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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> erin burnett outfront next on cnn a new mexico judges just sentenced the armor for the film rust to 18 months in prison. the maximum possible punishment, hannah gutierrez reed was responsible for firearm safety on the movie set where cinematographer halyna hutchins was killed by a prop gun held by the actor alec baldwin baldwin has also been charged with involuntary manslaughter for the shooting. he is expected to stand trial in july and has pleaded not guilty i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. i'll see you tomorrow morning, 11:00 eastern on cnn newsroom. and then of course, 6:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room until that thanks very much for watching erin burnett outfront starts right now
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for you and it's not if but when israel will retaliate against iran regional edge tonight is iran warns, don't cross any red lines special report on what's happening inside iran toght coming up. plus truth, social shares plunging today, hundreds of millions of dollars raised from the company's market value. his trump followers, he buying up shares let's go out front >> and good evening. i'm erin burnett outfront tonight. the hunt for trump's jury is criminal jury, and we are down to 32 potential jurors from this morning's 96 and tonight, the first four criminal trial of a former president is officially underway. now, trump is required to be there every single day. fact, he can actually be jailed for contempt if he doesn't show up today when the judge read him boost
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rules, he was emotionless e agreed. >> according >> to the new york times, he actually chuckled when the judge told jurors that he will ensure a fair trial then when he left the courtroom, he went to the cameras to speak out about it. >> it's a scam to political which it continues. it coinues forever. >> and we're not goingo be givea fair trial. >> well, as to a fair trial, jurors in that room se to take theiduty as citins deeply siously. trump, according to the times appeared irritated throughout the day, paying a lot of attention during jy seleion, but did appear to doze off a few times this morning before jury selection began. but then we know trump. turn to watch. is that first group entered the court? for women that was arou two 30 eastern me today. many prospective jurors in the back row stretch their necks, lifted their head. they were trying to get a look at the form president one wan giggle o pool reporter was saying, putting hehand over her mouth, looking at the peon next to her with raised eyebrows the reality oit is
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this. there were 96 possible juronitially bught into that room, and at least 50 raise their hands wh asked specifally about whe they would be biased arnot le to be impartial. >> ty saidhat they couldn't be. and that's honesty. >> and of >> course, trump only needs one juror to vote against convicti to win. and even based on how manhattan voted in the last election, as arharry enten pointed out, a random group of 12 manhattan knights would include a trump supporter that you'd like to think this is not what a jury is going to come down to, but it's still important to point out in the context of the words from the former president and here are some of what we do know about the jurors who were excused today. >> one potential juror it was heard in the hallway saying i just couldn't do it while leaving the courtroom. a few others were excused due to personal conflicts. so now you say, what do we know about the 32 remaining, some of whom might actually be on the final jury. >> well, here's a little bit of what we know. we know there's a woman among them who told the court she lives in midtown manhattan, married without children, works in business development or a venture capital firm
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>> says she likes >> going to restaurants in the city. another woman living on the upper west side of manhattan married without children. she works in city government. so she likes cooking, artwork, and going to shows. and then there was a man in midtown manhattan. he says he's married with a child and works as a creative director telling the court he enjoys hiking and cooking. all three gets their news, they say from the new york times and cnn. and to also listed the wall street journal and google. now that is that is a manhattan standard operating procedure on people, but that's what we know so far. paula reid is upfront outside the courthouse and paula, i know i was there with you today and now you've gotten even more information here as those jurors left the room trump making some false statements outside of court where you are about what the judge will and won't allow him to do. so what's the reality of the situation >> erin? it was kinda surprising after everything that had happened today, what trump was focused on when he walked out of the court was the fact that he is required as a criminal defendant to attend every free day of these proceedings unless he has
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granted a waiver. once he walked out of the courtroom, he repeatedly claimed that the judge is preventing him from attending his son, barons high school graduation the problem erin, is that the judge hasn't ruled on that issue. the judge said he can't rule on that at this time, but that didn't stop one of trump's adult sons from amplifying that falsehood on social media. how trump's lawyers also asked if their client could get a waiver for next thursday. the supreme court arguments on whether trump has presidential immunity to shield him. and one of his three other criminal cases, the federal election subversion case. but they're the judge did rule and he said that he will see trump back here in new york next thursday. he said, look, there's no requirement for you to be at the supreme court argument, but you are required to be here as a criminal defendant. so i think this is going to be a pet issue for the former president, something we're going to hear a lot about as he tries to continue to frame themselves, as victim of an unfair system. >> yeah absolutely. and
