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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 11, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> you have options, go to to learn more this is cnn the world's news >> closed captioning is brought to you by sokoloff law mesothelial victims call now 30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money. all when 8085920400. that's when 8085920400 the world >> is reacting to the death of one of, if not the most famous celebrity turned criminal most of our time, oj simpson dying at the age of 76 from cancer today surrounded by his
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children and his grandchildren, according to his family. before reality tv, before court tv and true crime podcasts, there was the oj simpson trial in 1994, brand pitch whh min and er comedy sidekick was accused of murdering his ex-wife, nicole browsimpson and her friend, ron goldman >> the gavel to gavel coverage of simpson's murd trial set off a new era of class and racial divides while riveting the nation to reportedly as many as 150 million people watcd as hiscquittal was read aloud on television. and despite his court victory, simpson never regain that beloved status that he had as a football hero. in 2008, he was sentenced to up to 33 years in prison for a las vegas hotel robbery in 2017, and he was released on parole and just two months ago, he talked about his health in a post on social media. listen to this we the,
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jury, the above and title, and the good good moment. say. thank you to all the people who reached out to me >> my is good. >> i mean, obviously i'm some issues, but i think i'm just about overwritten. i'll be back on that golf course hopefully in a couple of weeks. but it was very nice. you see on from the any handles good positive words. >> thank you >> let's get some perspective now with sports analyst and host of the right time podcast, go money jones. and we also have with his trial attorney and legal analysts, mercedes cohen but mani, the simpson trial obviously known as the trial of the century. but it really is startling to recognize that as he's passed, we're talking about his legal issues and not who he was on the football field. he was completely overshadowed. this transcendent star it totally overshadowed his achievements as a sports icon and as someone that defined american culture
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for so much of his life yeah i mean that's what happens when the world thinks that killed two people is going to take a lab, what 2000 yards to overcome the idea that you killed a couple of people like be >> the shift in how people looked at oj simpson is this jarring, is anything there has ever been. it's not just simply the was one of the greatest football players of all time. he's a legitimate pioneer in terms of taking what you did off the field making a fortune off of the field. he was a pioneer depending on how, regardless how you felt about the way that he did it. he was a pioneer in terms of the acceptance of black athletes and black pupil generally to be commercial pitch, menn and be beloved by a larger audience in this country, he was a person that is 1994 does not happen. we're having a much different discussion in about him obviously, but the truth is, once the world thinks that you killed two people, that other stuff doesn't seem to matter that much >> yes. that makes sense. i think when they were or perceive transgressions that deep some people see them here.
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he of course was acquitted, but then found liable in the civil case. mercedes, i wonder from your perspective, from a legal perspective, we saw this entire trial. it became, you know, it was reality tv before reality tv. and i wonder how the legal community looked at it. and still kind of looks at it, especially with these moments when if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit how instructive it became >> brianna, that's such a great question because you're exactly right. we were all riveted. i was practicing law at that time and i remember exactly where it was in the office looking at the tv with my other lawyer colleagues it was riveting. you've got to see how really brilliant lawyers were able to outmaneuver the prosecution. that was a brilliant stroke of genius, but by johnnie cochran at the very end to try the glove that the prosecution never determined ahead of time whether or not that glove would
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actually fit, and that's their are standard there's no discovery in criminal cases in terms of beginning to speak to the alleged perpetrator and getting them to have to manipulate or actually act upon any of those prompts that the prosecution use. so for us, as lawyers, it was a brilliant stroke of genius by johnnie cochran, the defense team. you have to see he also the fact that the judge lost judge either lost total control at times of that courtroom. so there was a lot of lessons to be learned and on a personal note i need to say that my sister died in a violent relationship. so this really struck home as it straight strikes home to many of those around the country that have had themselves been victims of domestic violence or had family members. there were victims of domestic violence >> mercedes, i wonder what you think the legacy of this case from the perspective of faith in the legal system, because people were outraged when he was acquitted there was.
