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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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if trump gets elected president and still holds onto his ownership of that media company, there would be a serious conflict of interest. he'd be vulnerable to influence peddlers black mailers, and when his government has to actually regulate other social media companies, he's expected to deal with laws and regulations and government policies on social media. >> we'll >> always be asking, did he make those regulatory decisions on social media to protect his own pocketbook >> some analysts say its current turbulent run does not mean it's game over for trump's social media company, but that it will have to grow a lot to compete with its rivals. they point out the truth, social has just the tiny fraction of the monthly users that x and facebook have. wolf. very interesting. brian todd reporting for us, brian, thanks very much to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in this room. the news continues next
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>> on sienna outfront why they believe their son was targeted, and the questions they have tonight, and standing up to elon musk and arizona election official, taking down a conspiracy theory that musk promoted about election fraud 63 million people and he took it down point by point. he's my guests tonight show, i musk is wrong.
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let's go out front >> and good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. a
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ith sources close to these cases, aaron untold, they are playing a long game. look, we said in 1
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million times there are no board and strategy right now is to delay all of these criminal cases as long as they can. if trump's date in georgia and florida. yeah, they lost their motions to dismiss, but i will remind everyone there's no firm date for either one of those cases on the calendar. fani willis would like to start in august, but after the efforts to a defense in trial, something the special counsel has strenuously objected to. know earn in terms of this long game. i'm told look, even if eventually there are trials, if there are
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convictions, they're also thinking about appeals and the hope is that each one of these motions, each one of these hearings helps them build a record that they could eventually use to peel and kill any convection sort of in a death by 1,000 cuts >> all right. thank you very much, paula. and i'm gonna go now to ryan goodman are legal context here of they tried to get rid of her. now she's got a kinda get the wheels back on the bus. >> is this case. >> still on trial two? who start before the election? >> it very well might start before the election. i don't think they're cases at all going to end before the election. the american public
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will not have a verdict even according to penny wilson is most optimistic preview of her own schedule? that said he's on track to approve it at some point, but right now he's remain mm. we don't know where how land well, of course, the closer could see election ironically then if you've publicized televised, you only hear one side it gets complicated >> elicit >> riders brought the gag order, put on a gag order >> i'll be the only politician
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in history that runs with a gag order where i'm not allowed to criticize paypal. can you imagine that these judges to go ahead. if you're too scared to put me in jail. >> this this is rank hypocrisy on full display. but what donald trump has proved a master of in these numerous trials herself in glory in this, but i would have a hard time arguing that anything she has said is anything near the attack acts that she's faced by him and his supporters? >> yeah. i mean, it was
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>> just important point to make ryan can i ask you about the judge cannon ruling today we've made the point that the headline seemed seemed that it was a loss for trump. but when you look underneath that, actually there was a pretty significant victory >> and it you >> say it's not only a fig leaf of a ruling could help him even more than it seems. can you explain? absolutely. >> so his claim >> is that the classified documents or personal he could somehow magically make these moos highly classified documents his own. it's, it's not what the law says. that's just ludicrous. so instead of the judge saying, okay, of course, that's ludicrous she just said i'm not deciding that pretrial i might let that happen during the trial and maybe that's what i'll decide in the midst of the trial. now
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i'll actually say, oh, those are your personal i think they might very well want to do that because she's not overseeing the case and the way in which they i think with themselves would want to see a judge do this. so alyssa at trump goes to social media today, defending cannon. very clear how he saw that ruling today. i mean, there's a about that >> he called her >> highly respected. now, i just i just have to contrast that with how he talks about judges. in his other cases in many other for judges. and just so everyone knows, highly respected for her, here's everybody else. >> this judge is a lunatic, is a nasty judge. i have a trump-hating judge. her whole life has not liking me that her. is not aileen cannon. aileen cannon, again, highly respected. >> what you >> make of his defense of cannon, alyssa? >> well, there's two things. he's trying to do here. he's
