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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 17, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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challenge is, how do you, as if you're running against trump? i know with this firsthand, how do you press that case without telling people what they already know and i've already priced it. and i think that's the challenge. these with biden. >> yes. so i think we're we're actually being a little polite about it. one of the things that has been clear about how donald been accused of them, you know, when i'm choosing you today. >> but one of the things that we've seen consistently with donald trump over really the last eight to ten years. is that he has used the presidency is a grift and so truth social is just another graphed. we know that it's tied particularly with it going public, that it's tied to trump are receiving essentially a windfall of cash that he can't touch, can't touch it for five months but we know that that was part of the deal that went into it needs it to pay off the e jean carroll suit the designation, the defamation suit, but it makes you wonder who's investing in this company and can they go to buy all that stock where the right
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to take that up another time. >> a guy, a break panel. thanks for being with us. thank you for joining us. i'm tim acosta the. new central storage right now i am not resigning. that's the message from the republican house speaker this morning as chaos unfolds on the hill, his plan now for aid to ukraine in an israel and his strategy to not lose his job in the process so with a jury rapidaking shape, opening statements the new york criminal case againsall trumcould come a soon amoay. new reports of trp gettdrowsy in the court in new reports, the judge outrsand did russia do after it new details on the cyber attack that left thousands of out today i'm hn bman wi kate bolduan. this is cnn news
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central revolt turil on capitol , just a regular wednesday, you mighte thinking b this is a special brand of chaos today, one that now includes an impeachmt trial in the making for the homeland security secretary, alejandro mayorkas is facing a senate trial that could begin today after house republicans got the ball rolling back in february, the same house republicans who are currently upside down and inside out over their own leadership republican speaker mike johnson fighting to hold onto his job, declaring that he is not resigning, calling it an absurd notion. >> but it's a real possibility ability as the reality he faces, is a republican rebellions sparked by his plan to finally move forward on billions of dollars in foreign aid to ukraine, israel israel, taiwan, and other american allies. the rock and hard place. johnson finds himself
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between is especially unique. this time. as he may have to rely on house democrats to not only get the foreign aid bills over the finish line, he may have to rely on democrats to save his speakership cnn's lauren fox has more on this. lauren, what is happening? where do you want to begin yeah, a lot going on on capitol hill right now, kde and specifically, all of this really escalating for mike johnson yesterday after thomas massie and a closed door republican conference meeting basically asked the speaker to resignhe saker said that that was not what he was going to do, but massie announcing in front of the whole conference that he was joining marjorie taylor greene. if and when she brings forward that motion to vacate that effort to oust the speaker that could come at any time. now, marjorie taylor green has an outlined if or when she's ultimately going to move forward with that. but she is indicating that moving forward with ukraine aid for
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the speaker could potentially end his job as the speaker of the house. now, on friday, mike gallagher, a republican, he's going to step aside from his seat. that means that that point that mike johnson has a one vote margin. he can only lose one republican unless he can get some democratic votes. and that remains true when it comes to saving his job, donald trump, who has a lot of sway in the republican conference. he was asked yesterday if he would step in to help mike johnson. here's what he said. >> we'll see wt happens obviously not a vote of confidence there from the ates. president of the united >> of cour, trumand johnson just met on friday at mar-a-lago. there are also some questions looming about what democrats would do if there was an effort to oust johnson to democrats have already said that they would be willing to
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vote on a procedural step to basically put that to the side and help johnson out. it's not clear johnson wants democratic help. in fact, he told our colleague manu raju yesterday he wouldn't need the help. but if you do to the math, it looks like he's certainly going to need it if he wants to keep the speaker's gavel and then you have the impeachment of homeland security secretary. >> they walked over the articles of impeachment to the senate. now what, what is going to happen there today? >> yeah, there's sort of this pomp and circumstance that happens around impeachment proceedings in the united states senate. so at 1:00 today, senators are going to be sworn in as jurors. now after that, the question becomes, is there a trial? how big, how full is that trial? >> some conservatives are pushing majority hey, leader chuck schumer to hold a full multi-day trial. >> but the reality is many democrats view what house republicans did. it's really just a political protest
