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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  April 17, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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health as well as everything else. >> so as you know, because you have two kids, including the fantastic olivia who's who ended up perfect. even even with her phone as you're the first to say yes, there's a lot of a depression and pessimism, even nihilism among young people who are worried about the planet, what's your message to them? >> i think that for people who are thinking about starting a family, if that kid is going to be a net positive, bring them, we need all the good helpers we can get and for the kids who are born into this good thing, you're tough. we're going to help you stay resilient. we are going to help you build a much stronger, more resilient future. we can do this together. dr. king did not say i've hi, mayor. there were live in the nightmare. we have a dream about building a more sustainable, more resilient world. and the tools are there for the taking right now, jake, here's a tool bill, whereas good book >> life as we know, it can be
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stories of people, climate and hoping the changing word world, it's an interesting book and it's a beautifully written book. thank you, brother thanks. >> it's gorgeous, open love letter to your kids and to our planet into our shared humanity. >> congratulations, bill. >> thank you. >> you can follow this show on acts at the lead cnn, if you ever miss an episode of the lead, you can listen to the show once you get your podcasts news continues on cnn with wolf blitzer right next door in a place i like to call the situation room happening now, breaking news, the second day of donald trump's hush money trial comes to a close. seven jurors have now been seated after another contentious date in court, including a stern warning from the judge to the former president. and we're keeping a close eye on another thing that could impact trump. the united states supreme court hearing arguments that from january 6, defendants who say we will prosecutors overstepped. >> we're going to tell you why the decision could deal potentially a blow to the
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special counsel's indictment against trump also tonight, a defined speaker, mike johnson, says he's not resigning after a second republican hardliner joins the effort to take away his gavel. >> we're following the chaos on capitol hill as johnson's speakership pens in the balance welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world i'm wolf blitzer, a urine the situation room the skis, cnn breaking news, let's begin with the breaking news. >> the second day of donald trump's hush money trial wrapping up just a little while ago. >> the proceedings gaining momentum today with seven jurors seeded after an afternoon of intense questioning. >> cms kara scannell has details from just outside the courthouse in new york. hera give us the latest well, just moments ago, a seventh der with
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seated in this trial, he's a male, he's a civil litigator. and he said he had some views about trump during his presidency, said likely he didn't agree with him, but he said he could be fair impartial this coming after another full day of jury selection, where there are now seven juror seated in this case. >> it's this like massive sense of gravitas and important because you know that this is history in the making. >> dozens more potential jurors filed into manhattan courtroom tuesday and six jurors were seated as jury selection continued into day two of the first criminal trial of a former president, the seated jurors include an irishman and sales, a female oncology nurse, a corporate male lawyer in english teacher at a charter school, a software engineer and an owner of an it business the jury selection strategy for both parties taking shape, trump, attorney spending the afternoon digging into the social media post of some
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potential jurors two were struck for cause, one for a social media post referencing trump and quote, lock him up when a prosecutor asked the juror if he still believes trump should be locked up. the jury answer for no. trump was seen craning his neck toward him and flashing a smirk. judge juan merchan issued a stern warning to trump after he visibly reacted to a jurors answers about a video she posted on social media. he warned trump's lawyer, your client was audibly uttering, i will not have any jurors intimidated in the courtroom that juror was questioned outside the presence of the others about a video she posted on social media showing an outdoor celebration quotes spreading the honking cheer around election day 2020. she said it was a new york celebratory moment. trump's lawyers suggested she was biased the judge said he believed the juror could be fair and didn't excuse her. trump's attorney, todd blanche, telling those in the jury pool, quote, it's extraordinarily important to president trump that we know we're going to get a fair