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trying to sway the court of public opinion. he wants to prejudice the public or his supporters against judges. he doesn't like, and he wants to make them favorable to the ones that he does. but he also it's a nod to the judge. i mean, it's very similar to one of his attorneys referred to kavanaugh when who's going to be ruling on immunity, saying trump appointed him. so we think he'll be with us. this is something that they do and kinda put out there publicly in hopes of swaying the judges in their favor. now of course, judges should be unbiased. that shouldn't affect them, but that's what he's thinking and saying this will there be repercussions for it >> not really. i mean, he can get away with that and it's very funny because we always accuses others, often accuses others and what he's doing, he's playing the ref. >> yeah. >> i did i already >> a playing the wrap. i'm glad you brought that up and make sure we could bring that one home. all right. thanks so much to both of you. me, but from ma
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commentators >> and i think it >> triggered a fight or flight moment for her. and instead of fighting, are leave flying she failed this. keep in mind that this ruling is on emotion that has probably a cumulative total of 50 plus pages of legal briefs detailed citations to the case law jack smith, making it plain that the presidential records act has nothing to do with the case. and that not only should trump loses the motion to dismiss the presidential records act considerations should be completely withdrawn from the case. she issues instead of citing a single one of those cases, where the authority is very compelling, she's she issues a two-and-a-half page ruling that doesn't include a single citation and then she has the hubris to suggest that jack smith demanded these jury
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instructions. she's the one who demanded the jury instructions. that's what provoked smith's response. he didn't demand anything. he just he asked as he was required to do that she rule on this issue prior to trial, he's entitled to a ruling on this issue prior to trial. this this ruling actually does give him a basis to mandamus or if he so chooses. and i think that at least on this issue alone, putting aside whether she would be removed from the case. >> but on this >> issue alone, as to whether the presidential records act has any relevance to the trial he he would win in the 11th circuit and you know, you had made the point that if her ruling here today stands, it could set the lineup for acquittal. let's ryan was laying out in the actual trial. jackson and that's why he has i'm sorry. go ahead. >> oh, i was saying jack smith at that point is ryan was pointing out could do nothing about it. so is there any way for her off the case at this
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point prior to that? >> so he can ask i'm not sure that he will ask on this initial appeal, he'll have multiple opportunities because she will not be able to make it through the cba process on solid he'll have multiple opportunities, i believe, but you keep in mind that every time you go up there and back, it serves trump's interests just in terms of delight, she can kick the can down the road with the best of them if she took two outfits into a changing room at a clothing store, it might be days before you saw >> as analogy that we all can understand no citations needed. tai thank you. and next the breaking news continues. israel's initial investigation into the strikes that killed seven workers in aid workers in gaza, complete tonight. and the parents of the american who was killed in that attack will speak out next. why they believe that their son but as targeted, plus the trump spin machine kicking into high gear as his truth social stock fungi's trump claiming the
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company has $200 in cash and zero debt does that add up? >> and a >> real life ocean's 11, it is one of the largest cash heist in la history, 30 million gone. >> and >> police tonight are baffled >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission i won't be used in check. >> i didn't know anything concerning it happened. there were people that did though >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing, it's series of events >> you follow the debris. what's it telling you >> should have had that test on day one? >> we need your cigarette the hell happened >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn >> oh crap. >> that's a really good gift. >> now, we got to get france something. >> we could use. these new gift mode. >> yes what do the french like
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but now a friday last minute meeting, otter has jerry covered with an ai meeting assistant to take notes and capture action items. so jerry can go camping and be ready for monday, sign up for free does it or download the app on your house solomon in new york >> cnn >> breaking news is real announcing its initial investigation into the deaths of seven world central kitchen aid workers is complete, but so