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fastening paul, of course, part of the reason maybe no ruling yet on his son's graduation is they don't know whether the trial will still be going on when his son, barron graduates from high school. all right. thank you very much. paul up and i've got our outfront experts here. we're going to be covering this trial with us. i want want to begin with robert hirshhorn, though, a jury consultant and robert, i know you've got four decades of experience. the william kennedy smith rape trial, the george zimmerman trial. so you've been doing this a long time to get 96 is the first group, right? they're going to keep going by groups of about 100 until they were able to see the full jury of 12. and then alternate >> you are actually support prize that only 50% of the potential jurors are a little bit over were let go because they couldn't be fair >> i was there and thanks for having me back on the show. you did a great job today reporting from outside the courthouse. >> yeah. because trump. keep talking about how he can't get a fair trial and out of the first night, he six there were only 50 that was excused. i would haected more like 75 or hat would have said he may be saying for the cera
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he can't get a fair trial. >> but >> aaron, i think the man can >> you think he can >> yeah. mimi, obviously, westchester do you agree with that too, from what you from what we saw today and more than hf of them immediately raised their hands >> yeah, i do agree with that. 's a little bit of a look at this glass, have them de, or half full, right. and i was i'm looking at this as half-full, that there are first of all, that so many people were presumably honest. i'm sure there's some people that just want wanted to get off because serving on any jury is burdensome for people but presumably a lot of them are honest and that's how we're going to get to a fair and impartial jury. and i say that not just based on this case or what happened today, but really based on 20 years of watching juries, joey jackson may have a different view, but i think that when the judge and people that whatever your personal
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beliefs, you have to put that aside and decide this case based on the evidence in the courtroom and that only i call me sentimental, but i believe that that has quite an impact on people get sworn in as they were today for that. so joey, what do you think? obviously you've done this for a long time as well with jury selection, you also know, judge more sean, who is obviously the judge in the case. >> yeah. i think he's a person of great competence and of great faith. if i think that'll be important as we move forward, but look, here's what i view. i think today the system worked and why do i say that? yes, i'm a defense attorney. everyone's presumed innocent until proven guilty. we can agree to that. but the reality is, is that this judge has been really gone out of his way to be fair why geoff generally speaking, when you have prosecutors and defense attorneys in a courtroom and people say i can't be fair. the judge says, come here, let me talk to you. then in speaking with that person, in essence rehabilitates them to get them on the jury. this judge said, look, to any person
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who does that because i want to have abundant caution for the fairness of this trial. what i'm going to do is to just excuse them. and so i think that's a system that works. and how else does it work, aaron? it works because in addition to those that are excused because they noted they can't be fair and have bias. you have these challenges for cause. what does that mean in english? it means that of jurors can be fair in an unlimited fashion. if you could demonstrate that they they have some kind of bias based on further questioning, they will be excused as well. and so i do believe that in essence, you're going to have a fair jury. and impartial jury who will be able to adjudicate this case on the merits in the courtroom as ac and what did you notice from the former president today as he watched, we know we understood maybe in the preamble the jury selection, he may have doze off a couple of times, but when the jury walked in, it appears he was very focused. >> he was >> focused at the very start when he and his lawyers stood up and we're introduced to the group of 96 people. but i do
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have to say that as that process itself dragged on trump did continue to look a little bit perhaps board, he closes eyes again. i wouldn't say it was necessarily asleep, but it's a long process is along de for everyone involved but tomorrow is going to be a full day of jury selection with each of these potential jurors being questions probably throughout the entire day and that might keep his his interest up a little bit more especially if someone wanted these jerseys it comes out as being pro trump he's gotten excited about that and pass trials. the e jean carroll trial when they were identified. >> and of course, all it needs is one in this case because it's criminal. one juror to vote on his behalf. if there could be an anti trump der to who, who votes. >> all right. to your point out, how seriously people take it, right? what about the timing here? now we're one day in we went through 96 people, 32 of them are to come back tomorrow self to be questioned, and then there's another group of 100 that can keep feeding until you finish the selection. and that's just the selection.
