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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  April 5, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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if it is a little bit overcast >> it's a little bit bittersweet. i was clouded out. i was in nashville for the 2017 eclipse and our location got clouded out with two minutes to spare and you get a lot of the really cool effects. you get the dark tuning of the sky you get to hear the birds and insects come out because they think twilight is here and you definitely sense that something strange is happening in the sky. but if it's cloudy, you don't get to see the fire around the moon. you don't get to see the beauty and just sheer cosmic man i just of totality. so if you are mobile bi, mobile, get to a sunny patch because i guarantee that there is nothing like this that you have ever experienced before in your life. >> pulse that are we all can't way we'll be watching it here in new york. good luck in indianapolis. >> thank you. also so much for
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joining us and we'll see you all on monday for our special coverage of the eclipse sit a news night starts right now quagmire israel's war >> will soon turn six months old as the world turns he's on them. that's tonight on news noch good evening. >> i'm jim sciutto and washington abby phillip is off tonight. frustration spiraling across the globe. israel is again trying to prove there is intent behind it's apology and not just words. the idf says it is now, it is now removed. two officers and reprimanded three the other senior commanders over what they call a mistake. it's a mistake that has earned the condemnation of near every tel aviv friendly nation across the planet. that mistake has
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been the subject of reports and phone calls and withering statements since near minutes after it cross the wires, missiles blowing apart seven volunteers from world central kitchen missiles that targeted aid workers with a righteous mission just to feed the starving people of gaza. missiles that may fray the already fragile israeli american relationship over what is essentially a case of mistaken identity. a preliminary report says that idea personnel thought a bag was a weapon it was a potentially world are altering error, a mishap that completes the rewrite from israel as the lone beacon of democracy in the region to a state not worth, it seems for some standing beside or at least questioning the headlines, spell out unsparing lee the depth of israel's loneliness. now on the world stage reuters six months into gaza war, israel faces
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deepening isolation. new york times, after six months of war, some israelis asked is netanyahu dragging it out, the api after six months of war, israel's isolation grows with no end in sight and the guardian, after six months, the war in gaza is making israel a pariah state. tonight evidence that shift is happening in real time. nancy pelosi, the former democratic house speaker is now attaching her name and her gravitas to a letter demanding that weapons transfers to israel stop, quote we believe it is unjustifiable to approve these weapons transfers the tone and terror is a world away from when the american president promised to never abandon israel tonight that same american president sits on the precipice of doing exactly that dramatically, scaling back at least what military aid and how many military dollars the us gives. there are some
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indications israel understands the relationship is now rocky benjamin netanyahu's government exceeded to opening new routes for aid to reach gazans in perpetual mortal danger, president biden himself told reporters that netanyahu is doing what he asked them to do for now, listen to his secretary of state and it is a trust. but verify relationship >> the real test is results. >> and that's what we're looking to see in the coming days. and in the coming weeks, really, the proof is in the results for now, israel is scant on the details, no dates when those roots would open, no timetable for when exactly >> aid can pass through those crossings and no inkling really as to how this is all going to work sustainably what is, clear tonight, our the depths of the destruction that this war has wrought. it's in the numbers
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33,000 palestinians killed, 75 palestinians injured at least 203 aid workers killed 1,200 israelis killed on october 7, 96 hostages still in hamas captivity. 34 hostages who never made it home. you can count the cost in lives. you cannot count how much the region will pay in generational anger at a war that looks and sounds like an endless operation. just think about how long both sides have been talking about a temporary ceasefire >> the >> last temporary ceasefire ended back in december. us proposed the draft resolution for another on february 19, there's now april 5th joining me now, democratic congressman from new jersey, josh got heinberg. he just returned from traveling to the region including qatar and egypt. congressman, thanks so much for taking the time tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> so you have israel certainly
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taking this very seriously. they conducted an investigation and they released the findings quite quickly relative to other investigations they've conducted in past years following similar strikes here. but but there's there's a continuing question as to whether this is a short-term or for a long-term issue earlier today, i spoke to leon panetta, the former cia director. and here's what he told me. have a listen. i want to get your reaction to verify to take time to make sure that the information that you're getting is accurate with regards to targets. and i have to tell you that in the past, at least in my experience, the israelis usually fire and then ask questions >> fire and then ask questions that's a remarkable indictment from the former us cia director also, of course, lead, lead the pentagon. do you agree that this is a long-term issue for israel and how it conducts such military operations so i think