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far i'm not saying anything about it publicly this is president biden issues is harsh just message yet to netanyahu. an ultimatum of sorts, protect innocent civilians or us aid is at risk. it's first time it's been said that directly, it all comes as questions grow over the idf's use of artificial intelligence to pick targets and the fatal consequences of this fred pleitgen is out front >> after israel's attack on a world central kitchen aid convoy in gaza. questions about the idf's targeting process are front and center. >> these was not used >> bad
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>> lag situation where, we dropped the bomb in the prompt play sore or not, these was over 1.51, 0.8 kilometers with a very defined humanitarian convoy that had signs in the top in the roof >> israel calls the targeted strike quote, a tragic mistake. but there are general questions about how the idf decides who to target after israeli magazine plus 972 published an article claiming israel's military widely uses artificial intelligence when going after alleged militants. sometimes with very little human oversight, says investigators if reporter you wael abraham, after speaking to six israeli intelligence officers. >> so one source told me that he would spend roughly 20 seconds before authorizing each target. and the only supervision they needed to do
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is to check if the targets, the machine unmarked was a male or female >> according to the reporting, the ai program called lavender identifies and marks alleged militants in gaza from low-level ones, two senior commanders, one source told me it's 90% of the people, so hundreds of thousands of people >> and it gives, >> gives each one a rating based on this long list of features. and the rates shows how probable the machine thinks that a particular individual is that belongs to the hamas or islamic jihad military wings >> but abraham says, he's sources told them vi program also makes mistakes with lethal consequences for civilians in gaza. >> it will mark people who have a loose connection to hamas are no connection at all to hamas as potential targets. and they knew that the supervision mechanism in place would not be able to find all of these mistakes >> the israel defense forces have not denied the use of ai on the battlefield within gaza, but in a statement say quote contrary to claims, the idf does not use an artificial intelligence system that identifies terrorist operatives or tries to predict whether a person is a terrorist.
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information systems are merely tools for analysts in the target identification process this well, israel says it has concluded the initial investigation into the bombing of the aid convoy, the former top us general in europe told out front, he's troubled by some of what he sees from israel's military, does i think that the idf has become i, don't want to say callous towards civilian casualties, but their tolerance for collateral damage is much higher. what for us, it's zero >> the idf says, it takes care to prevent civilian casualties, but the us has warned more needs to be done to prevent the death toll among noncombatants, gazans increasing even further and aaron, as far as the use of ai and the targeting process is concerned, the idf says that even if ai is used, that their analysts need to conduct independent investigations to verify that targets meets certain criteria under international law. but also according to the idf's own restrictions, aaron. >> all right, fred, thank you >> i'd front now, john flickinger and sylvia la brack, their son, jacob, an american and canadian citizen, was killed in the attack and gaza, he was delivering food on behalf of world central kitchen it was 33 years old, had an 18 month old baby and appears to be the first american killed by the idf since the october 7 attacks >> john >> silvia no one watching can
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imagine your pain right now. could you first just tell us a bit about your son, your child, jacob? >> well, to go for sure. was great human being he was a wonderful child and i mean, he was very athletic, very dynamic. >> he >> loved nature, he loves playing outside and later on, you he enjoyed doing what? he was doing as a military guy he did that for 11 years. and even when he left the army, i always told him that he was a deep down inside he was kind of a warrior and i think that this is what we've been seeing through this past few days jacob was a very special human being. very loyal real good
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heart >> he was >> someone to remember. i think he was kind of like bigger than life and that's what we're seeing right now with all the help and support was receiving a whole ping that wherever he is up in the above i hold that he can feel all that support and that love that. >> we're >> trying to express and show it to him jacob was loving son a loving father, and partner with his life >> partners, sandi, the clerk they recently joined, and had a 18 month old son they were just starting their life together and he was very, very happy he's also dedicated his life to service first thing now, to
