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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 9, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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she continued to place blame on the school now, over you left in the dark about previous concerning behavior but in the counselor's office that morning, none of those previous issues were brought to our attention. >> james crumbley, who did not take the stand during his trial apologizing for the first time >> i am sorry for your loss as a result of what my son did i cannot express how much i wish that i hadn't done what was going on with him or what was going to happen >> but the judge said these convictions were not about poor parenting >> these convictions confirm repeated acts our lack of x that could have halted an oncoming runaway train opportunity knocked over and over again, louder and louder?
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it was ignored. noah's no one answered. and these two people should have insured, didn't the prosecutor in this case said it's disappointing that the crumbleys didn't express remorse throughout the trial as for where these family roles serve their sentences, james and ethan crumbley will not serve their sentences in the same facility. instead, aaron, each member of the space family will serve out their time in a separate facility. aaron >> when you thank you very much from chicago tonight. and before we go and outfront update, we've been closely following the story of cosine of karelina, a 33 year-old dual us-russian citizen from los angeles. she's being held tonight in russian prison. she was arrested while visiting her parents french and charged with treason for allegedly donating $51 to a ukrainian charity a judge, now ordering her to remain bar behind bars for an additional three months, at least. but karelina has been able to exchange letters with her boyfriend here in the since her arrest. and tonight, he is giving us the very latest on
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her life in prison. what she isn't during they get to shower once a week that breaks me she, has no hot water the hardest thing for us to fall asleep because they refused to put the lights off. i can tell you this from the lettuce and stuff. she's scared. >> thanks for joining us. the newest continues right here on cnn happening now, breaking news, a historic new flashpoint in the legal and political battle >> over abortion rights. arizona's highest court ruling the state must adhere to a century old van. i'm nearly all abortions arizona's attorney general joins us with her reaction this hour. also tonight. and unprecedented sentencing as the parents of the michigan school shooter are ordered to serve up to 15 in
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years in prison. standby be here. oh, jennifer and james crumbley were confronted by angry relatives of their sons victims and the city of chicago releases very disturbing body cam footage of a traffic stop that ended with the drivers death. police firing more than 90 shots in just 41 seconds we have exclusively reaction from the family of the man who was killed welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, a urine. the situation room the skis cnn bricking new we begin with the breaking news. the state of arizona order to revive a near-total ban on abortions that dates back to the civil war era arizona's attorney general kris mayes is standing by to discuss the state supreme court ruling and its impact. but first cnn's brian todd has details on this decision
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>> it is a dark day in arizona tonight, arizona's supreme court ruling, the state must enforce a near-total ban on all abortions. the controversial law, which dates back to the civil war before arizona even became a state. the court saying, quote, physicians are now on notice that all abortions, except those necessary to save a woman's life, are illegal abortion providers could face a prison sentence of two to five years. in a near total civil war era, bad that continues to hang over our heads only serves to create more chaos for women and doctors in our state. the arizona >> law is on hold for two weeks, while a lower court hears arguments on its constitutionality and arizona attorney general, kris mayes, a democrat, says that at least while she's in office, no woman or dr. will be prosecutors under this law by the state president biden calls the new band cruel and vice president kamala harris said this on x to stop bands like this, we need a united states
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congress that will restore the protections of roe v wade and when they do president joe biden will sign it into law and let's always remember, it does not have to be this way. >> opponents of abortion are applauding the arizona ruling tonight. >> the group susan b. anthony, pro-life america, in a statement saying, quote, we celebrate this enormous victory for unborn children and their mothers and claiming the ruling, quote, will protect more than 11,000 babies annually. this comes just one day after former president donald trump announced his campaign position on abortion, declining to support a federal nationwide ban on abortions, saying it should be left up to states at the end of the day. >> this is all about the >> will of the people and it all comes on the keels of a controversial ruling in florida supreme court last week that allowed a ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy to take effect next month. florida's high court did allow a proposed constitutional amendment that would establish the right to an abortion to go
