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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  April 18, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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trivago compares the prices from hundreds s 18085,
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1177. call now this source, but kaitlan collins, tonight at nine today and inside politics, jury selection hits a bump in the road as of last night seven jurors were seated and the people of the state of new york versus donald j. >> trump. now, there are only six. >> cnn is inside the courtroom with all the breaking details and difficulties. >> a finding a jury to decide the fate of the most famous and polarizing person in the world plus his gamble. >> i, johnson's plan is to do the right thing and let the chips fall. >> what is unclear now? i'll is whether a right-wing revolt over his decision to push a ukraine aid bill will cost him his gavel. and a kennedy family reunion with a notable no-show. this hour more than a dozen kennedy's will endorse joe
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biden on the campaign trail. it's a major show of force against one of their own who's candidacy could ultimately tank president biden's reelection. i'm dana bash. let's go behind the headlines and inside politics we do start in manhattan, where donald trump is inside a courtroom, right now as his legal team and prosecutors question dozens of potential jurors are colleagues in the room say that so far the former president ampere's in gross listening to the people in the jury box give their answers 96 people were sworn in this morning. 48 were dismissed right away because they said they couldn't be fair and impartial to donald trump. nine others were let go because of conflicts. and it is unclear now how many others will make it through the next hour. there's even issues with seeded durer's today. juror number two was excused after saying this to the judge,
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quote, aspects of my identity already have been out there in the public like yesterday alone. i had friends colleagues, and family push things to my phone, questioning my identity as a juror cnn's laura coates is near the manhattan courthouse along with our colleagues, kristen holmes and kara scannell, laura this is really an important de we're technically on day three now of jury selection, we began the day. ladies, having seven jurors seated thinking that would be that most close to the covenant, 18, including the 12. >> and then of course six alternates, then you have the step backwards from one person being dismissed, excused because of the compromising of her anonymity there's a lot happening in the courtroom, but the questions in the questionnaire, once again, a very key role here. >> yeah. so we are now in the throes of this after the pool was whittled down by those who felt they couldn't be fair and impartial. they've gotten nine jurors currently in the jury box, and that means that nine of them have gone through those 42 questions learning a little bit about them. there's the
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number for people who work in finance, there's an attorney of a stay at home. mom, and they're just given the biographical information at this point? now, once they fill up to another once they fill the box which has 18 seeds, then they will begin the questions by the attorneys and that's when the prosecutors and trump's lawyers each gets 30 minutes to ask questions to try to understand a little bit more about these jurors, a little bit more about their viewpoints, their views on both how they would interpret evidence, whether they could separate credibility from likability, and whether they could from trump's perspective, whether they have any it's not obvious views about the former president, so that process we saw yesterday take place, which helped get down to the seven at the time and then this will now begin again as they tried to build up this box and get to the full jury remember, we have yet to see any strikes right now that usually after the 30-minute question begins by the different council we haven't heard directly from donald
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trump today though. >> we've heard from his fundraising arm though but it's always sell at fund raising. a text message that i just stormed into court. you also last week said are monday's that he just stormed out of court and he's saying join me, i'm bringing the fight gloves are coming off. this is obviously part of their tactic and the campaigning is to use these port appearances. one for him to talk, which he's not today, but also to fundraise off to try to get support off of to try to build on the pull numbers. one of the things to keep in mind here is that yes, during the primary season when he was getting indicted, these various criminal trials were happening. he did see a bustos, holes he did see a boost in fundraising, but one thing that some of his senior advisers are concerned about, even if they say publicly that this is going to help them is how this actually going to play out in a general election. we are incompletely uncharted territory and you're trying to get voters were really not in your base. you're looking for voters who are not that far, right. there are people who are more middle of the road. does an eight week
