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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 10, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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precipitated the entire incident and questions remain over y tactical officers initiated the traffic stop for a supposed seat belt violation as part of a brief statement, chicago police says this incident is still under investigation. but the stop is where it all began. >> computable stopped my nephew. he'll be a lab today, reads uncle >> sitting alongside his father when this happened to my nephew. i hope the police can understand that this is the same pain that they feel when an officer is killed in the line of duty. >> it's a pain that manifests in memories and pain that manifests and despair get that. no. well, i don't know what and i just wish that i could thoughts hill. well but to see him gunned down, i never ever thought that it'd be whom i thought that it would be him i've never thought that it
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would be hill. >> now, the chicago police department says this is still under investigation, and the civilian office of police accountability said because they've recommended to the police superintendent that they relieve four of these officers of their policing powers as that investigation continues, the cook county state's attorney here says they are invented lesson getting four potential criminal prosecution, but they are not. there at this point. and look as people watch this and react to this. reed did fire his weapon first and so that initial response from police is not necessarily what is under questioning. are those initial shots? it is really why this stop happened in the first place why the shots continue for as long as they did andersen omar jimenez, thanks. the news continues right here on cnn >> outright. next, breaking news as trump stares down five days until his first criminal trial in new york the judge, and yet another criminal trial, the classified documents case just issuing a separate ruling.
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this time siding with the special counsel, jack smith and the unbelievable 180 inside the republican party, the gop running as fast as they can away from a major port ruling today, the bans nearly every abortion. the state of arizona >> so why >> are they so afraid of that? isn't that what they said they wanted >> and a cnn >> investigation this >> hour into one of the single deadliest events in gaza tonight, casting major doubt on israel's official version of the events. let's go out front >> and good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, five days until trump's criminal trial begins in new york. trump denied at every turn tonight as he tries to stall that case. just moments ago another key decision coming out and a separate trump trial as well. this in just the past hour, a ruling in trump's mar-a-lago classified documents case, who gave jack smith a partial when signing with his request to withhold real names of witnesses in court documents, but there are many bots here,
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but one of them in particular is huge judge cannon still has not announced a trial date for that classified documents case coming under intense criticism that she's doing exactly what trump wants in delaying the case. now, we're going to have worn that breaking ruling in just a moment. polaroids breaking some more details here at this moment, but again, this is a result of a last-minute hearing for trump in new york today very terse rejection. today, trump's legal team arguing to an appeals court judge that his hush money case should be delayed while the former president challenges a gag order the decision though was swift moments after the hearing ended. the judge and these two terms pages rejecting trump's argument and at the very end, lots of lines you could have put for your reasoning and she only needed to this application for an interim stay of the proceedings pending resolution of the article 78 proceeding is denied. justice cynthia kim then signing merely with her initials here cs k. cynthia kern, i'm sorry. >> so as of >> tonight, trump's first criminal trial with 34 counts
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is full steam ahead to begin on on monday, trump will become the first us president to face criminal prosecution and the jury pool in manhattan is already set for this jury selection will begin on monday and everyone who's scheduled to show up on monday has known they're showing up on monday so they know who they are. paula reid is out front and paula the new york case, about to make history tonight even as judge cannon and florida, again, refuses to set a trial date yeah. >> here are cannon >> did at least decide >> one of the key issues that is created really like a log jam. in this case. and that is whether to reveal the names of witnesses. and she said for now those names will remain secret. but this has caused a lot of tension between the special counsel's office and judge cannon after cannon pushed for more transparency and said she was going to reveal more information in this case. but tonight, she conceded that the special counsel is right if she were to reveal the names of these witnesses are and we've
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reported some of these witnesses are low-level employees at trump's club that could potentially subject them to risk and harassment. now, cannon, she has been under a lot of scrutiny for her approach to this case. she's still has over a dozen motions outstanding. and as you noted, the biggest decision she hasn't made is where to put this case on the calendar. we were in court with her well over a month ago to your arguments on that issue and she's still has not set a date. they earn i get a lot of questions amid this tension, the scrutiny about whether the special counsel will move to try to get cannon removed from this case. now, there's no indication and their filings that they're going to do that at this point. but if they were that's difficult, that's a high bar. they would need he'd are record of mistakes or missteps and right now, her record is pretty thin, but you can bet if they do attempt that in the future, this backtrack will likely be part of the record. >> certainly it would it would seem that way. all right. thank you very much, paula. and i
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want to go now to our legal analyst, ryan goodman, sara kris off former us prosecutor for there's other districts here in new york. and robert hirshhorn, attorney and jury and trial consultant. so thanks so much to all of you. so ryan it's brief. as i said, terse. i mean, it didn't take much. i mean, i'm sure you could add lines if you needed to, but she only needed two of the roughly ten lines here. so is there anything else trump could do that could result in a delay of a case scheduled to start in five days >> i can't see anything that he could do. i think we're going to go to trial on monday. the only kind of unforeseeable event is if he somehow his legal team fell apart, then you got a call for a rescheduling, but that wouldn't happen. his legal team has in place for him across multiple cases but there's he stuck within their start with him and he stuck with this trial. >> sarah, what do you think? >> i agree. i mean, he's done everything he can do here to try to delay this and it's just not going to happen. i think we're going forward on one day whether he likes it or not.