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on the ballot this november to the delight of abortion rights activists who pushed for that. >> what it does is removed politicians ability to interfere with her private medical decisions is one of several states where abortion will or may be on the ballot in november when voters will decide whether to guarantee the right to an abortion in their state's constitutions, you're seeing all of this terminal where people don't know from day to day what is going to be the law in there? estate, what happens if they get pregnant and they want to terminate the pregnancy >> in the wake of the arizona decision, vice president kamala harris will visit arizona on friday to discuss reproductive rights in a separate statement today, harris said there's one person responsible for what she called cruel bans on abortion donald trump, who she said brags about being responsible for the overturning of roe versus wade wolf >> are brian thank >> you. bryan todd reporting for us. let's discuss what's going on with arizona's attorney general kris mayes, attorney general. thank you so much for joining us. what avenues do you have to challenge this new law? this
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law in arizona state, as we've noted, that dates back to the civil war era before arizona was even the state yeah. >> hi. well, thanks for having me. well, we are we are exploring all of those avenues. everything is on the table right now for us and it's time to fight arizonans want us to fight back against this extreme draconian civil war era abortion ban that was passed so at a time when arizona wasn't a stay, the civil war was still raging, and women couldn't even vote. so we're looking at everything that we possibly can to make sure that this ban never actually goes into place in arizona and i have said that as attorney general, i will not prosecute any doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or woman under the 18, 64 ban or the 15 week ban
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that we also had in place and that that promise remains firm. the vast majority of arizonans do not want to be dragged back to 18, 64, and that's a significant, very significant indeed, as you just said, you've pledged not to prosecute any woman or doctor or nurse under this arizona law i know you disagree with it, but isn't it your job to enforce the rules and the law as the top law enforcement official in arizona >> yeah. so look, here here's here is the fact that matter this is a law that essentially violates our constant the tradition in arizona, the right to privacy in arizona and we also know that we have an opportunity and at least the next couple of months to try to fight it in the courts, to take additional steps in the courts and then the other thing that's really important to remember remember, is that the people of arizona are going to
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have the final say over this because we have a ballot measure on the ballot in november and i think the people of arizona are going to overwhelming only approve that ballot measure, which will enshrine the right to an abortion and reproductive rights in our constitution. so i'm not going to enforce an unconstitutional abortion ban until the people of arizona have a right to have the ability to get to that ballot initiative journey general, are you at all concerned that you and your office could be taken to court for refusing in the meantime, to enforce this law well, i think it's entirely possible and i wouldn't doubt it at all of the extremists on the right wing tried to >> take me to court, but i'll see them in court and i'm ready for that fight. and this is a fight for the rights of arizona women, to access reproductive care. we are now in a situation
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where women in our state may have to flee to california and new mexico colorado nevada to receive care. but in the meantime i'm going to protect them or do everything that i can to protect them if the extremists that pushed this band forward want to take me to court. so be it. i think it's important to remember also wolf that it was donald trump and the united states supreme court who are responsible for overturning roe and dobbs. and that's why we got to this point. that's how we got to the point where an arizona supreme court could reimpose an 18 64 ban on the people migrate state your governor, arizona governor katie hobbs well, has already issued an executive order concentrating authority to prosecute violations of this law in your office, attorney general, this hasn't been tested in court though. so what's the stop local prosecutors from charging doctors? >> so what's to stop
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>> them, wolf, >> is that as you mentioned, the governor has a consolidated the authority for prosecuting abortion in my office. i have just said and said all long that i will not use our resources to prosecute doctors, nurses, pharmacists are women. and i also have under arizona law supervisory authority over those local prosecutors. and i've made it clear to county attorneys here in arizona that they had better not i try this. they had better not try to prosecute under that 18 64 band because it's unconstitutional and i'll use my supervisory authority to attempt to stop it. >> the arizona attorney general, kris mayes, arizona attorney general. thank you so much for joining us. we'll continue this conversation to be sure. i want to get some analysis right now from cnn, political commentators, alyssa farah griffin and david axelrod. and katie watson is also joining us, an expert on medical law and ethics katie, let me start with you. how does the law originally from 18 64
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as i said before, arizona was even this date and we've sat dormant for decades, come to be in effect now well, it's a decision that the arizona supreme court made and it's a grave mistake. the arizona legislature, in 2020 to pass the 15 week restriction, which by all legal analysis would supersede that earlier arizona law. the supreme court argued that the legislature hadn't explicitly repealed that civil war era law and therefore, it, the more incredibly more restrictive ban stood, that just doesn't stand to reason because the arizona legislature could have repealed the 15 week ban after dobbs and said, yes, we want to go back to total ban. and it did not. so this is clearly an instance of the state supreme court imposing it's political view on the people of arizona rather than respecting the already
