total solar eclipse just days away, we have the latest sun. where you can see it and how you can do it safely. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. major developments night in two of the many trials, the former president has been trying to delay in a moment the one he has largely been successful in slow walking. the federal classified documents case in florida. we begin though with the one that he can't seem to stop though, not for lack of trying, namely
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the new york hush money trial now, just 12 days away, it seen kara scannell joins us with how his latest delay attempt failed. so what's the former president been asking for now? >> so donald trump's team had asked the judge overseeing the new york case to delay it until the supreme court decides presidential immunity questions in a different federal case in washington, dc related to the election subversion indictment. and then the judge today coming out with a ruling denying this motion, saying, frankly that trump has made it too late. he initially filed this motion on march 7. that was when this trial was scheduled to begin on march 25th. judge said that was just way too close. he wrote the fact that the defendant waited until amir 17 days prior to the scheduled trial date of march 25, 2024, to file the motion raises real questions about the sincerity and the actual purpose of the motion. he also mentioned that the notion of presidential immunity was something that trump knew because he was using it in the federal case, but he also tried to use it in this very case to
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try to move it into federal court. a federal court judge kick that back to judge martian. even this is just one of a flurry of motions that trump's team has been making in the past a few days and even weeks to try to delay this trial. they've asked the judge recuse himself because of work has daughter has done with democratic groups and they've also asked the judge to postpone the trial because of pretrial publicity. those motions are still up for the judge to rule on. anderson. is there >> anything new though to the arguments that trump has been making to effectively delay the trial because we've talked about this last night. he's trying again to get the judge to recuse himself >> right. i mean, in the recusal motion, they're saying that they've done some more homework about some of the money that the company is daughter worser has made from democratic groups on the pretrial publicity one, they took a survey of new yorkers mean this trial is going to take place in new york county that has manhattan. so they produce survey results showing that the market has been saturated with news about this trial, about all the other trials that trump has been facing. the various questions about the e jean carroll defamation case, which also
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took place in new york. and they pointed out that new york's new yorkers tend to vote for trump's rivals overwhelmingly. and so they're concern there is that now that they have this data presenting to the judge how to persuade him that he needs to do something. i mean, the judge was skeptical of this argument once before asking them, do you really think it's going to be better in may when he denied it from the bench at one point, and prosecutors are opposing this because they say, no matter when or where this trial takes place, it's the trial of a former president. there is going to be substantial media attention. >> so it doesn't seem likely anything is going to delay this trial for starting on the 15th. >> it's really hard to imagine that they could come up with some new legal argument to get convince the judge to move the case. he has been pretty methodical about how he's deciding these motions. i mean, he did grant the delay of 30 days for the trial when trump's side had raise concerns about misconduct by prosecutors, but he was quickly two he moved quickly to dismiss that once he realized what the allegations were, that trump's team was making any seems
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pretty set on making sure this child starts without any further delays on april 15th kara scannell. thank you. now, the mar-a-lago classified documents trial, which cannot seem to get going. special counsel, jack smith's attempt to kick started. now, it's a little bit confusing in a late night filing overnight, jack smith all but challenged the judge, aileen cannon, to make a binding decision on a central point in the case in time for him to then contest it. namely, her order for both sides to propose jury instructions. there are centered on the presidential records act, which the former president is repeatedly said will exonerate him. now, the special counsel's filing calls that seemingly trump-friendly order fundamentally flawed and asked for a quick ruling before the trial on how to apply the act, quoting now, it is vitally important that the court promptly decide whether the unstated legal premise underlying the recent order does in the court's view, represent a correct formulation of the law jack smith adds, the government must have the opportunity to consider
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appellate review well before jeopardy attaches, that, what that means is that if the issue she was not decided before the trial starts in the forum prison is acquitted on that disputed legal basis. it would be impossible to challenge that acquittal because the fifth amendment's double jeopardy clause. now the special counsel is seeking a decision. now, so he can then ask the 11th circuit court of appeals to overrule the judge, which that court has already done twice it's before. now, as for the former president's claim restated in his own filing that the presidential records acts distinction between official and personal records would clear him. jack smith's filing calls that quote, a post-hoc justification that was concocted more than a year after he left the white house and it's also not like the defendant didn't know what he was taking, wasn't personal or that he somehow declassified them before leaving office. he knew and what's more he said he knew it. here he is at the club in new jersey on tape showing one of them around yes, it president, i couldn't eat like that. no, i can't get out, but this is is that interesting
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joining us now is john jones the third who retired as chief judge for the us middle district of pennsylvania, also senior legal analyst, elie at williams and karen friedman, agnifilo, joe jones, can you just kinda plant in layman's terms why you think judge cannon is off base here >> yeah unfortunately, andrew said, first of all, it's good to be with you, but i think that she's a way off base. i think what's happened is the defense in its argument is turning the presidential records act on its head and she seems to have bought that and in layman's terms, what she's doing is really allowing via these questions suggested questions the jury to make a determination as to whether a record that trump has taken is covered by the presidential records act as personal and the absurdity of that in my view is that these are classified documents that are in play.