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>> originally, everyone thought this was >> done by memorial day, is it? turned to know, i mean, the judge did say that expect the trial itself to take six weeks after the jury is seated and now the big question is how long it'll take to seat a jury. there was some speculation myself included that there might be people who really want to be on the jury and faster didn't seem to play out today. i didn't seem as though these individuals i thought there would be some people who would think there was a moment to be part of history and maybe there will be, but it wasn't the initial impact that you got from that and robert, what did what did you make? what one thing that you saw in this courtroom? and i'm going to ask about the few jurors that we know of, specifically who may still be on the case. but overall, this was a very diverse room, just like any group of 96 people in manhattan is going to be and you think that's good for the defense >> i think it's good for bulk. look what you're not guaranteed. a jury of the people you want on it, what you're guaranteed is a cross-section of the community that's who showed up. >> the people
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>> that expressed an initial opinion like joey was saying that they can't be fair. they got excused. there are still a couple more opportunities for those for more jurors to be excused for challenges for cause, which by the way, are unlimited. there's no number that peremptory strikes. those are the ones that are ten. but if a juror has a bias expresses any type of bias that's called a challenge for cause. it's unlimited >> so you've got the >> questioning that's gonna go through each of the jurors, then as i understand it, the jurors will be allowed to the lawyers be allowed to follow up with some of the jurors outside the presence in hearing of the other jurors. there's another opportunity to get a juror offered cause. i'm telling you we're going to take awhile to pick this jury. i wouldn't be surprised if it's three or four weeks because there's a lot of work that has to be done and they need a bunch of jersey yeah. >> and they're not going to go on wednesdays and i don't know exactly what's going to end up having with happening with passover. but all of a sudden when you talk about three to four weeks are not talking about 20 days, you're talking about a lot less than that. so
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maybe let me ask you but the people we do know, again, there's 32 that may be on this jury. they're not all going to be with somebody might be, but the ones that i gave the description of a woman these are these are manhattan nights, okay. a creative director married with a kid and unmarried woman in city government loves going to shows, loves cooking. a woman in business development for a vc firm. venture capital firm married with no children, likes going to restaurants, all of them less new york times and cnn is new sources. yet none of them were struck basic, not just for that, right? i mean, so that gets into i guess the depth of the juror questionnaire >> yeah. i mean, yes. there are many more questions on that questionnaire that will get to this bias that everybody is talking about. that would disqualify someone. and again, it's not just anybody. it's a bias that renders you incapable of being fair and impartial, right? >> which is different than coming in with an opinion, right? >> are there. you. can set that opinion aside. yes. i mean, i've said this before, but i
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had an investigation of the trump organization in my office. we did not bring charges. i've said this publicly before. yeah. i have spoken very critically of former president trump on a personal level about him as a president and aza candidate today, i was able to put that aside when looking at evidence. right and that's what we ask jurors to do. and again, there's something about i think you used the phrase in your opening about how seriously this jury potential jury is. it's a big deal and when you take that oath and your in that setting, even even in a state court which isn't as regal is maybe federal court. i think people that doesn't mean we have hung juries and they happen a lot because people aren't completely honest. you don't put it aside but i do have faith in the system >> could you read from anything about what the jury how they they were reacting >> know it's really just impossible to tell this point. it's a little too early. i think we got to get them in the
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room to get a feel. yeah. right. right. but i think that they'll definitely be able to find plenty who will be able to be non-biased as you point out, they, they usually do in the room when when they ask the question about bias and impartiality, did the hands shoot up? >> they kinda look around to see >> who else is hand was up. i'm curious about this moment. >> they all went up at once. i think everyone already knew that they the answer to that plan, that it was coming. there were a lot of the questionnaire included a lot of questions about bias and whether or not you could be fair. so i think they saw it coming and i think that probably a lot of them know from tv or whatever that that's a way that you're immediately going to be let off of the jury and i think that we'll probably see something similar tomorrow. >> right. as you get another hundred people. >> yeah, absolutely. and we'll see based upon the new pool, what they have to say, there'll be given the same opportunity to self and say, hey, i can't be fair, i'm going to go and some will give the indication they can be. there'll be questioned just a really, really quick point. yes, we can talk about the individual jurors, et cetera. i'm very