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military and canada. he served in afghanistan for a year and served with the world central kitchen starting this past fall and he loved the work with wck and was eager to continue with them. >> and then you mentioned he was in a deconflicted zone. the convoy was coordinated with the idf. we know these these realities jose andres has been very vocal. i know you both have heard what he said. he said that this attack was targeted. it was it's not an accident. i just wanted to play part of what he said again, so that all of our viewers can hear it as well >> but i know is that we were targeted deliberately now until everybody was dead in these convoy that that cannot be that cannot be the role of an army
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do you believe your son was targeted >> absolutely there's no doubt about it and i think that the most important thing is to speak out to express it the way we're doing it, the way the mended i think it's important and that way we're hoping that it may change certain things >> so yes. by all appearances, the facts as they've been as they become known as presented. so far, seem to indicate that it was a deliberate targeting of a food aid convoy we would like an independent investigation. we asked everyone that we've talked to from canadian government and from the us government that to
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persist and demanding for an independent investigation so the all the facts can be known, but from what we know now your viewers can make their own judgment. but all the facts point to that. yeah, this was a deliberate attempt to the target is aid workers. >> how do you i guess it's too soon even ask such a question, but how do you even process that? >> do you feel to feel a rage about it or you know there were were crushed >> now, sad i don't feel any anger might feel some anger, but the overwhelming feeling is just sadness for our son and for his partner and his young son and for the other aid workers who were killed and for the over 200 aid workers who
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think killed since the beginning of this conflict they haven't gotten the same attention that our son jacob has but their lives were of no less value and our hearts go out to the families of the world central kitchen staff who were killed. the families of the palestinian aid workers who have been killed trying to serve as starving population and to everyone both sides of the conflict who are suffering through this. >> i >> know the citizens of israel want peace. i know the people of palestine. and gaza want peace so if we can move the needle toward that in a small fraction of an inch then jacob's life. and the other words, life's won't be in dane
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>> yeah president biden, we understand at least the word that was shared with us by those around him was shaken were they use a shaken when he heard about the strike in which jacob died and today, he spoke to the israeli prime minister netanyahu and we understand that president biden told him more needs to be done to protect civilians. or there will be consequences that that was the message. >> do you >> feel that that's what it should be? is that strong enough given what has happened? >> well, he's been saying that i support him in repeating to israel and not the aye. who that things needed to change, but actions, speak louder than words the united states and use these to use its leverage to force a change. we need to
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suspend a to israel until they make some changes with the way they're deducting operation at the same time, the hostages need to be released and the humanitarian corridors need to be opened up the idf needs to stop targeting civilians and aid workers. so, yeah, there's a lot that needs to happen in words are great, but actions speak louder than words. >> yeah >> have you heard from president biden >> we haven't heard we've heard from the embassy in jerusalem. the united states embassy in jerusalem, but otherwise we have not heard from anyone in the government. we just got off the phone with the canadian prime minister here trudeau. >> yeah. >> we spoke also today with the canadian foreign minister who was in europe, who called us to offer her console condolences
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and help canada. it was organizing some support where they can for jacob's family we'd like to see someone from our government. my government is i'm a us citizen and jacob was a us citizen. >> yes. someone reach out to us to offer more than condolences >> can only hope that they will and i'd like to say that this story is so much bigger than what happened to our son it happened to so many people. there's already been thousands of people that died. it's about humanity and right now, we're living in a very messy world. there's gotta be some kind of clean up that is done somewhere on the road and just like john was saying, even if it's just a tiny inch but change that will