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against the biden administration's policies on immigration. they argue that that is not an impeachable offense and therefore, the expectation is they're going to try to get rid of this rapid are there quickly that likely would come in the form of some kind of motion to table or motion to dismiss. now, all eyes are going to be on a handful of moderate democrats who are running in red states. people like jon tester, people like sherrod brown, bob, casey, who is running in pennsylvania, a swing state. what are they going to do? the indication we've gotten from kasie is but he's happy to quickly dismiss this. we're all eyes are going to be on jon tester and sherrod brown. but if this is just a vote from republicans and democrats and everyone stays on party lines. this could be over rather quickly. kate lot is going to happen today. >> that's for sure it's good to see you. thank you so much, lauren. john all right. >> this morning, we could be just days away from opening statements in the new york criminal trial of donald trump, jury selection is moving at a brisk pace with seven juror seated already, the judge told him to be ready to go on monday
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for a second straight day. courtroom observer saw donald trump getting drowsy and maybe nodding off, but it was is mutterings that earn term in rebuke from the judge who warned, i will not have any jurors intimidated. seen as zachary cohen here this morning with the very latest act where things stand your job are more than a third of the way through jury selection seven jurors have been sworn in. we need 12 jurors plus about six alternates, so five more jurors need to be seated for us to move forward in this trial. and as you said, the judge wants opening statements to take place as soon as monday. of course, he did shrug when he suggested that was his timeline. so we'll have to see how long the rest of the process takes to play out. but i do want to note that watching this process play out has been really interesting so far. trump's attorneys, prosecutors, and the judge all seem to be laying the foundation for a fair trial here the questioning potential jurors and making sure that they are able to be in partial and render a fair verdict. now,
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of course, donald trump is the one who does seem to think that his ideal juror would be someone who renders a verdict in his favor. take a listen to what he said when asked about whether or not he thought the jurors that are seated now can be fair your mind is an ideal der and anybody do you believe let you know after so as you mentioned, the judge actually had to manage trump at one point yesterday, according to the pool reports because trump was audibly and physically reacting to what one of the jurors was saying, when being questioned about their social media posts. but look at the end of the de, both sides have four more strikes. lethe the total of ten throughout this entire process. these strikes, they can essentially eliminate any jurors for any reason. so really winding down the amount of like, say, that each side gets in this process. i want to go into a little bit about what we know about these seven jurors that have been seeded
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already though, because it's really interesting cross-section of new york and of manhattan. the foreperson is originally from ireland, is married, reads the news, gets their news from the new york times, the daily mail watches some fox news. that's a consistent theme and one that jurors were asked a lot about their media consumption habits. so you'll see a lot of them are very well-read and do get their news from various sources, conserved they've middle and left one or the other jurors is a puerto rican man described as an older puerto rican man who is married with adult children when he was asked about his hobbies, he said, quote, i guess my hobby is my family. they call he called trump fascinating and mysterious when he was asked during jury questioning his thoughts on donald trump so it'll be interesting to see what, how that juror views the evidence and they insisted that they could be impartial and fair. and the last one was really interesting because this juror was the only juror of the 18 question yesterday, who had not heard before yesterday that donald trump was charged. in other criminal cases. so a
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really wide variety of jurors that have already been seated. we need five more plus alternates and we'll see how long that process takes. >> yes, we will. is echo and thanks very much okay. >> it's just in russia, possibly behind a cyber attack on a water facility in texas. and that wasn't the only target we have new reporting and for you also new this morning, that quote israel is making the decision to act in response to iran as the us plans brand new sanctions and an italian restaurant is giving out free bottles of wine. do i have your attention now what you'll have to give up though to score one there's new ally in the fight against climate change. >> this is new car business blue carbon we just need to protect nature will do the rest. >> corbin plus cnn filled sunday at nine dry skin is sensitive skin to and it's natural treated that way, the
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need to get going with your day. >> if the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming weekdays, exclusively on macs their new details this morning about who carried out a cyber attack on a public water system in texas. >> now this happened back in january and now it's believed to hacking group with ties to the russian government may have been behind this attack in a small texas town. cnn sean lyngaas has this reporting for us is joining us now. sean, tell us more about what you're learning okay? >> there's a lot of claims and made online from hackers that i spend my day trying to verify. and a lot of them don't pan out to be true. in this case, there was truth behind it. in january, a small town newell shoe population, about 5,000 and north texas had one of its water tanks so that the water facility that treats drinking water overflow, an unusual event. and the investigated and they found out they were indeed hacked. they took a system offline, replaced it, and we're able to mitigate any damage.
