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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 17, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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floodwaters swept away his vehicle with us now from dubai, cnn's alayna giokos, alayna very quickly tell us the situation this morning yeah. i mean, as you can see, this is unprecedented. this has never happened in dubai to this extent, we had around four inches of rain in around 12 hours. that is as much as dubai basically receives in a yeah, we have seen roads completely flooded, people trapped in their homes and to leave. and of course, infrastructure capable of handling this type of waterfall. and of course, the airport has been dramatically impacted. we've seen images of aircraft unable to take off and land effectively we spoke to one woman that was basically dropped off on the side of this highway with her six-year-old daughter, unable to get to the hotel. she had bags. she basically had to go through this flight i'd water to find refuge. she said that her flight was not only delayed was i had to go circles until they eventually were diverted to abu
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dhabi, which is around an hour from here, then impossible to come to dubai. it is unbelievable to see this kind of impact from the rainfall and what of course, we've been hearing from verities is incredible cleanup time now it's a sunny day and divide that will help a little but let me tell you, the city has come to a grinding halt thank you so much for that report. >> never seen dubai i can look anything like that. >> yeah. >> house speaker mike johnson survived the morning, a new our of cnn news central starts right now and absurd notion that is what mike johnson now calls efforts to push them out of a job, but he is staring down this threat from the right. >> will he need the left to bail them out? seven jurors down, which means they're about more than halfway to seating a full jury for the trump criminal trial. what the judge is now saying about when opening statements we'll
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begin. and where does an elephant on the loose run two, yes, it sounds like an existential question and too hard of a question for wednesday morning. but in this case, it's a casino sarah is out today. i'm kate bolded with john berman. this is cnn news central so it is sure to be an historic de on capitol hill. but what kind of history lawmakers will be making remains to be seen for the first time in nearly 150 here's a cabinet secretaries about to be on trial for impeachment. today, senators will be sworn in as jurors for the trial of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. that effort was sparked and pushed by house republicans over his handling. they say mr. handling of the border crisis. though this effort may be short-lived in the senate because democrats are in charge, would also could be short-lived. mike johnson as
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speaker of the house, he has declared he is not resigning, though he is facing something of a revolt from the right over his push to finally allow votes on aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan on what connects all of this. johnson's future, the survival of foreign aid, the gop's hope of al-zeitoun, my orcas, it may all come down to democrats cnn's lauren fox joins us now for more on this. okay, what's going to happen? >> well today we expect that the senate is going to begin this effort to process the impeachment of mayorkas and first what you're going to see on the floor is senator is being sworn in as jurors that will happen at 1:00 p.m. today after that, it is a little unclear what the next steps are going to be. conservatives in the senate have been pushing majority leader chuck schumer to hold a full trial to have witnesses to make this a real discussion around what they view as the biden minutes striations, failed immigration policy is but democrats
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including schumer have argued that the house's impeachment effort against mayorkas was a sham, that this was really a difference of political opinion, that this is not the kind of high crimes and misdemeanors maynor's that rise to the level of impeachment. that is why we expect the democrats will move too quickly brush this aside and either a motion to dismiss or a motion to table, then we are going to be watching very closely whether or not at republicans or democrats cross the aisle to vote with the other side too quickly move on from this trial, we are keeping a close eye on people, like lisa murkowski the republican from alaska, who was voted with democrats in the past on some of these questions, you also are keeping a close eye on mitt romney. >> and of course, two democrats who are running in red states, jon tester and sherrod brown. >> so those there's some of the key members to watch today and again, this could be over very quickly after it begins it's interesting because yet
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again and maybe not the end result which is it's so unlikely that mayorkas would be impeached. >> but it's how senators how senators actually put down their vote, which will last longer than what we're going to see with the actual end result of the vote. before i let you go, house speaker mike johnson. how long is it going to be speaker? i'm asking you all of the easy questions to answer today. >> yeah. i mean, that is what we are keeping a close eye on. right. one thing that i had been watching very closely is the fact that we still have not seen that text of what this aid package is going to look like. johnson announced on monday that it was going to be four parts, that it would include a piece that was funding for ukraine, something that his hardliners have warned him against even putting on the floor. he's not asking everyone to vote for it. he's just saying vote your conscience. and even that is too much. for people like marjorie taylor greene. there was this huge moment yesterday, were thomas massie announced that he would vote with greene to oust mike johnson if she moved forward with her threatened to vacate him. again, she has not outlined