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against stereotypes. i'm against any biases as it relates to i like restaurants, i like movies. you have to probe, you have to ask questions, although you probably could discern based upon new york times, cnn you can discern the leanings of some way, but it needs fermat's as me saying, that's separate from how they may look at the case without because they may come in, they may not be a trump voter. who knows, i'm not saying but, you know. okay. doesn't mean you can't be fair and unbiased >> 1,000%. and the judge will say repeatedly in the instructions, it's not who you like, it's not to you dislike can you base it on the evidence in the court? >> all right. thanks very much to all as we continue to cover this, as we said, there's gonna be a whole another group coming in tomorrow in addition to the 32 that they still need to go through leftover from today next is district attorney alvin bragg. ready? this is the biggest tests of his career. a longtime friend and colleague of bragged the next most breaking news in the middle east, israel preparing to strike back against neurons attack. ron warning tonight of
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red lines and secrecy at the supreme court. justice clarence thomas mysteriously missing from the bench the court refusing tonight to say why erin burnett outfront brought to you by etc say big on mother's day, gifts, etc has it >> they told us to follow our dreams >> ben >> said they were unrealistic because passions don't pay bills >> but what they didn't know >> is that dreamers make their own victory >> hello, ghostbusters it's duck, we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual >> the situation
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>> people say >> over what people say should be a bragg says it is not about politics, so he's doing his job so what is the truth about the man at the center of this who was not named donald trump, alvin bragg, jason carroll is out front album. >>aieb could bdescrid as a man with a few notable first behind his name, good afternoon. it's 50 years old and in >> 2022, she became the first black manhattan district attorney. and now he's the first to prosecute a criminal case involving a former us president donald. trump bragg had a prestigious early start. he attended trinity school and elite private school on manhattan's upper west sayyed. but back ihis neighborhood, he says he was often wrongly stopped by police as a teenager, he gave insight into his experiences during his campaign for office when talking about police accountability. i think about the nypd stopping me three times at gunpoint as a kid when i think about violent crime, i think about having a knife to
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my neck, a semi-automatic weapon to my head, and a homicide victim on my doorstep bragg's interest in law started early. he graduated from harvard law in 1995, article in the harvard crimson credited him for moderating a discussion between black and jewish students calling him the anointed one for his ability to reconcile diverse people and clashing views. bragg's resume lists a series of prestigious offices. he served as assistant attorney in the southern district of new york a top lawyer in the new york attorney general's office, a professor of the new york law school racial justice project that's where he represented the family of eric garner. the family sued the city after a plain clothes officer put him in an unauthorized chokehold after he was caught selling loose cigarettes. garner's death in 2014 sparked outrage and protests nationwide. brad credits his interest in police reform to his years growing up
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here in harlem, where he says once again, he was unfairly stopped by police as a child. >> his >> mother was a teacher, his father, a social worker, according to the new york times bragg now taking on s highest profile case to date, his case against the former president underway. >> these are felony crimes in new york state no matter who you are we cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct. >> bragg, who is a democrat, making good on a campaign promise to make trump a priority. >> i'm ready to go wherever the facts take me. i believe we have to hold them accountable >> trump has called his trial political persecution and it has repeatedly directed his anger at bragg, someone he's called an animal and a degenerate, the racist manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg who is presiding over one of the most dangerous and violent cities in the united. strikes should be noted
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that bragg's office has received racist threats. they'd receive threats of violence since taking on the case, but bragg has remained committed to the case. aaron saying the following someone lied again and again to protect their interests and evade the laws to which we are all held accountable. >> aaron. all right. jason. thank you very much. and terry gerstein's out front now, she worked with alvin bragg as a prosecutor in the new york attorney general's office and terry worked with him. he was your direct supervisor for several years. i know you're also friends since with him, you know him well. so what kind of a prosecutor? >> izzy >> so alvin or de a bragg. he's very cautious. he's careful. >> he's really, really >> a very smart lawyer, smart in a strategic lawyerly way, smart about people but he's all also just very, very committed to justice. i think one thing people don't know about him is the extent to which this trial