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they couldn't possibly be personal. the presidential records act records act has a very narrow band of exclusions for the things like diaries or cards, or newspaper clippings what we have here, our war plans, we have classified information in jack smith, rightly, once the judge to determine that before the case goes to trial, in my view, in karen, the special counsel their team pushed back on this broad broad reading the presidential records act. they wrote the pra is distinction between personal and presidential records has no bearing on whether a former presidents possession of documents containing national defense into information to the judge's point is authorized under the espionage how should act, and they went on to say indeed based on the current record, the presidential records act should not play any role at trial at all. do you agree with it? >> yeah. they're really conflating different issues and there is a standard jury charge for the espionage act. and jack
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smith actually cited to it in his motion and said this is the charge you're supposed to give the jury sorry, this is the law they're supposed to determine because at the end of the case, a judge gives the jury the elements of the crime that they have to find beyond a reasonable doubt, and it doesn't say anything about the presidential records act, but soever this is about s the espionage act. it's about national defense information. there's no way that these documents made by by intelligence officials, by military officials and that they were used to brief the president at the time. these are personal. >> i mean, so ellie is the judge's misinformed, is she not wanting to see what you know? >> and i have been looking at this issue all day and i'm just mind-boggling by what the judge does done here. and i mean, that and part of it might be misinformation, part of it might be being misinformed rather part of it might be trying to test the waters of a potential argument. she might confront, but to pick up on karen's points, these are two vastly different schemes. one governs where we're mugs go
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that foreign leaders give the president that's the presidential records act does nothing to do with classified or sensitive documents. defense specific information, and she's really mixing up the two in a way that seems like just a missing nearly what happens if she refuses to rule on the pra, whether it applies before the trial will come. >> she has an obligation to rule here because under the rules, the judge has to rule on issues that would take away a party's right to appeal down the road. this is an issue that bay the prosecutors can't appeal. they learn so this is an obligation rule. now, if she doesn't number one, i think they seek to have her removed from the case for failing to avail to get parties in an option to take advantage of illegal pleading an appeal to they regard to all of that is going to take time and there's no way this thing is going before election. >> i don't think so. there's other motions that also haven't been ruled upon. she's slow walking this case, so this is not going joe jones
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back in the new york hush money case. i want to get to the former president's delay tactics with elleithee and keratin in a moment, but you've been very vocal about your concerns for the safety of judges and their families last year regarding threats, the judge who signed off in the mar-a-lago search warrant, you wrote, quote, he and judges like him signed up for a job that entails risks. they didn't sign up to be killed. >> what do you make of the foreign presence? recent social media attacks on judge merchan and his daughter i think it's scurrilous. anderson, i spent a number of years on the judicial security committee of the judicial council of the united states. and i'm well-versed in threats to judges, but this now transcends that. we're talking about judges families, we're talking about prosecutors, prosecutors families and what i've opined and what i fear greatly is we're gonna get somebody killed 99.9% of the electorate will not act out whatever their feelings may be. but you're talking about that fringe element that here's this like a dog whistle and thinks that they're doing the will of
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their benefactors what really worries me? and judge my child is riding the tiger here. but if i were presiding in this case, i'd bring him in personally. have a really pitched discussion, and i think i'd have to tell him that if he continued down this road, the next appearance would be one where he bring his toothbrush because you cannot tolerate this kind of painting outside the lines it is not a question to the first amendment. it's a situation where it's injurious to the administration of justice and and, you know, he's really pushing the envelope here and it's going to be very interesting to see what the presiding judge does. in the next couple of weeks. and i have no doubt that, judge, my child is going to try to get this trial convened like it or not, by the former president. >> yeah, i'm kerry, what what's your response to, judge? not delaying the new york the trial until the
