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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 10, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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occurred and we don't know the details of that death, but it's not over briana because as you mentioned earlier, there's a torn nato watch that has been issued already for alabama, georgia, and portions of florida as well, back to you. all right. we'll keep an >> eye on that, rosa. thank you so much for the report from katie texas. >> we're also going to continue to follow our breaking news on cnn out of philadelphia were multiple people are injured following a shooting near and events celebrating the end of ramadan. police do not believe the shooting is connected to that event or to a nearby mosque instead, they believed that there was an exchange of gunfire between two separate groups. >> please say that there were two victims who were rushed to the hospital. one of them is believed to be a suspect. and according to the hospital, three more people showed up with gunshot wounds after they transported themselves to the hospital. obviously, a lot of police response that we saw in that area and a very serious situation the lead with jake
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tapper started that's right now >> so does mr. trump wants to leave abortion up to the state? bates we're not believe starts right now >> in classic >> donald trump passion, the former president, given his supporters whiplash, blasting both arizona and florida for there are abortion bans just two days after saying abortion should be left up to the states and he's not the only republican trying to run away from past comments on abortion breaking news and other appeal hearing involving donald trump getting underway right now, this latest hail mary from the former president as his legal team tries anything they can think of the stop the stormy daniels case from beginning first criminal trial, just five days away, las tornado tornado from tornado warnings to flash flood emergencies. we are on severe weather they're alert in the united states is dangerous storms move in >> welcome for the lean on jake
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tapper and we're going to start with our politics lead days away from the first-ever criminal trial of a former president of the united states of america donald trump landed in atlanta, georgia today for a major fundraiser. he seemed to have a lot in his mind including the subject of abortion. you'll remember just two days ago, mr. trump shared his views on abortion in a video that his campaign released >> my view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both and whatever they decide must be the law of the land in this case the law of the state. >> and yet today, a reporter asked mr. trump if he thought that arizona's supreme court decision to reinstate a near abortion ban, a law from 18, 64, whether that went too far everybody else get back in
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taking by the current >> so just to translate that because it was kinda noisy. yeah, they did. and that'll be straightened out. and as you know, it's all about states rights. that'll be straightened out and i'm sure the governor and everyone else are going to bring it back into reason. and that will be taken care of. i think very quickly. so it does seem it is up to the state's unless donald trump disagrees with the decision of that state and maybe also if he needs to win that state in november, mr. trump did finally offer his firmest response to date on the national abortion ban that many in the anti-abortion community want him to sign into law again, not a big fan of these tarmac pressers. the question, would you sign a national abortion ban if congress send it to your desk, trump's response, no, no, the biden campaign was quick to respond, saying in a statement, quote, trump lies constantly about everything but has one track record banning abortion every chance he gets that's not completely accurate. if memory serves, i remember mr. trump being asked
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by the new york times, maureen dowd, i think back in 2016 or so, whether he had ever paid for in an abortion and response was such an interesting question. so what's your next question? >> trump >> also attacked biden on biden's response to israel's war with hamas in gaza >> israel any jewish person votes for a democrat or most to have their head exam quote, what you just heard. any jewish person that their votes were democratic votes for biden should have their head examined. poll suggests that jewish voters in the united states opt for democrats roughly 70% of the time so that is a vast majority of the american jewish voting population that mr. trump apparently believes need to have their heads examined. let's bring in our political panel and we should note maria, that that kari lake is also running away from her previous comments on abortion, although much more starkly than donald