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>> i mean, it is i said it will be history-making. i mean, that is the first time a former us presidents facing criminal prosecution robert on monday, of course, a judge said, you can't you can't delay the trial. you've got this jury pool, though, already set, >> right? already set. >> they're gonna show up. >> they know who they are. we've gone through that. they've got a long questionnaire with 42 questions that they're going to be asking each and every potential juror. so how does the process? it's a start from here >> yeah, aaron, thank you so much for having me on the show so first we'll see if trump has any more continuance is up his sleeve. him and his team will say, because i won't believe it till monday comes >> so what's >> going to happen is the judge is going to call those jurors and he's going to put them in panel well, sort of groups as i understand it's somewhere around 500 jurors that he summoned. >> and >> what he's gonna do, what it's fascinating, aaron, what he's doing. he's going to have, he's going to talk to the jurors and basically say to them, look, here's how long,
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here's all long the trial is going to last just because you might have childcare issues work issues that in and of itself is not going to be enough. so i want to know two things. do you have an opinion about the case and you have a hardship, you have an opinion that's so strong that you can't be a fair and impartial juror. and what the judge is going to do is literally have the panel members raise their hand up to see if either they have a strong opinion or they have a hardship he's going to literally, literally align the d'oeuvres up, have them come up and talk one at a time and tell the judge what they're hardship is or what their why they can't be a fair and impartial juror. it's going to be a fascinating process. >> i mean, it is fascinating to imagine 500 people sort of parading through there. so i mean, the way the system is supposed to work is that all of us citizens as jurors are supposed to answer those questions >> honestly >> and this is your your duty as a citizen do you think that that is reasonable to expect that people are going to say, i
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have a strong opinion or i mean, among the question since we're checking where you get the newest checking what podcasts you listened to check and what books you've read >> yeah. i mean, looking at those questions, i think they're really fairly designed to flesh out what people's views are and whether they have biases or preconceived notions. you would hope that people on answer them honestly, but there may be people bull who very much want to serve on the jury, and there may be people who very much don't want to serve on the jury, and they may adjust their answers accordingly, right we understand that happens so ryan, at the same time and i think this is very important, so i know robert said i'll believe it when i see it. right. it gets to get to the finish line. but if this starts on monday as it seems now in this five day countdown, that it will at the same time, a three-judge panel, if i'm correct. right. we'll be listening to trump's appeal on a gag order in the case, which could potentially affect the timing the trial itself >> how does >> that happen that these two things are going at the same
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time, parallel paths >> so think important thing to think about is that trump's argument for why he should not be gagged and what he says about witnesses and the like. is he saying i have a first amendment right to speak my mind to the public and i'm campaigning. he's not saying i get to say this because i want to influence the jurors so that's why you can have them on two separate tracks. get the jury started, get the trial started have that happen, and then yes, it's actually important to have the briefing and everything occur very quickly on the gag order in order to potentially release him or not for what he wants to say publicly, but it's not about what he wants to say directed at the court or at the jurors at the trial. that's why these two things can happen at the same time. >> robert, do you think expect anyone and the other these 500 i mean, they're gonna be some people i would presume because it's always the case in new york are going to say that they're not aware of the case, but the majority of them one would think would be well aware of at least some of the details on this yeah >> absolutely. you'd have to be living under a rock, not to
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have heard about this case. the hush money case, or the stormy daniels case, everybody would have heard of it enter and the vast majority. but here's the issue. can you take whatever opinions that you have about the case or former president trump and set those aside and decide this case based on the testimony, the evidence, and the law. and if the juror said yes, they're going to be on the jury panel, at least the panel, if not the actual juror, jury. and if they say no, the judge let's just going to cut them loose because the process he set up, aaron, it's designed to ferret out the vast majority of people that either have a legitimate hardship or just can't be fair and impartial. so he's going to wean that group of 500 down to maybe 150 and that's that's the group that's going to be answering the 42 quest's that's kinda really answered those questions. >> it is amazing and i think for people to realize >> what happens in manhattan if 500 people are going to show up, nopat situation of course, and the vast majority of
