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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  April 13, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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are gonna be playing again tonight. couple of hours from now, dodger stadium, just a mile up the road against the padres. will find nick what reported frehse nic facts and to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. the news continues next on sienna >> tonight are three 60. the first former president ever to face criminal trial says he would testify, but that does t mean he will new filings and new details tonight so with arizona. now, back to 18 64 oabortion vice present harris goes there to make try to make sure that it is voting issue this year. and an exclusive look and how one big city is fighting a national problem. wholesale outbreak of retail theft that's costing businesses billions. >> good evening. we begin tonight with breaking news, two big >> items go into monday's new york hush money trial. the first of four criminal trials that donald trump is facing. there's breaking news is
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>> as well tonight in the federal documents trial, and we'll get to that shortly. first things first though, late today, the truth and the truth is that there's no case they have no case so that's item one. he claims he would testify, but would and will are two different things and remains to be seen if he actually will sit down on the stand under oath. item two is what the judge today ruled on. another delay attempt plus a new request about jury selection for that, we go to kara scannell so kara, can you just talk about this last-minute filing from the trump team? >> so there was a new decision tonight by judge juan merchan, who is overseeing the case, saying that he was denying trump's motion for pretrial publicity. trump was saying that because of all the publicity, couldn't get a fair trial in new york. judge, deny that saying that trump in fact
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has caused a lot of the pretrial publicity, saying delaying this case is not tenable because there will never be a period of time when there isn't publicity. but trump's team also made a late filing today that is related to this issue. they ask the judge to amend how he is going to question the jury pool when they first come in, the judge said he would ask if anyone could not serve on this jury because they're not fair or impartial or for any other reason, trump's team is asking the judge to separate that because they wanted to try to build data for their appeal. they've been arguing that they should get a change of venue in this case because of the publicity and because they believe manhattan nights tend to vote democratic and would be again it's trump. so they want the judge to separate it and ask anybody here who can't be fair and impartial separate from anyone who can't serve in this dreary because maybe they have a religious reason or for some other reasons such as travel. so they're trying to build data for this appeal that they tried to execute earlier this week. and i'll so to
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argue that they should just move this case out of new york city and did the did the judge rule on that motion yet and could the trump team on monday still try to come up with another filing >> so the da's team will have a chance to respond to this, and the judge has not ruled yet this is likely to be the topic of conversation when everyone enters into the courtroom on monday morning before the judge brings the first pool of jurors in, then it's likely the judge will make his ruling on this. he could amend it to accommodate that, or he could stick with what he's done he previously said he didn't want to individually question these jurors because he said he found that to be unnecessary and didn't really yield a different result. but the question will be before the judge when everyone assembles into that courtroom on monday morning >> thanks so much joining us now and the law and the politics former trump campaign adviser and current cnn senior political commentator david urban, timmy aganga-williams as well, who served as senior investigative counsel to the house january 6 committee, and also former manhattan chief assistant district attorney, karen friedman, agnifilo.
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agnifilo. so what do you think the former president's trying to basically change the jury selection process at this point >> why think he's trying to do is find a basis and appeal to say that he's not getting a fair jury. >> he's trying to get gather data as kerosene. yeah, he's he's he's planning for potential until conviction here because what he's trying to say is that i want to understand all the different bases by which these jurors could perhaps not being fair to be and not be impartial. and i want to parse it out. so if i want to highlight specific things to the appellate court, i'm able to have that information from the trial court to send up. he's preparing like a good lawyer should is legal team here, prepared with potential dead. he's either convicted and what's the challenge is process, or if you want to seek some kind of integral interlocutory appeal. now, meaning he wants to challenge to go up right down the middle, then he has the opportunity to do so >> karen, do you actually think it's likely he would testify >> he thinks cases best spokesperson and he's testified
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and he testified in his e jean carroll case and also in the arthur engoron civil fraud trial. so i think he feels he's got nothing to lose because why wouldn't he? already thinks that people in manhattan can't be fair and impartial and so what does he got to lose you really only asked to convince one person and then he could get hung jury. so i think it is likely that you would testify. why wouldn't me david, what do you think? do you think he would? >> yeah. should i listen to karen's point? i think that the chance of donald trump getting a fair trial in new york city may not be zero, but it's pretty close to zero, right? in the filing that the president's lawyers submitted to the court, they submitted a poll of 2000 manhattan nights that it found that 61% of people in manhattan already built we've at trump's guilty in this case. if you peel back the onion a little bit further and go to the 2020 election 76% of people in new york's had manhattan. and this jury pool
