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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 10, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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to the state attorney general's office and was first appointed to a judgeship by then mayor michael bloomberg, then a republican in 2006, merge sean has been working as a state supreme court judge. the state's trial court since 2009. he's credited by his peers for his compassion. most notably, and his creation of the manhattan mental health court where he counsels down on their luck defendants and tries to give them second chances, even one of trump's former lawyers has praised the longtime judge. >> i know judge martian, i've tried a case in front of him before. he can be tough i don't think that it's necessarily going to be something that's going to change his ability to evaluate the facts and the law in this case >> and attorneys tell us that judge more shawn does not stand for disruptions or delays and is determined to teach to keep control of his courtroom even when cases have drawn inefficient attention, which obviously this one has aaron, of course, judge mark sean has already dismissed trump's attempts to delay this trial
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and has imposed that strict gag order. >> aaron, we shall say, of course it is scheduled to begin on monday. thank you so much, jessica, and thanks for joining us. the news continues right here on cnn happening now, breaking news, donald trump just lost his newest bid to elay his fir as criminal trial. the third time this week, he's tried and failed to puthe hush money case on hold. 're breaking down trump's last-ditch legal moves with jury selection set to begin, only five days from now. also tonight, trump and president biden are both weighing in on the bombshell arizona supreme court ruling reinstating a century-old abortion ban are they helping or hurting themselves with voters in that crucial swing state that tornadoes and torrential rains are sweeping across the south, leaving a trail of destruction shouldn't flooding. we're tracking the severe weather that's
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threatening tens of millions of americans, right now welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer a year in the situation room the skis, cnn breaking news. >> let's >> get right to the breaking >> news or new york appeals court. judge, just rejecting donald trump's emergency request rest to stop his hush money trial from starting this coming monday. see those kara scannell is outside the courthouse in new york city for us kara give us the latest yeah well if this is the third attempt to delay the trial in three days and the third loss for former president donald trump. there were arguments, just a short time ago where the appeals court judge heard from both trump's attorneys and prosecutors in the case. and what trump's lawyers were arguing is they want this trial stop because they said they want to challenge the judge because he hasn't recused himself in this case based on work, his daughter has done for
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a political consulting firm that has worked with democrats and they also wanted to stop the case because they don't like the judge just ruling on presidential immunity. trump's lawyers wanted to stop the trial because two until the supreme court rules in a different case on presidential immunity, the judge said that they made that motion can far too late in arguing to the judge, trump's attorney, emile bove vase said, this can only be done once and it must be done right, because the impact it will have on this election now the lawyer for the district attorney's office, steven wu, is their chief appellate attorney. he had pushed back on this saying that this was entirely the wrong way to challenge any of these rulings. so that can only he'd be done procedurally after there is a conclusion to this case, a verdict in this trial he urged the judge saying there is a powerful public interests to ensure this trial moves forward on the scheduled date and just a short time after that, the judge issued this ruling denying the stay, denying trump's effort to stop the trial. what was extraordinary too daybell with is that this court had a full calendar of appeal arguments, that it was
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hearing what they had to do was move this down to the basement to rearrange the tables to create it makes shift courtroom so they could accommodate this hearing today, so they created a table for the judge, a table for the attorneys to argue, and then a table and chairs in the back for us in the media to be able to witness this event, but they made this extraordinary accommodation which maybe the first time they've ever done this in order to address this emergency action brought by the former president but as we said, this is the third attempt in three days to try to stop this trial. and so far there ofer three jury selection is still set to begin on monday. >> we'll be watching care i'll reported for us. thank you very, very much. i want to bring in our political and legal experts, including norm eisen, who is out with a timely, very important brand new book entitled trying trump. a guide to his first election interference, criminal trial. there you see the cover right there on your screen norm, let me get your reaction to this appeals court, once again, denying these trump trump requests. >> well, if you have to ask