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shake. one juror said he finds trump fascinating because he walks into a room and he sets people off one way or the other. >> blend seemed with the response. another juror said she learned for the first time tuesday that trump has been charged in three other cases. prosecutor joshua steinglass, address prospective jurors asieh them to set aside any strong feelings. he asks each to consider if they would be able to look defendant trump in the eye and return a guilty verdict if the this is proven beyond a reasonable doubt, trump up here to look at the jurors, tilting his head once or twice as they were answering yes. according to pool reports one juror who was excused after she said she had a scheduling conflict, described her experience to cnn at the same time, you walk into the courtroom and you see it trump setting. >> are i had never seen him in person before you see hidden sitting there and it's like oh, it's just a guy well, so now that there are seven jurors
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selected out of the initial pool of 96 on thursday morning, 96, new jersey will come in. >> they've already been sworn in. we'll start this process all over again going through the 42 questions that are in that questionnaire, then questions by the attorneys, and then they'll strike until we have 12 jurors and a number of alternatives. wolfe, laura kara scannell in new york for us, cara, thank you very much. >> let's dig deeper right now on the seven jurors who have now been sworn in our senior legal well, it's elie honig is really over here at the magic well, elleithee, what do we know about these jurors? yeah. well, for jury selection, it's a fascinating exercise and it's really more than science are trying to read human beings inherently dynamic and unpredictable. but we've learned some really important, i think potentially revealing details about these seven jurors, these jurors will be on the case so far we know for males, three females let's take a quick look at what we have for juror number one. juror number one will be the foreperson. no magic powers associated with the foreperson. that's the person who generally communicates on behalf of the jury with the judge and tends to lead the deliberations in the room. what
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jumped out at me this nothing remarkable in the bio, but this is a person who said he watches both fox news and msnbc it's an interesting combination. if i'm trump and i got anyone who watches any fox news, i want a chance that that person is going to go on the jury, but i have to note this in new york, i pick juries in new york, people sometimes confuse fox news with a local fox five and the jury form does not separate those two. so could be that the was actually talking about the local news which there's really not partisan. let's go to juror number two turn number two isn't yours in new york, you get a lot of medical professionals, lot of hospitals, they're in my experience, medical professionals tend to be technical. they're capable of separating facts from emotion. and the lead want that it really depends and how strong do you feel that your cases based when you get down to the technical elements of it. so you're always going to have nurses, doctors, medical professionals, a native new yorker watches cnn. that's good to see. >> juror number three okay.
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juror number three. now this is interesting. >> this is a lawyer and typically the rule of thumb is lawyers don't like lawyers on their juries at the prosecutor's office. >> we almost automatically got rid of any lawyer, but it's also hard to do because you do have a lot of lawyers in manhattan the concern is that a lawyer might just take over for the jury. they might say, listen, i'm a lawyer, forget about the judge. i know what's going to happen here, but it's hard to see the jury with no lawyers on it. interestingly, he does read the wall street journal, which has been quite critical of this particular case in its editorial pages. so juror number three, i think would please me from trump's point of view. let's go to juror number four. juror number four is an older man. he's a businessman, he's a family man. he says he finds trump fascinating and mysterious. that would worry me if i was with the da's office. i don't want someone who's enamored with trump or finds any sort of fascination or mystery in him. but again, he doesn't seem to have very strong political views for or against donald trump. let's go ahead. did number five? number five is
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young african american. this is a teacher, a highly educated woman. she said she does not, did not know that trump is facing charges in other criminal cases. she knows now, teachers are another interesting one, teacher sort of cut both ways because on the one hand, teachers know how to say no, right? they know how to tell their students, know you can't do that. on the other hand, teachers are interested in rehabilitation, giving people a second chance. so as a prosecutor, we were always sort of mixed about teachers. so again, this one i think strikes me as a fair juror. i don't think either side's going to be delighted or overly upset, which are a number five, let's go to juror number six here. turn number six as a software engineer, a young person are recent college grad software engineers similar to the oncology nurse, i think this is a person whose profession requires her teube analytical to separate out emotion. and again, usually, prosecutors like that, by the way, gets news from new york times. i know there's this notion, the new york times is liberal in new york park. everyone gets there everyone gets their news from the new york times. so i don't read too much into that.