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protect some children's, some mothers, some human beings i would be so proud and jacob would be so proud of it. so we're just hoping that his light is signing all around the world the way that there's a massive change somewhere somehow >> i'm so sorry for both of you. thank you so very much for being able to speak with us. >> you're very welcome and thanks for thinking of us >> family has set up a gofundme to help a jacobs young family is partners. they mentioned sandi and their 18 month old son. they will can donate and both the us and canada well, next, trump is claiming is truth. >> social has hundreds of millions of >> dollars in cash and 7 million followers. so why are shares wanje plus i'll talk to the arizona election official who is calling out elon musk the billionaire promotes a clean that hundreds of thousands of undocumented
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hello? >> to three-to-one, three-to-one today >> spatial colombia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn. >> tonight, donald trump doing damage control. he's hyping his social media platform. it's called truth hyping it because the shares have plunged to the company, said it lost over $58 million last year. i mean, it's barely even been public. the stock today down another 5% despite multiple rants from trump, including in part, quote, all the competitors to truth social especially those in the radical left democrats party who are failing at every level, like to use their
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vaunted disinformation machine to try and convince people. and it's not easy to do that truth is not such a big deal. i think truth is amazing. >> first. of all, this is the crucial part and it is very solid having over $200 million in cash and zero debt fund. now, dan alexander forbes, senior editor and dan, a lot of people are looking at this closely. we're gonna see where the story goes, because this isn't, this isn't your normal company that suddenly goes goes public and goes through the rigueur scrutiny of the. legal process prior to that. it was done a bit differently. so let's just start with what trump is saying here. he's saying it's solid $200 million in cash, zero debt and you say yeah, so if you look at the most recent financials that the company has released, that's as of the end of >> 2023 and remember, this is a merger between a spec company which was just a pile of cash and then trump's company, the pile of cash out about $293 million in the coffers so now if apparently lost a lot of that because that spec incurred
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significant amounts of expenses and legal expenses to try to take this deal public. secondly, we trump's company was also taking them major debt because it wasn't making any money but the way that it was taking on debt was who's taking notes that would convert to equity at huge discount? so ultimately what you're looking at for the retail shareholder is that you have less cash than you would expected and you have more shareholders diluting everybody else except for the insiders you've got an early forgotten who got an early and of course, when you say spac, special purpose acquisition corp. basically constructed just to go out and buy something in this case, it was true social. so it trump's also trump kind of push out popular, type it up. danny saying he's got 7 million followers and it's good for a startup, very good first startup and growing fast okay, you look at the comps, you look at this. is that true? >> 7 million is nothing on twitter. he had over 80 million followers and that was just him. the overall company had hundreds of millions of active users. this is a tiny, tiny
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minnow in an ocean of a social media company. what's especially troubling for investors is if you look at the growth trajectory of it it's not adding many users. and so normally if you had a company that was generating very few revenues and losing money, you'd at least expect to see huge growth and here you're not even seeing that there's really from a business fundamentals perspective, little reason for hope here. >> i mean, it's pretty shocking. i mean, it past few days you've got to invest let's there's and pleading guilty to insider trading scheme linked to a deal in this whole process of bringing it public as you are explaining that the company itself as sued two of its co-founders who are former apprentice contestants, boston globe, brandon op-ed were investment experts compared this ipo to a ponzi scheme, storied investor. in so many successful things, including expedia, barry diller said this scam, just like everything he's ever been involved in is some sort of calm
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>> i mean, that's that's that's something to go out and say that very doesn't go. i'd just say that for nothing. >> what does all >> this mean for donalds know >> well, the question is how long it takes for retail investors to catch on to the fact that there's nothing there. this is a business that's generating about $750,000 per quarter. it's losing about $5.3 million a year on an opera breeding basis, far more on the net basis. doesn't have major growth. >> so >> trump, whose shares are locked up, meaning he can't sell them for about six months, is really just hoping to hang on and hope that this all this mess, all this in fighting the lawsuits, all the controversy, just doesn't scare people off in the next 5.5 now for six months. and at that point, but he can somehow tap into a shares either by leveraging them or selling them and get the money. >> all dan alexander. thank you so much for explaining and always good to see you.
