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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 9, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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at a mass ceremony in the town of tiffany, ohio. meanwhile, russell hill, arkansas said, hold my beer. they held an elope at the eclipse event with more than 350 couples taking part i love i love you and i'm happy that i'm here doing this we're here >> oh god, i couldn't be happier >> that's like that's like husband moment. oh, yeah. me too. our own derrick van dam was able to break some big news yesterday, stowe, vermont, as a man proposed to his fiance, live right here on cnn right now, you guys, this is happening >> i loan you >> marry me wow
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>> during a total solar eclipse >> okay >> derrick, for that. >> all right. thanks to you for watching that total eclipse of the heart. thanks to our panel for joining us. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts get out >> delay, denied, and maybe for the last time this time, the hush money criminal case moves to trial and we have new details on what what potential jurors are going to be asked >> and idaho team is under arrest, accused of pledging his allegiance to isis and planning attacks on churches before the end of ramadan. >> two parents facing sentencing at the same time today, james and jennifer crumbley will learn their fate after being convicted for the mass shooting their son carried
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out coming face-to-face with the parents of their victims on kate bolduan law, john berman, sarah is out today. this is cnn news central >> all right. >> barring any final hail mary or there's an old legal longshot which of course can happen, but just stick with me this morning donald trump is six days away from becoming the first president to go on criminal trial overnight, a new york appeals board just rejected his latest bid to delay or relocate the hush money case but he's facing 34 charges which means the trial will start monday, which means the 2024 presidential race. now heads back into a courtroom starting next week, donald trump will be forced to sit in court four days a week as prosecutors try to convince a jury he broke the law when he allegedly falsified business records to cover up hush money hey, payments to stormy
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daniels. >> the first >> big question who will be on the jury for this historic trial? cnn has obtained the jury questionnaire. cnn's kaitlan, poland's has much more on this for us. so caitlin, what does the potential jury pool jury pool going to be asked? >> locate the jury pool is going to be asked questions about donald trump, but it's not just if they've heard of the man, they very likely have. he was the president. they're going to be asked questions if they have some sort of real bias, for or against him. here's some of the questions that the jurors, potential jurors in new york county are going to be asked, do you currently follow donald trump on any social media site or have you done so in the past? that's one of the questions. >> do you >> have anyone in your family and close friends or have you yourself worked for or volunteered for his presidential campaign, his administration, and then crucially, do you have any strong opinions are firmly held beliefs about former president donald trump or the fact that
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he is a current candidate for president that would interfere with your ability to be fair and impartial as a juror? that is the question that if someone answers yes, the judge says he doesn't even want to ask them more questions about that. that's going to remove people from the jury pulled this self-reporting of juror's saying, i can't be fair and impartial about donald trump. they're also going to be questions about whether people have any affiliation or have subscribed at some point to the queue and non-movement or any of the fringe, more fringe, right or left wing political extremist groups, the proud boys, the oath keepers, three percenters, even and t4 on the left, those are the things that yours will be asked to weed them out. they only need 12 ultimately, and a couple more as alternates for this jury for this trial to take place. there's gonna be a flurry of activity over the next couple of days, can't yesterday we
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saw that were donald trump tried to put a pause on things and get the trial moved out of new york city and that didn't fly the appeals court handled it with been about two hours and said, no, we're not moving and we're not putting a pause on things. we're going to try and seat a jury >> does rejections seeming to become kind of pro forma now, it's great to see you, kaitlyn, a lot to look through here. >> jump four with this. now, elie honig seen senior legal analyst and former assistant us attorney for the southern district of new york. these jury questions are fascinating. what they don't ask the jurors straight on is, are you a donald trump supporter? but they basically ask it 18 different ways. how does this work and why? >> okay. the all-important art and science of jury selection. so we're going to start with a pool of manhattan in new york county only know bronx know staten island only manhattan nights. the first thing after they fill out the questionnaire, the job federal dismiss some of them who are simply unable to serve. maybe there's a physical limitation. maybe they have a job doctor or teacher that just doesn't allow them to be out for six weeks, then we're going to get into