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and now we have juror number seven, not sure if we have a graphic. this just happened. juror number seven, wolf is another lawyer. a second learn now we have two lawyers, a litigator, a civil litigator. so someone who knows his way around the courtroom. so we have a really interesting jury here. some of what happened here breaks the normal rules, the normal mold for what you want to do when you're picking a jury might assessment so far is there are certain indicators about these jurors that i would like from trump's sayyed, there's other indicators i would like from the da's sayyed, but i have to say i have to hand it to the judge and the parties here. it seems that these seven jurors, based on what we know, are fair and capable of doing exactly what their oath or require them to do, which is the judge this case based on the facts and not based on emotion or politics or elie, i want you to stay with us. i also want to bring in some of our other legal and political experts as well, jimmy gang, gayle, let me start with you. what was your major takeaway from the seven jurors who have now emerged. >> so first of all, i don't i think we should be surprised that judge merchan has actually seated seven jurors. i know
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there was talk that this would take weeks and weeks, but he has the reputation of being smart expeenced, even handed, and i s told last week he was going to keep it moving and as ellie knows, each five runs out of strikes and at a certain point, they need to empower people because they don't know what's coming. i thought it was interesting that when donald trump left today, he used the word rushed in his statement that the trial was being rushed. >> what do we know about donald trump? >> he is wanting in to delay delay, delay. >> i think the fact that seven or down so quickly, maybe bothering him on the jurors as elie said, i'm interested that there are two lawyers on the on the jury, thus far yes are a, lot. >> of lawyers in new york. but as you would say, you get concerned, they might influence unduly influence a panel well,
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if i'm just surprised that you found seven people so quickly in new york without strong opinions about donald trump, he's been a fixture in new york city, in manhattan, in particular for decades, whether it was in business or politically. >> and to a person, you know one of the jurors said, well, he's fascinating and mysterious, and other ones said he speaks his mind. i kinda like that but no, no real strong opinions about him one way or another, which in new york, it's kind of surprising, or they didn't share or share it. >> let me just say that that's seven out of 90 something. so it took a lot to narrow it down, right? >> you need 12 in the end, six plus signs. >> there's still more work that needs to be done on chris khardori is with us as well, a former federal prosecutor, juror number four, it's interesting, told the court, and i'm quoting now, truck makes things interesting given that and other things we've
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heard to trump be fairly happy with these selections, at least so far. i don't know if i would say happy because i agree. i mean, i think this is a solid group of people just based on what they've described and their occupations and what night, but i agree with ellie. i mean, there are elements of what some of these people disclose including that comment that if you're trump are going to catch your ear and he only needs one of them, right? he's not gonna get acquitted but if you can it's one of them that's a hung jury in a miss trial. >> that would be good for him or any of these statements le that we've heard from these perspective, jurors, seven of them now, confirm something that prosecutors should worry about. >> yeah, i would worry about very much about the person who finds donald trump fascinating and donald trump, whatever anyone may say, donald trump is enormously charismatic i guess charismatic can be positive or negative and that would worry me on kush's exactly the right. this is not going to wind up in a not guilty verdict. you would need to all 12 to say noguilty. what trump is planning for here as a hung jury d peopleave to understand1 one is aung i'm ump's team, i want-card if
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someonon tt jury wh's an average but ump who finds him fascinating, who finds him charismatic, and that comment would definitely worry me from the prosecutors perspective, there were other jurors who said one of the teacher we talked about said that her friends have negative views of donald trump politically and i would like prosecution would allow that juror to do be seated if as you say, there's potentially a problem there. >> i would have struck that juror the prosecutor, so i'm not sure it could be. >> they've got to observe the person. >> we don't that's the big difference that so maybe there was something in the demeanor, maybe there was something maybe there was something in the way the person said it, right we're just seeing this sort of dry transcript fascinating. i mean, what if it was said with an eye roll, i find him always fascinated i'm all right. i mean, so i'm not sure and we can always second guess after the fact, but that one would have jumped off the page to me as a strike. >> well, what trump's lawyers are looking for as somebody who's strong and independent and if everybody's going one way, this other person could be