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>> and do you know what bars i think part of it is is that week out to see from moment to moment how that trial evolved. and some of the techniques used. and but thankfully there was at the end of the de, just as brianna said, there was a civil proceeding, different standard. there was from the standard of different standard of proof. you didn't have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt and >> ultimately, people felt >> vindicated that at least he was found civilly responsible. and then was required to pay back $30 million in compensatory damages to both the estates of nicole bramson and ron goldman i'm certain that's not that's probably didn't really get them to have that much, at least looked at, say, to themselves, we've lost these two family members. this somehow makes compensation for it. i'm sure that's not how i fell mani weird this story earlier from bob costas, who oj simpson was calling repeatedly, won't fall on the car phone
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>> from the white ford bronco, wasn't able to reach him because he was doing the nba final, right? but later he found out that the reason oj was trying to call him was because og said that he was being defamed and he thought that bob costas could tell people basically about how great he was and i mean, i just wonder sort of like hearing that anecdote, what, what you think about that well, one >> thing we have to remember about the infamous bronco chase and then it went on during a game in the nba finals on nbc. is that oj worked at nbc at the time, like that's something that didn't for the land with me is that the people who are broadcast in this where his co-workers like that was one of the wildest things that could have possibly gone down and him call him bob about. that is just obviously aside of the massive ego, that oj simpson head, but i have to jump in about the question that you just asked. mercedes about faith and legal system and if
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we're all being honest about this the trial well, j. simpson and the way that the reason it resonated in american society was a study in rates on so many different levels happening in what route wildly call it the racial cauldron of america at that time, which was los angeles. but there's something wildly ironic to a lot of black people. the idea that this one of all the trials in the world was the one that made america white people wonder at this privilege, justice system maybe didn't always work the way that it was supposed to. like if this was the one they've that question, people's faith in the justice system, then it becomes very easy to understand why that trial and everything around oj, who ultimately himself was a very hollow man, rest in peace. but let's be honest about this. that hollow man who stood for so little became an avatar for so many other things. and that question is kind of an example of what it is, because no black person ever had to be told that the american criminal justice system can get it wrong from time to time. >> such a good point >> mercedes, i'm wondering how you think the verdict has stood the test of time because there
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are a lot of people that we've heard from that initially were supportive of it and took it sort of as romani was alluding to as, as a a referendum of where race was at that moment in time coming shortly after the rodney king riots and the brutality that the lapd by which the lapd conducted his business. i'm wondering how you think folks that now view that verdict as unfair as a travesty now find themselves >> if you look at the trial, there were so much that was on trial law enforcement, how they gathered the evidence, the witnesses that came forward from law enforcement, that they gathering of the evidence, so it wasn't just race relations is also the real laser focus on law enforcement and whether or not they did the protect the appropriate steps to ensure that the evidence was gathered in a way that was that it was appropriate. but you saw that
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once that would they were impute their integrity was impute. they start to question law enforcement that i really carried the de aside from all the brilliance of johnnie cochran and the defense team. >> but there's >> always going to be individuals that look at the at the judicial system, especially for individuals of color and question whether they will get the fair shake i have is a practitioner for a long time. had tremendous faith in the digital system part of that system i represent clients in this judicial system. i have great faith in our juries. and do they get it wrong? well, certainly, i feel that way when i've lost trials, but i feel vindicated for my clients when i've won them. but it really is at the end of the day, anyone that's serves a jury will tell you they did their absolute best. they i've to the evidence and they ruled on the evidence that was presented to them >> yeah. i think and i'm so glad you brought up the incident of the beating in 1991, caught on tape, which was really this first one of the
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first times. and it was so brutal romani, what we saw is a nation, i was living there in southern california. i think i was ten or 11 inside and it was so obvious, i think especially being a child, how wrong it was. that was sort that was the bigger setting for what we were seeing. right. even as we were going into this trial and you were seeing people react to the outcome in ways that didn't necessarily reflect the facts right. but it reflected what was factual about their relationship to the society in which they were living. >> well, yeah, i think there's something interesting about this whole trial, and i remember after aza out of those incredible documentary, oj made in america came out, i watched it and i came away from it with two very strong conclusions. one, i was more certain than ever that i believe that oj says killed those people and i was even more certain than ever that he 100% sure have been