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restrictive legislative the court had argued that the legislature was hampered by roe versus wade, clearly in passing a 15 week ban nine weeks before viability, it did not perceive itself to be following roe versus wade three months before dobbs came out. that's how this comes to be. >> and the people of arizona may reverse it. but let's center the patient arizona physicians. we're providing abortion care for over 1,000 patients a month. between dobbs and now. so even if it's resolved in the election, that's over 8,000 arizona women who have to go out of state for care. >> interesting standby. i want to bring david into this conversation. david, the vice president kamala harris, as you heard, will travel to arizona this week to discuss reproductive rights. is that the right move? and what kind of impact could the ballot initiative there to restore access to abortion rights for
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women in arizona? what kind of impact would that have politically? >> well, first wolf, let me say before i get into, before i hack it up here on politics, let me say this is this has put the health care of women and peace of mind of women across arizona. at risk and so we shouldn't forget the substance of this. i'm glad you started off with with katie, but as a political matter this could not be more of a disaster for the republican party yesterday, donald trump's say, well, it's up to the people in the states this i let the states decide, well, here you find what happens when you let the states decide in florida a six-week ban is in place. i guarantee you in both those states, if you put that on the ballot and they will be on the ballot in the form of initiatives that a majority of voters in those states do not agree with those policies. so i think what this does is it puts it a
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battleground state more in the leaning de, column, then the leaning our column, because i think there's going to be a massive turnout in november for a constitutional amendment in the state of arizona, because the voters of arizona now have a demonstration of the fragility of abortion rights in the post dobbs era. i think this is an earthquake. those electoral votes in arizona could be the ones that tip this election >> and that could happen in florida as well. it's going to be on the ballot in november. abortion rights for women? yes. alyssa, after this ruling, the trump campaign reiterated a trump's stance and i'm quoting now that these are decisions for people of which of each state to make decisions of people in each state to make trump was clearly hoping to move past the issue of abortion access. but how does a near-total abortion ban in a key battleground state like arizona complicate all that forum well, listen, wealth.
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it's a good day for ruben gallego and for joe biden and arizona, frankly, the reality is this. republicans are essentially the dog that caught the car on the issue of abortion. we've been fighting one way for 50 years with no plan for enactment with something like dobbs comes down. this is a political loser for donald trump, but he knows it. and just yesterday by saying this should go back to the states, i think the thing he wanted less than nice was to have a state like arizona come down with such a draconian ruling just one day later. but the onus is going to be on the democrats to message that to voters to be able to say this is a direct result of donald trump's policies from his first term. and a little part that it gets confusing here as we've now seen, three republican states that have voted to elect republicans, but also voted on ballot initiatives are constitutional amendments to protect the border portion rights. so democrats have to be able to link the two. or you could actually see people breaking for republican candidates. but also to uphold abortion itself. speaking of politics involved in all of this, david, the
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arizona senate race as we all know, potentially could determine which party holds control of the us senate. this is what democratic the candidate, ruben gallego said about this ruling. and i'm quoting him now. this is not what arizonans want. >> and >> women that could die because of it, yet again, extremist politicians like kari lake are forcing themselves into doctor's offices and ripping away the right for women to make their own health care decisions. end quote but what kind of impact could this have on this closely watched senate race alyssa referred to this, i think a very, very large impact because kari lake, when she was running for governor, spoke supportive of this 800s 64 la she's now trying to distance herself from it. but that's all a matter of public record. it's on videotape and i think it is a big problem for her in this race. i think that what
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you're going to see are republican scrambling in that state to try and obviate the impact of this ruling because it is a it is a killer, but i don't think you can unring the bell. you can't unring the bell. i think kari lake is more fragile as a candidate today than she was yesterday. i think donald trump's chances in arizona have been impacted negatively. i don't think you can unring that bell either. so this is a big, big development, wealth a very historic, significant development indeed to all of you. thank you very much. an important discussion just ahead. a judge in michigan delivers historic prison sentences to the parents of school shooter, ethan crumbley, plus there's more brachii news. we're watching president biden is now speaking out on the war in gaza and sharing some of his toughest criticism, yet, the israeli prime minister you're benjamin netanyahu >> on t, you can put that right in the dishwasher >> blatchley.