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there's a couple of facts we have a look at. one, he saw israel take responsibility for that tragedy and by firing the general and holding others accountable. i think that was the right steps to take in the right action. i think the key we all need to focus on now is making sure that we can get to that temporary pause that we can get the hostages freed because remember, not only did hamas kill one 40 americans, but they still have americans that are hostage now, including a don alexander, a 20-year-old from my district here in northern new jersey and part of what i was focused on last days and qatar and egypt was what are we going to get the hostages home? and of course, how do we get more humanitarian aid urgently into gaza, right? to me, those are the two major actions, and israel of course, is still dealing with rockets being fired into israel, right? so that's in the reporting, i think critical to make a point of as well, right to me, if you
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had hamas attacked israel, israel still dealing with rockets coming in and of course you're dealing with an ongoing conflict where hamas has said they will do it a second and third and fourth time and israel's destroyed from the river to the sea and all the jews were killed, right? so there's certain facts that are a backdrop here. that i think that to try to paint a fuller picture. >> let's see, i'm not going to invest hamas with any more credibility than it deserves its a terrorist organization. it killed 1,200 people, mostly civilians that october 7. and as you say promises to do do so again but of course we expect more from liberal democracies, including america's closest ally in the region, israel. and this gets to the conduct of the war, right? because prior to this world central kitchen strike you, had many thousands of civilians killed in gaza by israeli military operations. more and more than 13,000 children. now you have nancy pelosi, you have chuck schumer, who are separating themselves from israel because they're saying in effect those military
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operations have gone too far and they have not shown sufficient care for civilians. and i wonder if you share, if you share that view >> i mean, of course i share the view of heartbreak for every loss life and in demand accountability, right? and i think all parties involved need accountability, right? in the same way that i've part of what i stressed too, and i met with the lead negotiators and qatar and and egypt >> we're working very >> closely with the americans and other partners to make sure that we do everything we can to get a temporary pause here to make sure we stopped things and get the hostages out. right. i mean, because because tonight hamas could release the hostages if they wanted to write i'm sure you've you've read as i have of of of of how they tortured these hostage, many the hostages and with sexual abuse and violence and so i i think we just have to
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understand that they're still hostage. there's they've gotta we've gotta get them home, especially you got to get these americans home. and of course, we need to hold all the parties accountable for their actions and do so urgently. but i think think the major goal here is to get all the parties to the table, to get this temporary pause, get those hostages out. of course two significantly diminished hamas. so they can't do this again, as you pointed out, they're a terrorist organization that hates america as much as they hate israel, right? and don't forget all the iran's other proxies that are continuing to attack the united states of america and the houthis in the red sea. and palestine, islamic jihad. i've got hezbollah in the north. these are all parties that should do the united states destruction knocked just israel. and let's not, let's not lose sight of that. and of course are ran everyone's on high alert tonight because of some of iran's public decrees listen, and one could make a reasonable argument that hamas wants to drag out these negotiations because they're enjoying,
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right, seeing israel >> isolated and seeing the suffering continue there. but i do want to ask you because you do have an increasing number >> of course. yeah no question. you have an increasing number of memos important point. yeah it very important but there is a growing number of members of your own party who were saying, it can't just be words demanding change by israeli forces in gaza. there now has to be a stick and effect the us has two condition further military aid on hard changes, concrete changes nancy pelosi, adding your name to that list. do you believe the us should be conditioned why >> i >> know i think all the conditioning aid is to your point, you said a minute ago is empower hamas, right? and further from harassed. and of course the media and the region there. that's what they want to see and that just weakens the chance for peace in my opinion, right. you saw hamas walk away after the un took
