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tv   The Source With Kaitlan Collins  CNN  April 8, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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got to tell you, harry, i just went up in my roof and i saw a really pretty cool we'll eclipse in new york city. you shouldn't just say, of course. >> of course, then you invite me to that roof. maybe i wouldn't have had the i wouldn't have to come out to let's the new york to see clouds. i could've been on your roof with you enjoying it. >> this is just a yet another reason why you should never leave new york city you know, i think that's exactly right. this is the reason why should never leave new york city. it was the reason i'd never been to canada before, although i should say a lot of your viewers think that i should be joining canada. maybe you and i can we go together to canada? it can be my first experience north of the border in canada is one of the greatest countries in the world that the people who are so incredibly nice, there was so is there one experience? big tech, any takeaway from this? we only got a few seconds left >> yeah, i think my big experience in here is what you just said, stay in new york and less than two let's now go into canada because the truth has any time i leave the city, only bad things happen.
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>> all right. harry enten. thank you. i'm sorry. i didn't see it, but it will show you some videos. the news continues the source of kaitlan collins starts now >> stay from the source tonight, donald trump dodgers on abortion and announcement that he told won't be last summer he make is finally here. but still really unclear and landing really with a thought on both sides of the aisle. also landing at the supreme court tonight a new filing from the special counsel, jack smith is justin, the case that he's making against presidential immunity, just two weeks before both sides will face the justices in person. always we are getting our first look at what the potential jurors are going to be asked when trump's first criminal trial starts. next week one week from today? today, you're a new york on the list of topics q and naught and t and truth, social, our best legal sources are here to break it all down. i'm kaitlan collins this is the source
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>> tonight. donald trump did what he promised he would do. he said something about abortion. what he didn't do is tell anyone what he would do about it if he is president again, on a day when most americans were looking away, amazed but also distracted by the eclipse and without any reporters present to ask him follow up questions trump tried to take abortion off the table as a political issue. >> but it >> basically just stated where things currently stand on the matter. >> my view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both. and whatever they decide must be the law of the land in this case the law of the state >> it's important to listen closely to that because if you actually do and you send to what he said in that statement about abortion he doesn't say
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that it should be left to the states. >> he says >> it will be left to the states, which yes, is indeed the case after the supreme court overturned roe versus wade which they did because of the three justices that he put on the supreme court setting, all of this in motion. this was donald trump's doing all of this today lead to a nasty back-and-forth with one of his staunch defenders republican senator lindsey graham of south carolina. he criticized trump for not staking out a position on a federal abortion ban. ban. and trump has been absolutely pummeling him ever sent ranting on social media repeatedly against a member of his own party but that wasn't the only republican who did not like what trump had to say about abortion is former vice president mike pence also called trump's statement a quick slap in the face and suggested that he was retreating on the issue but behind the sniping, there's really not a ton of substance here. trump did clarify that he wants to protect ivf access and he claimed that he favors
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exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. >> but what he >> did not say is exactly what he would do if a national ban at any number of weeks, whether it's six or ten, or 15 in landed on his desk as president it's a dance that donald trump has been doing for decades on an issue that really he's taken just about every position imaginable lot i'm very pro choice. i hate the concept of abortion, but you still i just believe in choice. >> i'm pro-life. >> there has to be some form of punishment for the one yeah, it has to be some form. >> i'm going to come >> together with all groups and we're going to have something that's acceptable. you have to ban it. >> would you sign a federal abortion ban into law >> weekend's what the deal is? >> what is the deal? that's the question here. that's what people have been asking republican challengers in the republican primary process. we're asking donald trump that question. we asked donald trump that question a year ago. >> still >> tonight, even though he
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touted this big announcement that he made today no answers on that but if trump thought he was in the clear after these mixed signals that has been been going on for months and really years, it doesn't appear to be the case. this is an issue that once had democrats on their backfoot, but it is now one that they are hoping will energize their voters come this fall. let's get straight to my source on this tonight, democratic governor of massachusetts, maher haley, who tour into the former president and called him a threat. the rights and the health care of women. governor, it's great to have you here today. i mean, what did you make of the fact that in this statement and putting this out today, donald trump is really avoiding taking any position the shin on when he believes abortion should be banned >> well, i think we can't let donald trump lie his way out of this katelyn, what he said today in this video is that he is proud to have overturned roe. he claimed responsibility for that. so that's a first thing the second thing is that his today's statement made
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clear that he supports abortion bans in states all over this country. and because of donald trump, one in three american women, right now live under an abortion ban. donald trump is a direct threat to women and a direct threat to reproductive the freedom that's who he is, that's who we continues to be. that's what he said today >> we'll give him though all of that. >> and he did think the supreme court justices individually in that statement. but what he didn't do was something that people like lindsey graham and mike pence thought that he should have done would just specify the number of weeks that he would support a national abortion ban and i wonder what that means for democrats. so what does that mean for your party? because obviously if he had come out and said, you know, ten weeks that would have been something that democrats would have been able to use a dip 0.2 before november let me just clarify from how i see it. he was quite clear today the fact of the matter is this. there are 21