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voted for joe biden, 23% voted for donald trump. so it's gonna be pretty tough to find a jury that is not somehow predisposed if you find that that trump that pro-trump juror, it's like find a needle in the haystack and we're hearing all this. talk about data and building data. i think in the year 2024, the fact that we're relying on jurors to self-report bias is kind of crazy. data is available, readily available, you could you could get gathered tons of data on every one of these jurors, see what they've looked on their internet searches and see if they've if they voted for trump are posting anti-trump messages on social media, it's easy to find whether somebody is pro-trump or not. and then when they go in seeded this jury, who's going to want us, who's going to want to recuse himself from the biggest trial and the history of new york for city. >> david, do you want the deepstate to be investigating potential jurors >> i think relying on other i think relying on people in these instances, write a jurors
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to self-report in criminal cases is a little nutty. i i do. anderson says, listen, i was a jury foreman in a rape trial and alexandria, virginia, and i could tell you it's a pretty scary place to be if you're a defendant >> to me, i mean, what do you think about the the ability to find farah jurors? i mean, even if people have a predisposition or they don't like somebody i many jurors would say, well, i can still be fair about based on whatever the evidence presented is, and we see that every day. so i would disagree with david's perspective. i was federal prosecutor that i've done trials and people take this really, really seriously. they treat this like a solemn event. >> and i >> think i have a lot of faith in jurors, and i think the fact that someone is permanent hatton or how they voted does not determine whether or not they're going to be fair juror. and that's why we have those. i think 40 plus questions that judge the judge is going to be asking here because you do have the opportunity to parse out to answer the question and then you'll ask them a lot of things. who did you what kind
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of podcasts you'll into what tv shows do you watch? what book? have you read? >> any font and your family's law enforcement, all these questions give you incredible insight into who a juror is. and it's not merely asking them, can you be fair? all these other data points allow the lawyers to really parse out to these people are. and i think that's why on average, right. are jurors really attend to end up with the right? it's all here. if the government can meet its high-burden, karen, i'm what's your experience? >> because i mean, the whole >> system is based on a juror, jury of your peers and people from all walks of life, just coming in yeah, exactly. it's not like it's a >> different standard here in manhattan than it is every, in every other courtroom in the entire country in both state and federal courts. and every single case, you are able to ultimately find fair and impartial jurors. >> it's >> not it's whether you can be fair in this particular case and as that is that there's questions that are designed to
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ask that >> and i think nobody nobody is pro murder or prorate, yet sometimes there are cases that ended in acquittals because it's about making sure that the people prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, and i agree that jurors take that very seriously. and so i think process of excellent lawyers on both sides, if a really good judge here. this is not an experienced people. they know how to pick a jury. they know how to ask the right questions and something to keep in mind is donald trump has to be there every single day because it's a criminal case is going to be sitting at that jury table. i'm sitting at the counsel table and he's going to actually really have to agree that every single juror, so this is going to be a jury that he picks two, he and his lawyers agree to that these are the jurors that they want sitting in judgments >> no problem. >> what i understood. i would just point out, your andrew serwer. just point out the voir dire process, i think generally works right. if it's not dona trumpthis is a different ca. thiss a one of oneormer president united
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states, who, who, who enraged is cerin people. but then what's the answer what's the listen if you if you if you could go through eryone in new york, ght? good. go one by one. i don't know. i mean, could give you a better answer i was i was finance lawyer, bond lawyer, not a trial lawyer, but i don't think get unlimited strikes, right? you don't get unlimited strikes. the jury pool, you have a limited amount of people. you can you can bounce off a jury. so at some point you've got to accept the folks who were tre, whether they're good or bad. >>hanks, everyone. we will see it starts monday morning. the actual process on monday and the thought going into it from both sides, cnn's jessica schneider has that this is election interference. >> donald trump's outsized personality could present a challenge to lawyers monday as they set out to find 18 unbiased manhattan residents to decide trump's criminal hush money case. you have a former president of the united states, someone who is very
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controversial how difficult is it going to be to seat a jury based on the defendant here? >> i think it's going to be difficult. it's going to take a long time. dr. leslie ellis has worked as a jury consultant for 25 years. she estimates it could take more than a week for lawyers to settle hold on 12 jurors plus six alternates and for both sides, it may be more about weeding out the wrong ones than finding the right ones >> one sort of overriding premise of jury selection is that it's a misnomer. it's dri d selection. it's sort of finding those two or three people who really scare you for whatever reason. and to get rid of them, hundreds of potential jurors will arrive at the manhattan criminal courthouse monday morning. once inside the courtroom, they'll come face-to-face with trump. he has the right to sit through jury selection and sources tell cnn he plans to be there. anyone with conflicts like knowing someone involved in the case or strong biases, they can't disregard we'll likely be immediately dismissed then the work begins. each juror will