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action with their resolution, right hamas was at the table and they walked away again. right? hamas looks for every excuse to walk away from the table and they did so again today but the key is making sure we get everyone back to the table. the president sending letters to the qatar's in the egyptians urging quick reaction, urging them to lean on hamas, of course, are the president rightly urging prime minister netanyahu to stay at the table and make sure they take real action. and i think that's the key role that we play here, is making sure we get everyone at the table, get, get to get to this temporary pause. and as you plan out to make sure, i think it's the right thing you've got to hold all the parties accountable, but do so in a way that doesn't abandon our key ally in favor of a foreign terrorist organization, right? and that let's not lose sight of that and getting these americans home >> congressman joschka, number thanks so much for joining tonight >> thanks for >> having me for more inside. i want to bring the former director of national intelligence, jim clapper, with me. thanks so much for joining
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us tonight. >> i assume >> there's a strategic issue here beyond the conduct of the war, the civilian casualties is serving its security interests deducting the war the way that it is and where it's alliances stand today, including with the us. >> well, journalists, great question. and i say this as a longstanding friend of israel, of decades but i really question the wisdom of the overall approach that they're taking now, which i think in the end is going to be counterproductive for them i don't see dave pretoria says classic question and tell me how this is going to end. and i don't see a anything other than a desk while right now for israel and there's gotta be a better way of doing this, than the way they're doing it now and the metaphor i thought about as well, suppose we
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decided to eliminate the taliban and afghanistan by leveling kabul well, we wouldn't think of doing that. and i do think there's another approach here are much more surgical than this mindless bombing of destroying, countless buildings, killing civilians and, in the end, by taking this approach, what israel is going to do is just spawn more terrorists >> avril haines says, said that her testimony last month about this becoming a international movement inspiration for other terrorists i want to ask you, you served in intelligence and government for decades through multiple administrations of both parties during times when there were quite open disagreements between us leaders and israeli leaders and there's always been this question as to how far a us president can go to hold israel to account, right? i mean, there are political risks at home. of course they want to respect the relationship do you
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see something different now though, where you have a president publicly upgrading israel, but also chuck schumer saying bbs got to go nancy pelosi saying we should be conditioning aid is is this an unusual break in your view? >> it is. and i think the reason is is because both israel has compromised, in my opinion, their values and we have in turn are complicit and then we were essentially compromising our values and so there's different and as again, i say that as a friend and to border visit, our interests in mind before we go, there's an enormous amount of concern in the region among the israelis and us leaders about an iranian response to the strike. and israel carried out in syria last week. do you believe there will be a response and how significant? >> i do think the iranians will
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respond, but i think they're going to do it in a measured way and neither they nor we are interested in a wider conflict between iran and the united states. so i would have i think they'll use a proxy or proxies and do something against israel proper but i don't think they will do something that will really confront the united states. >> director jim clapper. thanks so much. we want to ask, i assume, coming up next, donald trump's legal team is again asking the judge in his new york hush money case to step aside this time because of the judge's daughter. i'm going to discuss that with legal experts plus another presidential candidate is now casting doubt on what we know and saw happened on january 6. why is rfk junior making these claims and it won't happen again for another 20 years, a total eclipse visible by millions in the lower 48 states. what to
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scientific mission >> hey, we're doing great. columbia, you comm check. >> we hear nothing if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i could ever happen >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing is that the wing coming apart my dad died doing what he loved >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premiere sunday at nine hi and on cnn >> news tonight, donald trump's legal team isn't backing down. again. then ramping up their attacks on the daughter of judge juan merchan in their latest effort to get him to recuse himself from presiding over trump's criminal hush money case. his lawyers pointing to lauren merchants political ties. once again, this time they're arguing the trial will somehow financially benefit her company for more. i want to bring in former january 6 investigative counsel, marcus, childless and
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former federal prosecutor and politico contributing writer ankush khardori. good to have you both here. >> so mockus >> we have trump's attorney alleging that lauren merchants company authentic has i'm quoting here, made money by assisting clients to have solicited donations using communications is specifically referenced. this case, the courts future ruling standard further benefit those clients by harming president trump. while authentic and ms merchant make money in the process. so it's a little different from his typical charge where that person is clearly biased against me for whatever reason maybe they made a donation in the past this is a continuing financial interest. does it have substance? it's speculative at best, and i think you're going to find the court ruling in that way, but this is part of the playbook for the former president is to file recusal motions. he did it with judge chutkan. where he said she was biased because she wrote another january you're six cases. now. he's doing it here with the judge. and honestly, when you read the motion and almost reads like a truth social post, disguise and illegal memo. if >> they're all caps in there >> that actually clean all