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states in this country that have abortion bans total or nearly total including the majority that don't provide any exception for rape and incest he supports right now his own home state's abortion ban, which is a six-week abortion ban. and in florida, look at texas and missouri. he also supports bands there. so i'm not quite sure what the senate republicans are driving that trump was quite clear. he has been quite clear and once again, he said for the millionth time in the last year sure that he is going to take away and supports taking away women's access to abortion. and unfortunately, caitlin and states like massachusetts and others where we stand up for reproductive freedom, we protect our patients and providers were continuing to face increasing pressure and see the real harm that it's causing the women in our state and women across this country. and it is heart-breaking and shameful. >> well, but does that break through to voters in the sense
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of, you we've seen how it works when abortion is actually on the ballot. but if it's not generally on the ballot, it will be certainly in some states, you just noted florida, obviously that is going to be on the ballot they are but how does this work as a motivating issue for your voters? it donald trump doesn't come out and say a specific number of weeks >> well, i think we need to be clear about this. donald trump today whether it was the eclipse. he's trying to distance himself from things are distract. i don't really know caitlin, but we cannot let donald trump lie his way out of this. i mean, let's take his words at face value today. once again, where he says he is proud to have overturned roe. he's proud of the fact that we have abortion bans all across this country. and so many places where it's now the case. and one in three women live under an abortion ban. so he's been cleared donald trump, if there's anything we learned from 2016, caitlin, is that when he says something
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it's going to come true? i mean, those are promises that he kept and as a former attorney general, we took them to court many, many times on the promises that he made that he tried to implement as president. and i think he's been really clear that he doesn't believe that women should have an access to an abortion. he doesn't care about the women who just since the dobbs decision, have died, who have suffered really life altering medical ailments as a result of the dobbs decision and his court's his own court's decision that he is so proud of and that millions more today are having to travel hundreds of miles for needed care. the other thing he doesn't care about is the other women in patients in places like massachusetts and in other states that have abortion, who right now don't have access to cancer screenings to pregnancy test, to pregnancy care because we're seeing so many people have to come from other states in order to access abortion. so donald, donald trump is clear. he just doesn't care about women and
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he certainly is a direct threat to abortion and reproductive freedom >> is there any doubt in your mind that if he is reelected president and a national abortion ban did come across his desk that he'd sign-up >> absolutely. no doubt whatsoever, he'd signed them >> and what would you do as governor if theoretically that was so republican say that's never going to happen, but if it did, what would you as governor do, would you enforce a national abortion ban it if it became law? >> i have been trying to do everything i can as governor in my power to protect reproductive freedom, that meant stockpiling mifepristone before the dobbs decision came down, it meant signing into law strong protections here for patients and providers, including those coming from other states. this is what democratic governors and hopefully governors around the country will step up and do because the other thing is this, caitlin, let's remember that if he wants to talk about the so-called will of the people that he referenced in
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the video today. >> the polling is clear. the vast majority of republican, democratic voters around this country support women's access to abortion port a woman's right to make a decision for herself with her provider. so we need to keep pressing on this. we need to hold them accountable. we cannot let him get away with this lie or this attempted obfuscation. he's he's been perfectly clear and i think he was clear today in his message that he's proudly overturned roe and that he supports abortion bands that are in place. and so many states around this country, that's who donald trump is. that's who donald trump will be governed tomorrow, haley. thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks for >> having me and i'm joined also at the table tonight by cnn political commentator and democratic strategist, maria cardona and alyssa farah griffin, a cnn political commentator who once served as the white house communications director under president trump. alyssa, i mean, what do you make of what the governors arguing there are about what
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donald trump's really trying to do with this non statement position on abortion today. >> so as much as it pains me to say this, i think that donald trump was incredibly savvy and this move today, he's being intentionally vague way he's able to do is throw bone two conservatives and say giving it back to the states as a conservative position will also having to dodge on defending some of the most draconian sort of decisions you've seen, whether it's florida which is coming up in may or some of these southern states were abortions outright outlawed. he could say, that's up to the voters. it's up to the governor and the legislature in those states. now, there's a lot of intellectual dishonesty in that, but that is what he's planning to do one thing i would keep an eye on. i think he's going to go a step further. further as he developed, developed as messaging on this, i think he's going to start challenging the notion that joe biden can do anything to restore abortion rights in this country. and what i mean by that is short of a major change on the supreme court or a massive shakeup of the senate. the law is as it stands. so this was actually probably the safest place for him to be on a very politically dicey issue.
