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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 10, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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labs, grab liquid labs and walmart vitamin aisle today, i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn >> welcome to the lead. i'm jake tapper in this hour, the goon squad faces the music deep down in mississippi. the sentencing for six former police officers convicted of torturing two black men the rulings in the shadow of the rankin county confederate monument right outside the courthouse, plus former major league baseball player in current republican senate candidate steve garvey here i'm the lead from his days on the mound now, making a pitch for politics, taking on congressman adam schiff and a high-profile race for the us senate. and leading this our a conservative revolt holt
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against speaker mike johnson and a protest vote today was it led by donald trump in the wee hours of the night trump posted in all caps on truth, social, quote, kill fisa. it was illegally used against me and many others. they spied on my campaign he signed off that post with his initials, djt, fisa is the foreign intelligence surveillance act. it allows surveillance on foreign nationals without a warrant. the current law buyers next friday, late this afternoon, 19 house republicans did as trump advised today, voting to defeat what's called the rule, which would allow debate on this fisa legislation, forcing speaker johnson to scramble and find another path forward. let's go to cnn's melanie zanona on capitol hill melanie speaker johnson called an emergency republican conference meeting after the failed vote. what options does he have left? are there tweaks it can happen to the bill to make it acceptable and how big a blow is this to him overall, hold jake, this is
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a major setback not only for the legislation, but also for mike johnson's leadership, which is very much under a microscope at the moment. now, johnson did say that they're going to go back to the drawing board ford huddle as a conference and try to figu out a w pl going forward. they are still meeting in the baseme of the capitol ase spea one of potentl option is to just pass a clean extension ahead. this april ril 19 deadle, which would rely on mocratic support, but johnn needs to tready ready hot water with hear for line, conservativeand making matters worse f hnson s that donald trump, this debate and encourage in republicans to vote agnst the that johnson is ying to show somenity with trump. my were the first to rert that johnn planahead mar-a-lagon florida on friday toeliver a joint press nference prince so-called ection integrity. of coue, johnson was one tho members who tried to help trump overturn the 2020 election. he encouragedbers to sign on life which results tha legal
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ulmately was rejted by the supreme court, but clearly, johnson is trying to stay in trump's good graces d about issues that the former president cares about amid these threats to his speakership johnson's al >>ealing with problechild republicanongrswoman on opposthe pfiz newho not re-authorition, she's ying to kick him out his job as earlier today. the two met >> thedidn't meet for over an hour in thepeaker's fice. and what was desibed as a verintense eang, and this is the fit me that the two of them have spokesince marjorie taylor gree sent a letter to r republican colleagues layg out a very detailed case against speaker johnson. but afterhat, heating, she made clear she not backing down and she claims support for effort is growing. just take a listen >> mcle members. 'm talking to support the lter that i sentnd thecomplely agr with it that's the only fa feedbacat i've heard. so i obvioly haven't talked the few mbers that you inteiewed i's a very serious letter in the motion to
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influence ngress claiming that they spied on his campaign. but of course y'll remember there were allegations of foreign influencen the campaign that were picked up in fisa surveillance or for instanceis national security adviser befo he wain office, s capturedn fi taing to russian officials overseas, and then ld about it to the vice presint. so in trump's world,his is touched a nerve and it's obably the only time we wilever talk about donald trump in the aclu being on the same page. >> all right. john miller
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thanks so much. let's brinin jael jaffer, founder and executive director of th nationalecurity institute at george mason unirsity scalia law hool. he is the former counsel to the assistant attoey general for natiol secuty. good to seyou agai thanks r being he. so from a natial security rspective is it a g dealf fisa, this pt of it. orize i mea it couldn't be me disastus. section 702 providespwards of 50% he infoation, the presence,daily ' the highest priority inteigence product the presiden th coln, we are sentiay a death when it comes toingl intelligenceai witut sev >> nowi believe itas this ovision that allow the nsa. think it was the nsa that was readg an email fm bi laden's bomb maker and they were suosed tthey wer t going conspirinto blow up thays in newor so it
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has been ud rrectly. well, there's no doubt tt sectio seven anto provide some mo portt intelligence, including on trorists and foreign intellence targets and some of the cases involve disrupting terrorist p here in thenited ates identifying s. we've well. sohis uld not be a as more critical intelligence program. and by thway president ump,is house supported thlast te reauthization,ven aftee challenge th fisa were revealed. and by the way, it's worth noting, none of the authorities were talking about today, which are about as john pointed out, about the survllanceforeigrs. i'll hit orseas.ave anything t with y surveillan? of amecans in the united states at all, unless they're talkingo somebody orsea that is being survlled exactly right. so what is trump's issue about phi's? there were fisa abuses ossfhurricane th during eration that was looking into wh n his camign had ties to ssiaand by the way, russians to the ump campaign.