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trump now, she said that the arizona abortion ruling went too far. she said it was quote, out of step with arizonans this law from 1844641864. sorry before women had the right to vote if three is the important is important in part 18, 64 so that's what you said. but in 2022, she said this incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that's already on the books. i believe it's ars 133603. so it will prohibit abortion in arizona, except to save the life of a mother. >> so maria, what changed? >> i. think the electorial challenge that republicans have >> but look >> donald trump as well as kari lake, they are fully primed it on this. i'm not going to continue with that analogy, but what it does that's not heading in a good place >> what it >> does do for democrats is that it lets us underscore
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number one the lack of credibility for republicans on this issue writ large and donald trump knows very well. he has said this in private, i think in public as well, just how much of a loser this abortion issue has been. and so that's why he's trying to have it both ways. i think kari lake is is looking at that and taking his lead also trying to have it both ways. but there's so much audio, there's so much written. the ads are already being written from the biden campaign about what donald trump has said and the fact that he has said very recently that he is so proud to have been the one to appoint the judges that overturned roe v. wade, i think is going to give democrats all of the ammunition that we need in order to underscore that this person, no matter what he says, will continue to be a danger to the rights and liberties of women. >> so somewhere that chief justice of the united states, john roberts is pulling his hair because he tried hi to point the court in a direction of a 15 week ban that i believe he thought was going to be some sort of like middle-ground of
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sorts. i know that people on both sides of the issue would take issue with that, but he tried to point the court in that direction. they did not follow that direction. now, republicans are having to defend outright bands. >> that's that's right. and look on a day where the morning started off with 3.5% inflation hikes. record inflation disappointment among republicans and democrats, frankly as people are hurting in the country, this afternoon, we're talking about abortion again. and that's not where republicans politically want to be frankly, that's not where the country should be. and so when we look at a move back to the states, i think i think what the former president's probably trying to say or what he should be saying is it should go back to the state. but when it goes back to the states, it should be legislatures and it should be by referendum, the people in those states should have a voice and us a court in arizona doing something as egregious as this is not the way to go about this debate, especially something as extreme as they've done in arizona. >> and as you know, not only did trump fuel this >> by his original actions with
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roe v. wade and the cord and all that he was talking about it. he's criticizing the arizona supreme court, former vice president pence said that trump's stance two days ago on abortion was a slap in the face. and now trump is attacking his former vice president, mike pence has been doing a lot of talking about an abortion lately. he never felt i would be able to kill roe v. wade. so i mean, yeah, you know, what's the what what's the position here >> trump is in some ways a master at doing this, taking many often contradictory. i'll positions on any number of issues. and so if you're a voter, you can choose your own adventure in terms of what his policy would actually be. this is obviously a bombshell in the middle of visit arizona race, a state that biden won by about 10,000 votes. and now they're going to have this referendum in november. it's going to drive democratic turnip a turn out in november in i think we're obviously going to hear from trump over for an over again on this one, i have
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>> yeah. >> i think he bargained that the swing states would have abortion rights. he doesn't care that women in mississippi, in texas don't have any rights. so he thought on monday, he had reached a position that was going to be adequate for him to talk about. and so he didn't bargain on arizona, you didn't bargain on 18 64. this is a court that had a choice between 18-60 for law and 2020, 22 law, and they chose 18, 64. it makes it really easy for democrats to paint republicans as radical and people who are interested perhaps in taking away other rights. >> so here's there's another thing that donald trump's gonna be talking about cnn reporting that house speaker mike johnson is going to set a set a time to go to mar-a-lago on friday to deliver remarks along with donald trump about what they're calling election, integrity first of all, is that what you as a republican who wants to recapture the white house in november, want him to be talking about republicans