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the holdout for what you're talking abt,hichs e hung jur and it's got to be somebody wita backbone >> yh. and mbe the pern o's frndall had strong opinio about dond ump, but she wasn't she wasn't swayed by them one way or anotr, maybe that would be the person i mean, who maybe that's what they were thinking. but you've got to have somebody stro. two withstand any pressure inside the jury room on because what do you think these jurors what's going through the minds of these jurors right now because we're learning a lot, a lot more and more yeah. >> okay. i've have some thoughts about what the jury did. this in here. first of all, i imagine it's somewhat surreal, right? to be selected i am wondering if some of them are a little unhappy with the amount of information that is being made public about them. now this is not the fault of the media when be very clear about this responsibility to guard all of the spirit, very specific information that we're learning resides with the da's office and with the judge. i'm
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a little surprised that we are learning all of this because i do not think this jury is going to remain anonymous necessarily. if if you keep if they keep this up, you're worried about their safety? yeah, i'm worried about their safety. i mean, it's up to them if they want to write a book after all, this is said and done, but that's their option. they shouldn't be out of this way. they're not supposed to be out of this way because we don't know their names, but we do know a lot of details about the virginia. right. >> if you know where someone works, if you have some idea of their neighborhood, it doesn't take a lot in this day and age to pick up the phone, to go through social media and see if you can put together a profile of someone. so i think it is important that as much as possible they need to stay anonymous, as anchorage said, if at the end of the day they want to become public, that's their choice. but at the end of the e, jean carroll case, we all remembered the judge said to the jury if i were you, i would stay nobody knew their names, right? nobody knew the
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right. >> which is good points, very important points we want these jurors to be safe. they're doing important work and they have to be protected no doubt about that. all right. guys stay with us. we have a lot more to discuss coming up. we'll have more on day two of this truly historic criminal trial of a former president of the united states stay with us. you're in the situation there's new ally in the fight against climate change is the carpus is blue carbon. >> we just need to protect nature will do the rest blue carbon. a cnn filled sunday at nine from friends coming over to mom's coming over so many ways to save life, ready while it happy. >> but three, by whole foods market introducing mantou, the whole body deodorant that i created with all body odor in mind. i'm dr. shannon clingmans and i'm the inventor
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of people, even if the judge has said this person is okay in my book, you still have that gasp peremptory challenge as a prosecutor or defense lawyers, they each started with ten, meaning they've each removed six. and you want to hold onto those. >> there's some strategy involved in this. >> there's some gamesmanship involved in this. but what you're really looking to do is eliminate the worst-case scenarios especially fm the osutor your site becse as we were just discussing, you just want to gua again that one or two rogue manhattan knights who might be sympathetic to donald trump. it's interesting on kuska, you're a former federal prosecutor. you've been inlved in lecting jurors er over ese years. somee who may be ging ikes want to stke that person from beming a juror >> well, i mean, tse are your wildcards. rigand a loof it comes dowto intuitioni thk some of the sorts of things tt ellie walkg about a stray thought, strike coent, dependi on how 's sort of described, right? are they leaning too? to foreign a
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certain direction? and it's too strong feelings on certain issues it's it's an art, not a science. >> so you just have to have a gut instinct and if you think this person it looks like it's >> well, yeah, it also trump has jury consultants. >> yeah. right. with him. so they have background information on some of the these people they can do research on them, look at their social media posts, things like that. some of that's coming up during the prosecution has jury consultants. do they have the same have donald trump who thinks he's smarter than any of the lawyers who the jury consultants. and we heard him today grumbling in court. he's got to be careful about that, but i bet he's got a lot of input about who's going to be on this jury. >> i'm really curious to what extent donald trump is making these decisions. yeah, exactly. legal team is making these decisions because todd blanche was a former colleague of mine at the southern district, tried a bunch of cases as was alvin bragg's same thing if i'm todd blanche, i'm telling donald trump, mr. president with all due respect, i've done a lot of these and i have a