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yourself, what is the source of this extraordinary desperation? i have never seen anything like this. two of these are lawsuits against the judge. and in my book, trying trump, i analyze where i think this this a frenzy is coming from. he stands a significant risk of being convicted and sentenced to incarceration, and he knows it. and the nature of the trial is has been expressed by the judge in what he's going to read to the jury, wolf, as being allegations of election interference. in essence so that is why the connection is here. 2016, allegations of lying to voters to manipulate an election. and then as a gateway drug to 2020, that's why trump is so alarmed in this extraordinary failed effort, keeps failing and keeps making these requests to delay and it
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keeps failing every single time. andrew mccabe, are there any avenue is still left open potentially for trump to continue this effort to try to slow things down with a lot of lawyers and a lot of money to pay those voters with. there's always another option open now for mr. trump and we've seen him take advantage of every one of those. but i do think what we're seeing here is the very stark difference between the state criminal justice system and the federal system here in the state, they deal with a much higher volume of defendant's of motions of last-minute efforts to delay trials. and they do it much more quickly. you don't see these long two weeks to file a response and then a sir rebuttal, and then we have oral arguments and we think about it for a month. these things are happening very quickly. i expect if any other motions are filed, they will be dispatched with the same sort of haste and, you know, we should not be surprised by what donald trump is doing. this is the class donald trump playbook. he wants to delay. so he we can see some
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more between between now and monday. he's going to try everything. but i've spoken to several legal experts, lawyers who deal with judge merchan. they say he is smart, he is experienced, he is decisive save that if anyone can handle this, he is the judge to do it. i think there's one piece of advice that are two lawyers i can say that lawyers normally give their clients, don't attack the judge. it's 101 light to light clearly, i don't know that his lawyers gave him that advice, but certainly donald trump has done the opposite here, which is also a part of loria into this conversation, what do you think's behind all of these trump efforts to delay delay, delay. >> well, obviously he wants and put it off till after the elections. so if he wins, he can dismiss it. that's number one. but this particular case is so tawdry. you know, it's
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about paying hush money to a porn star. and while that's not the charge, right, the charge is about election interference and trying to hide the money so he could win the election in 2016. it's embarrassing the whole subject matter is embarrassing. the people who are going to testify, stormy daniels you know, the the porn star michael cohen, his former attorney now his sworn enemy is gonna is gonna testify about what trump asked him to do. so it's kinda juicy. and i don't think trump wants to sit through that. and i don't think it's gonna be good for him to sit through that. so there are lots of reasons to try and delay it. and the third reason of course, is he's got a campaign for the presidency that takes up a little bit of your time and he'll be stuck in court four days a week. >> yeah, he certainly will be. andrew. how is this jury selection process likely to win fold? and what's your expectation? >> i think we'll see a bit. we've gotten a preview of what
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some of the questions are already. we know that both sides are going to be asking maybe questions that we don't normally see in jury selection, things about the sort of media that perspective jurors typically rely on. channels they watch, maybe the periodicals they read, questions about political affiliation of already been debated. so you won't see those in a typical trial, but essentially what the prosecutors are going for are likely highly educated people who they think can be impartial. that's of course the standard for jurors not you don't have a right to have a jury of your own political supporters or, or friends, or, enemies for that matter, you simply have a right to a jury of your appears and folks who have said that they can be impartial and they're weighing the evidence, so i don't think there'll be quite as many fireworks is maybe some folks or imagine may not be fireworks, but this will be history on folding. there's the first time in american history, jaime, that former us president will be in facing a criminal trial >> absolutely to andy's 0.1 of