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potentially criminal trial actually help this at all or is this going to hurt him in the end, by the way, we thought have you could have opening arguments as early as coming monday, but now you don't have one less juror at this moment in time, and also at the very beginning of today, nearly half so they could not be impartial. that is significant. it was on party will happen on monday, but this could be very difficult still, kara, right? i mean, i think that is a key number as this plays out, because we were able to get seven jurors initially from that first pool now it's a similar number. but if if a lot of these jurors get struck for cause, meaning that based on their answers, the judge feels like there can't be fair and impartial if they have to bring in another panel, then we go through this process all over again. and every time you do that, there's the risk that you lose who's a lot of people who say they can't be fair and impartial. and then you have even fewer people to pull from. >> and remember, dana, they only have a remaining force strikes per each side right now, a total of ten peremptory challenges are allowed, and
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they already use six and just this week alone. so whoever ahead, they think about that yeah. fascinating. thank you so much to all three of you joining me now former federal prosecutor, elliott williams and jury consultant, lynda moreno. lynda, i want to start with you. >> this is the. kind of thing you do for a living, trying to kind of game out who the best person is to have on a jury for the client that you're hired to represent. give us a sense of based on your expertise how you think it is going given the extraordinary challenges finding jurors who said they can be impartial and the defendant is donald j. trump it's good to be with you, dana. >> it's extraordinarily challenging and difficult. but really it's to be expected in all high-profile cases. jury selection can take a very low i'm time i was astonished at the number of jurors that were already selected, and i was not
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surprised when some came back the next day today and they were issues and i think you can expect to see that really going forward until the whole entire jury selection is completed. and don't forget that also includes six alternate and each alternate under the new york criminal corporate law each alternate also, you get to strikes to peremptory challenges. so i am now of the opinion this is not going to be completed by monday and curl finally jurors profiling jurors can be both can be of great value, but it can also be dangerous. >> i would probably say that the most opinionated kind of jerk is not going to be a juror who survives, but someone who is somewhat in the middle of the road as i understand the cases now elliott, i want to ask you about something that we understand from our colleagues in the courtroom is happening
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as we speak during number for this is a juror who is talking to the judge as we speak as i said, because there are questions about whether everything that he said before he was picked was accurate, right? >> he is not going to be a juror in this trial for a couple of reasons. number one, you can see the judge, merchan is trying very hard to ensure that the proceedings be as fair to donald trump is possible, and having a juror that knowingly apparently might have been untruthful on his questionnaire as questions, right there. the kiss of death in this juror that's 0.1, 0.2 is the juror was asked to come in early this morning and was apparently reluctant to come into court any chance they had a rehabilitating this juror and asking him questions and getting them to say hizon, out the door. so i think the judge is going through it right now, but in the interests of caution, i don't see this juror getting on this trial and linda, this is kind of what jury selection is all about,
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right? >> to weed out people like this exactly i anticipate you're going to see more of this. i would agree with council that this juror will not survive. i think that judge was sean is being carefully. he's making the record that's very good for both sides, but i don't believe he'll survive either. >> so i just want to put up on the screen some of the very general and generic information piece of information that we have. this is just what these jurors jobs are salesperson, corporate lawyer, it consulting other that's juror number four. we'll see if that remains english teachers, software engineer, civil litigator lynda you i know believed that the notion of lawyers being on a jury is unusual, which i wasn't really aware of and also could have a specific impact on the case, ultimately, what impact is that
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well, i think that the floor is usually don't want lawyers on your jury and i'm speaking from a defense perspective because of course lawyers are going to be asked in the deliberating room by other well, what do you think of the law? >> what do you think of this element of the jury instruction? and so they'd become kind of a power-broker. but here i think that both sides might be this might be to their advantage because here, there are some nuances. there are some issues technical and legal issues regarding some of the elements like intent and perhaps both sides would benefit from some clear thinking on those issues. and it just always done it. it depends on the case. that's what profiling, as i said, it's both advantageous but dangerous as well. it's always about the specifics of the case. >> linda was coming at it, elliott from the defense perspective, you are obviously from the other perspective, you were nodding your head. i