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today, should be talking about the economy. look families that earn under $100,000 a year right now are hurting in the inflation numbers that we saw this morning are especially hurting them voters across the country, both republicans, but independence in some even moderate democrats are worried about the border and immigration they want a solution, they want a secure border. they're worried about crime. they're worried about a whole host of issues. they are not worried about election integrity, especially of the past. and the longer we talk about that with the rearview mirror, the longer we are pointing the window of opportunity to the biden camp. and frankly, democrats in key senate states and house districts across the country stop it. >> so nimbly go i've heard people hypothesize one of the reasons that speaker johnson is doing this is because he's under fire from the maga caucus. marjorie taylor greene and matt gaetz and the like for any number of reasons. and he's trying to shore up support from donald trump >> absolutely. and this is the way to do it. go there. so get
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his blessing. kiss the ring. i think the best thing that my johnson has going for him at this point is it's hard to imagine a who could get that job as speaker of the house and be who would actually want it at this point, but he will go down as kevin mccarthy went beforehand and get the blessing of donald trump and hopefully in his mind, that shores up his, his base of support there and kind of coal's off the dogs in the form of marjorie taylor greene, i guess possibly donald trump showed himself and we'll talk about this in the next hour. i'm john showed himself to be very powerful when it came to killing. this fisa bill having to do with spying on foreign adversaries. and he posted something and the republican bill died because of republican on republican violence. >> i think that that is something that democrats are also going to underscore in this election. that speaker johnson really is shadow speaker trump. and that the
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chaos and the confusion that republicans have brought to the house of representatives, especially to the congress, is not something that americans either voted for or deserve and it really gives democrats the ability to say, look, not only show good joe biden be reelected because of the future of democracy, the future of rights and freedoms the future of the republic. but also because americans want and deserve a congress that is focused on solving the nation's problems. everything you said is absolutely right. but when you have the speaker and the candidate for president for the gop talking about abortion for the, for the latter one, and then for election integrity on the other one, it allows democrats to focus on this message of chaos you know, who else agrees with you that people should be more focused, politicians should be focused more focused on the economy. we don't time to discuss this, but i do want to get political credit for their reporting. they got a recording of former white house chief of staff for biden, ron claim
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saying, i quote, i think the president is out there too much talking about bridges. look, it's an effing bridge. he didn't say effing. i >> tell you if you >> go into the grocery store, you go to the grocery store and you know, eggs and milk are expensive. i mean, this is a very, very important issue. thanks one and all for being here, we are following breaking news in the hush money case against donald trump arguments in his latest attempt to stop the case are underway right now. why this time is so different than his prior attempts plus, we're staying on top of that shooting in west philadelphia, six people reported dear to cnn team is on-scene digging into exactly what happened >> this situation with both blitzer locked in knighted six. once cnn i met with the turbotax expert because i had two full-time jobs, lawyering and miami. >> count on me. mia i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy guaranteed. lead to turbotax full service expert, do your taxes as soon as today? okay >> i have >> moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, they're sky
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>> when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates whose resumes on it the match your job criteria visit slash higher and get started today >> closed captioning brought to you by mesobook her firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial ama, call us now and breaking news and our law and justice lead right now, prosecutors and donald trump's attorneys are inside a new york courtroom as >> the former president tries once again to get his hush money trial delayed. jury selection is scheduled to start monday in watch in what will be trump's first criminal trial. if that happens, let's bring in cnn's paula reid, paul, this is the third hearing just this week so far trump is o four what do we know about what's happening right now are right now trump's lawyers are trying to argue and convince the court of appeals to pause the hush
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money case well, they litigate this issue of presidential immunity in try to get the judge in the case she has won. were sean removed from the case now, just last week, were sean batted away this issue? he said, look, you're bringing up this question of presidential immunity too late. and that raises some questions about the sincerity of this appeal, right? is this really a valid constitutional rights that you have, or is this about trying to delay the case? now, as you know, he litigating presidential immunity. in other cases, and the supreme court will hear arguments in about two weeks about presidential immunity related to the federal january 6 case now if you lose his here, this is an intermediary appellate court. there's one more stop in new york, so called the court of appeals is the highest court. if he loses their he could go to the supreme court and ask it to stay the hush money case while they resolve these larger questions of presidential immunity, i've talked to a lot of trump aligned lawyers today. and they're like look, it may not be successful, but there's no harm in trying >> well, i mean not if you bill