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have to answer 42 very specific questions out loud inside the courtroom. they range from where they live to whether they support extremist groups like q and on the proud boys or antifa, they'll even be asked to disclose what news organizations they listened to getting to understand who this juror is what this jury is going to do when he or she gets the evidence. house is juror going to interact with this code? jurors it your own opportunity to get a feel for them as people and not as number one, et cetera this jury will be very different from the last one trump faced during the e jean carroll defamation case. that jury was in federal court and the jurors came not only for manhattan, but also a diverse array of surrounding counties. this jury will only be drawn from manhattan. we're voters overwhelmingly chose joe biden in 2020, nearly 87% to 12% political affiliation doesn't necessarily mean bias, right and that's what they're going to have to figure out
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there may be lots of reasons for somebody to vote for a candidate that don't necessarily de facto translate into a bias for or against the other candidate. the jurors who ultimately get selected will not be known to the public. their names, images, and i did entities will not be released even though lawyers on both sides, will know their names dr. ellis says trump's attorneys and prosecutors will have to be on high alert for any potential juror who might hide their true feelings in an effort to ultimately up and deliver curations. >> i'm not a big believer that stealth jurors are everywhere, but in a case like this, there's definitely a higher risk of a stealth juror, meaning someone who intentionally keeps quiet about an opinion to get on the jury they're not that common. they're not as common as a lot of people think. but here that's a real risk >> jessica schneider, cnn, washington let's. >> still to come tonight, more breaking news, vice president harris and battleground state of arizona telling supporters the former president is at fault for the state's new near total ban on abortion. and
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scratch that, reverse it. >> it's time it's going to be the greatest chocolate shop was rated pg. >> now streaming exclusively on max great teammates, cross each other. >> we're gonna do a trust falls, stand up, you close your eyes for trust. >> what up doc >> he said. >> i told you it a dummy >> let's person inherits appeared at a rally in a battleground state of arizona a short time ago, three days after the state supreme court allowed in near total ban on abortion and become law, she laid the blame for that decision squarely on the former president >> what has happened here in arizona is a new inflection point it has demonstrated once and for all that overturning roe was just the opening act. just the opening act of a
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larger strategy to take women's rights and freedoms part of a full on attack state by state on reproductive freedom and and we all must understand who is to blame former president donald trump did this during his news conference today, mar-a-lago, the former president, was also asked several questions about his position on abortion. namely, would he sign a national ban and how would you describe his position on abortion now? >> wow. she said that would sign a federal abortion ban of congress sent to your desk. why should americans structure word that would not do it? now, if you were really because we don't need it any longer because we broke roe v. wade over the last few decades, mr. president, you have both considered yourself pro-choice and pro-life, which one >> but you know exactly which one it is. and when i was in new york and when i was a democrat also just like ronald
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reagan, ronald reagan was a democrat sort of follow they're very similar path. but if you look at what we've done with roe v. wade, we did something that everyone said couldn't be done and we got it done >> which point out he did not actually directly answer the question whether he is in the words of the report or pro-choice or pro-life camila bernal is in hours tonight at a protests for abortion rights supporters. so the vice president clearly he sees this ruling as both disastrous for women and an opportunity for the biden campaign. what are folks they're telling you >> there's so glad anderson that the vp was here because they say that they want as much attention to to this issue as possible. they told me full visibility and the vp needs visibility when it comes to this issue and when it comes to what they're fighting for in november because a lot of these people here, what they're trying to do is sign a ballot initiative to have this be on the ballot in november of 2024, so that they can go out and vote for the right to an abortion to have it be in the state constitution. so many
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people of all ages have come out here today. we're outside of city hall and they're trying to get people involved that are a driving by city hall. there's people of all ages. root told me some who've said, i fought for this in the 70s and i'm fighting for this again now, others who say hey, this is the first time they're coming out to protest, to get involved in issues like this. but there is no doubt that all over the state because we've been in phoenix and in other places this issue motivated people. it has energized a lot of the voters here in arizona and they see this as an opportunity come november, they see this opportunity get this not only at the national level, but here in arizona and have a solution to what they see as a very big problem here in the state over no thanks very much perspective knapp from russell moore, editor in chief of christianity today, margaret hoover, republican consultant, and kate bedingfield, former biden white house communications director margaret let start with you. how much do you think the issue very abortion, particularly what we've seen in the last