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good sense how this works that you've listened to your client, but who's calling the shot? >> what if they disagree? what if they're down to their last strike and trump wants to use it, or atlanta doesn't. that's an interesting dynamic is interesting, jamie, because one of the jurors was dismissed after it was revealed, he wrote lock him up in a social media post about donald trump. but this juror, who claimed he could be fair and unbiased, was still dismissed. right. so that's pretty obvious if if that's the kind of thing you're saying. and i also think all these social media posts, it says a lot. they are looking in a normal case you're not going through usually jurors, so there's a different level of insight that both sides have. >> the judge also did manish donald trump and his lawyers today, and i thought that that was interesting that this happened early on judge mark sean is he did this today. >> i think because he was
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setting the tone and elegant. you're not good. i can talk about it more, but i know that he runs a very tight courtroom. but to do it today just he was letting him know. there's not gonna be any nonce and that's the struggle. i think that'll be so interesting to watch because donald trump, trump has used to being in control of everything and here he is sitting in this courtroom and he is not in control of this courtroom. the judge is in control of this courtroom, and i could see that causing some trouble for donald trump. i mean, he's just not used to being in this position. i agree. i think the judge is making a point of what today it's a discipline issue, and i think i've been complimentary, the judge, i think he's done a good job. he's running efficient fair process. i do have to criticize one thing that he said today though with regard to trump's team digging into social media, you're allowed to do that as long as it's publicly available, social media. >> that's really important as that juror that we just discussed shows this is a
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person who said he could be fair and impartial. >> but was talking about locking up donald trump and the judge said at one point, we're not going to be doing this for every juror folks. we got to move on. that to me is a mistake. that's improper by the judge because they have a right to dig into this. that's the whole ballgame for donald trump's team. and if you need to take a few extra minutes to look into that, that's extraordinarily revealing an important, important point. >> indeed, our guys thank you very, very much. just ahead, another house republican backs that effort to oust house speaker mike johnson. what the screen speaker is saying about calls to resign and the foreign aid plan dividing his party plus we're getting new details on how the us supreme court appears to be leaning in a case that potentially could upend hundred hundreds of january 6 prosecutions, including the on against donald trump 2024 when
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states plus 30-day money-back guarantee qizan life. >> dr. sanjay gupta, listen wherever you get your podcast tonight, here in washington, we're tracking the growing threat to the house speaker mike johnson's leadership johnson defined after a second house republican hardliner has now joined the effort to try to oust him. listen i am not resigning and it is in my view, an absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion when we are simply here trying to do our jobs well, let's check in with our chief congressional correspondent, manu raju, is joining us from capitol hill right now. give us the latest mama. >> yeah, it's speaker johnson. isn't a precarious position given that he has a razor thin majority and can only afford to lose one republican vote on any party line measure. and of two publicans vote to oust him. that would mean th hum or relyn democrats to survive in this position, those two
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republicans, thomas massie and marjorie taylor greene are coming after him after a series of deals that he cut it in to keep the government open. but lately, now his new plant and tried to advance billions of dollars in aid to ukraine. that is something that has caused anchored on the right particularly among those two two members. but in talking to republicans up and down the line, it is clear that there is ample anger at those two republicans. and his party. there's conference was has been badly divided since last fall's ouster of kevin mccarthy has yet to repair those frayed relations mike johnson is a man, is in probably in the toughest position of anybody in this country right now and he's doing the best he can. >> i think these folks need to grow up to be honest. just with you. this is not good leadership. the republican brand suffers because the actions of a handful of people, you election year, having a speaker who can't do the job is really bad. so the alternative is worse and if johnson does indeed have to rely on democrats to save his