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acquitted. the lesson of that trial really should have been this one that if you don't have like i put it this way, credibility is like insurance. you don't need it until you need it in the los angeles police department needed credibility at a moment in that trial and they just didn't have it with the people that were there. what wild have happened on the backend was people blame the gerry for not trusted? the police and not enough people ask the question as to whether or not these people in a police force blue with themselves and effect that they could not be trusted. and it was not implausible the idea that something is far-fetched as a conspiracy to take oj simpson down was believable. it wasn't because something was wrong with those people. those because something was wrong with the way the lapd had been conducting business in the rodney king trial? as the culmination of all of those things and they all came together and again, as my mentor around wildly once wrote about this of all, it's a paraphrase of all the terrible things that happened to black people in the criminal justice system. it was just crazy that if all people, this is the dude who got off as a result of it. but that was all the stuff that came together in this trial and
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everything that surrounded his came together with this man who get himself still for very little, but they became an avatar for so many different things >> a case and a story and a life that's touched so many different angles of american society. romani jones, mercedes colon, thank you so much for that conversation. >> thank you so much >> thank you. >> thank key. surveillance program is caught up in republican dysfunction in congress is the head of the fbi is warning that it is critical to thwarting terrorist the tax and to protecting american lives. christopher wray is testifying on the hill right now, plus an effort to repeal arizona's abortion new new abortion ban, craft this is an burns while the issue could hurt republicans on the ballot in november, plus the white house is trying to close a loophole that let some people legally by guns without back brown checks those stories and much more, just moments away >> cnn news central, he's
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>> you trivago, compare hotel >> prices and save them for $30 or nine hotel. >> trivago >> there's debris in less by parents, husbands and wives gone >> i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it that are those that follow up space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn >> fbi director christopher wray has a clear warning for congress that the threats facing the united states are rising, especially after the october 7, with hamas attacks. he says a vital surveillance tool that helps the country thwart those threats must be renewed and timing is everything here is small group of republicans just voted to block that renewal and we're talking specifically here about section seven. of fisa, which is the foreign intelligence surveillance act, which is set to expire hey, days yesterday, 19 republicans in the house derail the renewal process just hours after former president donald trump urged congress to
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quote, kill fisa cnn's melanie zanona is tracking this on capitol hill for us. melanie. what else have we heard from director ray? is it enough you think to sway those? >> 19 republicans >> well, if not just re there has been a steady drumbeat of national security voice is urging congress to renew this surveillance law? and one of those voices includes trump's own former attorney general, bill barr, who told my colleague any grid that it would be quote, reckless to let this law expire but those voices are up against donald trump. who called on republicans to kill this bill yesterday. and he also seem to conflate what this section of the law would actually do. but ray sought to clear up some of those misconceptions in the hearing today. >> let's listen >> an absolutely indispensable tool that congress can give us in our fight against foreign adversaries is the reauthorization of section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act it is critical in securing our nation and we are in crunch time with our
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seven zero to authorities set to expire next week so let me be clear. failure to reauthorize seven o2 or gutting it with some new kind of warrant requirement would be dangerous and put americans lives at risk >> so gop leaders are facing an all too familiar scenario where they see some of their best leader plans scrambled by former president donald trump. now there is some hope for a plan b, the new emerging idea, according to sources that they're going to change the exploration de, on the law from five years down to two years with the hope being that they then have a trump administration where they can achieve some better reforms in their eyes, they're also going to give some amendment votes and bill votes, that hardliners we're seeking, that may be enough to appease hardline conservatives, but it could jeopardize its passage in the senate. so you get a glimpse of just what speaker mike johnson is really wrestling with here guys all right, so what happens next? why is johnson still