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by the hour, donald trump has been very vocal about this case today on his truth social page, what is he saying? >> so a slew of false allegations. he says, oh, legal scholars say it is a sham that's just not true. if people have argued that this isn't the most consequential are the most significant case, but it's not true to say all scholars say it's a sham biden's doj is running the case also not true, no evidence that this is the manhattan district attorney. did they stay level? okay. so i'm sure if you talk to jack smith, he would prefer they're not other criminal cases. now he says just think of it, these animals want to put the former president of the united states who got more votes than any other sitting president. and the parties republican candidate in jail for doing absolutely nothing wrong. i'll also note it's not expected even if he is convicted here, that he would go to jail, isn't this more of a financial penalty kinda case, given all of the circumstances, what is charged, his prior his lack of a prior record, if he was convicted here, it's not expected that he would >> go to jail, but this is what we can expect. but the judge overseeing the case, he has
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expanded a gag orders, so trump is barred from attacking family members of the judge been going after the judge's daughter. but i think that we can expect this to be really something we see almost every day for the next six weeks, assuming they can't pause that trial, assuming they can't pause it, there are still trying i imagined that every day until jury selection begins on monday, we will be covering his latest attempt to delay it. all right. thanks so much for joining us now to discuss former federal prosecutor elie honig golly, there are expected to be some very familiar names taking the stand in this trial so as to provide a preview for the good folks who watch our show. let's start with michael cohen he's likely the star witness of the trial. cohen literally went to prison for perjury. so how will the prosecution that is relying on his testimony? how will they get past that? >> will jake they have to take it straight on. they can't try to soften up hu michael cohen is or what he's done. it is very common for federal prosecutors to build cases on testimony from people who've been convicted of crimes. i certainly did it plenty of times. and what you have to do is present that person to the jury as a flawed person, but an
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open book and i think what we'll hear from prosecutors here is yes, michael cohen committed these various crimes, but he did them with and for donald trump. and since he turned on donald trump, they will argue he has been reliable. he has been trustworthy for now. trump's team is going to have no shortage of material to work with on cross-examination. they're going to say to the jury, how can you convict a person of a crime based on the word of a convicted perjurer and a person who committed tax fraud and bank fraud and lied to congress. they're also going to say michael cohen is wildly biased. i mean, this is a man who spends all day berating trump publicly. and so ultimately jake, these will be tricky issues, but there will be up for the jury to resolve stormy daniels the adult film star and director. >> she's >> also expected to testify. she's the woman whom cohen allegedly paid off to keep her mouth shut about the alleged interlude she had with mr. trump. what kinds of questions might she be asked? >> so she's a big name, jake, but i think her direct relevance to the actual
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criminal charges here is pretty limited. i think she will testify. first of all, that she did, in fact have this sexual dalliance with donald trump. that's relevant in some respect to the y the hush money was paid and really her her testimony is limited. she'll be able to say yes, i received $130,000. that was part of an agreement for me not to go public, but what she will not be able to testify to is the actual crime which remember, the crime is not the payment or receipt of hush money. the crime is that donald trump allegedly falsified his internal bookkeeping by labeling those payments as legal fees. stormy daniels is not going to have presumably any information about that. and i think trump's team is going to point out that she's perhaps relevant, but very limited in respect to the criminal charges here. >> and then there is the least known, but perhaps most powerful of the three david who used to run the national enquirer and other esteemed publications, mr. may be less familiar to viewers than cohen and stormy, but who you think who do you think would be a better witness for prosecutors than michael cohen, right?