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week, is going to reshape this race or shaped this. room. >> i think fundamentally it reshapes the race anderson. now you see, not just the arizona has gone back to 19 century law that is motivated as you saw, those all those folks to come out in a state that frankly, joe biden was really risking loop losing even though he'd gone up by 10,000 votes in 2020 the poll suggests that trump really didn't have the upper hand because of the issue of the border. this is totally turned this on a tables and it's not just arizona. i arizona has now really flipped because of the abortion issue. but if you have a ballot initiative in arizona, you have a ballot initiative in florida. you may have a valid it should have in colorado may have won in new york, there are states moving to put abortion on the ballot, and all these issues. and by the way, democrats aren't dumb >> they're doing this because this >> motivates people to go to the polls when they're voting for abortion rights are also voting for joe biden. they're voting against donald trump rafat, the former president would even say he's pro-life or pro-choice. he also said a federal ban isn't needed since roe v. wade was overturned i'm
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wondering what you think evangelical voters out there, and obviously there's a lot of different kinds of evangelical voters we'll think of the way he's sort of positioning himself now >> well, as someone who's both pro-life and anti-trump, i was confused by the rhetoric. i think he's trying to make this intentionally murky. the problem is that a pro-life vision requires a moral vision wires persuasion as to why every human life is valuable. and that requires a particular view of human dignity, of vulnerability. and we don't have that here, especially when you look at the kari lake senate add that sounded exactly like a planned parenthood superpac ad for pro-choice candidate. it's these people seem to be acting as though they're pro-life with three exceptions for rape, incest, and declining poll numbers and that's not a compelling moral vision to persuade the hearts and minds of people.
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>> kate, i mean, former >> president trump falsely claim, say that every legal scholar wanted roe v. wade overturned >> how much >> is the vice-president >> going to camp out in arizona? i mean, is this how much is this going to be front and center for the biden campaign >> i expect it will be if they have their way, it'll be front and center every single day because it is such a does represent such a fundamental threat for women across the country and also as folks have been discussing here, we know now that it motivates voters. we know that it turns people out democrats certainly, but also independents and moderate republicans two, we've seen that in states across the country. we saw it in 2022. we thought with ballot initiatives in 23, and there's no reason to believe we aren't gonna see it again in 24, so yes, i would expect that, you will see vice president harris and president biden out talking about this. i would expect there'll be many trips to arizona because the stakes couldn't be higher. and this is an issue that turns people out to the fold. so they would be, they'd be foolish not to frankly margaret i mean,
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the this is an issue that works for democrats. obviously when it's interesting because donald trump clearly thought several days ago when he came out and talking about states rights that this was a good way to handle this issue. and then with the arizona decision, it's he said seems to be searching for what position he should be taken >> clearly, he doesn't know what he i think he has a very good sense of what the polls are. i think i think he's reading the polls on that whole sorts of issues right now, i think fisa and ukraine, he's also reading polls and saying what the public really wants about that, because this is a general election argument. now, he is through the primary right the federalism argument really worked for republicans broadly and it was a unifier. this federalism argument about overturning roe v. wade, right? even pro-choice republicans who didn't want roe v. wade overturned. i mean, you would hear sort of moderate of have been saying, well, if the states are four we'll see what happens. states will have to go to the the polls now have to pass protections and there was
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this sort of constitutional argument that made it seem reasonable >> when you >> have throwback laws to the 19th century when horsehair was used as surgical thread. all right, when women couldn't vote or own property or have bank accounts be the standard now, by the way, it has opened up this possibility for really right wing extremist groups who advocate really lawfare in this area, especially on social conservative issues, is alliance defending freedom, which was the group that created the argument that won the de, the state supreme court in arizona nobody expected that the floodgates would be open to such extreme legal arguments that have been one the de, within the context of the conservative movement. and i defer to russell more in terms of how he, how he predicted it, but i certainly as a mainstream republican didn't expect that the extremes would harness all of the energy and really see there they're extreme vision implemented so broadly. >> do you think there will be
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the same level of enthusiasm among evangelicals this time round for the former president i mean he's clearly lost you along well, right now, i see i see a difference right now between the trump enthusiasts for whom this will matter or not at all, the fifth avenue law rule holds. the man is literally on trial next week criminal trial for hush money to a porn star and nobody flint inches. so i don't think that that will affect them i think there are a lot of other people who are just exhausted and seemed to have a kind of magical thinking. if we don't mention donald trump, we won't have to live through the kind of division we went through in 2016 and 2020. and seemed to be thinking, wow, something will happen now the problem is that's not true. we're headed into 2024, whether we like it or not >> you heard vice president harris called the arizona supreme court abortion ruling inflection point, how good of a messenger issue you think on this issue?