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based in part on those jury questionnaires, what we call for cause removals, meaning if someone answers that question, we just saw from katelyn polantz? yes, i do have such strong feelings about donald trump that i could not possibly judge him fairly either way. they're out and that's on the judge, then you're going to narrow down your pool of what we call qualified germs. but it's not over at that point. this is where the strategy really kicks in because each side, donald trump's team, and the da get ten, what we call peremptory strikes, meaning you can remove to update but ten jurors for almost any reason, not for racially discriminatory reasons or other constitutionally barred reasons. but i don't like the vibe of that person. i don't think that person's good for us and that's where you get into the guessing game based off those questions that we just saw last night. and >> who does that benefit here? so it's interesting because if you look at it on the one hand, this is going to be a stacked deck for prosecutors. if you just look at the 2020 election, donald trump got just over 12% of the vote in new york county, in manhattan, meaning, at some percent, do not like him or did
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not like him enough to vote for him. on the other hand, if you're donald trump's team, all you need is one. you get one juror or through there, who really likes donald trump, who is sympathetic to him that can result that will result in a hung jury. remember, you need all 12 to convict 11, one is a hung jury. it's a mistrial and that's a terrible out just for argument's sake. so someone says their acute on supporter, they're not going to make it to the peremptory strikes, probably. right. but if ten people now, let's say if there were 12 people who say they get their news from fox news because one of the questions is, where do you get your news? yeah, 12 people say they get their news from fox or oan, right? the prosecution is going to going to x out ten of them. right. but that would leave too. >> yeah, that's true. i mean, the numbers here when you look at the ten peremptory challenges are really important because it's going to be fairly easy for the prosecution to wipe the slate clean of anyone who sees seems like they support trump, fox news viewer, one of the questions is, are you a member of any organizations if someone says, yeah, i'm part of the federalist society of the nra. they're out on the flip side. trump is not going to be able to wipe out all the people who
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dislike him. he's only got his team only has ten strikes you're going to have at some percent of that pool who leans against him. >> all right. very quickly now, overnight, jack smith, the special counsel, issued its brief before the supreme court. they will argue the issue of presidential immunity before the supreme court on april 25th, jack smith's submitted his arguments the question that the attorneys have to answer here, as prescribed by the supreme court, and we can put the graphic of this up, is whether an if so, to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office emphasis added by me. yeah. alleged to involve official acts. >> why are those >> words so important here in how is jack smith dealing with your emphasis was exactly right, because what this is signaling to me and i think clearly to both parties it's the supreme court's not interested in any of these blanket propositions that donald trump's automatically
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immune for everything that happened during his presidency. they're focused on this question which is first of all, could there be immunity for a president or other official within the scope of the job. and second of all, does donald trump fall within the scope of the job? and one thing that jack smith is clearly concerned about having read that brief last night. he wants to avoid a scenario where the supreme court sends the case back down to the trial court and says, you have to hold a hearing. you have to tell us was he within the scope or not because that would be a scheduling disaster and you can see smith even in the brief at one point, he says, well, if that's the question, you should let the district the trial court judge determined that during trial, which to me isn't really workable, so he's clearly trying to fend off that scenario where the where the supreme court punts it back down to the district court. and i think you're >> right to point out there is that possibility we'll have time to talk about that before april 25th. very quickly, the criminal case here york set to begin on monday. any reason to think it won't it will start monday, but we also you should expect to see hail mary's daily every day. now, until then, elie honig, great to see you in person
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>> this thing is going crazy, which we say every morning as soon as the show starts. but that is actually a quote from one investor. why so many of them are keeping a very close eye on the the roller coaster ride that is donald trump's media stock. >> right now >> prosecutors trying to claim now alec baldwin behavior lead to compromising safety on the rust movie set, saying he had no control of his emotions. >> and >> this man right there allegedly sworn oath isis, and was making plans to attack churches in idaho. what the fbi is saying now this morning about his rest the, special to our titanic >> demir of how it really happened. >> sunday, april 28 and nine on cnn >> can to riva support your brain health night? janet, hey eddie, know fraser, franck.