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>> yeah likewise also >> saw this tweet and it really stood out to me. so here it is. it comes down to elon musk mosque, went out and retweeted something amplifying a post. this post suggests that more than 220,000 undocumented migrants could have registered to vote in the state of arizona without a photo id this year alone? this. year alone. so it's what april 3rd, 4th, whatever it is today, let me check. april 4. okay 63 >> million people viewed this repost by musk. >> and >> musk's addition to the 220,000 claim was quote, extremely concerning well, the most concerning thing about this whole thing is that 63 million people saw it and it is not true. this is according to the top republican official and arizona's largest county, who pushed back in a lengthy rebuttal point-by-point. of course, on x, the platform where musk posted this to begin with maricopa county recorder, stephen richer is out front and steven, i'm glad i talked to you, so it was your post that i saw going through a point by point because of course, i saw ilan 220,000 illegal migrants
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voting registering to vote in arizona in the past three months. and anybody's java go to the floor. so let's go through it. 220,000 is nearly four times the number, total number of voters who registered and all of arizona this year four times. >> so that number is totally off. can you explain >> yeah. so this isn't as complicated as the previous segment. there's no complex investment schemes here. there's just oh an allegation of 220,000 illegal immigrants registering to vote in the past three months. >> we only have 4 million registered voters in arizona total. and for all of 2024, we've only had 60,000 new registrants, and so we keep track of all of these things. and this is just what are those instances in which i would ask people's spidey sentences to be a little more alert and say, is that just pulling out my emotions, saying 220,000 illegal immigrants registered to vote in the last three
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months. is that realistic >> because i mean, look, it was shocking and i think what's most shocking is of those 63 million people, a lot of people are going to take away at the very least hey, mass numbers of illegal migrants are voting, registering to vote in arizona >> but i >> do want to point out one thing. and you noted this, right? so obviously the musk repost did not get to this level of, of nuance, but you did you in your bottle, you said there about 30,000 registered voters in arizona total, right? not registered this year, but total. >> who wants >> something called a federal only list, which means that they have come to you and said they're us citizens, but have not provided documents to prove it. okay. so at first when you see that you say, wow, that's 30,000 to many. >> but can you tell us a little bit >> more about who those people are and why that is also prone to conspiracy theory >> that's right. so arizona has actually comparatively quite vigilant in checking citizenship. >> so if you >> register through the arizona motor vehicle division as the
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vast majority of our voters do, or if you registered at all since 1996, then we're going to ask for documented proof of citizenship now, if you don't provide that and that's typically a birth certificate you don't provide that, but you still say i attest under penalty of law that i me united states citizen, but i have not, for whatever reason provided this documentation in federal law holds requires that we still allow that person to vote a federal only ballot. but we keep close numbers on those. we keep close tabs and we have about 30,000 in the entire state of arizona. and from the studies that i've seen in the studies that we've run, these are disproportionately centered around you to proceed areas. and if you think about it, that probably makes sense. people might be going to university and just don't have access to their parents home or maybe their birth certificate has kept and so really, we have no reason to believe that those people aren't citizens. it's
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just that they haven't proven it to the documentation level required by the state of arizona all other voters. >> all right. well, all of this crucial context to a, to a retweet of something that was false, that was seen 63 million times. steven, thanks so much. >> always going to see you did you see my posts first or his post first? >> you know what i saw? yours >> excellent >> then i said what is it that ilan hosting and i went up and i thought i read the debunking the original lesson is people need to follow me rather than elon musk >> all right. thank you, stephen >> and now it's being called a real life oceans $1,130 million in cash stolen without a trace, and it's left investigators in los angeles totally stumped and we're going to tell you what all these little dots on the map have to do with the upcoming solar eclipse news
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>> the situation sure i can >> tonight or real life ocean's 11. the fbi and los angeles police investigating after $30 million in cash was stolen from this storage facility that you're looking at on screen right now? it's one of the largest cash heist and say the history investigators looking into whether it was an inside job, but no clues yet. josh campbell is out front and los angeles and josh, you've been following this massive heist. what else can you tell us about it? >> yeah. aaron, the seems like something that you might find in a hollywood screenplay. but this highest all too real, as you mentioned, $30 stolen from this private security firm, a law enforcement source told me that happened on easter sunday, but wasn't discovered until the next day on monday, this group of criminals making their way in, not setting off any alarms making their way into the vault, and then carrying out all of this money at this hour, the fbi and lapd trying to identify the persons who are responsible. of course, that investigation comes as law