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>> hi, she's excellent. i mean, i think this is an issue that she clearly feels very passionately about and it's not a surprise when candidate, when an elected official feels really strongly about something they are an effective messenger, they deliver it with passion. i think you certainly saw that from her in arizona today, and i would note the fact that her team moves so quickly to get her to arizona >> it is not >> easy and it's not simple to move the vice president quickly too. there's a lot of security logistics existing conflicts on her schedule that make it hard to move quickly. so the fact that she wanted to be so nimble and get there quickly and really drive this again, just reinforces what an effective message, an issue this is for the biden-harris campaign but also as a reflection of how strongly she feels about this. and so that makes her a powerful messenger. >> okay. thank you very much. margaret hoover, russell moore as well. thank you so much coming up next back to the trump trial that was more
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breaking news in the slow-moving documents case and a high-stakes hearing for his co-defendants >> it's kubota orange days chopper year's biggest election of komodo equipment. hey, you're 0% apr for 84 months $3,300 off select cutback directors, find your nearest dealer at botha, orange >> we know you care >> but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones, make the call because we carry two home instead suez, it's personal. >> what impacts you every day? there is one book that influences almost every aspect of our lives we still, that shapes the way we measure time in the fusion of fashion, arts, in the strokes that have inspired masterpieces in stirred written on the hearts that he describes our money in the call to action that is
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prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so. i've today >> we're breaking news tonight in another trunk trial, as we mentioned at the top, that's involved with the mar-a-lago documents case, which has been bogged down by almost countless pretrial motions, hearings on motions and pretrial appeals the latest development concerns to former president's co-defendants, walt walt nauta and carlos de oliveira, and their effort to get some of the charges against them dismiss empress has the latest on that. so what do we know about the hearing today was the latest and the judges reaction? >> well, this is a hearing i went for more than two hours and the lawyers for walt nauta and carlos de oliveira were arguing that the obstruction related charges should be tossed. they said that the government hadn't met its burden to show that they even knew that there was classified documents in those boxes, that there accused of moving at mar-a-lago. they also said they didn't even know that there was an investigation or that
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there was a subpoena that had been served on the former president, the judge really showed some skepticism to those arguments, saying that a lot of what they were saying we're essentially things that should be presented to a jury that you should go to trial and argue that four before the jury. so she seems at least an inclined to buy their arguments we also heard though, during this hearing, something interesting that we hadn't heard before from jay bratt, one of the prosecutors on jack smith at the special counsel's team. he said that at least some of the documents that were transported from here in florida to bedminster at the former president's golf club in new jersey. he says that the fbi didn't recover all of those all of those boxes perhaps containing some documents so the possibility was raised that there might still be documents and there still might be boxes somewhere out there that the fbi never recovered at the end of that raid in mar-a-lago. so
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we didn't hear a ruling from the judge today. and since we don't know when she might what's next in the case >> well as you as you've repeatedly pointed out, this is a slow moving case. and so every time we come into court, we think, hey, could this be the day that judge aileen cannon gives us a trial date says us tells us when, if and when and this is going to trial is just going to happen this year. that did not happen today. and so we are still waiting. we still have as you pointed out, probably over ten motions that are still left to be decided. we don't know whether she's going to call hearings for every single one of those donald trump was not in his in court today. hey, but his one of his lawyers was there. and so we wait. anderson to see whether we get a trial date at the next hearing. >> and then first thanks so much, johnnie. sounds california democratic congressman or swalwell who serves on the house judiciary and homeland security committee's congressman. do
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you think i mean judge cannon's obviously gotten a lot of criticism, including from retired federal judges about how she's handling this. does her skepticism or parents skepticism about dropping the obstruction charges against trump's co-defendants, change anything in your view >> will know anderson. again, this case is largely driven by the facts and of course i don't agree with her rulings. i will respect them. i'll show them the respect that donald trump doesn't show when any ruling goes against him. but the facts in these case are so clear that even if you were to put aside like, what was the motive for donald trump to take so many of these documents to mar-a-lago he was asked repeatedly to give them back. so if the motive was financial, are the motive was to leverage them in some way regardless of that, he was asked over and over and over, hey, give us these documents back. they protect the troops, they protect our national security and not only did he not give them back, he asked others to hide them and conceal them. so