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there wasn't any threat to the drinking water, but it was alarming for a small all town like that too experienced that fast-forward to today. we're learning that a russia linked hacking group was behind that. mandiant, a cybersecurity firm, tells us that a russian group that is linked to the russian military intelligence agency, the gru, known for sort of sabotage and ukraine sponsored the social media channel that claimed credit for this attack. now, we don't know if it was actually the russian military or warm their proxies, the carry this out, but it's still a significant escalation potentially in targeting us critical infrastructure. so fed the fbi investigating for several months the white house has been on the phone with the state of texas and others to try to get to the bottom of this. but the bottom line, kate, is that water facilities across the us are strapped for cash and personnel to deal with these kind of hacking threats. there's been an ongoing push at the epa, the white house, others to try to support them,
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but it's very very much a work in progress because the same people that are helping protect the water facility are also keeping the lights out in the town and doing other things. so it's very much a question of resources, kate yeah, it's not just it's not just the concern of one public water system in one small town. >> it's it's the access, the capabilities and what this shows goes in terms of weakness and infrastructure that this is really highlighting. it's good to see you, sean. thank you very much. john. >> already happening now, futures for trump's media stock sliding ahead of the opening bell. this after huge drops, the last several days donald trump has lost billions on paper. >> and would you put down your phone for a free bottle of wine smile you found it, the feeling of findings, psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go
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guaranteed. it's time to trust your experts at true green, go online today every piece of evidence tells a story how it really happy with jesse l. martin, sunday, april 28th at nine on cnn all right. >> happening now, future for donald trump's media company or lower this morning after near free fall the last few days down 14% tuesday down, 18% monday. it's now down more than 70% for him, an all-time high set on march 26, those numbers? not generally good. >> when you're dealing with the
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stock market, president biden took a jab at the falling stock price during a campaign, president biden took a jab at it during a speech in his hometown of scranton you know? i have to say if trump's stock in truth, social his company drops lower, you might do better on my tax plan that is i seen instead ask gold, is with us this morning. >> what's causing this drawn? well, i mean, there is some speculation. this is sort of a mean stock and that there's not a lot of actual financial value behind this, but what's interesting is that this stock failure came as they announced this new streaming service that they want to launch that's a little bit light on the details what they say is that the streaming context, it would focus on live tv, they're saying everything from news networks religious channels, family-friendly content, including films and documentaries. they're saying anything that is at risk of cancellation. they want to have on this streaming service, but
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not a lot of details including on personalities or that shows things that you might typically here of when you're announcing a streaming service, they only say this is going to come out in three phases before it comes to your streaming tv, might make christian though, is how will this streaming service work? it costs a lot of money. it takes a lot of work to make a streaming service successful. think about disney disney has a streaming service and it has a goldmine of condon. and even they are not profitable yet. so i don't understand exactly how this streaming service, where we don't even know who will be on it, how it's going to make money. and obviously, there's a lot of competition already in this space. the trump audience. it's a smaller slice of a broader audience. there's places like oan, there's newsmax that already have a streaming service out there so how will they be able to capture the audience? and make the money? now, after this streaming mountain, it did not help the company stock. we can pull up that graph again just to see that freefall from that high in early march now this freefall of the more than 60%,
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pretty much more than 70% and valuation drop that has erased more than $5 billion in market capitalization. keep in mind that trump, he's the majority stockholder in this. he has 60% stake in the company. so this drop that's actually affecting his own personal net worth. yeah. you still in the black, but on paper at least he's lost billions since the high on march 26, it continues to drop in the market, continued to say, you know, we don't like what you're telling us. >> we don't like these plans. we don't like you issuing more stock. we don't like the idea of a streaming service. there. you mentioned family-friendly content. i imagined that the new york criminal trial wouldn't be aired gift-giving given the subject matter there. yeah. exactly question about how trump's is brand won't marry up with the streaming service. >> so that's cool, great to see you. thanks very much. >> so a new warning from doctors if costs for inhalers do not come down, children could be left without life saving medication in the heaviest recorded rainfall in