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precisely when she would do that, but just a little math. nope. for you on friday, my gallagher is going to step aside from his seat. that means that at that point, mike johnson will have just a one majority if he loses more than one republican, he could be ousted in less democrats come in to save him of course that is something that the democratic party is debating right now i think you frame it and even better than i could have lauren as usual, it's not that johnson is saying you need to vote this way. >> he's saying, let's just have votes and vote. your conscience. it sounds like quite a novel idea. it's good to see you, lauren, thank you so much. >> look, i can house speaker mike johnson survived the morning. that is i think the biggest story today. and as the new york times noted, everything has to go right for him in order to survive this week and get these bills passed with me this morning, cnn senior data reporter, harry enten, lauren fox was just talking about get it right now
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johnson faces a huge numbers problem. he faces a huge numbers problem, you know, currently these are the gop votes that johnson can lose install the majority. currently it's true, but as was just mentioned by friday when gallagher resigns, it's going to be down to one. i should know when this congress began, the number was actually four votes. then it dropped to three. now it's to two, then it's to one. you're watching this majority of valparaiso slowly, but surely. and mike johnson's on the wrong side of this math. i do want to note that two democrats right here on cnn news central have told us that they would vote against a motion to vacate. so this one vote margin may grow a little bit right there. yes, absolutely. i'm just saying that we have made news right here on cnn news central. how historic is this margin of one vote? >> yeah, how historic business this to me is just absolutely amazing. majorities as small as the gop's will be starting by friday or monday when the congress reconvenes. since 19011 congress was in session,
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majority's as small as these. you got 2024, right the only other ones since 1901, since the 20th century, was in 1917, that one may have even been smaller. i was going back through the congressional records. it's not clear whether it was two or one, or even zero votes seems to be like 0.75. the poor person who was like 0.75, that's exactly what they were shorter back then. not it's going to die, it's the fact is though that if you're looking at this when you just have 1917 and 2024 and your historical analogy he is over a century ago. this is how historic that we're looking. okay if johnson were to go, that would make what the third speaker, this congress, correct. remember kevin mccarthy? i went back through the record books. how speakers per congress. there has never been three speakers in a particular congress. two is really rare. it's only they happen 11 times, usually you just have one that's happened 107 times. so when 11 were already historic company, if we end up with three, were truly
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unprecedented company, what are republicans in general? think about mike johnson. yeah, this is really sort of an interesting little nugget to me because how republicans view mike johnson, the vast majority here are the majority of republicans nationwide, 54% actually have no opinion of him. >> they don't really know who he is. most republicans aren't thinking about who the house speaker isn't a day in, day out, but the plurality, if you're just looking at favorable and unfavorable, most republicans, if they do have an opinion, 34% say favourable, just 11% say unfavourable. they're not in the marjorie taylor greene camp most republicans that they have an opinion like mike johnson. but at the end of the day, when you're dealing with such historically small majority, it may not matter no, in that number, right? >> there may provide the ground for some of these dissenters to get away with anything they want harryette and great to see you this morning, to see you, kate. that's also two uses of plurality in the span of 30 minutes, we have hit our quota on the show. i'm just going to leave. >> we're going to med school and majority of people say they can't do it anymore. thank you. john berman marching
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towards opening statements, several people now chosen to sit in the jury of donald trump's criminal trial? what we've learned about the seven jurors and the challenges, both the trump team and prosecutors have now to fill the remaining seats. the fda has a new warning out about fake botox it's the injections that are sending people to the hospital audio treasures worthy of preservation for all time the library of congress sets a new playlist the history books there's new ally in the fight against crime i'm a change. >> this is new car business, blue we just need to protect nature will do the rest. carbon plus cnn filled sunday at nine