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in this case is just a small sliver of what his office is focusing on and what he's doing. he really is focused during the campaign, he talked about ending two systems of justice where there were one system for people who were wealthy and connected and another for everyone else and really trying to bring about a different way of approaching the office. so in this particular cas he is obviously he's making histy, raid the first prosecutor to put a former american president on trial and yet, 'vell heard from the various very beginning, this is the least consequential of elise strong, the most political case. this has been a talking point from the meeting. it's gonna be the only case. probably gonna get a verdict in in all of them though >> but one of the complaints specifically has >> been but these are misdemeanor charges and he elevated these charges to felonies. >> and that that is where this >> is going to fall apart with the jury, not whether he made get a payment, not whether it's the felony aspect of it. i know that you supervise cases like this criminal cases like this for six years. right? so
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this is your bread and butter, you know it. what do you think? >> so? we routinely i was the labor bureau chief and so we brought wage theft casescases involving employers who are cheating on their unemployment taxes and other kinds of work place laws. and we routinely brought cases where there were charges of false business records as felonies. this is a very common charge, not just in the worker's rights space, but throughout new york. state criminal practice. and so that aspect of it, saying that these are this is. something that's never prosecuted, that's just simply not true and true. all right. yeah. now, the other criticism and jason just referenced this in his piece, but bragg's, some of the criticism is ben, well, how he got elected to begin with, right? he's a democrat and this is the way we do it in this. you run for da. so people or parties and what you get out of that is somebody who has a political party, and in his case, he had talked specifically about how he was going to hold trump to account if you want, it was part of his
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platform. >> and >> the most infamous soundbite is this one >> i'm the candy in the race who has the experience with donald trump? i was the chief deputy and the attorney general's office. we sued the trump administration over 100 times so you know, you weren't you worked on his campaign, man. understand you support them, but what do you say to people who say this is politics? he ran on saying, i'm gonna go get donald trump and then he went and did that. >> well, so i did volunteer on >> his campaign as >> did many dozens and dozens of us who worked in the office, even though he was no longer there because we all really believed in him having worked with him for years. and the truth is that on his campaign, looking at his campaign literature going to the events he talked about so many different things. he talked about. as i said, ending two systems of justice, he talked about public service. he talked about bringing workers rights cases and protecting tenants and taking a difference for an approach that would be more strategic and preventive of crime. and so i think that yes,
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the issue of donald trump came up when he was questioned and he answered honestly that the attorney general's office in new york, where where he was the number to the first deputy had brought cases as had many other a g case, ag offices in california and massachusetts and many other states. and so it certainly was something that came up, but it was by no means the highlight of his of his campaign. >> so you don't think of the focus if no, not at all. >> all right. let's hear you. thank you very much. i appreciate it and it's important for everyone to get a better sense of both people. and of course, there'll be all the jurors, but both people to center this right now. thank you. thank you and outfront next, we do have breaking news israel now vowing to respond and soon to iran's massive missile and drone attack. tonight, we're hearing from people inside iran calling for the complete destruction of israel. plus truth, social's shares, tanking almost 20% just today, just today as some trump supporters are actually now
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187, 68555 anderson cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn >> breaking news on the brink
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of all out war. the head of the idf telling troops around to tackle we quote met with response, meaning it's not a question of if israel retaliates. but when iran saying just moments ago, it will respond and quote seconds, if israel makes another mistake, those are their words. jeremy diamond is out front in tel aviv tonight. show me what more are you learning about how israel plans to retaliate against? iran since it now seems to be a matter of if i mean a matter of when and not if >> well, over the course of the last 48 hours, there have been heated debates within the israeli war cabinet about the scope and timing of an israeli response to those iranian attacks over the course of the weekend, the first arrhenius in attacks on israeli soil. but there's no question that the israeli war cabinet is united in its determination to carry out some kind of response to iran's attack over the weekend today, the israeli military's chief of staff saying that iran
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will face consequences for its actions you in the face the consequences for its actions. >> we >> will choose our response accordingly. the idf remains ready to counter any threat. for me, iran and its still proxies. as we continue our mission to defend the state of israel and interestingly, erin, well, yesterday after hours of deliberations, israeli officials came out afterwards and >> told us that no decision had been made after nearly three hours of deliberations today in the war cabinet, israeli officials would not say whether or not a decision has been made. instead, one israeli official tells killing me that there was a sense after this meeting that action would be taken sooner rather than later. so while we don't know the exact timing of a potential israeli response, the sense is that this will happen sooner