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caps, there's full sentences that are proper grammar. i'll, i'll give it that, but it's just keeping the judge's daughter in the news through a legal filing and there's no new information. there's no new law which is typically what's needed for a motion for reconsideration, which is why i think it will be an uphill battle. >> i'll could delay tactic. could it be i mean, if it is a delay tactic could achieve its goal of just dragging this out more. >> i don't know that it's a delay tactic. i don't think it will work if it is. i agree with markets as assessment here. effective been very attenuated. the theory financial benefit i think though, that this is one of these instances where trump is using the courtroom. it's also a political plan to write. he's under a gag order with respect to this daughter. and now this motion is effectively being used to insert the same sorts of arguments humans and talking points that he would be sending out on truth, social acceptance in court papers. so there's legal filings. his legal defense. it has now become part of his political strategy and brand two. and so we can't separate these two anyway and one might argue,
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would they not if a family members past activities are present activities impact the >> judge that perhaps a clarence thomas, given ginni thomas, is involvement in january 6, should recuse yourself as well. forgive me for looking for a judicial consistency in trump's lawyers argued but i think we have to also point out that that judge merchant also had an ethics board review. his relationship with his daughter and her business ethics board found that it >> wouldn't impact his ability to be a judge over this case. so he went the extra mile to make sure that there wasn't the appearance of bias in this case. and he used that as part of the grounds to deny this recusal motion in the first instance. and so i think he is crossing his t's and dotting his eyes. let's say look, i'm presiding over this case and it can do it fairly as a practical matter on kush, this trial is gonna go forward. is it not? almost certainly it does appear almost certainly that it's going to go forward the big one of the big questions is bad. what any of the trials go forward prior to the election? this one perhaps it's certainly
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not the one most connected to. it's not connected to his activities. attempts to overturn the election, but it's not an insignificant case. what, what are the potential outcomes? well look, the charges that he faces in new york had come with i think a four-year maximum period of term of imprisonment. it's very unlikely he would get that. he may not get any prison time at all. we don't know yet. obviously, there needs to be conviction and sentencing. all that we need to unfold under ordinary circumstances. i think a case in a fact pattern like this unusual novel, i think trump would have pretty good arguments following a conviction to stay out of prison. and that's been any time in jail. however attacking the judge's daughter attacking the judge, constantly making a mockery of the proceedings, making it a political circus is not going to help him if that day eventually comes >> mark, >> before we go, trump has also dealing with his civil fraud trial. of course, don hankey, he's a businessman who owns the company that underwrote his hundred and $75 million bond? he said today he gave the former president a low fee
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here. i mean, it's not out of line with how trumped often coast by on these things. he finds a sweetheart deal here he makes the argument that he did this just because he doesn't see high risk. is there anything unusual? is there anything on toward about the way that this came about? >> but one of the things that stood out to me, actually, the jan. sixth committee was how many wealthy people gave money for the rallies on january 5 and six, just to support the president to show their support for the president. and i think this is just another example of a wealthy individual showing support through the bond this time for the former president. now, it will be interesting to see if this is money is substantiated when the new york ag filed her claim to see like, can you actually put up this money because he's not filing with the new york department of financial services. but the fact that a wealthy person is trying to support the former president is actually not the most shocking thing in the world. >> i mean, it does erase >> questions about seeking benefit and seeking influence? i think i think it can look i think everything's always on the table when it comes to
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former president. i know i personally wouldn't want to give money to them because there's record of paying things back. but we can't make those allegations, but i'm sure the new york ag will look into that as well >> markers, children, ankush khardori. thanks so much to both of you. hope you have a good weekend coming up next time. house speaker johnson is set to speak with a lawmaker who is threatening to oust him so what's at stake plus rfk junior releasing a statement that down on plays january 6, suggesting that some prisoners were charged because of politics. we're going to discuss all that next with my panel coming up great teammates trust each other. we're gonna do a trust falls, stand up, you close your eyes before trust what up doc >> i told you it was a dummy >> goldilocks needs a place of her own and fast. thankfully, she's on red cat. they update their listings every two minutes. >> and with >> so many options, she's