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that's ju a factual matter. the chlenges whear about this carter page matter, right? carter page s a it w a trump campaign assocte. he was surveied under title one they went to a judginggot a court order to sveil himthe oblem there was s that in the re-ahorizationor that? board order, one othe lawyers d was inaccurate and probably liedbout what they understo, whher he was working for the us govnment that resulted the judge reauthorize that lawyer by the wa firednd prosecud by the juice dertmentor that trump is wrongbout about whetheth was used, rael's campaign, it wasn't. and fact to the contrary, his administration, every major ofcial, ke pompeo bert o'brien, dni, john ratcliffe, all support the reauthorizations as ni, 11 families. so it today in a phe interview with cnn, ump's former attorney general, bill barr he's on your side on this. he he agrees that it shoulde you're reauthorize anhe said, as you just did that, the provisions that were
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set to be reauthorized today had nothing to do with what happen to trump's.o he in his view, trump's his baing up the wrong tree here hit his to what ppened wh thbject carter page situation. i don't think anybody disagrees with that. guy has been proud let's getttttt but it has nothinto like this actually happene duri t trump ainistration where his administration was seeking re-autrization on the day of the vot president trump got bad advi, somerom some frienor somebody was taing to. he tweeted outhe back that eet. nowe's back at it again. 's worth noting by the way, in addition to the 19th republica that opposed go into the rulen this 209 real playing with fire here. if this thing expires in week from now, we're gonna be essentially deaf to the criticalivils intelligence that supports our national security at a time, there'a his hamas, the chinese are n looking at stealg our informion. this the worst possible time for us to be
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going deaf. it will be a disaster for the count. republican democrats, ed to get together, find a path forwd and vote. d by the way, the speaker was ready to have an up or wn ve on this warrant estion. iten't by ounational surity. but he for do vote. so it's not clear why than wt dold trump tweed, why republicans ere's are opposed having a fair vote on this bill. beuse some libertarianay sectn seven and two vials of violate the fourth amendment. courts havruled that questioning americand in not a separate your rgeon s does notuire a warrantut as you know, johnson's de is johnson made software if you wa to chge it,that it's t warrantless,ikyou haveo get a warrant why do you think that's a d idea >> wel so a couple of thin. one,hat wenow is that we have this data that's colld from targeting foreigners located overseas, saying to th fbi or thegovernment, hey, y're going to ck tha infoation to dwer and not look ait even when you know, an american talking to to terrorisor a foreign intelligence offic that's exactly thworst me for us.