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we begin april 20 all right. this morning, donald trump's historic criminal trial is full speed ahead so fast in fact, that opening statements could come on monday seven jurors have now been seated five more need to be there also needs to be some alternate selected elie honig cnn, senior legal analyst, and our ma touch in bureau chief, joins us. the sworn counselor. great to see you of these seven jurors. we could put some of the job characteristics up there on the screen so people can see what jumps out at you among the people who have been selected so two things, john, first of all, there are two lawyers on this jury so far now, it is conventional wisdom in prosecutors offices is certainly was in the southern district of new york where i used to work that you don't
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want lawyers on your jury and the reasons for that sort of very depending on who you talk to, but generally the concern is lawyers tend to be no at all. >> i guess i'll cop to that and you don't want someone on the jury who is going to potentially override the judge or takeover in the jury room that said, i've tried cases in manhattan. i've had lawyers on my juries. it has gone fine. so i think there's a bit of urban legend to that. the other thing that jumps out at me, it relates to juror number for who's an it professional? he's an older man. he's a family man, and he said that he found donald trump, quote, fascinating and interesting. now, that would concern me a bit from the da's perspective, because what i would not want here, the one thing i'd be guarding against is that one or two potential jurors? who somehow were enamored of donald trump and might result in a hung jury. now that i've said john, you and i are just looking at the paper record here. the lawyers are in the courtroom. they're getting to see and assess the actual human beings. so their judgment is what really matters here. >> so this is moving very quickly. they are getting
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through the numbers here to the point where opening statements good. come on monday and not much has slowed things down except for that outburst in core or apparently donald trump was muttering something in the judge issued a stern warning. >> le what strikes you just about not just the pace, but the conduct in general of this trial so far so they are moving quite efficiently. >> john. and what strikes me is that other than the fact that the person sitting in the defendants chair is former president donald j. trump. >> this is a normal trial. this is the way these things work. the reason we are proceeding efficiently here i credit to a few things. first of all, we have a good system in place. we he collectively have been trying cases and seating juries for hundreds of years in this country. these systems generally, if everyone's playing by the rules, they work, they yield fair juries. the other thing is we have a judge who's been on venture 17 years, who's in control of his courtroom and that moment you talked about, i think was the judge attempting to establish i'm the boss us here. i'm not
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going to tolerate nonsense. and then we have professional lawyers on both sides. the da's team, they all have decades of experience and even donald trump's lawyers, this is not a habba trying this case. this is todd blanche, former colleague of mine at the sdny. he's tried many cases. he knows what he's doing. so when everyone's abiding by the system, you can yield a fair and efficient result. >> and i do think that is worth noting, so i'm glad we had a chance to address that. >> i want to play something that donald trump said after a court shutdown yesterday, after jury selection when he was in harlem outside of bodega, listen to what he said i always pay a lawyer and market damaged legal expense account. >> i didn't know market damage but equal expense. that's exactly what it was so donald trump, there is actually getting to the crux of what this whole case might be about, which is whether he falsified or knew about the falsification or directed the falsification of records here, any use
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language there that a lot of people look at and say, wait a second here was he dancing very close to saying that he was involved so first of all, any statement that donald trump makes in public or on social media during the trial is absolutely potentially usable against him. >> prosecutors can ask the judge we want to show this video. now, that video, donald trump's syntax is a little bit garbled. their prosecutors i think are going to take note that it sounds like interpreters certain way donald trump is saying, i was the one who came up with this idea of, let's label these hush money payments as attorney's fees. that's the falsification at the heart of the case, but he quickly backtracked and says the account and that john is a preview of the defense donald trump's primary defense here is going to be even if i knew about the hush money payments, clearly he did good. he's going to say the crime is falsification and the people came up with this structure. and the idea to let's label these and structure them as attorney fees was my attorney, michael cohen, who's now the star witness for the other
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side, and the accountant, allen weisselberg. so i think it's a really interesting preview of what the defense is going to be. >> yeah, very much so we've heard him say day these types of things more and more the last few days, donald trump has a tendency to read this stage directions. people should be paying very close attention to them. of course, they can be used in court. elie honig, great to see you this morning. thank you very much thanks, john all right. >> so donald trump's wife melania, has been absent notably so from port so far, what does she think of all this? >> we have brand new reporting and then jeff bezos is making a $100 million promise for anyone who can help white climate change using ai the sinking of the titanic, how would really happens, special two, while premier sunday, april 28 did