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>> candidate is now joining donald trump in downplaying all the violence we saw on january 6. independent presidential candidate rfk junior, made the claims in a statement today saying, in part i have not examined the evidence in detail, but reasonable people, including trump opponents how many there is little evidence of a true insurrection. one can, as i do oppose donald trump and all he stands for end still be disturbed by the weaponization of the government against him. he made those claims despite members of armed militias such as the proud boys and the oath keepers being found guilty of sedition by a jury of their peers with ample evidence shown publicly in court and by the way, on television sets across this country, joining me now to discuss and more, cnn political commentators, karen 50 and alice stewart. good. have you both i find it remarkable. i do. and in three years later, all the violence we saw on
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january 6, now you have two major candidates for president, who or downplaying this despite the facts alice, what does this mean? how did this happen? >> well, but this means with rfk junior is he is really trying to play kate donald trump's space. those that believed donald trump's nonsense that the election was stolen and believed that there was a reason to go and questions certification of the election and thought that this was just a small riot, not an actual insurrection in the cabo. it's trying to placate to them, but he spent the last 24, 48 hours walking back and forth statements on this. and i think he did go out of his way today to try and acknowledge yes, people that went into the capitol committed a crime? yes. some of them had weapons. yes, it was a riot, but it was not an insurrection. and i think that's unfortunate and that's absolutely wrong. you don't need a full fledged probe and investigation to see what we all saw with their own two eyes, which was an insurrection craven politics. that is the thing. here's the man who's
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putting himself out there as something different, even though he comes from this political dynasty this is such a political tactic because just as alice said, he is probably looking at his own data saying, i'm going to take a little bit of these little bit of this group, a little bit of that group. so let me just keep my answers on both sides so i don't offend anyone were to put up a map here. now, the states that rfk is now on the ballot because he is growing that number of states, states he's on utah state's, his campaign says he's collected enough signatures. hawaii in nevada idaho, new hampshire, north carolina, and states a super pac says they've collected enough signatures. arizona, georgia, michigan, south carolina, carolina. that's a big list and i wonder when asked both of you, republican and democrat, is he a bigger threat? alice stewart, two democrats or republicans to biden or to trump when it comes to the policies, i think he's an equal threat to both of them because i've been to an event of hairs covering it for an article. and in the crowd there were just as many trump's
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supporters as it were biden supporters. somewhere like him conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, but others were former biden supporters say they're frustrated with the economy. they want to focus more on homelessness and issues that he's focusing on. i think where he pulls more from biden is his name, the kennedy name? a lot of people that are democrats will say, you know, i'm gonna, i don't like the current democrat in the white house, but i like it out. i'll listen to a kennedy will clearly trump is alone, nervous about him because he started to attack him on social media. and that's always the moniker, right >> at the same time, >> i think he actually does harm president biden more because we don't just have rfk junior pull from our votes. we've also got jill stein, who will forever have a pain point from 2016 about as well as cornell west. and so thankfully, we got a no labels out. but still, i think that combination is more dangerous and term and likely to help
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reelect donald trump. >> i should note to that point, when cnn reached out to rfk junior about his claim that none of the january pretty six writers had weapons. he actually retracted that portion of the statement. you said as you can see there, my understanding that none of the generous six writers who invaded the capital were carrying firearms was incorrect. so small walk back there, i mean, i suppose the issue is that the bigger the meta message, if you want to use that phrase, is that he's, he's downplaying it, right? saying, well, some people were charged, you know, unduly and there was weaponization, which by the way is afraid stolen directly from donald trump's mouth. >> 100%. what that also shows me though is that his team and he are not ready for prime time. and there are about to be faced the kliger lights and he's thinking, i think to some degree, he's a kennedy. he can handle it unless you've ever run for president before, you have no idea what you're in for and now that he's getting on the balance people are looking at him and take him a little more seriously. he's going to