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position, a lot of republicans that we have been speaking to believe you'll be in a weakened position, perhaps able to serve out the rest of this year, but uncertain if you will be able to do so in the next congress and wolf, there are some speculation about whether there'll be m, several people who could replace them, who are potentially angling for that position. >> we'll see how that plays out as johnson tries to survive this revolt holt, you a lot of ambitious folks up there. but what's in these separate foreign aid bills that now seem to be emerging manu and what comes next? >> yeah, the speaker has laid out his strategy to try to advance several of these foreign aid packages as all part of one bill in the senate, remember to about two months ago and $95 billion plan for, you crane, israel, and taiwan, where it was advances in collected dust in the house for two months. now, he wants to move on. each of those measures individually, including a separate measure that would include some policy measures, including a ban for tiktok. but here's the catch wolf. there's an expectation that ultimately this can be rolled
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together into one big package and pass that house as one big package, sending it over to the senate. and that's what those hardliners are upset about. they don't want to have any more aid going to ukraine. but ultimately johnson, we have to do that to get democratic support, to get this out of the house. yeah. good point. manu raju up on capitol hill. thank you very much. let's get some more news, right now. we're following the united states supreme court. it just heard major artery arguments from an accused capitol rioter that could potentially impact a special counsel's case against donald trump himself cnn's paula reid has are report tonight. the supreme court's conservative majority appears likely to toss a criminal charge that hundreds of capital riders and former president donald trump had faced a decision that could deal a significant blow to the justice department today's case centers on joseph fischer, a former pennsylvania police police officer, who was charged with multiple federal crimes for his role in the january 6 attack. according to court
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documents, even texting take democratic congress to the gallows and can't vote if they can breathe lol he is challenging a federal law that makes it a crime for anyone who otherwise strokes, influences, or impedes any official proceeding arguing the law passed in 2002 in the wake of the enron accounting scandal is not meant to apply to january 6. rioters justice samuel alito pressed fissures lawyer on the meaning of otherwise in that statute, you may be biting hamas more than you can chew by suggesting if, if you are indeed suggesting that the otherwise clause can only be read the way you read he did, chief justice john roberts also took issue with prosecutors broadly interpreting a law that's geared toward prohibiting the destruction of records. >> you can't just tack it on and say look at it as if it standing alone because it's not the three liberal justices appearing to favor the
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government's position with justice sonia sotomayor for suggesting the court adopted a plain reading of the law. there is a sign on a theater. >> you will be kicked out of the theater if you photograph or record the actors or otherwise disrupt the performance if you start yelling i think no one would question that you can be expected to be kicked out under this policy and pushed back on the argument that the statute hasn't been used in response to violent protests in the past pointing out january 6 is unprecedented. >> we've never had a situation before where there's been a situation like this with people attempting to stop a proceeding violently so i'm not sure what a lack of history proves. >> former president trump has also been charged under the same law, though for different conduct. it's unclear what impact this case could have on his prosecution. yeah. and
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while it's unclear, the impact that that case could have on trump's federal election prosecution. we know that next week the justices will be backed, hear arguments about whether trump has presidential immunity to shield him from the charges in that case. the decisions in both of these matters expected in mid to late june? >> yeah. well, big decision coming out from the us supreme court, paula reid. thank you very much. i want to bring it a credit congressman jason crow of colorado. he sits on the house foreign affairs and intelligence committees. congressman, thanks so much for joining us as someone who like you lived through the attack on the us capitol on january 6 how will you feel if the us supreme court tosses out charges for several hundred of these rioters and potentially some charges against trump himself. >> well willfully would be a bad day for those of us who lived through that de, but it would be a bad day for the country and democracy, right? yeah, i i saw firsthand the vial hey, that of course ended