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the things we're going to see in this jury selection is which jurors each side can get rid of because you have a pool there some you'll be able to get knocked off for cause, but some of it is the luck of the draw. and who's going to be there? yeah. >> yeah. i'm going to be watching that very closely. i'm fascinated in your new book, norm trying trump. you're right this and i want to put it up on the screen. if trump is convicted, the judge will have a range of sentencing options at his disposal. da district attorney bragg will be able to make a compelling argument that trump's crime warrant incarceration. how likely is it that a former president of the united states will actually sit in a jail? >> well, there's two parts to the question. well, if and of course we have to remember donald trump is not above the law, but he's not below the law. he's innocent until proven guilty. but with trial just a few days away. with all these delay efforts failing, we now have to ask, what is the
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end game of this trial? and my original research for the book indicated that defendants who commit these 34 felonies of document false occasion of business records when there are aggravating circumstances which we have here as the judge has an attempt to influence an election that might have influenced a very close election when you have a very unrepentant defendant, we have that here as well. seems unlikely he'll change course in those circumstances if there is a conviction, you do get jail time. it can be as much as a year and a third to four year range. and we will just have to see if the president ever serves it. well, i find it very >> unlikely that he would serve i find it very unlikely that, you would sentence of former president to jail time. i'm there are other alternatives, correct? i mean, well, community service, i don't
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know. >> my eyes are a little blurry after viewing almost 10,000 new york cases? yes. you do get jail time for this license bird the former chief financial officer for the trump organization to man very close for decades with trump, he's going back to rikers island president in new york president, yeah. but he's convicted of these crimes and he's, he's off to jail for a second time. all right, guys. thanks very, very much. a reminder. norms new book is entitled trying trump. there's the cover, a guy to his first election interference, criminal trial. it's out today and just ahead, how the new arizona supreme court ruling on abortion is testing donald trump right now and his newly tweak positions on this hot-button issue will also get an update on what's been happening behind closed doors if i'm capitol hill house republicans meeting at a moment of extreme tension and a lot of chaos with the speaker's job potentially on the line again,
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invisible built-in shoe horn my foot slides into place. what could be better >> tonight, the return of a near-total abortion ban and arizona is weighing very heavily on the trump-biden rematch in that critical presidential battleground cnn, sunlen serfaty has are report former president donald trump's strategy on abortion immediately been put to the test today, trump saying he would not sign a national abortion ban if elected president. >> arizona and, distancing himself from the arizona supreme court ruling tuesday that the state's >> near-total abortion ban, which dates back to 18, 64, can be enforced everybody else bring it back in and that will
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be taken care by the current my all this coming only two days after the former president said abortion laws should be left to the states, four president joe biden today responding to the arizona ruling offering this message to voters in the state, elect me. i'm in a 20 20th century 21st century, a biden campaign spokesperson saying in a statement, donald trump owns the suffering and chaos happening right now, including in arizona, because he proudly overturned roe the campaign also planning to dispatch vice president kamala harris to the state on friday, seeing the arizona ban as an issue that could galvanize voters in a critical battleground state. in 2020, biden flipped arizona, winning by fewer than 11,000 votes after trump carried the state four years earlier against hillary clinton, really arizona ruling also reverberating in this dates hotly contested senate race,
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which could determine control of the chamber. republican kari lake saying she opposes the decision, calling for an immediate common sense solution, despite voicing support for the lawn we will prohibit abortion in arizona, except to save the life of a mother. and i think we're going to be setting the paving the way and setting course for other states to follow >> lake's democratic opponents. >> ruben gallego, that i'm sorry to the women of arizona calling the ruling devis dating and highlighting leaks, pass support for the ban and there has been a considerable amount of uncertainty and confusion in the ground in arizona following this ruling for right now, the ruling is on hold for two weeks to allow the for court challenges meantime, supporters of abortion rights, they are looking ahead to november. they hope arizona voters, wolf will be a ballot measure, protect abortion all right, in this state, wolf. >> all right. sunlen serfaty reporting for us. sunlen. thank you very much. let's get some