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i ve a drawer locked, have to go to a federal judge to get a key to opeth drawer. right and by the way, if we nt to collect on an american, u have to acally to get a court order anyway. so all we're going to have is that one communication between an american, a reigner,e can decide, we want to go to a court angemore surveillance idea thawe should lie i can he knowinthere's information there for us to look at. right ene might in thheart of a terrorist plot like that's crazy. we learn this lesson after my , don't create walls in the surveillance you very lawfully coected doing a war requirement now would beo create twall. but look let's have a vote. let's have itlet's see whatappe. and if people who suppora warrant get their waant than they can can be held responsible when if something goes wrong, jame jafr. >> thank you so mu. always good to have you on. have you heard about this o speaker johnson is going to mar-a-lago friday. he's gog to have a news conferee with donald trump, their rresentatives y theyave a major know about that. that's coming up. plus we' standing by for a possible decision in trump's latest aempt to dey the stormy daniels case, the hush monecase hearing just start monday unless donald o
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trump and his lawyers can delay at some more, keep it here for what happened in that courtroom. sy th us the situation with wolf blitzer didn't knighted six. >> once cnn, he there brenda, it's carroll, zach so which like are we operating on? >> you mean arm >> it's all connected, asking the right question can greatly impact your future. >> you share your an orthopedist actually i'm a sagittarius especially when it comes to your finances. >> give a question. >> are you a certified financial planner? >> yes. i'm a cfp professional cop >> professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's got to be a ceo bind your cfp professional, and let's make a plan doubt or they need the loan back fast unit, scott's turf grass, it goes gas two times faster and you see the loan given you a stronger laws, melas it's got her build a rapid the grass today. it's guaranteed feeding. >> feeding. >> when we say it'll be on
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hands-free slip ends check out this shoe that altered my brain chemistry, new hands-free skechers, lipids, it's likes lipids have an invisible built-in shoehorn. so my foot slides into place, mind below on that we're back with our politics lead just 48 hours from now, you will see how speaker mike johnson and former president donald trump take the mics >> for a joint news conference. it's a huge event for the speaker who is under fire from what can accurately be called the maga caucus mr. johnson, speaker johnson faces a threat to his job from that caucus. cnn's kristen holmes joins us now, christian, donald trump has not outright come out in support of speaker johnson. and so you have people like marjorie taylor greene and others criticizing him, threatening to topple him the timing of this press conference friday, therefore, it seems to me, and maybe i'm just skeptical, not a coincidence. >> so it certainly doesn't seem like a quiz. let's talk about what's actually happening here. you have speaker johnson, who washington dc, louisiana, flying all the way down to
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mar-a-lago to give a press conference on an issue they're talking about election integrity. this is something donald trump cares deeply about and to stand next to him a lot >> and quite quickly. >> elections, right? but i would say they referred to it as election integrity. that's something billed as. so obviously an issue that donald trump wants to talk about at a time where he really speaker johnson really needs donald trump's support and i will tell you, i'm being told that speaker johnson's team, even though they are here in washington, is running think point on this press conference. so it gives you some idea of how this might have come to be. now, donald trump has spoken to a number of johnson's allies who have asked him to not weigh in on this at the very least, or two at the very most, come out and support johnson. it doesn't seem clear that he will. i do want to remind you that the person who brought this motion to vacate was
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marjorie taylor greene, someone who is very close to donald trump speaks to donald trump more than speaker johnson speaks donald trump probably multiple times a week. so he's going to walk a fine line here, but i have been told by sources that trump has said he doesn't want to go through another lengthy speaker battle. >> yeah, we should note also just for the record that this is not speaker for johnson's first forte ocean with election denialism when texas, the attorney general, they're offered that drained legal brief in support of donald trump's claims and he tried to have i think six states that have voted for biden all their electoral votes thrown out it was then congressman johnson pushing an amicus brief for members of congress to sign onto it. something that liz cheney has very strong feelings about everything you reported at the time they actually sent from his personal email to every single gop member of congress asking them to get on board and to get support behind those amicus brief he is really largely considered a behind the scenes integral part of donald trump's efforts to overturn
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the 2020 election. that's one of the reasons why donald trump really got on board with him so quickly was because of that. so again, as you talk about quote-unquote election integrity, it really goes to show you where the republican party as now, he is the secret of the house on top of that we know that atley, cirman, wildly michael whatley from north carolina, whose sole interest is quotunquote electi integrity is no leing the rnc on again election integrity, it means ways to get donald trump elected, et cetera, et cetera. breaking news. we've just h. gotten a ruling on donald trump's late attempt to delahis hush mon the trial which to stt moay in neyork. t'get straight to cnn's paula reid call up brking news. what has the court decided? are they going to delay the trial because donald trump has presidential immunity? >> they are not. he is over three before the new york court of appeals of this week. this was his third trip this week to the court of appeals trying to get them to delay this hush-money the trial, which is scheduled to begin on monday when now today's argument they made was that they believed
