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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 9, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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new york city. you shouldn't just say course of course, >> then you invite me to that roof. maybe i wouldn't have had the i wouldn't have to come out to western new york to see clouds. i could have been on your roof with you enjoying it. >> this is just a yet another reason why you should never leave new york city you know, i think that's exactly right. this is the reason why should never leave new york city. it was the reason i'd never been to canada before, although i should say a lot of your viewers think that i should be joining canada. maybe you and i can go together to canada. it can be my first experience north of the border of canada is one of the greatest countries the world that the law are so incredibly nice. there was so is there one experience, a big take any takeaway from this? we only got a few seconds left >> yeah, i think my big experience in here is what you just said, stay in new york and less than two of us are going to canada because yes, the truth has anytime i leave the city, only bad things happen. >> all right. harry enten. thank you. i'm sorry. you didn't see it, but i will show you some videos. the news
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continues right here on cnn out front. next we've got breaking news. trump denied and time is running out. a judge killing his last-ditch effort to delay the hush money trial. and we have just obtained the jury the questionnaire for trump's criminal trial that begins in six days. we're going to go through that with you right now. >> plus a sight to behold nearly every single american could see at least part of the eclipse sweeping across america if you had the glasses 32 million people though we're in the path of two fatality is stunning thing one of the former nasa astronaut, it tells me it's like nothing he's ever seen before. and marjorie taylor greene linking the eclipse to the new york earthquake as pope signed, to repent america. this is her efforts to house the house speaker are making her even more powerful in the gop. let's go out front >> and good evening. i'm aaron for nadh and outfront tonight, we begin with breaking news. trump's last-ditch effort to delay or denied. >> a >> judge, just rejecting the former president's request to delay his hush money trial,
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which starts in six days. trump is trying to move the case out of manhattan and it comes just as cnn has obtained the crucial jury questionnaire, that potential jurors will have to answer in trump's first criminal trial are paula reid obtain them and they offer a lot of important clues about the trial we're about to witness. you've got questions ranging on whether jurors have supported any fringe groups like q and on to where they get their news, whether they've ever listened to certain podcasts to whether they're married, all sorts of details and also questions like this. do you have any feelings of opinions about how mr. trump is being treated in this case. so it is 42 questions and all we're gonna go through it as trump is throwing every piece of spaghetti he can find at the wall. and a final effort to avoid his facing judge and jury in that first criminal trial. and just six days, he's also phonetically trying every last ditch effort to get his georgia election interference case tossed tonight, turning to the georgia court of appeals, his team writing that the former president's quote, indictment wrongfully criminalizes core
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political speech and expressive contact, protect, protected. i'm sorry, by the first amendment remember this is the case where trump appealed to the secretary of state of georgia to find him votes that did not exist. listen >> well, i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,000 loads which is one more that we have >> these two cases are not theoretical possibilities anymore in new york or georgia, they're real and they're happening. and in the case of georgia, the prosecutor promising the quote, train is coming and that she wants to trial this is very crucial in this one because it's different than the new york one. >> it will be >> televised. >> and so the whole country >> can see it coming into the final days of the election. she wants it to start in august. so let's get straight to paula reid on the breaking news tonight. and paula, you've gotten these jury instructions and the criminal trial in new york that they refer for too, is starting in just six days,
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even though he is trying one more hail mary after another here to try to delay it. >> yeah, trying unsuccessfully today that new york appeals court judge rejecting this last-minute efforts to pause the trial, will trump continues to try to argue that this should be moved out of manhattan and trump lawyers argued the pretrial publicity is making it a to get a fair trial. but prosecutors area and they said, look, it's too late to do something like that when the way we will weed out bias jurors is through jury selection and that's where the jury questionnaire comes in and you look through this, the question some of them are similar to the questions we saw during jury selection then in the e jean carroll case. they ask where jurors get their news. they ask if they are anyone close to them, has ever worked for trump or attended a trump rally? they also asked about membership in extremist groups like the proud boys and the oath keepers >> know again, >> these are questions that we have seen before then they get more specific about this case,
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about feelings about trump himself. this is the process are and that prosecutors insist will help them weed out anyone who has a bias no question. i'm getting a lot is how long is this going to take? remember in this case, there's only four days in a trial week because court is off on wednesdays, the most i have a couple of religious holidays over the next few weeks. so this process of selecting a jury for this, the first criminal prosecution of former president trump could take a few weeks, could take a few weeks just for the jury to be selected. all right. >> very significant, paula. thank you very much, paula. breaking news and obtaining this questionnaire as well out front. now ben's ginsburg, the longtime republican election lawyer, harry sandec, former assistant us attorney for the southern district of new york. and instead herndon national political reporter for the new york times i'm so thanks very much to all of you here. you've been going through this juror questionnaire and as paul points out some of the questions in here are ones we saw before in the e jean carroll case. whether you've worked for trump, for example, where you get your news 42 questions as she points out what stands out to you.