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more and all of these developments joining us not political veterans from both parties and syria. sarah longwell well, let me start with you. you speak to voters all the time. is this an effective appeal from trump to republican leaning women who've drifted away because of roe you don't typically donald trump is actually pretty good at triangulating on abortion. the problem for him in arizona where this is just a disaster for him. it's a disaster for him, and it's a disaster for kari lake, the problem is, is that this is going to be a valid initiative and abortion will be actually literally on the ballot and that is going to help joe biden with turnout. it's going to help joe biden with enthusiasm and the biggest thing that abortion does against republicans, right now is that it paints them as extremist. and kari lake she already lost the governor's race in arizona 2022, largely because people saw her as too extreme and abortion was one of
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the reasons they believed that she was too extreme. she also happens to be an election denier, but abortion played a big role in her loss and so now you've got a critical swing state where biden was having some trouble with hispanic voters so the state's very much in play, even though biden won it last time, that now it looks like trump is going to have to play defense on this issue where it is really going to galvanize democratic voters and it's going to take swing voters who have been backsliding against biden and put them back in biden's column. because next now abortion is literally on the ballot. >> yeah, very important points indeed, actually allyson, back in 2018 then president trump publicly declared he would sign a 20 week abortion ban. so how seriously do you take his claim now that he wouldn't do so? >> i do not believe president trump, when he says that he would not sign an abortion ban, his whole presidency was about
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overturning roe by appointing supreme court justices. but did it, he is saying he wants to take it. let the states decide the states are deciding, and the states are out of touch with the voters that live in in them. so i don't believe donald trump at his word. why would you he has proven to be at untruthful person and so right now what he is doing is pandering to voters, telling them what they want to hear to get a victory. and then he will betray you if he is elected kari lake is doing the same thing. many folks are doing the same thing being and so when we see these states, but these extreme restrictions on women's reproductive rights, voters are waking up and saying, you're out of touch with how i want you out of my doctor's office. and donald trump is out-of-touch two and he's just doing this right now for politics, not really the belief he doesn't believe the policy that he is saying right now sarah, how concerned should democrats be the trump potentially could successfully mitigate the political impact of abortion in the
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>> 2024 presidential elections i, mean, look, i have been saying all along that the abortion issue is tougher to hang on. donald >> trump, because voters view him actually as a social moderate. nobody thinks that donald trump is like mike pence on sexual morality or on issues of pro-life or pro-choice when you talk to voters about abortion and donald trump, these sort of suggests that they think he may have paid for an abortion in his lifetime. they certainly don't view him as somebody who is devoutly pro-life. and so that is actually worked in his favor with some swing voters, allowing him good to see more seem more moderate than he is. >> but >> to have it actually on the ballot that presents a real problem for him. and he's not going to be trying to have it both ways right now. he's not gonna be able to do that the whole election. >> actually, we all heard
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>> president biden's >> comments today when asked about the arizona law is that the full throated condemnation that democrats want to hear >> i think president biden and vice president here as are gonna be out there pushing this issue. they really have since roe has been overturned, they need to pull every clip, every tape, every statement, every tweet before trump was blacked it while he was in office, and since he's been out of office and hold his feet to the fire on where he stands on abortion and not let him switch his position because we are in this position because of many of his actions while he was president ashley allison is sarah longwell to both of you. thank you very much coming up, the deeply divided house republican conference wraps a contentious me heating up on capitol hill. what it means for the threats to the speaker, mike johnson's leadership also ahead multiple suspects are now under arrest after a shooting at a crowded philadelphia park. we'll be right back