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>> hamas overnight pushing back on the latest proposal from israel over releasing hostages and securing a ceasefire in gaza. this comes as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a date is set for the israeli ground offensive into rafah, though he did not say what that date is. >> let's >> get to seen as jeremy diamond in jerusalem. he's following both of these forests during recovery. start with benjamin netanyahu. what more is he saying about this date and this offensive >> well, the israeli prime minister says that a rafah offensive will happen. and in fact, he is also saying that a date has been set for that rafah offensive, but he is not providing any details. he's not providing that date. and so from our vantage, all we can see here is the kind of political posturing that the israeli prime minister is known to engage in and must engage in
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in order to mollify the right-wing flank of his government. that's because yesterday, as israeli troops carried out a major withdrawal from southern gaza, including from khan yunis, where israeli forces have been engaged in combat over the last several weeks it's on our ben gvir, the national security minister, a right-wing member of netanyahu's governing coalition, as well as bezalel smotrich, the finance minister both of them expressing outrage at that withdrawal. and ben gvir explicitly saying that netanyahu will lose his mandate to govern for an effectively, threatening to bolt from that governing coalition if a rafah offensive is not carried out before the end of the war. and so following suit several hours later, the israeli prime minister in a video statement saying that rafat will happen and claiming that a date has even been set. now we do know that is really true. so withdrew from southern gaza, did so according to israel's defense minister, to kind of rest and refit and prepare for the coming battles. whether
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that will be in the north of potential escalation of the conflict with hezbollah has been on the horizon for some time but also of course potentially for that major offensive in rafah. so it remains to be seen exactly when that could happen. but of course we know in the background there are these negotiations, its potentially prevents or at least delay such an effect. >> so we also have these negotiations that have been happening in cairo. this new statement coming from hamas about negotiations, where do ceasefire stands, talk where do you ceasefire talks stand >> yeah yeah. kate, there have been enormous efforts over the course of the last several weeks. there have been moments where it seemed like progress was being made. other moments where it seemed like steps were being taken it backwards and right now, we know that the israeli government has made a series of counter-proposals in cooperation with the mediators, including us cia director bill burns, trying to get closer to
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hamas's demands, but hamas, in a statement early this morning, rejecting the latest israeli counterpart proposal, saying that the latest proposal does not meet. their demands. we know that one of the key sticking points beyond the numbers of palestinian prisoners who would be released in exchange for some 40 israeli hostages where we know that israel has been offering more and more numbers of palestinian prisoners but beyond that, the real sticking points really relate to two key issues. and that is the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza, which hamas has been pushing for a full and total withdrawal bleeding to a permanent ceasefire, but also the return of palestinians who are in southern gaza who won i'm to return to northern gaza. hamas has been insisting on full and unfettered access to northern gaza during the period of this trues the israeli government initially rejected this notion altogether, then it began talking about numbers of palestinians per day security checks along a corridor separating northern and southern gaza. but that isn't
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enough. it seemed so far for hamas to be to accept. now, the last piece of information today, the israeli security cabinet is set to meet kate and they will be discussing these negotiations see if there a path forward. >> jeremy, thank you for watching all for us. really appreciate a great reporting is always jeremy diamond and israel for us. so today, two parents are about to learn their fate after being the first people ever convicted for the mass shooting committed by their their son. the worst school shooting in michigan state history, we're going to see james and jennifer crumbley sentenced live and it's one of the most deadly form forms of cancer. and one of the hardest to detect until it's almost too late the progress is scientists are now making in trying to pinpoint early signs in a pancreatic cancer >> houston, you are go for the debris in this guy parents, husbands and wives gone.