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locations the country. so ryan, the other thing, paula reid breaking the news on judge cannon. so several parts to the rolling one. okay. the names are going to be redacted of the witnesses in the actual well documents. but trump is still allowed to post things about these people or things they've said, and she still refuses a court date what do you take away from that today? >> so think she did the most important thing which is to protect the identity of the witnesses so that the public at large would have a harder time trying to target them, who they are exactly and a dovetail hill's with what's happening in new york that the gag order is in place because as the judge judge measure and said otherwise, what trump has done with his statements to identifying people specifically is create an atmosphere of intimidation so that's at least what she has done today. tonight is essentially tried to protect some of the witnesses from that atmosphere of intimidation, and it could have been awful if she had decided at any other direction, just imagine some of these witnesses dropping out that could have been easy result, right? all right. but thank you. all three very much. and next, the major supreme court ruling from the
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state of arizona upholding an 18 64 law, bringing a whole new meaning to precedent, which bans nearly every abortion in the state. it is a law that republicans like kari lake were once huge fan i'm incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that's already on the book >> while she's not so thrilled tonight so here what she's saying, but she doesn't want to lose are senate race. she's not the only one running far, far away plus president biden offering one of his sharpest rebukes yet netanyahu as a cnn investigation, you'll see this hour of one of the single deadliest mass casualty events in gaza. cas major doubt on israel this version of events >> zyrtec allergy relief works fast and last a full 24 hours today's can bva deliverer, dance >> okay. dave let's be more
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sprinting away from one of the issues that is defined that party for decades and issue the republican presidential candidates down to local lawmakers have campaigned on again and again a crucial litmus test for the entire republican party issues, abortion and republicans are now tripping over themselves after the arizona supreme court rolled abortion rights back to 18 64, upholding a 160 year-old abortion ban. it outlaws nearly all abortions in the state unless necessary to save the mother's life that means rape, incest, all that not included, just the mother's life. the law actually sends abortion providers up to prison, to prison for up to five years now that is one of the toughest laws in the country. and now some republicans who have claimed to be against abortion rights are doing all they can to distance themselves from today's decisions. so let's just start ground zero on this one in arizona with kari lake, who is running for arizona's open senate seat. today, she released a statement which reads, and i quote, i oppose today's ruling and i am
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calling on katie hobbs and the state legislature to come up with an immediate common sense solution that arizonans can support okay. that would be fine if she just was breaking her silence on this issue. you might say, oh, who'd ever heard of a lot from 18, 64 well, kari lake had and in fact, she had ardently supported this very law from 18 64 here she is talking about it two years ago we have a great law on the books right now. i'm incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that's already on the books. i believe it's ars 13, so it will prohibit abortion in arizona except to save the life of a mother. and i think we're going to be the i'm setting the paving the way and setting course for other states to follow >> so she didn't even just say, oh, i support this law in the book. she exactly said what the law did write, that only in the life of the mother. that's the 18 64 law. she made it very clear she knew what it was and she supported it lakes
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flip-flopping because she knows that arizona is not paving the way when it comes to the way the voters want an arizona as civil war era law is not what voters want. i mean, look at the map. when you see this across the country, ohio, california, michigan, vermont, and conservative states, kansas, kentucky, montana have all gone to the polls to protect get access to abortion. you had that state that state legislative seat one and alabama by marilyn lands, you are seeing it across this country. kayla tausche is out front, live outside the white house to begin our coverage of this tonight. and halo the white house tonight, right? a fight on this issue. they believe that this is key to biden's reelection how much are the republican flip-flopping attempts though, complicating things of for biden in that. >> well, erin, there's still republicans who are flip-flopping in the other direction, swing-state republican candidates who have been a little bit more circumspect on the issue. and now are siding with the policy position that president trump, the former president, has laid
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out this week, we're, he has said to let the states decide and it's that position that in conversations tonight, senior white house officials, senior biden campaign officials say is going to be the galvanizing issue for voters and it's going to help them establish a very clear contrast between what their candidate will do and what former president trump is outlining one campaign official described it to me as a state level dobbs referring of course, to the case in 2022 that helped this supreme court overturned roe v. wade, sparking protests across the country and giving democrats a strong showing in a 2022 midterms. and campaign officials site polling in arizona that so that 62% of arizonans believed that abortion should be legal in all or most cases. but the challenge for biden in that state is going to be how many others? their are issues voters will have to consider their take what the wall street journal found just last month when it pulled voters across swing states including in arizona, abortion was actually