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a new health warning today about fake botox. >> that agency along with the cdc, they're investigating counterfeit versions of the cosmetic injectable. it's making people sick and at least nine states seen as jacqueline howard has more details on this jacqueline, some people have even been hospitalized over this that's right, kate and the cdc and fda are really raising alarm because they say they've identified at least 19 women who've had harmful reactions to counterfeit versions of botox. >> and like you said, kate, these counterfeit versions of botox. so far have been found in at least nine different states. and the way the fda is identifying these fake versions of botox is on the packaging itself. they've noticed some things that seem off. like for instance, some counterfeit versions say on the packaging that the product contains 150 units well, we know that the company allergan that makes the real version of botox doesn't
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have 150 unit box. so you can tell that it's counterfeit when you see that 150 unit number, like you see a vial there says 150 units again, kate, that's not a real thing. so this is something that the fda and cdc one consumers and providers to know that these fake versions are on the market and they're investigating this right now. >> what is, what is, what makes this counterfeit botox so dangerous? i mean, what is it doing to people? >> what we know is that the way that this substance is made, it may be made in a way that makes it either more potent or makes it more liquidy. so it can spread more easily to other parts of the face or the body. but again, this is something that's still under investigation, but we know that among the women who had react some of them had blurred vision, droopy eyelids, some had trouble swallowing or even breathing, and nine of them didn't need to be
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hospitalized. so this is a serious situation. now, what consumers should know is three things. number one, make sure you're getting your botox from a licensed provider. or again, the company, our that makes real botox they specifically sell to licensed providers and on their website they list licensed providers. number two, even if you still have questions, ask your provider where they got their botox or check the vile, say, hey, can i see the vial that you're using for my injections and then number three if anything feels off or looks off, don't go through with it. sometimes, you know, counterfeit versions of botox are way cheaper than the real thing. so if the price is too good to be true, you might want to ask more questions, or if your provider says, hey, instead of meeting in my office, let's meet at my home or in a hotel for injections that should be a red flag as well. kate jacqueline howard. thank you so much. cdc and the fda is still investigating this drivers trapped cars, abandoned in the middle of the highway, airports swamped and shut down
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what and historic amount of rain is doing right now in the desert city of dubai a first in more than a century, senators about to become jurors as they take up the impeachment trial of a cabinet secretary will be back from the nation's capital. >> one of the most unforgettable nights in dc there's wonderful read back here resident biden and comedian collin joseph headline the white house correspondents dinner live saturday, april 27th at seven eastern on cnn thinking i'm thinking about her honeymoon but what africa so far, hot air balloon rides, swim with elephants, weight three, four to safari. great question. like everything takes a little planning for what the mind towards the down payment on a ranch in montana with horses. >> let's take a look at those scenarios jpmorgan wealth management has advisors and chase branches and tools like wealth plan to help keep you on track when you're planning for
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trump via most people saw 90% clear skin at four months and the majority stake clearer. i'd five years from phi is proven to significantly reduce joint pain stiffness, and swelling. it's just six doses a year after two starter doses, cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them until you dr. if you have an infection or symptoms for if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerge trim fired asked her doctor about trump via nick paton walsh report on the growing turf war between humans and elephants. >> and srilanka feels bizarre to see this frontline mentality out here. are these giant and nbc species, or are they fighting for their own survival? >> the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn. >> today, the fate of the home of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas will be in the hands of the senate. senators who will be sworn in as jurors for the impeachment trial against biden's cabinet