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supreme court rules on immunity. >> well, the judge knows what trump is doing. he's actually said it in his decisions. you're trying to delay, you're making motions that have been ruled on already. very last minute, things that should have been done a long time ago trump has violated this new expanded gag order at least twice since yesterday so he's it's been re-posting other people's statements, attacking the judge's daughter, and that will violate the section of the gag order that talks about making are causing to be made statements about family members. you are adopting someone else's statement as your own. you're posting it on truth social. that's making a statement. i think he's trying to bait the judge because he's trying hi debate the judge to get him to delay or he's trying to bait the judge to do something so that he then can ask for recusal. so far you haven't seen the da's office come forward and say he's violated it and you haven't seen the judge do it because the judge is not going to take the bait because he's not going to let this delay, but trump continues to violate it. and at a certain point, i agree it with the judge. he's going
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to be called in and he's going to be he's gonna be told specifically you do it again. you're going to be held in contempt. and at that point, there are several options that can be done. one of which is to put him in to force him to stop because money doesn't make him stop warnings don't make him stop. a court order is not making him jill, that you'd think that's an actual option. >> that's what has happened and does happen to every other defendant and has happened many times. that's where the phrase bring your toothbrush comes from, right i mean, that is what judges do and what if he were anybody else. that's what would happen. somebody who is flagrantly violates it as trump does minutes after he is told not to, he literally will repost statements, whether it's a fox news interview talking about it or today, it was a laura loomer. there's some post right before we came on here today talking about the judge's daughter, he was specifically told not to, and trump is putting that on truth social. he is taunting the judge because he wants to get the judge recused. and the
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judge is very smart. he's not going to take the bait, but at a certain point it is dangerous. it does impact the jury pool and they're going to have to do something to stop him, free me, agnifilo l8 williams, judge jones. thank you so much. appreciate it coming up next, chef jose andres speaking out about the israeli strike that killed seven of his world central kitchen aid workers. also later, some polling political watchers believe florida is now up for grabs after the state supreme court upheld a restrictive new abortion law, are randy k talks a women voters that are get their take on how abortion could affect the presidential vote the amendment >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission >> they were doing great. columbia, houston comm check we hear nothing >> if you work in spaceflight, this is just the worst possible thing i could ever happen >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing is that the wing coming apart >> my dad died doing what he is
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kitchen workers delivering food to people in gaza. the president, president biden, is about to take it up directly with israeli prime minister netanyahu. we'll have more on that in a moment. >> but >> first i want to tell you what jose told reuters television about what he called this targeting of the aid workers >> we then had all the information, obviously in the first minutes and hours, but very clear the situation began i'm being very obvious when we began seeing images of these bodies and these passports in the hospital that confirm these were our people. the anions, what we know what everybody knows. >> seven >> team members betweens the special specialty security people we have three british individuals and three three international crew plus one palestinian that they were target systematically carbide car. this was not use bad lag
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situation where we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or not. this was over 1.51 kilometers with a very defined humanitarian convoy that had signs in the top in the roof a very colorful logo that we are obviously very proud of, that that's very clear who we are and what we do >> chef jose andres talking to reuters more now from jerusalem and cnn's jeremy diamond, who's there for us tonight. jeremy, chef jose andres also wrote an op-ed in the new york times title, let people eat. and in part of it, he said, we know israelis, israelis in their heart of hearts know that food is not a weapon of war israel is better than the way this war is being waged. it is better than blocking food and medicine to civilians. it's better than killing aid workers who had coordinated their movements the israeli defense forces in the worst conditions have the worst terrorist attack in its history. it's time for the best of israel or show up. you cannot say the hostages by bombing every building in gaza. you cannot win this war by
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starving entire population. what are israeli official saying tonight? >> well, anderson, we're hearing deep expressions of regret from israeli officials, a recognition of the gravity of the situation with the chief of staff of the israeli military publicly apologizing for this, and he's really prime minister expressing deep regrets for the situation. but there are still many questions that remain about exactly plea how these three vehicles could have been misidentified mistakenly targeted by the israeli military as they claim. and chef jose andres in this interview with reuters is making clear that the israeli military, in his view systematically targeted these vehicles, that they were clearly identified, saying this was it's not just a bad luck situation. he also said that his team tried to communicate with the idf as these strikes began to happen, indicating that as we have seen with our analysis as well from the visual evidence on the ground that this was not just one