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>> it is the sense of this court must crumbley. that you serve ten to 15 years as to defendant james crumbley. it is a sense of this court that you serve ten to 15 years historic sentences handed down for the parents of a teen who killed four students at a michigan high school in 2021. >> that is the goal of sentencing to act as a deterrent. these convictions are not about poor parenting these convictions confirm repeated acts or lack of x. there could have halted an oncoming i don't wait. train, james and jennifer crumbley were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in separate trials earlier this year. the first time parents of a mass school shooter have been held directly accountable for an attack on november 30, 2021 their son killed madison baldwin take myre, justin shilling, and hana st. juliana at oxford high school, using a
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gan gifted to him by jennifer and her husband >> the blood of our children is in your hands >> family of the victims gave statements ahead of the sentencing when you worried about what people thought of human feeling threatened i was learning your son threaten my daughter and feel fatally shot while you were hiding >> i was planning her funeral >> and why you were >> running away from your son and your responsibilities? >> i was forced to do the >> worst possible thing, apparent. good. do i was forced as they go by the way, matt, is it? >> the older sister of 14 year-old victim, hana st. juliana says, no punishment will ever be enough. >> i now have to live without hana, my little sister. my best friend, my other half to me that makes a maximum sentence being 15 years too short. honda
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even have 15 years there's to live. >> out. its merger has destroyed large portion of my birth. >> both crumbleys spoke up on their own behalf james crumbley for the first time since his trial began to the victim's and families a standard day not to ask for your forgiveness, as i know, it may be beyond breach but to express my sincerest apologies for the paint that has been caused i will be in my own internal person for the rest of my life >> i really wanted to families to know how truly truly sorry, i am and i'll continue to feel his pain for the rest of my life as well if i could go back and change things if i could go back and do things differently >> maybe >> none of us would be here today okay. >> i just got off the phone with the michigan department of corrections and they tell me
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they have not yet taken custody of james and jennifer crumbley. that is up to oakland county when they want to give them over to them. but jennifer crumbley will be going to the only women's prison in the state. there will be 30 a 60 day assessment of her james crumbley will be taken to the charles iii egl are guidance center for his assessment. at the end of those 60 days, he will be put at one of the male prisons in the state. he will not, however, be able to go to the same prison essays. son, ethan wolff, rig because our as reporting for us, jean. thank you very much coming up. president of biden just shared some of his sharpest criticism, of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's approach to the war with hamas standby for that plus more on the political battle over abortion rights as the arizona supreme court upholds and near-total abortion ban. one of georgia's most prominent democrats, stacey abrams, joins us to
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doctors preferred, better science, better results >> king charles, tomorrow it on cnn >> review newest president biden is unleashing some of his harshest and sharpest criticism, yet of the israeli prime minister benjamin, the tiny out and the way he's conducted the war against hamas in gaza are senior white house correspondent mj lee as details for us mj, what are the president say during this new interview? just released by univision? >> well, if president biden is issuing a blunt end blanket criticism of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the war that he is waging and gaza calling it a mistake. now, this is significant because while we've heard some top ward's from president biden in recent weeks about specific aspects of this war including on humanitarian aid and the civilian death toll in gaza, this marks such explicit criticism of the overall approach that the prime
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minister is taking in gaza. and before we play the clip, i just want to make an important note about when this univision interview was taped. it was taped just on the heels of the deaths of the seven world central kitchen workers. that of course drew such widespread condemnation take a look >> i think quidditch join his mistake. i don't agree with his. i think it's outrageous that those 433 vehicles were hit by a drones and taken out on a highway where it wasn't like it was along the shore, wasn't like it was a convoy movie years so i what i call it for is for the israelis to just call for a ceasefire allow for the next six, eight weeks. total access to all food and medicine going into the country. i think there's there's no excused not provide for the medical and food needs