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do for republicans? >> well, >> it's not a policy issue though. it's a public relations standpoint from donald trump, right? >> in that's what he recognizes. he has no core conviction around this, and he recognizes what lindsey graham is saying 15 weeks is a total political loser for republicans, democrats will frame it as a national ban and conservatives will be mad about it. this allows him to dodge and say, i'm going to leave it up to the state's if you have an issue with florida call ron desantis, call the legislature. >> i see it a >> little bit differently. i actually think he did it because he is really scared of this issue. he has said behind the scenes, so this is a loser for republicans. he knows it's a loser for republicans. >> he >> has no safe place to go here. and this to me is an indication of just how scared he is of this and how panicky his campaign is about this, because he might have said this and i agree he is trying to have it both ways. but that's not working for him, right now. we're seeing the conservative right is completely off at him
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democrats, as you heard, the governor and she's absolutely right. we're going to paint him as not just wanting to have a national abortion ban because there is audio of him saying that, but that he literally said he now supports what the states are doing, what that means caitlin is that he supports the most egregious, the most dangerous bands that have put women's lives at risk, that have put women's reproductive futures at risk. and there is case after case after case that shows that and we're not going to let him run away from that as much as he desperately wants to and he had been actively considering coming out in support of 15 weeks are 16 weeks, whatever they had been looking at privately i mean, what do you make of the fact that in the end, they pulled back from that, do you think that's a trump decision? is that a political strategist decision? >> i think it's a little bit of both. i think he knows 15 weeks democrats would rightly say is a ban and it would so tick off the right, the conservative right. we'll come around on this. mike pence probably will not because he actually has core convictions,
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but the susan b. anthony less these other groups have criticized trump before, and they ultimately come in the fold know when things lindsey graham isn't going to ultimately come around and embrace them his real issue to maria's point is he's losing public sentiment on this and a major way and republicans are losing down-ballot if they don't moderate, how do you make of how the biden campaign is handling this? because biden responded right away today watching this, he's at a fundraiser tonight, chicago saying that no one trusts trump on this issue talking about, i mean, we just showed how many times he's changed his own position on this. >> i think i think they are responding exactly how they need to. they have an ad out that is heart wrenching about this woman who is somebody who tried to get her abortion care done and she was i believe in texas and she was not able to get it. she almost died twice and she probably can't have kids again. so again, democrats will paint this as a band is a band is a band donald trump was the architect of that. and we're not going to let him run away from it >> where you're cardona, alyssa, farah griffin. great. have you both on this very important issue up next, we have still been reading through the new filing from the special
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counsel, jack smith tonight. he is urging the supreme court to reject trump its claims of presidential immunity, and he's pointing to watergate to make his case. john dean is our source here to discuss next. also denied trump's 11th hour for effort to delay that trial. that is supposed to start one week from today. as we are now getting a new look at the questions jurors are going to be asked news night with abdullah tonight at eastern on cnn. >> i met with the turbotax expert because i had two full-time jobs, lawyering and we count on me, >> i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy guaranteed. lead to turbotax full expert, do your taxes as soon as today, it's kubota orange days shot the year's biggest election of komodo equipment. hey, get 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select callback drug juries, find your nearest dealer at your botha orange
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save 20% for a limited time >> and a brand new filing that we are just getting our hands on tonight. the special counsel, jack smith is calling on the supreme court to reject trump's claim of absolute immunity. prosecutors are going to be making their case about this in person face-to-face with the justices. and just over two weeks from tonight. but right now, smith is giving us a preview of his argument and he says, and i'm quoting him, you're the closest historical analog is president nixon's official conduct and watergate and his acceptance of a pardon implies his and president ford's recognition that a former president was subject to prosecution. few people are really more qualified to talk about the parallels here between these two cases. then the guest who joins me now, richard nixon's