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strike as the israeli military has tried to suggest, not just one mistake, but multiple strikes targeting these individual vehicles a half a mile apart in one case, a mile apart in a second case. and so clearly there are still many more questions that the military is going to have to answer here as they conduct this investigation, proven biden is expected to talk to netanyahu tomorrow. what do we know about that phone call? >> yeah, this will be the first phone call between these two menn since this deadly strike that has drawn international condemnation as well as outrage from president biden himself one administration official is telling our colleague, mj lee that president biden is angry and growing increasingly frustrated and that he intends to share those frustrations with the israeli prime minister on this phone call and this will not be the first time of course, that we've seen tensions between these two men boil to the surface, but it comes, of course, as the united states is trying to pressure israel not to go into rafah
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with a ground offensive. and it also comes as these israeli prime minister is facing not only international pressure, but also pressure here at home tonight. benny gantz, a member of the israeli war cabinet and prime minister netanyahu's chief political rival for the first time, calling for early elections as soon as september, he has also asked the israeli prime minister directly for those elections. we haven't heard a response from prime minister netanyahu yet, but it comes as this week we have seen a growing number of protests directed at the prime minister calling for elections. certainly a fulcrum moment that we are seeing rising pressure on the prime minister for how he will move going forward remains to be seen. anderson, jeremy diamond. thank you now, the earthquake in taiwan, which is just happened as we were getting off the air last night, at least nine people are known dead more than 900 injured, dozens remain trapped still with more than 100 buildings damage. we have more videos show you some good his graphic. we don't know anyone in one of the cars you're about to see
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is among the nine who've died. it was taken just as the quake trigger landslide, which the drivers must have seen further ahead because they're backing up on this enormous boulders come crashing down again. we can't say one way or another who was in the car that got hit or what happened? more than the bigger picture now from cnn's ivan watson just before 8:00 a.m. on wednesday, the ground in taiwan starts to shake. the island, rocked by the most powerful earthquake to hit taiwan in a quarter century in the capital thai cnn photojournalist, john meese tries to protect his wife and children as the walls of their home lurch back and forth. >> hey, candlenuts, earthquake >> is just hit, announces the anchor of this morning news show. as she struggles to stay on her feet but the worst damage is at the epicenter in
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the rugged mountains of hualien county on the island's east coast, told that ethan the 7.4 magnitude earthquake triggers massive landslides authorities say several people were killed by falling rocks in the town of hualien, apartment buildings on the verge of collapse emergency workers inaction, authority say they've rescued scores of people from toppled buildings and highway tunnels but more than 900 people have been injured. and rescue teams are still trying to reach others trapped high in the mountains. the work has continued in hualien throughout the night >> now, no one's >> left inside this building says this firefighter. he adds, people are frightened on mpn. sure. though wave, there are constant earthquakes here, says this woman, i've lived here 50 years and never felt one so big. it's really scary people
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in taiwan are accustomed to feeling the earth shake but rarely with this much destructive force wants and joins us now. and those pictures incredible how strong have the aftershocks been? >> i enough that the us geological society, he's talking about survey rather, it has talked about as six magnitude earthquake in the first 12 hours after that initial earthquake and several that have of maite five. and the auoriehere are predting that it could reh up to seven over the next three to four days. i think a big part of the story anderson, is that even after this mammoth earthquake that shook the capital we'll type pain you saw that footage that are owned photojournalists film that him and his family trying to take cor. i can report they're all okay. thankfully, you can't even see a single bit of broken glass here in the center of
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taipei. and i'm surrounded by skyscrapers. the story is different near the epicenter that's about 100 miles from here are a hundreds 60 kilometers away but there had been a tremendous number of rescues that said there are about 140 people that the authority said there's still trying to rescue and some 71 of them for minors believed to be in two different minds that the authorities are trying to reach. so we'll be watching that very closely and trying to see if the roads can open from here to that stricken town. yeah. as are some let's hope they get those people out. i've been watching. thank you. coming up to critical abortion rulings from florida supreme court this week, pushing the issue front and center on the ballot this november 360 went to florida get reaction from women voters hear what they had to say to our ndk next my fellow citizens need to be better when you're not no more, it makes me want you to be dead be better good.