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get more scrutiny and it will be interesting to see if you can't do three days of walking it back. >> just ask ron desantis >> let's >> talk about money because to date, there'd been a lot of talk about how much biden is outraising trump, but trump and the rnc, they had a joint fundraising eraser coming up on saturday. a source familiar tells cnn he's raised $43 million so far. >> it's a >> lot more than biden raised at this big event in new york, just the other day. i mean, as he catching up, is this a sign that he's got money behind him? look, >> this high-dollar unity was just a matter of time. right now, we have, this is the first big fundraiser. republicans have had since he is really the presumptive nominee. and we have big name people, we have the mercers, we have steve when we have a lot of people that bring high dollar to the republican party and to the trump campaign. some of these big donors had been donating to nikki haley, ron desantis, and other candidates. now they are fully on board with trump and the republicans. they are fully opposed to another biden
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reelection and trump is on a call with some fungi razors tonight. he's expecting to get close to $50 at this fundraiser. and what is also a significant with that is new york times reporting this week that he has more small dollar donors and biden under $200 and that is significant to have small dollar donors, which is more people, but high-dollar donors to really fill the coffers, which he absolutely needs. >> i say he needs it because between the legal bills and trying to build an infrastructure for in the states where he's behind and you have a number of republican state parties that are in a bit of disarray. he's going to need all that cash and luckily, on the biden side, president biden's been doing very well, particularly well with small dollar donors and has been building the infrastructure already. >> i do remember statement a few years ago about self financing his campaign, but i don't think we've seen that in practice. alice stewart, thanks so much. thanks. >> the countdown is on just a couple of days until millions of americans could see that total solar eclipse. excitement
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is growing. seasons. harry enten is going to join us with a preview coming up when you saw his guilty plea, were you surprised? do you think the criticism has been fair is britain court might take his up. what's the outcome though? >> how's that privilege? america? >> laura coates live next on cnn >> your harvest smart farms didn't alba dhabi, does a technology enabled agribusiness solving in global challenges we're taking proven methods of farming and decoupling the relationship of food production from climate and instead mirroring it to technology, energy, and capitalism given its heritage in farming, great infrastructure to build a company and the ability to attract foreign talent of adobe made a ton of sense for us. our aspiration is that were accompanied that this country can be proud of >> for gentle, dependable, constipation really tries
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a wife and i have run it for the last 30 american technology is making this more efficient and customer-friendly. we use online tools to fill prescriptions, process insurance claims, and make deliveries but some in washington want to undermine the technology tools we rely on. their misguided agenda will empower our foreign adversaries and hurt small businesses our leaders need to strengthen, not weaken american technology >> spatial, colombia, the final flight, premieres sunday at 900 cnn don't look up. >> well, not unless you have your eclipse glasses on people across the us so finalizing their travel plans to make sure they witnessed the eclipse from its path of totality. new word we're all saying now, especially since the lower 48 states will not see another one like this for 20 years, cnn's harry enten already found his viewing location. it is one of the top spots according to scientists he joins us now from
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niagara falls, new york harry, i assume you're not there for your honeymoon so tell us what you're seeing up there >> no, i'm not here for my honeymoon though. niagara falls. this for lovers, luck. i'm jealous of you being announced warm studio right now. it is absolutely freezing here we have rain that you can see on the camera, but i'm doing some investigating here. they're already folks who are coming here already. what the eclipse ahead on monday across the river on the other side and canada officials have declared a state of emergency here on the us side of the board quarter are no such emergency yet, but preparations are well underway law enforcement, actual law enforcement, coast guard all being called into b on standby. there are some extra porta parties as well in the parking lot to ensure that if people have to do their business, they are enough of them so that they can do it but as as i mentioned, people are coming from all over and in fact, i spoke with a couple
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from england and we have some sound that we can play for you >> the sun, the moon lining up and you've got this geography as well. as i say as science teacher. so it's a dream, i guess the 20-17 >> one was so impressive, you decided i gotta i gotta i gotta double dip >> yeah about so eclipses as well because i've got one in 2026 is going over spain. so i've already got i'm going to go to that on and then there's wandering 2027 also done so southern spain and 2028, there's one in australia i've got it. i've got them >> line, so i've heard of tornado chasers for heard of hurricane chasers before apparently we've discovered a new breed and that is a chasers. oh yeah you now that couple was great. i'm not sure i would necessarily be traveling to to eclipses, but jim, the big question ahead. on monday is the weather here right now the forecast is for partly sunny. there's a small