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>> sure. i think it's a very thoughtful approach. many of these questions are typical in any jury trial, but the background of the juror and what they do, where they live, those types of things. but then they're aimed at trying to elicit people who can't be fair because of course, trump is entitled to have a fair trial of jurors who don't go in with a preconceived notion about his guilt. and the judge has said that anyone who says i can't be fair, they'll just simply be excused. which will make the process take a long time. but will result one hopes and a fair trial, right. and >> you hope of course, if people give honest answers to all of these things, this isn't an odd moment in america. ben, what stands out to you as you look through this and interesting on the places where you get your news. i mean, sure, newsmax is on there msn bc. you've got all the but but then x tiktok, all of it, all of it is here, ben >> yeah, it is all there and it's designed to obviously to try and get it would people are believing i do think it's it's noteworthy that the judge said
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in his cover letter that the two sides had not agreed on a jury instructions. so that anticipates something we probably all knew alon, which is there going to be appeals on this that there will be kind of station over the jury selection process and you're right, it is going to take an awfully long time, as paula said, weeks. all right. put a pin in the appeals and the the time it takes for one second instead, just going through this, what stands out to you, it's interesting. they even go so far as to say, have you read certain books and listen to certain podcasts? yeah. i mean, i think it shows the painstaking process, the legal process goes through to make sure you weed out. folks have bias, but then my political head to absorb and those that donald trump, no matter so what the processes is very, very likely going to say that is biased against him no matter what asieh has been doing this whole time. i mean, they've had pretty much the same set of goals since these indictments came down last year, to obscure the facts and also to delay this for long enough so that it starts blending in with him and the
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political calendar over the summer. the mere fact that we are talking about the hush money case and not the january 6 cases of the trial. that's going first was considered a victory for the trump folks. they wanted this case the kind of go first, i think it's easier to the folks have actually ingested the facts here, but i think that as this comes on, we do see polling say that maybe people to change their opinion if a conviction comes or the election gets a little closer. so on this case this may not be the same in terms of severity substantively as the other ones. i don't think we should put it to the side and assume that it does matter for voters. >> all right, so here what's the timing we're looking at here? you presume, interestingly, they didn't agree on the jury instructions, i guess so few things. is that normal and how long do you think if trump appeals that? what does that do to this six-day start? does anything changed that including his last-ditch effort for of change of venue today? >> sure. i don't think anything let me put this way. i don't think anything should change it. the fact that the parties didn't agree on the questions to put to the jury is very common. typically, each side, the government and the defense, they make proposals in the
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judge picks between pick some from one and some from the other to do what he thinks is fair. now, you can always appeal anything. but typically the way it's done is not as you go, it's done after final judgment. so if trump challenges these questions or challenges, venue or anything else, it's not that he doesn't have a chance to challenge it. he will on appeal after a conviction if he's not convicted, there does he basically say that? >> the conviction itself, if it happens, is biased >> that's right. therefore, should be thrown out. that's right. any legal error that he identifies, he'll be allowed to appeal at the end of the case. >> all right. so ben, what do you think happens here and does any of this in your mind add up to changing where this case goes in six days. and also if you could weigh in on how what's the timing error if it's going to take us weeks to even get a jury selected before you get an initial verdict >> i think paula was right if the time it is going to take it is going to take a matter of weeks. given everything in this case and the holidays. so it is
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going to be a prolonged period as for this of this case, i think this is weakest of the cases that have been brought against trump. >> and >> there are gonna be legal points in here in which trump actually has a pretty good argument but it's also true that this case is going to present a series of not so flattering facts about an instances that took place in this and that does stand to very much tarnished reputation no matter what the outcome of the case is and how long the appeals which is interesting is said because we are talking about things that have been very well litigated in the court of public opinion, right? weather people care that, whether trump's slept with a porn star, people have opinions on that that were set prior to the first election. >> absolutely. i mean, we actually win. i talked to people about this case. they feel like it's old news. i mean, as we've talked to folks across the country, people bring up the fact that he hasn't been criminally indicted about january 6, and