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the only issue where biden bested trump. you'll see an other cases like on the economy, immigration and fitness for office, president trump was about 20 points higher than president biden even so they're going full court press on this issue alone. vice president harris will be in tucson later this week and they're going to be many more surrogates visiting arizona and other swing states to talk about this. >> all right, kayla, thank you very much. let's bring in cnn political commentator and the host of pbs firing line, margaret hoover >> okay so it's amazing to look at how arizonans view the issue of abortion is kayla lays out those poles? no prize and the kari lake's running away from it. maybe the surprise is how much she knew about it that she had a down accurately and she so stridently supported it before, you know, it bears repeating as you've said, this is a civil war era law that was on the books in arizona, 18, 64 arizona wasn't even a state. aaron when this law was on a
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book. so the supreme court in arizona has just ignored a 2022 ban on abortion that was 15 weeks in favor of a territorial law that wasn't even on the books and it was argued and this is the key and this is why kari lake took this position. >> she was running and for governor in 2022, and she was defending an argument from a far-right extremist group called the alliance, defending freedom. >> this is a >> deeply conservative, litigious group. they argue that they're doing the thing they accuse others of. this is lawfare using socially conservative ideology to fuel their arguments and this group, the alliance defending freedom, is responsible for the most onerous anti-lgbt laws. an anti-trans laws that are being passed in state legislatures across the country. they are responsible for the argument the state supreme in court in arizona accepted. >> so she is i guess, and then she had felt like she had to pander to them or to be on
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their side galvanizing that narrow niche of support in order to try to get her over the finish line for her gubernatorial race. now she's running away from it because guess what actually, arizona republicans and a statewide race, arizona republicans remember, think barry goldwater, barry goldwater, who may have been sort of this pillar in the conservative movement, but arizona conservatives are libertarians on social issues and they always have been. it was barry goldwater's family who actually helped establish the first planned parenthood in arizona. wow, this is not a state that is going to want the government of impede your personal liberty. it >> is amazing to see whether she'll be able to get away with such a direct flip-flop though. i mean, they don't they don't always come as clear as this one. >> i have spoken to say elected in the last hour republican state electrodes. they believed that this will absolutely flipped the legislature. this will absolutely impact the presidential election. this has republicans now on their back feet. there is no way donald trump is going to carry the state. >> well, trump has said trump
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has said that he put it to the states yeah. well, that put it to the states. that's what you get an arizona while how's it going? it's not going to go so well for him in arizona and truly this is actually they said 65% of arizonans are in favor of this. i mean, this is the most draconian law. now we have in all the states and all the books no exceptions for rape, no exceptions for incest. >> only >> in the case of the death of the mother this is truly i mean, this is a civil war era 19th century law. now on the books in 2024, pretty, pretty incredible. all right, margaret, thank you very much. and outfront next cnn investigates one of the biggest mass casualties events of the gaza war. and what cnn uncovered is raising questions about officials israel's official shall timeline of events plus republican marjorie taylor greene dialing up the pressure to oust speaker mike johnson. but if trump told her to back down would she will. you're going to hear because manu raju just asked her in a one-on-one interview not
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it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. really happened >> sunday, april 28, did nine marks. cnn >> breaking news, president biden with some of his harshest criticism yet of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's handling of the war in gaza
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including the israeli strike on the world central kitchen aid convoy in which seven workers were killed, were delivering food to gaza >> trying to think what he's doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his approach. i think is outrageous that those four three vehicles were hit by drones. and taken out >> this comes as cnn investigates another fatal incident involving the israeli defense forces. this one, the single deadliest mass casualty into one of the single deadliest cash casualty events in gaza. cnn's report tonight cast serious doubt on the official israeli version of events that happened on that day, warning that some of the images that you are about to see in this investigation are graphic. katie polglase is out front it's early morning on february 29th on al rashid road in northern gaza. thousands of starving people have gathered here to receive food. but as