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five-star reviews, women everywhere i breaking up with bad bros, i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn >> this morning, the first parents convicted for a school shooting, their child committed will face sentencing prosecutors seeking up to 15 years for james and jennifer crumbley. >> they were >> both found guilty on four counts of involuntary manslaughter after their son killed four students at an oxford michigan high school, seen as genes casarez has been following his case from the very beginning gene. what, are you watching for today? >> it's gonna be very serious who is going to be extremely, extremely emotional? james and jennifer crumbley are actually going to be in the courtroom together. this is the first time in months that they have seen each other been together they will be sentenced at the same time, mouth why they had separate trials because you can have victim impact statements. you're going to have the families of those students that were murdered, gunned down by their son, have to go up once
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again to that podium and talk about how their lives have been changed now, the prosecution, they are asking for ten to 15 teen years. they want the maximum if they can get it because they're really focusing in on now any lack of remorse they don't care. james and jennifer crumbley. they don't care at all. that offense is really fighting that, saying you saw their tears in court, they have remorse listen to their words, listened to what they have said, they jennifer crumbley testified she wished that she had been killed instead of those students but the defense is saying this is a precedent setting case all the way round first-time parents have ever been charged in a homicide that their son actually pulled the trigger on? that there should be a sentencing situation that is precedent setting here too, and they are asking for about two-and-a-half to a little less than five. actually, jennifer is asking for time served to be able to then reside in a guest house behind her attorney's home with a gps monitor on her,
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which is a very novel argument right there. get out of prison, get into a home, out on her attorneys property with that gps monitor. the advisory guidelines which they recommend is four to seven years but we will see precedent setting, sentencing just like the trial. again and 30 seconds or less. the fact that it's precedent how might that impact the judge here and issuing the sentence? >> well, the judge is going to have to look at the facts and the circumstances as james bought the gun, jennifer didn't jennifer went within target practicing, but neither one of them knew what he was doing in his room through the night writing in that journal, texting that friend of what he was going to do, she casarez, i know you've watched this very closely all morning long. thank you so much for being okay with us. >> a >> slap in the face, how republicans and responding this morning to donald trump's statement on abortion and why prosecutors say alec baldwin's behave, your onset may have been tribute it to the rust shooting this guy. parents,
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care about are taken care of create your estate plan, not trust, and we'll dot com >> there's a new ally in the fight against climate change. this is new >> car business blue carbon. we just need to play nature will do the rest in carbon >> cnn film, sunday, april 21 at nine >> developing this morning and 18 year-old and idaho could face up to 20 years in prison after allegedly planning an isis attack on multiple churches in messages, the suspect allegedly said he wanted to kill well, as many as possible using knives firearms, and fire. cnn, zach cohen here with the details, equity learning >> john, the fbi saying that >> they were able to arrest 18-year-old alexander mercurial before he could go on this killing rampage that he was allegedly planning to carry out
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in the name of isis and look the fbi is pointing to a series of messages that date back all the way to 2022 when they say they almost stumbled upon alexander mercurial on this online chat room as they are investigating a completely different issue really to cryptocurrency. but ultimately as they continue to monitor the messages between who they later learned to be mercurial. they noticed a he was expressing pro isis views and was increasingly talking about carrying out actual acts of violence as becoming radicalized online. but law enforcement officials telling cnn that these efforts to plan and carry out an actual attack seem to intensify after last month's attack in moscow, the isotopic gets a concert hall in moscow left over 140 people dead. they point to this video that was posted, allegedly oppose it showing mercury, you swearing an oath of allegiance to isis standing in front of an isis flag with what appears to be a knife they also point to a series of messages again, between someone who mercurial thought could help him join isis overseas,
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but was actually you're working for the fbi. the first message or one of the first messages is from march 21, it says mercari, you types i have motivation for nothing but fighting like some kind of insatiable, bloodless for the life juice of these i daughters, a craving for mayhem and murder to terrorize those around me. i need some better weapons than nods. so a couple well days later on march 25th and 26, makari, again, messages the same person allegedly, and it seems to outline what his plan was to carry out this attack against churches in idaho. he says the plan is basically this equip the weapons and stormed the tempo, kill as many as possible before they inevitably disbursed scatter, then burn the temple to the ground and flee the scene, then move on to the next year. it's rinse and repeat for all 21 plus churches in the town until killed. so they api saying that mercari clearly making his intentions are stating his intentions in his messages. he said that he was planning to carry out this attack on april 7, but again, it was taken into custody before that. and as you mentioned, he does face up to
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20 years in federal prison then we were waiting for him to make his first quarter appearance here in the next day or so. >> all right. we know you're following this very closely, zach. thanks so much for being with us this morning >> okay he had no control of his own emotions. that is how prosecutors in new mexico are trying to describe my father's behavior on the rust movie set and in new legal filings, prosecutors say that behavior contributed to safety compromises that eventually led to the fatal shooting of cinematographer halyna hutchins in 2021, baldwin pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter last month is legal team filed to have the charges dismissed altogether. >> the national association of intercollegiate athletes has just effectively banned transgender women and girls from participating in most of its women's sports programs. now this is not the end cwa, but the na naia does oversee about 240 smaller schools new policy stating the following. only naia student athletes