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up in one police officer dead, several of whom have taken their own lives because of the trauma after the riot and the insurrection and of course, 160 others brutally beaten many of whom still have terrible injuries as a result of that. but i'm also really concerned about the message that it sends to political extremists around the country. we are in an age of rising political extremism that's becoming more violin as months go by. the message of this would send that would be awful and really would undermine our public safety. >> and as you know, at the same time, a house speaker johnson is facing the threat of an ouster as he plans to break up foreign aid and pass separate bills for israel and ukraine if it comes to that, would you vote to save johnson? >> i don't know. we have to see whether it does come to that i what i do know is that the national security of the united states relies on us passing this bill port ukraine to make sure that we're addressing the holistic array
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of massive threats that our country is facing right now, there's actually a very easy way to, for us to do that. we can vote hope for the bipartisan senate bill that passed for 70 votes in the senate and it will go directly to the president. and we could turn that aid back on. and i'm far less concerned about the inside baseball all and who gets to keep their leadership position and who gets ousted, then i'm about the lives that are at stake here. i've fought in iraq and afghanistan. i know what it's like to be on the front lines and a few like you've been forgotten and no one's having your back. i talked today from my office, i zoomed in with a bunch of ukrainian soldiers fighting on the front lines while they were hiding in eir bunknd i n tellou tir morale is very l, so we need to have their backwe need to gethis do. >> as you know, congreman, there are still a t of unswer questns about the details of tse possible plans. well, would you vote for bill if it's structured as a loan, which some republicans are recommended would you accept an israel bill if it doesn't include humanitarian
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aid for the palestinians in gaza well, first of all, we just have to get the aid to ukraine and there's a way to do that, like i just said, we actually have a bipartisan way to do that. >> if that if that bill were put on the floor today would pass overwhelmingly if republicans are not willing to do that, then yes, we have to figure out alternatives in figure out what machination of different bills we can actually get over the finish line with respect to humanitarian aid in gaza. i have long said that we cannot port military operations offensive capabilities, unless we address the humanitarian crisis in gaza right now, there's 1.1 million palestinians who are on the verge of famine. that is a morally untenable situation. we have to save those lives. we have to get a surge of aid to those folks, but it's also a national security 30 threats. so if the intent of this bill is to address the national security of the united states. we are certainly are undermining that if we don't meet these very catastrophic humanitarian crises around the worlworlof which gaza as
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one, sudan has another, and haiti is yet another these are huge, huge decisions. >> congress to jason crow, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> adjust ahead. our own anderson cooper we're will join us live from israel, where the country's war cabinet is debating how to respond to the recent attack by iran. as we learn new details and how the us expects israel to hit back new ally in the fight against climate change. this is new car business blue carbon. we just need to nature will do the rest. >> corbyn plus cnn filled sunday at nine okay. >> yeah, we got orders coming in, starting a business is never easy. a star near eight months pregnant that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase e car made it easy. when you go for something
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doctors preferred, better science, better results how it really happened. sunday, april 28, did nine on cnn the middle east is on edge tonight as israel weight, weighs a response to iran's unprecedented missile and drone attack over the weekend. >> a source telling cnn us expects a limited, limited israeli strike potentially inside iran. cnn's anderson cooper is joining us live from tel aviv right now. anderson, this reporting comes as israel's war cabinet, as you all know, met today for a fifth time. what's the latest?