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11:29 pm, chasing life, dr. sanjay gupta, listen wherever you get your podcasts breaking news, we're following right now, police in philadelphia say they've arrested five suspects and recovered multiple >> firearms after three people were shot during a firefight. the shooting broke out in a west philadelphia park we're about 1,000 people were gathering for a celebration marking e, the end of the islamic holy month of ramadan. the source tells cnn officials do not believe this shooting was directly related to that event. meanwhile, here in washington and president biden says his conversations with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu have been quote, very blunt about the need for more aid to reach palestinians in
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gaza and for the idf to better protect the civilians. let's bring in cnn's kayla tausche. she's over at the white ask, worse, kayla alice more about the president's remarks. >> i'll president biden was asked today by a reporter to clarify comments that he made last week that we're just released yesterday, in which he calls the prime minister netanyahu's approach in gaza, a mistake and called on israel to do more to protect civilians. and to do it fast >> i have been very blunt straight forward with prime minister is vb and i had a long discussion. he agreed to do several things not related to number one, getting more aid, both food and medicine into gaza. and reducing significantly the attempts the civilian casualties in any action taken in the region. we'll see what he does in terms of meeting the commitments he made me >> us officials are still waiting on netanyahu to open at least one more crossing at the
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border between israel and northern and gaza. and biden says that at least 100 trucks of aid have so far come into gaza, but that it's still not enough. and in that press conference, he also so called on hamas to accept a hostage deal brokered by cia director bill burns, who is in the region to try to negotiate for a broader feel and a ceasefire and saying that they needed to come to the table and they needed to accept it. will cnn is reporting that there are at least 40 hostages that hamas does not have track of to make the terms of the deal actually work. i tried to ask president biden at that press conference whether he believes those hostages just are still alive and he did not answer that question. so it remains unclear exactly how such a deal could get done, but both president biden and prime minister kishida stress that they were fully aligned on the strategy toward the middle east, that they wanted an immediate ceasefire protections for
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civilians, and more humanitarian aid coming into gaza >> while for lots going on. kayla tausche. thank you very much. we're also following chaos in congress right now. we're house republicans just in the past few minutes, wrapped up very tense meeting, amid new threats to the speaker, mike johnson's leadership. let's bring in our chief congressional correspondent, manu raju is up capital amount of how is the speaker handling this latest blow? >> well, he is dealing with two major issues that are badly divided. his already fractured republican can conference, one of them is to extend key surveillance authority under the foreign intelligence surveillance act. there's a major division among those who believe it's essential to national security there's a believe it infringes on constitutional rights donald trump urged republicans to kill that measure today, he successfully did so 19 republicans revolted against this speaker of the house and stop that bill from coming to the floor. then there's aid to ukraine, something that mike johnson is still moving behind the scenes to try to piece
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together after he stalled the senate's play and the past almost two months ago. but that is another issue because some members, including congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, are warning him not to move ahead on that issue. green of course, has introduced a resolution to oust mike johnson from the speakership and she could call for that boat within two legislative days at any point, she has not made the decision. i went to move forward yet, but even as she met with speaker johnson today for 70 minutes in a very tense meaning there are many republicans who are concerned about her effort and warn that it could cost them the majority if she moves ahead >> anyone who votes to vacate him should not be a member of congress in my opinion, obviously, we have to have a speaker in any effort to remove the current speaker would put us in chaos. and i think it'd be a big mistake. i don't think it's a good idea right now. i think i'll do his hand the gavel day keen. jeffrey if he does move forward, any ukraine package, could that cost him his job >> i think it'd be a real risk for the speaker to move a giant package.