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every day. hurry, they'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% shop today >> a new poll from the wall street journal could signal an uphill battle for reelection for president biden, foreign president leads biden in arizona in north carolina, and they're tied in wisconsin, in georgia, michigan, nevada, and pennsylvania. the race falls within the margin of error and is two opposed to call and setting the president and former president out for obviously very close rematch. we should know prison biden won all these dates except north carolina in the 2020 election. meanwhile, in florida, pair of state supreme court abortion rulings this week have democrats hoping it could flip blue again on monday, the state supreme court decided against halting the 15 week abortion ban, paving the way for a six-week ban to take effect may 1st. but in a separate filing, the court gave floridians the option to decide whether to enshrine abortion protections in the state's constitution on the ballot this november through 60s, randi kaye spoke with some florida women following the rulings. here's her report united states of
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america should allow abortion to anybody who wants it and if you don't have a uterus, you don't have a say seven months to go before the presidential election and abortion laws are top of mind for women here in florida >> hideous disgusting, and backwards my money losing all their rights after florida's conservative supreme court ruled in favor of one of the country's strictest abortion bans women. we spoke with were mainly split across party lines that will couple of republicans do feel the band is too restrictive, i think to have flat over overall rule. not necessary. >> what do you think about the six-week ban that will be officially in effect? may 1 >> not happy about it. >> republican haley berries, so she doesn't like the idea of a six-week abortion ban because it's just too early >> ually i eight weeks before women even know that ey're pregnt and most of the time, if it's like an accident or they're not >>n factwe heard that over
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and over from women, both majority of most women, do not realize they're pregnant >> the six-week ban in florida includes >> exceptions for rape, incest, fetal abnormalities, and when it comes just saving the mother's life. but that whole ban could be wiped off the books this fall, if voters approve a constitutional amendment, florida supreme court ruled could be added to the november ballot amendment four says no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient's health as determined by the patient's healthcare provider and would clear the way for abortion rights in florida at least 60% need to vote in favor of the amendment for it to be approved some democrats told us that will drive them to the polls. >> i feel like it's 19502024 and a women's right to choose, i think is paramount the biden campaign is hoping the ballot
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measure could give the democrat and opening and florida a onetime battleground state that has backed republican donald trump in the last two presidential elections. >> look, we're clear-eyed about how hard it will be to win florida, but we also know that trump does not have it in the bag >> despite team biden's hopes, this republican voter says regardless of the six-week abortion ban, she's sticking with trump this impact your vote at all as a republican know though that it, that it was, why not with everything that's going on with inflation and jobs and the border i that's more important to me honestly, and israeli conflict, that's going on. so i have to choose that first >> same goes for the others with this ruling impact your vote in terms of voting republican. >> no no. >> not at all. >> not after everything. biden's not a chance
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>> the country has >> gone to hell in a handbag quite rapidly and it's not getting any better. >> i would never swing my vote. anyway against republican because of a pro-choice or pro-life decision >> randi joins me now. >> so >> the six-week ban will be in effect until and unless voters say otherwise, in november, how did the people you spoke with feel about that? >> anderson most of the women we spoke with were pretty unhappy about that they would have preferred if the band had just been postponed until they could have voted on that amendment come november, but i did speak with one republican voter who sort of likes how it sets up. she said this way, she can vote for the candidate that she wants. it would be donald trump in her case. and then she can also vote. yes on abortion rights. so she would vote in favor of that amendment, which would, if approved, clear the way for abortion rights here in the state of florida. but remember anderson, they need 60% of the voters here in the state to approve that amendment four to officially become part of florida's constitution and