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enforcement here in california. and in many communities across the country are grappling with a different kind of thread. this one that is targeting wealthy homes it has authorities pointing the finger at international crime rings home >> burglaries, hit the jackpot for coast to coast. >> i can see that the entire place had been trashed, but these aren't your typical thieves. >> we've heard now that you use >> drones and their alleged crimes even have nations pointing fingers. >> i got a letter of apology from the chilean ambassador, but it all starts much closer to home with lives changed forever. you don't >> feel safe in your own home. >> carroll and jeff star thought their jewelry was secure, locked up in a safe in their orange county, california home. >> my mother wanted to leave a legacy through jewelry and she bought some beautiful antique jewelry museum quality jewelry. but thieves are believed to have stock the neighborhood, waited for the family to leave
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and got away with 8 million, an heirloom, jewelry, and other items. >> they broke through a window in the upper bedroom and came through that window and then immediately started working once i found the safe, start working on the safe, >> police say the break in as part of a sophisticated ring of thieves who arrived from south america, often from chile. prosecutors say where it's easy to get a tourist visa waiver to the us, then joined with others in a coordinated effort, the scout and break into homes they lie in wait in these ghislaine suits, so they remain camouflaged while they're watching the behaviors of the homeowners when they >> come and go, they have wi-fi jammers to stop the alarm company from being notified >> hundreds of wealthy homes targeted authority say, from scottsdale area there's ona to raleigh, north carolina and nassau county, new york. recent arrests have highlighted a nationwide issue. >> so we have to be willing to start asking some hard questions. of our federal government.
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>> the so-called burglary tourists have law enforcement demanding change to the electronic system for travel authorization or sda, which allows up to 90 day visits to the us from certain countries, including chile, which spitzer says is not providing the required background checks on its citizens. >> well, if we don't know the criminal background of these individuals than we can't tell the judge anything or represent anything about the background which means the person's released on no bail and they never come back again to answer for the charges. >> spitzer claims another chilean suspect was out on bail when he broke into this dana point, california home in july. >> this is the window the burglar came through. >> the sand are family built their dream home. now, rebuilding their peace of mind, we want to move away from here. >> i'm not going to secure at all. >> they say for a problem, so well-known to public officials, it's time to put an end to these crimes. >> i want to know what these politicians are doing up there. they're supposed so help us because i want a politician to
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go through this experience. and he may feel exactly as i feel >> now, erin, chilean officials didn't respond to cnn's requests for comment. our colleague jason rivera did get a statement from the department of homeland security. they say they're working with the chilean government we're meant to urgently address this issue. that statement goes on to say, chalet it officials have responded by improving operational coordination with dhs offices and efforts to detect deter and prevent travel to the us by known criminal actors. they say that once those changes are fully implemented, they will have access to some of this background information. but of course, aaron, for a crime, a type of crop find that has been going on for so many years. the victims we interviewed are asking what's taken so long >> aaron. >> i believe. thank you very much. josh campbell. and next, one of nature's greatest sights, a total eclipse of the sun is actually a stupendous thing to see and it's going to happen in the now, wait till you see just how much people are now paying in order to witness it
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> anderson cooper 360. >> next on cnn tonight. what is being billed as a once in a lifetime experience. this is the solar eclipse coming across north america. if you're traveling to try to see it and you haven't already booked a place to stay. it's >> just too late. sorry. sorry to be so negative, but you'll be hard-pressed to find one. what you see here is the eclipse path on monday, right? so you look get that from dallas, texas all the way up to lancaster, new hampshire. millions that we're now flocking to cities and towns along that path. >> so >> when you look at the map here, it's exact same line, right? but this is not an artistic aversion of it. these red dots actually represent where airbnbs are 100% booked it's really amazing to look at it right? in your state alone searches for airbnbs this weekend are up 900% from the same time last year. and hotels, well, there's a super eight motel in illinois. now advertising rooms for $949 the