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former white house counsel, john dean. and as usual, john dean, it's great to have you. and just as you're reading through jack smith's argument i wonder what stood out to you given your experience >> well, first i thought it was an elegant brief. i've made it very fast trip through it at this stage, and it really relies on two core arguments. one is the historical argument that you mentioned, but before that, he also relies on the basics separation of powers that if trump had his way, there'd be no check on a president. and that's so contrary to our system and its unprecedented, just an asking and even suggesting as a possibility. but you're right. the core of the argument is the historical argument. >> yeah. they they argue at one point that if trump's arguments stood, that presidents could commit bribery and treason and sedition, and they list all of this in saying that that's not how it works, but for what part of it seems to be getting at is this idea of official acts versus private
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acts. and some part, parts of immunity the more the ballgame really seems to be is where they argue that even if donald trump can make the argument that some presidents do enjoy immunity, that they said this is a private scheme with private actors to achieve a private end. his effort to remain in power, bi fraud well you're right. >> this business over the official are non-official acts, is that trump is really trying to stretch a civil case into a criminal situation that's the fitzgerald case. and this brief very clearly knocks that down. the first criminal cases so much more weighty an, important in the greater scheme of things. and i civil case so they argued they just aren't you can't take the same principles and apply them secondly they go on to argue that again, in a historical context you cannot take that case and take it the distance
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it just won't stretch that far. so it's a good job of knocking down trump's brief in total eclipsing as the day. the metaphor for the day >> i picked that up. john d, that was very clever. but, but when you look at this, it itself, one thing that i had heard could be successful from people in trump's orbit recently was in trump's filing. he and his attorneys kind of floated this option of sending the case back down to lower courts until other issues are decided here. but the special counsel seems to be basically rejecting that, saying that that's not an option here. if you do take up on that premise that a lower-court needs to decide this. they can decide that later on in this case can get moving forward again >> the special counsel goes head-on on that argument and says that what this court, the supreme court should do if they find any reason that there is any kind of immunity that they suggest is potentially applicable here, that the
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record has to be established during the trial, and it can be done by the judge at the lower court. the trial can go forward and appropriate instruction can be given to the jury as well as the judge protects the evidence that comes in and controls that during the trial. so there's no real reason for a separate hearing to send this back down to the lower court, the district court, to have a trial, a mat issue as to whether these are official acts or even that would be applicable or not. they say, let's just get on with the trial. and i think they make the argument that will carry the day you take it it'll care the day. we will see if it does. those arguments are starting very soon. don dean, we'll bring you back when that happens. thank you for that. and from one trump legal case to his hush money trial, that it's actually scheduled to start here in new york city one week from today, a judge has ruled that will stay in manhattan after trump was shut down and his legs it is, but i should know probably not his last based on what we've been hearing from our sources,
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attempt to keep this trial from starting as it is scheduled to we've also just obtained the questions that are going to go into picking the 12 men and women who are going to hold the fate of the presumptive republican presidential nominee and his hands, will share those with you in a month. jennifer rodgers is a cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor. >> and >> when what trump is trying to do here was to get the case moved out of new york, saying that essentially his team was arguing that there's been so much publicity around this that people already have a negative view of trump and that he can't get a fair trial. the judge today said, no. >> yeah, this is to move from one theme, the eclipse to another theme of this month, ncw tournament. this is garbage time. this is the very last minute throwing everything at the wall to see what will stick. this is them doing their own polling and saying, well, are polling shows that people here aren't fair. and so we need to move this trial out of manhattan and we need to do it now, this is just one and have many attempts that is not going to work at the very last meeting actually has three motions pending now, all really
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just designed to treat. so desperate to move this to delay this trial from starting >> yeah. well, once it starts, it's not going to stop. so really there last chance to get some judge to intervene and say, okay, this might not have merit, but we do want to resolve all of these questions. as before, we start, he's really hoping that they'd been bending over backwards to resolve all of his issues. right. and that's what he's trying to do. keep throwing them out, hoping that a judge will say, let's just put it back a week, two weeks, whatever, anything to stop it from. >> okay. but it does seem like it is going forward, right now. knock on wood, we'll see what happens, but with the jury selection beginning and we're getting a look at what they want to ask these perspective jurors. and some of these questions are really interesting to me. have you ever considered yourself a supporter or belong to the queue and non-movement proud boys oath keepers, three percenters and tufa do have any strong opinions are firmly held beliefs about whether a former president may be criminally charged in a state court given strong opinions are firmly held beliefs about former president donald trump or the fact that he's a current candidate or