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happening now house speaker mike johnson's job hangs in the balance. aid to ukraine hangs in the balance all of congress, not at all imbalance rather it is in full chaos as of this minute, there's still no legislation that the speaker promise to provide aid to ukraine and israel this week is he backing off in the face of pressure from those in his own party threatening to oust him with this now is democratic congressman from new york, tom suozzi, congressman. thank you so much for being with us. before we get it as the speaker's job, i want to talk about aid to ukraine. you were just there. why do you think this aid is so important ukrainians are desperate. >> they need our help right now, there were power plants destroyed last night. there are missiles coming in. they're running out of ammunition as the prime minister of japan. so the other, the other de, the united states is the indispensable nation they need us right now. there are some people that are just sad and
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anxious and frustrated by the behavior the united states of america, there are other people, including allies of ours, that are mad at us we have got to help save ukraine beat back vladimir putin and really do our job. >> given that you feel that way when you see republicans in the house of representatives threatened the speaker's job for merely discussing putting a bill on the floor to aid ukraine. >> what's your reaction? >> it's pathetic. it's irresponsible, it's immoral we see that there. we said, though republicans, most of the republicans want to support this bill. they want to support ukraine, israel, and taiwan. they want to get the humanitarian aid. they want to get them military aid. they want to do it. >> it's a small group of jokes. there's that have to be stopped. who are parenting according to very senior republicans, are parenting. vladimir putin's talked points. so we've got to show them that the emperor has no clothes. i will vote to keep johnson as speaker. just do
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your job and put it on the floor. and let's get this thing done already. >> so you will not support a motion to vacate. you would stand in the way of a republican effort to basically oust him absolutely. >> and i think other democrats will as well if he puts ukraine on the floor and doesn't put a bunch of extraneous stuff on the bill i'm ready to do that said that three weeks ago? and we kind of forget about democrat, republican. >> this is serious business life and death. >> this is the future of democracy. people are counting on us all over the world. we have got to get out of this small little petty mindset and think about, we have really important jobs. did do and we need to do them. >> how do you think the speaker feels about the fact that he may only be able to stay in his job because of the help of democrats like you i don't agree with mike johnson and a lot of things i started with
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him in congress, but the bottom line is, i think is a good person and he wants to do the right thing. now he's got a stand up and show us that that's the case. and he's got to stand up to these people that are parenting putins, talk points, and get the support for ukraine, get the support for israel, ghetto support for the indo-pacific. let's do our jobs. this is, like i said, very serious business. >> now, as we were coming to air, i had not seen that there is text of this legislation. in other words, mike johnson was talking about for the last few days, but they haven't produced. do you worry that maybe he's getting cold feet here i don't think he's gonna get cold feet. >> i mean, i just can't imagine it. i think it's just too important. he knows how important this is. he knows how serious and issue it is i'm concerned that we haven't seen the tax dino, but it may be maybe we're just going to do the senate bill that was proposed in the first place and not do all these different machinations. we can't put a bunch of extraneous stuff in
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here. we've got to get this done is close to the senate bill as possible. now they want to break it up into the four-piece since two maybe get it so we don't have to go through suspension votes. i don't know if your viewers are aware, but if you pass things out of the rules committee, they just need a majority. if you don't go through the rules committee, you have to get a super-majority. so if it goes through the rules committee, then you just need a majority. if it doesn't go through the rules committee, you need 290 people so i feel very confident that we can get the majority on each of these different issues of the super majority. i think we can do it, but it's going to be much tougher. >> look, our viewers understand this goddess if you'd be shocked how much they know about how swirls a congressman. i'm old enough to remember when you want a special election, i was standing in carl place. i think it was february 13 when it all happened. is this what you signed up for when you wanted to get back to congress i believe in public service and i want to get things done and i want to help people.