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whose biological sex is female may participate in their sponsored female sports. they defined find biological sex as having distinguishing characteristics and can be supported, can be supported by birth certificate or signed affidavit in response one, lgbtq rights group says the policy cultivates exclusion and discrimination today, arizona supreme court is expected to disarm i'd whether the state's current 15 week abortion ban will stay in place. the current law replaced a 120 year version of a law that banned the procedure in all cases and it only allows for exceptions when it is necessary to save a pregnant person's life a block on the civil war era law was lifted after the supreme court for ruling that overturned roe versus wade in june of 2022 >> john, on >> that this morning, donald trump is facing pushback from republican allies and democrats overseeing that abortion laws should be left to the states. his former vice president mike pence calls that a slap in the
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face to voters who backed him in 2016 and 2020. republican senator lindsey graham, who has been pushing for a federal 15 week abortion ban, said he quote, respectfully disagreed with trump. accordingly, trump demeaned the normally subservient graham all over social media cnn's alayna treene is with us now, how does the trump team think this is going so far, alina >> well luck. i think they were anticipating some criticism from the right and anti-abortion advocates. but of course, donald trump was frustrated and disappointed that some of his top allies were coming out and publicly showing that they disagreed with him on s. and i think the key thing here to keep in mind, john, is that this isn't a total change in donald trump's position. he had long said that he believed that abortion should be up to the states. but i think the significance of it is that this is going to be the position that they hold until november, at least that's what
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his campaign advisers tell me now, and that comes after hit flirted with a 15-week are 16 week ban. and many of these people who criticized him, including senator lindsey graham and marjorie dannenfelser. she's the president of sba pro-life, a leading anti-abortion group. they had been in donald trump's ear for over a year now trying to get him to support a national ban on abortions after a specific number of weeks, mainly 15 weeks. and that's where a lot of this is coming from. but look, i do want to share with you some of the criticism that donald trump lobbed at these allies of him. he said that lindsey graham quote, is doing a great disservice to the republican party and to our country also pointed out that democrats in congress would never allow a national abortion ban to pass. and then while criticizing both gram and dannenfelser, he said, quote that they should proudly get on with helping republicans to win elections. he said that in all caps, rather than making it
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impossible for them to do so. and i think that point about winning elections is really where a lot of that comes down to. we've reported extensively on donald trump's conversations with these people about abortion. and the key thing that he keeps bringing up, not just privately, but as we saw yesterday in public, is that he believes that they need to take a stance that will allow him to win in november and he believes that seating this to the states and really punting this to the states is the way that will help protect republicans from this large vulnerability. but at the end of the day, i think the bottom line here, john, is that regardless of some of these, graham and done dannenfelser and mike pence's disappointment in donald trump on this democrats who are excuse me, republicans who are against abortion are still going to choose donald trump in november, not joe biden. i think that's the key thing to keep in mind here. >> yeah. although it is interesting to see how we replace the loyalty that lindsey graham has shown him over the years. so alayna treene, thanks so much for being with really interesting
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saying that that play out, john. there's also this we are tracking when it comes to donald trump investors in front media could be in for a another wild ride when markets open this morning, a recent slump and the price of truth social has erased all of its gains and wiped out billions from donald trump's net worth of the various same time. >> it just >> went public two weeks ago. remember, seen as matt egan has much more on this. he's been tracking this for us because there's a lot to be dragging what is going on here? >> this is amazing. this stock is moving around so much that it makes bitcoin look boring, right? one day, there's a gravity defying spike the next day, it crashes back to earth this is a look at all the days that has been trading for the last two weeks and you can see every single day, it's moving by at least 5%. >> so for the layman, this is not what you want your stock price to look like. >> this is not normal. i mean, if this were a weekly stock move or a monthly stock move, me tb but not every single day. and remember the higher the stock price goes to richard donald trump is at least on paper. he's the dominant shareholder. when you look back
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to march 27, trump's stake was valued at $5.2 billion, but the stock has gone down, down, down since then. it's now valued at 2.9 billion. so a loss of $2 billion in short timeframe. so we have this bizarre situation where the net worth of the former president, the united states, and potential future president united states, is linked to something that's moving around, like it's inside of a pinball machine >> i've asked you this each time we have tracked this, are you is there any further window and why this is? so volatile? >> yeah, there is. i mean, this is extreme turbulence and one of the reasons is because the company is being valued in the billions of dollars even though it generates very little revenue and its main product, truth social, is sure drinking in terms of the number of users. so i talked to nyu professor michael ohlrogge and he told me, this stock seems to be completely untethered to fundamental value. the reason why that's important is because companies have really high valuations. they tend to be more volatile, they don't have much to fall back on. its, this is how volatile it is.