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optimistic about this being renewed >> johnson has to be optimistic. he does not want this law to fail, but he he also knows he has to keep those hardline conservatives in his corner. and of course, hanging over at all is a threat to mike johnson's speakership from marjorie taylor greene that might be why johnson is working so hard to appease these hardline conservatives. and it also might be why he's planning to head down to florida tomorrow to do a joint press conference with donald trump's. so he knows he needs these key members in his corner as he looks to pass the he's really tricky laws, not just on this surveillance law, but also a ukraine aid package is something that he said he would dress in the coming weeks. so a lot to talk about a mar-a-lago to tomorrow between those two all right. >> mil, thank you for that report >> let's dig deeper now with democratic senator chris of delaware, senator. thank you so much for being with us. we should note he serves on the senate foreign relations committee. i'm curious to get your response to this debate now, over section 702 of fisa and i'm wondering how confident you are that the host
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house is ultimately going to reauthorize it >> well, boris, this is the least productive house in modern times. and we can see why the chaos of having abrupt changes in policy based on tweets by the former president when we worked for months here in the senate to hammer out a tough bipartisan compromise. on border security. it was on a path towards passage. and then president trump decided he'd rather have an issue for the election. then security at the border section 702 is a critical piece of the toolkit that helps keep america safe from foreign adversaries it fell apart on the floor yesterday house, because the former president tweeted against it. so i'm concerned that we may not see ukraine aid move forward. we may not see section o2 move forward. we may not see a lot of important things move forward. i will say that in the end we've got our full year appropriations bills
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done, and speaker johnson was able to pass those with strong democratic support. it's my hope that he we will continue legislating and the urgent interests of the united states. prime minister kishida of japan just addressed a joint session of congress and could not have said more forcefully, how important it is for the united states to continue to support ukraine. and that japan pledges to be shoulder to shoulder with us in securing a democratic world that is committed to rule of law and where he pushed back on authoritarian and aggressive states. >> sure >> going back to fisa, what do you make of the counter from republicans who argue that before? for the reauthorize, they want to see more protections for the privacy of americans senator senator, >> sorry, the sound just cut
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out. you've got out, you said what what do you make of the argument of the republicans that are arguing against reauthorized thing this specific section of phi sub part of the argument has to >> do with protecting the privacy of americans and fbi director ray sort of alluded to them in his remarks i'm wondering, what do you say to those who argue that there should be warrants in place to try to protect americans >> i do think that there have to be improvements to the fisa process to ensure that this robust database have collected information from around the world is not misused in a way that targets americans one potential path forward is to require a warrant for the viewing of any content that relates directly to an american that's something that's being debated here in the senate. i don't think that's an unreasonable concern. but we should in no circumstances allow section 702 to expire
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>> senator, i also want to pivot to the middle east because iran supreme leader has said that bad israel must be punished and it will be for striking that embassy compound of a ron's in damascus in syria. how do you see that? retaliate? creation potentially playing out? i'm wondering if you think iran will act unilaterally or through one of its proxies in the region >> well, president biden has acted strongly and many of us here during the senate have spoken up as well to make it clear, we will defend israel. we will provide israel with the munitions in the material they need to intercept any iranian strike through the iron dome system or otherwise, we don't know whether iran will choose to use one of its regional proxies like hezbollah that has been attacking israel from the north. >> or whether >> they'll use a direct strike on an israeli diplomatic facility or possibly to israel itself. but it's important for
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iran to know that we will act to deter them and that we will not allow israel to be at risk of a direct strike from iran. and in any way on defendant and part of the reason i ask the question, senators, because iran has pointed the finger at the united states, saying that the us bears some responsibility for what happened in damascus. how concerned are you that any retaliation might cost the lives of us forces in the region >> well luck iranian-backed militias and proxies i been causing havoc in this region for years the who ties, i'll remind you who operate out of yemen and caused great difficulty for civilian shipping in there? red sea trained, equipped, supported by the iranians hezbollah trained equipped, supported by the iranians has been attacking northern israel. i think the united states needs to be minus before that our troops who are deployed in eastern syria and in iraq as part of the continuing counter rice this mission are at risk and we need
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to make it clear as president biden did. now, several months ago, when he ordered airstrikes against iranian-backed militias in the region, that attacks on american troops will be met with it a quick, forceful response >> senator chris, we have to leave the conversation there. appreciate the time, sir >> thank you >> so vice president kamala harris is about to swing through arizona, which is a majors swing state in the election, heading to the epicenter of the country's abortion battle. we've got details and just moments >> 2024 stanley cup play the 20 >> the future is not just going to happen you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an