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would that be able to interfere with you being in a fair and impartial juror. what doesn't say to you based on what these questions are going to look like. >> well, both parties want to know what these jurors think of trump, right? so they're trying to get out without asking directly. are you a republican? do you support trump? did you vote for trump? you're not supposed to ask things like who jurors voted for. so these are proxy questions for that. if people are q and on supporters, if they have strong beliefs about the proud boys, et cetera. that doesn't automatically get them off the jury, but that gives the parties it's guidance because they have these peremptory challenges right. where they don't have to give reasons. and so both sides want to know the answers to these questions. by the way, they ask also, do you have any strong anti-trump views and have you participated in any of those movements as well? so both sides want to know that so that they know who to strike. >> how does it work with the question though, do you have any strong opinions are firmly held? i believe yourself, former president donald trump. i mean, what kind of applied basically, everybody. yeah. and
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if they all say yes and it doesn't really get anywhere right? it doesn't help them at all. so a lot of these are going to be not super helpful, but they just kinda dig through and they try to rank their jurors and then decide accordingly. >> and this really matters if you're regard or less of which side you're on and you who's looking at this because one juror could throw off alvin bragg's entire effort to prosecute donald trump. hear them. yeah, that's all it would take has to be unanimous. so both sides spend a lot of time on this. i'm sure trump's spending a lot of money on jury consultants and the like. they both want to make sure that no one is going to be how long do you think it'll take too? >> to get a jury >> looking this carefully? yeah. about a week, they're saying it takes longer in state court because the parties get to ask questions. there will be follow-up questions after these questionnaires. so i would say about a week, maybe a little more. >> jennifer rodgers will be marketing our calendars. thank you so much. >> despite >> those legal problems that trump is facing their life democrats who are still very anxious about november. just walk around washington. you'll
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captioning brought to you by are firm >> only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now president biden was in the battleground, state of wisconsin today, unveiling a new student debt relief plan as he is >> trying to shore up support among young voters. a key part of his coalition in 2020, certainly hope he's hoping it will be a key part of his coalition in 2024 this appearance today comes amid some new polling showing that this race is very close across the critical swing states. all those numbers might give democrats heartburn, but next
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guest is one prominent democrat who is urging calm predicting in the new york times last week that come november, he believes biden will be trump. simon rosenberg has a democratic strategist who has been involved in presidential campaigns the last 36 years. and it's the perfect source on this tonight. simon, obviously, i mean, we all know polling is just a snapshot but with polling showing this concern among these it's independent voters over biden's age, over other issues. i mean, what does it tell you about where you think the race stands today? >> yeah. listen, my basic take on where things are today is that joe biden is a good precedent. the country is better off. the democratic party is strong, winning elections, raising tons of money and they have trump, who is the ugliest political thing that any of us have ever seen. you just spent the first 30 minutes of this show talking about all of his troubles. and so i think that as someone who's been in elections for a long time, i think there is a quiet confidence in the democratic party the reason why is that we always felt that
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once the general election began and voters started tuning in, that you are going to see biden's numbers come up and they have i mean, he's he's clearly in a better place today than he was a month ago. he's now leading and more poles than trump is. national polls and so i think we feel good about where we are, but we also know we have an awful lot of work to do but if we do the work, we should be able to win this election. >> well, how do you know which polls you trust? i mean, if you think the ones that show that he's behind are inaccurate, but how do you do you trust the ones that show maybe he's doing better in certain areas? yeah. no. look, i think to be fair right. there. trump was winning the election. are ahead. >> a few >> a few months ago, he's not anymore. i mean, there have now been 19 polls taken in the last few weeks that have biden ahead in this election yeah, there are some polls that have been done in the state's showing that trump is ahead. but i think on balance, it's clear now that biden's gained a pointer to in recent weeks, the election is changing. it's improving for us. you're seeing similar movements in what's called the congressional