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>> and i think one of the most important things that we needed to do right now is to get beyond this division, get beyond this eddie part is of attacking and, and remember why we got into politics in the first place to actually help people. and i was really shocked when i got here, how discouraged so many people are in congress. there are just so why did you come back? it's so terrible. >> well, this is a chance to change that. >> let's turn the page. let's work together across party lines and help people. >> one of the things you ran on was immigration and you had been critical of the white house for what it had not been able to do on the border what has the white house done since you were sent back to congress mid february to make things better? >> i think the president gave a very strong speech and the state of the union it's slipped off the front pages since then i think it's going to come back on once we get through this crisis of this financial aid bill for our allies, ukraine and israel and
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taiwan i'm going to keep on working with my colleagues to try and find a bipartisan solution to push this through. the senate bill, which was endorsed by the us chamber of commerce, by the wall street journal, by the president of the border patrol union was a big trump made a lot of sense. you can't get a more conservative ethical, trustworthy, hardworking in republican senator than james lankford. so you're not going to do better than that. so let's get together. let's actually solve the problem and stop all the bs congressman tom suozzi from new york, from long island. >> great to see you this morning. thank you very much. >> okay. >> thanks. so he says he was surprised how discouraged people were. it's hard not to be discouraged when you see, when today's a perfect example of what's happened on capitol hill regardless, hope springs eternal for tom suozzi coming out. let's that's funded this right now. a steady drumbeat of pressure, the biden administration now promising to hit iran with new sanctions. these targeting runs, missile and drone programs and response to iran's brazen attack on
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israel last weekend, national security adviser jake sullivan, he's saying that the sanctions will also target entities supporting iran's defense ministry. cnn's nic robertson is in jerusalem with much more on this. nick, some suggests this is a subtle message to israel that they can exact a price on iran without escalating things further, what are you picking up yeah, the idea that they can even count it as a width last weekend. >> the fact that their defense systems work so well and keep all that international the port. but you're seeing today and the flesh in-person that international pressure on israel to not to escalate the situation, the region british foreign secretary, lord cameron here and his german counterpart, annalena baerbock here as well cameron's position here very clearly and his understanding as well thanks significant at this time is we'll try to figure out what israel is going to do. british assessment, israel is going to strike back it's.
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>> clear the israelis are making a decision to act. >> we hope they do so in a way that does is little to escalate this as possible. and in a way that as i said yesterday, is smarter as well as tough. but the real need mr. back on hamas, back on the hostages, back on getting the aydin backing on, back on getting a pause in the conflict in gaza the message shows to foreign secretary is getting banned from israeli officials is look, thank you very much for the support over the weekend helping defend israel. >> we want you to now give us diplomatic support at the g7 meeting coming up at the un meetings that will happen around this to designate iran's revolutionary guard-core as a terrorist organization and look people here, all concerned about what the international community thinks and the pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. one poll that we haven't been able to fully verified, but it suggests that three quarters of people here
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yeah, really do want the leadership to listen to what international allies are saying because they don't want to lose that significant defense support that they have. and i was speaking last night with a former senior defense official here, intelligence official here, who was actually involved in two of israel's most significant strikes back threats in the region. he was the fighter pilot that dropped the bomb on the iraq nuclear reactor back in 1981, 2007, he put together the plantar to take out serious nuclear reactor as well, like his, his reader, the situation is iran reads that this increasing tension between the united states security and president biden and prime minister netanyahu is being read by iran as weakness. and that was why iran believed it could strike back over the weekend. so this support for the international community for israel is a vital part of israel's defense. and that's why people feel strongly about it.