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i think the facts are just so damning as to what did this person do when he was asked he did the absolute worst thing that a leader should do in that position, you're not optimistic though that this is going to go to trial before the election or you >> the supreme court case on the president's immunity will drive that. and if the justices come back and say that he does not have absolute immunity, which most folks believe is going to be the case it could go to trial before the election bit by the way >> no one and the democratic party, no one who wants to make sure donald trump is not president should not be counting on donald trump's legal cases as some sort of way to keep donald trump for becoming president. like we have to draw the contrast to the voters. we have to highlight what president biden has done but in no plan that i'm aware of. are we counting on donald trump? legal troubles, benefit and benefiting us in november? >> i'm wondering your thoughts
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when you saw former president trump and house speaker mike johnson to people who attempted to overturn the 2020 election, urging a crackdown today on non-citizens voting in presidential elections. something that is already illegal and extraordinarily rare. i just want to play a clip for, you. >> the house republicans are introducing a bill that will require proof of citizenship to vote it seems like common sense. i'm sure all of us would agree. we only want us citizens to vote and us elections. but there are some democrats who don't want to do that. there's so many millions of illegals in the country that if only one out of 100 voted they would cast potentially hundreds of thousands of votes in the election that could turn an election >> i'm wondering for you made if his trip down to mar-a-lago spare me henderson. it's too rich that donald trump and mike johnson are talking to us about election integrity. that's like having to listen to a lecture by bonnie and clyde on bank
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security. i mean, it's absurd considering what they did in the 2020 election to try him overturn it. but if you want to go ahead, let let's accept the argument that noncitizens are voting. well, it's already illegal for non-citizens to vote. it so they're going after something that is already illegal. and by the way, it's not a thing like they're focusing on something that's not a thing something that is a thing is that ukraine is on the ropes right now and there's bipartisan support in the congress to give them the aid they need. the border needs more resources, is in the way of border agents as well as judges to adjudicate cases and gun violence is the number one killer of our children in america. and nothing's been done on that. so it's speaker johnson and spent more time in washington rather than stoking an issue that's not there. perhaps we could address those three critical acute issues right now. >> i also want to play something that trump said about the flack that mike johnson is
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getting from a merger. taylor greene, who's taken steps to oust him from the speaker's office >> i think he's doing a very good job. he's doing about as good as you're going to do and i'm sure that marjorie understands that she's a very good friend of mine. and i know she has a lot of respect for the speaker i mean, how do you interpret that got it sorted boilerplate stuff. he always says you're doing a very good job. it's all sort of meaningless, but i mean, do you think trump can save him? >> will trump will keep them there as long as he's useful to trump it in right now. speaker johnson as the managing partner of the largest law firm in washington, dc, and they have just one client that's donald trump. and so they killed the border security bill negotiated by the most conservative senator james lankford. and president biden, because donald trump didn't want it. they tried to kill the surveillance bill to target terrorists because donald trump didn't like it. and only once trump liked speaker johnson's
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version did it pass? so he'll stay there as long as it's beneficial to trump and by the way, with trump, it's always me, me, me anytime he says america first, he means donald trump first. and then he'll just pull along everyone else in the congress who's willing to go with him. and they're finding that america's interests are not necessarily donald trump's interests. >> commission was swalwell. thanks very much. >> an exclusive look inside >> chicago's efforts to fight a national problem with billions of dollars organized retail theft, those smash and grab robberies. next smerconish tomorrow with nine easter >> introducing mondo, the whole body deodorant that i created with all body odor in mind. i'm dr. shannon clingmans and i'm the inventor of whole body deodorant, like mondo. mondo actually stops odor epa source bacteria. you just apply mondo like lotion and it stops odor anywhere you have it, but wish