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yeah, i do david is a lesser known name, then michael cohen. but as you say, he was right in along with this with michael cohen and donald trump from the start, he, david is no saint. he was one of the inventors of this whole catch and kill idea, which is unseemly, but also not illegal. and he was there for the key conversations around whether and how to pay stormy daniels with donald trump and with michael cohen. and when you compare it to michael cohen, he has weigh less baggage, he's not been convicted of perjury for one thing, and the southern district of new york actually gave mr. a non-prosecution agreement which tells me a they believe he had relevant information and b, they found him trustworthy in contrast to michael cohen, who the southern district of new york rejected. so smaller name there. but i think he could be a more important witness led you think think donald trump is going to testify in this case. and if you were his attorney, would you advise him to take the stand? >> so on the second point, first, i would beg him not to take the stand. you never quite know what donald trump will do. i think it's unlikely he takes
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the stand. jake, even though in movies and tv, the defendants seems to always take the stand, it's quite rare in a criminal case now, we did get a bit of a preview of how this might go. he took the stand in the civil case in new york and that went dreadfully for donald trump. if i was his lawyer, i might try to remind him of that. so it's always the defendants prerogative. he always has the right to testify. he has the right not to testify. i do expect him, if any sort of reason and sanity prevails here, not to take the stand trump has had some difficulties with his courtroom behavior or even not on the stand. he stormed out. he's been reprimanded by judges. if you were his attorney, how would you be preparing him to sit through this trial? >> i would implore him to behave himself because here's the thing. the jury is sitting just a couple of feet away from you. they are watching and evaluating everything you do in fear hanging your head and grumbling and having a temper tantrum, they will see that they will hold that against you and i think the way i'd frame it to donald trump, jake is not as a matter of decorum, you're not going to appeal to his greater sense of politeness. i
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would just phrase it as a matter of self-preservation. i would tell him, look, they're the ones who are going to come back and find you guilty or not guilty. and if you act up, they're going to hold it against you. i've been in enough courtrooms to know that jurors are always watching. you always have to keep a poker face. >> his supporters will tell you that in person he's quite charming. elie honig, so much. another member of trump's orbit, who you might have heard in connection to that trial is facing his own legal consequences today, former trump organization cfo alan weisselberg was sentenced to five months in jail on perjury charges this morning as part of a plea deal, weisselberg admitted to falsely testifying about his knowledge of the size of trump's apartment. and that the value of that apartment was inflated on trump's financial statements. you might remember weisselberg's name being repeatedly invoked by michael cohen when he testified on capitol hill about the hush money payments >> weisselberg is executive one, correct >> yes. the bottom signature i believe is alan weisselberg. i was asked again with alan
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weisselberg. i was instructed by alan in the office with me was alan weisselberg, mr. weisselberg, for sure. alan weisselberg. alan weisselberg. alan weisselberg. alan weisselberg, who would know the answer to those questions? alan weisselberg >> weisselberg is 76 years old. he is now expected to head back to rikers island, the notorious new york city jail, where he served time last year on tax charges the dangerous storms are slamming of the southeastern united states right now from tornadoes to torrential rain, cnn is just arriving in one spot where reports say a tornado just hit. we're gonna go there next houston, you are go for the degree in the sky >> parents, husbands and wives? i've gone if he working spaceflight, this is just the worst possible thing i can ever happen. >> thousands of pieces of debris are now pieces to a puzzle. i should have that test on day hey, one wish i could've done something differently. what i can undo that you can
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reagan, who is in our national leader, severe weather situation, bombing, tornados and flash floods is unfolding across parts of the southern united states right now, thousands or without power from texas to alabama, water rescues are underway. floodwaters are submerging homes and cars, at least one person in mississippi has been killed officials in slide del, louisiana say damaged caused by a possible tornado is the worst. they've ever seen and they warn the worst is yet to come meteorologist derrick van dam is in slide. allan derrick, you've been traveling all over the south today what are you saying >> yes. slight ella was hit particularly hard with what was an apparent tornado? great land wind event. i'll explain the difference in a minute, but it only took a matter of seconds to change the lives of several dozens of people in the apartment complex that you see directly behind me. it only took about 30 seconds for this incredible amount of wind, which was stronger than a category one atlantic hurricane equivalent to topple trees. and