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rather than later now, the question is exactly what type of responses israel going to go forward. they reviewed multiple military options today. i'm told that one of those options was potentially hitting an iranian facility inside of iran that would not cause excuse me, civilian casualties. but of course, that is just one of several options. and of course, what israel chooses to do here, will certainly have massive ramifications that will ripple throughout the region aaron, let's certainly well, thank you very much, jeremy and iran, of course, threatening is i said that if israel does something they'll respond in quote, unquote seconds. meanwhile, in iran, citizens are speaking out, calling for the destruction of israel and its chief ally, the united states, are fred pleitgen covers iran extensively. in fact, was just in tehran and is outfront now with the iranian reaction >> iranian combat drones fired into the night sky. this new video shown on iranian state media part of the country's
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massive aerial attack for the first time, targeting israeli territory hundreds of drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. >> and >> yet iran calls this measured action and vowed, things could get much worse for the israelis everyone with that choice. >> shubi, we have carried out this action in the framework of deterrence if another action is taken by israel, are actions will be more serious. you're the boss. >> so that's good if on the streets of tech ron, some hardliners celebrated with fireworks calling for even harsher action and even the destruction of israel >> we hope this attack continues to the point that israel is destroyed >> not to job with >> this attack, we can have some of that strong revenge
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>> the punishment is for the bombing of a building in their embassy compound in damascus killing several top revolutionary guard commanders supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei are rifle by his side, calling for retribution during a speech one day before the strikes and the commander of the revolutionary guard saying, from now on, they will hit israel hello every time it strikes their forces. a strategic shifts as you miss out from now on, if the zionist regime attacks our interests, our properties, our personalities, and our citizens, we will retaliate against them from the territory of the islamic republic of iran with the help of a us and its allies the israelis were able to take out nearly all of the drones and missiles. the iranians fired at them >> what >> israeli strikes on targets inside iran, like the country's nuclear facilities as some us hardliners have called for, would be a major
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challenge how lunge and iran already warning the us's assets in the middle east would also become a target of america helps israel attack or wrong. >> paul hugo hava, the american bases, personnel and facilities will not have security in the region. and we see america as an aggressor. and we'll deal with them as well. >> number flame. >> and aaron tonight, more tough talk coming from the iranians, a senior advisor to the commander of the revolutionary guard quds force that is of course, the foreign operations wing of the revolutionary guard saying that while iran does not seek war, they also say they will show no restraint if iran red lines are attacked fred, thank you very much. and i want to go straight now to the retired army lieutenant general mark hertling and cream soja poor around policy expert at the carnegie endowment for international peace. thanks to both a general hurtling, israel's war cabinet meeting, the israeli officials, the reporting from jeremy diamond that they are going to respond
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sooner rather than later around in responses said they'll respond within seconds. what does this look like right now? general >> it looks like a mess. erin is what it looks like, but what we have to consider is the culture of both of these nations israel has it been attacked multiple times, not just by iran? but by their proxies, by terrorists groups. so the culture inside that war cabinet is looking for revenge many offers were probably made by different members of that cabinet about what should happen next. but the hardliners in the streets of israel, what something to happen and friends showed the same thing has happened in iraq. so you not only had this strategic pressure of israel fighting multiple fronts in different kinds of wars. but you also have the potential for iran being pushed by the hardliners, certainly not representative all of their people, but being
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put push that way, you're going to see some actions in the war cabinet today. i'm sure they discussed what was the spectrum of operations. could it be kinetic strikes by themselves? kinetic strikes mixed with cyber attacks and special operations forces. and i'm sure even in some cases they said, let's not do nothing. we had a good night the other night. let's continue with the piece and focused on posix. so all those things are playing a part and it is just a mess. >> i mean, it kareem, when you talk about israel responding sooner rather than later in iran and said, look this was their response to the attack on their general and team at the embassy annex in damascus and that they would call it a de, it's over. >> but then >> they say they'll respond within seconds. if israel responds, now, is that serious >> i'm reminded of ghandi's quote that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind i think that the challenge iran has, like any dictatorship it wants to be feared by its