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>> now if you had a chance to vote for the motion to vacate, would you vote for it to the >> hypothetical >> and it's still uncertain whether not marjorie taylor-greene would have the votes to move ahead some democrats have indicated that they could actually save mike johnson since job if he does move ahead on a ukraine aid package. and also how will donald trump come down? mike johnson, sit down tomorrow, logo on friday for a joint press conference with donald trump. i asked johnson if he has asked trump for his support amid this fight over the speakership johnson declined to comment. >> just the mantle razo up on capitol hill. thank you very much. let's get some more reaction right now. democratic congressman jason crow of the colorado was joining us. he sits on both the house intelligence and house foreign affairs committees, congressman, thanks so much for joining us. do you believe democrats should potentially help speak? you're johnson, if he were to face removal. >> and will you >> well, i think the immediate goal is to force johnson to put the ukraine supplemental that
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ukraine national security bill on the floor. it has overwhelming bipartisan support. a passed the senate by 70 votes, not long ago a large number of republican support, it and we have to push it forward, not just for ukraine's interests, but america's interests. i just got out of a briefing. actually on the conflict in sudan in right now, there are 9 million displaced sudanese and 25 million half the population of sudan is in need of humanitarian aid and food aid. that is one of the world's largest humanitarian disasters as brewing the national security supplemental has that humanitarian aid to address that issue. so that's just one of many examples i've we needed to get this done. as you know, >> speaker johnson hasn't decided on a specific path forward for ukraine aid. he would likely need democratic votes to pass it. but is that even possible? now, if it's linked to aid for israel, a lot of democrats right now are saying they're reluctant to pass more offensive weaponry for israel. would it need to be
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a standalone piece of legislation, the aid for ukraine? >> i don't think so. i think we can push forward the senate bill that is the bill that we know that hiv has bipartisan support in that can pass and can immediately deliver you brain the support that it needs to combat the russian invasion and the russian aggression and things are very desperate right now. and ukraine. so we'd have to make sure we're rushing that aid at the same time. three with a remarks of the president and the blunt conversations that he's had with prime minister netanyahu recently. the situation in gaza cannot be allowed to continue this way hey israel must back away from its current military strategy. we must surge humanitarian aid. the level of civilian casualties is untenable and unaccepted double and we have to reassess that relationship when it comes to the aid they we're providing that allows the israelis the continued to conduct those operations in gaza. as you no congressman, several of your democratic colleagues are urging president biden to withhold offensive arms
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transfers to israel, or condition further military aid to israel with specific, specific limits is that something you would support? i've been pushing for >> months and months and months for a drastic change in israel strategy. and the reason why is because it's serving nobody's interest israel is not more safe now than it was several months ago as a result of their failed strategy, we have increasing escalation with iran the risk of a wider regional war or is higher than it's ever been us national security interests are not being served either. so i want to very large reassessment and that includes the provision of offensive aid. then so far as the israelis are not listening to us are not responding to our requests are pushed for a massive change, then we need to reassess whether or not we continue to give the a that would allow that to continue. >> democratic congressman jim clyburn of south carolina told me earlier today that israel must win this war against hamas, but the time you, the prime minister must go, do you
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agree? >> well, i agree that prime minister netanyahu must go. i mean, he's not the leader that's going to take israel forward. he is a failed leader in every respect he's not made israel safer he's helped escalate regional tensions. he's not listening to us and he is in my view, enlarge part responsible for these massive humanitarian catastrophe that we are seeing but when we talk about winning against hamas, you can't do that just militarily. we learned that from our own 20 year war on terror. if you able to defeat terrorists some with military force alone, we would have been able to do it over are 20 year $3,000,000,000,000. war against terrorism. that the united states has been now undergoing. so we have to address the humanitarian issues. we have to address palestinian statehood. we have to get people hope for the future and until we do that and figure out a diplomatic solution as well militarily will just keep on spinning our wheels. gardens. and jason crow, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you
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>> adjust ahead, president biden, on the defensive right now over his handling of the economy. after a new spike in inflation >> the sinking of the titanic how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn, one barbarous was the turbotax. >> i broke four generations of family tradition >> i want to make perfume so i meet barbers, new psyche count. by guaranteeing her maximum refund into turbotax transfer your >> ira or your old 401 k to robert. goodbye. april 30, we'll give you a 3% boost with the biggest match of any ira on the market. robin hood gold gets you the most for millions of people have lost weight with