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should call you council. >> she did. >> but i actually do want to just turn to another really important issue before the court before the judge today. and that is that gag order on donald trump. he put on his social media platform form yesterday. they are catching undercover liberal activists line to the judge in order to get on the trump jury she is baiting this judge into acting and thumbing his nose at the system. >> however, it is it is not entirely straightforward under new york law. what happens next? and there's it's not. to say that this is so remarkable. the simple fact is you can't just throw him in jail. number one, the judge has to have a hearing, regardless of what the judge chooses to do. you have to bring the defendant in for hearing. now the question is, is it a civil proceeding where you're seeking to compel him to behave better in the future, or is it a criminal proceeding where you're going to lock them up in jail for things he's already done and there's pitfalls to both of those approaches. what's telling us that the judge has waited five days is not having a hearing, i think until the 2030s, which is
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quite significant. he's letting this all stay out there now that again, getting back to what we were talking about before as a way of perhaps trying to be more fair to donald trump and the judge needs to be just in the interest of caution. but the idea that the judge is going to wave a wand and throw him in jail, which i think many people think is simply not how it works, particularly in new york. >> yeah. and also there's the delay factor. yeah, the minute that the whole thing delayed more time, yeah. okay. elliott, thank you. linda. thank you so much for your expertise. up next, much more on the trump trial and also on his campaign's message to fellow republican if you use my name to raise money, i get a cut and later, an american political dynasty and a show of force for president biden intended to make clear to voters rfk junior may have the kennedy name, but does not represent the kennedy legacy news night with abdullah tonight at tim eastern on cnn bought to take i'll put it on
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political advertisements that's according to prosecutors. >> again, not something that he shared during his jury selection process one step forward now, to jurors back as of yesterday, aza this morning, we had seven who were in paneled only eating 11 more to get that coveted 18, which included the 12 that must be seated plus the six alternates now you've got this discussion happening about juror number four. >> we know some of the details. remember, this is the one who is bound trump fascinating and mysterious and some would argue that that was alluring to donald trump as a defendant to have this the color person on the jury. there's some expression he was annoyed about the amount of public information was out about him. but also remember the jury questionnaire tries to get at various information about individual jurors had tried to not have surprised moments. they're not surprised, are caught flatfooted about the nature of what is being said, particularly after they're already seated it in the jury. remember, they only have a limited number of strikes and is as the defense counsel in
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the prosecution, they want to be able to preserve their peremptory challenges. a fancy way of saying, i can get rid of you for any reason i want from my own prerogative based reasons, as long as it's not based on race or ethnicity, or gender and so they've used strikes, bleeding that they wanted this particular composition so far and now they have to less people who will be there, the judge saying he cannot be there on monday, which was when they thought oral are open with an actually start. also the same juror we believe is the one whose wife apparently had was known as a deferred prosecution agreement hey, man which is what happens when somebody is charged with a crime and the they don't have t jail time and they actually have to have certain conditions met. and if they meet those conditions during the duration of the time said, they then can have the prosecution go away entirely that apparently also happened in the 90s, and we're discovering all of this now at not the 11th hour, but certainly at a time when there's already seven and now five. and now five and the
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process continues to get that number back up to 18, laura. thank you so much. and donald trump may be stuck inside a new york city courtroom. but of course the 2024 campaign is not to talk about the former president's courtroom slash campaign s, leanne caldwell and margaret talev of axios. let's just start with this breaking news this this is so fascinating because these are potential jurors they are citizens, they are voters. >> and the machinations that they have to go through on the prosecutor and defense side and the judge as well. >> of course, to find exactly the right group of people, we knew it was going to be hard. i don't think we realized it was going to be this intense and this multi-layer. >> well, a day ago we thought it was going to be easier. >> yeah and now you realize how difficult it is. >> first of all, from the jurors point of view, imagine how unnerving this is. you go
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in there, you're going to serve jury duty and then suddenly it's the president, the former president of the united states. >> today, apparently he is awake, and grows according to our future president of the irving, because it can also be dangerous. and you're supposed to be anonymous. and there's a bunch of information that's being revealed about you and these days, as we all know from google, you can piece information together and people can figure out who you are i can be threatening to people and that's what happened today with one of the jurors who asked to be excused. and so i think it's a very, very difficult situation. >> you've also got i mean, for most of the last few days, i've been really interested in the jury questionnaire, and i think it's question number ten, which is what media? do you consume and what social media sites do you consume? and it's they offer about 19 choices. it's everything from the new york times to newsmax. its tiktok. it's it's trump's social and there's slots for