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we're looking at the special prosecutor, even things like taking the documents cut through because of the mar-a-lago search, when we think about this case specifically, every time i've heard someone bring this up, it's kind of a confusion as to why this has been relitigate it right now, i think that should be separate from our kind of legal questions we see here. but politically trump he's going to try to use that to his vantage. what we ask about why these appeals are happening, some of it is because he wants to be able to make the political argument in a public arena about them. so they may fail and they might delay the trial. all of that is a possibility, but we know he's going to try these. it's weaponize it against the process itself. >> and harry, you're in terms of when you look at the georgia attempts to delay on fani willis, which failed thus far, and again, in this case, do you anticipate both of those going ahead >> i do think that the trial will go ahead. the grounds that were argued for the appeal about this being free speech. that seems like a real long shot. you're not allowed to say anything that you want that's not what the first amendment protects. and i thought the judge's decision about whether to disqualify the district attorney seemed like a balanced decision, saying that
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she couldn't have this one particular lawyer working on the case due to the appearance, but not disqualifying her entire office, which is a drastic step and said quick final word to you in terms of paying for all this trump's trying to raise money and have other people pay for it. but to the extent that he's had to pay for some things south, even some of the judgments in the manhattan real estate valuation case is net worth has been affected and you've done a deep dive on that. >> what have >> you found, especially in light of truth social, which is now like the lion's share of his net wealth worth for a brief moment, even though it may be f mural to say the least hey >> exactly. last week we focused on trump's finances for our podcasts and vote came through, is really this is the person doing it extreme juggling act. and so the money has dwindled these using to pay for other people, other people's funds that pocket of money has gone away. so you might have to sit further into those personal funds to basically be able to pay for the legal expenses coming forward, you have to judgment. certainly you have the legal trials. certainly. you also have a political campaign that is bleeding dry. the biden campaign is raising so much
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more money than donald trump. and partially that is because his money is tied up in five different places right now, so much so that it's not just the brand that's being affected. it actually his ability to legally his ability to actually do the things he wants to do politically and personally which is, which is a huge thing to actually say. it's in the past, he always had that ability. it was always didn't want to use his own my now a very different story that you paint. all right. i said, thank you, harry. thank you, ben. thank you. great to see all of you and next, a spectacular show from texas to maine, a rare solar eclipse turning day. and night for millions. now cars lined up for miles because guess what, it's time to go home. these are live pictures outside of indianapolis, which was in the path of totality plus marjorie taylor greene live in georgia at a town hall she's tripling down on calling for speaker mike johnson's head. how the fringe congresswoman is growing ever more powerful than the gop tonight plus a top staffer for our if k junior revealing what they say is the number one priority
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tonight live pictures
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near >> indianapolis, heavy traffic. >> wow >> that looks absolutely miserable, but maybe they're all in such a great mood because they were there at the center of the path of totality from that rare solar eclipse today, they had that moment 32 million people in the path today altogether as the moon cross mexico, texas border, and across 15 states massive crowds gathering to take in the spectacular site, looking up as a whopping 99% of americans were able to claps, catch at least a glimpse, a glimpse of partial eclipses. bill weirs outfront every day. >> the shadow of the moon bounces willy nilly across the lifeless milky way. and when it hits earth it mostly darkens ocean or ice with no human witnesses. >> that darkness has settled into kerrville texas. >> but on this today, random fate sent that shadow on a north american tour, like no other and from mexico to the
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maritimes, that shadow moved people >> weep >> and share mary i loan and propose you marry me >> it moved animals, triggering both flamingos and penguins at the dallas zoo to bunch their flux tighter for nighttime safety, the penguins are all clustered together. the flamingos are all clustered together. other variants are joining we gather swath of darkness over 100 miles wide, moved clouds and dropped temperatures by ten degrees that chill in the air is getting cooler and cooler. >> but for science lovers, what did you think it will chill use for other reasons? it was >> incredible. you know, i've