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forms of crime had been more persistent, wouldn't you? wild has an exclusive inside looked tonight and our chicago authorities are trying to stop organized retail thrift, a theft known as smashing grab robberies the crimes are casual and brazen. video shared exclusively with cnn by the illinois cook county sheriff's office, shows in less than a minute, a group of people calmly walk into a beauty supply store, clear shelves of high-end products, throw them into trash bags and stroll out the door as casually as they entered law enforcement calls cases like this, organized retail theft when groups band together to steal a high volume of products and then resell them nationwide industry experts say it's a multi-billion-dollar problem. no no >> video shows the crimes are almost always quick. some cases turn violent in january at chicago police officer and suspect or shot after police responded to a smash and grab
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not get gov, do not get tied >> stay loop it's just another day >> another task forces like this one and cook county, illinois, home to chicago, are trying to stop the problem cnn got exclusive access to the cook county sheriff's organized retail crime taskforce this search warrant yielded two felony arrests and hundreds of thousands of dollars in stolen goods from what police say was a crime ring spanning the midwest during the search, police found stolen products ranging from dog leashes to toothpaste, to supplements. what struck me was that they actually seem to have security seals? >> yes. i'm still >> luckily for us, we got them eratiotarg five ce s the locations. the tot hall. have yield this much pruct? no. no, i didn't close almost $500,000 to get something in one operation this is a lot and i think this would be a lot for
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any police department anywhere in the country, cook county sheriff tom dart created the team in 2023 high-profile smashing grabs in the city have attracted national attention. dart, a former prosecutor says, in the past, law enforcement didn't prioritize theft and penalties have been too low i mean, you'd literally have to be a idiot to think that if you're charged with a misdemeanor, that's going to have any consequence whatsoever. >> 2022 law stiff and the penalty for organized retail theft and illinois coast to coast officials are proposing similar measures governor kathy hochul proposed beefed-up penalties for retail theft and 45 million to fight the problem. and as governor, >> i'm not going to stand by and watch phrase and thieves freak havoc in their shops. >> california governor gavin newsom is spreading $267 million among law enforcement agencies. and in january, proposed felony charges and longer sentences for certain cases >> we've taken this very
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seriously. we've been very proactive, not just here in southern california, but throughout the state. >> dart says, often dolan goods are sold online. >> we beeve th group here isll froamazon. >> oh, my god. yeah. i mn, there's nothing here that would lead you to believe this is not on the up and up or nothing. >> dart says he worries signs of slowing down. shows no his isery large rt of tip of the iceberg when hwhile joins us now fro chicagwhat are t bigge challenges for police and retailers trying to stop this >> we understand these cases are so complex, they frequently span states and counties. and so the real challenge here is to try to coordinate the law enforcement agencies again, in different counties, in different states and then include the private sector businesses that have been affected in those multiple jurisdictions as well. that's what task force is like. this, try to do, get all these entities together to work together to combat this issue meanwhile, online platforms are also taking a robust approach. in fact, when we reached out to amazon about this story, they said their crime investigators and their analysts frequently
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send cases to law enforcement and those have resulted in arrests, not just in the anderson, but all around the world. >> all right. when you while thanks more breaking news coming up. present, biden says he expects a ron to retaliate against israel, quote, sooner than later for this attack on its consulate compound in syria last week, his direct message for tehran and what sources say is happening there now, next cser take allergy relief works fast and last a full 24 hours. so they can be the deliverer >> dance okay. dave let's be more than our allergies >> seize the >> de with zehr tech to my daughter tells us you're in television and only $40 a month. >> i'm like that last overpriced package >> happy. i can stream my favorite channels for less family has values. sling is value the. >> lab, db as a gynecologist, i'm embarrassed to say this. we use deodorant on our armpits and we kinda make women feel bad about body odor that they
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reporter asked president biden how imminent and iranian straight might be. here's his response. >> progression for my expectation sooner or later to iran in this moment. >> no >> official say that a run strike against israel would be in response to this airstrike on iran's consulate in the syrian capital last week, which tehran said killed three iranian generals let's get some perspective now from cnn's jeremy diamond in jerusalem, also with us seen in analysts and retired general wesley clark. jeremy, what is the level of concern in israel tonight >> will anderson is forces are certainly on high alert tonight, anticipating an iranian response to that israeli strike last week on what was described as aid iranian consular facility in damascus killing a senior high level iranian commander. the question is, where will that response now come? i'm told that israeli government officials are preparing for the possibility of an iranian attack on israeli facilities