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member, house republicans launched this effort earlier this year, impeach mayorkas over what they say are high crimes and misdemeanors for mishandling the crisis at the southern border. senate democrats call it something different in nakedly political stunt and with the majority in the senate, democrats, there are expected to try and end this trial before it even really begins joining me right now, is democratic senator mark kelly from arizona senator. thank you so much for coming on schumer has promised that this would be wrapped up and over quickly how quickly is that? how quickly could these articles be dismissed the kate. thank you for having me audit it depends. i mean, what we saw yesterday was purely political stunt arizona needs real solutions that the border not more politics. i listened to 40 minutes of them reading the articles. there were no crimes. high crimes, or misdemeanors. there was no corruption, there was no bribery. >> it was just a political
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exercise. >> and republicans, even in the united states senate, they get this a lot of my republican colleagues they want to get through this quickly, set this aside, and then get back to solving the real problems that our country faces. kate. ten weeks ago, we could have gotten alone our way to solving this and unfortunately, my republican colleagues, other colleagues in the senate ran away from this because they just want to continue to talk about this problem political or real regardless senator john thune, a top republican in the senate. >> he says that if you all vote to dismiss the charges, it will put senate democrats who are running for reelection in red states in a difficult position kind of making them soon says, look like they're turning a deaf, deaf ear and a blind eye to the crisis at the border do you see that? is that a concern well, no. >> i mean, i totally disagree with that. we had a bipartisan solution that was going to go a long way to fixing this. the border patrol union was on
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board. mayors, republican mayors in southern arizona wanted this problem-solved, where we're gonna give border patrol the tool we'll say need more money to hire more border patrol agents. the same thing for cvp, build more facilities, more machines to detect that null at the border. and unfortunately, my republican colleagues, including the one you mentioned, believe decided that they wanted to still talk about this problem? so they can have it for the election and it's all because of one person here. it said the former president who was pretty awesome about this. he said, he wants to have this problem to talk about so they don't actually so you want to fix this. and that's what this purely partisan impeachment is all about. it's about just talking about the problem instead of trying to solve it. secretary mayorkas was in the room with republicans coming up with this bipartisan deal. he worked hard this and they walked away from it. and now they they're continuing with
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this partisan exercise. >> and it's notable in the bills that could be now introduced in the house regarding ukraine aid and israeli. i didn't taiwan aid. there is no border security money that republicans are going to be putting forth in those bills you serve on senate intel and armed services, israel's debating if and how it will respond to that iranian attack. some of cnn's reporting is that the biden administration expects that any response from israel is going to be limited in scope what is in the realm of limited in scope when it comes to this in your mind? >> well, first of all, we need to continue to support our ally, israel. they were unlawfully attacked. it was in, some regards, it was pretty comprehensive attack from iran should also be considered humiliating for ran the fact that with our help and coordination on this, we were able to eliminate the threat and shoot down cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones,
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hundreds of them i would say limited attack would be something that doesn't go into a ran or maybe not far into iranian territory and isn't on the order of magnitude that you see from the iranians i don't want to see this thing escalate through the middle east. i don't want to see us drawn into this israel does have a right to defend themselves 300 missiles essentially and drones shot at them. but as you see, i iranians were totally inapt, in, this was ineffective on ukraine. president zelenskyy has said is really just said that the united states is more interested in defending israel than ukraine in responding to attacks. he told pbs this, he opposed it as a question israel, part of nato are not. here's the answer. he says, israel is not a nato country. he's suggesting there's a double-standard in how the
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united states is helping and defending his allies. is there a double standard when it comes to ukraine? >> we have a by partisans bill sitting over there in the house of representatives that provides aid for both israel and ukraine we sent it over there about ten weeks ago. i think ten weeks ago tomorrow that provides both countries the assistance they need to defend themselves hey, i'm i'm, you know, i want to get this is beyond congressional action. is possible well i mean, the white house is supporting both of our allies here israel's an ally, ukraine's an ally. >> we've got members of congress. i don't want to help ukraine. again, i think it's because of some of the former president's donald trump's rhetoric on this. it's unclear where he is. i've been to ukraine twice. they're fighting courageously. they're running out of ammunition it's critical that we get and the aid that they need the fastest way to do that, kate is for the house of