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renaissance capital calculated that if trump media lost half if its value, every single day, it would still have a higher valuation than any of its piers, including meta and pinterest and snap. >> read it even while when >> you're sick another factor here is that it's really hard right now to bet against the stock even though it has been going down, there is very few shares that you can borrow and that's >> how you have to bet against the stuff it has. what's known as a very small float. the number of shares that are available, and that's important because usually short betting against the stock prevents it from going to the moon, right? and that's just not possible here another point here is the trump factor, right? this company is inextricably linked to the political fortunes of dominance how trump, and it's become a way for people to bet on the future of donald trump. it's incredible. so we have this kind of tug of war playing out in real time between trump's supporters and those who think that this company's valuation is absolutely ridiculous. so
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listen, kate, i think that everyone should fasten your seat belts because this extreme turbulence, it's not over yet. >> this this is also speaking to like the worst of personality traits for people john, it's like so if you're, the more volatile you are and the more overvalued you are, the better you are in the short term >> my life, no man does a great job covering this. so >> i can so i'm excited that he's doing it. >> we haven't heard the last of it. there's a lot more to come here. thanks >> all right. this morning delopi a bod tt to ser de early sge pancrtic canc untilow it's been it's really. difficult to catch pancreatic cancer before reaches an advanced stage, which makes it one of the deadliest cancers seen as jacqueline howard is here to explain what's going on jacqueline. >> well, john, we know that there are several scientists around the world working to develop blood tests to detect early cases of pancreatic cancer. and one group in particular, they're from the city of hope comprehensive
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cancer center, justness week. they announced that their blood test was able to identify now, if key biomarkers associated with pancreatic cancer, as well as a key protein. and this approach showed that their test was 97% accurate in detecting stage one and stage two pancreatic cancers. and their study now, this is early research. it hasn't been published peer-reviewed journal, but they say that this shows promise that we are getting closer to developing a blood test for early cases of pancreatic cancer and having a test like this, john would change the landscape for patients out there because we know that pancreatic cancer, it's incredibly deadly. it only makes up about 3% of all new cancer cases that are diagnosed. >> but >> it's the third leading cause of cancer deaths. and that's because it's typically diagnosed at an advanced stage and when you are diagnosed at advanced stage, sometimes surgeons may be more reluctant
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to operate if they know that your cancer is likely to come back or if it's spread and the pancreas itself, john, it's tucked behind the stomach, so it's difficult to get to. so the procedure is complicated, but if we diagnose more patients at early stages, surgery can be more successful and that can enhance their chances of survival. so all eyes are on these blood tests that are in development and hopefully john will hear more from either these researchers are other groups of scientists at just how well their tests are doing as they look into this possible future for diagnosing pancreatic cancer >> such a hopeful, promising development. jacqueline howard, thank you very much. >> absolutely so it's like the beginning of a hilarious and very adorable joke. let's play it through a solar eclipse sets in and a goat walks onto a bridge all at the same time. that is what first responders were apparently up against him in kansas city, missouri yesterday, this mountain goat
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where is it this adorable was on a small was trapped on a small concrete ledge, just below the top of the bridge. no one knows how it ended up there. that apparently must be the end of the joke. first responders tried several times to coax him out before finally getting him down. >> it >> was then it was taken to a local animal shelter to be checked out and is expected to make a full recovery i know john wants to say something about this, but i'm not going to let him because i had to goats are there in kansas city, is it known for his mountains >> millions maybe they're maybe it's part of that thing where they use them to cut the grass and it's very economical standby just all right. there's also this not mountain goats, uconn is the big winner once again with march madness. now in the rearview, we're going to talk to, uconn's main man. these said seven foot to center, just slightly taller than me who helped them clinch the national title. that's next the good stuff brought to you by the farmers dog