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for fighting for what matters. pride that everyday million say, i use splenda >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. and this is cnn chance erupted inside the arizona state capital as republican lawmakers blocked efforts to repeal >> a civil war era law that bans nearly all abortions this was actually a republican who had tried to move forward on an effort to roll back the ban with the help of some democrats after the state supreme court upheld the law that dates back 160 years. >> now, vice president kamala harris is set to travel to arizona. that is tomorrow. she's again adding her voice to the fight for reproductive freedoms. as president biden launches a new ad campaign aimed at voters in arizona
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cnn's kayla tausche is at the white house and kayla clearly the biden campaign is making reproductive rights one of the pillars of its message to voters well boris for democrats, it's been a critical campaign issue since the 2022 midterms. the midterms, of course, after the supreme court overturned roe v. wade, and it's reclaiming the forefront for the biden harris campaign, which leaves that it will be v galvanizing force for voters in swing states. and they're are attempting to point the finger directly at donald trump, the former president who this week said it should be up to states to decide on reproductive rights. and they say, this is the result of that policy president biden's campaign, just today unveiling a new ad in the state of arizona with exactly that message >> because of donald trump, millions of women lost the fundamental freedom to control their own bodies. a question is if donald trump gets back in power, what freedom will you lose next
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>> the white house or the biden harris campaign rather trying to elevate this issue, issue above the economy and immigration, where trump currently out polls by the white house declining to say whether biden will be personally making stump speeches on this issue yesterday when he was asked about it, he said, simply elect me, biden's views as a catholic can only be described as complex and having evolved on this issue. but certainly harrison has been taking up the mantle of this messaging for some time. she's made two trips to arizona and has been crisscrossing the country, arguing for reproductive freedoms. >> and she's expecting good to have a very similar message, although a very forceful one in a state of arizona tomorrow, guys, >> all right. kayla will be looking for that. in the meantime, gun law reform advocates now poised for a big victory in their push for more background checks. d1 tills, when we come back sunday, night
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triple tax-free addition roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only see how a >> that's me >> close captioning is brought to you by skechers, hands-free slip ins step in the future like i did when new hands-free skechers slip is the secret is slip ends have an invisible field, thin shoe horn to your foot slides into please try skechers, slip in >> today, the biden administration announced a new rule aimed at expanding background checks on gun sales and closing the so-called gut and show loophole. the new regulation will go into effect soon and it attempts to clear up what it means to be engaged in the business of selling guns. >> the white house says there are over 20,000 individuals engaged in unlicensed gun dealing in the attorney general, merrick garland releasing this statement that under this regulation it will not matter if guns are sold on
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the internet at a gun show already, brick and mortar store, if you sell guns predominantly to earn a profit, you must be licensed and you must conduct background checks joining us now to discuss, is atf director steven dental back. thank you so much for coming in studio and talking to us. we appreciate it. thanks for having me >> so as we just make clear, the gun show loophole, it's not just about gun shows really. it's about who is selling there. so tell us how this is going to work. here, right? so congress passed the bipartisan safer communities act, which redefine this notion of what is engaged in the business which had already, by the way been the law for a long time since the 60s but there was a lot of non-compliance. so people were out there who were engaging in the business of dealing firearms and we were seeing that increasingly they were doing it without a license. so you have the people who are following the rules, the businesses who are licensed firearms dealers, they're running background checks they're selling guns with
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records. so the cops could trace a gun when it's used in a crime, catch the killer and then you have a group of people who are selling guns without runny background checks, right? not licensed as firearms dealers, not keeping records. and whether you're doing that out of your trunk of your car or at a gun show or on some new social media platform. it's a matter what this rule says and what congress's law says is that it's if you're predominant intent is to earn a profit and you're engaged in the business, you need a license no matter where you do, that conduct. >> director, this new rules sort of came about as part of a provision from the bipartisan safer communities act that was passed back in 2022. i think the question for a lot of folks out there that watched or that learn that this rule took years appears to craft is why is it happening now? >> well, it's happening because we've been working on it for quite some time so months and months and months ago last year we published a notice of proposed rulemaking.