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also take off the roof of this apartment complex. you see behind me there were actually rescues that were ongoing. remember, this wind came through about 10:00 a.m. this morning. so several hours have elapsed, but as we were driving into this area, we saw trees toppled like twigs, power lines completely snapped off in fact, there is one power line here. the power is completely out obviously because of this. and in a moment, you're more than likely about to hear the crackle of thunder because we have more whether that is continuing to move in, that's just kind of adding more misery to the pain because i talked to some of the residents of this apartment complex saying that what is starting to infiltrate into the ceilings of the first floor of this apartment complex >> all right. well, here's we got it. we got it. got it. as long as we could. it was always going to be harry, derrick van dam, and slide eloise iana were bad weather is affecting the
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satellite feed as happens. thanks so much. there's the old saying there's a difference between campaigning and governing you campaign in poetry and you govern in prose. we're going to break down what president biden and donald trump have actually accomplished while serving in the oval office, you'll want to see this report cards stay with us gayle king and charles barkley are shaking things up on cnn. >> thank you, guys tonight. >> i don't give opinion. don't be opinionated to make a comment about the warriors last i don't believe everything you read on the internet charles to 90 on cnn. >> so when you think about these look, when it's time for an update or complete remodel, rebirth is with you every three step of the way we're going to take everything down to the front design and products to removal and installation. we handled the entire process to create a beautiful and functional bathroom for whatever your life needs honey, you're right. >> turn down amazing >> revamp with you. every step
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november joining us now is the washington month lorries monthly is editor in chief paul glass as paul, thanks so much for being here so this is very interesting how you did this. you came up with a definitive list between trump and biden just in terms of what they accomplished, who advance their agenda more based on certain issues you have trump with the most ground when it came to taxes and courts and social issues, you say they tied when it comes to achievement on immigration veterans, work and family crime and cannabis and then the bidens access list is legislating trade and guns, just a name a few, that's a long list over there. and what's really interesting about this piece is just it's, it's not necessarily judging the merits of what they did on taxes, but just looking at what how successful were they able to be? what's the biggest takeaway you want to share with readers and viewers and voters. >> well, i think people should read the list for themselves. we have 146 specific
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accomplishments that the two presidents achieved over morning went areas. you gave some of the highlights and they should read it and decide for themselves but the main takeaway is both precedents got a lot done the fact is the number show, you biden got a lot more done. he was just more successful >> and that doesn't mean >> getting more done the way you would want or i would want. we did this study based on what the president's administration's themselves said they got done. yeah. >> and we we dug into their claims. we throughout the dubious ones and the small ones, we and then we describe them. we fact check them and when you add them all up donald trump has his accomplishments, joe biden has more >> yeah. >> let's look closely at legislation and this might be a key as to why ultimately, in this examination, biden accomplish more. you say biden wins the category of legislating, largely in part because he took bipartisanship
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if seriously, and trump did not explain what you mean. so >> joe biden, as we all know, is a veteran lawmaker who was patiently willing to work with leaders in the other party in congress or too much. so for some progressive, absolutely. yeah. but as a result, he signed many, many major historic bills donald trump amateur had never served in public life and famously didn't get along with chuck schumer that i'm a crowds and his inability to cut deals hurt him on his achievements. he's simply sine fewer bills. >> he came to office with a about a >> ten major bills i wanted to sign infrastructure. we remember was one of them. he didn't get them done. you've got a few done. he got a big tax bill done, and that's a category that he wins in our ranking in our, in our index presidential accomplishment index. but that is just one way he he failed compared to, compared to joe biden. so >> based on all this analysis,
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based and i guess based on what they're saying out there, what they want to accomplish in a second term if trump wins a second presidency, what do you think that might look like >> well, >> looking at what they did in the past gives you a sense of what they're going to do in the future one of the things donald trump said as in private in his fundraisers because the, the big money likes to hear it is he is more proud of his regulatory reform then he is even of his tax cuts. and he had a huge pit up attempt to deregulate the government. he wasn't that successful 70% of the cases that got brought before the courts is deregulation we're he lost versus 30% for the average presidency. so he didn't regulate as much as joe biden but the measure is, did was he a good day regulator? not so much. whereas joe biden? regulated a lot, but that was what he meant to do. he wanted to use regulations to advance