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the house foreign affairs committee. thank you so much for being here speaker, do you think he can and will be able to keep his job if marjorie taylor greene pushes this ahead. >> i think so. and talking to some of my colleagues on the republican side and even some on the democratic side, as long as we are able to put the supplemental on the floor and vote to make sure that ukraine gets the resources that it needs he should not be removed for that in my estimation, i don't think he will cleburne was asked this. i want to ask you if it came jeffries called you up and said, i need you to support my johnson to keep him in the speakership if that happened, would you a hakim is the leader, but i can tell you from my position, i know how urgent it is to get eight into ukraine and to get it there. now and needed to be there yesterday and so that's what's potent. so it's gotta be the senate's bill that has already passed so that we can get that bill and get the aid that so there's some details in there because they're johnson is trying to walk a fine line to
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try to figure this outright now on what will be put forward when in terms of ukraine aid, but that is at the center of what marjorie taylor greene is so upset about is ukraine aid and on that long stalled ukraine aid effort that you want to see a vote in the house the republican chairman of your committee, michael mccaul. he said this, i think russian propaganda has made its way into the united states unfortunately, and it's infected a good chunk of my party's base then the republican chairman of house intel, he agreed on sunday, let me play you what mike turner said oh is absolutely a true we see directly coming from russia >> attempts to mask communications that are anti ukraine and pro russia messages, some of which we even here being uttered on the house floor that, from the republican chairman of house intel, mike turner. do you agree >> yeah. i think that you are having those talking points and you're having therefore,
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within the republican party almost a russian caucus. and so that's why it's important though for individuals like my friend mike mccall and mr. terminal to come together with democrats and that's why it's important for the speaker to put this vote on the floor. you will see that democrats and republicans will pass the bill, passed the senate bill, because we know how urgent and important it is to get the money into ukraine and stop putin for an additional thing for added to that bill what would you details matter, but are you open to any changes of the senate bill to vote on the senate bill has to be the bill. >> i'll tell you why kate because to do anything else, it takes much longer time, so we've got to get it done now they, ukrainians need the money now the only way to get them the money now with is to pass the senate spill biden administration is also on another front of, in terms of aid, biden ministration is pressing you all to approve the sale of as something 18 billion worth of f 15 fighter jets to israel. it would be one of the
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largest us arms sales to israel in years. a congressman, it needs the sign off from the foreign affairs committee as part of this process, the top republicans, house and senate, they have i have not heard from you yet on this you signed off on this sale. >> i'm waiting for assurances. i'm going to want to go back to washington, dc. i want to make sure that i know the types of weapons and what the weapons would be utilized for for example, i think it's enough is enough for what's has been taken place in gaza i think that hamas needs to let the hostages go now and this should be a pressure on hamas to let the hostage go. i think that's what the people in israel acquire prior four, and i think it's enough to have the indiscriminate bombing taking place to 2000 pound bombs and the thousand this is important, your view on this is very gordon. are would you support efforts to block the sale? >> i take things very seriously and that's why i've got to go. i'll begin in a skip looking to see for me myself what those assurances are. i
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say it is enough of the indiscriminate bombing. i don't want the kinds of weapons that was that israel has to be utilized to have more deaths. i want to make sure that you man in a tyrion aid gets in. i don't want people starving to death, and i want hamas to release the hostages >> number five years out, the ffts won't be delivered. >> i will make that determination once i see what those assurances are because i'm want to make sure though that deaths stops now and hostages come home now, that's what's important here. >> this, it really is important here and you view your view. and as i've been wanting to see where you were on this, obviously you need to hear more before you're ready to sign off. finally, the chairman, mike, mccall, he is now released more of the interview transcripts with top state department leadership that were deployed to handle the american evacuation during the afghanistan withdrawal. >> some >> of the quotes that have, that have been put out from james dehart said that they had to create from scratch tactical