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the aid trucks arrive, this happens the night would become known as the flour massacre by morning, over 100 would be dead in one of the single biggest mass casualty events of this conflict. >> he was >> seen uninvestigated this incident, obtaining never seen before videos of that night, collecting evidence from 22 eyewitnesses and tracing the aid itself all the way to a muslim charity in the uk it was the idf that was then responsible for safely delivering these vital supplies but we found the open fire on unarmed starving palestinians at close range as the aid arrived there explanation for the tragedy using this drone video was the stampede that cause soldiers to fire a warning shots in the air. they later admitted to firing some shots directly at so-called suspects who approached them. but the idf footage is crowdsurrounding the trucks
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and bodies lng on the ground even this reals th were firing in a densely packed area, likelycause seve bloodsd cnn requested the full footage from the idf, but it was denied jihad abu watfa was amongst the starving palestinians and started filming as the trucks crossed into northern gaza >> hello non my hand was up >> the gunfire started earlier than the idf claimed. the idf published this timeline saying the trucks arrived at the checkpoint at 4:00 a.m. leaving crossed at 4:29. and only after that did the idf fire shots that the crowd but in billows video filmed seven minutes earlier, 4:22 a.m. gunshots
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ring out he warns there was a tank the idf claimed the convoy was still stationary at the checkpoint at this time next jihad begins filming it's now for 20, 8:00 a.m. and there's a barrage of gunfire on the shots are close analysis by weapons experts of the birth indicate heavy automatic gunfire at 600 rounds per minute. jihad keeps filming nothing to learn more, hospital is going to attack is beside me. >> we're now under siege. he says, moments later you see a truck driving along the road, responded traces from the gunfire here one could be seen ricocheting up here according to weapons experts dan chill ju than i use often tibet, one
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site plus some hello shahid >> as day broke, the number of dead and injured that emerged was staggering interviews with survivors at hospitals afterwards, found some people had been shot in the upper body when did this just amidst the devastation, cnn found a clue as to who had >> delivered this aid, this box with the writing ummah welfare trust. >> this was the first time that the aid had reached northern gaza. and were very, very excited and happy that finally we have gone they received the terrible news as to what had happened via whatsapp or walk up to some photos with cardboard boxes of our >> logo, my welfare trust with bloodstains on them. and it came as a shock. this is the first time in 20 years where i've actually seen blood being mixed with aid in all at least 118 died that day with the un struggling to access northern
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gaza, the idf are responsible >> for ensuring aid arrives safely. despite this, the un has documented two dozen attacks on palestinians awaiting aid in the last three months alone >> for >> those like jihad living on the verge of famine it has led to a desperate fight for survival >> hey, i'm done. min me if i'm i could do a lot, todd >> and now about fight become also asked for that full unedited drone footage. but those requests have been denied. and really this investigation is calling into question the idf's ability to safely deliver, distribute aid when it's clearly most desperately needed. >> aaron. >> all right. can you thank you very much. again for another outstanding report in vet katie and her investigative team i want to go now to the democratic senator chris, of
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delaware, member of the foreign relations committee. senator, i appreciate your time after the world central kitchen airstrike. you know, you had said conditions may need to be put on. you us aid to israel now you've been able to see the cnn investigation. i know you just saw it here for the first time yourself but it contradicts the idf's official account of how at least 118 people were killed after they lined up for food aid in gaza shows that the gunfire started at least seven minutes earlier than the idf actually said, having the automatic gunfire and calling into question their full account. what's your reaction center? >> erin, what's clear, both from the reporting i just saw on cnn and from dozens of previous incidents. is that far too many civilians have died in the six months of this conflict against hamas. and far too many aid workers have died. nearly 200 the world central kitchen incident riveted the attention of many here in congress because jose andres is known to many of us but frankly, many
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other incidents like the one you were just documenting, in which more than 100 died also have shown that the chaos in gaza of the civilian deaths in gaza, and the difficulty delivering humanitarian aid has gotten to a point where there needs to be changes made. in the last few days, more aid trucks they've gotten into gaza than at any point in six months, i think more than 400 today. and the netanyahu government has announced an intention to open the erez as gate in the north, which if that's done could make a significant impact on the hunger bordering on famine in the north of gaza, as well as the ashdod port and a route through kerem shalom, four trucks from jordan this is long overdue and i think it's time for us to see some significant changes like this. >> senator, to the extent that this report calls into question, though the official version, a very specific timeline that had been put out by the idf. it just raises a