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of those people. they should be done now wolfe, i should note the interviewer asked president biden, prompting this answer, whether he believed that the prime minister was more concerned about his own political bible. >> and we have new >> newport news reporting from senior administration officials coming into me and our colleague, alex marquardt, that they privately believe that yahoos claimed from earlier this week saying that a date has been set for a rafah ground incursion, its bluster bluster that is fueled in no small part by his tenuous political standing at home. we've of course seen over the last day or so, us officials publicly saying that they've not been told about a date or been given a comprehensive plan. and again senior officials are privately saying that they think the comments from the prime minister amount to public bravado at this point interests in a very significant indeed, mj lee at the white house. thank you very much joining us
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now, a prominent voice in the democratic party, the former georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams. stacey, thanks very much for joining us. i know you're also the author of a thriller entitled to rogue justice. it's now out in paperback. there you see the cover we've seen very deep discontent among democrats. a lot of democrats over biden's handling of israel's war in gaza. does president biden calling the time you approach a mistake realistically, in your opinion, do anything to repair these divisions? >> i think it's the beginning of an important set of steps that are being taken because of this has to be read together with the announcements made by secretary austin, by secretary blinken, but also the requirements that we are seeing being met but let's be clear israel has the right to defend itself. it has the right to security, but no one is entitled to security at all cost the unacceptable levels of human destruction have to be
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require accountability. and i think that is what president biden is saying. the issue is, how do we make it so hamas launched a war on october 7 that took the lives of israelis and they had the right to respond hamas is put people in danger, but israel, israel is making choices that exacerbates that dangerous to unacceptable levels and refuses to allow for any of the humanity teren aid that could mitigate and at least protect those who were innocent in this entire process. and so i believe that as long as we watch president biden continue to make strides towards that ceasefire, towards a return to a two-state solution conversation. and holding israel accountable for its actions. i believe that president biden is making right moves. >> i want to get to the issue of abortion access. it's clearly going to be a key issue in this 2024 campaign, arizona, as you now know, we'll soon see in near-total abortion ban, go into effect from a law that originated during the civil war
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first of all, stacey, what's your reaction to that >> it's an absurdity that continues to demonstrate the republicans are out of step with americans this was a decision made by supreme court, but it is based on a law passed by republicans recent law we know that governor doug do see put in place and abortion ban just as we have one here in georgia so as we've seen in texas and in mississippi and in florida, we live in a region of the country that is nearly land locked out of access to healthcare for women. it is an absurdity is bromination and it should not stand. and i'm very proud of governor hobbes and attorney general maze and their lack of there refused useful to allow this to put the women of arizona in danger >> resident biden at the same time is also dealing with recent polling showing him losing support among black voters rna marsh recently talked with a group of black students in georgia, your state, i want you to listen to what one of them said. listen to this democrats don't listen
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to us. joe biden doesn't care about us, but students just feel like their vote doesn't matter. they feel like no matter what they do no matter what they do or who they vote for, things are just bad biden was a lot of people like me personally voted for for him because he was the lesser of two evils. but i'm not even sure that's true. >> now obviously, >> stacey, this is not how >> every or even most black students feel, but in an election this close every vote certainly matters. so what do you say to someone like bozeman? i was >> recently at howard university where i hosted a conversation with students. and prior to that conversation, i helped handout awards to students who'd written papers and one student wrote a paper on the lesser of two evils in elections. and the call to action for black students in particular and what she pointed out, what i would reiterate is that this isn't a question of the lesser of two evils is the