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seen several solar eclipse. is this though was the best i've ever seen. >> he saw the >> diamond ring effect and then baily's beads uncovered through the mountains. >> and with the sun less blinding the normal, this was also a rare chance for nasa to use high flying planes and rockets to study the sun's corona. and the massive eruptions of plasma happening as it son's cycles through its most active phase. solar storms have the potential to destroy satellites and fry entire electrical grids. so scientists are hungry for clues that could help predict space, weather so amazing, >> though soc when, when you look at some of the things they're trying to do and nasa has a moment like this to observe what were they trying to learn >> well, the power of this star that really gives us life. it
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lists or moods tanzer skin, but it's also a thermonuclear bomb that's been going off and billion years and on an angry de, it emits enough electrical power, enough energy from those spasms in the plasma that could really fry the electrical grid here on earth are really wreck havoc with with our satellite systems that keep us connected through gps and weather and finances so they're studying that, they're studying the ionosphere that charged particles that a crackle around the earth is the sun comes up, i now and it's just that artificial shade that science enjoyed today. that's them study stuff that normally you can't see because the sun is so bright. also, an amateur radio operators, ham radio operators bouncing their signals off the ionosphere see how it's altered by this. but what a day of just pure human connection, whether you're an astrophysicist or a seventh grader, you could see faces light up. most people people saw it despite warnings of cloud cover. all in all, a nice
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nonpartisan uniting force of nature across america. and the next one, they give you perspective, aaron and toddlers today will be old enough to drink for the next total eclipse in the united states, 22 years from now. >> wow >> that's just something sobering to think about >> fight indented. all right. >> thank you very image. >> and i want to go now to former nasa astronaut mike mess amino, who has traveled to space twice. also the author of moonshot and nasa astronauts guide to achieving the impossible. so mike people traveled from all over the country to be in the path of totality. and i know people who travel around the world constantly looking for these things. you know that there's something spiritual about it. something. that touches the soul. >> you made the journey from new york to >> receive l arkansas, to go to one of the best viewing spots in the country. and you shared some of your images from today with us tell me what what. did it mean to you earn it was it
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was amazing. i have gotten to see some amazing things during my space flights, but i would say this is the most amazing event that i've witnessed here on the planet as far as our relationship with the cause his most center are being here on this planet and how we are part of this cosmic dance between the sun and the moon and the stars this was quite an event and it was the totality of it. i'd seen other partial eclipses, but this was the first good weather total eclipse that i had been able to observe and to see that that diamond ring that looked like a halo in the sky, it was emotional and to be there with some of my family members and with a very nice community made it even more special. >> i'll never forget it. i've only >> seen one total eclipse. i saw today, but i was not in the exact totality i've only seen one in my life stumbled upon it an unforgettable day in my life. but, you, mike, this is the thing when you say the most incredible thing you've seen in error, you have seen some of
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the most amazing things that human can see. in fact, that so few humans have seen spaceflight. you shared images with us, but that's not the same as being there yourself, right? for spacewalks you were compelled to travel 1,300 miles for the eclipse from the upper one westside manhattan where you still would have had a pretty darn good view, just barely outside the path of totality >> so what made it worth it >> well, i had heard that getting to totality is a big difference. them even seeing like 99%. and i'd heard this from sources that i trust and they're right. are you really was different. it was the whole thing was kinda cool to see the moon current ban and the sun gets, gets eaten away little by little like a pac-man and then when it goes and you can remove your glasses again and it's dark and it's cool. and you're looking up at an astonishing sight. it's something about it that no photo can really do it justice. it's being in that moment and noticing that in
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real and this is something that only happens if he said it's not going to happen again here in the for 22 years. and you're witnessing it for a few minutes it is worth the trip. it really is, and i'm so glad i did so >> one of this thing and i guess this and other events recently all in their own different ways, whether it be earthquake or crazy weather have made us all realize how vulnerable we are, right? how things happen outside of our control and you know, especially especially in the context now, we worry so much about the environment and climate change one of the things bill mentioned in his report right? there was a point in some places where the temperature dropped as much as ten degrees during the eclipse. so in just a few quick moments now we all feel that when a cloud goes over the sun, and yet somehow experiencing it in the context of what we saw today was quite different i mean, what that's an incredibly it's an incredibly large and swift a change in temperature it's a reminder of