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other and you say what you reading, what you consume, what you use are also, i don't consume any news is another choice that these are all the fact that they're part of the questionnaire acknowledges that the news and information you do consume that you seek out or your comfort space could correlate very highly to your view of all of this to begin with. so that is the context in which we had been thinking about the fact that we're days into the process and only a third done, right? now comes this new twist, which is like, are you going to have the jurors who do make the cut dropping like flies. and i think it raises questions about the future of the jury system or raises questions about how you control privacy in this era where everything's know instantly yeah, anonymity is so important data into e jean carroll case. yeah, they did. you'll recall? yeah. it can be done. that's true let's shift gears a bit and to talk more about the actual campaign trail. and more specifically,
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donald trump and his campaign and what they are doing when it comes to fundraising. our colleagues obtained part of a letter that the trump campaign sent two candidates and campaign committees who are using the president's name, image, and likeness, and then want to cut this is what it says that they want a minimum of 5% of all fundraising solicitations. any split that is higher than 5% will be seen favourably by the rnc and president trump's campaign and is routinely reported to the highest levels of the leadership's leadership within both organizations. i mean, there's so much to unpack here that is such a rich paragraph. one of our colleague said it's basically like you've such a nice campaign. it would be it would be a shame if your campaign had anything happened to it, wouldn't it? >> oh, my god so this is not really unexpected.
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>> the trump campaign is also looking for money in any way that it can find money. it is in a huge fundraising whole compared to president biden. it has half as much cash on hand is president biden does the nc had been suffering in fundraising rnc had been paying for a lot of trump's legal bills, which is also one of his superpacs have been paying for his legal bills. so he has a lot of money that he needs not only to run a presidential campaign, but to help him with these multiple court cases two. >> and now i get sea is asking all candidates up and down the ballot to help them out with that. isn't a presidential candidates opposed to help candidate to go the other way around. >> it's good. i mean, this is just traditionally or reverse. this is just like donald trump's saying, i want to cut and, you know this whole business model though, right big, he gives his, naming, his name. >> yeah, exactly. >> there were franchisees of the congress, senate, and local
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races. >> all right. everybody up next, let the chips fall, where they may speaker. mike johnson is promising a vote on 61 billion in aid for ukraine. will it pass? and will it cost him his job? >> we'll talk about that next. >> 2024 so far, nba play-in tournament before these teams make it to the playoffs, they got to win get it 2024 so far, nba play-in tournament there thon nice to meet you i'm running boston to make sure childbirth is safe for all moms everywhere i'm one of thousands of runners running to beat things bigger than the clock to help more kids outrun cancer, help amputees walk again and maybe even run thousands of runners thousands of reasons to run find a runner, help a cause
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he would be right now is speaker of the house and this time next week, he may not be once again why? because he is giving in and helping a democratic ally in its fight against a russia invasion he is promising a saturday vote on $61 billion in aid to ukraine plus bills to aid israel and taiwan. >> gop hardliners like marjorie taylor greene call it a betrayal so can the rookie speaker hang on to that gavel. cnn's manu raju is, of course, on capitol hill and has been talking to everybody on the hill monitor. what's the latest? yeah. this is a key moment for the speaker. his future, the house republican conference owls itself, as there's a discussion underway about making it harder to alice to sitting speaker. of course, we saw the house being thrown into chaos yasser, last fall after the ouster of kevin mccarthy, first time ever that happened in united states history. now hardliner drug threatening to do it again with mike johnson, marjorie taylor greene, leading the charge on