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they needed more time. they were asking this the appeals court to delay monday this trial to give them more time to litigate this issue of presidential immunity and also try to get the judge in the case to be recused. now, this has been rejected, but this is not the line i stop in the state of new york. they could potentially jake now take this issue to the court of appeals, which is the highest court. the final destination for cases in the state of new york. now it's clear if that court would indulge this appeal, but if they're able to get an answer from that highest court in the state of new york. they would then have the option to possibly ask the supreme court to stay this case. the hush money case while the supreme court considers the issue of presidential immunity in another case in the federal election subversion case, that argument will be heard on april couple lawyers, so a trump aligned lawyers had expertise in thiarea and untold look, this is a possibily, but before they can go tthe sueme court, they have t
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take this to the highest court in nework. so after this loss, we'll see what they do wi this peal >> all right. paula reid thanks so much for that >> today. the chief of the us capitol police told congress that his team has already preparinfor next january certification of the presidential election 2025. chief tom majors says, quote, the cavalry ll be on capitol hill on january 6, 20251. congress certifies electoral votes. today's edition of trump's hostages underscore or is why that cavalry is needed. this is where we remind you of the men and women who are not hostages is donald trump continues to inaccurately described them. they are defendants from the 2021 capitol attack or convicted crimals often convicted of violent crime crimes often committed a violent crim against law enforcement's, today's convicted criminal. today's donald trump, january dempsey. david dumpsys from southern california, also known as hashtag flag gator cop hater
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himself a nickname from the ameran flag over his face. mpy pleade i'm sorr didn't gi it to himself that's what he was called. dempsey plead guilty this past januaryo felony, to two unts of assaulting an officer with a weapon according to court documents numerous videos capture dempsey at the capitals lower we're west terrace prosecutors say that fly gator copywriter made several outfit changes, but mosy kept ts look. you seit there with the black shirt and the dark helmet, the goggles comple with cover prosecutorsay that's dempsey imageusing a crutch it's a strike police officers. he also used long metapole prosecutors also believe th dempsey u a can of pepper spray on pice officers. so with the mask and all how d w enforcement track them down?ell, witnesses o knew dempsey for year helped to positively id him. one of the big clues his
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hair tucd in the low been baly seeunder the helmet. he also wore distinctive yello and black bracelet. you can e in that cture he's on social media from your early years nths aer the capitol riot. 's the dc jail. he's waiting to be sentenced in july. again no matr homany times mr. ump callth hoages, t hoag. >> flag >> gator cop pater is not a hos he's one a long list >> of convicted criminals a ment of juste and lengthy prisonentenc for the goon uad. pice officers convicted a brutally torturing twnocentlack menhat's next debris. >> and this guy, parents, husbands and wives, wish i could have done something differently. you can just. make itetter fothose that flow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, su at nine on cnn >> whether you come >> to key west for an in-depth
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washington in this is cnn in our law and justice lead today in mississippi, six former law enforcement officers of the >> so-called goon squad receives state sentences ranging from 15 to 45 years in prison for torturing two black men eddie parker and michael jenkins. the victims say they were handcuffed, kicked taste waterboarded, nearly sexually assaulted, offer nearly two hours until jenkins was shot in the mouth. let's bring in cnn's ryan young, who's outside the rankin county courthouse and brandon, mississippi, right. how did today's state sentencing compare with last month? on federal sentence >> a lot less emotion, jake, and that's because the defendants, the accused the ones who pled guilty did not say they were sorry. because they knew the judge was going to lay out a sentence. in fact, they did. it's very fast, but something that stood out to all of us in court. i was sitting on the second row is when all the menn we walked in who used to be deputies of this courthouse there were state troopers in-between each single
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one of them and family members could be heard in the background of those former law enforcement officers crime. you can understand the pain, the day we're going to go through because they heard the statement read by michael jenkins and eddie parker is lawyer, which detailed the two hours of torture they had to experience. they were toews waterboarded. and of course, that attempted sexual assault. and then one of the officers place they're good inside michael jenkins mouth and pulled the trigger when i first got this phone call about this case several months ago and talked to the victims. every single part of their story has lined up. this was all over the fact that the two men were accused of getting white women were talking about 20:23 and this is why these officers broke into this house stole an even singer in the corner of the house to leave a smell behind, but take a listen to the attorney today in court >> after hunter elward shot me
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they left me to die bleeding on the floor and they tried to set me up to be imprison your honor. they kill me. >> i just didn't die >> so you can see here, jake, this isn't the middle of rankin county. so statue confederacy that's there and some the national registry, there's been a lot of people calling for action, not only here, but across the state >> this is one of the most powerful >> decisions that's ever been made in this county because no police officer has ever been found guilty, but they're obviously is a shift. and that shift is to the sheriff's department. that's just behind this courthouse. people are calling for bryan bailey, the sheriff, who we've talked to you several times, to step down. i can tell you he's told me that he had no idea that this was going on. but the community parts of the community, nwa cp find that