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crucial question for you and your colleagues, but you, in dealing with israeli officials do you trust what the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says right now? >> will luck. it's been an important but at challenging relationship the united states and israel are close and long standing allies we are committed to defending israel against any attack by iran and it's important to remember how this entire six month long conflict began with the horrifying terrorist attack by from us. i've met with prime minister netanyahu many times and i raised with him in person six weeks ago when i last met with them, the urgency of addressing deconfliction, the number of folks who were being killed in an attempt to deliver aid that deconfliction clearly did not get fixed. so clearly there is more work to be done and no. and your fellow democratic senator elizabeth warren, she was asked to do you thought israel was committing genocide in gaza as she
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answered, and i quote, or if you want to do it as an application of law, i believe they'll find that it is genocide. and they had ample evidence to do so that they she's referring to as is courts. she's talked about a court of law but when you talk about, you've had conversations with netanyahu and then clearly things still need to be addressed. it was i believe how you still put it. >> do you agree with her? is this genocide >> i don't think that's a legal conclusion that i can or should reach tonight. but i think president biden and many of us in the senate have been pressing for changes in policy and practice. we've been clear that a large-scale attack on rafah, even though there are still hamas battalions, there is not justified without providing for civilians to move out of the way. and that there has to be a change in terms of the humanitarian relief that's getting into israel. i'm wearing a small note that says 1806 on it as a reminder that there are still hostages being held by hamas underneath gaza i
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met with a hostage family earlier today with hersh goldberg-polin, mother, rachel and my hope is that we are seeing progress in negotiations in cairo, that hamas will accept the latest offer from israel and we will see both a hostage release and a ceasefire center cones. thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> thank you, erin >> next, marjorie taylor greene ramping up per threat to oust the speaker, mike johnson tonight is trump-supporting her crusade. you're going to hear the tails of what she's telling are manu raju. he just spoke to her. he's going to share what she said with you and costco cannot keep gold bars? yes, they have real bars made of gold, but else they've got everything costco, they can't keep them in stock. so should you be buying them? it's a big question here. suzi orman is outfront next >> i was stuck unresolved
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republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, just telling are manu raju, that speaker mike johnson has quote, completely betrayed his party her comments coming just hours after she said a scathing five-page letter to house pushing for his ouster, writing in part quote, he is throwing our own razor-thin majority into chaos by not serving his own gop conference that elected him well, manu is out front on capitol hill and mondo, you just had a chance to speak to congresswoman greene, who could be the one to oust the speaker for here it only takes one. she's been saying she's going to do it. and you had a chance to talk to her about that and whether trump is supporting our efforts. what did she tell you? >> she made clear that she is not backing off. she would not detail exactly what we're trigger this vote. the call that you could call at any moment really to seek my johnson's ouster, but she didn't warn him not to move forward with, ukraine aid package just as mike johnson is at the moment trying to cobble together a ukraine aid package. she told me that you didn't that's speak with johnson on
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friday, even as they plan to speak because she declined to do so saying that you needed to speak to her constituents first, and she plans to speak with them this week if he's willing to do so. but errand, he she did speak to donald trump earlier today and i asked her whether or not trump is supporting her effort. >> well, i absolutely loved president trump. i have a great relationship with him. i talked to him earlier today. >> i >> won't speak for president trump and i don't think this is really a problem. >> you don't think yell. do you think your way in one way or the other? is he dissuading you? >> i will never speak for president trump about he will are or won't do. he's the leader of our party and i always leave that up to him respectfully but i think president trump is far more focused on winning his campaign to become president of the united states in 2025 i definitely don't think he wants a republican speaker of the house that will fund the department apartment of justice. that's trying to put him in jail for the rest of his