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override that six-week ban, which would have already been on the books, anderson randi kaye, randy, thanks. joining me now is florida democratic florida democratic congresswomen valve deming's and cnn political commentator, or less far griffin a former trump white house communications director. so congresswoman, is this how you expected the abortion debate it to play out in florida, the state's highest court effectively greenlighting this six-week ban. you'd also voters get a chance to overturn it >> what anna said, it's great to be with you and look, i don't believe florida protecting freedom, the organization who really relays are focused on this single issue. they did the work they raised the funds, and they got more than enough signatures, almost a million signatures cheers i don't think they'd left the florida supreme court much of a choice. but to approve this constitutional amendment, to go on the ballot in november. and what we also know is that florida floridians about 77% of them believed that
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a woman should have the right to choose and that crosses all genders, all races, and all ages. and so look, we're not saying that this is the end-all be-all to florida's election issues, but i really do believe that men and women are motivated about this issue, and we do believe that we will see strong turnout come november >> i want to play something that trump said about governor desantis is six-week ban i mean the sanctus, we're willing to sign a five-week and six-week beds. you support that. you think that what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake? >> he said he's going to make an announcement about this thing next week he seems to kind of just stay away from this. >> yes. donald trump understands that abortion is a huge liability for republicans in 2020 is called it a political loser. i think he honestly more so than probably any other republican because he doesn't actually have any core conviction around now that most of his life and public life, he
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was actually pro choice until he decided to run as a republican. and even in his first campaign, the way he talked about life issues were so out of step with where the pro-life movement is. i expect him to moderate his tone. i think that he's going to come out in an ounce of 15 to 16 week ban, something that the vast majority of the country can support something in that area but the, what the biden team is going to have to do is be able to communicate. he may be saying that now, but these draconian laws that we're seeing in some of these southern states are a direct result of his supreme court appointments whether that will break through as an open question, councilman, according to politico, some florida democrats are warning president biden against politicizing the abortion ballot effort because they're going to need the help him moderate republicans to get it passed yeah >> and anderson certainly those almost 1 million signatures that we have did involve about 150,000. a republicans. and so i believe because of the work that was done by a florida protecting freedom, the organization that led to this ballot initiative, the way it
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was written very clear i believe that this issue can really stand on its own on the ballot in november and remember, we know that 60% threshold is not easy, but florida has seen it before in 2018 with amendment for that gave citizens are convicted felons are restored their rights so that they would be able to vote we cleared threshold by more than 60%. and so i believe if we can continue to work hard for turnout, continued to talk to people who care about this issue. as i said about 70% of viridian support a woman's right to choose this as clearly about protecting a woman's right to choose. and i believe that floridians will show up to do just that. it isn't a single lesson. we heard from one republican woman talking to randy k, who said she's glad it's not going to be on the ballot because that allows her to vote for donald trump. but also voice your opinion on this that stood out to me because we
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have seen that play out having a handful of states. so ohio, kansas, and kentucky, all red states had ballot initiatives are constitutional amendments up in the last several months, and republicans turned out and voted to protect abortion rights, but then also voted for republicans on the ballot. so i do believe that there's a bit of a disconnect. i think that for a lot of republicans, they identified as pro-life when rho is the law of the land. and now when they see in their home states, some of these rules be brought back to something like 60 weeks, which is extreme moos when don't know they're pregnant at that point. >> they're >> comfortable parting ways with the party orthodoxy, but there's still going to vote with the top of the ticket. so i add this is why i think president biden can not bank at all in this abortion issue because there's a disconnect with some voters where they can vote for reproductive rights, but also for donald trump was far griffin. >> thank you so much, >> congressman deming's thank you so much. good. heavy on the program. still ahead after the devastating collapse of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore experts are sounding the alarm about another bridge nearby that could pose a risk. cnn investigation on that as