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>> so interesting. thanks for coming on, nick. it's great to see a great reporting as always the biden administration has has been touting its work to convince big drug companies to cap the price of inhalers to help people pay for their inhalers and not bus their budgets to cap them to $35. but this morning, parents and doctors are warning that there's something of a big loophole hill here. inhalers for children lauren left out cnn's meg tirrell has more on this. she's joining us now. meg, what's going on well, gate, it's really just about the companies that made these pledges for $35 a month out of pocket for asthma inhalers. >> and the companies that make specific daily inhalers that kids with asthma, the youngest children rely on to make thanks sure that they don't have asthma attacks. there are different companies, unfortunately, the three major drug makers that committed to these $35 cabs are gsk, barringer, angle, haim, and astrazeneca. unfortunately, none of those three major drug makers make three of the drugs
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that kids rely on. the youngest children too. prevent asthma attacks. those asthma inhalers are called generic fluticasone or flovent that used to be made by gsk, but it took the branded version off the market in january and a different company makes the authorized generic version another one's called asmanex and one is called al vasco. now these can be $100 to $300, or even more per month out of pocket, even with insurance coverage, if that comes in and it doesn't always, these can be very expensive. and what's important to know about these as little kids need this kind of device, this is called a spacer. you have a meter dose inhaler that basically gives you an aerosol and little kids can just breathe out of this face mask and that makes sure they get their medication those three drugs are the only ones that can work for these little kids and doctors and parents are telling us they can't get these because a their insurance might not cover them. be one of them is in shortage. asmanex and they can just be really, really hard to find. it's quite a problem with that in mind,
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what are families doing? what are you hearing yeah. >> so we've heard from families that this can lead them on these sort of odysseas trying to get their medications, their doctors are fighting with insurance companies. we talked with one mom, julie leach, who's 13 year-old daughter, abby has a rare disease that restricted her lung development. she was doing really well on flovent so until the discontinuation came or insurance stop covering the drug her doctor at johns hopkins, christy sadameli, and her team had to fight with insurance. it took six weeks finally, for them to get a drug that worked. and in that time, abby had to go without her medications, so families are really, really concerned about this and doctors are two that is maddening, especially when you found the medication that works for your kid that is a maddening to imagine. meg. thank you very much for the report. john yeah this morning, one restaurant in italy is making a proposition to diners. >> if you put your cell phone under lock and key during your meal, they will give you a free the bottle of why the owner of
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the restaurant said for too many people, technology is like a drug this way they have an opportunity to put it aside and drink some good wine according to him, 90% of customers have opted in. it is unclear how many after a bottle of wine or two forgot they ever had cell phones pennsylvania could be the key swing state in this election. >> we have new reporting on what president biden will offer to a key block of voters. there. >> and an incredible seen a pregnant woman needing emergency medical assistance, air lifted from her cruz 100 the navy miles offshore the goods stuff brought to you by the farmers dog real fresh pet food delivered long dogs it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed, palace. >> the farmers dog is fresh food made with whole meet and
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biden calling for a huge hike in steel tariffs on china and doing it from the heart of traditional still country in pennsylvania. the president will propose tripling tariffs on chinese steel and aluminum as he meets with steel workers at their union headquarters in pittsburgh brig this morning. seen. white house correspondent are left saenz is in scranton where the president is waking up this morning. so what are we expecting our line well, john president biden will make his latest play for blue collar and union voters as he speaks in pittsburgh and just a few hours with steel workers at that headquarters there. >> now the president will call for an urge his us trade representative to consider tripling the existing 7.5% tariff on chinese steel and aluminum. a move the president is making as he's trying to portray himself as a defender of the us steel industry. this comes just a few weeks after president biden publicly oppose
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the sale of us steel to japan, saying that it is vital that the company remain american owned. now the president's de will also highlight efforts by the administration to crack down on china's efforts to flood the market with cheap products. essentially making it more difficult for us companies who are trying to sell higher quality products, but at higher prices. now, these announcements today cause as the president is also seeking to insulate himself from gop criticism including from former president donald trump, that he is week on china. trump really made these tariffs on chinese imports a key focal point of his global economic strategy and office. and he is also a proposed increasing tariffs across the board if he is elected elected to a second term. now while trump spends most of the start of the week in a new york city courtroom facing criminal trial, president biden currently liaison a three-day swing through the critical battleground state of pennsylvania. his main argument to voters here has been trying