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inside of israel. but one thing is clear, israel's military establishment wants to show that no matter what the response from iran, no matter where they attack, they say that israeli forces are prepared to respond already tonight, we've seen israeli forces responding to a barrage of rockets that were fired by hezbollah towards northern israel about 40 rockets that were either intercepted or el, into open areas to explosive drones. we're also intercepted but israeli forces are preparing of course, for something much more significant perhaps in terms of an iranian response, the question is, what type of response? when will it come that will also determine how israel chooses to respond going forward and attack on israeli soil. in particular, by iranian forces directly would be something that would escalate the situation considerably. >> general clark, what would you anticipate? i mean, would it would run directly strike or do you think in more likely be through sort of proxy forces?
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>> i be surprised if iran directly strikes anderson. they're very close to getting nuclear capacity. they know that if they strike israel directly israeli itching for a chance to take out their nuclear facilities. now the united states doesn't want a big escalation. so maybe the united states would try to prevail on israel not to do this. but this has been a continuous debate in israel for 15 years about what to do about iran nuclear capacity. and as you're getting closer and closer to it everybody in israel understand that once you're on is a nuclear power. everything is different in the region. so this would be a big opportunity for israel if iran actually does come in and strike in general clark, i mean the israeli, the iron dome system. do you think it's capable of handling most of what might be thrown in israel ron, it's not only the iron dome, but they also have other mitchell and receptors including the arrow system, which is been >> proven effective against our hoodie bombardments coming from
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hoodie front from yemen up into israel i think the israelis are very, very confident that they can handle this and that's why they put out the assurances to their people and show we've seen anderson the moon was are there pretty sly? and they're pretty cautious? there? they're not going to follow their rhetoric and every case obviously we're getting intelligence. it says are preparing to do something. so we're on alert. but will they make the decision to do it or if they come after israel, they're making a big mistake. >> in germany. the next level of escalation would, would also be any kind of targeting us military assets in the region. what i mean, what are the assets in the region right now? >> well, us forces are positioned all across this region and their sin, and we've seen them, of course, come under fire in the past from iranian proxies in the region at this hour, us officials are indicating that they don't expect this iranian response to target us forces in the region, but the united states has
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deployed additional air defense assets in the region. feagin, in anticipation for this, also because us officials are also saying that they may try and intercept any potential attacks by iranian proxies headed towards israel. we've seen them do that in the past as it relates to some of those houthi attacks being fired from yemen towards israel. some of those have been an intercepted by the us navy. we've also know of course, that there are a us forces deployed in the region elsewhere that could anticipate, that could potentially intercept any missiles or other assets that are fired from iranian proxies in iraq as well. so we know that us forces and israeli forces are closely coordinating that visit earlier today by the head of us central command meeting with the defense minister in israel, meeting with israel's a top general as well, intended to showcase that close collaboration and very much sending a message to iran. anderson journal kharkov.
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>> what do you think the chances of any kind of wider regional conflict are >> actually there? they're right now. we've done everything we could do diplomatically to head this off and have a lot of people pressuring the iranians. the uranian economies or mesh, they've had actually soldiers walk off the job because you're not paid the range of taken social security money from their populace inflation's high, people can't jump jeez, i can't afford it. they can afford gasoline so really this is the moodle as against the iranian people in some respect were they to get into a shooting war with israel they can't count on the support are their own populace in this. i think there they're going to wager that things will look different if they can become a nuclear power. and shown how that's going to keep them in place. shaw, i see them trying to do something something but being sly, clever, maybe something that's a semi