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how dynamic and fragile things are, i think because when we said and when it gets cloudy >> out, it's a lot different than when the sun is shining on us, but it's really the same reason during the eclipse, it's just that less solar radiation is reaching the surface and reaching us. so it's cool or we feel a cooler temperature with the moon blocking the sun. it perfectly blocks it. the moon. >> the site is 400 times larger than our moon, and it's also coincidentally 400 times further away than our moon. so that when we get a total eclipse, like we had today, it perfectly blocks it out. so that we're seeing a total blackout for those minutes. of of of that reduction in solar radiation and that's why we get that huge temperature drop. we see the effect of what the sun does to us and how fragile that can be when it's blocked. >> yeah. i mean, and what an amazing thing when you save 400 times larger, 400 times farther away, even in the context of the billions and trillions, whatever, there's no word for the number of stars out there so think of the odds of such a perfect ratio coming even in
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the context of our sadly average little son that does give us everything. >> all right. thanks so much. i appreciate it. >> but thank you. >> next republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene's war with their own party heating up tonight, threatening to house the house speaker for and blow up the house if she does not get her way >> how dare he go on tv and say it's his top priority to fund ukraine for $60 billion >> plus trump taking a lot of heat tonight from conservatives after opting not to support a national ban on abortion >> you haven't excellent. >> warren >> g. warranty, blurring, ci >> okay. got it. go. >> you must have american home shield i do now, i can tell you our appliances in home systems are protected covered repairs
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earthquake and calling them all strong signs to quote, repent sunlen serfaty is out front this majority is a failure. reason. >> why don't you thought rash >> and ever the provocateur know, i reclaim my time. you're a liar. >> congresswoman >> marjorie taylor greene is holding the reins at the center of the effort to take down speaker mike johnson, threatening to throw them the republican party into chaos. >> it's more of a warning and a pink slip since filing the motion to vacate green only intensified in her attacks. >> mike johnson has literally turned into mitch mcconnell's twin and worse >> even democrats slinging political arrow let's directly at the leader of her own party. >> he is a fool, stable and he's pays a light >> greene said off by the spending package, johnson negotiated to avoid a partial government shutdown.
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>> the current speaker of the house we have right now is getting rolled in every single meeting. he is negotiating seen from weakness and we have lost full competence. >> is there any johnson calling her move a distraction, just trying to send a message. i respect the message i share. her. again, her her frustration about the process with some republicans dismissing her as unserious. >> nobody cares what marjorie taylor greene said thanks and she's a one-man show. she's grandstanding and she wants attention to >> congresswoman has trafficked in some of the most deeper conspiracy theories for bringing the most questionable views and wild opinions to the us capital >> green >> claiming this weekend that today's eclipse friday's earthquake in new york are assigned from god to repent and warning about things to come? yes, eclipse is are predictable and earthquakes happen and we know when comets are passing by. however god created all of these things and uses them to be signs for those of us who
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believe greene isn't election denier. >> today, i'll be objective a stolen election. we can't >> allow this to happen before coming to congress was acu and on sympathizer promoting conspiracy theories about the september 11 terror attacks. >> this so-called plane that crashed into the pentagon and mass shootings. >> you guys are being used. that's used by the left because you're young and you're being tricked and having your second amendment slowly chipped away and taken away from you and anti-semitic conspiracy >> theories out about jewish space lasers tell us about your spine now, why don't, why don't once you go talk about jewish space lasers, once claiming that the deadly wildfires in california in 2018 were caused by a laser from space, >> possibly controlled by the ras child investment bake conspiracy theory. she was forced to apologize for after taking office in 2021, these were words of the past and these things do not represent me
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>> now the next big question is will marjorie taylor greene follow through with this threat to get rid of speaker johnson now that she has filed that motion to vacate, she now has to bring it to the floor. now, after it's brought to the floor, she will officially have two legislative days. to try to force a vote to oust him. but aaron, she has so far not revealed the timeline of how all this will unfold >> all right. sunlen, thank you very much. and let's go now to the former republican congressman ken buck, who was one of the eight republicans who voted to oust, then speaker kevin mccarthy. so congressman, you heard sunlen talk about some of the conspiracies green has pushed over the years and obviously now saying that if the speaker doesn't do what she wants regarding ukraine, she's going to go ahead with what she can now do. right. just takes one to force a vote on the speakership does it worry you that she has this much power in the house of representatives >> well, marjorie has as much power because we have such a