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to say that the to menn fundamentally have differing views on how to approach the economy. biden making the argument that he is looking out for the middle-class, turning to his roots here at his hometown of scranton, pennsylvania, while arguing that trump is on the side of the wealthy. take a listen he learned the best way to get riches inherited not a bad way i'm not. >> you are in the paint. jackson was something people who worked for living did not him he learned a telling people you're fired with something to laugh about. my guess that's how you look at the world when you're park avenue, mar-a-lago, if you grew up in a place like scranton nobody handed you anything? >> now this best of gene push comes as president biden has been struggling with voters when it comes to economic issues with many americans still, still feeling that they have poor a personal financial states and disapproving of his
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handling of the economy. of course, the president is making this argument here in a critical battleground state, like pennsylvania pena were 19 electoral votes are up for grabs. if you take a look at recent polling, they have shown that there's no clear leader in the race. a very close contest, and pennsylvania is one of those was blue wall states that the president is trying to hold onto as he seeking a second term in office well, that signs and the commonwealth of pennsylvania, arlette, thank you very much. >> kate, joining us now as former white house folks spokesman for president george w bush, pete seat and cnn political commentator, former spokesperson for hillary clinton's campaign. karen finney. karen nguyen biden's former chief of staff when we're talking about ron klain, longtime adviser to biden, said last week that he should really stop talking about bridges in terms of trying to push his economic agenda. is this present what we just heard is this president biden listening? >> well i think it's president buying, trying to drive a contrast and to talk about
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middle-out economics, which means you have, we have to have a strong middle class that's critical to a strong democracy and drive a contrast with, as he pointed out, someone who inherited a million when he started his first business. and we see oftentimes when he's at mar-a-lago is golfing all day. i mean, you know, most americans can't, don't have that kind of time. and so i think he's trying to drive that contrast and show again difference of values, but also different economic theory of the case trickled down versus middle-out. >> it's because this is exactly the same kind of case that he's also making at some points in 2020, like this guy don't get you this guy doesn't speak for you.nd we're going back to that, pe, let melasomething along is very same thing when i look at the economy, i don't it through the eyes of mar-a-lago. see through the eyes of ranton, he looks at the
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economy fomar-a-lago, where he and his rich friends emace the failed trickle-down policies as a failed worng familiesor more than 40 years,anton values from lago values saying he doesn't feel your pain. he's out of touch. that is a strategy that has worked in the past should the trump campaign be nervous about this strategshift if it's a strategy shift no, it's an incredibly odd messaging framing and contrast from the president. i'm curious to see if he's swaps out scranton for wherever he is on the campaign trail, is it going to be milwaukee values and marietta, georgia values and dearborn, michigan values as he goes along the other part, i can basically tell you we'd find out what president going away and we you're saying the right city you're in. we've seen that be a problem for residents passed to
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and that could be, that could be disastrous if he doesn't but i just want to add to i think a lot of americans to aspire to live in a place like mar-a-lago and they know in this economy, in this inflationary economy under joe biden that those types of goals, those types of dreams, or even further out of reach. >> so i don't know why he would try to paint this contrast at this time, it makes no sense can i just point out though, i think the president president biden, is absolutely trying to speak to people's aspirations, but acknowledging that we don't all start out with a wealthy parent and $1 million and it's great if you do, but let's make sure the system is more fair. >> yesterday was talking about taxes, for example, for the rest of us who don't start with those advantages, i think that's what he's going to be talking about. yes, he'll mentioned the cities that he's in. the other thing i just really quickly wanted to mention this issue about chinese companies flooding the zone. this is a huge issue for
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american businesses and we saw janet yellen was in china working on this issue or recently, and you're going to hear him talk about that more because again, he's trying to say here are the things i'm trying to do to lower your costs are talk to you guys both about the approach of the how the courtroom is going to be impacting the campaign going forward, how the biden campaign plans to deal with maybe trump in court in facing trial is maybe still somewhat of a question. let me here's why i say that. let me play biden's campaign co-chair and how he handled the handle talking about this with john the former president is otherwise predisposed as a consequence of actions and things that he's done and everything this guy touches turns to dirt are you dancing around it for a particular reason dancing around, going to talk about now the fact that the president, former president is in court. you asked me at there, right? question. the president is being the president. he's running the country. he's creating jobs, he's putting people back to work. donald
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trump is stuck someplace else as a consequence of his own actions karen, do you think they should be hesitant to take it on directly no. >> i think it's he's right that there. i mean, we saw the split-screen yesterday. you saw president biden focused on doing the job, showing up, asking people for their votes and donald trump, who was in court, who, again, even when you walked out of the courtroom, what is it about him? it's about i'm your retribution. i'm being attacked. not and even when he's on the campaign trail, we don't really hear him talking about the people he's actually there to speak to. so i think that's a real contrast. >> well, let's talk about the contrast flip side trump has been in court. trump will be in court again tomorrow, pete. he does seem angry, be it real or be it show because he has been running on im your vengeance. he was admonished by the judge for loudly murmuring observers in the court also say that trump's seem drowsy again in court is there political risk of trump losing his temper in quarter outside possibly.