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hard to believe because the fourth income man was the leader of the goon squad and jack, you live in dc, so you know about the challenge coins. these menn had fashioned a challenge coin said, said goon squad on it. >> and other >> people have come forward now to say the goon squad torture them as well. there's another white man who talks about the fact that he had bass slapped by one of their genitals. and had his pants pulled out on the side of the road. this investigation continues. we believe the federal government is also looking into this sheriff's department but today was justice for these family members. now they're calling for rankin county to settle for civil lawsuit >> jack ryan young and brandon, mississippi. thank you so much. much for that report. >> he has been to the white >> house making a heartfelt plea. and now the father of a hostage still being held by hamas will join us here next on the lead, stay with us
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rehydrate and feel better with liquid lasts, grabbed liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today >> i'm lizbeth wagmeister in los angeles. >> in this is cnn
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>> top internationally today and islamic students center at rutgers university in new jersey was ransacked in the middle of the night, according to local officials the chairwoman of the center for islamic life says vandoorne smashed windows, broke televisions, and printers, and ruined artwork and to palestinian in flag. >> today >> is eid al-fitr, one of the holiest days of the year for muslims as they celebrate the end of radan, w jersey the incint aquote scribed horrifying tning into our rld lead, cnhas learned that hamas told negotiors that they did not have 40 alive israeli hostages to hand over for this fir phase of the deal, which would include all the women hostages as well as hostages in order to meet the number 40 israeli official say ey're now phing come us to fill out the itial release with younger male hostages, includinsoldrs. one of thoshostages still bieved toe in terrorists captivity is 30 five-year-old israeli amican hostage sagui
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dekel-chen. he is a father from kibbut nir owes who still has not met his third child. she was born in dissent mber two mohs after he s kidnapped. and sagui is father jonathan dekel-chen is with us now and again, we meet ain and i'm so sorry th you're paying continues d i's still this istill out there and this unresolved horrible is wha's what's your reaction when you hear that ham does not have 40 alive hostages in those cagories, you're your son was wounded, but i doesn't sound like he would be in that category of sick elderly men or women, but still just the the unknowing this of it all >> well, it's it's all horrifying honestly, jake, weil, sagui or may not be among those 40, what i do know is that there are still 39 hostages remaining from kibbutz nir oils in hamas captivity,
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among them to women, two little boys, and a great, great number of elderly or older men all of whom are like my extended family. >> so >> the thought that the death in the murder has continued is something that's extraordinarily upsetting and we will have to see as the days move forward how committed hamas is to getting this deal done. and saving palestinian lives and really bby creating a siation where e fighting will sp. prisoners come or hostages come home, and the peop of za canreatheor a moment. >> today, you met with former secretary of state hlary clinton yesterday, you met with scme you wt to t white chuck use to meet with vice president kama harris discuss all this. the latest ceasefire deal, getting the stages home ter that in hamas's cot d the ball i
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>> it's just >> 'd say, like the hamas, like if they want to end the pain for the palestinian people hey, to say the obvious, they obviously don't care about the palestinian people if they cared about the palestinian pele, theyouldn't have don this ooctober 7 becae obviously e raelmilitary was gointo respond andhe embed within the palestinian people how, do you get past thatw doou get past >> hoping for a >> group of nihilistic teists to do the right thing. >> well, i don't think they're ever going to do the right thing in our conceptio of t word what we're all hopi hostage famies. and i think all of israel in any rit rit-minded, right thinking person, is that enough pressure can be applieto hamas through the united ates, through the qatar's, through the egyptians so tt they will see sinwar and whatever, whatever tunnel he is inhabiting tt simply in order to survive. this is methg that's necessary. i don't
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think he will do it for the welfare of the truly suffering people of gaza. he will do it because in one way or another, it fits his idea of how, how hamas might survive. >> you said that the number one >> priority for the netanyahu government should be getting hostages home then a ceasefire hamas has argued, needs a break in the fighting to be able to track down and gather and find the hostages relocate them. you buy that >> i find it difficult to believe anything that hamas communicates that what i do imagine is that there's a great deal of chaos but i also believe that hamas and islamic jihad had been using our people our men are women and our children as human shields they have, they should have a pretty good idea of where these people are how many of them are still alive is anyone's guess as we know? yesterday, the day before
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we buried a friend, a member of cubelets narrows elad katzir, who we know perfectly well, was alive on october 8. you will taken into gaza and was forced to appear in two hostage videos. the idf was able to recover his body based on intelligence he was murdered in early in early january. we didn't get there in time to save him not enough done was done to save him israel, the united states and the united states allies in the region in order to save the region need to help us get these people home >> since we last spoke at the end of february, prime minister netanyahu has come under increasing pressure recently, president biden characterized his approach in gaza as a mistake there have been massive protests by israelis, thousands of israelis in cities such as tel aviv is ruslan, even israeli war cabinet member benny gantz called for early elections