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sleep apnea, innovation, learn more and view important safety information at inspires >> the collapse of baltimore's francis scott key bridge last week triggered lasting economic consequences by shutting down america's 15th largest port. but experts are now warning that another iconic maryland bridge could be just as vulnerable. the chesapeake bay bridge. here's pete muntean with a cnn investigation this is the center of the shipping channel that would have been used by the mv dali and soaring above is the >> four-mile-long chesapeake bay bridge between annapolis and can island. a cnn investigation finds that it too could be vulnerable to the same kind of disaster that took down on baltimore's key bridge. >> that's the symbol of the chesapeake bay. >> captain frank carver showed me the bay bridge at close range, its oldest span now more than 70 years old, multiple experts warned to cnn that the suspension bridges, concrete pilings, and aging peers are
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too exposed to possible collision on this busy shipping route. state figures show that each year cargo ships carry a total of 11 million tons of cargo underneath. >> sometimes we do at least four times a day, if not, sometimes ten times a day. >> this is the older span of the chesapeake bay bridge finished in 1953. the newer span, the westbound ss man, finished in 1972 both of these combined are critical for the area about 27 million vehicles pass over these two bridges, each year >> engineering >> professor adel elsafty of the university of north florida says the design could be at risk of collapse if the wrong piling was hit. >> if once a board goes down, then the whole superstructure will go down as well and it will pull the other course as well. it's going to have that kind of strophic failure. >> the tower peers that support the main spans of the bay bridge have protective fenders, but elsafty points out that is where protections end. there
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are none of the barriers known as dolphins use the blunt, the force of an arid chip. >> think that is what we really need to do is to design and protects design better and protect our infrastructure. >> the chesapeake bay bridge is operated and maintained by the same agency that oversees the key bridge in a new statement to cnn, the maryland and transportation authority says, after the key bridge collapse, it is looking at options with the us coast guard on the feasibility of increased pier protections for the bay bridge. and what's possible in the navigation channel transportation secretary pete buttigieg said, no bridge is designed for a direct hit from a ship this is a unique circumstance. i do not know of a bridge that has been constructed to a direct impact from a vessel of this size. >> i think everybody i'll definitely >> be on war are now. that's sure just south of the bay bridge or the >> container ships waiting to get into baltimore, still
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blocked by the key bridge disaster. one franc carver says cannot be repeated than one light something. here's realized could ever happened all that an avid. now you can see it up so many more vulnerabilities all around >> pete muntean joins us now where our bridges that are considered adequately protected. >> well, several experts that we've talked to said the standout is tampers, sunshine skyway bridge. its peers are surrounded by those barriers known as dolphins 36 of them and total the design was triggered by a tragedy like what happened in baltimore in 1980 is struck that bridge, killing 35 people in the process, lacks willie's crash also highlighted the work being done on the delaware memorial bridge between wilmington in new jersey. the plan there is to install eight dolphins, but it is not all that cheap. anderson that project expected to cost $93 million. >> and what else are maryland officials same at the bay bridge. >> well, there was an advisory group meeting tonight of a
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group that's looking at the reconstruction of the bay bridge, something that's been talked about for decades. they said that they had seen the he cnn reporting that hit the website earlier today, and they said we cannot be sitting ducks. and after last week's incident, we have to really look at what happens to the bridge. now >> muntean, thanks very much still ahead. how monday solar eclipse could bring big crowds and big money to some areas of the country. harry enten is on eclipse mania duty next let me check. >> your nothing. >> a space shuttle accident. it's usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part as the wing coming apart, space shuttle columbia final flight, premiere sunday at nine on cnn greatest stage at all in sports what dreams
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>> doctors preferred better science, better results >> get your viewing glasses ready. it flips across america live monday at one so millions of americans are hoping for sunday, monday, of course, to get the best view of the last total solar eclipse in the contiguous united states until 2044 >> really >> it seems like a lot of parents that apple francis, they've been planning for the on a sunday. they've been planning for this moment for months, making travel plans, stocking up on crucial eye protection whether cooperates with the celestial event. i hate to say it could be raining, cloudy in some locations. i don't want be debbie downer, >> the moon will >> completely block the face of the sun for just minutes across portions of 13 states, as well as parts of canada and mexico. other locations across north america. we've got a partial view of the club's for up to 80 minutes. a resident eclipse expert joins us now with more first things. first how can we watch the eclipse safely? yeah, how can we watch the eclipse safely? well, first off, i have my going to do it like this