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representatives, is for them to pass the bill that is sitting on the speaker's desk. he could send it to the present sudden tonight. >> let us see what moves are made today. tomorrow and friday on that very front center, mark kelly. thank you for coming in so jury selection resumes tomorrow and donald trump's criminal trial here in new york and is worth noting that no members of trump's family have yet joined him in the courtroom. >> that includes his wife, melania, although the new york times does note that she shares his anger over the case that is, they're reporting cnn's randi kaye has more the wall street journal reporting that a lawyer for president trump arranged a hefty payment to an adult film star. why? because of an alleged sexual affair when news of donald trump's alleged affair with adult film star stormy daniels first broke. what did his wife, melania? to do she jumped on a plane and headed for mar-a-lago in palm beach, away from all the drama that was january
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2018, i spent a ton of time with her with a news was breaking about stormy daniels when those came out that he allegedly had these affairs and she didn't take it lightly at all in the wake of the allegations, she broke tradition and drones oh, separately from her husband to the us capital for his state of the union address later that month the white house at the time said the unusual move was so she could attend to reception with guests in the first lady's box but remember that state of the union was her first public event since the wall street journal first reported that an alleged hush money payment was made to stormy daniels before the 2016 election for her alleged affair with trump in 2006 that would have been just four months after millennia gave birth to the couple son baron. hello, everybody. donald trump has denied the affair took place yet now finds himself in court fighting allegations that he made payments to cover it up. this is an embarrassment to him. four with his family and
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more importantly, with his wife, milan yeah. >> like the former president, millennia believes the hush money trial is unfair that's according to the new york times, which spoke with several people familiar with her thinking back in 2018 when the stormy daniels story picked up steam, former aide stephanie grisham remembers donald trump calling her from air force one to discuss melania to basically see how angry she was, and to see if we were putting any statements out, he definitely was worried or she's the one person that i think donald trump really fears she's also the one person whose advice he may listen to about whether or not to take the stand at his trial i think behind closed doors as a husband and wife, she would probably say, look, if you have nothing to hide, take the stand type of a thing. this certainly wasn't the first time mrs. trump has had to manage a very public personal drama involving her husband nearly two years before the stormy daniels story, there was the access hollywood tape. i did want i'm ugly attracted to beautiful. i just kissing them.
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it's like a magnet when anderson cooper asked melania about the 2005 tape in october 2016, she dismissed it, agreeing with her husband. >> it was just locker room talk people think and talk about me like, oh melania, oh poor melania. don't feel sorry for me don't feel sorry for me. i can handle everything. >> randi kaye cnn, palm beach county, florida randi. >> thank you so much for that. at least one man is dead after the heaviest rainfall in recorded history hit the uae wednesday, a man in his 70s was killed when his vehicle got caught in the flooding in dubai, a year's worth of rain fell in just 12 hours. major highways, the airport, homes, everything really underwater. video. we're showing you were going to show you this video is of a large jet at the dubai airport trying to navigate what
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is real flooding at that on the tarmac at the airport this morning, the world's second-largest airport is still warning of delays or reporters on the ground tell us this morning that the city has been brought to a grinding halt. john. >> so new this morning, the earth fund from jeff bezos just announced a major grant to look for climate change solutions. 100 million will go toward using artificial intelligence to come up with ideas. cnn's chief climate correspondent, bill, we're is here, the author of the new book, life, as we know, it can be good job. i would have my copy here and there, but it's sitting by my reading chair at home where i've been reading it every day. let's start with what jake bezos is doing here how can we use ai to fix climate change that's what he's going to try to find out. >> it's one of these sort of prize deals with throw a couple of million dollars to different grant proposals. people who work in the ai space, it's already a tool for doing censuses of penguins down in antarctica and looking at ocean life in different ways, it can be a powerful tool, figure out
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the fastest way to decarbonize if the big oil companies go along with it. >> so your book, as i said, which i've been reading just about every day, it's written a lot of it as a letter to your new ish, not so new anymore. >> for just turn four river and among the things you mentioned is, is the coral reef blching of the reef,ust how d is, but just just lk to us about that. >> we ju got to alert from scientists this could the worst massleaching event ever. >> it's already affeed over 50% ofhe globe rightow because every day for the last year we've set a new record for that date at ocean temperatures. it's just off the charts and so corals that it's a symbiotic system if it gets too hot, they eject their little friend that gives it the color on the left there. and you can see the great barrier reef is not as gat as when w were as kids right now. this i a major crisis whi we have the crisis is in gaza and ukraine in the forefront of us the background e esar