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mattresses made affordable >> i'm sunlen serfaty in washington in this is cnn >> there's breaking news from wall street stock prices falling sharply today with the dow jones industrials down 422 points at the closing bell investigators very anxious about a new spiking consumer prices and its impact on the economy cnn's brian todd has more on the flight inflation report that was released today, brian, the new numbers are adding to the political pressure on president by right wolf, even with all the good news on the economy, the president can't seem to shake the bad news when it comes thanks to his polling numbers, he did get some more bad news today with that inflation report. and it came as a former top aide criticize the president's messaging on the economy a seemingly endless
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headache for american consumers at the cash register and for president biden at the ballot box. new numbers show that annual inflation ticked up higher than expected last month, consumer prices rising to a 3.5% increase in the 12 months ending in march, fueled in part by higher mortgage prices and rising gas prices and faces still a threat. but i think it's receding not likely to continue, but it is not good news. >> the president today defending his record combatting inflation, cui have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down close to 3%. we're going to situation where we're better situation and then we were, we took office where we inflation with skyrocketing. >> but this comes as biden's former white house chief of staff, ron claim, known as a loyalist, slams the president's messaging on the economy in comments obtained by politico claims said his former boss spends too much time talking about infrastructure quote, i think the president is out there too much talking about bridges. if you go into
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the grocery store, you know, eggs and milk are expensive. the fact that there's an effing bridge claimed goes on to say, like it's a bridge and how interesting is the bridge? it's a little interesting, but it's not a lot interesting. claim. did concede that biden is effective at showing compassion for families who are struggling financially and talking about how to bring down costs but donald trump was quick to pounce on the latest numbers >> i totally lost control of inflation. it's back its >> raging back. >> in >> a recent poll, only 37% approve of president biden's handling of the economy, while 62% disapprove joe biden certainly has a lot of work to do. i think that we're hearing it from his advisors quietly that they certainly want to talk more about the economy. for >> example, unemployment hasn't been this low, this long. since richard nixon was president. >> many people have >> gotten bigger wage >> increases, then they've seen an inflation, especially the lower income workers have seen big wage gains more than inflation. >> still with today's numbers,
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the fed is now likely to postpone the interest rate cuts expected this year, which would boost the economy and make homes more affordable. >> we don't know what's going to happen to long-term rates. we don't know what's going to happen to the fiscal situation. we don't know what's going to happen with oil and energy prices which also affect or can push through to other parts of inflation. >> so how much of a threat will inflation posed to president biden as election day approaches, i'm pretty sure inflation will be better by election time, but it's not coming down as fast as many of us would like. >> part of president biden's messaging after those inflation numbers came out today, was to try to deflect some of the blame to the republicans. so we said have no plan to combat inflation and to corporate greed. the president saying he's calling on corporations including grocery retailers, to use their record profits to reduce prices. wolf interesting brian todd reporting for us. thank you, brian, very much coming up. we'll check in with the cnn weather center for the latest. i'm very dangerous storms ripping across the southeast right now, stay with
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md slash tv carbon. >> let's see an infill. sunday, april 21 at nine right now, we're tracking very dangerous weather, including tornados and flash flooding across the southern united states let's bring in our meteorologist, chad myers. he's joining us from the cnn weather center. chad give us an update on the severe weather threat we've had almost a half a dozen tornadoes today, but really 250,000 people, customers without power, right now. and significant >> flash flooding from florida through new orleans and all the way over toward texas this was a significant de for very heavy rainfall. the picture you see here, this was from katy, texas. this was in the overnight hours, the owners of this establishment kind of a strip mall said, thank goodness, this did not happen during the day. are there would have been people here, at least this happened really in the evening and the overnight hours, the flooding occurred across parts of new orleans,
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across parts of kirby vil in texas, and also now still flooding happening right now in florida here is we take a look at this slide del louisiana, just here, watching a tornado cross the interstate. >> we >> don't know if anyone was injured here, but we do know that cars were certainly blown around there. you can see the back edge of the tornado, right? they're moving across and blasting out some of the power lines there. so this was a big de for weather across the south. we do know that that slide l tornado that i just talked about was an ef1 so far, 85 to 110 miles per hour. but if they find bigger damage, that number could certainly go up. it's a minimum of ef1 and yes, we still have a tornado watch here in effect here for the southern part of this line, it moves into atlanta, and out with tornadoes, but with very, very heavy rainfall, this was a tropical goes storm today, almost tactically wasn't, but the tropical rainfall two to three inches of rain per hour in places and ponding on the