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small majority at this point in time. mike johnson as is on the right side of history and marjorie is on the wrong side of history. we know that russia is propagating these false statements, narratives about what's going on in ukraine. we know that she is getting her talking points from russia. and we know that they're false and mike johnson is doing the responsible thing by trying to make sure we get a vote on ukraine funding, make sure that the ukrainian people can fight for their freedom. the fact that marjorie is continuing down this false path i don't think many republicans are going to support her there will be some. and i expect that the democrats recognize this moment in history and the importance of being bipartisan in supporting mike johnson while we will see that, and that's a whole another can of worms, i guess as we could say, but it congressman, she has been going after >> speaker johnson over ukraine funding, obviously specifically, but then she just
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recently suggested to tucker carlson something that sort of took me aback. she had no evidence to back it up, but she's said that the whole reason that he may be doing this is because johnson maybe being blackmailed. let me just play the exchange >> mike johnson has made a complete departure of who he is and what he stands for and to the point where people are literally asking, is he blackmailed what is wrong with him, but because he's completely disconnected with what we want. >> do you think he is being blackmailed >> i have no idea >> all right. so she's saying people are literally asking you to being black. melvin says she has no idea when tucker asked her again do you take this seriously >> no. i think it's irresponsible as so many of the statements that marjorie is made over the years are completely irresponsible. the idea that somehow the speaker is corrupt because he believes that we should be supporting an
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ally, that it's been invaded by a war criminal, vladimir putin. and the idea that somehow anybody who is in agreement with ukraine and our nato allies is corrupt it's just another distraction that she uses to take away from the core arguments that are so important. >> so when you talk about her, it is, it is a bit different. obviously than what the man you voted to remove a speaker, kevin mccarthy said about are in fact this weekend, he said this about congresswoman green the one, i have always found about margery, she's a very serious legislator that deals with policy and the best way to deal >> with anyone like that is sit down and talk to him. >> you've worked with or more recently, did what he say add up to you at all and well i think kevin is much more experienced talking to marjorie about policy than i do. first of all secondly my experience
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with marjorie is people have talked to her about not filing articles of impeachment on president biden before he was sworn into office on not filing articles of impeachment that were groundless on other individuals and the biden administration. and she was never moved by that. she was always focused on her social media account and moscow, marjorie is focused now on this ukraine issue and getting are talking points from the kremlin and making sure that she is popular and she is getting a lot of coverage all right. >> well, congressman, i appreciate your time and your blunt and honest words. thank you very much. i appreciate it, sir >> thank you. >> next, we've got breaking news. the special counsel, jack smith has just filed a brief with the supreme court on trump's immunity claim. so we are just getting that now. it's at the heart of the doj's election their appearance case. we're going to share it with you in just a moment as we're going through it. and the vice president, kamala harris shredding trump after a major announcement that has in breaking with his own party now adt professionally
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you have seasonal allergies, the fage can help novi is now available as select sam's club's breaking news. >> we have a new file hello, this is justin from the special counsel, jack smith and it is a filing to the supreme court urging them to reject trump's claims of sweeping immunity and an effort to try to stop the former president from further delaying his january 6 trial paula reid is up front and washington and paula 50 some odd pages going through. you've read a chance to read more of it than i have have but point by his argument as to why trump is not immune from prosecution because of things he committed are crimes that he allegedly committed while he was in office exactly here they are urging the supreme court to reject trump's argument that he should be immune from prosecution for things he did in and around january 6 and efforts to subvert the election because he has presidential immunity. this is an argument that was rejected by the trial court, was she rejected by the court of appeals? here are the supreme court is taking it up.