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population. and so i think among the reasons that they felt the need to retaliate to against israel obviously, they want to send a signal that they're general's can't be assassinated cost-free they wanted to win plaudits and admiration from the arab and muslim street. but this is a country, iran in which last year, if you remember, our there were mass protests against the government. and the government doesn't want to look weak in the eyes of its people. so i actually, despite what we saw earlier of people taking to the streets and calling for vengeance against israel i suspect that most iranians are really praying that they can avoid conflict. >> general hurtling to that effect some who are advocating for israel to strike directly back on iranian soil, which jeremy said is one of the options being considered click fairly are calling for this to be an incredibly aggressive john bolton, iran hockey is calling specifically for israel to respond by hitting some of
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the iranian nuclear facilities targeting the nuclear weapons program obviously, a targeting of a nuclear weapons facility, whether it be power driven, like bushy here, or some of those other locations on the map that are clearly part of the nuclear weapons program as well truly could escalate this situation two some sort of a horrific world war. what do you think? >> i agree with you completely, and i'm thinking the good lord every night that john bolton is in no way influencing any of the decision-makers, right now. because if, if israel were to strike any nuclear facilities inside of iran, that would light the fuse and it doesn't matter which side would win or which died would be on top. it would be a horrific war situation and by the way, israel has other methods of affecting iran's nuclear facilities. they've shown that in the past. so it doesn't take a kinetic stretch. it takes the kinds of strikes
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where you can be colbert and claim plausible deniability clearly on what exactly happened. although most people will understand what happens, yeah, i agree that this is not something that both nations should go to war about because if that happens the entire middle east will go up in flames iran is not looking good right now, based on the attack, the other night, both from their capability, but also the very fact that they get it and most of the region is running contrary to ran right now and it's changed from most of the region being against israel just a week ago so we're seeing some dynamics play out that will certainly affect the context and certainly affect future actions. i just hope both sides are careful about what their next actions are. >> cream, can i just ask you today? john kirby said something at the white house. it was basically up sort of narrative that's taken >> control, >> seems to be along the lines of look around, knew what they
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were going to do. they telegraphed it, they told everybody basically all sort of putting marks of tape on the ground of where they were going to aim of what they were gonna do. and the whole point was show of force. and they knew israel and the us and jordan would take it out of the sky and then they could move on. but that's the whole point of it. and john kirby, the white house, says that that's absolutely not true. here's what he said. >> i've seen reporting that the iranians meant to fail at this spectacular an embarrassing failure was all by design i've also seen ram say that they provided early warning to help his rule prepare its defenses and limit any potential damage. all of this is categorically false to coin for his from the presenter is still phrased in the president. it's malarkey >> is it malarkey create a kareem. did did did iran actually think any of those things we're gonna go through with the way they telegraphed it or not aaron, i spoke to a senior white house official
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yesterday who echoed kirby's words. he said, listen when you launch 100 ballistic missiles that serious that was intended in his words to cause serious, serious destruction and in the past, iran hasn't restrained itself against israel. they praised october 7 hamas attack on israel what's different this time is that they have operated via proxy. and i think iran hope frankly, it's an irony given that their ideology is premised on on hostility towards the united states. but i think now iran is hoping that the biden administration will exercise restraint over israel >> and we'll see if they'll succeed >> promissory note, yahoo is >> not listened much to the us president in recent months. thank you both very much. appreciate it and coming up out front this week, i will be speaking to the foreign minister of iran and you won't want to miss our face-to-face conversation friday night. you will see it. we will air it here. i'd seven. and meantime,
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next year tonight, trump's truth, social nosedive, the shares plunging nearly 20% just today, hundreds of millions of dollars in value loss as trump's supporters still put money in justice clarence thomas missing from the supreme court today, but no explanation was given this is just ahead of trump's immunity trial days away. what's going on >> every weekday morning, cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in fighting if minutes or less, cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays exclusively on max. >> there are over 7 million us businesses on tiktok. >> my name is dana bell phi and my husband and i own the village bakery, our mission is to employ people with different abilities tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like. >> this is a community of just complete and utter love >> it's the people that lift you up when you're down, people on tiktok do that on a daily basis and i've never