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life. >> if he calls you and said marjorie backoff, would you listen to >> he hasn't ll mand said that, yes. so ain, i don't split fopresent trump that's totay up to m the way in if he wanted to. i think he's focused on his election and we should be but aan, there are still a lot of quons about how exactly this would play out, not just the timing, but where the votes will be. i spend a lot of time today talking two republicans, many of them either noncommittal or just flat out opposed to this effort. and will democratsome? to eaker johnson's defense if he moves forward on ukraine aid, that is something that leader, hakeem jeffries, won't weigh in on tonight. >> and obviously at the heart of all of this manu thank you very much. at the heart of it, the election and americans deep fears about the economy. and that brings us to what really is a new gold rush in america people regular americans, not just investors, big investors are big banks are rushing to buy actual gold, physical gold amid inflation concerns. >> look at costco costco's only
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started selling gold bars last year for proof. okay, so this is the situation they start selling. we are go and wells fargo is now estimated that costco is now selling up to 200 million a month. and gold bars >> now i just want to it sounds enormous. it is by comparison, costco sold $100 million in gold so bars for the entire quarter that ended last november. so an entire quarter, 100 million and now running at $200 million a month bank of america now projecting that the price of an ounce of gold, but its seven straight record highs lately, we'll hit $3,000 by the end of the year for now, suzi orman, one of the world's best-known personal finance advisors and the founder of secure save and the host of the women and money podcast >> so susie, i lay >> all this out because it comes from a place of a lot of very real fears of inflation and prices going up and feeling like your money doesn't go as far and people are rushing into
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gold, are you shocked when you hear things like this? $100 million? first of all, they weren't even selling them a year ago. then they sell them one-quarter hundred million dollars. now they're running a $200 million month and gold bars. is that something anybody should be fine >> well, here's the thing. aaron is that people always have this herd mentality and this fear of missing out to happen with bitcoin. they coin is going up. it's going up, it's going up. all i have to buy it. oh goal. >> never >> even thought about gold before. now here you're in pascal and people are in line and they're running out of it and they're only let people buying five apiece and all of a sudden this, this frenzy starts and everybody wants to be a part of it, especially when they see the price going up and the price has gone up 13% so far this year, what they or not thinking about, however, is that it's one thing to buy gold and get a physical bar. it's another thing to have to sell it and that is not what
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they are thinking about. you have to have it surveyed all these things. where do you go? where do you keep it? is it ensured, is it now? and so there's a lot of things that i think people really need to think about when you're buying physical gold less. and if you want to be invested in gold, you can do it through an etf. you can do it many ways. but to buy the actual commodity, i'm not sure is something that people should be doing that which is a crucial point, the point you make of if you do believe that, that gold is a good thing to buy, as a sort of a hedge, as, against inflation, that there are other ways to do it, as you mentioned, exchange traded funds and other ways do you, susie right now, have fears about where inflation is going, though, those fears that clearly is where a lot of americans are getting this anxiety from i do, have fair about it, but for different reasons than before. now, i'm afraid because commodities are going up, not just gold. look
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at the price of oil, oils at, at $89, righin there, depending if it's wti or brent. and is oil goes up, what else? happens? the pri of gasoline starts to go up. so people starto feel it every single d as the're filling up their tanks, then everybody starts to talk about it again and also the news is saying, what's going to happen tomorrow with the cpi is inflation going to go up? is it not? >> and? do you see people getting coming out of stocks? possibly going to bads and vice versa. i think everybody needs to just come down i think they need to see really where is it at and not be investing according to inflation. air and they need to be investing according to what's going on. there individual lives. are they older and do they need fixed income? so should they be buying a 20 or 30 year treasury bond and locking it up or are
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they younger and should they be in the stock market? so i think everybody is just freaking out right now, but i don't think we need to be freaking out as much as they are. >> and everyone is freaking out. i mean, that's the reality. i think it's more macro than even the economy, right? it's sort of a soul searching moment of great anxiety when you talk about politics and democracy and what's at stake. and then the economy. the context here, you've got to zillow analysis. i know you were looking at this susie 550 cities in the united states where the typical value of a home is 1 million or more at the same time as a new cnbc survey, they you lead found that 65% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck and say that they only have what, $400 of emergency money credit card debt is surging >> yeah, wondered dollars, urine of emergency money. >> so you have two >> sectors really going on, which are the rich people are getting richer and richer. they