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generic where things are getting better, they're the senate polls for us are holding all across the country. and one of the evidence of strength of the party is how much money we're raising and the fact that we've been winning elections again and again and again in all across the country since dobbs happened in the spring of 2022, we've had an extraordinary track record remember, caitlin usually a party out of power loses ground in a midterm and in the off-year elections, we've actually gained ground. we've gone, we've done something really dramatic and i think it's because the most powerful for us in our politics today isn't disappointment. and joe biden, it's fear in opposition to maga. it's what's been driving our politics since 2018. we had good elections in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023 and i think we're going to have another good one in 20241 argument that i've noticed that you've been making that is interesting, is about the two parties themselves not necessarily all the candidates, but the democratic party versus the gop. and i was thinking about this. today's we're watching you speaker mike johnson is in trouble right now
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as a result of his own party today, trump is attacking a prominent republican senator and huge ally of his, but you kind of have made this argument that the unison differences and those are the two parties will have a big impact. >> yeah. i mean, this stuff matters. i mean, part of the part of what i do and other political analysts do is we don't just look at polling of all these other things to look at the strength of the candidate, the arguments they're making, how much money are there? are they raising? >> the >> track record, right. but also about party unity and whether the team is together, the democratic team is really together right now, you've just seen in the last ten days biden do events with obama and clinton and bernie sanders, and there was no serious opposition to biden in the primary on the other side, trump is facing an unprecedented rebellion len, in the republican party for people like mitt romney and liz cheney serious people who've said they're not going to be voting for donald trump. we saw what happened with the haley voters and the polling and these early states where a big chunk of haley voters said they were not going to vote for donald trump,
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that there'll be open to voting for biden. i think the republican party has splintered. i think so something broken inside the republican party after dobbs in the spring of 2022, were even for a big chunk of republicans. this was just a bridge too far. it was too much. and i think you're seeing now democratic party that's unified strong winning elections, raising lots of money and a republican party that is an unprecedented dumpster fire in my view right now unprecedented dumpster fires at your assessment of the republican >> i >> president biden does have some some challenges of, and i wonder >> when you, when you look at this given, because i should know you are someone who predicted that the midterms would go better for democrats and they did something that i know that you are proud up, but on the biggest issues facing biden whether it's what's happening in gaza, his age rfk junior. what do you think is a challenge right now >> well, i think in his age, i think he did a lot to assuage people's concerns by his incredibly strong performance in the state of the union. and i think that we have to recognize about his age. is
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that we as democrats have to say that age is not just a liability for biden, it's also an asset. it's one of the reasons he has been such a successful president. i mean, maybe during a time of enormous challenge, having the most experienced guide to ever go into the white house was a blessing for the country not a challenge for us. and so i think we have to take the eight we've got to take the age issue head on and on the rest of the issues, have any back, caitlin and we can cover them more in depth, but thank you for letting me be here tonight. >> we certainly well, i mean, they're not going away and obviously rfk junior certainly isn't. we've talked about a lot. obviously, it's happening gaza, simon rosenberg, grade it's heavy on the source tonight. thanks for joining us. >> thanks so much. kaitlyn, >> speaking of gaza, prime minister netanyahu is ignoring warnings that are coming from the west, including from the united states. he said israel has set a date to invade rafah what that means for the millions of people who were there, how us officials are responding, that's next there's debris and this guy, parents, husbands and wives
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gone. >> wish i could have done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow-up space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn the wind in your hair the sun at your back and nothing but nothing all around you >> get out out on the water in the florida keys at key west >> who are you? i'm in a child >> less what you really need in life is some freakin torque. >> what? >> we're going to torque get you going >> what happened to my inner child, grieving, love and acceptance. >> how do you have any said?