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yes, that will work very well or you can do that here. you have to go all the way like that, right? my glasses on. there you go. i have a gift for you here you go. are these these are i heard there were like phony ones have gone to ease or logit. my friend, i'm going to put them on for you and i can literally see nothing that's going on. i'm literally blind, so i'm going to take them off. but the way that you know that these are legit is if you zoom in, you will see the iso approval. oh, you're looking fantastic and you really, you really can't see anything you see anything, but you can see the eclipse. you can see the eclipse, right? >> possible because they collapse. those son is blocked out. so how would you be while you're seeing it when remember when it's totally blocked out, you won't be able to see it. but as it's sort of four, falling into the blackout, right. when you get that partial blockage, you don't want to be looking directly into the sun, do not do that. you take them off. when is the full blockage? yeah as you can you can, but that will only be for a short period of time. you gotta be very careful because otherwise, you'll get those ultraviolet rays that could hurt your retina. you're just looking fantastic. i feel like i'm in devo >> you
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>> you may feel like you're in devo, but you look awesome. let me tell you you are picking up the technology, but yes, you what you want to look for? as the iso approval. it's on the side of your box here. that means essentially that it has been approved and that means you have real sunglasses that can real glad. where's the heading where it can you see it? what's the path? okay. so as you sent hinted at 13 states, right? so it's going to go up from the southwest and texas. so i guess that's one of the south texas and it's going now go upwards northeast words, it's going to hit a bunch of space. say we don't have a graphic for of course we have a graphic form in herring. know, think this know, we have a graphic for my wonderful graphic producers. there you go. indianapolis, cleveland, buffalo, 30. i don't see new york city. new york city will only get a partial eclipse. >> that >> is why my friend tomorrow night, i'll be heading up to buffalo, new york, niagara falls. i'm gonna go on the made of the miss them friday, sort of scout things out for you. okay. well, >> hopefully we'll get some video for you. maybe we'll show it on friday night at the mess
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made the mistake could look like a thing. oh, absolutely. my girlfriend went out. she got me some mittens, some boots, and even a rain jacket. oh, sweetie. she she she he is far two kinds of manners >> you >> gotta keep her clothes, don't >> this is a reasonably talk about are all of the time. but the fact that you speak about new york city, right? you will in fact be able to see, i think upwards of about 85% of the sun will be blocked out. so you're still gonna get a show in new york just because you're not in the quote, unquote. >> do i >> have to get these glasses from? my kids? do are kids find watching this? >> no. i don't. kids will not be fine watching the sun. in fact, you might argue they want their site for the rest of their life. i mean, you're close to the yet and then they are i'll give them mine. you'll give them yours. you fell down, but here you go. i have another pair for you. it's gonna, it's probably gonna be a big boom for tourism in those areas. it's going to be a tremendous boon for tourism. so you know, i'm we've been trying to book the flights going to buffalo and coming back from buffalo because afterwards i want to go on a cross-country ski vacation and let me tell you. >> we only got four minutes. yeah >> i want to share my life with you. it's not want to be honest with you. and i will tell you that the flight prices
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have been absolutely ridiculous, gouging. they're gouging your gouging clips, gouging. it's a whole let's industry anderson upwards of 5,500% jump in the flight prices. look at this. wow, that's crazy. yeah, isn't that nuts? >> that's just frodo get on fletcher's private plan to buffalo, you know what? i heard that he's looking up at the buffalo bills. they have a lot of money now, given that they got rid of stuff on dairy, william shatner is doing an event he told me during the eclipse, she's gonna be like narrating the eclipse. i can't remember what college he said he was doing, some stadium somewhere. i don't know. i will tell you that that would be absolutely awesome because the fact is if you have the voice of star trek with what, what else, how long will it actually last? >> like it will only, it depends on the >> location, but the whole equip eclipse will last for a little bit more than three minutes to a little bit more than four minutes, depending on exactly where you are. but of course you that yet sick very exciting, you pointed out the weather at this particular point. it looks like burlington, vermont is the place to be. do not go in south texas because the whether