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have the money to be investing in stock in ai, taking advantage of everything, what to know, what's really sad is 20 25% of the real estate that people could have bought themselves were bought by investors people who wanted to make money. the big people, which left little are inventories for those people who just wanted to buy a home. so it's getting really difficult, not just because of interest rates and mortgages, because of insurance and everything, but there's always help out there and there's always a way to find your way to that pot of gold. >> all right, well, you know what susie i like talking to you because when i feel anxiety about all of these things and i think everybody watching does. like i said, on an existential deep level, i'd is good to be confronted with you're always optimism, so thank you so much. good to talk to you next, the mother and father of the teenage gunman who shot and killed four students in michigan, have now been sentenced as of tonight. we've
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an update for you the full details and the 33 year-old woman from los angeles who is being held in a russian prison tonight for boyfriend is just received new information from her and he's going to tell us what it is not flossing >> well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective in flux reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth >> this >> three, feel the wo row sparks engineered for the spontaneous. a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and see alice faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment get started at slash sparks >> you do this you could do
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connect with skill professionals yeah, all your home projects done well, get started today, an zyrtec allergy relief works fast. it lasts a full 24 hours. so zaid can be deliverer dance okay. >> dave, let's be more than our
1:56 am >> imprint for certain. >> what does it mean to be out front? >> it's going there. >> we >> aren't just about three miles >> from the gaza border. its context and curiosity. >> so you can >> be out front. >> let's go out front. >> erin burnett, outfront week nights. it's seven cnn tonight, the maximum sentence for the parents of school shooter, ethan crumbley. uh, judges ruled that james and jennifer crumbley will spend ten to 15 years in prison the parents were convicted of involuntary manslaughter after
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their son shot and killed four of his classmates the judge's ruling coming after heartbreaking impact statements from the families of the victims whitney wild is out front >> it a sense of this court must crumbley that you serve ten to 15 years. james crumbley is a sense of this court that you serve ten to 15 years with the michigan department of corrections ten to 15 years. that's how long the parents of the teenager who shot and killed four students in 2021 at an oxford michigan high school using a gun. they gifted him, were sentenced to spend behind bars both convicted of involuntary manslaughter in separate trials. it's the first time a parent of a mass shooter has been held criminally responsible. >> this tragedy is taken try a toll on our family. >> emotions ran high as parents and family members of tate, mirror hana st. juliana, madisyn baldwin and justin shilling spoke directly to the crumbleys about their loved
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ones who were killed in the november 2021 shooting when you texted ethan, don't do it i was texting madisyn, i love you. please call mom >> you have failed your son and you have failed us all this failure had deadly consequences that can never be undone, that can never be made right >> your mistakes created our everlasting nightmare. >> now a >> little brother had to learn how to write a eulogy for his sister. before he even learned how to write essays. >> the crumbleys son pleaded guilty to 24 charges, including first-degree murder. he was sentenced to life without parole, and while jennifer crumbley apologized in court, she continued to place blame on the school. >> now, over what than the dark about previous concerning behavior. but in the counselor's office that morning, none of those previous issues were brought to our attention >> and james crumbley, who did not take the stand during his trial, apologizing for the first time i am sorry for your
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loss as a result of what my son did >> i >> cannot express how much i would wish that i hadn't done >> what was going on with him >> or what was going to happen >> but the judge said these convictions, were not about poor parenting >> these convictions confirm repeated acts or lack of acts that could have halted an oncoming runaway train opportunity knocked over for and over again, louder and louder and was ignored. now no one answered and these two people should have and sure didn't the prosecutor in this, case said it's disappointing that the crumbleys didn't express remorse throughout the trial. as for where these family roles there were sentences james and ethan crumbley will not serve their sentences in the same facility instead, aaron, each member of
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this family will serve out their time in a separate facility. aaron >> when you thank you very much. from chicago tonight. before we go and outfront update, we've been closely following the story of cosine of karelina 30 year-old dual us-russian citizen from los angeles. she's being held tonight in russian prison. she was arrested while visiting her parents and charged with treason for allegedly donating $51 to a ukrainian charity a judge now ordering her to remain bar behind bars for an additional three months at least. but karelina has been able to exchange letters with her boyfriend here here in the since her arrest. and tonight, he is giving us the very latest on her life in prison. and what she is enduring >> they get to shower once a week that breaks me she has no hot water. the hardest thing for these to fall asleep because they refused to put the lights off. >> i can