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you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day he physically it's clear that i'm the dad. okay. so which dad is pain? >> you're laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern arm cnn >> israel says it has set a day to invade the city of rafah in southern gaza >> but in his >> announcement today, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu didn't say what date exactly is announcement is one that the white house have been dreading and trying to deter >> we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafah would be a huge mistake. >> major military ground operation in rafah is not the way to do it. it risks killing more civilians it risks wreaking greater havoc with the
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version of humanitarian assistance >> it risks >> further isolating israel >> here's why the us feels that way. rafah is that one tiny corner of gaza where over 1 million people have fled to seek shelter from this war. united nations officials say that invasion there would lead to what they say would be a bloodbath. but netanyahu says the invasion is necessary. he believes to fully take out hamas. here tonight, dan seen or who was a ford policy adviser in the george w bush administration and the host of the podcast, call me back, which is offered in depth analysis on israel in the war in gaza and is an excellent listen for anyone who hasn't listened to it yet on this invasion netanyahu, you won't say what the date is. do you think this actually means that they are going forward? >> invasion? i do. i was just in israel a couple of weeks ago and i was struck by every official i spoke to win the war for cabinet from different parties. the sense that a the military objectives have always been driven by this idea that
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northern to destroy hamas, eliminate the threat they have to go into rafah. there are still four battalions had rafah. it's most likely the most senior leadership of hamas is in rafah and that they can negotiate with the biden administration don't have to go into rafah, but the debate about whether to go into rafah is not even like on the table. there's a dialogue right now. there is a real dialogue with the administration. i think the administration, while they're saying rafah, a major military operation, what israel here is, and that is okay, so doesn't have to be a major military operation. maybe it's more limited military operation. the biden administration is saying, well, we've got to think about the humanitarian an implications. and so israel's coming up, they're getting more trucks and more humanitarian aid. they just removed a lot other major forces from the central part of the country. a central part of gaza. so a lot of the palestinians from rafah in theory could start moving out of rafah. so i think there's really much to go back to. >> i mean, >> it's kind of total destruction. >> but on that on that point i mean, do you think anything with the announcement of this today by netanyahu has to do with the part of the far-right
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part of his government complaining about withdrawing some of those forces from, i think i think in israel today, there is such a wide consensus. so it is true then nothing yahoo government, specifically his government is original government it's very unpopular and his all now, but the military strategy focused on eliminating hamas entirely, including going into rafah, has broad consensus from the hard right to the hard left. and israel, you'd be hard pressed to go anywhere in the country and find anyone who doesn't support finishing this mission. and i think if nothing, yeah, who doesn't go into rafah? >> he's at >> risk of being succeeded by someone like gantz, benny gantz, who's not to his right, but who would be as committed if not more to going into rafah. >> so what does that mean for the hostage deal though? because obviously that is top of mind for so many people when they look at this. and if someone's wondering, well, does this hurt a hostage deal that they've been negotiating? >> i'm you and i were just talking offline about it. i am very worried about the hostage negotiations. i think those israeli officials, i've spoken
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to who are in touch in directly with those advising hamas in these negotiations convey the sense that from hamas's standpoint, pressures mounting on israel over these last few weeks, yahya sinwar has had a very good few weeks, if you think that un security council passed a resolution that the us basically greenlit that for the first time, d linked the plight of the hostages with a ceasefire. then you see the most senior democratic politician other than the president of the united states, chuck schumer, also a jewish american, go to the senate floor and call for the toppling of the israeli government i mean, you just see example after the events over the world, central kitchen, the tragic killing of those seven innocent aid workers, and the backlash that provoked against israel, including from the president, i'd states giving an unbelievable statement and the gentleman who leads the world central kitchen calling it a deliberate and systematic attack when everybody knows it wasn't deliberate or systematic. and so there's a
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sense that there's pressure on israel has just mounted and mounted in mountain. i think it makes a deal when they >> favorable to israel in any way, less likely, i think that hamas thinks they have more leveraged now than they did a few weeks ago. and so i think that is an unfortunate dynamic for israel while it's trying to get these hostages out of gaza, >> dancing or we'll be watching it all closely. thank you for joining tonight after getting back from israel yourself. >> also in >> today, if you were watching, most just see it in ar, you saw some of the scott people taking to the skies to experience that solar eclipse up close. >> i'll show you >> my view from the highest outdoor observation deck in america, more than 1,000 feet above new york city come along, and of course, we've god donie o'sullivan here as well >> what are you thinking about right now? >> a piggy about a >> and thinking about good at time, this would be to be a pick pocket right now >> houston, you are go for the
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ship slash, try and get two months free >> moos night with abdullah. next on cnn closed captioning brought to you by >> her firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now today's solar eclipse was a moment that nobody wanted to miss, including myself. i could not watch it alone though. so i asked my friend donie o'sullivan to come along with me with the best fight here to watch a new york city. we took the elevator up from our newsroom here at cnn 100 hundred and one floors to the edge, which is the observation deck here at hudson yards this is what we saw way above the city were about 30 minutes