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his agenda. >> what about what about a second biden term white? what might that look like? >> well, i think we see in joe biden, someone who on national security believes in the supporting the existing international liberal order. this is what he's done in ukraine. i think we're going to see more of that with donald trump. he has a very different idea about foreign affairs he's believes in strength. he thinks dictatorships are, are stronger than democracies. and we can see with him for see him being less forgiving of nato, some nate those problems, even breaking from nato, whereas we'll see biden more strengthening of nato. yeah, it's interesting. trump's supporters who won him to get elected in november. they bemoan the fact that some of his greatest accomplishments
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such as for instance, operation warp speed which rushed a lifesaving vaccine for covid into people's arms that he don't, he doesn't talk about that because of some of the controversy about vaccine requirements and stuff, right. and then there's also the abraham accords, historic, huge accomplishments bringing peace and treaties between israel and several arab nations. but during the period that jared kushner was out there talking about it, donald trump was trying to overturn the election, right? so in some ways is he's his own worst enemy when it comes to heralding his things that are empirically achievements. >> absolutely. joe biden has sometimes the same problem the united states is shipping is dig, is creating more oil and putting more oil and natural gas in the markets. then every anytime before. and he doesn't talk about it because it makes some of his environmentalist voters a little uncomfortable. yeah. know, it's funny because you hear republicans say
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talking about oil regulation and gas regulation and this, and that the fact is there's never been more production of domestic fuel in the united states that now what's really interesting about this packages we look at things like trade, where both president's took a tougher line toward china and more of a building america approach. but very very different overall philosophies. and ultimately very different results. trump leaned much more on tariffs and bilateral deals. and we saw the number of manufacturing jobs not really grow by much. whereas biden has done international multilateral deals and these innervate these investments in manufacturing. and to seem quite a big uptick in manufacturing investment and jobs. so even when they're doing what looks like the same thing, the approaches and the results are different. yeah. well, i'm biden also kept in a lot of trump's trade policy
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absolutely are really not that different when it comes to a lot of it anyway, paul glasses from the washington monthly fascinating article. thank you so much for coming. really appreciate it. i traveling at sticking point in the talks to pause the israel-hamas war, the terrorists groups as it does not have the number of live hostages it's supposed to hand over. where does that leave negotiations? that's next sunday night though space for stoma whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone? >> we're finding out things about the first galaxies that we never knew in a way, it's a time machine followed by the two part finale of spatial so it'll columbia, the final flight being an astronaut, i was always recalled a calculator grass, humans are explorers. >> i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that follow sunday starting at eight on cnn, your shipping manager left to find themselves leaving you lost unique to hire. >> i need indeed.
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online to get 50% off your first application >> this is cnn news breaking news police say that five people are under arrest after a shooting at a park in philadelphia, right near a large eid celebration that's a muslim holiday marking the end of ramadan let's get straight to cnn's danny freeman, who was live near the scene. danny, what are you learning from police
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>> and jake, what i can tell you is that this is a mess of a scene and police just finished up a press conference. i'm going to tell you what we learned, but let me show you where we are so far this is a west philadelphia. we're on just off girard avenue. that's 48th street. you can see a tremendous amount philadelphia police officers and a uniformed officers down there where a lot of gunfire happened. basically, what we know is that earlier today there was an ied celebrate ration, like you said, to mark the end of ramadan, it was in this clara muhammad park right here. it was filled with almost 1,000 people. and then in the afternoon, gunshots broke out. police said almost 30 shots were fired at one point, and then people scattered. we know at this point that five people have been arrested that's for people who are found, right after the event and then another who was actually shot by a police officer when that police officer believed that a 15-year-old had a gun shot that 15-year-old twice and then he was placed under arrest. there were two other victims this is well, who were shot, who were part of this gathering. but at this point they don't believe