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there's a process to do this that's an inclusive process. we got 387,000 public comments submitted to atf based on that a proposed rule, we reviewed each and every one of them. we have now addressed them publicly in a 400 page document where we look at the comments talk about their merits, and we've made some changes to the final rule based upon some of the comments that we got. and designed a system based on years of experience that shows the kind of particular conduct that's likely to indicate that somebody is in business, right. and not a private collector or just, you know, making a private sale. let's say to a family member like for instance, practical things if you take credit cards for payment, if you've registered with your state licensing authority as a business, right? that's a pretty good hint. euro in business. if you've gotten certain kinds of business security was centralized business
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monitoring, or if you stock inventory and turn it over over and over again. if you have the same kind of gun that you're selling in stock, that's right. that's not as much like a collection as it is business inventory. we also set forth based on the comments, some specific things that are not likely to mean that a person's presumed to be engaged in the business, like if they're only providing firearms as gifts or the family members or occasionally to other actually licensed dealers. right. so what we're trying to do here is to make it crystal clear the actual kinds of conduct so that people hopefully begin complying with the law because it's deadly consequences. >> are there ways that some folks will be able to get around this though? i mean, if they're dealing in something and i guess i'm talking about the smaller level folks who are selling firearms, but maybe they're dealing in cash, right? maybe they don't have they haven't registered to have credit card transactions and yet they are selling enough
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weapons that it's still basically is that under the gun show loophole, you always, first of all, i know we've talked about we'll call it the so-called gun show loophole. if you look in the actual law, there's never been a provision in law that says, hey, as long as you are breaking the law, sitting at a gun show, it's okay. >> right >> but i guess what we're talking about hiseq that people are out there, as you say, kind of not obeying the law so look, i think that the honest answer is hopefully there's a group of people who will see these black and white terms that we've said again and again against you that congress has said, you got to have a license if you're predominantly for profit engaging in this business will there be people who continue to try to fuel felons and gangs and drug dealers through the black market of course there will >> and when that happens, we'll do what we've >> done in the past, which is from 2021 to 2023 the number of criminal gun trafficking cases we did for people who are dealing without a license on
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atf went up 52% in those years and we did a recent study where we showed that for people who are trafficking and firearms illegally 60% of those guns are going to convicted felons and other people who aren't allowed to have guns, right? that makes sense. if you can't pass a background check, right? the licensed dealer, what are you doing? you're going to the black market and if you look at a mass shooting midland odesa, texas, right? >> you >> had a person who went to a licensed dealer couldn't pass a background check. and then they went to the black market, got a firearm murders seven people injured, 17 more, including three cops, right. so we have to try to close down that black market, illicit firearms >> there's almost no question that gun rights groups are going to challenge this in cord and unfortunately, we don't have time to have a fully fledged conversation about what that's going to look like. but i'm curious quickly, the supreme court has shown that they do not really adhere to
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precedence the way that they once did. do you imagine this is going to wind up there? >> i don't know where it will wind up. obviously, we feel comfortable that we're within the statute that congress passed. this provision doesn't implicate people second amendment rights to keep and bear arms, tens of thousands of dealers are out there doing this the right way now. and let me just say one last thing about that for people who are looking at fundamental fairness, it is unfair to a federal licensed fearms dealer who's spending the extra time effort and money to obey the rules and run these background checks, right? that sitting over there is somebody who's flouting the law, dealing to felons and making money off it so there's a fairness issue in addition to the public safety issue here, too, you have director steven dental back. thank you so much for being with us. thank you. >> of course >> so what started as a fishing trip turned into a fight first survival for three fishermen, stranded on an island. how they're quick thinking, save