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boilg in a way that is gng to affeclife as we know it in look, in, at is why i think framed it as you did, as i and tter to your son? framed as a >> aut what's wrg the reefs,ow ble tt is, t not just tt. >> expla whayou've done was a prettyark at the t beginning, sorof aathartic record of whe was ing througheight of the pandem and th the georgia floyd protests we coved and uncovered climate. so i was really bummed out abt the world, the edges joined. but that i started focusing on the encourages us do and something scary happens and a lot happened in policy you quarter trillion dollars of investment into new energy systems, into cleaning up water supplies into providing better, safer, healthier, more sustainable options for us. because these tools are available right now. and if we get our kids thinking about what's in the water, about about the temperature in the air. what does our food come from invested in nature and each other. but th'our best
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chance of saving. there's so much left to save. >> it's a nderfubook. i'd say i've known you, i think for 21 is yrs and i'm learning things that i never knew your first evf $12,000 in minnesota. >> that's right. yes. and as 1991, th offered me 2,000 a year. i talked him up to 12 two. >> all right. eight. and they go it's a wonderful book life, as we know, it can be it has been out for 24 hours. >> get it now. >> thank you. traction in hawaii is be torn dt illegal trespassing thanwe're learning new detailsbout the new sanctions, the us plans to announce against ron for the attack on israel there's new ally in the fight against climate change. this is new car business blue carbon. we just need to protect nature the rest blue carbon. plus cnn field
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exclusively on max. >> the lead with jake tapper today at four and cnn some absolute classics have now secured their place in history. >> the historical record to be exacy he national recording registthe br of congrannound at 25 sothe sgs tt they de treasures worthy of presertion for all time. >> that li. the new inductor use include aba, bgie, blondie, even rudolph the red nose, reindeer. >> i di't ve about o ts on archil playlist rry, be happy and n't no sunshine from bill withers the
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stairway. >> to heaven in hawaii is beg torn down in honulin honolu, city officia are blaming bad tourists. the haiku stairs they were built during world war ii on a wall who nearly 4,000 steps up a mountain trail. they've been closed to the public since 1987, t tourists keep trespassing and the city says liability. so they're coming down. it'llat least six mont and cost two-and-a-half d tear down e lamark it took ni firefighters in georgia ha rescued a man from a two-foot wide storm drain under a way on tuesday, rescuers had to dig through dense cla to free him. they don't know why he went into the storm drain, but they do believe 'd been stuck there for was taken to the hospital for evaluation. patient and treatment. no updates on tt. >>do have an update on this. >> they say anlephant never forget and this one definitely won't forget her trip down the streets of butte, montana. that's viola, the
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elephant she was getting ready for a circus show when she to startled by a car and broke loose. she roamed half a block down and stopped for a snack before handlers found her and loaded her into the trailer justin time to make her show john? >> no, we call that we call that elephant on theam know at againthisall ing d to go back happeng now, crary of state aony blinken has ju arriv in italfor thg7 foreign miniers meeting. >> his there as us aid to balance. and the world waits t see israewillaunch patel tori strikes against iran. cnn's kylie atwood is with us now. so what's at stake here? >> well, listen, what'at stake here is what these countries can do colleively capabili. weeard last nigh fr jake sullivan, the national security advisor to president biden, saying that the us is going to be rolling out new sanctions targeting
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military prowess gralargy d also going after entities that are supporting s irgc and the iranian ministryf defense. he also said that the us is working with its allies including the g7, where e secretary of state is headed today for those meetings in italy to coordine on iran sanctions. we heard from the uk foreign secretary, david cameron who was israel this morning sayi that they are working on cooing the sanction he too will be aded, course, to that g7 meetin. so it'd be watching to see what they can say in terms ofoordinating sanction of iran out of this meeting. e othething that i do want to note, john, is that last week senior administration officials said that china is providing a nicanor amount of supporto russia, so much so, that it's defense industri base, which of course is allowing it to continue its offense is warst uaine is building up arate tt the highest rate thathey have seen sie thsovi area era. and they think that there