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roadways, flooding all over the place. well, this was so much humidity in the air and it just rained for hours on end. yeah, >> very severe. indeed, chad myers, thank you very much. and we'll be right back with more news. won't scalp play with us >> anymore. >> he has something cold you are thrived is pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. what scout know there's labriola, the first and only once monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain, veterinary professionals ministering libretto who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self injection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis ocd is more than what you see on tv and in the >> movies, it comes with unrelenting intrusive images, thoughts, and urges if you have ocd and need help, you can get better. who specialized treatment go to know to
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>> for gentle, dependable constipation really tries seneca. it works differently than other lacks because it's made from the center flat. and natural vegetable active ingredient in gentle, dependable seneca. also available in delicious gummies >> or pharmacy has been in business for nearly 100 years a wife and i have run it for class 30 american technology is making this more efficient and customer-friendly. we use online tools to fill prescriptions, process insurance claims, and mike deliveries but some in washington want to undermine the technology tools we rely on. their misguided agenda will empower our foreign adversaries and hurt small businesses play our leaders need to strengthen, not weaken american technology >> one bbs was the turbotax. >> i wrote four generations of family tradition i want to make perfume >> so i meet barbers new psyche count by guaranteeing her maximum refund into interval
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tax. >> this mango hint water tastes just like mango. >> how can water tastes just like fruit for a limited time, new customers get over 45% offer drink next 36 bottles for just 36 packs, only $1 per bottle. >> hint >> in mississippi today, an outpouring of emotion as the judge handed down sentences to six police officers who beat, tortured, and hurled racist insults. at two black men. the officers who called themselves the goon squad, will spend between 15 and 45 years in prison. cnn's ryan young has are report justice has come in mississippi what has come >> and historic sentencing hearing and rankin county, mississippi, no police officer in the history of rankin county? has ever been held criminally responsible for harming anyone, let alone a black person, six former law enforcement officers, sentenced
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in state court for their role in a crime and cover up. they all admitted to subjecting two black men michael jenkins and eddie parker to almost two hours of torture and sexual assault last year, ending with jenkins shot in the mouth, that probably take a lifetime to heal from these attacks. >> the former officers are also known as the goon squad a name. some of these white former mississippi officers gave themselves for their alleged willingness to use excessive force and covered up. and now justice was handed down to them. are 20 years in custody two corrections, the six men will be serving between 15 and 45 years, which will run concurrently with the federal sentences. they each received last month in the courtroom with victim impact statements were read out by their attorney. >> a beat, kicked taste, and salted waterboarded, and humiliated me over and over
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again that will forever be engraved in my mind and my heart i'm hurt. i'm broken. >> the two victims speaking out afterwards. grateful and thanking him particular, the media, they've all you been here with us, man for the ride the helpless, you know, with this fight right now, i just, walked out and no man is it tells me my heart man and noted that we were listening to you gave us voice >> while justice was served today and rankin county, many insisting there's still much more that needs to be done. >> this chapter of the book has been written, but the book is not finished. we have spoken with the department of justice. we have reiterated that we want a clean sweep. we want them to go through out rankin county sheriff's department and we want them to clean house
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michael jenkins and eddie parker seeming to find a purpose from the pain they suffer. >> amir found or what i was looking for my perfect because it knows to fight for the person that skewed to fight fight for the person in can fight well, we are in the middle of rankin county and there you can see the statue that is a confederate statue there and >> below that statue are some protestors who are exercising their first and second amendment rights. they're protesting while holding firearms as well. they're making sure that the community knows they want changes they what bryan bailey gone, i've talked to bryan bailey several times. >> he >> says he never knew these member operating as the goon squad to be up to the fbi and the justice department and see what happens next. >> thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. the news continues next on cnn


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