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that effort and warning that you may move ahead. now, this is all this is playing out behind the scenes. there's an active discussion about changing the rules house to make it harder to oust the sitting speaker, raising the threshold from now when one member can call for such a vote to many more members, that is still uncertain how that will go down. but these discussions have been played out on the floor of the house themselves, including with congress from matt gaetz, just engaged in a tense confrontation with my job it's an overdose, very topic. now, when i asked marjorie taylor greene whether she's ready to move ahead today, she did not rule it out it's unprecedented. >> this has never happened in history, and it's completely wrong. he owes our conference the truth, and he owes republicans services that you will go forward today, will you go forward today i'm waiting. >> i'm waiting to find out what's going to happen, what's holding you back? i am a responsible person. >> he spoke to the speaker. what was that conversation like? >> tense. why we don't want to
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pass this bill. >> we sought clarification that a change to the motion to vacate threshold would not be in the rule. and we did not get the answer that we wanted so this is very significant here, dana, because the way those processes expected to work first you have to approve a rule in the house that actually sets the parameters for the floor debate, allows it to happen along straight-party lines. >> typically, that procedural vote, the rule happens when republicans vote for, democrats vote against it this time, there are expected to be many republicans on the hard right. we're gonna vote against it, meaning they need democrats to carry it over the finish line that will set the stage for the vote on the larger overall aid package on saturday, but embedded in that rule so could be that change for the motion to vacate, making it harder to houses sitting speaker. and that is the rub that is a source of tension right now on the far right. so if johnson goes forward that he is inviting a fight, but we're the with the right flank of his party, but he can ride on democrats to carry it over the finish line. and it's actually democrats to keep him in his position that is some
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fascinating politics right there. thank you so much, manu appreciate it. let's keep the discussion going and i want you to listen to what mike johnson himself said to jake yesterday. >> i don't know what's gonna happen. i'm not focused on that. i'm focused on doing my job. look, when you do the right thing, you let the chips fall where they may. i mean, that's that's how that's my life philosophy and that's how i govern here every single day, we tried to get the best possible outcome for the american people to move the ball forward for the american people. and i've got to stay focused on that every day and not not all the drama political had a great headline that it kinda sums it up. >> the yolo speakership speaker mike johnson has entered his the torpedoes space for my parents watching yolo as you it is the total yolo moment. but look, here's what you have these two separate things that have become fused. what is the future of ukraine and the us posture towards telling russia, cool it back off. you can't just invade other countries and
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this internal drama inside the house republican caucus about whether a handful of people get to control the majority of the leadership you've got a clear majority of democrats, but also a clear majority of republicans in congress in both chambers, who believed that it's vital to the us national interests into the future of democracy to support ukraine. >> i want to bring in something that you reported this morning, leanne, which is house speaker mike johnson hasn't talked publicly about chamberlain or churchill, but he leaned into the analogy by describing himself as a wartime speaker. so is this churchill or chamberlain moment, or is that maybe a little too much? >> well, it is a saying that has been used many times on capitol hill this week from republicans and democrats, speaker jeffrey, or later jeffries, excuse me, chairman mccall, as well but i asked yesterday, mike johnson, i said, why are you willing to lose your job over this over
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ukraine? and he gave an extremely emotional response that saying, look i have received all the briefings. i believe the briefings. he said, i think that this is a moment in time that history will judge me and i'm going to make the right decision. he said he has a son going to the naval academy, so he doesn't want his son having to go fight russia. you wants ukrainians to do it. and so i think that there is this moment that speaker johnson has frustrated a lot of members because it took them so long to make a decision. but he has made the decision regardless of the consequences. and this this idea to raise the threshold on the motion to vacate. this was pushed by a lot of some conservative members, but once you want to govern are encouraging johnson to move forward with this, johnson hasn't made a decision yet, but there's so many dynamics happening. >> again, just so people understand the motion embedding a motion to vacate changing the
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threshold for what it does is if it passes, it makes it harder for them to pull this again, to get rid of a speaker, to lower the chaos, right but what we're also watching is the transformation of somebody from a backbencher into a liter and you know, as backbencher johnson was not where he is now politically. and we've seen this transformation and we've seen it with leader after leader, whether it was john banner or mccarthy or whatever. and now he is acting as speaker of the house rather than as the backbencher. he was and he finds himself on the opposite side of his former compatriots and that is what often happens with leadership. everybody standby because there are now five, five official joel jurors coming up, hiccups in the jury selection in the trial against donald trump that we've been