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visit coventry i'm evan perez and washington. >> and this is cnn >> a group of fishermen stranded on an island for more than a week, survived to tell the tale thanks to a little creativity. there you see it. they use palm fronds to spell out help on the sand. and earlier this month, and navy jet spotted their sos and sent just what they asked for help? yeah. for some perspective, the island is part of asia pacific nation. that's made up of more than 600 islands scattered across an area bigger than the size of alaskathcoast ard says the men's ingenuity again
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with that helped sign was crucial in tir rescue. >> and there's a twist here. this survival story ends with a surprise family reunion, because it turns out the coast guard petty officer who came to save them is a distant relative joining us now is survivalist expert zachary fowler zach, these three fishermen, i mean they were stranded for more than a week. how unlikely was a story of survival? >> i mean, the spread of the islands like that and the fact that they were able to get close enough to one and get on one that's that's a lot odds that i would not want to be playing the table on that one zack, once they made it to shore, they apparently noticed that their radio battery had died. i'm wondering, is there a way for folks to communicate their need for help to rescuers without any kind of direct line of communication. do you have to resort to making i help sign like the one they did
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>> yeah. that was definitely a failure of communication. like having the right equipment ready to go, having your radio charged you know, being prepared is going to be always your best way having a survival kit, things like that. and it's fire starter flares because they may we n't know from the artle, doesn't say, but would think that as th're flying around looking r them that helps sign is good when somebody flies over. but if the plane was flying all aroundnd looking for a smoke sign or a are or something like that? they they didn't have that up and that would have increased their odds of getting picked up a little bit sooner. >> let's talk about food because these guys got pretty lucky here. they had coconuts, right? so they had some decent nutrition. and then there was also a small well on the island, so they had water, which of course is most essential what are the options? when you have something like that or maybe something different, or you you don't have a small well that you'd be
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so lucky for. what can you do >> for weeks amount of time they would have been doing pretty good with just the coconut and people pay a lot of money for that kind of a retreat, right? just be on an island with some coconut and that just that coconut diet though would be the only issue long-term because that's kind of a cleanser that to the system when you're just having coconut, that much fiber like that. so they were very fortunate for the well because they dehydration would have been a big issue over time if they lost the boat, they don't have something to boil water and then capture that moisture for because the fresh drinking water, when you're stuck on an island like that is usually you're going to be our biggest problem. >> it's unbelievable, zach. thank you so much. i did once i think pay someone to drop me off i really did. i paid someone to drop me on an island like that just for an afternoon so zack's right. zach, i appreciate it. thank you >> yeah. thanks
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>> yeah. >> thanks for having it wasn't ice retreat pro >> golfer, bubba watson is going for his three third masters when this weekend, but his daughter may have already stolen the show houston, you are go for the debris in this guy >> parents, husbands and wives gone. if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst last month thing i can ever happen >> thousands of pieces of debris are now pieces to a puzzle. i should have the test on day one >> i wish i could've done something differently i can undo that. you can just make it better for those that follow >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn >> what would you like to pay for your hotel rooms in 185, 169, or $155 same room, same surface, just different prices really up to you well, nobody asks you this a perception but
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nugget scoring average. joseph approach hey, everything everything phenomenon a year >> thida green >> barely tap it to kota watson is already hold countless terrific. >> putting stroke >> for the uninitiated. >> those are crazy long >> incredibly difficult, and she does it with such ease, and the celebrations comes so naturally to her too. she looks like she belongs up there. yeah. >> i mean, what a future she has amazing all right. the lead with jake tapper starts right now


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