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it will be the subject of a much anticipated supreme court argument next week. now here they make arguments. they say the special counsel says, quote, the absence of any prosecutions of former president's until this case does not reflect the understanding that presidents are immune from criminal liability. it instead underscores the unprecedented nature of petitioners alleged conduct. they described the charges against him, aaron, as quote, an unprecedented assault on the structure of our government so here they are asking the court to reject this argument and to do it quickly. >> yeah. i mean, it's interesting and as they go through, as you point out it saying that nixon's acceptance of a pardon was also making it clear that he felt that there needed to be a pardon because he was subject to prosecution for acts he committed during watergate while he was in office. so going through and laying all of this out, ultimately, though, paula, as you you point out, this is the the arguments are supposed to be next week. this is all about timing, right?
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>> yeah. and look, the special counsel, has to be frustrated because aaron months ago, he asked the supreme court to just step in and decide this issue. don't wait for it to go through the appellate court and then take it up because he knew that process could potentially make it impossible to bring this case before the november election. the supreme court declined to do that. they let it go forward with an appeal. now they are hearing this on an expedited basis, but we still don't expect it opinion right now until late june and then even though judge tanya chutkan, the judge overseeing this case, has said she would move pretty quickly. she would like to bring this as soon as possible. she still has to give both sides some time, perhaps a few months to prepare. so we're talking about late summer at the earliest. so timing is such a critical issue here. the trump team is even floated. the idea that maybe they could just toss it back down to the lower court for more proceedings again, are that wouldn't necessarily be a win for them, but it would be a win in terms of this goal of getting it pushed back until after the
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election. and i remind people the reason he wants to push back the lafd the election, because if trump is reelected, he will make both of these cases go away. >> all right paula thank you very much as public continues to go through that, she'll be baqa, she sees more for you to know about this also comes tonight as vice president harris is slamming trump, the former president, ties to big announcement on abortion but the takeaway was just to put it to the states, harris is warning that trump would go much farther to restrict abortion rights though, if given the chance >> if you were to be put back in a position where you can sign off on a law. he would sign off on a national abortion ban. let's be very clear thereabout that will trump's decision coming nearly two years after the supreme court overturned roe v. wade, also criticized by many republicans who are demanding a national abortion ban today as well out front now, alabama state representative marilyn lands, she's a democrat who recently flipped to republican held district after taking abortion rights head on, including by i
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opening up and talking about the abortion that she went through more than 20 years ago. i appreciate your time representative land so there are some you may republicans say, they say trump punted. why would he punt this to the states? he should have gone back to 15 week abortion ban others, of course, wish he would go much farther on the republican side. >> but you i think that what trump said today by punting it to the states is even more dangerous. how come >> well, i'm finding liberal solace in this today and i know my constituents. i've talked to so many women and families and they are fed up and i just i feel like alabama has become ground zero for attacks on women's health care and reproductive freedom. and i think my victory sent a real message, not just to our state, but to the country that this is unacceptable. >> so trump in his announcement today about where he's going to fall on this at least for now
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it gave a four-minute video, and among other things, he also said this representative it must be remembered that the democrats or the radical ones on this position, because they support abortion up to and even >> beyond the ninth month. the concept of having an abortion and the later months and even execution after birth. and that's exactly what it is. >> the baby's born born the baby is executed after birth is unacceptable and almost everyone agrees with that >> i know you're sort of recoiling even listening to that representative. what do you what do you say to someone like trump who is talking about executing that doesn't happen. and what i say is that we need to return to roe versus wade, that, you know, that held us for 50 years and the government just does not need to be involved in these heartbreaking decisions. it's just not a
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place for government. it's it's people's private medical decisions and it should be between a woman, her family, and her doctor, and her god >> so what i want to ask you about this though, that maybe goes a little bit contrary to a house some see it, but i just want to open the door to this you have some republicans publicly criticizing trump for not going foreign up 30, some sort of supported a national ban. mike pence, who's said he won't even be able to vote for trump is calling it a slap in the face. an anti-abortion group says they're deeply disappointed. lindsey graham is upset some of his loyalists, but you know, of course represented voters have shown even in red states like kansas and ohio, your state with your life section that they support abortion rights. >> so are you >> worried that trump may muddy the waters on abortion >> assume that he's got the far right. all ready you going to back him. and that this position to go for states rights may make him more palatable to other voters that this could affect what a winning issue this is for democrats i think that what i