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talking about. >> we're going to go back to the manhattan courthouse after a quick break. >> the sinking of the titanic, how it really happens, special two, while we're premiere sunday, april 28 at nine on cnn, there's nothing better than a subway series foot-long, except when you add a new foot-long sayyed, like ultimate bmt with the new foot-long pretzels, nothing like, uh, sayyed kicker steps up in crunch time not cool man, every epoch foot-long deserve a perfect sidekick ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power, brings you the select cut mower customized to cut with three interchangeable blades. >> it cuts for over an hour on a single charge ico exclusively lows ace and ego authorized dealers welcome to the place where people go to learn about their medicare options before their on medicare come on in
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happening. people were there so few certainties as we navigate a future and no i'm glad i found stability and midst at all go standing the test of time. close captioning brought to you by rule or law, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette rubella you never faithful sees the deals on top before there today from seven to five, a whirlwind morning in the donald trump trial, sought to jurors get asked to leave and not come back. i'm wanted to check back with cnn's laura coates who is live near the manhattan courthouse. so laura look on the first one it was because she said that too much of a personal information got out. i
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want to say for the record that cnn was very careful on is very careful about the identity of the these jurors. others are not so careful. but more broadly, based on your experience, did the judge maybe make a mistake about not limiting the information that even can get out. and is the judge reworking it now you know, the idea of preserving the anonymity of a juror is so important. we talk about the effect of a gag order and why you don't want someone to make a state with that could be threatening or intimidating in any way. well, anonymity goes hand in hand with that proposition you want to make sure that jurors who are called to perform a civ dut is or not raisintheir hand in. there e being asked to me perform civil serve by participating in ourustice systemd we rewarthemith at least anymity to be able to do thatitut fr of repris or unwanted t
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nsio and so at was always released about these pcular jurors, and frankly, there could the coinciding of them llg friends and family that th in fact are on a ju and putting two d two together and then informatias been detailed, can be part of the issue. this is going to be a big problem going forward and the judge we'll likely have to a the more utious about atnformation is allowed to go out into the public to preserve the anymity and provide a fair and just system for the defendant in this action. but of course, the jurors in this particular box. and remember, we haven't chosen all the jurors there, so prospective jurors who undoubtedly are hearing about this and saying should i be concerned that such an important point, what's happening in the courtroom, right now well now they're continuing to have more discussion with just with disk jurors who are answering that questionnaire. >> remember that 40 plus question, but actually kevin out in the written form asking everything from the more
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mundane about where your ram and maybe you're clement to questions that are far more pointed about your knowledge of the defendant. >> they opinions you might have about that particular person, whether you've attended rallies or anti-trump rallies? also 1 really important question here that has come up that caused at least one dismissal of a juror is questioned 19. >> this has to do with whether or not you yourself, have been arrested for a crime. it has been revealed that at least one person did not answer that truthfully. that's gonna come up time and time again unless they're prudent and cautious about getting all the information through the void, dear. >> all right. laura, thank you so much. appreciate that. and coming up, remember this it's time again for a new generation of matrix. >> have it is time now fireball rock, obama, i'm proud to stand with them here today and offer my help or for my voice off for my energy, my commitment to make barack obama the next president of the united states kennedy family
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change the course of the 2008 democratic presidential primary when ted kennedy, you just heard their his knees. >>oline kennedy indoor barack oma, not hillary they coected today thnext generation of kennedy's hong tdo somhing similar with joe biden will talk about that next great teammates, trust each other. we're going to do a trust falls, stand up, you close your eyes for trust what the summary up doc i told you it was a dummy we can calculate our total taxes do you realize how many different taxes we pay sales tax, different pos systems and all seven countries and online sales that's a whole other system and different regulations. >> there's real estate credits, solar incentives. >> we have no way to integrate all that. >> no. >> but pdo does people who know
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18008 1177. call now i'm rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn now to a very public family feud, more than a dozen kennedy's will appear with president biden in philadelphia today. it's a major review to the kennedy trying to get on the ballot this november. here's what rfk juniors sister kerry kennedy is expected to say she's expected to say in