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>> but the thing he has going for him, kate, is that there are no cameras in the courtroom. we wouldn't actually see an outburst. we would be taking the word of those who are for inside the courtroom on what took place and what happened. but i want to go back real quick to a word that karen used unfair. and if you look at polling especially in ap poll that came out yesterday, the american people see these prosecutions against donald trump, a decent number of prb rollout per luck, plurality, 44%. think the new york prosecutors are being unfair to donald trump. 42% think the georgia prosecutors are being unfair. 45% thing federal prosecutors are being unfair. so i think some of that his anger in that courtroom, he's channeling what a large segment of the american people feel about what's happening in that courtroom. >> kaizen point on both sides,
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you've got to work with what you got when you're in the middle of a campaign, it's good to see you karen. thank you good to see you. thank you. john. >> all this morning, a pregnant cruise ship passenger is now getting medical care on land after a dramatic or emergency rescue at sea you video shows the moment that the coast guard basically airlifted her. she was on a disney ship near puerto rico 35-year-old was reportedly experiencing serious health complications. newly unsealed court documents show that if new jersey senator bob menendez testifies in his upcoming trial on criminal bribery charges me blamed his wife, nadine, according to the documents, menendez says that may say that she withheld information leading him to believe nothing unlawful was taking place. both menendez and his wife have pleaded not guilty to the charges so this morning, we're hearing from the valedictorian from the university of southern california and will not speak at her college graduation. the school says safety concerns at the ceremony led them to pull the plug. asna tabassum who is
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muslim, it says there they are trying to silencer. she met with university officials and joins cnn's abby phillip to discuss the details of that meeting i expressed an opinion through a length that i had on my instagram. >> the hate and the vitriol that was unleashed towards me after, i think was part of the reason that the university caved in. and so when it comes to being a free speech issue, sure. maybe my valedictorian speech is a privilege, but at the end of the day, my views the views that i have expressed in the views that usc has instilled within me as well we're were stifled and were subject to hate the heaviest rainfall in the history of the united arab emirates has less much of the city of dubai underwater this morning, the airport there is telling people not to come unless it's absolutely necessary. >> a 70 year-old man died after
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floodwaters swept away his vehicle with us now from dubai, cnn's alayna giokos, alayna very quickly tell us the situation this morning yeah. i mean, as you can see, this is unprecedented. this has never happened in dubai to this extent, we had around four inches of rain in around 12 hours. that is as much as dubai basically receives in a yeah, we have seen roads completely flooded, people trapped in their homes and to leave. and of course, infrastructure capable of handling this type of waterfall. and of course, the airport has been dramatically impacted. we've seen images of aircraft unable to take off and land effectively we spoke to one woman that was basically dropped off on the side of this highway with her six-year-old daughter, unable to get to the hotel. she had bags. she basically had to go through this flight i'd water to find refuge. she said that her flight was not only delayed was i had to go circles until they eventually were diverted to abu dhabi, which is


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