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away? >> yeah. exactly 30 >> minutes is much of the eclipse is we're going to see here, which is about 90% >> there are hundreds of people here >> that it has gotten much more crowded out here are your first eclipse kind of stopped mole of my versicolor. it's vertical together. >> so our first >> glimpse, i have seen an eclipse will probably our last clip. so get everybody were about >> 1,000 feet above manhattan right now, we are one of the best viewing sites and all of new york city yeah, you're not afraid of heights >> now, are you >> know, when i kinda think about it, yeah, and i've had a lot of caffeine today. i'm getting a bit >> so when your caffeinated when you stare down, scared writes great. yeah >> but you could see some people out on the rooftops so what are building? >> yeah. and. it also will also look out in the harbor because obviously this is the hudson river. you can see a lot of boats out there and i wonder who is getting a good view of the eclipse from the water okay, dani, we've been watching appear on our little perch. let's go downstairs. so and actually, wherever one else has standing to make sure we
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get a very good view of this okay. great, down, to the huddled masses has a look. i think it's almost there. i mean, it's it's like i really like 80% >> you see >> i would say 75 my mathematical calculations >> but you're, you're pretty close he has not called this eclipse. yes, it is not called the gloves >> rejected the eclipse yet. but as you can see, i can >> see my house from here >> what are you thinking about right now? no i'm picky about a >> complete about how her good at time this would be >> to be a pickpocket right now >> okay. johnny were like five minutes hi it's noticeably darker out here. >> yeah, it's a weird it's spooky or something. it feels >> like the sun is setting, but it's 3:30 p.m. yeah feels like >> something terrible is about to happen. >> doty our >> dare you this this is the moment we've been waiting for
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get. your glass. just keep your glasses odd style. >> you can pretty good now, right >> yeah. >> i just see a little teeny slipper for some yeah. >> wow. >> yeah it's gone. >> rise in temperature has dropped noticeably >> donie, how would >> you say this compares to other things that you've covered your typically covering disinformation >> yeah. conspiracy. this is it's a more enjoyable to write relief. >> yeah, yeah, it's it's delightful. >> it's kinda nice to cover up the good everyone's excited about. >> do you feel the eclipse has changed you in any way >> only for the better, you know only for the better. oh, it looks beautiful now oh yeah, that's good >> those are two non-scientists that you were watching there, but today's eclipse was also a chance for real scientists to see how it a club's impacts our world, what it looks like, the space around it i want to dig more in on that with jan 11, who was an astrophysics professor at barnard college at columbia university hey and
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looking at this today, i mean, i can't even listen to minded doherty's coffins, like listening to those. they're about his unscientific as they get. but what do you could actually learn from this? i was actually interested in the sun's corona, which is like what you could actually see around the eclipse once it was actually happening. what could they have learned from that today? so >> for where we were in new york and what you were seeing, your are leaving if it's 75% or 80%, but we've got to run maybe 90%. some people argue about it because they can't really be precise about the size of the moon. but in totality, when the sun is completely eclipsed by the moon, you can see the corona, which is the outer atmosphere and it's much less bright. you can actually look got it, without glasses and beyond harmed. and it was very active right now, the sun has a magnetic cycle. it's very magnetically active of about 11 years and it's at a maximum writing down. so the corona is actually much larger than it was with the last eclipse. >> so that's because the sun's on an 11 year cycle. it just so essentially colleagues sided with that. it happened to just work wow. yeah. so if you were in
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>> totality, you could see a lot of activity, presumably the corona itself is enlarged and you might even see the sunny ejecting blobs of mass and plasma. >> and what can scientists learn from that? i mean, i think regular people appreciated it today, but what to actual scientists learn from something we learn about the sun's cycle. we learn about what makes it here to the earth. so if you've ever seen the aurora borealis, that has to do with magnetic fields around the earth and charged particles from the sun hitting those magnetic fields and radiating as they do so, it's this beautiful display around the poles. and so we see the winds in the solar magnetism. it makes it all the way to the earth. it's one of the reasons why mars is so dangerous is because for human life, because mars doesn't have a protective magnetic field against things like solar rays, right? >> you could actually see other planets though today is a heart of this happening. >> venus was nearby and we couldn't see jupiter was too bright for us still even with the partial eclipse. but in totality, you could see jupiter there so there is this plane in which most of the planets orbit
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and including the earth around the sun and so a lot of things were aligning that plane. it's called the ecliptic plane and the moon weirdly does not orbit us in the ecliptic. it's slightly offset otherwise, we'd have a total solar eclipse every month over lh would be fantastic. well, how do we nudge the moon? >> my friends who are taking this >> this is the last time you're going to see it in the yeah, 22 years? yeah. and there will be a solar eclipse in a couple of years, but it'll go mostly over like iceland in the oceans but eclipse chasers, we'll go there and there's an eclipse actually almost every year or to it. they don't always make it over land and they don't necessarily make it over north america scale of one to ten, how is today's eclipse today was spectacular and also in about a half 1 billion years, it will be no more total eclipses because the moon will be too far away. so well, and he did it and while you can have 1 billion years. mark your calendars j. 11. great to have you. thanks for having, thanks
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for talking abou


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