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chance of showers, but i'm putting my weatherman cap on throughout the weekend and we'll see you exactly what happens. but the best place to watch the eclipse burlington, vermont where sunny skies are expected, jim >> harry enten. now officially an eclipse chaser. thanks so much so. >> thank grab your moonpies, your krispy kreme, total solar eclipse donuts as the excitement continues to build a head of monday's rare total eclipse. but a bunch of questions, including science questions. so tom format is here with some of the answers. all right, so you've called this an astronomical oddity, something that might not exist anywhere else in the universe. maybe that the >> universe is big, but this is a mathematical puzzle that is super interesting look, the sun is 400 times bigger than the moon so how on earth can the moon block the sun? because the sun is also 400 times further away from earth than the moon. so too are eye, the sun appears
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about the same size as this. and that's what allows it to cast this perfect shadow blocking it out. it's such an anomaly. we don't know it exist anywhere else, although i will point out this gap right here between these two much, much broader than it appears in fact, really fun fact you could take every planet in our solar system and fit them between the earth. and >> i'm going to steal all these facts and tell my kids and claim them before before we do that, how many folks are in this critical path of totality >> lot of them there are about >> 32 million that live in this area cutting right through the middle of the country. they're going up here to can about 32 2 million. but as harry pointed out a minute ago maybe 20 million, maybe more flooding into that zone, trying to get a glimpse of this. so it's a pretty good number of folks. >> and dc i but where we are right now, we're just outside of the path of totality, right? >> well, we're >> far i mean, if the path of
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totality we're pretty far outside of that people could be a little unfortunately surprised and all of this because of that cloud cover, we're talking about various areas could be covered over. this is the best guess as to what it's gonna look yeah, the best guess. i mean, who knows? days. and as i like to point out, it'll be dark under the clouds also. so tell us about any dangerous i know we've all been schooled now about wearing are eclipse glasses. we've got pot there's at home, right? right >> pets stained. well, i'll get to pets. >> you want to point out? yes. this is what you're looking forward. that remember, leave it for a minute if you have a little capture, you have to have at least that level on your eclipse. things don't try to look at it through your camera, lose your telescope, but i don't know, but pets. yes, good point. that's my dog. we got her some glasses like this. she wears around the house all the time. your pets eyes won't really be a problem unless they stare at the sun all the time. in which case you have another problem. just keep them away from the people who get to. but is it true at the moment if you're in the path of totality, the moment that it's completely blocked out, you can take your glasses down if
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you're in the path of totality, path of totality for just a moment, but are safe i'm sorry. you careful and keep an eye on your patients, not if you're not in the path of totality, no, not if you're not in the path of trying, by the way, the glasses on the dog's totally worth it for the comic effect, even though they don't >> tom former i'm sure you look great >> and glasses coming up next? sadly, a national tragedy, like you've never seen before. i'm sure you remember this. the final flight the space shuttle columbia, as seen by those who lived through it all all in a new cnn original series, we're gonna speak with the daughter. one of those seven lost heroes aboard get your viewing glasses ready >> this is >> something won't want to miss >> in >> experience, so rare it won't happened again for another two decades boris, boris sanchez, and brianna keilar, host cnn's special live coverage. as reporters and people around the company take in this spectacle in the skies,
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eclipse across america, live monday at one on cnn or streaming on that u-haul, we know every family moves at their own pace, is that heavy? that's why we have you box. >> that's the kitchen. >> we can store it excited about new house, worship it. who's gonna get the biggest rule? >> how and when you want it, you are reserve today at u-haul dot com >> i was just saying ship i always to wash day my always crying. i went >> i was diagnosed with rab know miles should coma once we got the first initial hit, there was just straight tears, sickness, and your stomach just don't want to get up out a bad that statement. >> well, you got to look >> on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is >> it's a long road. it's hard
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>> our families forever grateful for donations. big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance >> st. jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out on the doors of the hospital cancer-free >> please. don't wait. call. >> go online >> or scan the qr code below, right now dangerous ladders, gutter, mac >> yeah. >> no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. >> good thing. there's lee filter are patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your the gutters forever. guaranteed. colleague three, three leaf filter to get started and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. >> they took the time to answer all all of our questions, say really put us at ease >> and de and save up
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to 50% over real stone >> laura coates, live next on cnn glows captioning brought to