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operations that would get our priority people in to the airport. john bass, we've covered for years, said we were already in the midst of executing an evacuation that substantially exceeded i think the scope and scale of what had been contemplated. they paint a picture, congressman that the state department was not prepared, and that they had to create this from scratch? >> know what they paid the pitching number one i encourage, i've been asking chairman mccall to release these transcripts because i think the thing that doesn't concern, you know, because what happened is what they say if he take the quote and contexts what we're saying is that the state department did their job. they had to adapt to what was taking place on the ground. it wasn't chaotic with what they were doing it was chaotic because you know, gardening and had left and the taliban now within in charge. and so that made a create a chaotic situation. and so what the state department i'm going to have to do was to react to that chaotic situation and they worked very hard on a plan to
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make sure. and that's how they get 124,000? yes. >> mark milley to your committee said, it's my assessment that that decision came too late to get that plan going was >> president ghani was in washington, dc a week before that, where he assured members of congress on both sides that he was then going to leave that they were going to stay there and then we're going to do what they had to do. >> that changed that change. and so it caused the plans of what we had changed, you know, what they all say. also, where there was not a plan was when donald trump decided that he was going to have people have us out by many with no hello plan. and when the transition took place, he was very not cooperative with the biden administration and trying to fulfill that. so the biden administration, there was a plan things changed on the ground the state department, instead of going after them and saying that they didn't know this or do that view listening and look at that testimony because i want these 11 more to be released you will see that
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what they did was not chaotic. they chaos was on the ground, but what their plans was to deal with the changing situation was not chaotic. it was heroic. they were able to get 124,000 people out on time and continue it's a move forward. so i think that instead of criticizing the state department and what they did, how they did it, we should be saying, thank you to the state department and dealing with a situation that where you had painted on anticipated chaos congressman. thank you so much for coming in. now, get back to washington. you got a lot more to do thank you. so >> all right. john uconn huskies have claimed the biggest prize in men's college basketball winning. they're second consecutive championship. joining me now is husky he center donovan clingan. so nice to see you this morning. your second inner row, all of new england is celebrating alongside you, which of the two champions? ships do you like better >> oh, that's tough question
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you know, this this year was really a special team. last year we had a specialty you know, it's really hard there are both gray. i love this program. of the school, so there's just to be a part of history, a place where it's hard to make history means a lot to me i love, i love both of these nadh is the same. >> so there aren't a lot of people who are bigger than you, let alone centers you play against who are bigger than you laugh that's not your what, seven to two at last night, zach edey, seven, pounds what was it like to go up against a mountain >> yeah, i mean, he was very, very strong. he's very vague it's tall >> he knows >> how to use this size to his advantage what we came up with a good game plan to just 11 and try to score 70 and beat us and don't let the guys on the perimeter you know, touch the ball and allowed them score he was going for the two-point plays and i in my head, i was just saying i can't find them
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and get those extra ones to get into the free line. you just got to be smart wall up and if you make he makes two, don't let don't three-point shooters makes shots and protects just protect them at all costs. >> there was i'd say it's guessing you guys didn't double zach edey underneath and that's something. listen. you lost your mother in 2018 and we are so sorry for your loss. she was a ball or two. i mean, what, three and cwa tournaments? what do you think that she would like most about this for you >> yeah. you know, how hard i've worked in what i've what i started with that fight about public high school. i played on a very small au team. i worked hard and i tried to make it to a level a very high level and i was able to make history. i'm not she she's smiling down on me. hello she's happy for me


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