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>> do you sense that there's a real shift and netanyahu support happening among, among not just american leaders, but people in israel >> well, i think there has been a groundswell in israel really, i would say from the second month or the third month, since october 7, this recognition that until very recently he's decision-making we're around the war in around the return of hostages was based and no less on his personal and political interests, then on a sincere interest to get the hostages home and be doneith this conflict i think aresult of actions taken by the us administration a some other factors, he has begun to realize. prime minister cau now that the time is now that thersimply is no alternative to doing the things that must be done as painful as ey might wind up being for israel to get as many hostages ba home as possible that are alive and returning those who are no
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longer with us. and those numbers might be very significant. we simp don't know how are singing his wife and children doing they are e heroes. they're the heroes of this story segall, wife of vital was, as you know, seven months pregnant at the time of the attack sagui, bravery and sunblock save them and my daughter, my daughter and her family they are doing the best they can getting up every morning and one foot in front of the other. but those little girls are asking questions that we still don't know how to answer. how old are they? well the? newborn is four months old down and and soon to be three-year-old. and as soon to be seven-year-old. and they like all of the other hostage families, deserve deserve to have this gaping hole in their lives closed by getting these lately, innocent people back to
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their homes, back to their families >> jonathan dekel-chen. thank you so much. and hopefully next time it will be back here with tsugi and his family. >> hey, man >> when we come back, the republican running against congressman adam schiff for us senate seat from california's steve garvey, dodger grade joins me next sunday night of space for stoma whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we hello >> followed by the two parchment leo space shuttle columbia of final flight. sunday starting at eight on cnn. i >> love your dress >> i splurged a little because liberty mutual customize my car insurance and i saved hundreds. >> that's great. >> i know. right. i've been telling everyone did you hear that? i just set her first word. >> can you say mama? >> never >> can you say on how many people did you tell >> only pay for what you need
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janice and now soda. my neighbors >> carbon of cnn film sunday, april 21 at nine our politics lead now, former major league baseball player steve garvey holds an nvp title in >> 1981, world series ring, but now he's looking to win a contest that's arguably more difficult than us senate seat from california for a republican in which he would become the first republican elected represent california's senate since 1988 garvey played well and the primary, but the november general election, much like a november postseason baseball is a totally different ball game. he's running against democratic congressman adam schiff for the open seat that was held by dianne feinstein until her death last
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year and steve garvey joins us now, steve, thanks for joining us. you're running in a state where registered democrats outnumber republicans by nearly two to-1 gop cononsultant mike madrid told npr quote, with the exception of arnold schwarzenegger, who transcended partisan politics, that republican ceiling has remained remarkably consistent for the better part of 25 years. so what specifically about you or your policy positions will allow you to pull up a terminator of sorts and break through the democratic stronghold in california well, jake, i came to california 50 years ago, put on a dodgers uniform and my dreams came true. my fall in love with this state >> i'm a >> neighbor, i'm somebody who had this wonderful currency with the fans being in the entertainment business, media business, you know, because you've had a long career rear you've earned the respect of the people that turn in today, and i think i did that for in front of millions of people. and now is steve garvey to 0.0
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about a year ago, i turn the tv on and there was this snarkiness and and a dysfunctional washington career politicians were no longer talking to the people. they were running for power. and it took me five months to walk the state of california to talk to people from the north to central to the south, asked him what their lives were like every day, and it wasn't the california that was the heartbeat of america or the golden state they were struggling. there was a dysfunction between wall street and main street and they had no voice, so i decided to have a voice. i have the currency that people and i decided to run even though i was told there's no chance you can win. i like a challenge. i've had a challenge all my life. i think i've stepped up to it and like you said, said before mentioned beyond the mound boy, did i have a bad arm? i'm glad they're shifted to first fix >> and now i'm >> swinging for the people and we've made great strides in the primary with all the votes cast mr. schiff and i are within a tenth of a point. we
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won the temporary seat by 300,000. yeah. i got more votes it's an all the republican presidential nominee's together so we've got momentum. >> so let me just ask you, you want to help struggling californians. that's the first thing you said? what's the first thing you want to do as a senator to help struggling californians if you could come up with legislation right now and you'll have to detail it. but general idea of what that would be an introduce it and let's say it passes like what, what is that first garvey bit of legislation to help struggling californians? >> sure little jake my platform is common sense, compassion, and consensus. i built teams through my career. i unified people i always say that first day back in the senate and i will be the next elected california's center is to start to meet all 99 senators. just take my handout to say i want to work with you for the best interests of this country.