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you by, feel away, optimum enhanced calming for cats. >> have >> your cats sprays outside the litter box, fights with other cats or scratches the furniture, they could be he telling you they're stressed to help them feel more calm, dr. feel away optimum it was the 28th columbia shuttle mission into space >> is 17 days science mission was seven crew members on board there they are 15 minutes before space shuttle columbia was scheduled to touch down at kennedy space center. it suffered a catastrophic failure, tore into fiery pieces while traveling at 18 times the speed of sound >> the orbiter >> and its crew were all lost >> nasa has declared a state of emergency over texas there is something amiss. we are r1 englishman can hold that thought have gone through this before 17 years ago with a
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federal challenger. you can see in their eyes, if he worked in human space stores, possible thing i can ever help air force lieutenant colonel michael p. anderson was one of the seven nasa astronauts on board. and the missions payload commander, his daughter, who witnessed her dad's final launch into space, joins me now kasie anderson. so good to have you. thanks so much for joining hi thank you so much for having me. it really is an honor >> i'm sure for people watching myself included. >> i remember >> where i was when i heard the sad news. it's been 21 years since that day. what can you remember from the days leading up to the launch >> yeah, the days leading up, man, i was just so excited to have my dad back home. we're just waiting on the tips of our toes, ready to go to florida, ready to have our homecoming party and just kind of have life fall back into that normal
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rhythm again i'm sure you were at kennedy space center waiting for the return. and then of course have to go through the trauma which i can only imagine noticing this commotion instead how did you get through that is especially as a young girl >> yeah honestly, only by the grace of god. when that happened, it even as a young child, you just new life wasn't going to be the same anymore. and you just kinda have to reframe what you're, what? reality is. what does that mean? what does the future look like? and as a kid losing my dad and then also six other really close family friends it was devastating, but family friends, my faith in god, my family's faith in god really the only way that i could have gotten through it >> i'm sure i'm sure you
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needed that support. we all would in the years after you and the other families that they actually press nasa for answers understandably driven in part by fear that this could happen to some someone else, someone else's father here and you said you felt almost relieved when nasa announced the end of the space shuttle program in 2011. i wonder if you could explain that >> yeah initially, my mom gave us the choice to limit how much we knew. she said the information is here. if you ever want to know all you have to do is ask, personally, i made the choice to know as little as possible. and so when i found out what had actually happened, it was by accident a youtube video popped up in front of me and just kind of explained it all and i got very, very angry and so when they mention the end of the shuttle program, it felt like a weight off my shoulders like no
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one else has family members have to die like this, like people will be spared almost, but it was also this hard sense of, well, but this is what my dad loved. this is what he died for. this is what he worked his whole life to achieve. and then it's just going to go away just like that it was really a push and pull feeling. i don't even know how to describe it very complicated at the time, but sure. yeah, it just came out of place of utter shock and anger at the time. yeah >> we're in a new era of renewed space exploration that there's planned manned missions to the moon possibly mars beyond that, both private and nasa emissions and i wonder how you feel about that now, do you are you happy to see to see that ambition rising again? >> yeah, i am at a completely different place than i was. it's actually really exciting to see now.
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>> and >> my my dad used to joke with my mom that we would be the first family to live on mars like that what he aspired to. and so to kind of see those things coming to life within my lifetime and that it might actually happen in those plans are being made. i think it's just kind of an extension of his dream and it's exciting to see happen. and i'm excited for those people who are going to go out and chart that course and make history. i'm really happy about it. >> that's so i'm i'm so glad to hear that gonna be hard to get to that place. i imagine i wonder watching this documentary now what's thoughts? have you had an imagined it's brought back some difficult memories too. >> it has brought back difficult memories. but honestly it was a little bit cathartic to watch because i was so young at the time and no one really asked to hear the stories of the kids. and so getting to share that because
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oftentimes it felt like a very lonely and heavy kind of grief to carry and it felt like no one really understood. but then growing up and being able to share that and then also have this overarching lesson of being careful in knowing what, what is that risk and what the fallout can be >> i'm really we honored to have been a part of that and i'm excited that people get to watch it. and hopefully learn from it. >> well and attribute to your father's memory and to the memory of all those crew members. thank you. casey anderson for joining us and sharing sharing thoughts on this well, please don't forget this sunday, the brand new cnn original series space shuttle columbia, the final flight parts one and two. premier sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern and pacific time, of course, only here on cnn. and thanks so much all of you for watching news night. i'm jim sciutto in washington and laura coates live starts right now, i, laur


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