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part, i can only imagine how donald trump's outrageous lies and behavior would have horrified my father, robert f. kennedy, who proudly served as attorney general of the united states and honored his pledge to uphold the law and protect the country. and my panel is back when we were in commercial break, we got big news on this subject and that is robert f. kennedy jr. has now qualified to be on the ballot in the very important swing state of michigan so let me just put up a map of what we're talking about right now when it comes to rfk junior and ballot access, it's a little bit behind because this just happened. he is now on the ballot in utah and michigan. the other states that you're seeing there, new hampshire, hawaii nevada, arizona, georgia, south carolina. the important ones of course, swing states being nevada, arizona, and georgia, that are left those are states where he or his superpacs or is campaign
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say that he has the signatures? he just hasn't qualified. again, the big news is michigan. there will be rfk junior on the ballot, so people are going to have that option as opposed to just trump or biden. >> well, and that's a threat to joe biden and that's why you see the family getting together today to say where for for joe biden, i mean you can make the case both ways that that rfk junior could be a threat to trump and to biden. but i think the fear is particularly in a state like michigan could be a real threat to biden. and that's what the kennedy family is worried about. and biden has a bust of robert kennedy in the oval office and has always been an admirer of the kennedy family. and so i think personally this must have some impact on them as well to see rfk junior doing this. >> and to remind people about why michigan is so important,
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it's not just a battleground state, but it is also a state where there is a very act organization to try to defeat biden of democratic progressive voters over the issue of israel and gaza and so it's critical. and the president biden is obviously taking this very seriously because of the show today with all the kennedy family members but also they're putting money to try to ensure that the third that rfk junior gets a few votes as possible because they do think that in 2016, third-party candidate gary hart was in fact a spoiler for donald for giving donald trump the white house yeah. >> when when you ask in polls early in an election cycle, how people feel about candidates, their name recognition is a huge part of the answer to that. and overtime typically, you know, in olden times, like four years ago the closer you
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get to the general election, the more actual details about somebody's policies and their stances and who they are and what they believe sink in. and it changes or modifies that. and so lesser-known people get more name recognition that people who were just coaston on name recognition get more defined. there's a big difference this year. one is that the kennedy name? it's so ubiquitous that it's like instant name recognition for everybody. but the second is that we know in the cycle fewer and fewer people are actually consuming mainstream news. many people are turning to social media or just getting a snippet or a mean we're an impression and what we hear from people is like in focus groups i liked the kennedys and it sounds like he's offering something different and biden's big challenge is, i think going to try to be two pierce that define him more clearly away from the family name were clearly what he believes. >> yeah. and you talked about michigan and specifically the large arab american community there. the other part of the
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demographic that made up the biden coalition are young voters. and if you look at, there's a new harvard iop youth poll that looks at where people are under the age of 30. joe biden is still ahead. >> are robert f. kennedy, jr. gets 8% of that vote, then if you look at that choice without third party candidates, joe biden is way ahead 56% to donald trump's 37. there's actually, we can talk about this another time. a very interesting gender split a lot more women than men. >> this is the thing, this is the series of numbers that i want you to look at because i think it's very telling if you look back to john kerry and 2004 the only the democrats who got at least 60% of the youth vote one, one, right? and biden is not doing as well as he was doing in 2020 by a long shot. and i think that's a problem for them. part of that is the progressive vote, part of that is the economy. and when you
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talk about rfk junior that could be name recognition and points three points makes the difference huge difference. thanks everybody. >> very busy day. i appreciate it. it's probably only going to get busier. thank you for joining inside politics, cnn news central starts after the break there's new ally in the fight against climate change. this is new car business we just need to protect nature will do the rest plus cnn filled sunday at nine you know, if your cash back and you could earn on everything which is one car chase freedom unlimited. so if you're off the racket or grabbed fracking your cash back in cash back on flap jacks, baby back for tacos at the taco shack. >> i'm working on my six pack switch to a king suite. silent silent retreat but he answers this back, kids. all right. now, madison elementary cash back when everything is about
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