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question of who will do the most to protect and defend americans, who will defend the right for black students to attend the colleges of their choice to make certain they have jobs when they're time and collagen for those students who do not have the ability or the opportunity or the desire here to attend college, who's going to make certain there's a path to a future joe biden is doing that work. the responsibility of any campaign is to spread that message to answer those questions, not to be defensive, but to be definitive what joe biden has started over the last four years will continue to grow, but it's going to take more time elections are a snapshot and we know that voting is not magic. voting is medicine. and the evils and the ills that we see coming out of the republican party from the refusal to expand medicaid in states like georgia to the near-total abortion bans that we'd see covering 16 states to the attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion that are trying to strip economic access away from so many millions of americans. those are all things that will get exponentially
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worse under republicans and can only get better if we return joe biden to the white house and we make certain he has a congress to work with him, not against him to make improvements for folks it's like moses and for anyone in this united states who wants more for their lives and their families >> stacey abrams, thanks very much for joining us. and once again, her thriller, rogue justice, is now available in paperback coming up, we're breaking down the newest ruling on a motion to try to delay donald trump's upcoming hush money trial now at, t professionally installed, google nest >> products, cool you're all set >> are missing it's time we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt looks like a >> unicorn, quite happy tears all over it i could say that >> yeah, when the e luxury, a lt of coal for last, there's only
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i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? lifeworld let's run, are those who can >> i'm pete muntean, it reagan national airport this is cnn donald trump's first criminal trial remains on track to begin on monday after his latest request >> for delay was denied, an appeals court judge refusing today to push back the start dates or trump can challenge the gag order imposed on him in the case let's break it all down with cnn, senior legal analyst, elie honig elea trump has been rejected now, twice in two days for these last delay tactics over the gag order and the trial venue, does trump have a chance with the full appeals court? >> no, i don't think he does.
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well, if as you said, he's already lost the gag order issue twice, and the ruling the reason for that is because the gag order is really narrow. all it does is prohibit donald trump from public comments about witnesses, about jurors, and about staff and their family members. he is still allowed to aggressively criticized the judge, the da the case against him as he has done over the past week. so donald trump will have a chance to brief this to the full appeals court, but i don't think he's got any chance of winning an important to note. wewhatever happe with this gag order will have no impa on the trial art date because even if trump's somehow succeeds in getting this gag order overturned, you just carry on with the trial without a gag order. in place. so those two things are unconnected. >> this trial will start next monday and cnn, as you know, who obtained the jury questionnaire, how will that guide the lawyers on each side? >> well, it's a fascinating and crucial document. well, the first thing i think the lawyers are going to be looking for is bias or partiality. are these jurors capable of ruling?
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fairly on a case involving a very polarizing figure, positive and negative in donald trump. and i think the trick for lawyers here is going to be to sort of read between the lines because a lot of jurors, almost all potential jurors say, oh sure, i can be fair. people don't like to think of themselves as bias, but the trick is looking at some of those other indicators. what types of organizations is the person a part of? what types of political activity have they been involved in to decide whether a potential juror can truly be fair for or against donald trump, depending which side you're on here, da or defense just a couple we'll be watching that. i'm monday. elie honig. thank you very much just ahead. exclusive reaction from the family of a man shot and killed by chicago police. as the city releases body camera footage of the fatal encounter >> allergies >> with allegro they won't stop me nothing beats allegro. >> it's the >> fastest non drowsy 24 hour allergy relief
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes and stuff? yup. >> doctors preferred better science better results >> how it really happened. >> sunday, april 28. did nine on cnn the city of chicago has just released disturbing body camera footage of a traffic stop turned deadly. seen as nick watt is taking a closer look, i want to warn our viewers the video you're about to see is disturbing we're told dexter reed was stopped for not wearing a seat belt pulled over by an unmarked
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police car, then surrounded by plainclothes, >> officers, some were wearing tactical bests emblazoned with the police. >> now, watch what happened >> well, the windows, i wanted roll the window down >> what are you doing >> all. different, not role that one down to >> don't roll the window. i'm don't roll the window up do not roll the window light >> the doors lock. the, doors the doors >> around, his car