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are countries at the g7 table, that company help ll chi not to continue doing th. so watch to see if there's an development on tt front as welldon. covering that for us, kye, keep us posted. thank u with us now, is general kenneth us centralommand general. af of thank u so much for being with us the world continues to wait and watch to see if and how israel response to the huge airstrike from iran over the weekend. >> it's now wednesday with no response yet from israel. >> what do you make of the delay or the timing so far? >> well, i think israel is in a good position the attack over the weekend was a significant defeat for r&. there's no other way to characterize it. however, they choose to spin it so israel has the initiative. they have the opportunity to fashion something after a victory, but john sometimes dealing with the victory is
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harder than dealing with the defeat and they have to find a way to go forward that maintains the regional partners that stood with them in this fight, that maintains all the support they've received and defending against a significant iranian failed attack. so it's quite, it's quite a difficult problems. so i'm not surprised are thinking about it, taking their own sweet time. meanwhile, a ran stand ends at a very high level of radius, which degrades their capability going forward, which isn't a bad thing. >> i was going to ask, who do you think is in a better strategic position following this weekend attack? >> john absolutely. israel and they demonstrated a remarkable, remarkable competence in defending their country against a massive attack. this was not a signal attack, this was not a meter of attack. this was a maximum effort from iran, and that maximum metric failed. so as israel isn't a very good position, they are strong hunger today than they were last friday. uh, ran is markedly weaker today than they were last friday. and here's why rand's center of gravity, if you will, has always been
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there missiles, their drones, and their land attack cruise missiles. it's not necessarily the nuclear program, although that's another, that's another topic. but that was what they built their to terrence on this its capability, the ability to overmatched their neighbors and to attack israel. well now the first time they've actually used it in great numbers. it failed in an unequivocally failed no matter what they say, that's evident for everybody that chooses to look objectively at the evidence. >> so you say there's no question that israel isn't a better strategic position today than they were. and then iran, do you think israel sees it like that so the mindset of the idf, and these are friends of mine. >> i know them well. they're not big on defensive victory is they prefer offensive victories. and i understand that as a moraine that, that appeals to me as well. however, now is the time to thank strategically and you have to think the long term, you have to recognize that while you were successful in defending your country against this massive attack, you had
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assistance from the united states, other nations, and the geography of the region gives israel depth by that. i mean saudi arabia jordan, other countries give you death when he ran attacks. you, you need to maintain good relationships within it's going to require a very, very significant balancinact bysrael to consid how or if they' attack. and i suspect they will. t they wanto do itn such a mr that it don't destroy the goodwill that's been built up as a result of last weekend'action okay. >> so w whatre some ofhe possible options thathink would thread that needle sure. >> you could bin with doing nothing. let the iranian ste on it, keep talking about . t them keep running. their radar is let them keep staying at a high state of readiness, all of which will tend to degrade iranian systems, make them ted and make th make more miskes at's. a poibility. you could consider cyber attacks. you could consider vy narrowly scoped kitic strikes inside arod or outside iran if you do that,
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you need to signal at the beginning and need to signal the end. you need to be narrow and precise and you're targeting, but you should also, if you choose to do that, choose something that magnifies your tetanus a logical superiority over r&. additionally, there are targets outside of a ran, including or ranting and naval vessels at sea that israel could choose to take a look at if they wanted to do that. so they have a broad variety of options at all. the initiative now lives with allies with israel, but they need to be very careful because they can squander the tremendous goodwill they've accrued as a result of successful defense over the weekend. >> and i got to let you go. but any waiting any specific length of time beyond this mean that it wouldn't necessarily count as a response to the iranian strike. in other words, is the clock ticking here? >> the state of israel has a long memory and the iranians know that general mackenzie explain it so well, thanks so much for being with us this morning. i really appreciate it. as we said, it's almost 9:00 a.m. mike johnson where's
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your job stand right now? a new our of cnn news central starts a new level of dysfunction on capitol hill, the house speaker's job threatened senators about to become jurors history is about to be made but what kind boeing back in the hot seat lawmakers are about to hear from a whistleblower who says assembly issues with one of their planes could be catastrophic and charged with murder. >> new details on why a man shot and killed an innocent uber driver. he believed was working with a scammer. i'm kate baldwin with john on berman, sara is out today. this is cnn news central remds, me whai ant to say is's 00 ahouse speaker mike johnson. do know where youjob
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