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but they're issues that we need to address right away. the first is the economy and inflation there is that big difference between wall street and main street. the people who are suffering a poll came out that 88% of californians breakeven or lose money every day. and that adds up to ten to $12,000 a year. they need they need better energy costs the coffee table dinner table. questions are, can i afford this food that now gone up between 30 and 60% of the gas station down where i am, i go there in the mornings. and do you see people coming out with $110 bill getting $10 for the gas instead of ten gallons. okay. affordable housing. young people just can't afford anymore to buy a house. they said what one piece of legislation, just all mask, just a basic changing this tax rate to this or like offering this stipend for people who are trying to do this. just one piece of legislation that's all i'm asking. >> well let's get back to lower energy costs. i think what we
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need to do is there was a rush towards climate change and telling me people they have to buy this and they can't do that. well, let's get back to allowing those oil leases to flow again. let's get back to affordable energy. and not only gas but for, for housing costs for energy there. and i think if we do this, that'll open up the economy back to a free market capitalism that let people breathe again. they want to go to a fast food restaurant more than once a month. now, what they can afford, you've seen that the escalating that. so let's start at the kitchen table. and let's go to the gas tank that's good to affordable education. those are the leaders of the future. i graduated from michigan state with an education degree. i'm passionate about the future of our country and the need to have affordable costs with with our education. the homeless. i've been downtown in sandi diego and la and sacramento and i see the blight of these poor
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people that are, they can't get off the sidewalks. they're affecting small businesses. let's get them a pathway off there to secure housing to this mental illness caused by drug abuse as they taken back get back in this society and feel good about themselves, have self-confidence. so this is a passionate campaign about the soul of california. >> and i'll do >> whatever it is he used the term, but i'll swing for the fences underestimated and they say i have two strikes, but i was the best to strike kid are based so steve garvey will have you back. it's gonna be a long campaign from now brolin november. but i'm still not sure you gave me answer on the legislation thing, but we'll have you back and you'll give us an answer on that. steve garvey, the republican nominee for california's senate jungle primary. thanks so much. we'll be right back. >> this one i might >> when it's time for an update or complete remodel,
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leads around the world begins with our vowel shalt, not lead in italy, a potato chip commercial showing nuns apparently >> receiving crunchy, crisps instead of the holy communion is conservative catholics howling and outrage that people at the data chip company or not commenting, but probably or chewing over whether they should apologize or feet up all the free publicity and our money lead the us postal service wants to raise stamp prices will once again mailing a first-class letter or bill will go from $0.68 each to $0.73 each. qian july. >> if the request is approved are world leaders here in dc? these are live pictures of guests arriving for tonight's white house state dinner. look, there's joshua pro-gun. hey, josh, honoring the japanese prime minister, the guest list includes some notable names such as bill and hillary clinton apple ceo tim cook, amazon founder jeff jeff bezos, actor robert de niro olympic skating champion. is the yamaguchi. let's see, do we know who these people aren't? i'm afraid i dropped the news continues on cnn with wolf