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>> today chicago's civilian office of police accountability released this video and said this preliminary information and available evidence appears to confirm that mr. reed fired first, striking one officer >> that officer was hit in the forearm, the four other officers were told that foreign around 96 shots at read within just 41 seconds. read got out of the car. officers continue to fire as he stumbled and after he fell now, we know that by this point, reid was unarmed apparently, those officers did not. >> i don't know where the gun is. i don't know where they got as a weapon was found later inside the vehicle today, his family was shown this footage, then spoke exclusively cnn's omar jimenez, shooting him in >> he's already de you study
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shooting him like they killed foreign and they kept me and i just wish that i could tell tale. but to see him gunned down, i never ever thought that it'd be whom i know thought that it would be >> the officers are now on 30 days administrative leave. >> it will be our job based on the totality of the evidence to determine whether the use of force in this case was beyond that force which is allowable under the law >> a major question remains, why was a tactical team in an unmarked vehicle making what we're told was just a traffic stop. we don't know the context because there is no audio on that bodycam footage until the officers get out of their car and start talking. >> roll the window down, then firing. >> there is a problem with policing in this city when five tactical officers jumped out of an unmarked police car brandishing their weapons for a
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young man that was wearing his seat belt. >> don't forget. we're told reap fired first now we'll be nearly ten years since the killing of another young black man in chicago, louk kwan mcdonald, forced >> change investigations and change on that department. but today, dexter reads family and their lawyer say that change has not gone far enough. they want those so-called tactical units disbanded. so they say something similar to this, doesn't happen to another family well, are nick watt reporting for a snack you nick very much coming up chaos up on capitol hill as the house returns to the session, standby for exclusive >> reaction from a republican renewing or threat to oust the house speaker mike johnson >> thinking i'm thinking about
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easter the house of representatives is back in session tonight as speaker mike johnson faces renewed threat to his leadership and a republican conference deeply divided over a slew of very controversial legislation are chief congressional correspondent manu raju, as our report it has not even been six months since mike johnson assumed the speakership after kevin mccarthy's ouster now the question how long can johnson last? mike >> johnson has completely betrayed our conference and his leadership cannot be allowed to continue going forward. >> he's seeing an escalating threat from a fellow republicans, marjorie taylor greene, who's warning, she may call for a vote to remove him. in part over his deal to keep the government open. >> we are a conference and chaos, right now because are republican speaker of the house is passing major bills without the majority of the majority support.
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>> now issuing this warning, it's johnson plans for a new ukraine aid package. >> he's going to make my case for me and he makes it even easier. so what >> i'm trying to do, johnson is trying to navigate is sharply divided conference all with little margin for error and soon we'll see his razor thin majority shrink again. >> after >> another republican resigns amid the house turmoil leaving him with just one vote to spare but as ukraine critics warn, johnson not to move ahead many in both parties say the house of decision to slow walk aid package could lead to a russian victory but if we don't rearm them, then the coalition supporting them will fall apart and it'll be on the hands of people who stand in the way of the supplemental >> or abab go alternative if the house can produce it to us, get us something, but inactions on acceptable >> two months ago, the senate passed a $95 billion foreign aid package with 22 republicans voting for it, including senate gop leader mitch mcconnell.
12:00 am
>> i hope that at some point here the speaker will put the senate passed supplemental on the floor >> johnson is trying to narrow this sentence plan and add new border security provisions all while looking to turn ukraine aid into a and idea backed by trump. but one generating skepticism has positions are ever shifting right >> so it's a little bit hard to follow it. it is day-to-day. >> it comes as johnson is grappling with another major dispute, dividing his conference renewing an expiring law that gives the fbi the power to conduct warrantless surveillance. still, johnson could hang on. given many are skeptical about greene's effort, the last time i pulled the trigger on a motion to vacate, i could make a true promise to the country that we would not end up with a democrat speaker of the house. and i fulfilled that promise and i'm not certain that i could do it again >> now, john marjorie taylor greene told me that she declined to meet


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