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when you issue new shares, that means the already existing shares get diluted, they lose value, and the share price has already fallen by half. trump himself has actually lost on those 3 billion since truth, social went public less than three weeks ago, all on paper in front. now, dan alexander, the senior editor at forbes so dan flooding the market with new shares. what is the bottom line for small investors who bought into trump's company because they believe in him >> will the bottom line is that they're going to get diluted. >> and this makes it >> more likely that they are going to lose money the problem here is this stack was set up in the door, set up in a way that allowed a lot of wall street insiders and trump and the other people in buffing with his company to get in at very, very discounted rates. meanwhile, the retail shareholders were putting up huge sums to buy in and the ultimate effect is that they put in the cache and the other people walk away with the shares >> me, it was believable as you point out, right. trump and every the insiders have got the shares for rock bottom, right. then it goes public and the
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people who buy at those prices get hurt the most. i mean, anyone who bought trump media shares when it peaked and i guess dan, that was what, $66 per share. so they've now lost bost half their money. just to be clear, people who got in and bought at that price, we're not inside sophisticated wall street insiders write these were small time investors who support donald trump wanted to support his company. there was a person who put a large chunk of his life savings in this company. he told the washington post dan, i know good and well, it's in trump's hands and he's got plans. i have no doubt it's going to explode some time. i mean, that's actually makes me really sad i mean, how do you even react to that? >> yeah. >> it is a sense story. and the trouble here is that if you look at the fundamentals of the company it's poised to go down a lot more. >> if you look at the number of >> users that this company has, amount of revenue that generates its evaluation should be measured in the hundreds of millions of dollars at the most right now, the public markets
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are valued at three-and-a-half billion. so that means that this stock should fall by at least another 90% before the metrics start to make any amount of sense. then for people who are just blindly putting their faith in trump and in the company that means that they can stand to lose a lot of money. and if somebody is just throwing a couple thousand bucks that they have extra. okay. fine. now people donate to political campaigns to, but if somebody is putting a significant chunk of their life savings into it, they could really get wiped out by the very person who they're trusting their mind to, saying this guy is going to make this company and amazing venture. >> i mean, it's incredible. you're saying thanks. so we've already looked at something that's lost half its value since march 26, half its value. but you're saying it could go down another 90% yeah, there's no question. i mean, if you look at the company zone filings, you know, they're saying that they're it's accountants had questions about whether it could continue as a going concern they're saying
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that bankruptcy is not out of the question is actually so this thing could go to zero eventually, but just if you look at the actual business fundamentals right now and you back that up against, for example, the valuation of twitter or facebook and some other social media companies. and you try to correlate those, make it make sense it were so far away from that point right now that looks like this stock should continue falling drastically all right. >> thank you very much, dan. good to see you >> yeah. likewise. >> all right. the next mystery at the supreme court, justice clarence thomas, not in court today. and no one is saying why >> every day moore dog people and more vets deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food >> they're >> quitting the kibble and kicking the camps. and feeding their dogs, dog food. that's actually well food developed with that made from real meat and veggies portioned for your
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sign up for free because it, ai or download the app. >> anderson cooper 360. >> next on cnn >> and finally tonight a supreme court mystery. justice clarence thomas, missing oral arguments today for two cases before the cork chief justice john roberts, making a quick announcement that thomas would not be present, but no explanation was given for his
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absence. >> the court >> does usually give an explanation in for a justices absence. and we've also seen justices take part in arguments remotely when they are sick and the context here is not just the lack of transparency, but that it also comes just one week before the supreme court hears oral arguments on whether or not donald trump is protected from criminal prosecutions because of presidential immunity, because he was president when the acts are committed. a case critics of thomas argue he should recuse himself from because of his wife's, ginny's efforts to help trump's team overturn the 2020 election thomas is years the most senior associate justice on the supreme court. he missed several arguments in 2022 with an infection. and tonight the supreme court is not responding to our requests for additional information about thomas's leave of absence today, leaving many important questions unanswered. >> well, thank you. you very muor joining us. we'llee here tomorrow. ac30 60 begins. now >> good