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>> yeah they meant for, more than five hours today? no stated resolution from what came out of this the fifth meeting, as you know, there are divisions on that war council competing competing visions of what they're kind of the timetable of course, is a question. and also what would at any target be, but it's really officials we heard from the chief of staff of the army the other day who said that there will be response. the question is when and what sort obviously there are a lot of people waiting with a lot of concern about what is going to happen here and what the iranian response would be if there was a direct attack on iran by israel anderson, does israel still have the support of western nations when it comes to their likely response to iran well, as you know, president biden had reportedly told netanyahu over the weekend after the unsuccessful iranian
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attack to essentially take the win that, that israel had and had said that the us would not be supporting any retaliatory strike that has been echoed by a number of european leaders who have certainly urge, publicly urge restraint in terms of just essentially echoing biden saying, take, take the win. >> of course it for rhonda. and did respond to any retaliatory strike by israel. there obviously would need to be support from the us and other coalition partners in order to to try to strike down some of those iranian missiles. again, it's a very, very delicate, dangerous moment right now. anderson cooper joining us from tel aviv, anderson, thanks very much into our viewers. be sure to watch anderson later tonight a little bit more than an hour or so from now on his program ac30 60, 8:00 p.m. eastern, right here on cnn i'm coming up a major university abruptly canceled a graduation speech by
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states plus 30 day money back guarantee. >> i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn tonight, the anti-defamation league is warning of a disturbing rise and anti-semitic hate here in the united states, reaching a new high in 2023, seen as brian todd has bore on the report for us, brian, this so beer appears to be part of a very disturbing trend, right? >> wealthy adl has been tracking anti-semitism in america for 45 years. >> and the group tells us it's never seen anything like this. they say the upward trend of these incidents started well before october 7, but that the israel-hamas war has put the level of vitriol in the on a different plane. outside of synagogue, a man is arrested for allegedly attacking one congregant and menacing others a with the alien gas, the jews,
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and spraying this, that smelling gets it's the spray that incident in december, part of an alarming spike in anti-semitic incidents in the last year documented in a new audit released by the anti-defamation league the adl tract, 8,873 anti-semitic incidents in 2023, more than double the previous year's record of nearly 3,700. we have never ever seen anything like this keeping in mind that in four out of the past five years, the numbers have reached record highs and yet in 2023, we blew away all previous tallies. and the numbers jumped dramatically in october, which is when the war between hamas and israel began during the same general period yet america has seen a disturbing spike in islamic phobic incidents as well. the council on american-islamic relations, care telling us how attacks and harassment against muslims in the have skyrocketed since the israel-hamas war started, since
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october 7, i can tell you at every care office you including our own here in los angeles area. we've seen a spike of almost four times, three to four times the number of incidents, hate incidents the tension often festering on college campuses, cares, los angeles branch is condemning a decision by the university of southern california to council the graduation speech of undergraduate valedictorian asna tabassum, who is muslim and holds pro-palestinian views usc provost says the decision was related to security risks, which he didn't specify. >> tabassum had come under criticism over a link she posted in her instagram bio to a website about palestine that says, quote, zionism some is a racist settler colonial ideology care says, what tabassum did was not anti-semitic. and in an interview with cnn, she said the university taught her to stand up for her beliefs. >> i personally don't think it's inflammatory and i stand by human rights and i continue to. that's not something i'm
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going to apologize for in recent months, several of them eric is top universities have come under intense scrutiny, often accused of allowing free speech to cross over into hate speech. it's led to the resignation of school president's at places like harvard and pen with that divided with that polarized, we have that hard of a time coming to any kind of middle ground. on any issue. i think a lot of this issue comes from people believing that only their side has a righteous cause. only their side has anything to offer as a victim in any way college campuses will begin by again, under scrutiny tomorrow when the president of columbia university and other school officials there will testify before a house committee that is looking into anti-semitism on campus, that committee had previously heard from a student at columbia who described attacks on jewish students there the school issued a statement to cnn saying that antisemitism has antithetical to the school's values, and that it is committed to combating it. >> wolf or a brian tie will watch what happens tomorrow.
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the market robin hood gold gets you the most for retirement raw sparks engineered for the spontaneous, a dual action formula with the active ingredients of viagra and sialic faster acting and long-lasting grabbed the moment get started at row slash sparks. i'm sunlen serfaty in washington and this is cnn new developments tonight, house republicans have just delivered to impeachment articles against the homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas, to the us senate mayorkas was narrowly impeached in february in the house, the first time that's happened to a cabinet secretary in nearly 150 years, republicans accuse mayorkas of this managing the southern border, a charge that department of homeland security rejects. >> and when democrats say is politically motivated, the democratically-controlled senate is expected to dismiss the case quickly or


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