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that it was a targeted shielding at this particular gathering, just something that started between two groups arguing nearby. jake. all right. danny >> freeman in philadelphia. thank you so much. turning to our worldly now and what may come? it's crushing news for so many people, including especially the families of hostages held by terrorists in gaza. a source tells cnn that hamas cannot meet israel ceasefire request for the return of 40 living israeli hostages in the category of all women or elderly man, or sick men. hamas cannot meet this request because hamas says they don't have 40 living hostages who meet those descriptions. that does mean it's possible that other terrorist groups have those hostages, or it's possible that hamas simply has no idea where they are but of course, this is primarily raising fears that more hostages may have been killed since october 7 than originally thought, killed by hamas for months israel has maintained it
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believes around 100 hostages of the original 250 kidnapped or killed by hamas are still alive. let's bring in cnn's jeremy diamond in jerusalem. jeremy, how could hamas is inability to hand over 40 living hostages impact the ceasefire negotiations? >> hello jake, for weeks. now, if not months these two sides have been building towards a potential deal that is centered on two things. a six-week temporary ceasefire as well as the release of some 40 israeli hostages which is and now we're learning according to two sources. my colleague alex marquardt and i that hamas is basically saying that they either can't or they don't have 40 hostages who would meet the definitions of those categories, women elderly, men, and those who are wounded or sick this obviously raises two questions. first of all, do they not have them in their custody or secondly, do they perhaps not have enough who are alive? and there are certainly strong indications that that
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may very well be the case we know of course, that the israeli government has confirmed that some 30 plus hostages held in captivity have been confirmed as dead, but they have particularly high bar jake for actually confirming that those hostages are dead. and so it's very likely that more are dead. so the question is, where do we go from here? and one of the suggestions from the israeli government is to fill out the rest of those 40 with menn and male soldiers who are also being held hostage those who would becoming likely in the next phases of a potential agreement. >> we heard from israeli defense minister yoav gallant today who said israel is planning a new phase of humanitarian aid into gaza. tell us about that yeah, that's right. >> i sat down today along with the other reporters in a roundtable with you have galanti said that they plan to flood the zone effectively with aid in gaza. this is a significant shift both in terms of messaging from the israeli government, which has said four months now that they were doing everything they could to get enough aid into to gaza,
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clearly they are now turning the spigot on in terms of aid and that is being reflected in the numbers being released by the israeli government. the daily numbers this week have represented a doubling of the daily number of trucks getting into gaza being screened by the israeli military. yoav gallant defense minister. >> he >> made very clear, jake, that this is a direct result of pressure from the united states that it followed his visit to the us a little more than two weeks ago when he came back, he said he directed the israeli defense establishment to really increase the amount of aid. and there was a security cabinet meeting last week that is approved several steps to increase that flow of aid aid we're still waiting, shake though for some of those steps actually go into effect. >> and jeremy to israel says it killed three sons of hamas political leader in an airstrike in gaza. what do we know about this hamas leader and his sons? >> yeah, this is a smile hernia, the political head of hamas, three of his sons were killed in this israeli airstrike on a vehicle. they were traveling in according to
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the people on the ground that three of honey as grandchildren were also killed. the israeli military confirmed that it targeted three of honey is sons, claiming that they were militants operating in gaza. hanikra for his part is receiving this news by viewing it as an attempt to influence hamas's position at the negotiating table and saying that anyone who thinks it we'll soften hamas's demands is quote, unquote delusional. but tonight, jake, multiple israeli officials scrambling tonight to try and distinguish between this israeli military action and the israeli political leadership's views at the negotiating table two, israeli officials, jake telling me that the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the defense minister we're not aware of the plans for the strike before it happened, jake. all right. cnn's jeremy diamond in jerusalem. thank you so much coming up the rather dramatic move on capitol hill by 19 house republicans came just hours after a post by truth social from donald trump about a key national security bill plus the hearing over donald trump's latest attempt to delay his hush it's money
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labs, grab liquid labs and walmart vitamin aisle today, i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn >> welcome to the lead. i'm jake tapper in this hour, the goon squad faces the music deep down in mississippi. the sentencing for six former police officers convicted of torturing two black men the rulings in the shadow of the rankin county confederate monument right outside the courthouse, plus former major league baseball player in current republican senate candidate steve garvey here i'm the lead from his days on the mound now, making a pitch for politics, taking on congressman adam schiff and a high-profile race for the us senate. and leading this our a conservative revolt holt