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found in my election is that i had a lot of republicans >> support and i feel like people are really fed up and they're ready for change, their ready for something different and i feel like the republican concern very confused on this at the moment. and i know my opponent, you know it wouldn't come out and talk about it. i think they're missing the mark here. i think they're out of touch. >> all right. well, representative lands. i appreciate your time and thank you so much for being with me tonight. next here what a top rfk junior staffer is telling republicans whether you support bobby or trump. >> we all oppose biden i won't let my moderate to severe psoriasis symptoms define me emerge >> as you with trump via most
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the greatest chocolate sauce is ever seen warnke rated pg. now streaming exclusively on macs >> tonight, get rid of biden. those are the exact words of rfk juniors, new york state director in a meeting with new york republicans, which was captured on video the only way for him for bobby to shake it up and to get rid of biden is if he's on the ballot in every state >> including new york, whether you support bobby or trump. we all oppose biden. >> and >> my thoughts are that that's the number one priority in the country. >> a campaign spokesperson telling cnn, the state director is quote, not involved in electoral strategy, but those comments come as biden's own coalition is far from locked in. and so tonight, we're mae marsh has the latest in our voters out front series this november will be the first time lani white and rokia garbo will be old enough to vote in the presidential election
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>> and >> just the second time when we cool those in will cast a presidential ballot. none are planning to vote for joe biden or donald trump. >> if i were to vote tomorrow, i wouldn't vote, period. ideally, i would like to vote third party oh, for an independent candidate. >> i'm considering either voting for claudia dela cruz or cornell west at this point. if there is no substantive policy change when it comes to the genocide in gaza, then there's not really a discussion for me when we met at this barbecue restaurant in atlanta off for told me they were raised an originally registered as democrats but this year, the president's handling of the israel-gaza war has turned them away. >> i think what biden has done in aiding and abetting and a genocide is just something i cannot and four, you're willing to withhold your vote in the presidential election unless there is a ceasefire, yes. and it's implemented? yes. what not voting could mean donald
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trump gets into office do you think he'll be better on gaza? >> trump would probably say flatten gaza and make it into a golf course. i have absolutely no faith in him. would you not say that also, the people who are not voting for one of the two people who are the likely people to really be in this race have a role to play in kind of giving the race to donald trump in a state like georgia where it's going to be like razor thin i'll do you one better actually, i think that just means that's why the democrats should listen. >> example radical. and more tapped in. than their peers is how the group describes themselves. rokia, even helping to organize this demonstration in atlanta last october calling for peace and aid for the palestinian people while they don't speak for the majority of black voters, they're descent poses a real concern for democrats and battleground states like georgia, where biden won by fewer than 12,000 votes. >> black >> voters under age 30 made up
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only about 6% of voters in georgia in 2020. >> that group who voted for joe biden by more than 50 points, we are holding there election in the palm of our hands and they're not listening. >> we're tired of just hearing him say these things, these empty promises. we have no trust and joe biden, the republican party isn't earning their vote either both sides or just iga >> nothing is being done for us if enough people vote. third party, we can win. that's my thoughts >> president biden's campaign has touted his success on key issues affecting young voters, including student loan forgiveness, lowering unemployment, and tackling inflation >> still though, i don't feel it people may be employed, but can they survive off of what the federal minimum wage has stayed the same since 2009. i was five and 2009, i'm 20 years old now. well, i work at goodwill now for $12 an hour and cost of living keeps increasing especially here. >> what could president biden do to change your mind? cars,
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how you vote in november, kfar permanent ceasefire and actually implemented i would like us to stop giving aid to >> israel if he doesn't get elected. that is his fault. let's not all or fault and that's not the black voters here. that's not xyz know, it's on him >> well, mega inke, the super pac supporting trump has spent more than half 1 million for ads on black radio hoping to woo those unhappy biden voters. and aaron, we ask the biden campaign about this dissent that we're seeing among some of these young black voters. and they framed it as a race between a president that actually cares about making life better for americans, even if they haven't felt the full impact just yet. and another candidate who they say and i'm quoting, cares only about his rich friends. and himself. all that said, erin, they, they realized this dissent is there and they are working. they say it is their priority to turn it around. >> we shall see it really fascinating